HomeMy WebLinkAboutInvestment for Future 1997-1999F=.×hibi-/- Pr AN ~x/ESTM~N~T FOR TI~ FUTU~*dS: A PROPOSAL FOR SOUTHOLD TOV~[~N: t997-1999 .KN INVESTMENT FOP, THE FUTU~,~7.: A PROPOSAL FOR $OUTHOLD TO~,X/~': ~997-[999 PROPOSAL: To desi~, adopt and implement a ser~es of strate~c actions wh/ch woutd ident/~ specific goals to be achieved, descr/be spec~c act/ons to be taken and recommend specific poIicies to ~m.tide the Town's day-to-day decisions m the areas o£natural reso[n:ce management, economic development and land use. GOALS: To position the Town to constructively manage ant/cipated ~ow%, while simultaneously preserving its unique character and enx4rorLment. To adopt clear, tmambiguous ~_m2/det/nes, policies and procedures to ~aide the various BOards and Depm tments responsible for overseeing applications for development. To develop effic/ent, timely and cost-effective ways for the vanons Boards and Departments to make dec/s/om/n accordance w/th established ~,m.tidet/nes, policies and procedures. To protect for the future, the Town's unique, irreplaceable and critical resources: natural, scemc, economic, architectural, cult~'~al and historic. To more Mly fluplement the v/s/on articulated in the 1985 Master Plan Update. OBJECTIVES: To accomodate gov4h a~d change within the Town without destToMng the fbllow/ng aLt~ibutes: * the traditional economic base of farming, maritime Fades & fisheries, and totMsrn, * the superlative natural environment on which that base rests, * the unique character and way of' life that deEnes the Town. To adopt an effective governmental operating and management strate~- w/thin the next two years. ACTION STRATEGY: In order to accomplish th/s, we propose to do the following: 1. Complete the Local Waterfront Revitalization Progam by January of 1998. This program mztsr be substantially comp&re in order./bt the Town to be eligible to receive further funds from New Fork Stare. Use available e,-dstmg funds in the t997 budget as a match for consulting services to/reprove our internal, data analysis and mapp/ng capabilities. The ability to process data and conduct mapping is essential to improving decisions and reducing costs. Use proposed 1998 budget to obtain matching ~q-mds to obta/n additional consulting serv4ces to assist staff/2 ach/eying the follow/rig tasks: > Develop a Water Supply Strategy to g2ide the placement mad t/ming o£public water supply ma/ns and wells and to protect the quails' of the ~otmdwater ar the source. 722/s pro_re'am would include pro~sfons [br remedfation of already contarmnated areas and a definition of the location and timing of areas to be sttpplied with water. > Develop an Agricultural Protection Strateg-y to protect the farming mdusn-y and the land base on which it depends. Develop Design & Development Blueprints wkich will * idenfi& and protect the Town's unique, irreplaceable and critical resources: harm-al, scemc, economic, cutmral, arch/tecturat and historic, * preserve the open vistas of farms, wetlands and marine waters bordered by discrete clusters of development, * protect Southold's traditional econom/c base, * enhance and focus development in its core hamlet business centers, * preserve the quality & trancp~itiw, of residential nei~borhoods, * enhance and focus development in its core ham/et business centers, * knprove transportation services and manage traffic congestion, * maintain the un/frae character and quality of 1/re that we cherish in Southold: Continue and complete in/titafives and programs that have already been started and are underway. Details about &e programs listed are provided in the last section of this proposal under Conta-ca' Past and Present: * Coordinated Grantsmanship and Capital Budgeting * Coastal Erosion Study: Duck Pond to Hortoffs points * Transportation Planning * Recreational Trails and Other Facilities * Watershed and Surface Water Protection * Open Space Presem'ation * Protection of the Ag'ncultural Industry.- * Procedural and Le~slative Streamlining and Modification * Development of Geo~aphic Information System y~TME ~rR_AME: The desitin of strate~c actions is to begin in the closing months of 1997 and is ro be completed by the end of 1998_ Implementation of each strate~c action plan w/il be~z/n ar the t/me it is adopted by the Town Board_ .ail strate~es are proposed ro be adopted by the end of 1999; if not sooner. iEST~NL-kYED COST: 5150,000 over mvo years, half of which would be financed by the Town and half of which would be obtained throu~ outside funding sources. RATION-ALE: For many years we have known that Southold n~ds a more effective strategy for managing and shaping growth. The present process is marred by controversy, misunderstanding, and pkilosopkical differences. The preparation of a blueprint for action requires the e>cpertise of specialists in various fields: e.g. agricultural economics, marketing, transportation en~mneerq_ng and so forth. Smd/es of tkis detail and scale require substantial sams of money and labor to develop. The Town's financial resources are limited. In fact, lack of money, is one of the primap' reasons why we lack a more cohesive, comprehensive and effective sn:ategTy for accomodating goxw2a wk/le protecting om: critical resoarces. For the last decade, the Town has attempted to prepare tbr the fi_~mre on a "shoestring budget". TI~is was a pr~dent course of action while we were in the ~p of a national and re~onai recession. However, the re~onal economic picture is