HomeMy WebLinkAboutBAILEY BEACH ROADTHE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK: The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby apply to you to lay out a new highway, at Oregon, near ~attituck~ in the Town of Southold~ Suffolk County, New ~ork, described as follows:- Beginning at a point one foot easterly from the southeasterly corner of land of Mira Ra~, being on, the northerly line of Reeve Avenue; running thence o~ a line parallel to and at all points distant one foot eastgrly from the easterly line of land of said Lira Bailey, N. lSU$4w~O" W, -?~.?$ feet; thence through other land of Oharles J. ~cNulty, N. 81°$I'E.-?01.46 feet, more or less, to land recent~ conveyed or about to be conveyed by John Cybulskl ~ Gildersleeve Estate; thence along last mentioned land~ S.1? 00'40~ E.-50.45 feet to the southwesterly corner of last mentioned land; thence pkrallel to and at all points distant 49.6 feet southerly__~- from the second above described course, S. 61°$1' W.-$?8.11 feet; thence on a curve to the left beginning tangent to last described course and whose radius is 100 feet, a distance of 1~1.85 feet; thence parallel to and at all points distant 49,6 feet easterly from first above described course, measured at rightangles thereto, S.1~°$4~$0# E~-640.10 feet, more or less, to a point in the extension easterly of the above described northerl$ line of Reeve Avenue; thence S. 9°00'~(~# E.-~04.~$ feet to a point on the easterly line of saidsRe~ve_Avenue; thence~ along said easterly line of Reeve Avenue, N.13 SI'lO' ~.-300 feet to an angle in said line of Reeve avenue, thence along ,th$ ~ortherly line of said Reeve Avenue, S.88°18'30~ W.- ~97 feet, mor~ or less, to the point of beginning. 'Oontaining One and Seventy five ~undredths (1.75~ Acres~ more or less. Which proposed laying ou~ will pass through land of Charles J. MoNulty and Annie B. MoNulty~ only. Dated Sanual~120 th 1932~ We, the undersigned, a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, having met at the~;, .~Office of the Supg~visor~ ~t~_~ G~eenport, in said Town,'on the -6~'/w~ day of.~~/~ and considered the application of Charles J. McNulty and wife for the laying out of a new highway at Oregon~ near ~attituck, in the Town of $outhold, Suffolk Oounty~ do hereby consent ~hat such laying out be madein accordance with the prayer of the within petition. ~ ' ' -~-' ) Peace. ... ~.000.0.... o....., o o.... I of the Superintendent of ~ighways. personally came O~ARLES J~ MoNUL~ and ANNIE B. McNulty, of Laurel, Suffolk Oounty, New York, personally known to me and known to me to be the same persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and they severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Notary Ptlblie, Surf. 0o~ Order laying out ahighway with the consent of Town Board. Written application having been made to me; tov~ Superintendent of Highw~ys for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, by Charles J. McNulty and Annie B. McNulty, persons liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town, and th.~written consent of the Tov~ Board of said to~ having been given as prescribed by law, and releases from damages having been executed by the owners of the land through which the proposed highway is to be l~id out, copies of which are hereto annexed, and HUNDRE~o($100.) DOLLARS having Been paid to said Charles J. McNulty for his damages, it is hereby ORDERED and DETERMINED that a highway shall be and the same is hereby laid out in said Town as follows:- BEGINNING at a po~t one foot easterly from the southeasterly corner of land of Mira Bailey, being on the notherly line ~f Reeve Avenue; running thence on a line parallel to and at all points distant one foot easterly from the easterly line of land of said Mira Bailey, N. 13o34'50'' W. -762.~6 feet; thence through other land of Charles J. McNulty, N. 61°51~E. -701.46 feet, more or less, to land recently conveyed or about to be conveyed by John Cybulski to Gildersleeve Estate; thence along last m~ntioned land, S. 17°00~40'' E. -50.45 feet to the southwesterly corner of last mentioned land; thence parallel to and at all points distant 49.5 feet southerly ~rom the second above described course, S. 61°51~ W. -SV6.11 feet; thence on a cnx~ve to the left beginntug tangent to last described course and whose radius is 100 feet, a distance of 131.65 feet; thence parallel to and at all points distant 49.5 feet easterly from first above described course, measured at right angles thereto, S.13°34~50" E. -640.10 feet, more or less, to a point in the extension easterly of the abov~ described northerly line of Reeve Avenue; thence S. 9~00~10" E. -~04.23 feet to a point on the easterly line of said Reeve Avenue; thence along said easterly line of Reeve Avenue, Ne 13051~10" W. -300 feet to an angle in said line of Reeve Avenue; thence along the northerly line of ~A~ Reeve Avenue, S. 68°18~30"W. -23.9~ feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Containing One and Seventy-five Hundredths (1.