HomeMy WebLinkAboutBRIDGE LANE & BAYBERRY ROADTo the Town Superintendent of Highways of the To~n of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York: The undersigned, liable to be mssessed for hlghway taxes in the said Town of Southold, hereby applies to you to lay out new highways at Nassau Point, In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, described as follows:- BRIDOE LANE: Begins on the westerly llne of Nazsau Polnt Road as now laid out, opposlte the northerly part of Lot No. 83/of Nasssu Point Club Properties, Inc., and runs thence westerly and then southwesterly on lrregula~ curved lines about ~80 feet to its Junction with proposed Bayberry Road as hereinafter described. Said highway to be BO feet in width and to pass through lends of Nassau Point Club Properties Inc., only. BA~B~t~ RO~I): Begins on the southerly line of ~unneweta Road as now laid out, between lots Nos. 220 and 131 of Nassau Point Club Prepertles, Inc. and runs thence southerly, then westerly, then again southerly, all on Irregular curved lines, about 1000 feet to its Junction with proposed Bridge Lane as hereinbefore described. The westerly line of this highway is to be the easterly line of Lots Nos. 211, 21~, 213, 214, 218 and ~0, but will run through parts of lots ~17 and ~18, owned by Walter L. Johnson and through part of lot 219, owned by Philip Hus~a, the balance of land within proposed road being owned by said Nassau Point Club Properties, Inc. S~ld highway is to be 80 feet in width throughout its entire length excepting that at its JunctioN with said Wunneweta Road,the corners are cut back on curved lines as shovm on a map of "Proposed Highways known as Bayberry Road and Bridge Lane" to be filed In the office of the Clerk of said Town and a copy of which is attsched to and m~de a pea-t of this record. D~tedD.ecember 4, 1934. WE, the undersigned, a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, ~ving met at the office of the Supervisor, at Greenport, in said Town, on the ~&' d~y of~--~9~4, and considered the application of Nezsau Point Club Properties Inc.; Walter L. Johnson end ~hilip Hussa for the laying out of new highways at Nasseu Point, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as BEIDGE ;.ANE end BAYBERRY ROAD, do hereby consent that such laying out be made in accordance with the pr~yer of the within petition. Supervisor. Town Clerk. ' ' Super~i~t~dent of Highways. WE, NASSAU POINT CLUB PROPERTIES INC., a domestic corporation with its principal office and place of business at 1~0 Clinton Street,Brooklyn, N.Y., ; ?~ALTER L. JOHNSON, of the Village of i Peconic,Town of Souti~old, ~uffolk County,N.Y., , and PHILIP HUSSA, of ~16 W. ?gth ~t., New York City,N.Y. , in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR to each of us in hand paid by Narold E. Price, Town Superintendent of Highways of said Town of Southold, and in further consideration of the layinE out of new hlghvJays at Nassau Point, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, described as follows:- BRIDGE LANE: Begins on the westerly line of Nassau Point Road as now laid out, opposite the northerly part of Lot No. 8~ of Nassau Polnt Club ~.Ppepertles, Inc., and runs thence westerly and then southwesterly on Irregular l i curved lines about $80 £eet to its Junctlon with proposed Bayberry Road as ~.hereinafter described. Sald highway to be 80 feet in width and to pass i through lands of Nassau Point Club Properties Inc., only. ~ BAYBERRy ROAD: Begins on the southerly line of Wunneweta Road as now ilaid out, between lots Nos. 220 end 131 o£ Nassau Point Club Properties, Inc. ~nd runs thence southerly, then westerly, then agaXn southerly, all on irregular curved lines, about 1000 feet to its Junction with proposed Bridge Lane as here~ubefore described. The westerly line of this highway is to be the easterly line of Lots Nos. 211, 212, 213, 214, 216 end 220, but will run through parts of lots 217 and 218, owned by Walter L. Johnson and through part of lot 219, owned by Philip Hussa, the balance of land within proposed road being owned by said Nassau Point Club Properties, Inc. Said highway is to Ibe 80 feet in width throughout its entire length excepting that at its Junction with said Wtmneweta Road, the corners are cut back on curved lines as shown on a~.