HomeMy WebLinkAboutBEACH ROAD, GREENPORT 1931 TO ~ TOWN SUPERINTEND~T OF BIGHWAYS OF THE TOW OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NF, W YORK: The undersigned, liable to he assed~ed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby apply to you to lay out a new highway adjoining the Village of ~reenport, in the To~rn of Soutbold, Suffolk Oounty, New ~ork, to be known as Beach Road as sho~m on a certain map made by Otto W. Van Tuyl, Engineer and Surveyor in April, 1981, and. described as follows:- The westerly, southerly and westerly line of proposed highway is described as follows: Beginning a~ a point on the southerly line of Manhanset Avenue N. ~7°4S'§0e W.-6~9,29 feet from the most easterly deflection ~oint in said line as shown on said map; running thence S. 4~06' E.- 481.84 feet to a point; thence on a curve to the left whose radius is 43~ feet (said curve being tangent to the last described course at the terminus of said course) a distance of 602.33 feet to a point; thence, tangent to said curve at its terminus, S. 88°15'10~ E.-113.47 feet to a point; thence on a curve to the right whose radius is 87 feet (said curve being tangent to the last described course at the terminus of said course) a distance of 119.80 feet to a point 30 feet westerly, measured at right angles, from the division line between land of Inez Fordham on tbs east and land of Herbert Fordham on the west; thence parallel to said division line ar~l 30 feet distant westerly there- from, S. 4°21'20" B.2~8.10 feet to a point; thence on a curve to the right whose radius is 170 feet (sai~ curve being tangent to the last described course at the terminus of said coUrse) a distance of 75.39 feet to the boundary line of the ~ncorporated Village of ~reenport, The above described line is to be the westerly, soutberl2 and westerly line of said proposed highway which is to be of a uniform width of ~ feet and is to extend at its southerly terminus to the boundary line of said Incorporated Village of ~reenport wheresoever said line may now which proposed laying out will pass through the lands of ~erbert For~lham and Inez Fordham, his wife, only. ? . WE, the undersigned, a maJorit~o~.th_e_T?w~lBo~o the Town of So~ng met at ~a~er, at~pe~t, in sait To~ on the of ~ay, 1~ and considered the applicat~on day Herbert Fo~ and Inez Fov~ his w~e, ~ov the laying ou~ of a new highway to be ~own~as ~each adJoininc the V~llage of G~eenport, To~ of Southold~ S~folk ~ounty~ New Yo~k, do hereby consent that such laying out be made in acco~ance ~ith the p~ayev of the w~thin petition- Supervisor° S~perintenden~ of Highways. )Justiees ) of the ) )Peace. ) · WE, HERBERT FORDHAM and INEZ FORDHAM, his wife, of ~reenport, ~own of Southold, Suffolk County, New [ork, .in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR, to us in hand paid by Harold E. Price, To~n Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, and in further consideration of the layingl out of a new highway adjoinin~ the Village of Greenport, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as Beach Road as shown on a certain map made by Otto Van Tuyl, Engineer and Surveyor in April, 1921, and described as follows:- The westerly, southerly and westerly line of proposed highway is described as follows: Beginning~ ~t a point on the southerly line of Manhanset Avenue N. 67v45~50" W.-~19.29 feet from the most easterly deflection ~oint in said line as shown on said map; running thence S. 40~'E.- 481.84 feet to a point; thence on a curve to the left whose radius is 43~ feet (said curve being tangent to the last described course at the t. erminus of said] course) a distance of 602.,23 feet to_a point, then~e, tangen~ to said curve at its terminus, S. $3°15'10" E.-113.47 fee~ to a point; thence on a curve to the right whose radius is 87 feet (said curve being tan~en~ to the last described course at the terminus o~ said cOurse) a distance of 119.80 feet to a point 30 feet westerly, measured at right angles, from the division line between land of Inez Fordham on the east and land of Herbert Ford_ham on the west; thence paralle to said division line and 30 feet distant westerly there- from, S. 4o21~20e E.-265.