~5) Acres, more or less. Which proposed laying out will pass through land of Charles J. McNulty and Annie B. McNulty, only. Dated the 2~th day of January, 1933. '~' T~'~n Superir~cendent of HighwaYs. TO T~!E T0~ SUPERINTEhq~ENT OF !II~WWA¥S OF T~rrE, ~OWF OF SOUT!~.0ID, IN THE COJ~TY OF suFFOLIf A~D STATE OF NEW The undersigned, l~able to he assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby apply to you to lay out a new highway at Oregon, near I4attituck, in the Tnwn of Soutbold, Suffolk Count¥~ New York, described as follows:- BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of land of John A. Gildersleeve and ors. being the northwesterly corner of land of John Gybulski and on the easterl~ line ~cNulty; running thence along said easterly line of land of 5{cNulty, N. 17°00'40" W.-50.45 feet; thence a~ong other land of John A. Gildersleeve and ors. N. ~$°51' Eo-1~07.~9 feet, more or less,, to ~and of Frank Krupski at a point 150 feet northerly from the southeasterly corner of said land of John A. cii~ersleeve and ors.; ~hence along said land of Krupski S. ~0°24~40" E.-49,9~ feet; thence partly alon~ other land of John A. Gilder~leeve and ors. and partly alon~ land of said John Oybulsld, parallel to and 49,5 feet southerly from the second above described course, S. 61°51' feet, more or less, to the point of be~inning. Gontain~nK 1.967 acres, more or less, which proposed laying out will pass through lands of Jolm A. Gildersleeve and Hargaret ~ildersleeve, his wife; ~!iriam G. ~issel and Henry 6issel, her husband and Fannie G. Betts and Charles Betts, only. Dated this /~~day of December, 19~. JOHN A. C~ILDE~S~,EMVE and N~MGA~qE~ GILX~R~T~VE, his wife, of 105 West 86th Street, Brooklyn, Ne~ York; NIqIAI~ G. GISSE-L and }~ENPY GISSEL, her husband, of 105 ?est 86th Street, Brooklyn, Ydrk, and FANNIE G. ~qTTS and CHAqLES BETTS, of Adams, State of Oregon, in consideration of the sum of Cne Dollar, to us in hand paid by P~0LD E. PMICE, Town ~uperintendent of High%~ays of the Town of Southold, and in further consideration of the l~ying out of a new high~ay at Oregon, near Nattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Eew York, described as follows:- .~EGIAR~ING at the southwesterly corner of land of John A. Gildersleeve and ors. being the northwesterly corner of land of John Cybulski and on the easterly line of land of Charles J. NcNulty; running thence alon~,~ said easterly line of land of NcNulty, N. 17° O0' 40" W.-50.45 feet; ~hence along other land of John A. G~ldersleeve and ors. N. 61 ~K[~ ~.-l~0~.~ feet, more or less, to land of Frank Krupski at a point 150 feet northerly from the southeasterly corner of said land of John A. Gildersleeve and ors.; ~hence along maid land of K~upski S. E0° 24' 40" E.-4~.~6 feet; thence partly along other land of John A. Gildersleeve and ors. and partly along land of said John Cybulski, parallel to and 49.5 f~et southerly from the second above desc~'ibed course, S. 61~ 51' ~.-1205.24 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Containing 1.567 acres, more or less. which proposed laying out will pass through land~ of John A. Gildermleeve and Nargaret Gildersleeve, his wife; Nirian~ G. Gissel and Henry Gissel, her husband, and ~annie G. Botts and Charles Betts only, do hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Southold, all land heretofore owned by us and included within the premises above described, snd do hereby release said Town from all damages by reason of the laying out of said new highmay. Dated December l~ ~E, F~AN~ ~(~PS~U~, and TE.~LA ~I~PS~, his wife of Nattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, in consideration of the sum of ONE DOT~AR, to us in hand paid by HA~0LD E. PRICE, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, and in further consideration of laying out a new highway at Mattituck. Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York, to be as follows:- Beginning at a point on the westerly line of land of party of the fimst part 150 feet northerly from the southeasterly corner of land of Gildersleeve Estate; running thence N. feet, mere or less, to land of Joseph Eimnoaki; thence southerly along said land of Foseph Zimnoski, to a point which is 49.5 feet southerly from the first described line, measured at a right angle thereto; thence parallel to said first described line and at all points distant 49.5 feet southerly therefrom~ S. 50° 4~, 20,~ ~. -352 feet, more or less, to said land of Gildersleeve Estate; thence northerly along said land of Gildersleeve Estate to the point of beginning. Containing Four Tenths (~/10) of an acre, more or less. which proposed laying out passes through ~he land of Frank Y~upski and wife do hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Southold, all land heretofore owned by us and included within the premises above described, and do hereby release said Town from all damages by reason of t~e laying Dated December~lO~2 STATE OF ~ YOM~, SS:- COUNTY OF out of said highway aforesaid. On this ~ day of December, 19~2 before me permonally came ~ANKERUPSK'I and T~A ERb~PSI~I, his wife, of ~attituck, Suffolk County, New York, personally known to me and known to me to be the same persons described in and who executed ~he foregoing instrument, and they severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Notary Public, Suffolk County. 0rde~ laying out a highway with the consent of Town Board. Written application having been made to me, town Superintendent of Highways fo~ the Town of Southold~ Suffolk County, New York, by Frank Krupski and Tekla Krupskl~ persons liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town, and the written consent of the Town board ~ of sa-id town having been given as prescribed by law~ and , releases from damages having be~n executed by the owners of the land through which the proposed highway is to be laid out, copies of which are hereto annexed, and nothing having been paid to any claimant f~r such d~mgaes, it is hereby ORDERED and DETERMINED that a highway shall be and the same is hereby laid out in said Town as follows:- BEGINNING at a point on the westerly line of land of party of the first part 180 feet northerly from the southeasterly corner of land of Gildersleeve Estate; run- ning thence N. 60°47'20" E. -351.73 feet, more or less, to land of Joseph Zimuoskt; thence southerly along said land of Joseph ZLmnoski to a point which is 49.6 feet southerly from the first described line. measured at a right angle thereto; thence parallel to said ~irst des- cribed line al~a~ all ~ointz distant 49.6 feet southerly therefrom~ S. 50 47~0 W. -362 feet, more or less, to said land of Gildersleeve Estate; thence northerly along said land of Gildersl,eve Estate to the point of beginning. Containing Four Tenths (4/10) of an acre, more or less. Which propose~ laying out will pass through land of Frank Krupski and Tekla Krupski, only. Dated the 27th day of Janua~y~19~3. /Town Superintendent of Highways. TO TPEE TOW SLr~/~I~'u~LY//EiJT OF }~Iq}~;TAYS OF ~ T0~M~ OF SOUTHOLD, IN T~E COUN~/ OF SU~'t~0L.K A.~D ST~A'~ 0F NEW · he undersigned, liable to be ae~eesed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby apply to you to lay out a new highway at Oregon. near Nattituck. in the Town of .~outhold, Suffolk County, New York, described as follows:- BEGINNING at a point on the easterly line of land of Joseph Zimnoski abo~t 750 feet southerly from Long I~land Sound; running thence N. ~?- ~' E.- ~00 feet; thence N. §0~ 16' ~0" E.-B~0 feet. more or less, to land of John Poplaeki; thence southerly along said land of John Poplaeki to a point which is 49.~ feet southerly from last described course, measured at right ~ng~es t~$re~o; the~§~_westerl parallel to and distant 49.8 feet sou~herzy from zzret m~o ao ~ d~ribed courses,'to maid easter..y~li~e of l~an~d.