HomeMy WebLinkAboutBENNETTS POND LANE, MATTITUCK 1978 In the Matter of the : Laying out of a Certain Town Highway known : as Bennett's Pond Lane in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of : New York. : ORDER lAYING OUT HIGHWAY Application having been duly made for the laying out of a town highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and S~te of New York, which highway is shown as "Bennett's Pond Lane" on a certain map entitled "Map of Bennett's Pond at Mattituck, filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on June 12, 1970, as Map No. 5483, and a dedication and release from the owner of the land H,r~ugh which the highway is proposed to be opened, having been given; NOW THEREFORE, I, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, do hereby determine and order that the town highway shall be, and the same is hereby laid out in said Town in accordance with Sehedule "A" annexed hereto and made a part hereof. Dated, day of~~'O~mf~'' , 197~. SCHEDULe. '~" ALL that certain street, road, avenue or lane, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Bennett's Pond Lane on a certain map entitled, "Map of Bennett's Pond at Mattttuck", and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on June 12, 1970, as Map No. 5483, more particularly bounded and described as follows: COMMENCING at a monument in the southerly line of Westphali~ Road which monument is located North 67° 35' 20" East a distance of 24.86 feet from the point of intersection of the easterly line of land now or formerly of Sophie Rau and the southerly line of Westphalia Road and from said point or place of beginning running thence North 67° 35' 20" East along the southerly line of Westphalia Road a distance of 50.39 feet to a monument; thence South 29° 32' 00" East a distance of 267 feet to a monument; thence South 38° 53' 00" East a distance of 157.71 feet to a monument; thence South 29~ 22' 50" East a distance of 375~0 feet to a monument; thence South 27" 33' 30" West a distance of '43.83 feet to a monument; thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 50 feet a distance of 88.98 feet to a monument; thence South 60° 37' 10" West a distance of 145.70 feet to land now or formerly of Norman Wells and a monument; thenc, North 29° 32' 00" West a distance of 50 feet to a monument; thence North 60~ 37' 10" East a distance of 154.07 feet to a monument; thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 50 feet a distance of 43.82 feet to a monument; thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 14 feet a distance of 21.98 feet to a monument; thence North 29° 22' 50" West a distance of 288.84 feet to a monument; thence North 38" 53' 00" West a distance of 157.64 feet to a monument; thence North 29~ 32' 00" West a distance of 277.34 feet to the southerly line of Westphalia Road and the monument set at the point or place of BEGINNING. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Laying out of a Certain Town Highway known as Bennett's Pond Lane in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. ORDER LAYING OUT HIGHWAY TOOKER, TOOKER & ESSEkS RIVERHEAD, N. Y. The Tuttle Law Print, Publishers, Rutland, Vt. PRESENT: At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, held at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, in said Town, on the 10th day of October, 1978. Hon. Albert M. Martocchia, Supervisor Martin Suter - Town Justice Francis T. Doyen - Town Justice James Homan - Councilman Henry F. Drum - Councilman William R. Pell III - Councilman In the Matter of the Laying out of a Certain Town Highway known as Bennett's Pond Lane in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. : RESOLUTION and CONSENT WHEREAS, JAMES F. filed in the Office of certain map entitled, ~{EREAS, JAMES F. REEVE and JOHN T. REEVE caused to have the Clerk of the County of Suffolk a "M~ of Bennett's Pond at Mattituck", and REEVE and JOHN T. REEVE did-submit plans for the construction of various improvements to a certain road known and designated as Bennett's Pond Lane on said subdivision map to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold, and ~{EREAS, the said Planning Board did, on January 12, 1970, approve the construction of said improvements and did require the filing of a performance bond in the amount of $15,000.00 with the Town of Southold, and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold did approve said performance bond as to form, sufficiency, manner of execution and surety on January 13, 1950, and ~EREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold did authorize a reduction of said performance bond from $15,000.00 to $7,500.00 on May 13, 1971, and WHEREAS, said road, drainage system, sumps and other improvements have been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications of the Southold Town Planning Board, and WHEREAS, the construction of said road, drainage system and sumps have met with the approval of the Su.pe~intendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, and WHEREAS, a copy of the letter from the Superintendent of Highways indicating his consent is annexed hereto and made a part hereof as Appendix A, and WHEREAS, Special Search Street Dedication from the Chicago Title Insurance Company, title no. 71-S-03935, has been filed with the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold together with a deed of dedication affecting said road, and WHEREAS,, the Town Board of the Town of Southold did authorize that JAMES F. REEVE and JOHN T. REEVE be released and discharged from the terms of said performance bond in the amount of $7,500,~00,. on November 23, 1971. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provisions of Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New York consent be and the same is hereby given that the Superinten- dent of Highways of the Town of Southold make an order laying out that certain road known as Bennett's Pond Lane as more particularl~ described in Appendix B, annexed hereto and made a part hereof, th~ said town road to consist of the lands described in the deed of dedication dated July 26th , 1972, and to extend as delineated therein; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold be and he hereby is directed to forthwith cause such deed of dedication to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk and, upon its return, to attach it hereto; and -2- © © BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall take effect ~m.ediate ly. Dated: October 10, 1978 Town Board of the Town of $~u~hold ~ ~7 Supervisor -3- ALL that certain street, road, avenue or lane, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Bennett's Pond Lane on a certain map entitled, "Map of Bennett's Pond at Mattituck", and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on June 12, 1970, as Map No. 5483, more particularly bounded and described as follows: COMMENCING at a monument in the southerly line of Westphali~ Road which monument is located North 67° 35' 20" East a distance of 24.86 feet from the point of intersection of the easterly line of land now or formerly of Sophie Rau and the southerly line of WeStphalia Road and from said point or place of beginning running thence North 67° 35' 20" East along the southerly line of Westphalia Road a distance of 50.39 feet to a monument; thence South 29° 32' 00" East a distance of 267 feet to a monument; thence South 38° 53' 00" East a distance of 157.71 feet to a monument; thence South 29° 22' 50" East a distance of 3~.0 feet to a monument; thence South 27° 33' 30" West a distance of 43.83 feet to a monument; thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 50 feet a distance of 88.98 feet to a monument; thence South 60~ 37' 10" West a distance of 145.70 feet to land now or formerly of Norman Wells and a monument; thence North 29~ 32' 00" West a distance of 50 feet to a monument; thence North 60~ 37' 10" East a distance of 154.07 feet to a monument; thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 50 feet a distance of 43.82 feet to a monument; thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 14 feet a distance of 21.98 feet to a monument; thence North 29~ 22' 50" West a distance of 288.84 feet to a monument; thence North 38° 53' 00" West a distance of 157.64 feet to a monument; thence North 29° 32' 00" West a distance of 277.34 feet to the