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SUBDIVISION MAP OF ioi/ '/ /! 'e'y �� rr/ N 44-16'OB'E qL n a RAILROAD 34139 //�i � / 'rl�Orf� /! / LONG ISLAND RAILROAD ��� � 1E CARROLL AVENUE � � / L LOCATED AT PECONIC /r�//,� / T� TOWN OF SC)UTHOLD 4 i� /� �f�s°w. /rd/ / �r d i� f�� wSS 1 `Ilj �.`, �:.n.�.,• j PR A S(UMMARY�}sQT oreNf1W ACRES ORK r / ���/ a E Y f f ---_, iBARCE SQ.FT.OR*SQ.F ACRES PARCEL 2 2 ...... -,,. ! \ TOTAL AREA OF PAfiCEL. 445.4325 SQ FT.OR f 0.225f ACRES A / APPLIC TOWN Of SOUTHOLD s6a GCO R Ru9aaLL.TOWN OF 9nhTNa D P£R 11,9 / 33098 MAN Rtl p0 BOx �/�j/ SDI iTiucx.or 119az LOCATION MAP �(I q SCALE:;•®bpp`tIII LOT 1 GENERAL NOTES 1. EXISTING SURFACE WATER/WETLANDS WN 0D HIN 1 'OF SU / \ SUBJECT'S PRGPERtt LINE 2. NO PROPOSED SANITARY SYSTEMS SHALL.BE WITHIN 150'OF rr I PRNATE WATER WELLS. —__..._.._.. .v" 3. NO PROPOSED SANITARY SYSTEMS SHALL BE WITHIN 200'of b PUBLIC WATER WELLS. mmal 4. NO DRAINAGE STRUCTURES SHALL BE WITHIN 20'OF SANFORY SYSTEMS /<p/e 1 _ f I 0i LONG ISLAND RAILROAD ..---- N/F La1/NTY Of SIT—1. ----- Na SEPTIC OH W£LI ' ,A Iyi � I WITHIN I50'FFnMLEGEND: NO s£f r+ca PDwaL aouruaArer uN£' y p 1 \I\ -- N£ f m 30 o'ce / g L„ L I i b r£lam h � v raF ylUCNcc% , —,,.o.._ 9r, a aW ---. SIN {ft FA M.iL. —.— A varea xArx axTaNarw ""'---'7 1 261,47' a a� N 4316' YE�� rr - �----- i� T✓ _I r M , IESE' BOB." wr ur...a ,C r� emus e b # ��" >-y, h YT < 3�� j ."�( � V I i(✓ON. FLO a. ,/� i ' �� s'r HOL E_ A a. v oxx nxn aRnn9H arorm swr 43 �4Q' I �TU.owsxeRowxHNa ...�. -'� S431B 1 � To uoo. r f xo wn. exceuxreRm snow 9uRFnce x `` ..�.,.., 1 M W2A22 J �..VlJ nSFO J NcoalAtn cE05gENCE k ,wFl •,,, .".,.., S. C > ,�� � r I/A OWTS SANITARY SYSTEM TO BE DESIONO AS PER SCOHS STANDARDS — -� 500 L pT 2 a �' g TO WEI SINGLE \ FANG/MILY DWELLIRES,DENCE w � ' N., _ F AMI Y —I {6-6 S,ID[-N('�-1 r— r% W �. ...I TYPICAL PLOT PLAN NOT TO SCALE i ! �71 _._ i — -- D w s 38'67 ,_"- utc ANnwrrG r NEAy£S, DP L�w 6 i RiGNT,lY u n r cr E wlfNrN rY>o' .. ,rrATc w.ANecoonarN .ram NAnxx r mnc D rROM au NUA' r k She;t, s. svaromsRe Nuervavn+eeu olrinn,zA,. NewvauR„ram.anui,AnvN uw. ar aeuoeN mw,euaomrs�owz ru wa SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES N Great River,New York r<Floar,oNAt rN�„N,raN,ors swasaolrtN,awNr nANsrrxAata Fr This is to certify that the Realty Subdivision or Development of the Ni uuuv .. lu+ao. urmAY CarrollAvenue Subdivision inthe Town of5outhold Hava.a.. with a total of,----two(1)__-lots was approved on the above / -"----�--___ -......WE FAMILY _ 12/5 23 MF UPDATED LOTS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE CIU li data,Watersuppliesandsewagedisposalfacilitiesmustm form 1/2/23 OF UPDATED LOT G FOR COMMERCIAL I15E CtU to construction standards In effect at the time of construction and - -- --- B/Y5/23 MF AS PER COMMENTS FROM SCOHS CID are subject to separate permits pursuant to those standards.This -- --'- -- approval shallbe valid only if the realty subdivision map is duly Iherebycerrdy that the water supp/yfsl andsewnge dlspasa/system/s/far this IIATF ElY PFSUidIYTION AIIF�, Ely filed with the County Clerk within one year of this date.Consent is project were designed by me based on a careful and thorough study of the soil, IZEV1SlONS site,Rod conditions All