HomeMy WebLinkAboutALPINE AVENUEOTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON G~EENPORT, NEW YORK August 4, 1961 DESCRIPTIONS. FISHERS iSLAND HIGR-~AYS BY~USE~' ALPINE AVENUE: The easterly or northeasterly line ~/ begins at the southerly end of that course of the easterly line of Oriental Avenue which runs So38°46~E. ~d runs thence fiv~ courses, as follows: Il) S. 62o53~50~E. 263.80~feet; thence £) ~.71°22'30'~E. 145.61 ~eet~ thence 5) S.36°Ol~O0'~E. 147.54 ieet~ thence ~4)S.35°15~00~E. 107.23 feet; thence (5) S.46°03~15~E. 195.34 feet. And the above proposed highway is at all points 40 feet in v~dth. The southeasterly end of said highway ruus from the southerly end of the last above described course S.29°58~W. ~1.23 feet. BOARDIEGHOUSE ROAD: The ~outherly line begins at the southerly end of that course~ of the easterly line of Crescent Avenue which runs S.15°!4920~W. and runs thence N.89oi4~IO~E. 225.13 feet to the south- westerly line of the hereinafter described ~%~/ ~unnatawket A/~/ Road. And the above described highway ~ at,all points 40 feet in width. C0~GE PLACE: The southerly line begins at a point on that course of the southeasterly line of Fox ~venue which runs N.~6°21~E.~ 177.12 feet along said course from its southwesterly end, and r~ms thence two courses~ as follows: (1) S.82ot2'00~E. 565.18 feet~ thence(2) S.56o25~00,E. 163.07 feet to the southerly ±mne of the hereinafter described Sappho Road, And the above described highway is at all points 50 feet in width. OTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON GREENPORT, NEW YORK -2 - Fishers island Highways by Use EQUESTRIAN AVenUE: The westerly line begins at the northerly line of West Street and runs thence two courses~as foliows: (i)~ N.9°37~00~E. 210.10 feet; thence (~)N.!°10~IO~W. 236.67'feet to the southerly lmne ok the herelna~ter descrm~ed Fox Av~nue~ then e the easterly end of said Fox Avenue,N.4°24~O~. across ~/~/~/~/~ 50.41 feet; thence N.4°24J~ ~g feet to the =outnweste. ly cna oz the~erly line ok the hereinafter described ~ansion Ho~e Drive . .~ad the e~ove described b_ighway is at all points 50 feet in width. FOX AVENUE: The southerly or left side line of Eom Avenue begins at the above described point on the westerly line of Equestrian Avenue and runs thence 23 courses~ as follows: (i) S.87°07~3~W. 229.11 feet; thence (2)N.84°55~40~W. 159',80 xeet to the easterly line of Bell ~il Avenue; thence (3) N.6OoI~!O~W. 120.59 feet; thence (4) ~.4~°05~20~. 118.94 feet; thence (5) N.37o35'40~W. 442.45 feet; thence (6)N.22o22~20~W. 48.95 feet; thence (7) N.8°37~50'~. ~29.98 zeet; thence (8)N.t2°05~50~E. 131.81 feet; thence (9) N.36°O4~50~E. 99.47 feet; thence (10)N.42o37~40~E. 67.$7 feet; thence (tl)N.55°I4'i0~E. ~±.20 feet;.thence (12)N.64ot3'50"E. 93.30 feet; t~.ence (13)~.46 21 O0 E. ~83.21 ~ thence (iA) N.3i°37~20~E. 87o15 feet; thence (1~) ~.1o14~20'~E. 47.27 feet; thence (16)N.25o05'20~W. 65.30 ~eet; thence !17) N.30o4?~30~W. 120.98 feet; thence (iS)N.6°25~20~'W. 68.13 feet; thence (19) N.67°51~t0~E. A77.22 ~eet~ th~c~ (2~)N.82 ~$ ~O'E. 3~0.7~ ~e~t; 6hence (21)N.85o~I'30'~. 341.06 ~eet; thence (22)N.88°24'4?~Eo 173.81 feet; thence (23) N.79°42'20"E. 303.21 feet to a point on the ~/~/~Z~ northerly line of Crescent Avenue. And the above described highway is at all points 50 feet in width. OTTO W. VAN TUYL ~ SON G~REENPORT, I~EW YORK -3- Fishers Island Highways by Use )~ADELiNE AVENUE: The northerly line begins at a point on the easterly line of Crescent Avenue N.14o3!~20~E. A27.87 feet along said easterly line from the northerly !i~e of ~ h~roinaftcr-dcsc~i-im~ Central Avenue and runs thence six courses, as follows: (i) ~2~,.$3 feet~ thence (2)~.33o14'10"E.384.97 feet; thence 3) N.89°36~00~, 167.1~ £eet~ thence (4) N.65°50~O0'E. 128.64 feet~ thence (5)N.20o~A'iS~E. 120.? feet; thence (6) S.80°~$~00~E. 129.29 few to the westerly line of Central Avenue. ~md the above described highway ~s at all points 40 feet in width. ~L~SION HOUSE D~IVE: T~e~wester!y line begins at the northerly end of the westerly line of the hereinabove desc_ma~d =queszrm~n~nd runs ~hence _oar course~ as follows: (1) N. 4~°ii~50"E. 379.21 feet; thence (2) N,19°S6'30~E. 209.30 feet; thence (3) ~.7°15'~0~E. 235.19 feet; thence (4)N. 20°15~30~W. 393.21 feet to the sgutherly line of the hereinafter described Sappho