HomeMy WebLinkAboutBAYVIEW AVENUE, West GREENPORT 1953STATE OF N~[~ YOEK~ COUNTY OF SUFFO/~f TOWN OF $OUTHOLD, In the Matter of the L~ying out of a certain Town Highway in the T~wn of Southold ~ County of Suffolk and State of New York. CONSE~ OF ,,TOWN BOAt~D~ UPON READINGAND FILING the dedication am~ release of GEORGE Ho IC~ELIN dated ~ ~ ~ 195~ and duly acknowledged~ dedicating and releasing the necessary lands for a certain proposed flown highway to be known as BAYVI~¥~ AVE~. RESOLVED~ that consent be and the same hereby is given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold~ make an order laying out 2he aforesaid Town Highway to c~nsist of the lands described in the said dedication and release and to e~tend as delineated upon the map annexed to said application~ all in accordance with the provisions of Section l?l of the Highway Law of the S~ate of N~w York. Dated~ at the office of the Supervisor of the Town ef $outhold~ at Greenport~ N.Yo~ TOWN BOARD OF THE TO%¥N OF $OUTH~ COUNTY OF SUFFOItf~ STATE OF ~M Y~ Supervisor~. ~' own Justic cf th ~S STATE OF 5~M YORK COUNTY OF SUFFG~ TOWN OF $OUTHO~ In the Matter of the laying out of a certain Town Highway in the Town of Southoid, Co-o~ty of Suffolk and State of New York. ORDER ~LAY!NG OUT HIGISYAY %¥ITH TkT~ CONS T TOWH ORAL APPLICATION having been duly made to me the Town Superintendent of Hmgh.~ays for the Town of Southold~ Suf~lk County~ New York~ for the laying out of a certain Town High- way in the said Town of Southoid by C~0EGE Ho EAELIN~ liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town: and the writte~ consent of the Town Board o~ said Town having been given as prescribed by law~ and a dedication and release from damages hav~g seen executed~ acknowledged and delivered by the owner: of the lands through which the proposed highway is oroDosed to be laid out~ a coPy of which is hereto annexed ~nd- no~nmng a~v~ng been paid to any claimant ~or such damages~ NOW.~ T~REFORE~ I~ the Town Superintendent ~f Highways of the Town of Southold~ Suffolk County~ New ¥ork~ DO B~REBY DETEPA~IINE AND ORDE~ that the town highway shall be~ and the same is hereby laid o~t in said Town as ~ollows~ and is to be known as BAYVI~ AVE>YJEwhmch shall be fifty feet mn widths- ~ ~ · a lying and ALL that tract or parcel of !and~ ~tua~e~ being at Arshamomoque~ in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and ~tate of New ¥ork~ bounded and described as follows~ BEGINh~ING at a concrete monument set at the inter- section of the northwesterly line of Colony Road and the southwesterly line of Ba~iew Avenue~ as it now e.~ists~ and z~nning thence NOrth 46~ 41~ 30" ~est 670.82 feet along other land of George H. Kaolin to a point~ running thence SoUth~ 62~ 45~ O0~ West 83o?1 feet along other land of George H. Kaolin to a points run_ninE thence South ~* 27~ 40~ V~est ll0 feet more or less to the ordin~ry highwater mark of Arsha~ momoque Pond (also known as ~ill Creek)$ thence in a north- westerly direction ~0 feet more or less along the ordinary~ ~,,r~ Creek) highwater mark of irshamomodF~e Pond (also known as ~ll to land of Valentine -~uch~ rur~_uing thence No_~th ¢~e 27~ 40~ Eas. t 130 feet more or less along land of Va_enteric nuch to a ooznti rur~uing thence North 62~ 4~ 00~' EaSt 122o26 feet still ~long land of Valentine Ruch to a point i rm~n.~ng' :~4 thence South 46~ 41~ 30" East 738o91 feet along land of Jo Herbert C=ss.dy~ 4 to a point on the northwesterly line of Colony Roads and rur=.mng thence Bouth 76~ 30~ ~0" ~fest gg.?