~ Jos. eph Zimnoski; .... -~ ~ -~ .... ~d easterly £ine o~ ~r Zimnoski to the pt~o~nt of beginnlng~ ~Oontaining Five ~enths (0.5) of an acre, more or less. which proposed laying out will pass through land of Duryee and Oornelia D. Duryee, only. William V. Dated December /~ 1932. ~E T~ undersigned, a majority of the Town Board of the Town of ,~outhold, having met at the office ofm.thev__ S'mpervieor, at and. consid, ered the application o£ ~il:l. ia~ V. :~ryee and Co'~'nelia D. Duryee his wife for the laying out of a new highway at Oregon, near Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, do hereby conaent that such laying out be made in accordance with the prayer of the within petition. ' t Jutice Supe~f~atendent of Highways. '~E, ~;ILLIAM V. DURTF~4 and COREELIA D. DUR"ffEE, his wife of Nattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, in consideration of the sum of ONE DOY~AR, to ua in hand paid by HAROLD E. P~ICE, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, and in further consideration of laying out a new highway a~ ~regsn near Mattituck, ~own of Southold, Suffolk County, New York , to be as follows:- Beginning at a point on the easterly line of land of Joseph Zimneaki abo~t 750 feet southerly ~rom Long I~land Sound; running thence N. 5? 50' E.-200 feet; thence E. 50- 16' 50" E. - 2~0 feet, mere er less, to land of John Poplaski; thence southerly along said land of John Poplaski to a point which is 49.§ feet southerly from last described course, measured at right angles thereto; thence westerly parallel to and distant ~9.§ feet southerly from first two above described courses, to said easterly line of land of Joseph Zimnoski; thence northerly along said easterly Iine of said Zimnoski to the point of be$inning. Containing Five Tenths ~0.~) of an acre, more or less. laying out passes through the l~_nd of ~ILLIAM V. DURI~,,'~,' and wife only, do hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Southold, all land heretofore owned by us and included within the premises above described, and do hereby release said Town from all damages by reason of the laying out of said highway aforesaid. Dated December ~TATE 0~ ~TOf~K,S$:_ COUNTY 0~ S~FFOLK, On this /~ day of December, 19~2 before me personally came WILLIA~ V. DURTEE and GORNE~IA D. D~, his wife, of Mattituck, Suffolk County, New York, perso.n~.ly .known to me~a~d~k~_o~o~~ · describe~ in an who e ecu~e ~ ~ ~ ~ to be the same ~rson~ ~_ o~ed ed~o me ~h~ ~V~e~ instrument, an~they a~veratly ackn g executed the same. Notary Public, Buffolk County. Order laying out a highway with the consent of Town Board. Written application having been made to me, to~ Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, by William V. Duryee and Come- lia D. Duryee, persons liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said To~wn, and the written consent of the Town Board of said town having been given as prmscrLbed by law, and releases from damages ha?ing been executed by the owners of the land through which the proposed highway is to be laid out, copies of which are hereto annexed, and nothing having been paid to any claimant for such damages, it is hereby ORDERED and DETERMINED that a highway shall be and the same is hereby laid out in said Town as follows:- BEGINNING at a point on the easterly 1 ne of land of Joseph Zimuoski about 750 feet southerly from Long Island Sound; running thence N. 57°30t E. -~00 feet; thence N. 50°16t80'' E. -~30 feet, more or less, to land of John Poplaski; thence southerly along said land of John Poplaski to a point which is 49.5 feet southerly from last described course, measured at right angles thereto; thence westerly parallel to and distant 49.§ feet southerly from first two above described courses, to said easterly line of land of Joseph Zimuoski; thence northerly along said easterly line of said Zimnoski to the point of beginning. Containing Five Tenths (0.5) of an acre, more or less. Which proposed laying out will pass through land of William V. Duryee and Cornelia D. Duryee, only. Dated this 27th day of January, 1933. Town~ntendent ~f Highways. TO TP~E T0%%~N SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGAT;AYS CF T~H~ T0~7/q CF SCUTHOLD, IN THE C0~3IIT¥ OF The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby apply to you to lay out a net highway at Oregon, near Nattituck, in the Town of Southold. Suffolk County, New York, described as follcws,- BE8INNING. at a point on the easterly line of land of Krupski about 500 feet southerly from Long Island Sound; running thence through land of pa~ty of the first part, three courses, as follow's: First: N. T2~ 38' 20" E-572.25 feet; thence Second Due E~st 550 feet; thence Third: N. 65 06' E.