changing rapidly: witness the soaring stock market, the rapid suburbanizafion of Pdverhead, and the massive economic rev/talization proposals touted for the former Grumman site in Calverton and for key properties in southeastern Connecticut. Closer to home, the pending sale of the Greenport Water Company (w/th its waiting list of new subdiv/sions) to the Suffolk Connty Water Author/v is setting the stage for add/fional gowzh..already -we are feeling the impact of additional traffic congestion as residents and tour/sts increase m number. As in business, a government without a concise and derailed operations management sla-ategy wilt not be well-Positioned to deal wSth whatever the furore may hold. The ~s~ of tt3Js proposal is t~ leverage the Town's I/m/ted resources so as to finance the preparation of detailed ~idetines for action; gmdetines that wiit ensure that each decision made by a town board or agency brings us closer to the reality., ofm~intammg a vibrant community, founded on a shared appreciation of its environmental m~/queness. This strategy will require a short term investment of additional funds for the 1998 year of approxhnatety $75,000. These funds w/Il be merged with existing resources (standard operating budgets and staff) to be used as a match for outs/de funding. At present most of the funds are anticipated as being 50/50 ~'ants from the State of New York throu~ the Env/ronmental Bond Act of 1996 and other pr%a'ams. Due to our good track record, our professional credibility and ong0mg negotiations and networking, the Town is in an ex-rremety promising position to obtain its fair share of this funding. While State iknds are likely to be the pr/mary source of funds, other sources ~vill be pursued as well. The bottom line is to double our financial purchasing power throu_mh matching ~ant's. is in the works to deal w~rh ~eenhouses and other issues of concern. Procedural and Le~slat/ve Streamlinm~ and Modification The Town has continued to improve internal coordination between different depatnnents. Since September, deptu~ments and boards involved with the issuance of permits or other approvals required for development have been meeting under the ae~s of the head of the Building Department. Further, various rnod/~ca~ons have been made to the Zoning Code in order to ctari~ procedures and to streamJJne the handling of specific qTpes of applications. Develovment of a Oeo~a~hic [nformar/on System (GIS) In July of 1997, the Town obtained the equipment and soti~vare necessary, to develop an in-house C~IS. We are in the process ofobta/nmg the requ~ske databases from var/om governmental agencies. In a few weeks, we will decide how best to get the system up and running so that much needed mapping and data analysis can be accomplished. Local Waterfront Revir. al/zarion Prom-am An environmental resource management plan with land use and economic components, the LWRP, w~l prov/de a complete invenro~ and analys, is of the Town's namrat, econom/c and h/storical resources. Once adopted by the Town and the Stare, tiffs plan wilt prov/de the Town with si~ificant leverage for obtaining additional grant monies from N-fS's Env/ronmental Bond Act fund. In fact, the governor has made an adopted LW'P,_P plan a prereqnisite for competing for funds under this program. Adoption of this pro,am also will be critical to the Town's long range planning effort for it will prov/de strong local control over federal, state and county, actions, a sot/d planning base for add/t/onal smd/es, and, much needed financial ass/stance with which.to implement those plans. Open Soace Preservation The preservation of the Fort Corchaug property, was secured this year in a unique partnership between the Tow,a, the State, the Peconic Land Trust and a private individual. The Town's contribntion of nearly one million dollars from its Open Space Bond of 1987 was matched by a $200,0(~0 grant from the State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. The Town has been working with The Nature Conservancy for several months to negotiate the preservation of the Arshamomaque Wetlands Preserve, a 241 acre area containing the largest freshwater wooded wetland system in Southold. The Town has just received a ~ of $68,000 to purchase a key, e/bt acre parcel for the Preserve. In September, the new Chair of the Land Preservation Committee met w/th the PIanning Board and the Chair of the Transportation Committee to forge a new work/rig alliance In order to reach agreements on prior/ty acquisitions: whether of lanck easements or development fights. Protection of the Am/cultural Industry Since 1984, Southold has spent more than seven million dollars to purchase development r/~ts to more than 627 acres of prime a~m-icultural land~ Our strong record in protecting the industry in the face of rising residential development pressure resulted in the receipt of a $100,000 matching grant in 1996 from the federal government. The money will be used to reknburse the acquisition of development rights. The Town has sn'engthened its commitment to the industry, by adopting two pieces ofle~slafion in May of 1997: a Right to Farm b/il which protects farmers from harassment or interference from neighboring landowners, and a Farm Stand ordinance which defines retail operations of le~Umate farms. Th/s le_~slafion was developed w/th the support and cooperation of the Agricultural Advisow committee, which is composed of local farmers. This cooperative effort will continue