HomeMy WebLinkAboutBEEBE DRIVE- DEER FOOT PATH...TOW'N OF SOUTHOLD: STATE OF N~i YORK In the Matter of the Application of WILLI~ M. BEEBE, HARRY E o MASON and FLORA B. ~L~SON, and HAt~aZ E. MASON and FLORA B. M~SON as Trustees under the Last Will and Testament of William Ho Mason, deceased, for laying out new highways at Little Neck in East Cutchogue~ Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, to be known as Beebe Drive, Deer Foot Path, Moose Trail and Antler Lane, and Fawn Lane ~ APPLICATION To the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York: WE, the undersigned petitioners, WILLIAM M. BEEBE, residing at Cutchogue, Suffolk County, New York, and HARRY E. M~SON and FLO~& B. I~.SON, both resmdmno at New Suffolk, Suffolk County, New York, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the To~n of Southotd, hereby apply to the Town Supe~mntendent of Highways to lay out new highways at Little Neck, East Cutchog~e~ in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of New York, to be kno~ as Beebe Drive, Deer Foot Path, Moose Trail and and Fawn Lane, Antler Lane. y/and more fully described in Schedule hereto anuexedo A Map of said proposed highways has been made by Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son, Licensed Land Surveyors, Grmaport, New York and is annexed hereto and made part of this application. Annexed hereto and made a part of this application is a release and dedication to the Town of Southold by the pes~5~one_s herein, over whose property said ~ h_ghways are to run. Dated: July ll, 1960. STATE OF NEW Y0Y$i: : se CO~Nu~ OF SL~FOLK~ William M. Beebe ~tar~y ~./Mason Flora B. Mason WILLIAM M. BEEBE, PL~.RRY E. -MASON and FLORA Bo ~SON~ each being duly sworn, deposes and says thathe is the petitioner here- in~ that he has read the foregoing petition and knows time contents thereof, and that the same is true to his omm knowledge, except as to the matters f~ereiu stated to be alleged upon information and belief aud as to TOW~ OF SOUTHOLD, STATE OF N~[ In the M~tter of the Application of WILLIAM M. BEEBE, EAERY E. M~iSON and FLOP~ B. M~ASON, s. nd HARRY Es M~tSON and FLORA B. MASON as Trustees under the Last Will and Testament of William H. Mmson, deceased, for laying out new highways at Little Neck, in East Cutchogue, Town of Sonthold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, to be known as Beebe Drive, Deer Esot Ea_th. Moose Trail and Antler Lane, and RELEASE WE~ WILLIAM M. BEEBE, HARRY E. M~SON an8 FLORA B. MASON, being the o~u~ers of ce_tamn land at Little Neck, East Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffo]k and State of New York~ over which lands certain proposed highways kno~ as Beebe Drive, and Fawn Lane, Desr Foot Path~ Moose Trail and Antler Lans_/and described in the application in the above entitled matter, dated Ju~y ll , 1960~ will pass~ Now~ in consideration of One ($1~00) Dollar to us in hand pa_d by Harold D. Price~ Superintendent of the Hmgh~ays of said Soutnola Town, and in further conezderatzou of the laying out of the new highways, knowm as Beebe Drive, Deer Foot Path~ Moose and Pawn Lane Trail and Antler Lano_~ do hereby release and dedicate to the Town of SoutholS.. all the land heretofore owned by us and through which said prooosed highways will pass~ and mo~e ~ully described iu Schedule ~q&u he~e~o annexed. And we do release the said Town of Southo!d from all damages by reason of the laying out of said highways. STATE OF NEW Y0tCK: ~ SS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: On this //~day o~'~/~~ 1960~be£ore! me~ the subscribe_~ personally appeared ~ILLIAM M. BEEBE~ H~RRY Es i~tSON and FLORA B. .~iSON, to me personally known and known to me to be the same peEsous described in and who executed the withinznstrumeu~~ ~ and ney S~vezs~k~uowlemged to m that they execu~ d the ams. ~ ~x~ire~ ~h 30, !9~ ~ TOWN 0F SOUTHOLD, STATE 0F NLm~ YORK In the Matter of the Application of WILLIAM M4 BEEBE, HARRY E. MASON and FLORA B. MASON, and HARRY E. MASON and FLORA B. MASON as T~ustees under t.he Last Will and Testament of William H. Mason, deceased, for laying out new highways at Lithe Neck, in East Cutchogme, Towu of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, to be known as Beebe Drive, Deer Foot Path~ Moose Trail, Antler Land and ~awn Lane. RELEASE WE, JOHN T. BEEBE and EDITH E. BEEBE, his wife, residing ~t Little Neck, East Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, County of S~ffoik and State of New York, being the owners of easements over which certain proposed highways known as Beebe Drive and Moose Trail and described