lots,as proposed,conform to the Suffolk herabygiven for the filing of this map on which this endorsement 'Town of Southold appears in the Office of the County Clerk in accordance with county txparcmenr vfHealrn services eonsrruction standards In eKectas ofthls „�.sqf WEW ya date ,,w�•'„oc am'V,� Suffolk County New York provisions ofthe Public Health Law and the Suffolk County Sanitary - - - ----- Code. ��--^-� * 1.Off(7/Z (AEtkON E,YO RK �,pTt9130ID NEW YOhTK RAYMOND a piBIASE,P.E. AVENUE '—- Ocense N369a3 cAIaFsOf t 469GSN ptNE SUBDIVISION-MAP .... .......... Director Division of Environmental Quality <r�eF er�.p L. K. Mt IIAN ASSOCIAII•S I.(. GRAPHIC SCALE CONSUINING kNGINIIRS Fa,G. LnaOPeanrAxrrrAP p, •v n w wo I rnv�mr svrvor COUNTRY >O 7AVk YOR 43/ S6f G TRY ROAD, Lud — N All n,H a _.. ......._ ...._ rt y r.s. -' GOOD B ..ON r"n No �)G i3a u_ ,14 D W PGr r�r..N by...N,A,.,. .. I ( ,EL) ....-1✓WM.mt4�.,NW'-'i"^"=. ____ f B H F11 L AOc'3 � .... Y ! ' t I�vch 40 rt rvv9vrs no 5atl ,DOB / n NO SEP TIC OR WELL > WITHIN 150' FROM BOUNDARY LINE LONG ISLAND RAIL ROAD IRON SUBDIVISION MAP OF ROD t:,R�� �� ;> N 46°16'00' E 341.39' WITH PROJECT LOCATION -- - CAP PROPERTY OF c ne, o_ _o Doli � _ _ . caa��y \ � Farm GRASS TRAIL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ;>'� , j LOCATED AT e�� P " o .c�. PEt NTt ' � o� 1 PILE OF TUMPS 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Nalm SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK La ii rls a ° Accents ' ' '' Z �, Ga7n,truictioi7 plalkze:mtr°r6U. L I II /29� & [)csi n Z Iris : e on l611. I I AREA SUMMARY: z �'.°° p����ak � �� vo PARCEL 1 = 203,832.84f SQ.FT. OR 4.68f ACRES .. PARCEL 2 = 218,144.82f SQ.FT. OR 5.01 f ACRES �'.v e PARCEL 3 = 23,454t SQ.FT. OR 0.54t ACRES Jpan W.Cochran TOTAL AREA OF PARCEL = 445,432t SQ.FT. OR 10.226t ACRES � 7x- orA, a 1 Q ° W LOCATION MAP gOJ � � q J �� 4I1 SCALE: 1 "=600'f Q q �° I �¢ o � 1� � u � L O T 1 ' GENERAL NOTES I n I I 1. NO EXISTING SURFACE WATER/WETLANDS WITHIN 100' OF SUBJECT'S PROPERTY LINE. 2. NO PRIVATE WATER WELLS ARE LOCATED WITHIN 150' OF THE PROPOSED SANITARY FECDR. I I SYSTEM. I I 3. NO PUBLIC WATER WELLS ARE WITHIN 200' OF THE PROPOSED SANITARY SYSTEMS. 4, NO DRAINAGE STRUCTURES WITHIN 20' OF SANITARY SYSTEMS. 3 1 I I ti ' APPLICANT INFORMATION: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LONG ISLAND RAILROAD C/0 SCOTT RUSSELL, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD p \ SUPERVISOR - - N/F °LI 53095 MAIN RD, P.O. BOX 1179, MATTITUCK, NY 11952 Rtp COUNTY OF SUFFOLK �O � BRUSH / I I c NO SEP TIC OR WELL DAE HENRIE T TA WITHIN 150' FROM = I DEVELOPED BOUNDARY LINE EDGE GF BRUSH NO SEPTIC OR WELL LOT 1: SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM DESIGN WITHIN 150' FROM BOUNDARY LINE ALLOWABLE SITE SANITARY FLOW - - - - / co (POPULATION DENSITY EQUIVALENT) ni GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ZONE: IV (600 GPD/ACRE) USE 600 GPD/ACRE X 4.68 ACRES = 2,808GPD LOT 2: SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM DESIGN 261.4 T� ALLOWABLE SITE SANITARY FLOW ¢ ° � � � � son DENSITY EQUIVALENT) I N 43 16 40 9 GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ZONE: IV (600 GPD/ACRE) PIPE USE 600 GPD/ACRE X 5.01 ACRES = 3,006 GPD I I 1\S -29 \ EDGE OF waaDS PROPOSED DESIGN FLOW 24 PROPOSED 600 SF HOUSING UNITS WOUDED DESIGN SEWAGE FLOW RATE: 451-600 SF = 150 GPD/UNIT / A -27 I I TOTAL SITE DAILY FLOW: 24 UNITS x 150 GPD/UNIT = 3,600 GPD a I I I O TOTAL DENSITY VS. ALLOWABLE DENSITYACTUAL 3, I I \ O GPD ALLOWABLENSEWAGE 6DEENSITY: 2,940 GPD 3,006 GPD - 3,600 GPD = -549 GPD (OVER DENSITY) 0 1 I I c J ti 0 �DC� I I \ 0 � I I � �8R�� I 470,36' �� � � � � Q s B.M.