since additional le~stafion Exhibit B 1. Project Name and Descrintion: Establish GIS Database for Growth Management The Town of Southold is currently undertaldng a growth management initiative, Southold Townskip 2000, which will position the Town to conStrUctively manage anticipated growth, while simultaneously preserving its unique character and environment. The Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) will form the background to this initiative. The main focus of the growth management initiative in 1998 is the preparation of a Ground Watershed Protection and Water Supply Management Program and an Agricultural Protection Strategy. In developing these aspects of the growth management initiative the Town has established a partnership with the Suffolk County Department of Planning, Suffolk County Water Authority and the Peconic Land Trust The Town of Southold will continue to develop the Southold Township 2000 in 1999, building on the LWRP and these two aspects of the Initiative. The Suffolk Coanty Department of Plmming is providing general planning support and land use and resource data the Suffolk County Water Authority is working with the Town un the Ground Watershed Pmtuetiun and Water Supply Management Program and the Peconic Land Trust is partnering the Town o~ the Agricultural Protection Strategy. As part of the partnership with the Peconic Land Trust, the Town of SoUthold is working with Conservation Advisom, its GIS consultants, to develop the Twam's Geographic Information System (GIS) capabilities. These studies will further the iraplementation of the LWRP: The first component of this grant will enable the Town of Southold to acquire GIS data, train staff in the use of thi GIS data and to begin analysis and presentation of the data. This GIS database will support both aspects of the current growth management initiative and be used in day--to4ay decision-making and plamimg in the Town~ The database will also be used to assist the Town in the implementation of the LWRP. The second component of the grant will be used to prepare the Agricultural Protection Strategy. Completion of the Town Of Southold Draft LWRP is required before money,~on3 this grant will be released. Establishment of the GIS database for growth management and the completion of the Agricultural Protection Strategy involve several discrete tasks that are broken out below. Public mee(xngs and Depamuent of State (DOS) review are included with/xt these tasks. Approval by the DOS of any and all consultant subcontracts is necessat7 before work can commence. Component Tasks: Task 1: Project Scoping Session The Town of Southotd, DOS, Suffolk County Department of Plunulng, Suffolk County Water Authority, the Peeonic Land Trust and the consultant(s) shall hold an initial meeting to review project requirements. A brief meeting summary shall be prepared by the Town of Southold to clearly indicate the agreements and understandings reached at the meeting. Product: Scoping meeting with appropriate parties. Meeting summary with note of agreements and understandings reached. Task 2: Contract Preparation and Execution B-1 The Town of Southold shall prepare draft contracts to conduct the work with the selected consultant(s). The contracts shalt coI~t~in a detalled work plan with adequate opportumty to review stages in completion of the work, a payment schedule (payments should be tied to receipt of products in the work plan), and a pmjeet cost. DOS review and approval of the contract is requlmck A copy of the final contract, incorporating DOS's comments on the draft, shall be provided to DOS. Product: Executed consultant contract(s). Task 3: Establish GIS system The Town of Southold shall work with Suffolk Comity Department of Planning, the department of State, Conservation Advisors and other knowledgeable organizations to establish the Planning Department's GIS. In developing the GIS system, the Town of Southold shall prepare a report that identifies the hardware, soRware and personnel aspects of its GIS development. Data needs and data sources shall a/so be identified in the report. DOS review of the GIS Development Report is required. Product: GIS Development Report. GIS system. Task 4: Provide staff training on use of The Town of Southold shall work with Conservation Advisors and other knowledgeable organizations to provide u:a/ning to staff of the Town of Southuld on the Planning Department's GIS. Products: Completed stafftraining program. Task 5: Assemble GIS database to support Townwide growth management initiative The Town of Southold sh~ll work with Suffolk Collnty Department of Planning, Suffolk County Water Authority, the Peconic Land Trust and Conservation Advisom to assemble existing GIS data and to develop data needs not met by existing GIS data, as identified in Task 3, to support the Townwide growth management initiative. All data layers shall be accompanied by a data dictionary describing the data. DOS review of the GIS database is required. All data products'produced with funding from this grant shall be providec[to DOS. Products: GIS database. Task 6: Prepare Town of Southold Draft Agricultural Protection Strategy Report The Town of Southold sh~ll work xvith the Peconic Land Trust, the Suffolk County Department of Planning and Conservation Advisors to prepare the Town of Southold Draft Agricultural Protection Strategy. DOS review of the Draft Agricultural Protection Strategy is required. B-2 This task will include two public information meetings. The first meeting shall inform the residents of Southold of the scope and intent of this project and seek input on agricultural protection issues and to identify particular concerns. The se~bnd meeting shall inform residents of Southold about the Dral~ Agricultural Protection Strategy and seek input and comments on the Strategy. Product: Town of Southold Draft Agricultural Protection Strategy. Task 7: Prepare Town of Southold Agricultural Protection Strategy Report The Town of Southuld shall work with the Peconic Land Trust, the Suffolk County Department of Planning and Conservation Advisors to finalize the Town of Southold Draft Agricultural Protection Strategy. Comments received from DOS and at the public meetings shall be addressed in the Final Agricultural Protection Strategy. DOS review of the Agricultural Protection Strategy is required. Product: Town of Southold Agricuitaral Protection Strategy. Task 8: Prepare maps to support Townwide growth management initiative The Town of Southold shall work with SuffoLk County Department of Planning, Suffolk County Water Authority, and Conservation Advisors to prepare maps; as identified in Task 3, to support the Townwide growth management initiative, DOS review of the mapping products is required. Products: Maps. Task 9: Prepare Findings and Issues Report on the Progress of the Southold Township 2000 Initiative. The Town of Southold sh~ll prepare a findings and issues report that ~,mmsrizes the progress of the Southold 2000 Initiative. This report shall identify the next steps that the Town of Southold will take in implementing the initiative. DOS review of the findings and issues report is required. Product: Findings and Issues Report on the progress of the Southold Township 2000 Initiative. Task 10: Measurable Results The municipality shall complete the Final Project Summary Report ali,ached to this work program and provide a copy to the Department of State. Product: Completed Final Project Summary Report. ,, Project Management Responsibilities: The project will be managed by the Town of Southold Town Plmmer. The Town of Southold Planning Board will oversee the project B-3 Exhibit C BUDGET SBMMARY A. Personal Services $15,000.00 B. Fringe Benefits $0.00 C. Travel ~' $0.00 D. Supplies/Materials $0.00 E. Equipment $15,000.00 F. Contractual Services $85,000.00 G. Other $5,000.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST $120,000.00 Total State Ftmds (50% of Total) $60,000.00 Total Local Share (50% of Total) $60,000.00 2Vote - Describe the anticipated project costs for each of the above cost categories in detail on the following pages (i.e. the title and pay rote of municipal employees to work on the project, type of consulmt to be retal~ed, type of equipment and materials to be purchased). © Exhibit C (Budget Detail Sheet) SUBTOTAL $-0- D. SUPPLIES/MATERIALS SUBTOTAL E. EQUIPIvI~NT Computer hardware and software for development of Town GIS SUBTOTAL $15,000 F. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Cortsultant services to provide the following: Conservation Advisors: Assistance in establishing Town GIS system - $25,000 Database assembly to support Townwide growth management initiative - $15,000 Map preparation to support Townwide growth management initiative - $25,000 Provision of staff refining on use of GIS - $5,000 Peconic Land Trust: Preparation of Town of Southold Agricultural Protection Strategy Report - $15,000 SUBTOTAL $85,000 G. OTHER Cash contribution ttn'ough the Peconic Land Trust SUBTOTAL $5,000 .W, ABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southo]d, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I, Elizabeth A. Neville, the duly elected and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, do hereby certify that the following resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold held on May 12, 1998, and is incorporated into the original minutes of said meeting and that said resolution has not been altered, amended or revoked and is in full force and effect: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to file application(s) for funding , for projects, under the provisions of Title 9 of the Environmental Protection Act of 1993 and/or Title 3 of the Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act. ~Ellzabeth A~.'~ Southold Town Clerk May 29. 1998 ELIZABETH A. NEVII.LE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFOtLMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK ~rOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWlNC RESOLUTION WAS DULY ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON MARCH 31. 1998: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold pursuant to Section C-lZ[ of the Suffolk County Charter has requested the assistance of the Suffolk County Planning Department in the provision of professlona~ planning services to the Town in the pursuit of an action strategy for the protection of the watershed areas of the town to provide for pure drinking water for the present and future residents of the town, and WHEREAS, the Suffolk County Planning Department has agreed to provide such services to the Town of Southold for a cost not to exceed twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) and WHEREAS, the Town of Southold can realize significant cost savings to its taxpayers by availing itself of the Suffolk County Geographica~ Information System (GIS) and the current and past work of the County Planning Department relating to the Peconic Estuary Plan (PEP). the Long Island Sound Study, and the Special Groundwater Protection Area (SGPA) Plan, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby agrees to pay to Suffolk County a sum not to exceed twenty thousand ($20,000.00) for the provision of professional planning services in accordance with the attached Scope of Services (Exhibit "A"), and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute said agreement between the Town of Southold and the Suffolk County Planning Department, all in accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney. · I~&~fi/[e- Southold Town Clerk March 31. 