HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1734 ALL MOORINGS AXD STAKES ~,IUST DISPLAY VISIBLE ,xlOORiNG NU~-iBERS ALL DOCKS AND BULKHEADS MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE PER/,IIT Nu[,mBERS Board Of Southold-Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Mooring ~ PERMIT NO ...... 1:7.3A, ............. DATE: .Ocr_.... 2.7..,.....19 8 3 ISSUED IO ............ J.~ c..q.u~..1.i a.e.......D..~....l~.~.l s e¥ ................................... 2XulI uri atiun Pursuanf fo fhe provisions of Chaplet 615 of fhe Laws of fhe Sfafe of New York, 1893; and Chapfer 404 of fhe Laws of fhe S{'afe of New York 1952; and ~'he Soufhold Town Ordinance en- titled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and fhe REMOVAL OF SAND, ~RAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accprdancb wi~h 1'he Resolufion of The Board odor{ed at' e' meeflng heid on ....Q.¢.e~.,....!.!., 19..82,..., and in eonsiderafion of {'he sum of $ .......5.,..Q.0 ....... paid by Jacqueline D. Kelsey of .......... ~t~i.t~ck .............................................. N. Y' and subiec1. 1.o fhe TermS-and Condlfions llsfed on fhe reverse side hereof, 0f Soul-hold Town Trus1.ees aul'horhes and permlfs fhe following: Application approved to secure a permit number for a dock in Deep Hole Creek~ Under the Grand- f~ther clause. all ~n accordance wi~h ~he derailed speclflcaflons as presen{ed in · fhe or~gina+ing appllca1'ion. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trus1'ees h.ere- by causes i1's Corporafe Seal fo be affixed, and 1'hese presen1's 1'o ~e subscribed by a maiorlfy of fhe said Board as of 1'bls da1',e. . .2~:/:~-a~x~. - ~,~ o~ ...... ~.~ ...................................... ............. Please tear off ~na return ~0-'~'he Tr~us't~-~' ................ Board Of SoUthold Town Trustees Grandfatherclause SOUTHOLD, NEWA__YpRKwc. k. ...... .b AND gULK?,EADS MUST PSRMI/NO. ]734 D~T~: Oct. 27, 1983 I, cer=ify that the work as .... s uerml; has been ccms!eued and %s now read.:- for your ins~ec- rich. Also, the number required on this projec~ is clearly visible. I further understand this permit ;- not ,;~ {a -~ =--~ until this tear sheet TERMS and CONDITIONS · The p~mi~ Jacqueline D. Kelsey residing at LuDton's Point Road, Mattituck N. ¥, p~ Of ~e comldera~on for ~e ~ce of ~e Pe~t d~ ~de~mnd ~d p~ to ~e fol- lowing: 1. That the Southold Trustees Permit must be prominently the premises effected thereby during the period of displayed on · ~at ~e s~d B~d of T~s ~d ~e Town of ~u~old ~ ~ed from ~7 ~d work ~ a~ damages, or da~ for d~g~, of ~ ~g ~y or ~r~y ~ a r~t of ~y o~- ~nde2 ~on ~rfo~d p~t to ~ ~ ~d &e ~d Pe~ ~ at ~ ~ her o~ ~ the - "~&fend any ~d Mi su~ ~ ~t~ by ~d pa~, a~d &e ~d P~ ~ ~ ~ permit wi& r~pect ~ereto, to ~e ~mplem ~dmioa of &e ~d of T~e~ of ~e Town of ~old 3~ That ~ Pe~r ~ v~d for a ~ of ~ 9 m~. w~ h ~d~ m ~ s~fficient ~e r~uited m complete ~e ~rk ~volv~ but should Om~m~c~ w~mh r~ for an e~emlon may be ~de to ~e B~d at a later dat~ 4.~ ~xat ~s Pe~t ~o~d be ret~ ~def~telT, or as long ~ ~e s~d P~ ~ 5L ~at &e ~ork ~volved will be mbj~ to ~e ~sp~on ~d approv~ of ~e ~d or im agents, and non-compHance ~rh &e pro.iota of ~e ori~m~g appHm~o% my ~ ~e for ~afion of this Pe~t ~ r~olu~on of ~e said B~d. 6. ~at there w~l be no ~onable interf~ce wi~ ~on ~ a r~t of &e work herein au~m~ed. 7 * That there shall ~ no ~tefference wi~ the ~ghr of &e pubic to p~ ~d rep~ ~ong · e beach be~een high and low water ~ks. 8 ~ar ff furore op~atlons of ~e Town of ~&old r~uke ~e rmm'~ ~d/or in the location of &e work her~ au~o~ or fi, ~ ~e