=29.16 Ir MAE. NAIL a I ° SET INL UTILITY a N 43°16140r W - GI POLE IPA If10 I �I ° L ) iESi E � . so' LOT 3 0 50' TOWN � / 117.56' RIGHT OF WAY >� I I 7.8' GNP N 4 16 W 585.35____------- I10' SIDE YARD SETBACK I LEGEND: PROPERTY LINE \ I 1 1 .0 EXISTING CONTOUR WATER I PROPOSED SCWA SOIL BORING LOCATION MAIN EXTENSION o � � W la•� � a 1 � � � � � I W PROPOSED SCWA WATER MAIN EXTENSION I _ UTILITY LIGHT POLE UTILITY POLE 16' 0-1 LIGHT POLE WELL 2 7 SIGN O POST 1 / CONIFEROUS TREE I / DECIDUOUS TREE EP EDGE OF PAVEMENT TO WELL- I LOT 2 \ I 1 h x27•Z SPOT ELEVATION �26 h .01 I �J I I W J � C3 L Q �� I I IAA OWTS SANITARY SYSTEM TO BE DESIGNED _ AS PER SCDHS STANDARDS W I I� 3 o � � o � 1 ---- I J ID BUILDING �Q1>� 15' SIDE YARD SETB����� 573,40am am � O_ � � - -- - so, don v� 10' MIN. _ I/A OWTSST 0 10' MIN. I ✓ -_�_ ST ,, \ \ PLASTIC o �_ 10' MIN. �� iOWW=F SJ°"'HOLD ---IF - \ DISTRIBUTION 1 FE ¢ ^ e GRAVEL DRIVEWAY \ BOX ARCHERY PARKI G - - - swoons. 8' MIN. D NIF 8' MIN. W �MONC MEIN C.� �_ �_°27�20r� -7� - - --- � J• CICHAN❑WICZ TRUST AND L.P. 1D' MIN. to -� J a � 1� / THE NEAL SARA CICHA-LDPME RIGHTS NOTES 5' MIN. w w Z� ` 2/ THE DEUELppMENT RICH 3 w o A ` C U/G AS OF SOUTHOLD WITHIN 150' 1. MEASUREMENTS ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH U.S. STANDARDS. sIN.- - - a o q �� CTOWN WELL z z z N❑ SEP TIC U�pUNDARY LINE 2. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE IN NEW PORK STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM NAD83, FROM LONG ISLAND ZONE. �� �� �� n �T ¢ ~ g / 3. ELEVATIONS REFERENCE NAVD 1988(GEOID12A). ril� o NOT TO SCALE V 4. UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO A SURVEY MAP BEARING A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR'S SEAL IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209, SUBDIVISION 2, OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. 5. ONLY COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS SURVEY MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL OF THE LAND SURVEYOR'S"EMBOSSED"OR"INKED"SEAL SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE LOT 2 SITE DATA TABLE VALID TRUE COPIES. 1. SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX NUMBER(S) 1000-075-01-6 (TO BE SUBDIVIDED) 6. CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SIGNIFY THAT THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED IN 2. ZONING CLASS AHD ACCORDANCE WITH THE EXISTING CODE OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYORS ADOPTED BY S.THE NEW PORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEAL TH SER VICES 3. AREA OF SITE (OVERALL) 5.01 ACRES (218,144.82 SF) SURVEYORS. SAID CERTIFICATIONS SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM 4. INTENDED USE OF PROPERTY RESIDENTIAL THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, Great River, New York 6. DATUM U.S.C. & G.S. OR T.O.B. U.S.C. & G.S./NAD83 (HORIZONTAL) & NAVD88 (VERTICAL) GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON AND TO THE 7. DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER 23' +/- ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE B. SCHOOL DISTRICT SOUTHOLD UFSD TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. 