-l?4.15 fee~. more or less., to land of W. V. Duryee; thence southerly along said land of W. V. Duryee, to a point which is 49.5 feet southerly from last described course, measured at right angles thereto; thence ~este~Iy, parallel to and distant 49.5 feet southerly from the first three above described courses, to said easterly line of land of said Krupski; thence northerly along said line of Xrupski to the point of beginning. Containing One and Twenty-five Hundredths (1.25) Acres', more or less. ~hich proposed laying out will pass through land of ~oseph Z~mnoski and Victoria Z~mnoski, only. I~ted this /~--~-~day of Dece~ber, 19~2. '~E, the undersigned, a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, having met at the office of the Supervisor at Greenport, in said Town, 19~, and considered the and Victoria Zimnoaki on the ~day of ~ application of ~oseph Zi~noski for the laying out of a new highway at Oregon, near Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, do hereby consent that such laying out be made in accordance with the prayer of the within petition. Toxin Clerk. Justice~ of the ~eace, Superintendent of Highways. WE, JOSEPH Z1U~NOSKI, and VICT0!~IA Z~NOSP~, his wife cf Oregon, near Nattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk, County, New York, in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLL.~, to us in hand paid by HA~OLD E. lm~ICE, Town ~uperintendent of Highways of the Town of $outhold, and in further consideration of laying out a new highway at Oregon near Nattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County. New York, to be as follows:- ~ I t m point on_the ~aete~I~ 1~ cf_land of_ Er~doski through land of Rarty o~ the_[~r~ ~ar~: ~,v~_r~ c~ ~.zw~s, ~00 feet; thenceo ~ird: N. 6~ 06' E-l?~.l~ fee~, more or less, to ~nd of W. V. ~yee~ thence southerly along said land of W. V. ~=yee, to a point which is ~9.~ fee~ sou~erly from l~ described co~se. measured at righ~ angles thereto; ~hence ~esterly, pmrallel to and distant Ag.0 feet southerly from the fi=st ~=ee above described co~aes, to said easterl~ line of lmnd qf qa~d ~upaki;_th~nqe.nor~herl~ along said line of ~up~ki to the poin~ cz neginnxng. ~onmaxnmng ~ne and ~enty-five Hundredthm (1.2~) Acres, more or less. which propoae~ Imyi~ out passes thro~h the land of ~0SEPH ZI~0~ and wife only, do hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Southold, all land heretofore owned by us and included within the premises above described, and do hereby release said Town f~om all d~ages by reason of the laying out of said high-ay aforesaid. STATE 0ffll~ Y01~, COb'NTT OF S'UFI~OLK en this day of December, 193~ before me personally came ~O,~H EI~KNOSEI ~ VICTORIA Z1~NOSI~I- him wife. off ~b~egon, near Ma~tituck, Suffolk County, Ne~ Tork personally known to me and known to me to be the same persons described in and whs executed the foregoing instrument, and they severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same, u folk county. Order laying out a highway with the consent of To~vn Board. Written application having been made to me, town Superintendent ~f Highways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk Cotuuty, New York, by Joseph Zimnoski and Victorim Zimnoski~ persons liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town, and the written consent of the Town board of said to~wn having been given as prescribed by law, and releases from damages having been executed by the o~rners of the land through which the proposed high- way is to be laid out, copies of which are hereto annexed, and nothing having been paid to any claimant for such damages, it is hereby 0R~ERED and DETERMIneD t~at a highway shall be and the same is hereby laid out in said Town as follows:- BEGINNING at a point on the east~r~ line of ~ar~i~Qf'~Erdpskl~aB~ut $00 feet southerly from Long Island Sound; running thence through land of party of the first part, three courses as follows:- First: N. ~o 38' 20" E. -~79.2§ feet; thence Second: Due east 350 feet; thence Third: N. 6~° 06~ E. -174.13 feet, more or less, to land of W. V. Duryee; thence southerly along said land of W. V. Duryee, to a point which is 49.§ feet southerly from last described course, measured atright angles thereto; thence westerly, parallel to and distant 49.5 feet southerly from the first three above described courses~ to said easterly line of land of s~id Krupski; thence northerly along said line of Krupski to the poinb of be- ginning. Containing One and Twenty-five Hundredths (1.~5) Acres~ more or less. Which propose~ laying out will pass through land of Joseph Zimnoski and Victoria Zi~muoski, only. Dated t!~e 2~th day of Janua~'~y, 1933. Tow~S~erintendent of Highways. STATE OF NE~.~ ~.~OR~, COUNTY OF /~ ,qS:~. 