1998 APR g Southc~d ~awn P~snning ~oaFd ELIZABETH A. N-EVIl ToWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF V~TAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Ha!l, 53095 Main Road S o uth Ol ¢t,-~_]~.qg 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Tele~phone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS DULY. ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON MARCH 31. 1998: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold is seeking to adopt an actior~ strategy to protect and preserve watershed areas of the town in order to insure pure drinking water for its residents, and WHEREAS, the Town Board also is seeking to set the parameters for the future distribution of public water supplies, and WHEREAS, the Town desires to avail 'itself of planning assistanCe from the Suffolk County Planning Department, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section C-1[[ of the Suffolk County Charter, towns may request assistance for such purposes from the Suffolk County Planning Commission, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests the assistance of the Suffolk County Planning Commission in the provision of professional planning services to be provided by the Suffolk County Planning Department, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the' Town Board shall provide payment .for said services in accordance with a scope of services to be agreed upon by the Town of Southold and the Suffolk County Planning Department. $outhold Town Clerk March 31. 1998 Resolution No. 1 - May 6, 1998 At the regular meeting of the Suffolk County Planning Commission held on Wednesday, May 6, 1998, Commissioner O'Dea moved for the adoption of the following resolution, seconded by Commissioner London and approved: (10 ayes, 2 absent, 1 abstention- Commissioner Rosavtich) WHEREAS, by resolution dated March 31, 1998 the Town Board of the Town of Southold has formally requested assistance of the Suffolk County Planning Commission in the provision of planning services relating to a study in the pursuit of an action strategy for the protection of the watershed areas of the town to provide for pure drinking water for the present and future residents of the town, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section C-14 of the Suffolk County Charter, towns may request assistance for such purposes from the Suffolk County Planning Commission, and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold shall provide payment for said services in accordance with a scope of services to be agreed upon by the Town of Southold and the Suffolk County Planning Department, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission hereby states its support for, and commitment to, the provision of planning services to the Town of Southold to assist them with this study. EXHIBIT "A " CONTRACT AGREEMENT: Between the folloWing parties: Town Of Southold And Suffolk County Department of Planning WHEREAS the Town of SoUthold is undertaking a growth management initiative: Southold Townhip 2006, which is designed to position the town to constructively manage anticipated growth while simultaneously preserving its unique character and environment. WHEREAS the Town Of Southold has formed a partnership with the following agencies: the Suffolk County Water Authority, th9 Suffolk County Planning Department, the Peconic Land Trust, the New York State Deptahuent of State and with Conservation Advisors, its consultants on the implementation of its geographic information system, WHEREAS the Town Of Southold has received a grant from the Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA) to develop a Ground Watershed Protection and Water Supply M~ent Strategy, and WHEREAS the Town Of Southold has received a grant from the New York State Department of State (NYSDOS) to assist in the development and implementation of ttds strategy as part of its participation in the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, and WHEREAS the terms of the State grant require coordination between the Town and the NYSDOS, and WHEREAS the Town Of Southold has established partnership arrangements or contracts with the SCWA, with Conservation Advisors (CA) and with the NYSDOS by resolutions of the Town Board, therefore BE IT RESOLVED That this contract, as follows, will define the n,~alre of the w~dng '~(, partnership of the Town Of Southold with the Suffolk County Department ofP~g (SCDP) in ~onjunction with the Goals of Southold Township 2000 initiative and the terms of the NYSDOS granL ~ TERMS: For a sum not to exceed twenty thousand dollars ($ 20,000)i;the SCDP shall provide the following services to assist the Town Of Southold (hereafter knom as the Town) in its preparation of an action strategy to protect and manage its dr~aking water supplies: Prepare draft text of Ground Watershed Protection(and Water SupPly Management Strategy. ao The draft text of the Protection and Management Strategy is to incorporate ~r, the elements set forth in the Component Tasks/Deliverables Outline, which is attached as Exhibit "B". ~;. q b. The draf~ text of the Protection and Management Strategy is to incorporate maps that will have been developed through the coordinated effo~s of the SCWA, the NYSDOS, the SCDP and Conservation Advisors. (The actual mapping will be handled by the Town, CA and the SCWA in accordance with separate contract agreements.) prepare supporting documentation for policies and draft legislation to implement specific elements of the Protection and Management Strategy. Draft policy statements and legislation will be prepared in coordination with the Town Planning staff subsequent to the Town Board's approval of the conenptual content of the policy statements and legislation. DELIVERABLES: All .electronic materials developed by the partnership of the Town and its consultants (Conservation Advisors), the SCWA, the NYSDOS and the SCPD will be developed in converted to the MAPINFO format and placed on CD ROM. All public agencies in this partnership will have access to the material and to the use of this material within the constreints of all ~ contractual licensing and other contractual agreements between any of the paffies involved. The Town will assume primary custodianship of the original data generated under this contract. The Town will be responsible for the maintenance and distribution of the rl~ta, following its receipt from the other involved parties to this contract and working arrangement. CA will have access to the data only in accordance with its contractual agreement with the Town Of Southold. No agency or ennsultant par~y to this partnership may sell the information to any third party. All information developed by this program may be distributed to third parties in a"Read Only" format. All text materials, including draK legislation and policy statements shall be provided to the Town on paper and in disk format in a software language compatible with Microsoft Word 3.1, Microsoft '95 or Word Perfect 6.1 PAYMENT SCHEDULE Payment will be made upon receipt of a final Strategy report as referred to and described in Exhibits A & B. TIME FRAME Work on this stragegy shall commence on the signing of this contract by both parties. A draft document with draft maps shall be prepared for the Town's review by August 1998. The Town's comments shall be incorporated into a final report by October 1998. EXHIBIT B Component Tasks/Deliverable Outline Statement of strategy purpose, goals, objectives & deliverables Draft document outline Time frame GROUND WATERSHED PROTECTION & WATER SUPPLY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY (SOUTHOLD TOWNSHIP: 2000) PURPOSE: To design, adopt and implement a strategy for the protection and management of the sole source aquifer of the Township of Southold. The strategy shall define the area to be protected and how the watershed will be managed in order to ensure the highest quality potable drinking water for private and public water supply wells. GOALS: To identify the parameters or outside boundaries of the groundwater- shed of the Town's sole source aquifer that must be protected and managed. The watershed shall be sufficient in extent to ensure the highest quality of.drinking water groundwater for private and public water supply purposes. To constructively protect the Town's sole source aquifer from contamination by inappropriate land use practices. To develop land management and zoning regulations to prevent inappropriate land uses or practices from occurring within the designated groundwater-shed protection area. To develop strateg es for mitigating or removing existing threats to the designated groundwater-shed protection area. To determine ability of aquifer to meet existing and projected demand assuming full density under current zoning. To identify existing residential and commercial development suffering unpotable drinking water supplies and set priorities regarding providing water supply service to these areas. OBJECTIVES: To accommodate growth and change within the Town without destroying its traditional economic base, the natural environment on which that base rests, and the unique character and way of life that defines the Town. To implement an effective strategy for protecting the groundwater supply in accordance with these objectives, To ensure the immediate implementation and enforcement of the protection strategy. To ensure that zoning, not water, controls the direction of development. ACTION STRATEGY: In order to accomplish this, the Town proposes to coordinate its efforts with those of its Consultants to develop a Ground Watershed Protection and Water Supply Management Strategy. The deliverables noted below will be developed in partnership with the Consultants.. DELIVERABLES: The following work products will result from the coordinated actions of the Town of Southold its GIS consultants, Conservation Advisors, the Suffolk County Water Authority, and the Suffolk County Planning Department. Since additional products may be added to this preliminary list and modifications may be made as the planning process proceeds, this list shall not be considered definitive or exclusive. Nor shall it be assumed to represent a position or a precursor to any recommendations that may be made by the Planning