~0 feet to a point; thence on a curve to the right whose radius is 170 feet (said curve Being tangent to the last described course at the terminus of said course) a distance of 75.39 feet to the boundary lin of the ~ncorporated Village of Oreenport, The above described line is to be the westerly, southerl and westerly line of said proposed highway'which is to be of a uniform width of §0 feet and is to extend at its southerl terminus to the boundary line of said Incorporated Village of 6reenport ~heresoever said line may now be, which proposed laying out passes through the land of Herbert Fordham and Inez Fordham, his wife, only, do hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Southold, fOr all land heretofore o~ned by us and included within the premises above described, and~j~o/h ~.~~/ r~)~fi~id ~o~m STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUF¥0LK* On this ~ day of May~ 1931, before me perso~a, lly came ~/~FORDHAli and INEZ FO~DHA~I~ his ~Ife~ of ~l~eenport~ Suffolk Oounty~ ]/ew ¥ork~ personally k~now~l to me a~ ~o~ to me to be the persons described in and who execute~ the foregoing instr~ent and they severally ac~owledged to me that they executed ,the s~e. Notary ~blic, Su~. Co. O~ler laying out a highway with the consent of Town Board. Written application having been made to me, to~n Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, by Herbert Fordha~ and Inez Fo~lha~, his w~fe, persons liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town, and the w~itten consent of the Town board of said town havin~ Been given as prescribed by law, and releases fro~ da~a~es having been executed By the owners of the land through which the proposed highway is to be l~i:d out, copies of which are hereto annexed~ and nothing having been paid to any claimant for such damages, it is hereby ORDERED and DETEP~INED that a highway shall be and the sa~e is hereby laid out in said Town as followed- The westerly, southerly and westerly line of proposed hlghway is described as follows~- · ~e~inningoat a point onthe southerly line of ~anhanset Avenue N. d? 48~50= W.-619.~ feet from the most easterly deflection ~eint in sa~d line as shown on.sa~d map; running thence S. 4 06e Eo-481'84 feet to a point, thence on a curve to the left whose radius is 436 feet (said curve Being tangent to the last described course at the terminus of said course) a distance of $92.~3 feet to a thence' tangent to said c~r~e at its ter~flnus, 8. ~--113.4~ feet to a point, thence on a curve to the ~lght whose radius is 87 feet (said encee being tangent to,the last described course at.the terminus of sa~d course) a d~stanee of 119.80 feet to a point 30 feet westerly, measured at right angles, rrm the division l~ne between lan~ of Inez Fo~dh~ on the east a~l laud of~e~bert For~lham on the west; thence parallel to saidodiv~sion line and 30 feet distant westerly ~er~fr~, 8. 4 21'20e E. 2~.~0 feet to a point~ thence on a curve to the right r~tlius Is 1~0 feet (said c~e ~ei~ tangent to the last ~escribed coupon at the to--us ~ sa~d course) a ~st~oe of ~5.$~ feet to the boundary line ~ the l~o~povated The able descriB~ l~ne ~s to be the westerly, southerly a~ ~stevly l~ne ~sa~ pv~ee~ hi~w~ is to be ~ a ~ifo~ ~dth ~ ~ feet ~ ~s to exte~ at ~ts southerly te~n~ to the b~ndary l~e of sa~d Incorporated Village off Greenport ~he~esoevev said line may now he,, Sg~tR highway Being 50 fee~ in ~dth. Dated this 1st day e~ May~ 1951. Town S~perintend~nt o~ Highways Town off Southold. T05~ OF S OUT. J! OI/~ . In tbe'I~atter of the Application -of- '~FORD~bJ~ an~ INEZ FORDHA%f~ his wife, for the layin.~ out of a new highway adjoininF, the Village of Oreenport, in the To%m of Sour~hold, SufTolk County, New Xo~'ks to be known as BEACt! ~OAD. APPLICATION, CONSENT OF T0~ BOARD, RELEASE OF D~GES. HERBERT FORD HAM I I I BROADWAY NEW YORK ~ay 11, 1931 .~r. John Hoffman Greenport, 1~. Y. Dear Mr. Hoffman: Enclosed please find copy of the papers in the mat- ter of Beach Road. In this matter the refusal of tl~e Town Board and of the Superintendent of Highways to accept and lay out the highway after having theretofore voted to do so presents these questions to the people: (1) Do they desire the road or do they not ? (2) Do they wish would be benefactors of the town, who expend from $1200 to $1500 in building a road and offer it freely to the public, to be treated by the town authorities with contempt- uous and insolent effrontery ? The sole alleged reason for the refusal of the town of- ficials to accept and to lay cut the highway iS as follows: Mrs. Fordham and I did not sign the illegal and im- proper release submitted to us by Mr. George C. Terry, town counsel, which release was an absolute conveyance of the fee of the land. Such a conveyance we had not offered to make and had no intention of making. Are we to be asked to convey this long strip of land, surrounded by other land of ours, to the town by absolute deed so that the town can convert the