~ fee% along the Northwesterly line of Colony Road to the concrete monument at the point or place of beginning. Dated~ this 7~ day of ~-~ !9~B. ~~{ighways Town of Southold~ Su~zolk County~ New York° STATE OF h~V YORK~ COUNTY OF S%~FFOLK~ TO~N OF SOUTHOID ~__ In t~e ~tter of the Laying out of a certain Town~ghway in the Town of Southold~ Co~ty of Suffolk and State of New York. D~ICATION and YA~IEREAS ~ application has been duly~ made to the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of $outhold~ in the County of Suffo~ and State of New ¥ork~ for the laying out of a certain t~wn highway to be k~own as BA -Y~-IE~ AVEICJE ~ and W~REAS~ GEORC~ Ho KAELIN~ of Southoid~ Town of Southold~ Suffolk County~ New Yo~ is the owner of the premises to be dedicated as hereinafter provided~ and is the only person~ firm or corporation having any interest in the lands through which the hig~ay is proposed to be opened. NO~ THEPj~VORE~ the said GEORGE H. EAELIN~ in consideration of the sum of 0~ ($1o00) ~OLiAR~ to him in hand paid~ ~y ~ROLD PRICE~ Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of $outhold~ the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged~ and in further consideration of the laying out of a new highway at Arshamomoque~ in the Town of Southold~ ~uffolk Co~nty~ New York~ to be known as BAYVi~ A~JE. DOFFS HEREBY D~ICATE: RE WLE~.SE AA~D COHORT TO THE SAID T~#N OF ~OUTHOLD~ for higbz~ay purposes~ the following iands~ to w~t.~ ALL that ~tract or oarcel of land~ situa,te~ lying and being at ~.rsnamomoque~ in the Town of Soutnold~ County of Suffolk and State of NeW York~ bounded and aesc~bed as -~ ollo~s. BEGINNING at a concrete monument set at the inter- section of the nortMvesterly line of Colony Road and t he southwesterly line of Bayview Avenue~ as it now e×ists~ and rurn~ing thence North ~6~ ~ 30~' West 670.82 feet along other land of George H. Kaolin to a point; running thence South 62~ ~g~ O0~ ~est 83.?1 feet along other !and of George Ho Kaolin to a pointS running thence South ~* 27~ 40~, West 110 feet more or less to the ordimmry n~ater mark of Arsha- momoque Pond (also known as Mill wee~ ' C- ~S thence zn a nor~n- westerly direction ~0 feet more or less along the ordinary highwater mark of Arshamomeq~e Pond (also l~aown as ~ill Creek to land of Valentine Ruths ruzming thence No_tn ~* 27~ 40" East 130 feet more or less along land of Valentine Ruch to a pointS ~.nning ~henc~ North 62e 45~ 00" East 122.26 feet stilt ~long land of Valentine Ruch to a points running thence Southi 46~ 41~ 30" East ~38.91~along land of ~o Herbert Cassidy to a point on the northwesterly line of Colony RoadS and runnin~ thence South 76* 30~ ~0'~ ~est ~9-7~ feet along the north- westerly line of Colony Road to the concrete monument at the point.or place of beginning~ said oarcel of land being ~0 feet in wimth ~hroughout. - Ah~~ the said GEORGE H. KAELIN does hereby release said Tovzn from all damages by reason of the laying out of the said above described new hlgh IN YTIT~ESS ~&~b?EREOF~ set the said GEORGE H. KAELIN has his hand and seal this ~'~ day of ~ STATE OF NEW YOPJ{ ) : SS.: COUSTY OF SUFFOLK ) ~ ,. ~ 0n this ~x day of/~~, 19~l, before me~ tae subscriber: personallya~aobeared GEORGE H. KAELIN~ to me person~lly~ known and know'to me to be the same person described in and who executed the within Instrument~ and he duly acknowledged to me that he e×eeute~ the same, STATE OF NE~ YOP~ C 0U~Y OF In the l~atte~ Of t~~.y~' ~n~ ihs T~n of Southold~ Com~y of $~ffolk a~ St~.te of New UPON F~ING M~D FI~NG th~ dedication a~d release of GEORGE H. ~L~ dated ~ ~ ~ 19~ and ~uly acl~wledEed~ dedicating and _eleaszng the lands for s certa~ proposed ~ .=o ~n highway to be ~vn as BA~I~&~ AV~F~. ~~ that consent ~ ar~ the same he,by given that the T~n S%~perinte~ent of Hig~ays of the Town of oouthole~ .make an order zay~ug out ihe afoz~esaid Town Hig~ay ~o oonsist of the ~nds described in the said ~ea~e an~ ~o extend as de,nested upon the map a~exed to said app~c~t~on~ all ~ accordance with tn~ provisio~ of Section z~l of the Higher, ay Law of the S~ate Dated~ at the office of the Supervisor of the Town of S~u~ho~dt~*~ ?~ Greenport~ N~Y.