Road. And the above described highway is at all points 50 feet in width. ~UNNATA~(ET ROA_D: The southwesterly line begins at the northerly end of that course of Central Avenue which runs N.3°55~20~. and runs thence N.44°19~45"W. 603.90 feet to the southerly line of the hereinabove described Boardinghouse Road; thence two courses, as fellows: (1) Crossing the easterly end of said Boardinghouse Road and continuing, Due N~th a total distance of 137.0 feet~ thence (2)N.13°59~O0~E. 513.21 feet to the southerly line o£ Central Avenue. And the above described highway i~ at all points 40 feet in width. OTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON GREENPORT, NEW YORK -4- Fishers Island Highways by Use S~_PPMO ROAD. ~he southeast~r±~. ~ln~ begmns at the southeasterly end of the sout~~ Lhe hereir~above described C~ttage Place and runs thence E.60°49t30~E. 238.52 feet to the northerly end of the westerly line of ~ansion House Drive as hereinabove described. Amd the above described highway is at ali points 50 feet in width. AVENUE B:Begins at a point on that course of the westerly line of Crescent Avenue which runs ~.lSO!4t20~E.~ 251.7~ feet northerly along said course from a sharp deflection in said line opposite Boardinghouse Road; ru~amng thence 13 courses, as fo±!ow~: (1) N.78o03,10~. 335.42 feet; then~ce (2) N.80o30'AO'~W. 121.92 feet~ thence (3)S.87°06'20"W. 77.00 fee6; thence (A) .a~'~ N.$5°Ol'40~W. 116.45 feet; thence [5)N.673~"60~W~. ~ 2~0.3!~feet; thenc®N..83040'gO~W, g4.08 meet~thence% [~)~.Su28'W. 20,48 feet; t~ence (~)~.77°27,10~E. 57. p0 zeet~ thence (~)S.65°35~00,~E. 209.8A feet; thence 179.92 feet; thence (1~)S.7~o03,10~E. 283.60 lest/ to said westerly line o~ Crescent Avemme~ thence along said westerly line of Cresaent Avenue[i3) S.15°14~20~W. 37.86 feet to the point of beginning. ~nd the above described higl~'~ay varies in width from about 20 feet to about 40 feet. To i~lr. Robert Tasker, Otto '~. Van Tuyl & Son TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: SUFFOLK COUNTY Im the Matter of Ascertaimimg~ Describing and Recording ~ALPiNE : AVENUE~ as a Town Hig~ay i~ the To~ of ~outheid, Co~uty of Suffslk and State ef New York, a High~w~y used by the ~Public for more than Fmfteen : Tears. ORDER ESTABLiSHING TOWN NIGHt, AY BY USER WHEREA~ the public for a period of moro th~n fi£teen years h~s ~sed the lands hereinafter described as a public highway in the Tow~ of $ou~hold, $~folk Co~ty~ New Tork~ ~d ~, i% is ~ all res~c~s p~per t~t such highly shall be ~uly as~e~ai~ed~ described and entered on record as a town highly of bhe said To~ of Sout~ld~ and t~en over by such To~ amd worked a~ kept ~ repair by ~ch To~ NOW~ T~FO~ I~ H~O~ ~ICE, ~he Town Super~tendent of Hi.aye ef the said Te%~ of $ou~hold, $~fo~ Cowry, New York~ do hereby asce~ain~ describe and enter o~ record ~ a te~ hlgh~ way the foll~i~ to wit: All t~t lyi~ and berg at F~shers Island, in the To~ of $outhold~ Oomnty of SuffOlk and State of New York~ bo~ded ~d des~ cri~ed as follows~ ~G~ at the southerly end of that course of egst~rly lmne of Oriental Aven~ which ~m south 3~ degrees ~ ~tes east and ~i~ thence from s~id point of begin~ ni~ five (5) courses as follcw~: ~l) South 62 degree~ 53 ~utes 50 seconds emit 263~80 f~et~ ~nce (2) No~h 71 de~ees 22 ~nutes 30 seconds e~zt 145.61 feet~ thence (3) ~outh 36 degree~ Ot minutes O0 s~conds east !47~55 feet; t~nce (~) South 35 degrees 15 minutes O0 seconds east !07~23 feet; thence ~5) South ~ degree~ 03 minutes !5 seconds east 195~34 feet~ T~ above deecribed line of ~vey being and intended the e~sterly and northeasterly ii~ of ~aid high~y~ said highly berg ~t all ~ts ~0 feet in width~ The ~outheasterly te~inus of the ~ described highly ~ns from t~ southerly end of t~ last above described co~s~ ~outh 29 degrees 58 minutes west Annexed hereto and made a part hereof is a certain map pre- pared by Otto W. Van ~yl & Son~ Licensed Land Surveyors, dated August 8, 1961~ entitled w~ap of Pr,posed Highways on Fishers I~land~ Tow~ of Southold~ Suffolk County~ NoTe~ which s~id m~p shews the co~rse of said highway outll~ed in red. Dated: Amgu~t/~ 1961 Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold~ Suffolk Co~uty~ New Tork ORDER ESTABLIBHING "AL£INE AVEN~E" AS A TO~N HIGH~AY BY USER ROBERT Counsellor at La,~ Gre¢,q~ort, Suffolh County Ne*, Yorh ,¢ t