HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARDINGHOUSE ROADOTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON C~REENPO2T, NEW YORK August 4, 1961 ~ _~:,~^ ~ By~,USE~T DESCRIPTIONS. FISF~E~RS ISLAMD ~IGH~,~Yo ALPINE AVERUE: Zhe easterly or northeasterly line ~/ begins at the southerly end of that course of the easterly line of Oriental Avenue which runs S.38°46,E. and runs thence f&ve courses, as follows: Il) S. 62o53'50~E. 263.80 feet; ~hence 2) N.7!°22'30"E. 145.61 ~eet; thence 3) S.36°01'00~Eo 147.54 ~eet; thence 4)S.35°15~00"~. 107.23 feet; thence 5) S.Z6°O3~tS"E. 195.3A feet. Aha the above proposed highway is at all points 40 feet in width. The southeasterly end of said hd~hway runs from the southerly end of the last above described course S.29°58'W. $1.23 feet. BOARILII~GHOUSE RO~D: The southerly line begins at the southerly end of that course~ of the easterly line of Crescent Avenue which runs S.15°iZ~20"W. and runs thence N.89Ol£~lO"E. 225.13 feet to the south- westerly line of the hereinafter described ~/ ~u~_n~a~_~t k~/~// Road. And the above aescrmbed highwa i~ at,all points 40 feet in wz~tn. COT~TAGE PLACE: The southerly line begins at a ooint on that course of the southeasterly line of Fox Avenue which runs N.~6°21~E., 177.12 feet along said course from its southwesterly end, and r~as thence two courses, as follows: (1) S.$2o12'00"E. 363.18 x~et; thence(2) S.56o25'00"E. 163.07 feet to the southerly line of the hereinafter described Saooho Road, And the above described highway is at a!~ ooints 50 feet in width. OTTO W, VAN TUYL & SON GREENPORT. NEW YORK - 2 Fishers island Highways by Use EQUESTRIAN AVENUE: The westerly line begins at the northerly line of West Street and runs thence two ~urses~ ~s f~llows: (1) ~.7~37'00"E. 210.!0 feet; thence ~2]~.! IO'10"W. 256.67 feet to the southerly line of the hereinafter described Fox Avenue; thence across the easterly end of said Fox Avenue,N.4°24~O"E. ~/~/~//~ ~0.41 feet; 'thence N.4°~4'50"~ feet to the southwesterly end of tne~erly line of the hereinafter described ~ansion Homae Drive And the above described highway is at all points ~O feet in width. FOX AVENUE: The southerly or left side line of Avenue begins at the above described point on the westerly line of Equestrian Avenue and runs thence 25 courses, as follows: (1) S.87°07'50~'W. 229.!1 feet; thence (2)N.$4°53~40~W. 159'.80 feet to the easterly line of Bell Hill Avenue; thence (3) N.6Ool~!O"W. 120.59 feet; thence (4) N.~A°05'20"~. ll~.gA feet; thence (5) N.37o35'40"~. 442.45 feet; thenc~ (6)N.22o22'20~W. 48.95 feet; thence (7) N.8°37~50"~. 229.98 ~eet; thence ($)N.!2o05~50,E. 1~1.81 feet; thence (9) N.56°O4'50~E. 99.A7 feet; thence (10)N.~2°3?'40"E. 67.87 feet; thence (11)~.55°14,t0,.E. 71.20 feet; thence (12~.64o15~50,E. 93.30 feet; thence (15)N.46°21~00,,~. 183.21 feet; thence (14) N.31°5?'20"Eo 87.15 feet; thence (15) N.lo14~20"E. t7.27 feet; thence (16)N.25oOS~20,Wo 65.50 feet; thence (17) ~.30o47~50'W. 120.98 feet; thence (18)N.6°25'20'~. 6~o15 feetl thence (19) A77.22 feet; thence (20)N.82o28~10,~. 320.72 feet; thence (21)N.85OAl~50,,E. 5A1.06 fset; thence (22)N.88°2A'4~'~E. 173.81 feet; thence (25) N.?9°42'20"E. 505.21 feet to a point on the northerly line of Crescent Avenue. And the above described highway is at all ~oints 50 feet i~ width. OTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON GREENPORT. NEW YORK -3- Fishers Island Highways by Use ~iADELINE AVENUE: The northerly line begins at a ~oint on the easterly line of Crescent Avenue N.!2°31'20~E. 22?.87 feet along said easterly line from the northerly li~e of ~naftsr ~cscr~ Centra! Avenue and runt thence six courses, as follows: (1) N.83°At~30"E. A24[$3 f~et; Thence (2)N.53°14'10"E.~-?7 feet; thence (5) ~.89°36'00''Eo Z67.15 feet; thence [4J N.68°50'00"E- 128.64 feet; thence (5)N.80°54'iS"E. 120.0 feet; thence (6) S.80°~8~00"~.'