HomeMy WebLinkAboutBAYVIEW AVENUE, MATTITUCK TO T~E TOWN SUPEI~I~I(DENT OF NI~AYS OF T~{E TOWN OF SOUTHOLD~ IN T~E C0~qTT OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK: ~e undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southeld, hereby apply to you to lay out a new highway near ,~[attituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk an~ State of New York,' to be k~own as ~AT ?IEW AVENUE~ as Follows:- Northerly line of proposed highway - Begins at a concrete monument set on the Easterly line of ~ill Road 1370.88 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner of land of said Willard N. Bayles; runninE thence S.$3°00tl0" E.-772,$3 Feet to a concrete monument, rhone So$7e37~20~ E.-261o45 " ' " " " No?TOo3tsO" E--400o24 " " " " " N*$S054'90" E.-450 feet, more or less, to the shores of Eattituck Creek, passing th~u a concrete monument near said shots of said Creek- A~ove described highway to be of a uniform width of 50 Feet, which proposed laying out will pass through the land~ of Willard N. Bayld~ only. Dated this ~/~4~ day oF April, 1930. I. B~, wILLARD N. BAYLIS and /1~.~-~ BATLIS, his wife, of the Town of Nuntington, Suffolk County, New York, in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR, to us in hand paid by Harold Price, Tmm Superintendent of Nighways of the Town of Southold, and in £urbber consideration of the laying out of a new highway near ~{attttuck, in the Town of Southold County of Suffolk and State of New ¥orTr, to be knmm as BAY VI~# AVENUE, as follows:- Northerly line of ~roposed highway - Begins at a 6oncrete monument set on the asterly line of Mill' Road 1970.88 feet Southerly fro~ the Northwest corner of land of said Willard N. Baylis; running thence 9.83°00'10" E.-7~;89 feet to a concrete monument, thence S.67°97~20" E.-261.45 feet " " " " " N,??~08~§0" E.-400.24 " · "" " " " N.88 §4'20" E.-4§0 feet, more or less, to the shores of ~4at~ituck Creek, passing thru a concrete monument near sai~ snore of said Creek. Above described highway to be of a uniform width of 50 feet, which proposed laying out passes through the land of Wi]lard N. Ray,is a~d wife only, do hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Southold, all land heretofore tamed by us and included within the premises shove described, and do hereby release said Town from all damages by reason of the laying out of the said new highway. Dated April Z~%30. STATE OF NEW TORK, O 0UNTT OF On this ~l~ day of April, 1930, ]lefore me personally came wILLARD N. BA_~LIS .,,.,a ~,~To~ ~" '"~ Of ~untJ. ngton, Suffolk 0ounty~ New York; personally known to me and known to me to be the same person~ described in and who executed the forggoing~ument and ~hey~ aclmowledged to ~~ same. A~bt a~'Y Mlic, STATE OF NEW YORK, ) COUNTY OF NEW YORE, )88.: on the g_/~ day of April, 1930, be£ore me came LESTER Y. BAYLIS, attorney in fact of Kate Y. Baylis, know~ to me to be the individual described in and who, am such attorney, executed the above instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same as the act and deed of said Kate Y. Baylis therein de- scribed for the purposes therein mentioned, I~y virtue of a Powe~ of Attorney duly executed ~ said Kate Y. Baylis, ~eari~g date January 26, 192~ and recorded in Suffolkilare~lounty Cler]$'~/office in Lihe~ 1129 of deeds, page 12~ on 12, WE, the ~mdersigned, a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Eouthold, having met at the office of tile Supervlsor~ at C. reenport, in sai4 Town on the Sb~ day o? April, 1980~ and considered the application of WillA~d N. Bay.s and wife, For the laying out of a new I~igh~ay near Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Oounty of Suffolk and State of New York, to be k~nown as ~AY VIE;'! AVENL'E, do hereby consent ~h~t such laying out be made in accordance with the prayer of the within petition. SuperviSor. ~ ~.Z~.~ Justices ~-~ ~2 ~ .' ) of the Superintendent of Nigbways. T 0;'~.I OF S OUTWOLD · In the ,;fatter of t}~ Appli,,cation UILLARD N. BAYLIS & ~'fII~, For the~ layins~ out oF a new the To~m off ~oufihol(l, ~oun~y of Suffolk anti ,State of New Yo~k, to be I~o~m a~s DA~ VIEW APPLI C AT ION ~0NSENT OF TOVN BO~qD RELEASE OF DA2.tUkOES