land into a public dump, or use it for storing cars, trucks &c. ? To ask us so to do is an insult to our © Nr. ~ohn Hoffman -~-, May 11, 1951 intelligence. Therefore, we corrected the release submitted by in- serting the words ,for highway purposes only,. To these appropriate words the town officials in the absence of counsel took exception. They did not ask for advice or desire it; they out of their own super- ior knowledge refused to follow the law as it is and always has been and made the law over to suit themselves. It may be of interest to look more attentively at the papers submitted by the town counsel. He refused, I am told, to allow my attorney or any one but himself to draw the papers. Then he neglected to draw them. After resorting to urgent measures - I was preparing for a long absence - ! succeeded in getting the papers from him. Before he drew them I offered to bet Otto Van Tuyl twenty five to one that he would make at least one error. This offer Mr. Van Tuyl wisely declined. There are more errors than one: (1) My name is given as #Henry" in two places - an excel- lent name but not mdne. (2) The release was not a release for highway purposes but an absolute conveyance. (3) The papers follow neither the provisions in the first part of S 191 of the Highway Law nor those for the alternative pro- ceeding provided for later in the section but seem to be an attempt to combine both proceedings, which is not authorized by law (A) There is no proposed order laying out the highway to be signed by the Town Superintendent as required by S 191 but only a consent for the Town Board and Town Superintendent to sign. In 0 0 John Hoff fman '-3- May 11, 1931 other words, he enter it. to a~ ~o care is to consent that he enter an order and then not There is no secret ~bout this letter. to read it. It ia open TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHV:AYS OF THE TOE OF S0UTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NE~ YORK: The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby apply to you to lay out a new highway adjoining the Village of Greenport, in the Town of Scuthold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known es Beach Road ae shown on a certain map made by Otto W. Van Tuyl, Engineer and Surveyor in April, ].931, and described as follows:- The westerly, southerly and westerly line of proposed highway is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of ~anhanset Avenue N. 67oA8'§0. W.-619.29 feet from the most easterly deflection point in said line as shown on said map; running thence S. 4o08' E.- AS1.SA feet to a point; thence on a curve to the left whose radius is A~ feet (said curve being tangent to the last described course at the terminus of said course) a distance of 602.~$ feet to a point; thence, tangent to said curve at its terminus, S. 8~1~'10'' E.-ll~.A? feet to a point; thence on a curve to the right whose radius is 87 feet (said curve being tangent to the last described course at the terminus of said course) a distance of 119.@0 feet to a point JO feet westerly, measured at right angles, from the division line between land of Inez Fordham on the east and land of Herbert Fordham on the west; thence parallel to said division line and ~0 feet distant westerly there- from, S. 4~21'20" E.268.10 feet to a point; thence on a curve to $~he right whose radius is 170 feet (said curve being tangent to the last described course at the terminus of said course) a distance of ?~.~9 feet to the boundary line of the Incorporated Village of Greenport, The above described line is to be the westerly, southerly and westerly line of said proposed highway which is to be of a uniform width o~ ~0 feet and is to extend at its southerly terminus to the boundary line of said Incorporated Village of Greenport wheresoever said line may now be, which proposed laying out will ~ss through the lands of ~erbert Vordham and Inez ~ordham, his wife, only. Dated this first day of ~ay, 1931. ~erbert F.