HomeMy WebLinkAboutMattituck Hotel F E'8 2 4 2023 u"a' i " ."1� P Iw? a umm @@ . fe P.O.TowBoxof�179o1dbrury 1p. _m....,...e,-a ...._.m., Southold, New York 11971 Attn: Donald Wilcenski, Chair, Southold Planning Board Heather Lanza, Planning Director Dear Mr. Wilcenski and Ms. Lanza; I am writing to you about the proposed Mattituck Hotel project(SCTM#1 000-122-6-22.1) on Main Road, in Mattituck. This proposal to turn the old Capital One office building into a new 34' tall, two-story, 121-room resort hotel includes an indoor water park with slides and waterfalls, a 300- seat catering hall, a 200-seat restaurant, and 200 underground parking spaces, in addition to 376 outside parking spaces. I am AGAINST this project for the following reasons, which are specifically addressed in the Southold Town Comprehensive Plan. The environmental impact is a grave concern. The Traffic concern is a major issue for my family. It will hurt existing small businesses to include the Wineries. Why not help our Veterans and make the site into a VA hospital ! This is a strain on our Vet's. Thank you for providing an opportunity for residents to express their serious concern over this project. Thank You, Camille Panzarella P.O. Box 1492 Mattituck , NY 11952 347 728 0745 cc Mattituck Laurel Civic Association mica.mttk.lrl mail.com or to P.O. Box 465 Mattituck, NY 11952 Anthony J. Colletta, Esq. 1657 Meadow Beach Lane Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 collettaa@sullcrom.com February 22, 2023 Delivered via Email Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Attn: Donald Wilcenski, Chair, Southold Planning Board Heather Lanza (heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us), Planning Director Dear Mr. Wilcenski and Ms. Lanza; I am writing to you about the proposed Mattituck Hotel project (SCTM#1000-122-6-22.1) on Main Road, -story, 121-room resort hotel includes an indoor water park with slides and waterfalls, a 300-seat catering hall, a 200-seat restaurant, and 200 underground parking spaces, in addition to 376 outside parking spaces. I am firmly against this project for the reasons stated below, which are specifically addressed in the Southold Town Comprehensive Plan (the STCP). As a commercial real estate attorney for the last 35 years with a major NYC law firm, I know a fair amount about real estate development and have seen the pitfalls and adverse consequences that follow from a development that is mismatched for the local community and that fails to account properly for the development impact on the character, traffic, local services, environment and aesthetics of that community. The Proposed Resort would have a material adverse effect on the residents of the North Fork, their quality of life and the character of our community. First, having lived in Mattituck for almost 20 years, I can think of no other project in the Town of Southold that is similar in size and scope to the Proposed Resort or that has so many uses in a single property. It would be completely out of character with our community and its existing aesthetics. The Town of Southold is much different than the Town of Riverhead, and that difference is what attracted residents and visitors to the Town of Southold. I enjoy Riverhead for what it offers, but I chose to live in the Town of Southold for it unique qualities. Riverhead is where one goes for a big shopping trip to one of the many shopping centers like Tanger, to stay in a hotel or to visit a commercial attraction like the aquarium or racetrack. The Town of Southold is where one comes to visit a farmstand or winery, to hike on a trail or to stop in a quaint little shop. The only way we can keep the character and aesthetics of our community consistent with the STCP is by saying no to projects like the Proposed Resort that are completely inconsistent with Southolds character and aesthetic. Allowing the Proposed Resort to proceed would not only damage the community directly, it would indirectly harm the community in the future by making it more difficult to turn down other projects that present similar problems and concerns.It is hard to say noto something new,however undesirable,when the Town sets a precedent of allowing a project to proceed that is so clearly at oddswith the STCP. Second, traffic on the North Fork has gotten progressively worse in the 20 years weve lived out here. While I recognize that it is to be expected that some increase in traffic would be felt as more people discoverthe North Fork (e.g., winery and brewery visits throughout the year, farm visits during the Fall, etc.), we have to do what we can to manage traffic problems and avoid making trafficcongestioneven worse. The traffic along the Main Road is already very bad atcertain times of the year. In particular, there are frequentlysignificant back-ups from the trafficlightat Factory Avenue in both the easterly and westerly direction. Having hundreds of extra carsgoingto and from the Proposed Resort(judging only from the 576parkingspaces the Proposed Resort will utilize) would make traffic on the Main Road unbearable, likely for milesin either direction. In my opinion, the Proposed Resort is completely at odds with the stated goals and considerations of the SCTP regarding traffic. Third, it seems obvious that the Proposed Resort and the large increasethat will followin cars, people, etc. will place severe strain on the Town of Southolds natural resources and environment, including our groundwater,potable water supply,air qualityand beaches.Transient hotel guests who briefly stay in the 121 hotel rooms will surely exercise a different level of care and regard for our environment and resources than local residents.Furthermore, the Proposed Resort would surely increase and worsen Southoldswaste accumulation/disposal,its discharge of sewerage, itswater, air, noise and light pollutionand itsenergy consumption. Allof these consequences are in direct conflict with the stated objectives of Chapter 6 of the SCTP. These are just a few ofthe issues I see under the SCTP. In reviewing the 13 stated Goals of Chapter 3 of the SCTP, I dont see howtheProposed Resort would advancea single one of those goals and objectives or the goals specific to the Mattituck/Laurel Hamlet described on page 33 of Chapter 3 of the SCTP (e.g., ensuring the pedestrian safety/walkability of the Main Road, ensuring development is at a scale consistent with the hamlets character, etc.). Thank you for providing an opportunity for residents to express their serious concern over the Proposed Resort. Sincerely, Anthony J. Colletta cc Mattituck Laurel Civic Association mlca.mttk.lrl@gmail.com ƚƩ Ʒƚ P.O. Box 465 Mattituck,NY 11952