~ COUJ~Y OF SD~FFOLK~ STATE OF E~E%Y ~ S~pervisor. Justi of th 'Peace STATE OF ~ YORK COU~ OF S~FOLE tn the Ratter of the lay~ug out of a certain Town HiEhway in the T~wn of $outhold~ County of Suffo~ and State of N~w Tork. BOA PD, O?~L APPLICATION having been duly made to F~ the ~own Superintendent of I~gh~ays For the Town of Sout~old~ Suffo%~ Coun~y~ New York~ for the 1 aylng o~t of a oertazn T6wn High~ way in the said Town.of Southold by ~OEGE H, F~.ELIN~ liable to be mssessed for ~g~ay t~zes in said Town~ and the conse~_~ of the'TO~n Boa~ of said T~n havre been given as ~d a dedication and ~lease fro~ damages p~escribed_ . by law~. ~' ' having been executed~ ac~owledged a~ delive~d by the o~ner of the lands ~h~ough ~hich ~? p~oposed high, Fay is %o ~e ~id ou~ a cory of WPAch is hereto ~exed~ and no~n~g hav~n~ been paid %0 Shy Ctzi~n$ For such ds~ges~ · N0~Y ~ T~q~FOi~. . i~ the Town Sup~rintendent~ of HiE~sys of '~h~ Town of. Souuhold~ Suffolk Co~tyt New ~'ork~ ~ t?mt.th~ ~town highway s~mlI be~ and th%- out ~n sa~d Town. as follows ~ and is to be known as ~%ch sha£1 be fifty 'feet in A~L thav tract or pareet ~_ iand~ ~ztuat~, iy~%~ and bei~ at Arshamomoque~ in the Town of S6uthold~ County of Suz~olk =nd State o_ New Tor~ bou~de~ ~nc d~scr~bed as foll~s ~ BEGIi¥~NG at a concrete monument set at the inter~ section of the D~rt?~esterly line of Colony ROad and the southwesterly line of Ba~ie~Avenu% as it now e~ists~ and ra~ming than~s North ~6~ 41' cO~ West 8?0.82 feet along other land of George H. Kaolin to a point~ r,muning thence South 82~ ~' OO'~ ~-est 83.~1 feet along other iar~ of George Kae!i_u to a points r~o~u~g th~uee South ~ 27~ ~0~ ~est IlO Feet more or less to the ordinary ~Eb~ater mark of aomoq%%e Pond (also F~u~n as ~lil Creek)$ thence in a north- westerly direction ~0 feet more or less along the ordinary hlghwater mark of Arshamomoque Pond (aisc known as ~ill Creek to land of Valentine Ruch~ rurming thence North ~ 27~ ~0~ East I30 feet more or less along lam~ of Valentine ~ch to a points r%%~uing thence North 62e 8~, O0~ East 122,2~ feet stil~ along land of Valent~e Euch to a points rumaing thence South 85~ ~l~ 30~ East 738o9i feet along land of J, Herbert Cassidy to a point on the north%?esterly line of Color~ Road~ and ruing thence ~outh 76* 30' ~0~ West ~9.75 feet alo~ t~ Northwesterly llne of Colorer Road to the concrete ~onu~ent at the point or p/acs of Dated~ this ~_Y2~ day of Town of Southold~ SuffolP~ County~ !~ew ~o~k~ h~by the To~n of $~a%hold~ For hi~ey ~u~poo~s~ the feet mor~ or %ess to the ordi~ry hig~:~a~r mark o~ Arsha~ mo~:oque o~ (also ~n as l~ilI Creak)$ then~ in a north- ~$:~r~y di~ction 50 ~eet ~o~'~ or less along the ordi~mry A~ ~he said GEORGE H~ EAELIN does hereby release s~id Town from all damages by reason of the laying o~-b of the said above described ne~ higS~ay. IN ~.ITNESS ~EOF~ the said GEORGE H. KAELIN n~re~3a~o ~t his h~n~ and seal this / ~ d y gfi. / STATE OF ~ YOP2< ) COU~£Y OF SUFFOLK ) On this. ~day of ~ ~ ~9~ before ~.~ the ~bsar~b~r~ .rsona!ty ~~2~0~ H. 2~ELIN~ to me parsonaliy kn~n a~ ~uowh ~Je to be the sa~s ~rson described in and who e~cnted the within Inst~m~r~ and he duly ac~'ledged t~ me tha~ he ~e~te~ the same. -2- W~ DO I~REBY CERTIFY to the Town of Southold that we have examined the title to the premises des- cribed in the dedication of BA~¢iEW AVENb~ by George H~ Kaelin to the Town of Southold and find that title to said premises was vested in said George H~ Kaelin in fee simple at the time of said dedication® Dated: March 26~ 19~3 ~~ Attorneys at Law 220 Roanoke Avenue ~lverhead~ New York CERTIFICATE OF TITLE re: Dedication of Bayview Avenue by George H. Kaelin to the Town of Southold~ Suffolk County~ New York. Dated: March 26, 1953 $CH£1NB£RG & WOLF ATTORNEYS AT I.AW 220 ROANOKE AVENUE RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK