HomeMy WebLinkAboutBETTS STREET To the To~n Superintendent of Highways of the Town of $outhoid~ in the Cot~ty of Suffolk and Sta%e of New York: The %uudersi~ued~ liable to be assessed for hiEhway taxes in the said Town of Southold~ hereby applies to you to lay out a highway mt Fleet~s Neck in said Town of Southold~ known as Betts Street~ at uutehogue~ in the ToWn of Southold, Suffolk OoUnty~ New York~ by including within said highway a strip of tP~ee land thirty~(35) lest in width~ the Westerly.line being dessribed as follows: Begir~uing at a monument on the third course of the southerly line of Fleetwood Roa<I as this day laid out, distant 17.0 feet westerly from the terminus of said third course; rurn~ing thence S. 1~°07~$0~' E~75~o~8 feet to a monument on the nor~her!y .line of E~st Road (so oalled)~ distant llS,~! feet easterly from the first deflection point in said northerly line of F~st Road east of Fleet's !~eok Road. Said highway is laid out on a Map of Proposed Highways at Flset's Neck~ Cutehogue~ Town of Southold~ few York~ surveyed Febru~ry~ 1926~ by 0~to W~ Van Tuy!~ Licensed Surveyor~ Gresnport, New York, and duly filed in the office ef the Term Clerk of said laying out will pass through the Dated t~s /~ day o£ ~own of Southold~ which proposed lands of Norma H~ Fleet only. ~roh~ 1998. with the prayer We, the undersigned, a m~Jority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, hmving met mt the office of the Supervisor, at Greenport, in said Town on the day of March, 1926, and considered the mppllomtionof Norma H. Fleet for the lmying out of a highway at ~leet's Neck, known ms Betts Street, at Outohogue, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk Oounty, New York, do hereby consent thmt such laying out be made in accordance of the within petition. Supervisor · TO~n 01erk. Highways. I~ NORk[A H. ~LEET~ of Mattituck~ in the Town of $outhold~ 0our~ty of Suffolk and State of New York, in consideration of the sum of One Doli~r~ %o me in hand paid by George H. Wlest~ Town Superintendent of Highways of said Town of Southold~ and in further consideration of the laying out of a highwmy at Flsst~s Neok~ in said Town of Southold~ kno~ as Betts Street~ at Cutshog~$~ in the Town of Sou~ o_a~ Suffolk County~ New York~ by including within said highway a strip of land thirty-thre~ fe~t in ~idth~ the Westerly line being described as follows: Be- ginning at a monument on the third course of the southerly line of Fleetwood Road as this day laid out~ distant l~,0 fs*t westerly fro~ the termin~ of said third oourse~ ~um_ing thence Sol~O0~?$0 E~TS~B8 feet %o a monument on the northerly line of East Road (so called)~ distant ll~Sl fs~t e~sterly ~om the first ds~ f!ection point in s~id northerly line of E~st Ro~d e~st of Fl~et~s N~ok Road. Said ~ghwmy is l~id ~t on ~ ~p of Propos*d ~ghw~ys ~% pleuras Neok~ Outohogue~ To~ ~ S~thold~ New York~ s~veyed Febr~ry~ 19~8, by Otto W. V~n ~yl~ Lioens~ S~veyor~ ~re~nport~ New York~ ~d duly filed in the office of th~ T~n 01erk of s~id To~ of Southold~ whioh~proposed laying out passes t~ough th~ land of Nor~ H. Floet only~ do hereby dedicate ~ release to th~ To~ of South~ld~ mll l~nd heretofore owned by m~ ~nd included within th~ premises ~bove desoribed~ ~ad do hereby relemse said ~To~ fro~ ~ll d~ges by reason of th~ laying out of the of s~id n_~way ~s ~ores~id. Dated t~s d~y of ~mroh~ 19B8~ ........ ~L.S.) STATE OF GOUNTY OF SUFF'OLK. SS: On t~his C day of ~Iaroh~ 1926 before me pereon~lly came NORMA H. FLEET, of Mattituck, Suffolk Gounty, New York, pereonally known to me and known to me to be the eame perBon deecrlBed in and who executed the foregoing instrument; and she duly acknowledged to me that she executed the eame. Notary Public. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. In the ~atter of the Application of ~ NOR~A H. FLEET, for the laying out of a highway known as Betts Street, at 6utohogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk CoUnty, New York, APPLICATION~ CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD, REL~AoE OF DAMAGES.