9. FIRE DISTRICT SOUTHOLD 7. RIGHTS-OF-WAY NOT SHOWN ARE NOT CERTIFIED. 10. WATER DISTRICT SCWA TEST BORING ZONING COMPLIANCE TABLE LOT 2 (AHD DISTRICT) GROUND EL.=27.1' 8. THE SURVEY CLOSES MATHEMATICALLY. REQUIRED OL BROWN SILTY LOAM 9. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IF SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY ARE FROM UTILITY MARKOUT MINIMUM LOT SIZE 10,000 SF ----0.5, LOCATED ON THE GROUND AND/OR RECORD PLANS.BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION IS TO MINIMUM LOT WIDTH 80 FT ML BROWN AND GRAYISH BEGIN,ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOULD BE VERIFIED AS TO THEIR LOCATION, MINIMUM LOT DEPTH 100 FT BROWN SILT SIZE AND TYPE BY THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY COMPANIES. MINIMUM FRONT YARD 35' ---_5' This is to certify that the Realty Subdivision or Development of the MINIMUM SIDE YARD 15' (25' BOTH SIDE YARDS) 70. THIS SURVEY WAS MADE WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A TITLE REPORT. SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS OR ENCUMBRANCES AN UPDATED TITLE SEARCH MAY Lot Subdivision in the Town of Southold MINIMUM REAR YARD 35' REVEAL. MINIMUM LIVABLE FLOOR AREA PER UNIT 450 SF with a total of three (3) lots was approved on the above MINIMUM YIELDING AREA, 24 DWELLINGS 79,200 SF 5P YELLOWISH BROWN FINE date. Water supplies and sewage disposal facilities must conform TO MEDIUM SAND to construction standards in effect at the time of construction and are subject to separate permits pursuant to those standards. This 1117' approval shall be valid only if the realty subdivision map is duly l hereby certify that the water supply(s)and sewage disposal system(s) for this NO WATER ENCOUNTERED BELOW SURFACE DATE BY DESCRIPTION APPROV. BY were designed b me based on a careful and thorough stud of the soil 04/07/2022 REVISIONS filed with the County Clerk within one year of this date. Consent is project g y g y McDONALD GEOSCIENCE herebygiven for the filing of this map on which this endorsement site, and groundwater conditions. All lots, as proposed, conform to the Suffolk Town Of Southold appears in the Office of the Count Clerk in accordance with County Department of Health Services construction standards in effect as of this pp y date. Suffolk County, New York provisions of the Public Health Law and the Suffolk County Sanitary Code. 1080 C A]E� O]Ll]L AVENUE SOUTHOLD , NEW YORKROBERTA. STEELS, P.E. DATE License #077397 SUBDIVISION MAP Director, Division of Environmental Quality L` K. M c L]EAN ASSOCIATES , P . C . GRAPHIC SCALE CONSULTING ENGINEERS SUFFOLK COUNTY REAL PROPERTY TAX MAP NO. 40 a 20 40 80 160 43'7 SO. COUNTRY ROAD, BROOKHAVEN, NEW YORK DISTRICT 1000 1 hereby certify that this map was made from an actual survey Sheet No. SECTION 075.00 completed by me on 0313012021. Designed By: R.A.S. Scale: 1"=40' BLOCK 01.00 LOT 006.000 ( IN FEET ) TAMARA L. STILLMAN, P.L.S. Drawn By; D.M. Date: 1/10/2023 1 inch = 40 ft. NYSPLS No. 50528 S'\Shared With Me\Projects\21039.000 Sports East Rec & Cottages\Survey Dept\Drawings\21039.000 Subdivision Map.dwg 10/31/2022 9'16 AM The Fraz Approved By. R.A.S. File No. 21039.000 NOTES 1. MEASUREMENTS ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH U.S. STANDARDS. LEGEND PROPERTY OF 2. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE IN NEW YORK STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM NAD83, • • ••• •• • •UTILITY LIGHT POLE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LONG ISLAND ZONE. - . • •• •• ••• •UTILITY PALE LOCATED AT 3. ELEVATIONS REFERENCE NA VD 1988(GEO1D12A). o,. . .. ..•. .LIGHT POLE ® • ••• •• • • .WELL PECONIC 4. UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO A SURVEY MAP BEARING A LICENSED C� • • •••• •• •SIGN TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LAND SURVEYOR'S SEAL IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209, SUBDIVISION 2, OF THE O • • •• • •• • •PBS T NEW PORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. j, CONIFEROUS TREE SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 5. ONLY COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS SURVEY MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL OF 0 • •• .•• .• •DECIDUOUS TREE THE LAND SURVEYORS "EMBOSSED"OR "INKED"SEAL SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE EP • • •• • • •• •EDGE DF PAVEMENT AREA OF PARCEL = 445 432f SQ.FT. OR 10.226f ACRES VALID TRUE COPIES. x.?Z2 • •• • ••• •SPOT ELEVATION ' 6. CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SIGNIFY THAT THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EXISTING CODE OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYORS ADOPTED BY THE NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS. SAID CERTIFICATIONS SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCYAND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. 7. RIGHTS-OF-WAY NOT SHOWN ARE NOT CERTIFIED. 8. THE SURVEY CLOSES MATHEMATICALLY. L LNG ISLAND RAILROAD IRON ROD 6 N 46.16'00- E 341,39' 290 2AI VIP z93 2 x 2A= BRUSH- PAP 2A3 x n6- - - - 29.5 x 29�' - x jr- xx EDGE OF BRUSH PAO x -` _ _ - - - - - - 71 - - __- - / �` _ GRASS TRAIL- -/ �O, N �- -29-� \ 1 I 28.8 /2a� 28.9 29.0 28,9 29.0 \ (-x 29.3 x2&7 x2fi7 x2as x2a8 N/F Sao PAs iR4 x2A3 XRA4 x292 X217 x292 \ 2a7I x x278 x2A0 q I 1269 2ae 29.0 29.1 PILE OF MPS CHARLOTTE MILLER I o I 1 2a7 292 9.3I x3ao I 3 28.6 Be.9 �9 1 ,,` x2A3 04 I I I 2a741 28.7 Gro x �! x2A3 X29.4 XZ24 x2su I I 29.1 x2a7 xza 929 � xRae 2A0:{ 2A5 29.0 I I 2 1 I I \ Xp72a7 1 I \ 7( 27.99 \ 29A 2A0 x2A0" 1C-�� -�i I �l 1 X x 2a9x 29027.8 I x2A! Rat 92 2a42a7 / / \ x x2A4 / 246 xI �275 2 %r 282 �x�x MX292 I II xza8 xR" 2A4 X2a4 2a.9 \ 2A3 / 2a8 �2�2A0 % 2A3 I �♦ I � s 2A1 x xPAI PAO '��,�{i�--q-� 2fi4 `V 27ta�/1��•eAo-.. •x 0_,X2a __ /29� I zA0 .^2 a� m xPas x 72 6 I v 7 PAP 2X4 2gg P7.i r I 277 2 8b 2A3 Z94X x � .�.� �.l !\`'\ /X % zasl29J XPAP l� d\ �I P7.9 a x P7A Pal N/F 3rn Xza3 %gas xzas eax I/ Xzs6 /I!1.`I/ l i r1 \2 \ ✓ %zae za7 pq.o ♦ MARID ROSA-OSDRIO ti J x2a9 %Pa6 AND LISA A. RDSA /P90/'i',�11�1= \ �l\ %za31�r\ x2a8 x2a6 XI� %z9J T� x2a3 ti Ix2as x2a4 X� x2a7 x28.1 I QI �ew\ Z _\-r.�\ \i//\ mil/�•/ 1 ¢� \ <I� //\\I/ \I/l�•!I/ I x28.6 x2as x2a9 xza3 x2a5 x2&o I 1 x2a4 x2a3 x2a3 1 x2a3/ tax x x2a9 Rao x Rae %283 za, _ x263 X295 � � //\ _`�X/ zx'I I x2a2 / x /^IC\I,�\l,�\l,�\l,�l x 2a1 x 17 x 27.9 / xP7.7 xZal xzal tax x2a7 NIF \ BRUSH COUNTY DF SUFFOLK ea4 x EDGE OF BRUSHx \ 27.6 xe" X273 y x280 x278 x27.9 \ R�I x2a4 I � 1� X \ /2$ _ I I � \4)I\�t,l iYj V / 2&o !�- ' % x27Jr xe7J7 x27.7 I I xe /\>/\7/ 27.7 I P7.7X�1 1 \ \� l� 27.9 / x274lll����� ['�`�� 27.8 x27.s xI x2a6 I £P 29.3 2A3%PxA7 \ 1 I ( 1 f EP M N 2A6�•' ea4 Pal xJ� \ I • % x I2 J x93 917 2-9 9 2A2 �29 N 43 16 40 E P61.. _ _ x 28.8 I RM W 29i �Ra zx 289 2&8xx 2a8 �. x274 I �/ x274 ( 2S3 W I W 292 PIPE / 2d9 2a.9 29� - 27.3 �y�- ---fit xP7.S xe7.4 27A'�r 2a 27.0 x27A I I LOWS -2 9 / 29J x�7.9 - - - - - - - - "_ - -- - - - x 278 \ EDGE OF WOODS 276 I 1 1` A Z X \\ I 29.0 x 2a /28 / , � / �2 I I (� O X 27..9 x276 x27.8 X27.5 x27.4 // x26.9 \P7�- / %270 X26.8 N\ x27A -27-_PZA z6.9 �CP7.3 x27.3 \I^I/ xP72 x27.3 x272 2x 27.7 ry V l «I \ \ \ f / Z W WOODED / > I I Lvi ii•I/ \l7\!>j�<// I y �v EDGE OF BRUSH �� \7�\ \I/L\ �/7 �I\ err/ _ N I j l^ Pa9 ax P. I /I 271 Il � 4 !\2 t n�-!'�\1 27.0 276 _ V x 2d8 xP7.7x 277 x27.3 x27.6 x27.4 x274 I x 27J� x269 x6.6 x269 x269 X26B XP6A 272x _ / tp\� ,I \ X26 )))1/ 1 x266x 257 2641 /\//�j�yl�llj xza9 x / �N x269 BRUSH x268 ) I 267 /%•��1// \rl\ \1 !///\ O 2a6 2a9 I - I (x x269 III I 26.6 x267 x 27J x 27.4 x 27.3 B.M.-29.16 I I / 1 270 J �_ P7.0 x P7x NAG, NAIL xP7b %27.3 27.0x x267 269 SET IN UTILITY 1 e7.0 i x27J / POLE LIPA #10 I J I 268 I I I x267 ��----- i� J x2a2a = I I I x I I I 0 2A0 ' ti 269 x266 266 I \ \ N 2a9 x it x27.3 x274 I a I x x268 R 1 x27S xe7.6 x27.S I 27.P J x x 27.7 I BRUSH \ x P67 x 2&9 2a8 2a6 I I 2•6 II I x26.8 x267 x272 \ I x ( 1 x266 / 285 f�. q I �x :261 26 \Yf \ I �V p X2Ga 27U 27�I I 27J`- ) I '4 n: 3 x 272 X 27.4 x P7J m v 5 x 27.4 x 272 I 27.3 4 / \ I I / I i 27A /x274 272\ 2xJ x 272 x 2a6x J C 2a7 I W / 268II 1 '7J / xP6.9 x26� x26.6 x26.9 x2G3 I I x266 x _27 I \ II X I 2a4 �'I xv2 x274 x27� x266 I I EDGE OF BRUSH x 27.4 x 27.4 r/♦ % ESE C0\ / I I I 26.S 26�5 2 1 I27.OI x264 x266 x268 x2r.4 x26S x261 x IRbsl x /� x 27J x 27.0 ` x 269 x268 x 26.9 � 2a2 W 282 I i \ I I I I x 26.s 27.0 x I Rao ti I 269 2661 x261 x264 x 2a3 X262 x264 x267 J EDGE OF WOODS x26.6 %263 x26.! I 2a0 ry � I xR&6 P70 27.0 X I I v I x 26.6 2a1 J /' X27.3 %27.6 xP72 x272 / xP7A \ I I Al 266 26x 1141 1 x 26A x 262 x 262 x 262 x 262 x266 2 x7 P68 X26.6 I � x269 x y / P6x I27. 1 x267 x267 P7.0x\ x27 j 27.8 W 27.8 x 27J `/ X 268 %268 x x 1 X 27.4 x 27.4 258262 26,I \ I1 WOODED I 1 \ 260 �-- 0 x25. 16' x 26J 26.0 x 2S8 260 26.0 �9 N \-- �-27� 1 I I\ 262 x263 1 266I I x2S8 260 x jx� x x264 x% x 27.9 P68 273 x269 x267 x�.4 1.J�1 2728 W27.8 278 xP7Jx27.1 x27.4 X27.3 %27J x274 xI267 I6262-max 6269 ^ 3 II I \ 261� x266 26.3 26.6 x I267I t�'�,.