HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPIRIDAKIS, ALEXAlbert J. KFapski. President John Holzapfel, Vice President Jim King Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel Town Hall 53095 Main~Road P.O. Box 1179 Southoid. New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only Waiver/Amendment/Cha~ge~ ~eceived Application: ~ese~ved Fee: $ ~--~_~ompmeted Appiication~-~-~ incomplete ..... ~SEQ~ Classifica~i~: ~ ~e I ~ ~e i! / Uniisted ~rdination: (~sent) ~A~ Referral Sen~: ~e of I~spection: ~ceipt of CAC 'Lead Agency Determ~natmon: Technical Review:__ P,~lic Hearing Held: -Resolution: Name of Applicant Address ~ ~ Phone Number: $uffclk County Tax Map Number: I000 - Property Location: ~3 ~ ~"'~'~' (provide LILCO Pole ~ discance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: (If applicable) Address: Phone: FAX~: B ~d of Trustees Applicatio[ GENERAL DATA Land Area Area Zoning: Previous use of property: Intended use of property: Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Da~e Agency No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? ~ Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary): Bo ~ of Trustees Application WETLAND/~RUSTEELANDS A~PLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: ~-~%\~ ~\~F--~ ~t- " Area of wetlands on lon: square feet Percenn coverage of lot: ~ % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: feet Closesn distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: feet Does the projecn involve excavation or filling? No ~ Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? How much material will be filled? ~ Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: ~- cubic yards cubic yards Statemenn of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): Be d of Trustees Application COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA Purposes of proposed activity: ~ ~9~, Are wetlands present within 75 feet of the proposed activity? i/-~' No Yes Does the projecu involve excavation or filling? No L----- Yes If Yes, how'much material will be excavated? ~-----(cubic yards) How much material will be filled? ,~,~O c~,y . (cubic yards) Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Describe the nature and extent of the environmental impacts reasonably anticipated resulting from implementation of the project as proposed. (Use attachments if necessary) 14-!6-4 (2/87~--Text 12 PReJECT LO. NUMBER 817.21 Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART i--PROJECT INFORMATION ¢o be completed by Applicant or Project spbnsor) SEC 2 PROJECT NAME APPL, CANT/SPONSC~ , , · ' LOCATION (Street ~ddress ~nd ro~d intersections, prominen~ l~ndm~rKs, etc, or provide 5. iS PROPOSED ACTION: ~ New [] ExDansion ~onlalteration 8. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFEC, TED: , /_~,~::~ Initially ' O¢¢¢ acres UItimsteiy acres 8. WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY NtTH EX[STING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? [] No ,f No. ~escr~be briefly 9. WHAT lS PRESENT LAi4~ ~SE iN VICINITY OF PROJECT?  sidential [],.nclustrial ~- Commercial fDescr[De: b.~ParkJPores~Ooen soace ~Ot~er I0. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL. OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY FEDERAL. STATE OR LOCAL)? ~ No If yes, ~ist agency(s) ~no oermitlaD0rova~s DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? [] No [f yes, list a~enc¥ name and oermltlaoerovat !2. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRE MOOIF!CATION? I CERTIFY THAT THE {NFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGB Signature: ~ If the action is in the Co=stol Area. and you are a state agency, complete t,he Coastst Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment.~, OVER I PART )I--ENVIRONMENTAL -~-~SESSMENT (To be completed ~y Agency)- A. 0DES ACTION EXCEED ANY T'¥ ~ THRESHOLD IN $ NYCRF.. PART 617.127 If yes, r..,.,~rdina[e me review process anti use tr~e RULL ~--'AF ~ Yes ~ NO . S. WILL ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATED REVIEW AS PROVIOED FOR UNL]STED ACT CNS IN 8 NYCRR. PART 617.67 ~ Yes [] ~o C. COULD ACTION RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE EFFECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOW', NC: (Answers may De handwritten, if legible) - potential for erosion, drainage or flooding problems? Exdfain briefly: C2. Aesmetic. agnculturet, archaeological, ~istoric, or Diner natural or cultural resources: or commumty or neighborhood cr~arac,*er? =-xa[am brief Vegetation or fauna, fish. shellfish dr witdfife sDecles, significant t~abita~s, or threatened or endangeres spemes? Explain briefly C7. Other irnoac~s [inclUding changes ~n use of efmer c~uandty dr ~ype ol' energy)? E×olam briefly. O. IS THERE. OR IS THERE LIKELY TO SE. CONTROVERSy RELATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL MPACTSo ~ Yes ~ No If Yes. exmmn briefly PART ZII--OETERMINAT/ON OF S)GN)F1CANCE (To De completed by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS: For each adverse effec~ identified acove, determine whether it is substantial, large Jmoorzent or otherwme slgnifican Each effec~ stloulo be assessed 'n connection with ts (m setting (i.e. urDen or rural); (b) probability of occc~jLag; ~c) duration: irrevermbilhy; Ie) geographic scope; and (f) magmtucle. If necessary, add a~tecnmems 3r reference supporting materials. Ensure exolanations contain suffictent detail [o snow ihs[ ail relevant ae'~'erse impacts t~eve been identified and adeeuately addressed. " _ ¢-~ Check( this cox if you have identifiea one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the FULL EAF and/or prepare a pos t ye. declaration. . Check ',his box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentation, that [he proposed action WILL NOT resuit in,ny significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide on attachments as necessary, the reasons supportin~ this determination: Telephone (516) 765-1801 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Monday, May 20, 1996, the following recommendation was made: No. 1352 Moved by Bruce Loucka, seconded by Scott Hilary, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVAL of the Wetland Application of ALEXANDER SPIRIDAKIS 135-1-~ to construct approximately 30' retaining wall to attach to neighbors and access stairs. Soundview Avenue. Southold There is illegal fill on the property. The GAG recommends that the applicant be fined for the violation. Vote of CounCil: Ayes: Bruce Loucka, Robert Keith, Jack Hagerty, Scott Hilary Abstain: Allan Connell Motion carried. JENNIFER B. GOULD Attorney at Law 828 FRONT STREET P.O. BOX 177 GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 TELEPHONE $I6-477-8607 fax $16477-0130 May 20, 1996 By Facsimile and First Class Mail Southold Town Trustees 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Alex and Eugenia Spiridakis/Application for Trustee Permit Dear Till: Confirming our conversation of Friday, May 17, 1996, ldnd~ w/thdraw the above-referenced application and retired the $150.00 application fee to Anthony Spiridakis. Very truly yours, Jennifer B. Gould CC.' Alex and Eugenia Spiridakis John Spiridakis, Esq. JENNIFER B. GOULD Attorney at Law 828 FRONT STREET P.O. BOX 177 GREENPORT, NEW YORI~ ! 