HomeMy WebLinkAboutCARRINGTON ROADTo the Town Superintendent of Highwa~ of the Town of Southoid~ in the County of Suffolk and State of New York: The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the said Town of Southold~ hereby appl les to you to !ay out new highways an Nassau Point, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York~ described as foltows:~ CARRINGTON ROAD: WESTk~RLY SECTION begins on the easterly line of Vanston Road between lot number 383 on the north and the ~Carring~on ~lot~ on the sout~ and runs N~ 78~55~0:~ E~ ~bout ~00 feet ~o the westerly line of Ha~,aters Eo~d betwee~ lot number 38~ on the north and lot n~mber 410 on the South~ EASTERLT SECTION begins a little s¢~therly From the easterly end of the westerly section hereinbefore described, on the easterly line of Haywasers Road between lot number 88B on the north and lot number ~OS on the south mhd ~s thence in e general easterly direction on irregular ~rwd lines about 8~0 feet to the westerly line of ~%zuneweta Road between lot number ~85 on the north and lot number 5~8 on the south ~ Both sections of said highway are To be §0 fe~t in ~idth except that all but one corner at intersections with said presen~ highways ere cut back on cu~¢ed lines as shown on map of ~Proposed Highway kuoYm as Ca~rington Road on Nassau Point~ re be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Southold and a co.ay of which is attached to ~ud made s part of this record. OLD NENHADEN ROAD: Begins on the easterly line of Haywa~ers Road betwee lot number 349 on the north and lot number $~4 on the south and r~us ~hence in a general easterly direction on irregular curved lines about $~8 feet ~o the westerly line of Wwn~neweta Road~ being 80 feet in width excepting th~.t at each end the corners are cut back on curved lines ~o intersee~ said east- erly line of Ha~vaters Road and said westerly line of ~P&unewetaRoad~ all of which is shown on $ map of ~Proposed HiEh~a~v k~uown as Old Eenlnaden Head on Nassau PointH to b8 filed in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Southold and a c~ny of which is attached to wnd ~ade a part of %his record. I[ Dat~ ~oemb~r ~ 1934o IqASSAU ~LUB ~ .~R OP~TIES iNC~: WE~ the undsrsigned~ a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold~ h~ving met at the office of the Supsrvisor~ at Gre~nport~ in said To.wu~ on the ~ ~ ~ day of 19~ end considered the application of ~assau Point Club Properties inc. for the laying out of new highways at Nassau Point~ Town of Southold~ Suffolk Cotuuty~ New York~ to be know~ as CA~EiNGTON ROAD end OLD ~ENH2~EN RO~D~ do hereby consent that such laying out be m~de in accordance with the preyer of the within petition. SEpeDvieoi% Town Clerk, ) of the NASSAU POINT CLUB PROP~ETIES INC., a domestic corporation with its principal office and place of business at 130 Clinton Street~ Borough of Brooklyn, City amd State of New York~ in consideration of the sum of DOLLAR To it in hand paid by Hs-~old E. Pric% Town $'dperintendent of Highways of said Town. of Southold, and in ?~rther consideration of the laying out of new highways at Nassau Point~ Town of Southold~ Suffolk County~ New described as follows:- CARRINGTON ROAD~ WESTERLY SECTION begins on the easterly line of Vanston Road between lot n~mber 383 on the north and the ~Cnrrlngton Pict~ on the south and runs N. 75°53~30~ E. about 600 feet to the westerly line of Haywaters Road between lot nu~oer 3~4 on the north ~ud lot n~mber 410 on the eouth~ EASTERLY SECTION begins a little southerly from the easterly end of the westerly section hereinbefore descrlbed~ on the easterly line of Hay%~ters Road between lot number $8~ on the north mud lot number 409 on the south ~nd ~ns thence in e general ~as~erly direction on irregular curved lines about 640 feet to the westerly line of Wunneweta Road between lot number 383 on the notch mud lot n~umber 396 on the south. Both sections of said ~zgn~ray are to be 50 feet in width except ~nat all but one corner at intersaotions '~h said presen~ highways are cut back on curved lines as shown on mac of nProposad Highway kmown as uarrzng~on Road on ~assau Pointn to be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Southo!d ~ud a copy of which is svnached To sand made a par~ of this recor~ OLD k~NHADEN ROAD: Begins o:~ the easterly line of Haywaters Road between lot number 349 on the north sand lot nunf~er 374 on the s~ath an~ ruus thence in a gene-~al easterly direction on irre~a!ar curved lines about! 