Department or the Town Board. Develop a build out survey and map based on existing zoning. - EsUmate population at build out. Approximate build-out dates based on various possible rates of growth. Survey existing areas in need of public water supply. - Estimate future problem areas as older residential areas are infilled and build out occurs in other areas. - Estimate future conflicts between agricultural and residential water demands. Review hydro-geological watershed boundaries. - Recommend adoption of a boundary for legislative, regulatory and planning purposes. Define uses that will be permitted, or if need be, tolerated with cautionary procedures, or disallowed within defined watershed protection boundaries. Define ways to phase out or mitigate inappropriate uses. Explore option of greater density in clustered hamlets and its potential impact on water supply economics and logistics. Examine potential growth impacts (increased infill, area variances) of providing public water within hamlet business districts and older, dense hamlet residential areas, particularly near the waterfront. Develop effective and enforceable best management and land use practices for the entire town, not just the designated watershed protection boundary. Examine ways to reduce potential conflict between agricultural land uses and watershed protection within the designated watershed protection boundary Develop GIS database and mapping which can be used by the town to continue implementing its long range plans. GROUNDWATER WATERSHED PROTECTION & WATER SUPPLY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2.17,98 Document Outline INTRODUCTION * Purpose of Strategy * Goals and Objectives PLANNING FRAMEWORK * Synopsis of other ongoing plans affecting the study subject LWRP Town of Southold Comprehensive Plan Special Groundwater Protection Plan Other INVENTORY & ANALYSIS * Description of Groundwater resource within Southold Town - hydro-geological description quallty of water quantity of water Description and Analysis of various proposed watershed protection/management boundaries and recommendations of the SOPA plan groundwater-shed protection public water supply wellhead protection Description of Zoning and Existing Land Use throughout groundwater-shed within wellhead protection areas Discussion of Ultimate Buildout Potential for Development and Related Issues throughout groundwater-shed - wlthln wellhead protection areas Survey of Areas in Need of Public Water existing potential troublespots if no preventive measures taken now Description of Potential Conflicts between Groundwater Resource management and existing land uses throughout groundwater-shed within wellhead protection areas Ranking of Key Conflicts/Issues in Need of Resolution given the above-noted Goals and Objectives DR, FT General Description and Review of Existing Policies, Procedures and Regulations governing Groundwater-shed Protection & Management Town County State General Identification of Needed Changes to Existing Policy, Procedures and Regulations in order to address Key Conflicts/Issues in Need of Resolution throughout groundwater-shed within wellhead protection areas RECOMMENDED IMPLEMENTATION ACTIONS Recommended Location of Future Public Water Supply Wells and Service Areas Recommended Protection Measures to Protect Resource and Private Wells Specific listing of actions to establish or change Policies - Procedures Regulations * Draft Policies and Legislation * Timetable for implementation TASKS -r 'tract -b, aff Inventory and Analysis Draft Report' to Town Board Final Report II M A X MONTHS M J J ~X A S X O N X D ELIZABETH A. NEV~LE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLO TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON APRIL lq. 1998: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute an agreement with the Peconlc Land Trust for the Purchase of Development Rights Planning, Acquisition and Negotiation Services, all in accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney. Southold Town Clerk April lq, 1998 Vol.5 October 2002 Making Waves Making Waves is an information source about issues and trends related to Connecticut's maritime industry cluster, Connecticut's shoreline and Long Zsland Sound. Published by the Connecticut Maritime Coalition, "Making Waves" reaches its readership exclusively by email CONNECTICUT MARITIME POLICY UPDATE Representatives from the CMC's Dredge Task Force have discussed dredging needs for the state at length with Connecticut's congressional delegation. AS a result, U.S. Senators Christopher Dodd and Joseph Lieberman have pushed for support of full funding for the FY-03 authorization for the Water Resources Development Act of 2000. When approved, $20 million will be allocated to evaluate different technologies for treating toxic sediment dredged from Long Island Sound in order to maintain Connecticut's deepwater ports' commercial viability. Connecticut's Congressional Representatives, Rob Simmons, Rosa DeLauro, ]ames Maloney, Nancy .lohnson, Christopher Shays and John Larson have actively advocated for appropriating funding $20 million as a first critical step in finding long-term alternatives to open water disposal. In letters to Appropriation Committee members Connecticut's congressional delegation offered bi-partisan support for this legislation. Funding will be decided during this legislative session. The CMC has requested Connecticut's congressional delegation to set up a meeting of