southerly line of Westphalia Road and the monument set at the point or place of BEGINNING. APPENDIX B RAYMOND C. DEAN Superintendent Tel. 765.3140 734-5211 Septeraber 13, 1971 The Planning Board Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: ! have inspected the roads at Bennett's Pond~ Mat~ltuck~ New Yorkj and re~ommend~ as the roads are tn accordance with the Highway Spectfi- catlonsj that the Bond be released, RCD:a APPENDIX A TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Laying out of a Certain Town Highway known as Bennett's PonB Lane in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, RESOLUTION AND CONSENT TOOKER, TOOKER & ESSEKS RIVERHEAD, N. Y. The Turtle Law Print. Publishers, Rutland, Vt. OFFIOE TO LD 425 MAIN ST. [3REENPORT, L. I., N.Y. 11944 November 2, 1978 Hon. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Re: Dedication of Bennett's Pond Lane Dear Judy: With respect to the above captioned highway dedication, I enclose herewith the following documents for filing in your office. (1) Application dated September 10, 1972. (2) Resolution and Consent dated October 10, 1978. (3) Order Laying Out Highway dated October 10, 1978. (4) Dedication and Release dated September 10, 1972 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on October 25, 1978 in Liber 8521 at page 167. Yours very truly, ROBERT W. TASKER Enclosures In the Matter of the Laying out of a certain town highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. DEDICATION and RF.T.WASE OF LANDS FOR TOWN HIGH- WAY WHEREAS, application has been duly made to the Town Super- intendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, in Suffolk County, New York, for the laying out of a certain town highway to extend from a point in the southerly line of Westphalia Road over lands of James F. Reeve and John T. Reeve as herein below described. NOW, THEREFORE, the said James F. Reeve and John T. Reeve, ~both residing in the Town aforesaid and owners of lands to be ~included within the said highway, do hereby dedicate, release and convey to the said Town of Southold, for highway purposes the following lands, to wit: COMMENCING at a monument in the southerly line of Westphalia Road which monument is located North 67° 35' 20" East a distance of 24.86 feet from the point of intersection of the easterly line of land now or formerly of Sophie Rau and the southerly line of Westphalia Road and from said point or place of beginning running thence North 67° 35' 20" East along the southerly line of Westphalia Road a distance of 50.39 feet to a monument; thence South 29° 32' 00" East a distance of 267 feet to a monument; thence South 38Q 53' 00" East a distance of 157.71 feet to a monument; thence South 29° 22' 50" East a distance of 375.0 feet to a monument; thence South 27° 33' 30" West a distance of 43.83 feet to a monument; thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 50 feet a distance of 88.98 feet to a monument; thence South 60~ 37' 10" West a distance of 145.70 feet to land now or formerly of Norman Wells and a monument; thence North 29~ 32' 00" West a distance of 50 feet to a monument; thence North 60° 37' 10" East a distance of 154.07 feet to a monument; thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 50 feet a distance of 43.82 feet to a monument; thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 14 feet a distance of 21.98 feet to a monument; thence North 29Q 22' 50" West a distance of 288.84 feet to a monument; thence North 38° 53' 00" West a distance of 157.64 feet to a monument; thence Nort 29" 32' 00" West a distance of 277.34 feet to the southerly line of Westphalia Road and the monument set at the point or place of beginning. The lands hereby dedicated, released and conveyed are specifically shown and delineated upon the certain map which is hereto annexed and made a part hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have caused these presents to be executed and sealed this ~O~_~ day of September, 1972. ~__~James F. Reeve~ T. Reeve) (L.S.] Sworn to before me this ~o_~ day of September, 1972. '~"J I~OB£RT L. TOOK'ER ~OTARy PUBLIC. State of New Yo~k ~uaHfied in SuHo~k County STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SS: On the 10th day of September, 1972, before me personally came JAMES F. REEVE ~nd JOHN T. REEVE, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same. NOTAA~ W lili M ii ~lt qudmel In kdMt kal,' -2- q Lo/ ~ L~N£ 2G7O0' Lo/ ~ Lo/ ,~ ~ennetl cz ,~ DEDICATION and RELEASE OF LANDS FOR TOWN HIGH- WAY In the Matter of the Laying out of a certain town highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York Dated: Robert W. Tasker 425 Main Street Greenport, New York 11944 ~~i~x xxxxx~~xxxxxx xxxxxx~E~xxxxxxx xxxx~~~xxxxx DEDXGATXGII mad B~E OF IABIDS FOR TO~M HXGH- WAY b~, appl~cat;ion has been duZy made co the Town ~C~d~t o~ H~ys o~ ~m T~ of S~Zd, ~ Suffolk Hew Y~k, for the lay~ ~t o~ a ~ t~ ~y to ~d fr~ a po~t ~ ~e s~therly l~e o~ ~elCp~l~ i~ ~ of Jms F. b~e ~d l~ T. bm -- h~e~ b~ fi, ~, ~b sa~ Jms F. Rem ~ J~ T. ~ ~ r~id~$ ~ Cb T~ flor,aid ~d ~ers of l~d8 to be ~ ~1~ ~th~ ~e said h~ay, do hereby ~dica~e, release ~d ~ c~vey ~o ~ sa~d T~ of Sou~ld, ~or h~y p~es ~e ~ follovtn~ lands, to : C(I~CXMG aC a monummne in die,nee of 2~. 66 ~eec ~r~ ~e po~c of tnC~m~tt~ of Cb ~ly line o~ Cb s~C~ly ~e of ~et~h ~ ~ fr~ said point or pl~e o~ ~S r~u~ ~ee ~ 67* 3~t 20" hOC alone the southerly line of Westphalia Road a dfJtaneo of 50.39 feet to a u~umentl thence South 29° 32" 00' East a dt]tan~e of 267 feet to a uouummt; thence South 38° 530 00" Emit a d~J~*_~-~-e of 157.71 feet to a uonouant; th~ce South 29° 22' SO" hat a distanam of 375.0 bec to a mouum~c; thmnee South 270 33e 30" Weet a dietance of &3.83 feeC to a uouument; thence alous the are of a curve b~rins to ~o rtsht hevtn$ a radius of 50 fee2 a distance of 88.98 feet to a uonumoat; .thence South 60' 37' iS" We~t a distauce of 1~5.70 feet to land now or f~oruerly o£ Moruan Wells mid m ~.07 ~eeC Co a ~C; ~e a1~ the ~ st a G~e ~ Co ~ r~t h,~ a ~i~ of 50 ~out a d~ of ~3.82 ~C co a ~t; t~e al~s tM ~ ~ h ~eft ~ a r~ of 1~ feat a db~ce 2~.98 ~eet to a ~C; ~ce Hor~ 29* 22' 50' d~t~e o~ 288.~ f~t co a ~t; t~em ~" WeSt a diat~e of 1~7.~ f~t to a ~t; ~e Nero 29' 32t 00'* ~est a dtstn=e of 277.~ bet Co l~e o; Mestphlh hd and the ~t set at the ps,nC pl~e of bes~n~. ~ct~t~lly sh~ nd delhut~ ~ ~ o~Uh ~ ~h ts ~o ~d ~d ~m a p~ ~. , (L.S.) Sgorn eo before ud chis lo ~ dj7 of Septe,ber, TOOKER, TOOKER & ESSEKS SPECIAL SEARCH STREET DEDICATION Title No. 71-S-039 35 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY certifies that it has examined title to land in the beds of: BENNETT'S POND LANE all as shown and set forth on a certain map entitled, "Map of Bennett's Pond at Mattituck", and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on ~-12-70 as Map No. 5483. ' ~Being more particularly bounded and described in the description annexed hereto and made a part of this certificate. CHICATO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY further certifies that title to lands in the beds of: BENNETT'S POND LANE Can be dedicated by: JOHN T. REEVE JAMES F. REEVE 1971/72 Town and School Taxes paid in full, all prior taxes paid, subject, however, to no mortgage. The foregoing certification is made for the purpose of dedication to Town of Southold. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY'S liability shall not exceed ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000.00). DATED: 8-3-72 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AUTHO~IGNATUP~E "' MASTER COPY TITLE N(. 71-S-03935 DESCRIt'TION ALL that certaLn street, road, avenue or lane, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Bennett's Pond Lane on a certain map entitled "Map of Bennett's Pond at Mattituck", and filed int the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on June 12, 1970 as Map No. 5483, more particularly bounded and described as follows: COMMENCING at a monument in the southerly line of Westphalia Road which monument is located north 67 degrees 35 minutes 20 seconds east a distance of 24.86 feet from the point of intersection of the easterly line of land now or formerly of Sophie Rau and the southerly line of westphalia Road and from said ~point or place of beginning; running thence north 67 degrees 35 minutes 20 seconds east along the southerly