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At a meeting held by the Commissioner County of Suffolk, on the /~/z~.~ day of deliberating on the propriety of of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the ~/~ , t9o/, for the purpose of in said Town, hereinafter described, on the written application of ~q~..~.-d.~ person liable to be assessed for highway labor in said Town, ~M,..." 7.-:5~,0n ....... ....... v.r .,.=~ Tc...~ ........ .aa_~ ^c ~_:a Tc'::n, and ~from the owners of the land through which the proposed highway is to be opened, having been obtained, t~ co; '~--- ordered and determined that a highway shall be, and the same is hereby laid oUt in said Town, of which a survey has been made and the description whereof is as follows Dated, tlti~ / $ -t~day of ~_~4~~' , ~9°? )Commissioner~ of Highways TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Commissioner of Highways IN THE MATTER OF ORDER To the Commissioner of Highways of the To~v~l of So_uthold, in the County of Suffolk :- The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway labor in your town, hereby ap- in the ~of /]1.~.~~ , County of ~ and State of New York, for // value received, hereby dea~cate to the Town of Southold, in said county, a strip of land across my premises in said town, for the purposes of a highway, which highway has been surveyed ~ ~" ~ ~ ~'~.And I also hereby release said town from all damages by reason of the laying out and aayof ~~ , ~9o~.~ ~,~~ ~"~', In of ' In ~ezti~on~h~of, z ha~hor~nto ~t my rument and  day of hand and affixed thoseal th0Connt andCourt m t*al~c~h~reby-~mlease said tow~-from-a.q-¢htmag~s-by rea~n of the laying out and ~nis /~,~. I~ p~ of ' ~TATI$ OF NEW ': ' On this before me personally came __ , to me known and known to m_¢._to___b~_ .t_he_s_~a_m_e~ p_e__?o2. __d_e§c[ib9fl in. and___w_h_o pxecuted the foregoing instrument and that.~he executed the same. value received, hereby dedicate to the Town of Southold, in said county, a strip of laud across my premises in said town, for the purposes of a highway, which highway has been surveyed And I also hereby release said town from all damages by reason of the laying out and opening such highway. hereunto set my handff, and se ' Say of ~ ~7f /~ ' ~ 7 ' ~ ' In pre~n~ of ) STATE OF NI~W YORK :Ir State of 2~'ew York, I . to me known and known to me to be the same persons described in attd who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that.~(~xecuted the saHle. . I, PETER J2..,DOO~[N(I, Clerk of the County of Nj~w York, and also Clerkjvf the Supreme Court for [ meat and qua~tion as Notary Public Ior the County ot /~ ~ with bis autograph 8ignaturo~ and w~ at th~ time of taking ~e proof or ~knowl~gment of the =nexeO i~trument, duly authorized to take the ~me. And fu~her that I am well acquainted with the handwriting of such ~otary, and believe thc signature to thc said certificate of proof or acknowledgment to be genuine. IN TESTimOnY WUEnEOF, I have hereu~ sedmy hand and affixcd the seal of I, , ~ - , of ~~ in the Town of ~ ', County of Suffolk and State of New York, for valu,e received, hereby dedicate to the Town of Southold, in said county, a strip of land across my premises in said town, for the purposes of a highway, which highway has been surveyed And I also hereby release said town from all damages by reason of the laying out and opening such highway. IN Wx'rNv. ss WaEREO~', I have hereunto set my hand and seal this "~'~'~"-" day of In presence of Thousand Nine Hundred and ~ before me personally ~f ~ , to me known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and -- he acknowledged that-.he, executed the same. TOWN OF Gommissioner $OUTHOLD of Highways IN THE MATTER OF DEDICATION OF TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Commissioner of Highways IN THE MATTER OF DEDICATION OF TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Commissioner of Highways IN THE HATTER OF DEDICATION OF ~I~OWN OF Commissioner $OUTHOLD of Highways IN THE MATTER OF DEDICATION OF ff ~. ZT/×?&~. f~ ~'-~-~ ~x ,.~,--~a~d~ o~w ~o~, ~o~ value received, hereby dedicate to the Town of Southold, in said county, a strip of land across my premises it~, said town, for the purposes of a highway which high~vay has been surveyed and is described as follows: ~ ~ /11~-~ ~~~,~ And~.also hereby release said town from all damages by reason of the laying out and opening such highway. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, n[ have hereunto set ~ hanf~an~d seal.p..this dayof ~ , 1907'ff~~'~I~'"~'~ ~' In presenee of STATE OF NEW YORK~ ss. Thousand Nine Huudred and ~ before me personally came , o nle~ hewn and known to me to be the same personal, described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that :~e' :executed the samet~z.~~e ~~~y ~,~a~ ~ o~ h~ arro~- ment and qualification ~ Notary ~blic for the County of with his auto~ph signature~ and was at the time o~ing~or of the ~nexed imtmment, duly authoSzed to ~ke the sine. And fu~her ~at I am well ~uainted with the hand~ittng o~ such ~otary, and believe the signature to the said cer~ ' ' tifica~ of proof or ~knowledgment to be genuine. ~127