% \ I x263 x262 �x257� �k 264 263 �'x X269 X260 1 x I2S;x 5 � x259\ ~ N u x26S t' !2S 277 q 3 x 27.7 RZ4I x1 x269 x269 %26.8 126x X'k26.1 J o x27.4 x27.3 x27.4 x27.5 x273 ( x268 27.0� i I (\ _, I I 267 12 / \26 ON~ 263 I I \ x258 x259 x25.9 r XM %26.3 x267826.I W ti EDGE OF WOODS 2fAs x259 X z7.6 J I 27J 127.7I -� X x K R6.7 X 263 I I \ 27.7 x I x I x 27J x 272\ 268 266 I I x 27.3 x27.3 x27.5 x27.3 x27.4 0 I I N 1 I I X 269*06. x 257 "`260 27.6 a ] I I I WOODED xP68 x26.5 I I rJ %257 x25.6 x W , I XP68 2X4, x2S8 X257 R76 I X272 / I x 26J 1 N R7� (\ x268 x264 \ 6' 27x I27JI 27.0/ xP7J \ x269 i I \ P7.9 x27.3 x I 2 2 x264 279 273 � 27.4 \ \ 26.0 x260 x257 X 27.3 I / \ 1 25l \ •�/ 26.3 26.5 2R6. I 1 1 I 26 x x 270 x 263 I x 26.0 \ I x / x272 I I /j \ 7.2 �6 � 268 ��253 26.3 �24.4 1265I x26.0/2(�/x / 27.6 ^ PB.O I x 27.0 273 x 26I 26J W x267 I �/� 267 266 i6J x 264x I x266 x263 263 I I \ N \ \ 1275 'x26.9 %267 1 \ x 263 R 260 276 27.5 x 27.6 p P, 2%•0 27.0 I I I I ) x259 x2 0 x262 x268 / v I I / \ 2X4 I2X41 X262 X262 / W x 26.8 x 262 x267 I I I I x263 I I / 270 2a0 / / I x263 \ N x I Ix 269 27J\ x 26.7 1 2X4 W 280 N x274 I27.4I \x/J 1 x264I � 260 27.8 * I x272 %26.8 \ I J I I x259 x260 l LIPA #7 ` x269 x259 J x 27.0 x 26.9 � I I 26.31 262 xx 26.2 J 278 I x265 x264 x26.0 I¢ I / 260 27.9 I \ J h x 267 g 25. i \ \ x268 g V I I x267 ~ x 27.8 y I x253I x26. xt ,s 26S j 27.z '� x274 1 P74I x259 y 262 I x27.1 x259 x257 / x 26 9 x 27A I \ x 263 1263I x 26.I x262 40 ^ 27.6 J x266 x268 I %268 x264 x260 q / / I x269 I x268 I I N 272 (WOODED 2%J I x268 I f 26,8255 x 26.5 x 27J I I I W I / Z{260 X254 x 271 x27.2 I Y x257 x252 \ x26.8 I x262 263 x25S .�. � x 26.6 x266 27.3 C'j� \ 1 I I x26.9 - b 27.0� x 26.9 4 x267 N I 28.0 \ \�1 x I x I x27.0 x 1 pp \ \ x 267 x 27.3 272 I 27.6 X x 27.0 0 2a9 2A7 x27.Sx 27.9 x263 x26,6 x269 27 I I � �� --• � ` - - °279 29.ax 26JL 8 / �.� ,20 / 57". � �\ x R66 268 o I X P70 �"' ✓ \ sT _ $ RECEIVED 264 x 2L67I O° 28A 2&9��56 \ ,, SHULD -\\ 26.8 �v x27.3 2711z % 2. 77 TF Kp./(� EP ZEA z6."i x �U1/G GAS 'k���7 2ao ARCHERY PARK - -I1'" - -, GRAVEL DRIVEWAY - - r _ - '2EP 25.9 268 'rCONC. lIN, zzxJJUN 14 2022 CONC, 279 EP 2`�'8 1 MON. Sao cb ea1 SOUL old Town x27.8I Z / O2�\ x 27. �jx272 / � \ dA 27.11 7.3 27X NiF Planning Board 7.1 CIC 00VICZ TRUST AND \\ - THE NEAL J. CICHANOWICZ THE SARA / (TOWN DF SpUTHpLD DEVELpPMENT RIGHTS) DATE BY\ DESCRIPTION APPROV. BY \ REVISIONS Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York 1080 CARROLL AVENUE SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 4° ° 20 GRAPHIC SCALE �� �r � �- S 0 L. K. McLEAN ASSOCIATES, P . C . 40 80 760 CONSULTING ENGINEERS SUFFOLK COUNTY REAL PROPERTY TAX MAP NO. I La LA ~ "� � 437 SO. COUNTRY ROAD, BROOKHAVEN, NEW YORK DISTRICT 1000 I hereby certify that this map was made from an actual survey k ? SECTION 075.00 ( IN FEET ) completed by me on 0313012021. ? ;� {' �� Designed By. C.M. Scale: 1"= 40' Sheet No. BLOCK 01.00 1 inch = 40 ft. � � 050528 LOT 006.000 +J'�['� SV\'�J Drawn By, D.M. Date: 04/06/2021 TAMARA L. STILLMAN,P.L.S. LAB 9\Shared Wlth Me\Pr0•/ects\21039.000 Sports East Rec B Cottages\Survey Dept\Dra wings\21039.000 Topo Survey.dwg 6/6/2022 12,35 PM Tamara Stillman NYSPLS No. 50528 Approved Byi T.L.S, File No. 21039.000 OFFICE LOCATION: li, x r .