HomeMy WebLinkAboutBENNARDO, ANTHONY DR. Albert J. Krupsld, President John Holzapfel, Vice President Jim King Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823. September 25, 1996 Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Bennardo 75 Abby Road Manhasset, ~ 11030 Re: SCTM ~I19-t-15 Dear Dr. & ~.~s. Bennardo, The following action was taken by the Board of Trustees at their regular meeting of September 25, 1996: RESOLVED that the Southotd Town Board of Trustees approve the request for a Waiver for the addition of approx. 5 feet of post and rail added to existing fence and to repair the existing fence. Please be aware that Mean High Tide is usually consistent, but should the Mean High Tide change, you will have to change your application to move the fence back. If you have any questions, please call our office~ Very truly yours, Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK:djh '(~OVI~B I'ETq~R FAX TO t ~AX FAX NUHI~R [ FROHI 1000 01 15 1.7: ~ ,.w.,...,...,...,...../.T.......,.,_...,,,.....,f,....o.,. """'"" "'"'"""' both residing at 32 Little Worth L~ne, Sea ~ff, ' ~ew York 11579 4,, , - / pa~ty O~ the fi~st part, and ANTHONY BENNARDO and LOIS BENNARDO, m~-~y of the ~¢L'ond par~, M~'ITNF.~q~.~'H. that the ~ of ~e 6tst ~rt, in ~side~g~ HUNDRED KIGHTY THOUSAND and 00/100 his wife, both New York 11030 I~0 ~ 000. riO;',] THREE dollar&, ,e n~therly iin~ ~ ;I in Liber 1163~ DEGINNIN, at point on fl~e westerly.-aide of Satita Road where rtc~therly ii of ~lot A as shown on said map: of s~d ~o~ m~k. 9~ ~ ~e soundly side ~sau ~t ~ad; ~s~ncesI~ ~bn~ the Smith ~ad;[ ~EN(~ si~ng 2. South 16] de,ess S~ Sou~ ll]de~ees p Ot ~, the ~int ~ ~lace ~ ~G~t zoz.~ ~t ~o side of map ellitled~ ,"Map · Inc., situate at October 4. 191~ ~ law£ul nlo~ey 0f the Unit-~ ~L that c~n plot, pie= or ~rcd of h~dj wia te buildings ~d ~rov~ ~er~ e~Ct~ slt~te, trig bein~ at N~sau P~nt, .~ ~e ~g N~ ~ t~e T~ ~ SOu~old. Coun~ of ~fo~ desaibed follows: 89/24/96 17:02 TOGETHER With ali ri/iht, title and inter.et., ii any. of the party of the roads abutth3K the above describ~xt prim/see z0 ~}~= center il~UXea thereof, rrOt~'l~l~l~l/!R w~ie.h ~he appxri~enanc~w-~ ail the esta£e ~-~i~ of ~ ~d premh~, [ TO HAVE ~ TO HO~ ~e ~emis~ ~r~ ~ted uoM ~e ~ · u~ssor~ a~ ~si~a of ~ ~ of ~ ~d ~ ~ of ~ ~d ~, ~ heirs or AND the party o,f the first part covenant~ tha~ the party cf Cae first par~ ] ~as not done o~ au~e~d ~ whereby ~e ~aid premises ~vc ~ ~ed in ~y ~y ~er, ~ pt ~ a~o~id. ~e fi~t pa~ ~11~ receive ~e e~sidemti~ for ~ia c~vey~g~ and wffi hold/~ d~t to r~v~ Su~ ~- ~e ~me first to ~e payment of th~ cost O~ ~0 Mp~t be{o~ ~g <~ ~rt of ~e ~ 0f ~e sine ~or ~y o~er p~. wriL~en. / ROI MAN RONNI LIEBEI~MAN ~o me knu~n to be'the Individval ~ d~be~ ~L~h~ STATI OF HEW Y~. 0~.' the ,L~y of ia m~ lmo~ t~ b~ the ~,~3ted the foregoing ~r ~tearted the same. 'On the day of ~er~ty ~e ~e ~bs~ib~g ~s wh~ I ~ pers~y a~ sworn, ~d d~o~ ~d ~y t ~t ~e ~ows described in ~ad who exe, that he, mid subscribint at the sa~ae time subscrib~ 19 , before me the ~ore~oiniI instrument, with uainted, who, ~n~ ~ ~ duly ~ be resides at ~m to ~ ~e ~dtvid~ ~ted ~e fore~nK ~a~ent; ~tn~s, ~ prell ~d saw ne; and ~at ,~ he, ~d ~m~s. h name as ~tneli ~e~. SECTION 1 I 9 M.OC, K 1 LO'~ I 5 ZIp Telephone · (516) 765-1801 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL The following recommendation was adopted at the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council on September 23, 1996 : WR-51 Moved by Bruce Loucka, seconded by Kenneth Meskill, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVAL of the Waiver Request of DR. ANTHONY BENNARDO 119-1-15 for an addition of approximately 5' of post and rail added to existing fence and repair to existing fence. 10375 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion carried. W c~r~ rp2~ PIONEER, LAND TITLE COR?~ FLEET ~40RTGAG~ INC, N~ Y. tl971 AREA = 1.0423'acr~ to tie ii'Ms ? $'-URVEY OF OPERTY ,3,1992