in the Application in the above matter dated July ll , 1960 will pass, Now, in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar to us in hand paid by Harold D. Price, Superintendent of the Highways ef said Eouthold Town, and in further consideration of the laying out of ~aid new highways ~nown as Beebe Drive and Moose Trmil, do hereby ~elease to the Town of So~lthold the easement heretofore owned by ~s and ~which proposed highways will pass. And we do release to said Town of Southold from all damages ~y reason of the laying out of said highways. ~Ith E. ~eebe ~ ~TATE OF NEW3:~OEK: SS ~OUNTY OF SUFFOLK: On this ///~day of July~ 1960, before me, the ~ub~c~ibe~, ~ersonally appeared JO~ T. B~BE and EDITH E. B~BE, to me ~e~sonally ~nown and kno~ to me to be the s~e persons described ~n and who executed the within inst~ent and they severally ~cknowledged to me that they exec~~~ the s~e. / WILL~AM ~[CKF~ · ~OTARY PUBL!Q STiTE GF NEW ~ TO¥~ 'OF SOUTHOLD, STATE OF h~EW YORK In the Matter of the Application of WILLIAM M. BEEBE, HARRY E. MASON and FLORA B. MASON, and HARRY E. N~SON and FLORA B. MASON as Trustees under the Last Will and Testament of William H. Mason, deceased, for laying out new highways at Little Neck in East Cutchogue Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, to be known as Beebe Drive, Deer Foot Path, Moose Trail Antler Lane~ and Fawn Lane. We, the undersigned, being a majority of the CONSENT Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, having duly met at a regular meeting of said Town Board at the office of the S~ at Mattituck,L.I., iu said Town, on the 2tst day of July ~ 1960~ and having duly conslde_ed the application of WILLIAM Mo BEEBE, HARRY E. M~SON and FLORA B. ~SON, dated the tithday of July , 1960, for the laying out of new highways at Little Neck, in East Cutchogue~ and to be known as Neebe Drive, Deer Foot Path, Moose Trail, Antler Lane and Fawn Lane, do hereby consent that such laying out be made ~.~ accordance with said ~mpsrvisor ~ustic~i of the Peac~ J~s~tice o~~ ~he Peace STATE OF NEW YORK COD-NTY OF SUFFOLK, T01~ OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Application of WILLIAM M. B~EBE, HAREY E. F~iSON and FLORA B. MASON~ and HARRY E~ MASON and FLORA Bo ~SON : as Trustees Under the Last Will and Test~umeut of William H, Mason, deceased, for laying out: new highways at Littl8 Neck, iu East Cutchogue Town of SoUthold, County of Suffolk, State of: New YOrk, to be known as Beebe Drive, Deer Foot Path~ MOOse Trail, Antler Laue, and Fawn: Lane. written application haying been duly made to me ORDER LAYING OUT HIGHWAYS WITH T~ CONSENT OF T~_~ TOWN BOARD. the Town Superintendent of Highway~ for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the ayzng out of five To~m Highways in the ~ ..... sa_d Town of Southold, by ~l±zam Mo Beebe, Har_~y E. Mason and Flora B. F~son, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town, and the written consent of the Town Board of said Totem having been given as prescribed by law~ and a dedication and release from damages having been executed, acknowledged and delivered by th~ o~¢aers of the lands throUgh which the five proposed highways are proposed to be lald out, a copy of which is hereto annexed~ and nothing having beenpa_d~ to any c!azmant' ~o~- such damages, NOW, T?~REFO_~E, !~ the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County~ New York~ DO DETErmiNE AND 0P~ER that five town highways shall be, and the same are hereby laid out at Little Neck, in East Cutchogue, each of which shall be fifty feet in width, as set forth in the Schedule Dated, the hereto annexed~ ~Ha~rold D. Pr!ce~ To~ Superintendent :~ oz Hmghways~ Town of Southold, Su~fol~ County, New York S CHEiFJLE "A" BEEBE DRIVE BEGINNING at a monument set on the southerly line of EmgeneSs Road 566.14feet westerly along said line from the westerly line of Little Neck Road; running thence through land of William M. Beebe and others, seven courses, as follows: 1. South 13~ 09~ 20" East 359.63 feet; 2. South 30~ 14e 30" West 3. South 13~ 09~ 40" East South 31~ ~!~ 20" East 5. Somth 57° 30~ 00" East 6. South 17~ 09~ 30" East thence 509.39 feet; thence 371.92 feet; thence 331.15 feet; thence 148.35 feet; thence 703.97 feet; thence 7. South 2t~ 58~ 30" East 7.06 feet to land of Wilson ~thi~l; thence along said land of Wilson Tmthill, South 78e 2~~ 40" West 50.83 feet; thence again through said land cf William M. Beebe and others, six co~rses as Follows: North 17° 09~ 30~ West North 57~ 30® 00" West ~erth 31~ 44~ 20" West North 13~ 09~ 40" West North 30~ 14~ 30" Eaet 13~ 09® 40" West of said Eugene's Road; thence along said line of North 77~ 08* 10" East 50.0 feet to m monmment and strip of 6. North southerly line Eugene~s Road, the point of beginning. The above described being a land 50 feet in width throughout its length. . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEERFOOT PATH BEGINNING at the southerly end of the first course above described of the easterly line of Beebo Drive 359.63 feet southerly f~om the southerly line of Emgene~s Road and ~nning thence ou the direct extension of said course, South 13~ 09® 40" East 1128.67 feet to a concrete mon~ent and the northerly line 687.73 feet; thence 141.41 feet; thence 350.77 feet; thence 398.50 feet; thence 509.39 feet to a mon~ment; thence 340.00 feet to a monument on the of Noose Trail hereinafter described; thence along said line of Moose Trail, South 77~ 27® 40u West 50 feet to a concrete monu- ment; thence North 13e 09· 40" West 10~0.25 feet; thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 13.93 feet a distance on said curve of 33.21 feet to a concrete monmment set on the somth- easterly line of said Beebe Drive; thence along said line of Beebe Drive, North 30~ 14® 30a East 107.77 feet to the point of beginning. All of the above passing through land of William M. Beebe and others and being a strip 50 feet in width excepting where widened by cmrve at its intersection with said Beebe Drive. · * *- * * . . . . . . . . ANTLER LANE BEGInnING at a monmment on that course of the westerly line of Beebe Drive above described which runs North 13~ 09· 40" West 398.50 feet, at a point on said course 378.60 feet northerly from the southerlyend of said course; ~Anning thence, South 76~ 50~ 20" West 400 feet to the Gutter; thence along the~utter to a point which is, North 27~ 47~ 50" East 135.%9 feet from the last described point; thence North 86~ 30~, O0~ East 340.00 feet to a monument and the northwesterly line of said Beebe Drive; thence along said line of Beebe Drive, South 30~ l~· 30" West 35.0 feet; thence along the westerly line of said Beebe~Drive, South 13~ 09® 40" East 19.90 feet to ~ monument and the point of beginning. All of the above passing through land of William Mo Beebe and others and being a strip of land at least 50 feet in width at its easterly end and 100 feet in width at its westerly end. MOOSE TRAIL BEGINNING at a monnment on the westerly line of Little Neck Road 149~.18 feet from the somtherly line of Eugene.s Read; running thence along the westerly line of said Little Neck Road, two courses, as follows: 1. south 12° 53~ 30" East 35.00 feet; thence 2. Somth 12~ 35® 00~ East 15.00 feet to a monument; thence South ~7~ 27~ 40"'West 699.83 feet to a monument on the easterly line of above described Beebe Drive; thence along said line of Beebe Drive, two courses, as follows: 1. North 17~ 09~ 30" West 15.15 feet; thence 2. North 57~ 30® 00" West 49.30 feet to a monument on said easterly line of Beebe Drive; thence North 77~ 27~ 40" East 735.65 feet to a monument ~t pn~.the westerly line of said Little Neck Road and the point or place of beginning. All of the above ~assing through land of William M. Besbe and others and being a ~trip of land 50 feet in width. FAWN LANE BEGI~UNING at a monument set on the westerly line of Little Neck Road 454.22 feet southerly along said line from the south- erly line of Moose T~ail above described; ru~ulug thence along said line of Little Neck Road, South 12~ 35® 00" East 50.01 feet to a monument set in said westerly line of Little Neck Road; thence, South 78~ 24® 40" West 660.47 feet to a monument on that course of the easterly line of Beebe Drive which ~mns So~th 17~ 09~ 30" East at a point on that course 193.96 feet northerly from the southerly end of said course; thence along said easter- ly line of Beebe Drive, North 17~ 09a 30" West 50.23 feet to a monument on saideasterly line of Beebe Drive; thence North 78e 24~ 40" East 664.47 feet to a monument °nsald westerly line of ~ittleNeck Road, the point or place of beginning. All of the above passing through land of William M. Beebe and others and being a strip of land 50 feet in~idth. MASON, and HARRY E. MASON/ and FLORA B. MASON am T~u~ tees under The Last Wlll~n~ Testament of William Mason, deceased, for laying out new highways at Little Neck, in East Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County o£ Suffolk, State of New York, to be known as Beebe Drive, Deer ~oot Fath, Moose T~ail. Antler Lane, and Fawn Lane.' O~de~, Consent, Applicatio! and Releases IS ~v'ioosg COVE ',, . [ Z ILl . p- L I 7--7-Z.. --/-O la/,,',/ OF .~ O L~ f ~u,~'.~oL K Couzv vY~ Iv.