!29.29 fe~t to the westerly line of Central Avenue. And the above described highway is at all points 40 feet in width. %,~SION HOUSE DEIVE: ~he~esterly line begins at the northerly end of the westerly line of the hereinabove described Equestrian ~a~d runs thence four courses, as follows: (1] N. A.4°il'50"E. 379.21 feet; thence 20 . o f?y the e 2~5.19 ~eet; thence ~4)N. ~0 1~30 ~. ~/3.21 fee~ ~o the southerly line of the hereinafter described " ~ hmghw~y is at Sappho Road. And the above des~_mo~u .... all points 50 feet in width. MUNNATA~{ET ROAD: The southwesterly line begins at the northerly end of that course of Central Avenue which runs N.3°55~20~:Wo and runs thence N.44°lg~45"W. 603.90 feet to the southerly line of the hereinabove described Boardinghouse Road; thence two courses, as follows: (1) Crossing the easterly end of said Boardinghouse Road and continuing, Due No~'th a tota~ distance of 137.0 feet; thence (2)N.!3°59~00"E. 513.21 feet to the southerly line of Central Avenue. And the above described highway i~ at all points 20 feet in width. ~- OTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON GREENPORT. NEW YORK Fishers Island Highways by Use S~PH0 ROAD: The southeasterly, li~e begins at the southeasterly end of the sout_b~rly~in~e-- hereinabove described Cottage Place and rmns thence ~,60°49T30"E. 238.52 feet to the northerly end of the westerly line of Mansion House Drive as hereinabove described. Amd the above described highway is at all points 50 feet in width. AVEI~UE B:Begins at a point on that course of the westerly line of Crescent Avenue w~hich runs ~.lS°14T20"E.~ 281.73 feet northerly along said course from a sharp deflection in said line opoosite Boardinghouse Road; ~um~ins thence 13 cours~s~as follows. (1) ~.78o03 10 335,.42 feet~ then~ce (2) N.80o~0'~O"W. 121.92 feet; _ thence (3)S.87°06'20"W. 77.00 ~ee6; thence N.85°Ol'$O"W. l16.A~ feet; thence [5)N.65°35"~ 210.31 f;et; thenc~N.83o40'40"~. 44.08 feet~thence~,- (~N.5°28'W. 20.A8 ~e;t; thence (~)~.77°27'10"E. 57.50 feet; thence (~)S.65°35'00"E. 209.84 feet; thence ~)S.85o01'40"~. 185.50 feet; thenc~ (l~)S,82°5A,00,:E. 179.92 feet; thence (1~)S.78°03'10~'E. 283.60 fe;t~ to said westerly line o~ Crescent Avenue~ thence along said westerly line of Cresaent Avenue[t3) S.15°14~20"W. 37.86 feet to the point of beginning. And the above described b~ghway varies in width from about 20 feet to about 40 feet. To ~,L~. Robert Tasker, Otto "~. Van Tuyl & Son .'O~N OF SOUTHOLD: SUFFOLK COUNTY In the Matter of Ascertaining, Describing and Recording "BOARDINGHOUSE ROAD" as a To~n Highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, a High~ay used by the Pub- lic for more than Fifteen Years. ORDER ESTABLISHING TO~ HIGh, gAY BY USER ~EREAS, the public for a period of more than fifteen years has used the lands hereinafter described as a public highway in the ?o~n of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and ~BEREAS, it is in all respects proper that such highway shall be duly ascertained, described and entered on record as a town highway of the said Town of Southold, and taken over by such Tows and worked and kept in repair by such Town, NOW, THEREFORE, I, ~ROLD PRICE, the To~n Superintendent of Highways of the said Town of Southold, Suffolk 0ounty, New York, do hereby ascertain, describe and enter on record as a town high- way the following, to wit: Ail that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, County of SuffOlk and State of New York, bounded and des- cribed as follows: BEGINNING at a point at' the southerly end of that course of the easterly line of 0rescent Avenue Which runs south 15 degrees 1~ minutes 20 seconds west; from said point of beginning running thence north 89 degrees 15 . minutes 10 seconds es'st 225.13 feet to the southwesterAy line of Mmunnatawket Road. The' above described survey line being and intended to be the southerly line Of the said Board!~house Road, said highway being at all points $0 feet in width and ~,n-ing from the easterly line of Crescent Avenue ~n a easterly direction to the westerly line of Munnatawket Road. Annexed hereto and made a part hereof is a certain map pre- pared by Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son, Licensed Land Surveyors, dated August 8, 1961, entitled nMap of Proposed Highways on Fishers Island, Town of Southold, Suffolk 0ounty, N.Y." which said map Dated: August /4 1961 shows the course of said highway outlined in red. Suffolk County, New York°f the Tswn of South_?ld: I ORDER ESTABLISHING "BOARDINGHOUSE ROAD" AS A TOWN HIGPH~AY BY USER ROBERT Cou~8¢llor ~t La~' Greenpo~t, $~ffol]~ County Ne., Yo~k