0n-~f".."is f~* day[!of December, 1989, before me personally ~me JO~ X. GILDERSL~rE and ~L%qGAnET 8I~E~SLE~rE, his wife, .~' 105 West 86th Street, Brookl~, New York, personally kno~ to ~ze ~d ~own to me to be two of the persons descrY, bed in and who executed the fo~e~oin~ instrument ~d they severally aclmowle~ed to me that they executed the same~ T F~US~ER, Noir Public K~gs Co. Clerk's ~o. ~08 ~eg. ~o, 8~88 ~y T~ ~p~ M~r~ 81~ 19~ STAT~, OF NEw YORK,  SS:- C O%~TV~ OF ~ On this /~-~ day of December, 19~2, before me personally came ~{IqI~.I ~. GISSEL and ~E~R'( GISSEL, hep husband, of 105 Wes$ 86th Street, Brookl~, New York, personally ~own to me and lmown %o me %o be two of the persons d~esoribed in and who executed the for~,gosn~ instrument an~ they severally aolmowledged to me that they executecl the same. ~ N~~ ~ Kings Co Clerk's No. 5e: : ~ .:o, 3~38 My Term Expires Li.,;~h 31, 193~ STATE OF OREGON, SS:- COUNTY OF On this ~ day of December, 193~, before me personally came FANNIE O. BETTS and'C~A~LES BETTS, of Adams, State of Oreffon, personally kno~m to me and ]mo~m to me to he two of the persons descrihe~ in and who executed ~he foreffoin~ instrt~ent and they severally aelmowledKed to me that they executed the same. TO THE TOWN SUP/~I~ OF HIGHW~ OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE ~OUNT~f OF S'UF~*OI~ AND STATE OF 11~,? YORK: The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby apply to you to lay out a new highway at Oregon, near Nattituck, in the To~n of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, described as follows~- EE6~NNING at a point on the westerly line of land of party of the first cart 150 feet northerly from the southeasterly corner of land of GildersIeeve Estate, running thence N. 50 47 20~ E.- 551.75 feet, more or less, to land of Joseph Zinmoaki; thence southerly along said land 6f Joseph Zimnoe~i to a point which is 4g.5 feet southerly from the first described line, measured at a right angle thereto; thence parallel to sald first described l~ne and at all points distant 49.5 feet southerly therefrom, S. 50 47' 20' W.-~52 feet, more or less, to said land of Gildersleeve Estate; thence northerly along said land of Gildersleeve Estate to the poin~ of beginning. Containing~ Four Ten,ha (4/10) of an acre, more or less. which proposed laying out will pass t?.rough land of Tekla Erupaki, only. Dated this J~/~' - day of December, 1952. Frank l~rupski We, Oharles ~. MoNulty and Annie B. MoNulty, of Laurel, Town of Southold~ Suffolk Oounty, dew York, in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLARw to us in hand paid by N~OLD E. PRICE, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, and in further consideration of laying out a new highway at Oregon~ near Mattituok, Town of Southold, suffolk County, New York, described as follows:- Beginning at a point one foot easterly from the southeasterly corner of land of Mira Bailey, being on tbs northerly line of Reeve AVenue; running thence on a line parallel/to and at all points distant one foot easterly from the easterly line of land of sdd Mira Bailey, N. 15°$4t50m Wm-?O~e?8 feet; thence through other land of Charles 5. MoNult,, NoSlU$1t Ee-?O1.4~ feet, more or less, to land recently conveyed or about to be conveyed by ~ohn Oybulski to Gildersleeve Estate; thence along last mentioned land, E.-$0.45 feet to the southwesterly corner of last mentioned land; thence parallel to and at all points distant ~8 feet southerly from the second above described course, S. $1°~1~ W~-$?8.11 feet; thsnoe on a curve to the left beginning tar~ent to last dewcribed course and whose radius is 100 feet, a distance of 151~8~ feet; thence parallel to and at all points distant ~5 feet easterly f~om~first above described course, measured at right angles thereto S~15~$~80~ E.-8~O. lO feet, more or less, to a point in the extension easterly of~th~ above described northerly line of Reeve Avenue; thence S. $~00~10~ E.-$O~e~$ feet to a point on the easterly line of said ~eeve Avenue; thence along said easterly line of Reeve Avenue, N.15°81~10~ W.-$O0 feet to an angle in said line of Reeve ~venue; thence along the northerly line of said Reeve Avenue, SoS$ 18'$0 -~$.$? feet, more or less, to the point of beginuing. Oont aining One and Seventy-five Hundredths (le?