line of Westphalia Road a distance of 50.39 feet to a monument thence south 29 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds east a distance of 267 feet to a monument; thence south 38 degrees 53 minutes 00 seconds east a distance of 157.71 feet to a monument; thence south 29 degrees 22 minutes 50 seconds east a distance of 375.00 feet to a monument~ thence south 27 degrees 33 minutes 30 seconds west a distance of 43.83 feet to a monument;thence along the arc of a curve hearing to the right having a radius of 50 feet a distance of 88.98 feet to a monument; thence south 60 degrees 37 ~inutes 10 seconds west a distance of 145.70 feet to land now or formerlyh of Norman Wells and a monuman~; thence north 29 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds west a distance of 50 feet to a monument; thence north 60 degrees 37 minutes h0 seconds east a distance of 154.07 feet to a monument; thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 50 feet a distance of 43.82 feet to a monument; thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 14 feet a distance of 21.98 feet to a monument; thence north 29 degrees 22 minutes 50 seconds west a distance of 288.84 feet to a monument; thence north 38 degrees 53 minutes 00 seconds west a distance of 157.64 feet to a monument~ thence north 29 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds west a distance of 277.34 feet to the southerly line of Westphalia Road and the momument set at the point or place of beginning. SPECIAL SEARCH STREET DEDICATION Title No. 71-S-03935 Tooker, Tooker & Esseks, Esqs. 108 East Main Street Riverhead, N.T. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 233 BROADWAY NEW YORK, N. Y. 10007 51 WILLOUGHBY STREET BROOKLYN, N. Y. 11201 90-14 161st STREET JAMAICA, N. Y. 11432 ONE OLD COUNTRY ROAD CARLE PLACE. N. Y. 11 $14 358 ST. MARKS PLACE STATEN ISLAND, No Y. 10301 117 EAST MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD, N. Y. 11902 188 EAST POST ROAD WHITE PLAINS, N. Y. 10601 2 N~ HEMPSTEAD ROAD NEW CITY, N. Y. 10956 11 NORTH PEARL STREET ALBANY, N. Y. 12207 © CLYDE TOOKER TOOKER, TOOKER & ESSEKS RIVERHEAD, N. Y. 516 PARK 7-3277 September 8, 1972 Robert W. Tasker, Esq. Smith, Tasker and Finkelstein 456 Griffing Avenue Riverhead, New York 11901 Dear Bob: In connection with the dedication of Bennett's Pond Lane to the Town of Southotd, we enclose herewith the following: 1. Deed from James F. Reeve and John T. Reeve to the Town of Southold dated the 26th day of July, 1972; 2. A letter from the Chairman of the Board of Assessors relative to the assessed valuation of improvements on the road to be dedicated; 3. Application; 4. Dedication and Release; 5. Special Search Street Dedication certified by Chicago Title Insurance Company; 6.Original and one copy of the Order Laying Out Highway; and 7. Original and one copy of the Resolution and Consent. We also enclosed two checks to cover the recording fees. Please give me a call if there is any further question concern- ing these papers. Sincerely yours, Robert L. Tooker RLT:dd Eric. Bennett's Pond Lane Mattituck, New York June 20, 1975 Southold Town BoArd Southold Town Superintendent of Highways Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: I am the owner of Lot No. 5 on subdivision map of Bennett's Pond. The road in front of my house is known as Bennett's Pond Lane. This road was constructed by the developers, John T. Reeve and James F. Reeve, some'years ago. It is my under§tanding that they offered this road to the Town of Southold for dedication in 1971 and have continued to offer the road since that time. In 1974 two additional storm water run off overflow pipes, requested by the Town Board, have been laid across the north- westerly edge of my property to supplement the original drainage system. I am satisfied with the construction of both the road and the drainage work, including the modifications made in 1974 to the storm water run off system. With the permission of the Town Board I request the right to maintain and replace, from time to time, the vegetation in the turnaround and planted "island" on the lane. I agree to make no further request of the Town of Southold for