1944 TELEPHONE $16-477-8607 fax $16-477-0130 May 16, 1996 Ms. Laura Scovazzo New York State Department of Environmen~ Conservation (DEC) SUNY Building 40 Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 Re: Bruce L. McDonald, DEC Permit # 1-4738-1053/1-0 Dear Ms. Scovazzo: Please be advised that I represent Alex Spiridakis mid Eugenia Spiridakis, two of fourteen SectionPresent owners135.00 Block°f the 01.00Pr°pertYLotdesignated004.000. on the Suffolk CountY Tax Map as District 1000 It is my understanding that in connection with the application tbr the above-referenced thisPermit'property.Mr' McDonald submitted a deed which does not accurately reflect the ownership of Enclosed are copies of a deed for the premises, dated September 30, 1975, and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on November 30. 1975 at Liber 7948 Pg 06, and a subsequent deed, dated April 22, 1986, and recorded on May 28. 1986 at Liber 10045 Pg 307 in which Frank Magno transferred his interest to Marie Magno. My clients have no knowledge of any additional transfers affecting ownership of this property. Specifically, Mr. Clifford Utz has informed them that he did not transfer his interest in the subject premises to Bruce McDonald. As you are now aware, Mr. McDonald hired Costello Marine Contracting to build his bulkhead, and in order to gain access to the work site, it bulldozed the subject property, destroying a foot path and removing shrubbery, trees and a set of damaged stairs leading to the beach. Despite the preceding actions, my clients understand the importance of bulkheading across their frontage to preserve and protect the McDonald and Chiotellis properties. However, restitution for the property damage is a prerequisite to their consent. Finally, it is incumbent upon Mr. McDonald or his attorney to offer an acceptable property owners agreement to be executed byall the individual} who have an interest in this project. Very truly yours, Jennifer B. Gould enclosure cc: Alex and Eugenia Spkidakis John Spkidakis, Esq. Bruce McDonald Southold Town Trustees Costello Marine Contracting $~d~rd N,¥,B. FA J, Form ' day of September · lfineteen hundred m~d Seventy-five, B~ O~RLE8 L. BEOKER and ~y 8ggKER~ bls W~e bo~h ~esid~ng a~' ~iark Road '~ ' -, .,.;:. , 8oUehoid~ 8u~Eolk go~nty, ~w'-York 11971,' AIJ. that ce~aln pJot, piece or parcel of land. with the buildings fi.d '{mproveme.is thereo, erected, sittiate, lyi.g and ~{ng:/'~Xhex at Southold in . Suffolk and State of New v.~ .t~e T~wn of Southold, Co ~v~ oelng Pounded =~ ~__- ,~u~ty of .... u~scrlDe~ as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the northerly line of Sound View .AvenUeo. about '200 feet easterly, al°ng~said northerly line from the P iht Where said northerly line would beRoad~intersmcted by the extension northerly of the easterly line of corner of land of E tzabeth McDonald; and being the . southwesterly Running thence westerly along said northerly line of Sound View Avenue, 10 feet, more or less, to land formerly of Adeie Clark~ now Chlotelis; Thence northerly along said land =-- - ~ ' z~me~ly of Adsle Clark and passing thru a monumen~ about 255 feet to ordinary high water:mark of:Long Island Sound; Thence easterly along.said high water mark~ 30 feet, more less, .to said land of McDonald; Thence southerly along said land of McDonald about 250 feet to hhe point of Beginning. party of/he first part, and CLIFFORD H. UTZ, JR~; ALEX SPIRIDAK~S and EUGENIA SPIRADAKIS, his wife; 30HN DONNELLY and GRA~CE DUNN~LLY' his wi're; HARRY BAIS an_d KATHERINE BAIS~ his wif : his Wife; A, D I Ao : and "a NO L~ BECKER ~,u ~y BEC ~ k~_ ._ ~a O~IT~ ~_ ._ S?uthold, New York 11971 amd · ~ ~esza~ng at Clark RoJd, ~ISTIDE j,, PA~SKOS and IONNA h~s wife both residing at North.. Road, SOuthoid~ New York 11971~ pat{y of {hi second part, . ~: · . · . 7 '~St"i g~fJ~f" -:%¥ ~?'~'h~"~ f' '?' . i ~ '" ~~, {hat ~he paNy of the first parL ~. consideration of ' ..... (0 0.00) _ _ _ - ..... ........ .' ~ ' dolhrs. Iawf~ money of tim United S~ates, and other good and valuable consideration paid by {he party of file s~ond part, does hereby, gra.{. ~.d release. .unlo~ {he patty o~'~m seeo.d part/tim heir~ or ~ucees~t~ and ass;g,s of tim pa~y of Iht second pat{ foreveG CONSULT YOUR LAWYER /~EFoRE THIS iNSTRUMENT. THIS INSTRUMENT SN;ULD ;...o ,,~h ~e EE USED ~ LAW~ERS THIS INOEN~RE, made the 22nd day, of Apc~l ~ ~ ~ ~ie.~Magno, res/ding at 2 Bil' , nineteen hundred and eighty six ~,~ooklvn_ r,~ .... ~orL', . g 9a st Hicholas ' ---~,~,~~ ~. , . hue, party of the ~rst part, a~ .I ~ Marie Ma9no~ res~din9 at 2 Bills Place', Brooklyn., party of the second part, WITNE$SETH, that flie party of Hie firs ' oPra,d by the party of the second part, doest;~art.' ,. con~,deration of ten dollars and mher valuable co,,siderat;on successors and.oo,s,,~-*o; .... .,t me't party .... o~ theere°Ysecondg?ntpartandforever,release Onto the party of the second part, the fieirs ALL that certain plot~plece or Earcel of land~ with the buildings and Jm rovem, . lying and being in the To~o ot SouEhold, CounE~ ~c .... I~ ~. eats thereo, erect · situale, Yo~k, bounded and described as fol]d~sT' ou~ol~ and Stake o~'Hew BEGI~*INING at %he intersection of the r~oi.%herly lit'lc of Middle with the WesrePly line of Clark Road; fPom Said poin~ of begii]ning. HUNI'JING T ' ' , itENC~ alon0 said No~kherly line of Middle Road, SouEh 57 degrees 21 minutes 50 seconds West, a disbance of 72.0 feet Eo land of Paraskos; THENCE alon9 Said land of Paraskos, North 25 degrees O4 minu~es' 10 seconds West~ a diStance:of. :.:... 77 · 80 feet; THENCE a,lon9 land of the [3aPky of the firsk part, North 69 degrees 03 minutes 50 seconds East, a d~stance of 76,10 feet bo said Westerly line of Clark THENCE along said Westerly line, South 20 degPees 56 minutes 10 seconds Eask, a diskance of 63.0 feet to the y3oin~ oP place, of BEGINNING. T°ge%her ':~'ikh and subject ~o Liber 4166 page 130%an,l the the Covenants and Restrict' . contained therein, ' rlgh~-°f-;vaY and inore .... ~,ons -~ ~ ~u epeess T°gether ~qith t;he righb, ~i~le and {hi;crest contained in the deed given by CHARLES L. BECKER and' ~4AY ~BECKER,his wife, ~o CLIFFOHD H. UTZ, J~.:e~ al, %o ~be beach front PPopepty, dated September ~.0~h, 1975, and recorded in Libe~-'79a8 Daue 06 on Nov, 24th, 1975i in the office of{he Clerk of Suffolk County. TOGETHER with al right, title and interest, if any~ of the party of the first )art in an roads abuttl,g the above described premises tc~ the ce0ter Ihl t d to any sb'eets and and all the estate 'and ri-his of th .... es thereof; TOGE , , .' HOLD the premises h~r~- ~- , ? pa. rty. of /ne nrst part in and o sai ~T!..'!.ER ~th thy apjmrtenances the .... - g~antecl unto the art t d prem,ses; 'lO H party of the second part forever, P y of the second part, the heirs or st,ccessor~a¥~. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered auvthing ~.,?hereby the said bremJses have been encumbered in any way w tatevet, except asi~foresaicl )kND tile *part); of tile first'part, in compliance With Sec{ion 13 of the l ien I aw , t~,h,.e,;fiZ.st, ea_.rt' w [I rece!ve the consideration f,~ m: ....... MAY--20--96 ~ON 0T:56 AM W~ H PRIC~ JR P.O1 Ji~V~NIFER B, GOLi.D ~.Z8 FRONT STREET P.O. BOX 177 GR£ENPORT, NEW YOR~ 11944 TF.L::PHONE $16477-8607 fax $I6-477-0130 May 20.~ 1996 By Facsimile and First Class Mag Ms. Jill Doug, haW Southoid Town Trustees 53095 Main Road $outhol4, NY 11971 Re: Alex and Eugenia Spkiduld~/Application for Trustee Permit Dear Jill: Confirming om' convorsation of Friday, May 17, 1996, kSndly wg. hdvaw the aboV/~-zeferenoed application, and reftmd the $150.00 application fee to/~ithony Spifidakis. x,,ery uuly 'yours, J~nifcr B. ,~ould MCx and Eugcnia Spiridalds John Spiridaki% Esq.