~map of nProposed Highways known as ~yberry Road ~nd Bridge Lane" to be ~Aed in the office of the Clerk of s~ld Town and a co of which is attac I o PY hed it and made a part of this record, ~hlch proposed laying out passes through the several lands of Nessau Point Club Properties Inc.; Walter L. Johnson and Philip Hussa on~y, do hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Southold, all lend heretofore owned by each of us and included within the premises above described, ~nd do hereby release said Town from all damages by Peasen of the laying out of the course of said highways as aforesaid. Dated this NASSAU ~PQ~T CLUB P~.5~!.NC., · ~ / ><~ President. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF Kings On the 4th day of Jl~a.)~, 1934, before me came Walter L. $ohnson ,-to me known, who, being by mE duly did depose ~nd say that he resides ~_~n the Villase of Peconic,Towfi of :Bout. hold)Suffolk Co.~N.Y. ; that he is the President of NASSAU POINT CLUB PROPERTIES INC., the corporation described in, and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corpo~tlon$ that th~ seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpor~tlon, and that he signed his- name thereto by like order. Notary Public, County. i eit fWed ~n Surfak County Co~nmi~lon Ex~ires March 30, 1935 STATE OF NEW YORK, SS:- COUNTY oPKings On the 4t~ day of ~m,, 19~4, before me personally came WALTER L. JOHNSON and Marion B. JOMNSON, his wlfe~ personally known to me and known to me to be two of the persons ~escribed in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and they severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Notary Public, County. STATE OF N~ YORK, SS:- COUNTY OF Kings Public, Kings Co. No 5~8 ~rniliS~on Expires March 30, )925 On the 4th day of~,~:~, 1934, before me personally came PHILIP HUSSA and ROSA HUS~A, his wlfe~ personally known to me and known to me to be two of the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and they sever~lly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Notary Public, County. Public,.KinKs Ce, t, [Wed In the Matter of the Application of NASSAU POINT CLUB PROPERTIES INC.; WALTER L. JOHNSON and PHILIP HUSSA, for the laying out of new highways at Nassau Point, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as .............. J~D~E LANE and BAi~EERYROAD; PETITION, CONSENT and RELEASE. Order laying out a highway with the consent of Town Noardo Written application having been made to mev town superintendent of Highways for the Town of ~outhold, Suffolk County, New York, by Nassau Point Olub Properties Inc. and others, persons liable to. be assessed for highway taxes in said Town and the written consent of the Town Board said Town having been given as prescribed by law, and releases from damages having been executed by the owners of the l~d through which the proposed highway is to be laid out, copies of which are hereto annexed, and nothing having been paid to any claimant for such damages, it is hereby ORDERED and DETEI~INED that a h~gllway shall be and the same is hereby laid out in said Town as follows:- B~IDGE LANE: Begins on the westerly line of Nassau Point ~oad as now laid out, opposite the northerly part of Lot No.53 of Nassau Point Club Properties, Ino., and runs thez~e westerly and then southwesterly on irregu~arcsurved lines about 850 feet to its Junction ,ith propoeed Bayberry Road as herein- after described. Said highway to be 50 Bet in width and to pass through lands of Nassau Point ~lub Properties Inc., only. BAI'BERRY ROAD: Begins on the southerly line of Wunneweta Road as now laid out, between lots Nos. 220 and 131 of Nassau Point Olub Properties, Inc. and runs thence southerly, then westerly, then again southerly, all on irregular curved lines, about 1000 feet to its junction with proposed Bridge Lane as hereinbefore described. The westerly line of this highway is be the easterly line of Lots Nos. ~11,21~,~13,214,218 az~ ~gO, but will run thr~Agh parts of lots 217 a~d 218, owned by Walter L. Johnson and through part of lot ~15, owned by Philip ~ussa, the balance of land within proposed road being owned by said Nassau Point Club Properties, Inc. Said hi,way is to be 50 feet in width throughout its entire length excepting ~ at at its Junction with said Nunneweta Road, tbs corners are cut back on curved lines as shown on a map of "Proposed H~ hways known as Bayberry Road and Bridge Lane" to be filed in the office of the Clerk of said Town and a copy of which is attached to and made a part of this record. which proposed laying out passes through the several lands of Nassau Point Club Properties, Ino; .Walter L. Johnson and Philip Hu~ a only. Dated this~st day of Dece~lg~4. Town Superintendent of ~ighways. In the ~atter o£ the Application o£ i~assau Point Club Properties Inc. and ors. for the laying out of mew highways at Nassmu Point, Town o£ Southold, Su£folk County, New York, to be known ~s BRID~E LANE and BATBERRY ROAD. ORDER.