the Long Island Sound Caucus, The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss dredging issues in the states of Connecticut and New York, particularly Long Island Sound, Congressman Simmons is the co-chair from Connecticut; Congresswoman Lowey is the co- chair from New York. The caucus is scheduled for early 2003. CMC Board members Marry Toyen of Seaworthy Systems and Joe Riccio of Bridgeport Port Authortiy are appointed Directors of the Connecticut Port Authority (CPA). The CPA is charged with advocating for Connecticut's ports. The appointment of industry professionals closely tied with the CMC insures a voice for maritime related issues. The CPA recently approved the CMC Dredge Task Force as one of their subcommittee's on dredging issues. Additionally, the CPA adopted the executive summary of CMC's May 2002 report: Connecticut's Ports, Transportation Centers for People & Goods, which includes the report's key findings and recommendations. During the last Connecticut legislative session a bill was passed which mandates that electric rates at marina slips be based on residential rates rather than commercial rates. The bill also allows for marinas to place electric meters at each boat slip. Boat owners can now have access to information regarding how much power they use, allowing them to save power and save money. During the last 2 days of the legislative session, a bill was defeated that would have prevented new dock construction on the lower end of the Connecticut River. A bill that would have allowed a one-year moratorium on cross sound utility cables for all of Connecticut was vetoed by Governor Rowland. In its place, the Connecticut General Assembly passed a bill that allowed a one-year moratorium for everywhere in Connecticut except for the electric utility cable planned for New Haven harbor. While the moratorium buys time to analyze the environmental impact of underwater utility cables in Long Tsland Sound, the New Haven harbor cable will be constructed without further analysis. The CMC voiced concern to allowing the underwater utility cable in New Haven Harbor. The harbor needs to be dredged and questions remain if the cable will be placed deep enough in the seabed not to impair or limit future dredging needs. Because there is a critical need to dredge Bridgeport harbor, vessels are now traveling to New Haven harbor to deliver loads of gasoline. New Haven has historically been the port that received Connecticut's heating oil. But now with gasoline and diesel fuel off loading in New Haven as well, about 70-80% of the fuel consumed in Connecticut is transported through the same harbor - New Haven. The CMC bases it's policy and positions on the original goals establishing the organization serving the needs of the maritime industry, These goals are: 1. Provide an affirmative culture for maritime business growth. 2. Create and maintain a skilled workforce to match the aforementioned growth. 3. Address environmental concerns affecting our industry. For more information contact Bill Gash, Executive Director of the Connecticut Naritime Coalition at 860/439-0848. Naking Waves is written by Pat Doyle, who can be contacted at: patdovle@99main.com. Connecticut Maritime Coalition 228 State Street, 2nd floor New London, CT 06320 860/439-0848 emaih ctmaritime@msn.corn website: www.ctmaritime.com -iE__~_~ W. COCtIiR_A2< --o~-n 2---ail .5309~ 3rain P. oad P.O. Box 1179 Sour. hold..N'ew E'ork 11971 ~x (516) '76~- 1822 Telephone ($!6] OFFICE OF TlqTq~ SI3~PE2VI$Ot~ Date: September 29, 1997 Contact: Southold Town S~ervisor Jean Coch'an Supe~wisor Jean Cochran ~nnounced today the receipt ora proposal which she imfiated this past July. The proposal, prepared by the Planning Board mad Planning Staff, was characterized'by the Supervisor as an extremely important proposal that w/il shape the future of the Town of Sow, hold into the next c~tury. "We want to insure that the quali~ of Iife we have chef/shed in our Town will be preserved in the next century as well," said Super~sor Cockran, =and this proposal w/ii accomplish that." 'fhe Supe~wisor stated that the de,~ls or the proposal Mil be o.ttined at a work session of the Town Board tomorrow but th.t the proposal calls for the update of the 1985 Town Plan, the completion of the Coordinated Crmntsrnanship and Capital Budgetary Plan, Coastal Erosion Study., a new Tra~c and Tran~ortafion Plan. Re.cation Fac/lit/es and Trails Plan, Watershed and Surface Water Protection, Open Space Preservation Protection of the Am~i~ 'cuttta-al hidu~ay, Proc~lures and Leg/stative Streamlining. and Development of a OeoD-aphic information S.vstem. Superv/sor Cochran said. "'We have been watching the destruction of the qn,!ity of the_living environment in towns west of Southold and we are deten.ined that k will not hi[ppen here!" The Supervisor added that the bulk of the smd/es wall take about a year to complete and ali the recommended srrateDes will be adopted by the end of 1999. Supervisor Co4hran said that she will ask the Town Board to fired about half the esr/m~ted $150,000 that will be n~ded over the ne~ two years and that she will begin immediately to secure the match/ng funds fi.om other government and institutional sources. The $upe.,Msor concluded that :'Our Town is one of the few remaining desirable places to live on the East Coast of :~nenca and we are going to develop and implement those sn'are~es' ' .... ~ ~h~r wail prese~we that way or ~e well into the ne~ century."