HomeMy WebLinkAboutBAILEY AVENUE, KNAPP PLACE-extension Grnpt 1921.T.O_WlI of ~out_ho_4d~, _~ounty o~ ~ffolk, N._YX 'In tho Natter of the Application of CHARLE~ G. ~AILEY, ~o lay out two high~rays, in the modem of Mo~lthold, ,~.~d thc dedic~.tion of the l~n4 th.,..e..o~. X W~, ~A~~ G~ BAiI~Y,~"~)ZB, A~I'~RO~N,,,, BURT ~nd ~LLI~ 0TI~ PA~E~ of G~ee~Dor$~ in tho To~ ~outhol~ ~o~1%y o:3 ~l~olk an~% qtqte o_~ ~ York, for and lncon'~idov%tion of' the ~no off One ~ll~ ~o ~s paid by George H. Fleet, Esq., To%~ ~uporinten4ent of High~7ay, of the T~;n off ~outhold, in the C~nty o:? q~'foik and ' '_ ~ I ~ horol0y aokno~'rle off New Yo~k, the fetex, ~ vd~eroof '- do hereby O0N~T that two hip"rays be laid out and opon~ across our praises ~t GroenDo~, In tho said To,~n of ~thold, ,~hioh harm'=been ~rvey~ a~ ~e ~osoribed es follows: The First k~o ~ as Bailey Ave~e beginni~ on the ~outh side of the 01d King's Higl¥~f~ north 8f the Village of G~oenDort, at ~ point 160 feet distant fr~ the ocher of the l~d of ~':.id Charles G. Bailey N. 75° 15' East therefrom and ~nnzng thence ~outh ~? ~7' ~.9~ fie et along the ~ ~ e~ ..~o~ ..zy ~-~ide thereof throu~ the several lands of ~id ~h~les G. Bailey, John Kolb, Annie Brm~, ~h~le3 °~.rt m~d '?illi~ Otis Payne to the No,hotly side of ~h~sDlin Place, thenca ~nnlng Ea~terly by and ~th the no~herl~ side of Ch~plin Place N. 7~° 25' East g2.2g feet; to the Masterly '~ide of ~.id proposed Bailey Aven~e and thence ~.nnir~g N. 3~' ~7' -- ~_~s~_~_~. ~G _~t.-b~ ~d ~th 'the E~terly line 'of ~ho land~ of said prg~s~ nail~ Ave~e th~.~ ~ ~ B~l~ ~o the qoutherlv silo of the 01d Kl~$ Highboy; and thence S. 75° 1S' West along the 2outherly .~ide of the 01d Ki~ 's High%~y J~S~.W6 feet to tho point or place of beginning9 and being 50 fe~t in width throughout its ent.~e length. The 9eeond being an extension ~as, terly from the ~asterly end of Kn~pp PLac~ to the ,{ig~ay Just a~ve proposed, the northerly side thereof be$inning at the junction of the northerly line of Knapp Place and the E~tsrl" line of Knapp Plaice as it no~v isled ~zng thence ~asterl~ in q line ~hich i~ ~ conti~Qation of the Northerly line of Knapp place$~nni~ N.?$'E$'~st ~S.O~ feet ~o the ~est~ly si~e of Bailey Avenue Just above m~ntion~, thence ~nning ~.thorly by ~n~i ~'~th the '"esterly ll~' of ~il~ Avenue Just Rb~ve z~ontioned until the s~e intersects a line which is a con~i~ation ~asterly of ~ho ~outherly line of Knapp Plqce as it no"~ is, ~nd ~ning thence~ 9curb ]S~g' ~est- ~S$.S~ feet on s~id l~st m~ntione~ line to the Ea~terlV en~ of Knapp Place qs it n~v is ~nd then E~nn~g N~.B~st-~2.Zg feet along the E~st~rly end of Knapp Placo~as it now zstto the point, or place of beginni~ being 50 feet in ,?idth throughout its entire length~and pa.~sing entirely t~ough the 1~4~ of ~aid chiles G. Bail~y~ and we do individ~Rlly and severally ~L~A~ the ~aid TOE of Southold frown ~.11 d~agos by reason of tho ~ying o~, a~ opening of m~ch high~'~r~s t~ou~ the sovor~l pro~ise~ belonging to us ~ ~o hereby ~e~i.ate ~oh ~rtions of o~ DT~L:~eS over which the :~aid hi~h'"r&s ~e laid ou~ an~ opened to ~blio use as high~'fF~f/s of 't'~o ~o~ of qouthold. IN '~NE~q '~EOF, we have hermn'~to set o~ ha~s a~ State of N~ York, ) Couhty, of ~uffolk, ) SS'~ On this ~ day of~lgl~ before mo personally cue CHARLE~ G. ~AILEY, ~~. of Greenport, ~uff01k ~ount~, New York, 10er~on~lly known ,to ~e ~nd known t o me to be the ~ame persons de~e~ in and who executed the foregoing in~t..~ment; and they. duly and severally acknowle~ged to me that t?~ey executed the s amc. State of Nm~ York, ) ~ounty of ~.ffolk, ) '~: /~,...- ~ '~.