o~on of &e Bo~d of T~e~ work sh~ ~use u~e~onable obs~on to free navigation, ~ s~d Peewee ~ ~ r~ u~n due notice, to remove or alter ~s work or proj~r herein stated wi~out~ to ~e To~ of Sou&ot& 9 · ~ar ~e s~d Board w~l ~ nodfi~ b7 the Pe~aee ot ~e cmple~ of ~e work orNed. (See tear off 10. ~at the Permittee will obt~a ~ other pe~u and comenm ~t my ~ r~ m~ plemenral to &is pe~t wM~ my ~ ~bj~ to revoke upon f~u~ to obr=;- sine. TELEPHONE BOARD OF TO~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 February 26, 1987 Mrs. Jacqueline D. Kelsey P. O. Box 834 Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Mrs. Kelsey: As per our telephone conversation today, please be advised that after a search of your file, we have information from the survey that your structure was 2' x 10'. Your permit number is 1734 and was issued under the Grandfather Clause. Please find enclosed a copy of your permit as per your request. Should yet have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact this office at the telephone number listed above. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of To~n Trustees Ilene Pfifferling Secretary to Board Attachment ~' TELEPHO?~E (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road ?.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 October 27, 1983 Mrs. Jacqueline D. Kelsey P.O. Box 834 Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Mrs. Kelsey: Transmitted herewith is your permit which was granted under the Grandfather Clause, for your structure. Please post your permit number on your structure, so that it can be seen from the water. Thank you for your co-operation, in regard to this matter. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Ilene Pfiffer~ln~ ~ g Clerk to Trustees Attachment Town Of Sou,haiti So,,Nora. New York 11971 u/~. ~, APPLICATION roux F~ED an~/0r ~LO.~I~ G DOCKS 1, Appbcont's nome enc~ c~dress: ......................................... : ................... ,,,=~,, ~. d~=,~. A~X'/ ~:~2./Zd ................. } ......... ii ...... 2 Cc' ' s nc a~ ': ' ' fi~ ....... ~ ........... . ' ....................................... ........................... : ....................................................... : ................ ................... ..... ....... .......................................... 4. After issuance cf a Permit, work must be completed within one year LARGE 5. Secure the correct Area Mop from tko Clerk of this Board, end by using a/X ~ CigCL5 indicc:e ~s clcseiy as possible the location of thi~ dock. On th~!everse :ida ~f this mop, wovide a SCALE D~AWING which will show Ordinary High Water Merk~ the shape cn~ size o~ the dock and any supplemental pilings which crc needed to hold a flccring dock or tie-u~ a beat. Give all dimensions necessary to dat~rmine the oreo cf the doc~< i'Zqi2}{ EXTENDS OFFSHOP~ fram the O. ~. W. M. If adjacenn prope~y owners have docks, specify iec~t~on and length to scxle. 7. Prcvlde the following~ . documents:,~ (o) A Lkcascd ~,,5,~:~.r~ Survc'/ o~ t~ propc~y in,.,oJvcd. q ~,,or ~ ~n ..... xmen~ .... ~oo~ment Form. c Wetlands ADoiicetipn ..... tAark or. the DreCgmg of any material from Town Lands under water? Y[S or NO. Form A/4 (Application (o: Draagino/Fi{[ing) must be completed and attached as part of;this Coolies,iCa. [s true cad correct to the best c{ my knowledge and belief; I am thc perssn Ccccun~chic for invoJved; and further, [ inmnd to adhere to an~ aside by the Terms and Ccnduicns a{ the Dormer, ~hen and tf issued to me. 10. To expedite finain~ specific location for inspection, indicate -}.3::'~<'.t'.'.'~-,u- -.- ' ~' -