~dham ~ez Fordham WE~ the undersigned, a majority ,of the Tova1~Bo~d of the Town of So~ing met at t.hc ~fffi~. ~, at~~, in said To~ on the day of ~ay, 29~1, ~d considered the application of Merbert For~ and Inez For~, his wife, for the laying out of a new highw~ to be kno~ as Beach Road adjoining the V~llage of Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, do hereby consent that such l~ing out be made in accordance with the prayer of the within petition. Supervisor ~gseph N., Hallock Town Clerk. IJus~ices of the Peace Superintendent of Highways. WE, HERBERT FORDHAM and INE, Z FORDHAM, his wife, of Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR, to us in hand paid by Warold E. Price, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, and in further consideration of the laying out of a new highway adjoining the Village of Greenport, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as Beach Moad as shown on a certain map made by Otto Va~ Tuyl, Engineer and Surveyor in April, 1931, and described as follows:- The westerly, southerly and westerly line of proposed highway is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of ~anhanset ~.venue N. 67o48,§0, V~.619.29 feet from the most easterly deflection point in said line as shown on said map; running thence S. 4o06'E.- 481.8~ feet to a poiSt; thence on a curve to the left whose radius is ~36 feet (said curve being tangent to the last described course at the terminus of said ~ourse) a distance of 602.J~ feet ~o a point; thence, tangent ~o said curve at its terminus, S.83~15,10. E.-l13.~? feet ~o a point; thence on a curve to the right whose radius is B? feet (said curve being tangent to the last described course at the terminus of said course) a distance of llg. So feet to a point 30 feet westerly, measured at right angles, from the division line between land of Inez Fordhar~ on the east and land of Herbert Fordh~m on the west; thence parallel tc said division line and 30 feet distant westerly there- from, S. ~21'20" E.-26B.lO feet to a point; thence on a curve to the right whose radius is 170 feet (said curve being tangent to the last described course at the terminus of said course) a distance of 7§.39 feet to the boundary line of the Incorporated Village of Greenport, The above described line is to be the westerly, southerly and westerly line of said proposed hiMhway which is to be of a uniform width of ~0 fee~ and is to ~tend at its southerly terminus to the boundary line of said Incorporated Village of Greenport wheresoever said line may now be, which proposed la~lng out passes through the land of Herbert Fordham and Inez Fordham, his wife, only, do hereby dedicate and r~lease to the Town of Southold ~for highway purposes only,~ ............................ '.~._. all land heretofore o~'ned by us and included within the premises above described, and do hereby relesse said Town from all damages by reason of the layir~ out of the said new highway. Herbert For dham Dated May 1, 19~1 Inez Fordham STATE OF NEW YORK, SS:- ~0UI~TY OF SUF~'0LK. On this ~ of May, 1931, before me personally cam~0RDHAM and INEZ FORDHAM, his wife, of Greenport, Suffolk County, New York, personally known to me and known to me to be the persons described in and who executed the ~regoing instrument and they severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Frank J. McMann NOtary Public, Surf. Co. TO~;~ O~V SOUTHOLD. In the Matter of the Application -of- ~ORDHAM and INEZ ~HAM. his wife. for the laying out of a new highway adjoining the Village of Greenport, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as BEACH ROAD. APPLICATION, CONS~J~ OF TO~NBOARD, ~:~L~ASE OF DAMAGES. In the Matter of the alteratlon of a certain To~n highway known aa Beach Road in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Mew York. Application having been duly made to me Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold by Herbert Fordham and Inez Fordha~, his wife, persons liable to be assessed for highway taxes In seid Town and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town as prescribed by law and releases from damages having been executed by the oeners of said land through which the proposed alteration is to be made, coples of which are hereto annexed, It ls hereby (~DERED and DETERMIMED that the said highway shall be altered by adding to same the following described property:- Being a triangular piece of lend at the intersection of Greenport Village Highway known as Beach Place and the Southold Town Highway kno~ra as Beach Road, described es follows:- BEGINNING at the southerly terminus of the easterly llne of the said town highway known as Beach Road, said point being on the boundary line of the Village of Greenport, and running thence northeasterly along said easterly line of Beach Road eighteen feet, more or less, to the westerly line of lend of Inez Fordham, one of the undersigned; thence alon~ said ~esterly line of land of Inez For~lham, S. 4°21~20. E. twenty three feet, more or less, to the northerly end of Beach Place, being on the boundary line of the o Village of Greenport; thence along last mentioned line, N. 54 33' 50" W. nine and 29/100 