additional storm drainage work within this subdivision after the road is accepted for dedication. I, with my neighbors, request that the Town Board now accept these roads as part of the Town Highway system. Very t r u 1-¥~u~zJ, ~eger ~'~Swahn mid TOOKER, TOOKER & E$SEK$ COUNSELOI;~S AT LAW June 25, 1975 Robert Tasker, Esq. 425 Main Street Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Bob: In August,.1972 I forwarded to you the appropriate papers for the dedication of.Bennett's Pond Lane in Mattituck. In Sep- tember of 1972 additional papers, requested by you, were forwarded. Subsequent to that time, the Highway Committee made requ&sts concerning the drainage. The work requested has been completed. I understand that the Highway Committee wished to receive a letter from Peter Swahn indicating his satisfaction with the work. That ~etter is enclosed. It is my understanding that each and every requirement and request of the Town Board has been satisfied. I respectfully request that this road now be accepted into the town highway system. Sincerely yours, Robert Lo Tooker RLT:mjd Enclosure xc: Superintendent of Highways Southold Town Board BOARD OF ASSESSORS SOUTHOLD, N. ¥. 11971 July 6, 1972 James F. Reeve John T. Reeve P.O. Box 128 Mattituck, New York Dear Mr. Reeve; We wish to inform you that on the 1972-73 Assessment Roll you now have $29,400 assessed ~aluation in your Sub,Division, Bennett's Pond, at Mattituck, New York, Bennett's Pond Lane consists of 1~660 feet, therefore, you have ample valuation. WBT:jk Very truly yours, Wendell B. Tabor, Chairman Board of Assessors August 30, 1972 Tookero Tooker and Esseks 108 Eal~t Main Street Riverhead, New York 11901 Attention: Mrs. Duffy Re: Dedication of Bennett's Pond Lane Dear Mrs. Duffy: In accordance with our telephone conversation of today, I am returning to you herewith the papers sent to us by Mr. Tooksr relative to the dedication of Bennett's Pond Lane to the Town of Southold. As I advised you on the phone° the Town requires andapplicatton and dedication and release. Also required is a check to cover the recording fees for the deed and the dedication and release. Will you also send us a certification from the Southold Town Tax Assessors relative to the assessed value of improvements on the road to be dedicated. Yours very truly, Secretary to RobertW. Tasker may enclosures 171 FORM 587X Iq. Y. DEED--COVeaAgainst Gr,antor with ,Lien Covenant Chi ~]lade the .](~.-- ~ ~'ineteen Hundred and JAMES F. day of July, seventy-two REEVE, residing at Sunset Recorded on the day of d. D., 19 at o'clock ~lf. in liber of DEEDS at pa~e and examined. Clerk Lane (no number), Mattituck, New York, and JOHN T. REEVE, residing at Bennett's Pond Lane (no number), Mattituck, New York, parties of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation with an office at Main Road (no number), Southold, New York, parity of the seeond part, that the parties of the first part, in consideration of the sum of ONE and 00/100 ................................... Dollar ($1.00 ---) lawful money of the United States, and other valuable consideration paid by the part y of the second part, do hereby ~rant and release unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, all that certain street, road, avenue or lane, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Bennett's Pond Lane on a certain map entitled, "Map of Bennett's Pond at Mattituck", and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on June 12, 1970, as Map No. 5483, more particularly bounded and described as follows: COF~4ENCING at a monument in the southerly line of Westphalia Road monument is located North 67° 35' 20" East a distance of 24.86 feet from the point of intersection of the easterly line of land now or formerly of Sophie Rau and the southerly line of Westphalia Road and from said point or place of beginning running thence North 67~ 35' 20" East along the southerly line of Westphalia Road a distance of 50.39 feet to a monument; thence South 29° 32' 00" East a distance of 267 feet to a monument; thence South 38° 53' 00" East a distance of 157.71 feet to a monument; thence South 29° 22' 50" East a distance of 375.0 feet