-~z~ 0n this ~,z ~y of before l~e per~nally c ~e of Groen~o~t, m~f-~fblk county, N~v York, 10crsonally known to me and kno~m to me ~ be the s~m~e permn~ described in and who executed the-~:'o~~_ ~ ,~oln~' ~ insistent; an~ %h~ dulv~ ~ '~ly ~oknowl~ged to ~e t~.t~ execut~ tho ~e. ~"the Hattm o~f the ~S~,lication of ~ef' 2o~thotd~ and the ~ledica~ion of RELEA ~ E The unde~aigned~ G · 0 R G B · o F L Z Z T ~ the Town ~uperlntendent of Highways of the Town of 8outhold, in the ~ounty of ~ffolk and ~tata of New York, h&ving met with the Town Board off the ~n of S~thold, on the ~th ~aF of ~lde~ed the all~ations both In favor off ~d ~ oPPOSl~oM the op~nl~ ~ l~n~ out off the highway ~n ~d ~, kno~ Piaoe, both In ~ld Tm of S~thold, ~o~th off t~ Vtll~e of ~ee~o~t, N~, upon the w~ltt~ apPlioatlon of G. B~BY, a P~eon liable to be assese~ ffo~ Highwa~ In said To~, w~oh apPlioation is hereto ~nex~, and the writt~ oonsent off the To~ Bo~ of said T~n, having been giv~ give, as Pree~rib~ by 1~, ~1eh la hereto ~nex~ and the ~LZA~ fr~ d~es havi~ b~ ex~ut~ by ~H~8 G. F. PA~, the onlF ~e ~ the l~ds th~ ~loh the p~- pos~ hlg~e are to pass, ~leh Is hereto ~ex~, the e~ Paid te a~ e~e ela~ant fo~ ~eh d~e being nothing and to all the ~lalman~s being nothing, and due deliberation having be~ h~ thereon, It la herebF 0 R ~ E R ~D and ~ E T ] R M I W Z ~) that the highway known as ~A~LZ¥ AVENUE and the extension of the highway ~no~ ~as XMAPP PLA~E lying ~Orth of the ~lll~e of ~re~ort, ?said Town of ~Outhold, be open~ ~d laid out as ~e center l~e ~ said ~L~ A~ ls desa~lb~ follows ;- Segin~ on the ~therl~ line of the ~o~h or old [l~g'a ~l~ay ab~t 700 feet Zast~ly from its lnte~ section wlt~ the NOptherly end of Main 8treat, ~r~npo~t, ~d 1~.~ fe~ Zast~ly ~om a *r~lte mo~ant at the XOrthwest- ~ly oo~er ~ the f~ fo~erl~ ~ bY ~o~1~ ~d ~nlng ~.09 feet t~ ~e ~int In the ~Ortherly line o~ Plaos . whioh point be~s N. ?3° 9~t m.t and is distant L~ol~ 'feet from a Granite monument set to mark the lnterseotion of the Northerly line of said OA~M~t~ PLA~ with the Westerly line of this BAILEY AV~NU~ now laid out and opened, geld.high- way Is of a unifo~ width of Flay (50) feet. ~e be~lnga giv~ a~ M~n~lo, 1~. A map of the above de~o~b~ ~lg~ay ,,made J~u~ 1~, 19~1, b~ ~als~ ~ Van ~yl, 01vil ~ngineera, ~lve~h~d, N,Y. is fll~ herewith ~ made a pa~ of this o~er. The extension of KNAPP PLAO~. is desorlbed as follows:--- The Northerly side thereof beginning at the Junotlon of the lllorthe~ly line of INAPP PLAOm as heretofore laid out and open,ed eith the laste~ly end of INAPP PtAOE as heretofore laid o~t and opened and r,~nnlng thenoe Easterly on a line whloh a oontinu- etlon of the Northerly line of KNAPP PLA01 as heretofore laid 'o ~ut and op~ on a o~rse ~. 7~ ~' E., 159.07 feet to the '~esterly side ~ ~IL~Y A~ as Just hereinbefore laid ~t; thenoe ~u~ning 8outherly by and with the westerly line of BAXL~Y o AV~ as ~t hereinb~o~ laid ~t ~. ~ RT' ~. ~ until .i~ int~seots a llne~leh la the oontl~atlon ~aat~ly of the 8~therly iim of XN~P PLAC~ as heretofore laid ~t and opemd, o ~d ~lng thenoe 8. 7~ ~5' ~., 158.~ feet on the line las1 m~tl~ to t~ ~asterly end of X~APP PLAOE as ~t was heret~ fore laid out and opened~ and r~nnlng E. ~o 91' W., 59;95 fe~ along the Easterly end of L~APP PLA0! as it was heretofore la~d out and opened to the Point or plaoe of beginning, being fifty feet in width throughout its entire length, and Passing entirely throug1~ the land of said 0HAl~eg O. BAILEY, as laid down on a map filed herewith and made a Part of this order. ~ated this y~da~ of Februax~y, 1991. Town ~uPerlntendent of Rlghways of thel Town of 8outhold. t The undersigned, liable to be assessed for hi.~hway~ in the said Town of -~ Southqld, hereby applies to you_to lay,?~ .~.~ l~g~hwa~iu sai~ tow.._commencing'~-: _~ieh p~opo,~ed h!gh~w3~will l~SS ghrough tbe lands of .~"~'~-'~-~ ~ Dated, this a~'~ ~b,~; Fxt.~nsion and _La?,,in~ out ~MA~LW-M G. BAILEY, Applicant. ~,q~lleation, Consegt, Rel~se,