~) Acres, more or lesse which proposed laying out passes through the land of Oharles J. ~o~ult2 and Annie B. McNulty do hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Southold, all land heretofore owned by ~and included within the premises above described, and do hereby release said Town from all d~ges by reason of the lmying out of said highw&y aforesaid. Dated ~a~r~r2~th ~. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. SS.'- On this 20th day of ~uar~,, Xg~J, before me IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR UNL~TILLA COUNTY. STATE OF OREGON, : : SS County of Umatilla : I, E. B. Casteel, County Clerk, do hereby certify that the Notarial Commission of B. B. Richards has been received and duly recorded in this office in the Record of Notaries No. 2, page 261. This certificate was recorded on March 15, 1929 and became effective March 14, 19~9 and expires at midnight March 6, 1933, No. 35738. In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Natariat seal this 3rd day of January, 1933. Cotmty Clerk We, the undersigned, a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, having met atto office of the Supervisor, at G~eenport, application of~~.~~, for the laying out of a new highway a~ Oregon, noa~atiituck, in ~he Town of Bouthold, Sv. ffolk aoUnty, Hew York, do ~erebY consen~ that such layin~ out be prayer of the~wit~in pet~tion. ...... .... . Buperintendent of Highways the underaigned, a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, having met at the ~ office of the Sup~ at Greenport, in aaid ~ w :o n, on :he c:~k~ C:~'~aa.~ of i9~. and comsidered the application of l~rankI~rupski and $ Tekla~upakf f~r the laying out of m new highway at Oregon, near ~ttituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, do hereby corment that such laying out be made in accordance with the prayer of the within petition. Town Clerk. Wustioes of the Peace, Smperintendent of Highways. Order laying out a highway with the consent of Town Board. Written application ha~ing been made to me, town Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, by John A. Gildersleeve, Margar- et C. Gild~sleeve, Miriam G. Gissel, Henry W. Gissel, Fannie G. Betts and Charles Betts, persons liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town, and the written conSent of the To~ Board of said town having been exe- cuted by the owners of the land through w~ich the pro- posed highway is to be laid out, copies of which are hereto annexed, and nothing having been paid to any claim- ant for such damages, it is hereby ORDERED and DETERMINED that a highvJay shall be and the same is hereby laid out in said Town as follows:- ~GINNING at the southwesterly corner of land of Johu A~ Gildersleeve and ors. being the northwesterly corner of land of John Cybulski and on the easterly line of land of Charles J. McNulty, ~llnning ~hence along said easterly line of land of McNutty, N. 1VrOOm40'' W. -$0.45 feet; thence along other land of John A. Gildersleeverand ors. N. 61°§l' E. -1202.22 feet~ more or less, to land of Frank ErupS~i at a point 150 feet northerly from the southeasterly corner of said land of John A. Gild~ sleeve and ors., thence along said land of Krupski S. 20 24 40 E. ,49.96 feet; thence partly along other land of John A. Gil- dersleev~ and ors. and partly along land of said John Cybulski, parallel to and 49.5 feet ~outherly from the second above described course, S. 61~51~ W. -1205.24 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Containing ' 1.36~ acres, more or less, which propose~ laying out will pass through lands of John A. Gildersleeve and Margaret Gildersleeve, his wife; Miriam G. Gissel and Henry Gissel, her husban~ and Fannie G. Betts and Charles Betts, only. Dated the 27th day of January, 1933e Town Superintendent of Highways. '£Oq'N oF SoUTHOLD In the ~atter of the Application of Charles J. McNu!ty and Annie B..V. cNulty for t~e laying out of a new highway at t)regon, Town of Southold, Suffolk Oo~n%y, Now ~oWB OF SOU~OLD. In ~/ae ~latt er of the Application of ~;ILLI£~ V. DURYE£ ~r~i CO~N~IA D. DURY~, for the laying out of a new highway at Oregon, ~own of Southold, Suffolk County, York. APPLI CATI ON, CONSENT, R~L~L~ . In the zlatter of the Application of Frank Krupski and Tel~la Krllpski, for the laying out of a new highway, at O~gon, Town of Sou~hold, Suffolk ~ounty~ No~ Y~. 7~PPLI CATI t~N, RLYa J/jA~ E. TOW'N OF SOUTHOLD In the ~atter of the Appli- cation of J~iN A. GILDLRSLEEV~ and others for the laying out of a new high~ay at Oregon, nesr Nattituck, Town of Southold, Suf- folk County, New York. APPLICATION, CONSENT, RELEASE.