feet to the point and place of beginning. Dated thls / ~-2~- day of October, 1937. Superintendent of Highwaya, Town of Sour hold. TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIG~NAYS IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK, AND TO THE TOWN BOARD OF SAID TOWN: The undersigned by an instrument in writing bearing date the first day ef ~ay, 1931, having applied for the laying out of a new highway to be known as Beach Road, and by another instrument in writing of the same date.having dedicated and released to the TOwn of SDuthold, for highway purposes only, all the land included in the said highway; and thereafter and on the eighth day of ~ay, 1931, the TOwn Board and the Super- intendent of Highways having executed an instrument in writing ;consenting to the laying out of the said highway; and pursuant thereto and in accordance with the statute in such case made land provided, Harold Price, Town Superintendent of Highways, Town of Southold, having made an order laying out the said ~ highway; And thereafter by an instrument in writing bearing date ~ the fifteenth day of January, .1937, the undersigned ihaving dedicated and released to the Village of GPeenport, Suffolk County, New York, for street and highway purposes only, all the land included in two proposed streets, namely, Beach Street and Beach Place; and the said streets having been duly accepted and laid out as streets by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Greenport in accordance with the statute in such case made and provided; And by reason of said laying out of said Beach Place there now remaining a small triangular piece of land belonging to Herbert Fordham, one of the undersigned, lying outside the Village of Greenport, north of Beach Place and between Beach Place and Beach Road but not yet a part thereof; Now, therefore, in view of the premises and in con- sideration of the sum of one dollar to us in hand paid by Harold Price, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, and in further consideration of the laying out of the land hereinbefore referred to and hereinafter described as a part of the highway known as B~ach Road, a highway of the TOwn of Southold, and maintaining it as such: said tri- angular piece of land being described as follows: Beginning at the southerly terminus of the easterly line of the said town highway known as Beach Road, said point being on the boundary line of the Village of Greenport, and running thence northeasterly along said easterly line of Beach Road eighteen f~et, more or less, to the westerly line of land of Inez Fordham, one of the undersigned; thence along said westerly line of land of Inez Fordham, S. 4° El' 20" E. twenty three feet, more or less, to the northerly end of Beac~ Place, being on the boundary line of the V~llage of Greenport thence along last mentioned line, N. 54° 33' 50" W. nine and R9/1OO feet to the point and place of beginning: which proposed laying out passes through the land of Herbert Fordham only, do hereby dedicate and release to th T~wn of Southold, for highway purposes only, all land hereto- fore owned by us, or either of us, and included within the premises above described, and do hereby release said Town from all damages by reason of the laying out of the said new portion of said highway. Dated :~~~~~_/~ State of New York) )ss: On this ~'~' County of Suffolk ) day of St~, 1937, befor~ me personally came Herbert Fordham and Inez Fordham, his wife personally to me known and known to me to be the same persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and they that a e. severally acknowledged to me~th~ We, the undersigned, a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, having met at the office of the Supervisor in the village of Greenport in said Town on the /~ day offS, 1937, and having~heretofore requested the dedication and release of a small triangular piece of land for highway purposes in order that there may be no break between Beach Road in said town and Beach Place in the Village of Greenport, and having before us said dedicatia and release duly executed by Herbert Fordham and Inez Fordham his wife, do hereby accept the same and do hereby consent tha said land be laid out as a highway and become a part of Beach Road in said Town. ~'~~ Supervisor ..:~~/ ~->o~-~ Town Clerk /~-/~~' iJustlces ~/~ ~ ~of the Superintendent of Highways 19~? in the ~-atter o~ the alteration o£ a certain Town highway known as Beach Road in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. PETITION, RELEASE, CONSENT OF TO~]I BOARD, ORDER and SURVEY.