to a monument; thence South 27~ 33' 30" West a distance of 43.83 feet to a monument; thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 50 feet a distance of 88.98 feet to a monument; thence South 60° 37' 10" West a distance of 145.70 feet to land now or formerly of Norman Wells and a monument; thence North 29° 32' 00" West a distance of 50 feet to a monument; thence North 60° 37' 10" East a distance of 154.07 feet to a monument; thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 50 feet a distance of 43.82 feet to a monument; thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 14 feet a distance of / 21.98 feet to a monument; thence North 29° 22' 50" West a distance z of 288.84 feet to a monument; thence North 38° 53' 0~' West a distance of 157.64 feet to a monument; thence North 29~ 32' 00~ West a distance of 277.34 feet to the southerly line of Westphalia Road and the monument set at the point or place of BEGINNING. THE hereinabove described premises shall be kept open as a public highway. ~m~tk~r wit. h the appurtenances and all the estate and riffhts of the parses of the )qrst part ~n and to said premises, ~ ~ ~__~_ tn ~1~ the premises herein ~ranted unto the party of the second part, its successors and assi~ns forever. ~ the parties of the first part covenant that they have not done or suffered anythin¢~, whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever. ~ That, in Compliauce with Sec. 13 of the Lien Law, the ~,rantor s will ,eceive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of payin~ the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before usin¢, any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. ]~ ~l$Rt~s ~l~l~r~f, the part ies of the first part have hands and seal-~ the day and year first above written. hereunto set their ~gtlflr af ~m ]arlt I On this aG ~ (gmmlg af SUFFOLK f ss. ~¥ineteen Hundred before me, the subscriber, personally appeared day of July and seventy-two JAMES r. REEV~ and JOHN T. REEVE to me personally known and known to me to be the same persons who executed the within Instrument, and they duly to me that they executed the same. described in and acknowledffed &'otary Public ROBERT L. TOOKER NOTARY PUBLIC. State of New Tork No. 52-9956300 Qualifiod in Suffolk County C~n Expires March ~0, 1974 JAMES F. PEEVE and JOHN T. REEVE TO TO~ OF SOUTHOLD 'TOOKER, TOOKER & CHARLES R. CUDDY TOOKER, TOOKER & ESSEK$ COUNSELORS AT LAW RiVERHeAD, N. Y. ~190~ August 4, 1972 Robert W. Tasker, Esq. 425 Main Street Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Tasker: Enclosed with the the Town herewith please find the following in connection proposed dedication of Bennett's Pond Lane to of Southold by James and John Reeve: 1. Special Search Street Dedication certified by Chicago Title Insurance Company; 2. Deed from James F. Reeve and John T. Reeve to the Town of Southold dated the 26th day of July, 1972; 3. Original and one copy of the Order Laying Out Highway; and 4. Original and one copy of the Resolution and Consent. Would you please review these papers and place this matter on the agenda for the Town Board meeting on August 8, 1972. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Should you have any questions concerning the above, please give me a call. Very truly yours, Robert L. Tooker RLT:bb Enc s. d~5/72-5c. In the Matter of the Laying out of a certain town highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. APPLICATION TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: We the undersigned, inhabitants of the Town of Southold, liabl to be assessed for highway taxes therein, hereby apply to you to lay out a highway in said Town, COMMENCING at a monument in the southerly line of Westphalia Road which monument is located North 67° 35' 20" East a distance of 24.86 feet from the point of intersection of the easterly line of land now or formerly of Sophie Rau and the southerly line of Westphalia Road and from said point or place of beginning running thence North 67° 35' 20" East along the southerly line of Westphalia Road a distance of 50.39 feet to a monument; thence South 29" 32' 00" East a distance of 267 feet to a monument; thence South 38° 53' 