8~5 feet to the westerly line of t~urmewe~a Road~ being 50 feet in width ex~eotin tb~t at each ehd the corners are cut back on curved lines ~o intersect said easterly line of Haywaters Road and said westerly line of ~auneweta oad~aal of which is shoYm on a map of ~Prnposed Highway k~own as Old Eenhadan Road on Nansau Point~ to be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Southold and a copy of which is attached to end made a part of this record~ which proposed laying out passes through the ~tand of Nassau Point Club Properties Inc~ only~ does hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Southotd~ all land heretofore owned by it and included witbAn the premSses above descr!bed~ and does hereby release said To~ from all damages by reason of the laying out of the course of said hlgh~s as af~esaid~ Dated this 4th day of D~b~'1984, BY ~sident~ STATE OF I~;,' YOPGi, SS:- COUNTY OF Kings 0n the 4th day of De~, 1934~ before me came __, to me knowm, who~ being by me duly sworn¢ did depose and say tb~t he resides~ the Village o£ Peconic,Tovm of ~outhotd¢ County of Suffo~k~ ~.y. ~ j that he is the President of N~SAU POIN~ CLUB PROPERTIES INC., the corporation described in~ and which executed the foregoing instruments that he ~uows the seal of said corporatio~ that the seal affixed to said instr'~ent is such corporate seaI~ it was so affixed by order of the board of d c+ = ire ~o~s of said corporation, ~nd that he signed bis name thereto by like Notary Public~ In the Matter of the Application of NASSAU POINT CLUB PROPERTIES INC. for the laylnE out of new highways at Ns~sau ~oint, Town of Sot~thetd, Suffolk 0ounty, New York, to be k~nown as CARRIN~TON ROAD and 0LD ~ENHADEN ROAD. PETITION, CONSENT and RELEASE. Order laying out a highway with the consent of Town Board. ~ritten application having been made to me town Sup- erintendent of Highways for the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York, by Nassau Point Club P~opertiea, Inc. party liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town and the written consent of the Town board of said town having been given aS prescribed by law, and relaases from d~mages having been executed by the owners of the land through which the proposed highway is to be laid out, copies of which are hereto annexed, and nothing having been paid to any claimant for s.~ch damages, it is hereby. ORDERED and DETEltI~D that a highway shall be and the same is hereby laid out in said Town as follows:- CAI~RINGTCN ~OAD: '~VESTE~L¥ ~CTION begins on the easterly line of Vanston ~oad between lot number 363 on the north and the ~Carrington Plot' on the south and runs N. V6° 53' 30" E. about 600 feet to the westerly lLue of Haywaters Road between lot number 364 on the north and lot number Al0 on the South. EAS~L~L¥ ~CTION begins a little southerly from the easterly end of the westerly section hereinbefore described, on the easterly line of Haywaters Moad between lot number 382 on the north and lot number 409 on the south and runs thence in a general easterly direction on irregular curved lines about 640 feet to the westerly line of Wunne~eta Road between lot number 383 on the north and lot number 396 on the south. Both sections of said highway ~re to be 50 feet in width except that all but one corner at intersections with said present highways are cut back on curved lines as shown on map of ~Proposed Highway ~ :: a~ Carrington Road on Nassau Point~ to be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Sou~hold and a cody of which is attached to and made a part of this record. 0LD~ADEN ROAD: Beginns on the easterly line of Ha2~waters Road between lot number 549 on the north and lot n,,mber on the south and runs thence in a gene=al eo, sterly direction on irregular curved lines about 825 fee~ to the weaterty line of ~,,eweta Road, being 50 feet in width excepting thai at each end the corners arc cut hack on curved lines to fmte=sect said easterly line of Haywatera Road and said westerl line of ~unneweta Road, all which is shown on a map of "P~oposed Hi~hway k~own as 01d Menhaden Road on Nassau Poin~~ to be filed in the of'ice of %he Clerk of the Town of Southold, and a copy of which is attached to and'made a p~rt of this reco~do which D=oposed laying out will pass through land of Nassau Point Club Properties Inc. only. Dated this~st day of December 19~. Town Superintendent of ~ighways In the ~ztter of the application - - .............................. ~_~mau Point Etub-Prepe~tles kno¥~n as CARRINGTON ROAD and OLD M~2~ADEN ROAD. ORDER.