00" East a distance of 157.71 feet to a monument; thence South 29° 22' 50" East a distance of 375.0 feet to a monument; thence South 27~ 33' 30" West a distance of 43.83 feet to a monument; thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 50 feet a distance of 88.98 feet to a monument; thence South 60~ 37' 10" West a distance of 145.70 feet to land now or formerly of Norman Wells and a monumema; thence North 29~ 32' 00" West a distance of 50 feet to a monument; thence Nsrth 60" 37' 10" East a distance of ~ 154.07 feet to a monument; thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 50 feet a distance of 43.82 feet to a monument; thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 14 feet a distance of 21.98 feet to a monument; thence North 29° 22' 50" West a distance of 288.84 feet to a monument; thence North 38° 53' 0£ West a distance of 157.64 feet to a monument; thence North 29° 32' 00" West a distance of 277.34 feet to the southerly line of Westphalia Road and the monument set at the point or place of beginning. which proposed highway will pass through the lands of James F. and John T. Reeve. Hereto annexed and made a part hereof, is a certain map the course of the said proposed highway. · Dated, thins ~0-- /~y of September, 1972. <x~James F.'Reeve~ ~(John T. Reeve} (L. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On this 10~- day of September, Nineteen Hundred and seventy- two before me, the subscribed, personally appeared JAMES F. REEVE and JOHN T. REEVE to me personally known and known to me to be the same persons described in and who executed the within instrument, and they duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Notary Public ROBERT L, TOOKER NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New %'o~4~ No. $2-9356300 (~ualJficd in Su~olk County Commission Exp~es ~arch 30, 197~ -2- dd-"15/72-5c. ~ay~ng out of a eerta~n tc~m b~$~ay in th~ To~n of Sc~hold, Cotmty of Suffolk m~d S~ate of AFFLI~ATIO~ TO THE TO~ SUFEItIHTEHDEHT OF HI'WAYS OF THE TOb~ OF SOLFIItOI~, I~ THE CO,IffY OF SUFFOLK: We ~he tmdereisned, ~nhabir~te of ~he T~ of SoufJ~old, l~ab] to be assessed for h~meay taxes ~herein, hereby apply to you to lay out a hi. ay in eaid T~, C(~(EHCII~ at a mo~um~t :b~ the m~therly ltne of Wea~hl~a E~d ~ ~t i8 l~ated Hor~ 67° 35' 20" Ease a ~m~ee o~ 2~.86 ~eet ~r~ ~e eo~nt o~ ~termectL~ t~ s~rly l~e of Wem~lh ~d ~d ~ maid a~ Cb m~erly 1~ of Wom~hlh hd a dbt~o of 50,39 f~t co ~ ~; ~m S~ 29' 32* ~" hot a dis~ee of 267 f~ co a ~c; ~e Sou~ ~* 53' 00" hm~ a db~ce of 157.71 feec to a ~; ~e 29* 22' hm~ i d~sc~e o~ 375.0 ~ee~ co a ~C; ~e $~ 27' 33* 30" Wem~ a dim~o of ~3.83 ~C ~ a rlsht havt~8 a radi~ of 50 feet a distance of 88.98 feet a~t; ~e ~ 60' 37t 10"~emt a 1~5.70 bec Co ~6 n~ ~ fo~erl~ of Ho~ Wells ~d a ~; ~e ~z~ 29' 32' 00" West a d~s~neo of 50 to ~.~t; ~e H~ 60* 37' 10" ~t · d~m~e of ~.07 her to i G~t; t~ce al~ ~e ~$ to th r~t hvi~ a r~i~ mt 50 feet a dbtnce of ~3.82 her to ~ G=t; ~=e ilmS ~e ,r~ mi i c=ve b~r~ to ~o leit ~ a r~u mi 1~ feet 2~.98 foot to a G~t; ~e H~ 29° 22t 50' ~elt a db~ee of 288,~ i~t ~ a ~t; t~co Hor~ 38° 53* OC ~eet a db~e mi 157.~ f~t to a ~t; 29e 32* ~. ~est a diet,ce of 277.~ teet to ~ s~therly 1~ of Moot~lh ~ ~d th ~t set at ~ ~t or · hich pr~omed hi~l~ay will ~mm thE~ r~e l~do of[ Jan~m F. Reev( and John T. be~. Hereto annexed and made a p~t hereof, ts a certain Mp mh~in the course of the ~td propoeed h~shway. Dated, Chis ~Sq'~ day of September, 1972. (Ja~es F. Reeve) (John T. l~eeve) STATE OF lt~ YOll~ ) COtmTY OF sUFFoL~ ) On Cb~Ls ~0 ~ d~y o£ Sepzember, Nineteen Hundred md teveuty- to me porooaa].].y ~ ~md knmm ~.o me ~:o be the am~ pe~oono 4escr:Lbed ~n and vho exa~*dted the vLthLa ino~'ument, and ~ dui7 aekne~ledsed Co ue Chit: They me, ed tho smut. ROBERT L. TOOKER NOTARY PUBLIC, Slate of New York 1~o. 52-9356300 :(~uali,~ied in Suffolk County ~mmisslon Expires March 30, 197,~ ot~ the OUt: o~ a ce]:l:&ln t:o~m a~ay in the T~ off ~old~ Co~y of S~folk Dated: TOOKER, TOOKER & E~$EK~ APPLICATION In the Matter of the Laying out of a certain town highway in the Town of Southold, Coun~ of Suffolk and State of New York. Dated: TOOKER, TOOKER & E$$EK$ &ennet½