°u MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex � �' P.O. Box 1179 ��� 54375 State Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 �� Telephone: 631 765-1938 µ z w r'Co LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SQK MT C To: Donald Wilcenski,Chair RECEIVEb Members of the Planning Board ME C 2 8 2023 From: Mark Terry,AICP L „ Assistant Town Planning Directoran�lh�tµ' cwar LWRP Coordinator Planning Board Date: December 27,2023 Re: Local Waterfront Revitalization Coastal Consistency Review for the Proposed Carroll Avenue Standard Subdivision This standard subdivision proposes to subdivide a 10.22-acre parcel into 2 lots where Lot 1 is 5.21 acres and Lot 2 is 5.008 acres. The parcel is zoned Affordable blousing District(AHD). The purpose is to provide the opportunity within certain areas of`the Town for the development of high-density housing for families of'moderate hicome„and ,further„ to do so with wensitivit)�to the historic and aesthetic character q/'the Tow n's existing neighborhoods. Towards that end the Planning Board shall have the authority to amend certain setback and other specifications in order to ensure cost efficiencies and design that furthers the Town's goals ofproviding quality workforce housing. Homes located within the Affordable Housing District are intended to be affordable in perpetuity. Currently,there is no development proposed. However,the AHD zoning district supports the critical need for workforce/community housing within the Town and the Southold Town Comprehensive Plan(2020)Land Use, Economic Development,and Housing Chapters,which include goals that recognize the need to create such housing types. The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268,Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program(LWRP)Policy Standards.It is recommended as CONSISTENT with the LWRP. Pursuant to Chapter 268,the Board shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Mara Cerezo,Planner RECEIVED Michaelis,Jessica _ From: Terry, Mark oGP�.tl618 Town' ., Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 7:40 AM Planning Board To: Lanza, Heather; Cerezo, Mara; Michaelis,Jessica Subject: RE: Peconic Cottages Subdivision SCDHS Ref#: RS-23-0012 resubmission required. Please file. From: Russell,Scott<Scott.Russell @town.southold.ny.us> Sent:Tuesday, February 14, 2023 7:04 AM To: Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us>;Terry, Mark<mark.terry@town.southold.ny.us>; Mirabelli, Melissa <melissa.mirabelli@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: FW: Peconic Cottages Subdivision SCDHS Ref#: RS-23-0012 resubmission required. Sent from my Verizon,Samsung Galaxy smartphone --------Original message-------- From: nore I ehims suffolkcount n . ov Date: 2/13/23 4:41 PM (GMT-05:00) To: "Russell,Scott" <Scott.Russeil °town.southoId.n .us> Subject: Peconic Cottages Subdivision SCDHS Ref#: RS-23-0012 resubmission required. The Department has reviewed your submission, Ref#: RS-23-0012, Please see the attached letter for requirements. The Department has a new online public portal, which you are encouraged to use for making your next resubmission. Please see the instructions on how to set up new account and view your application, also attached. Afterwards, you may access your application online to review the processing status. Thank you. Office of Wastewater Management CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic mail transmission is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information belonging to the sender which is protected by the attorney-client privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by e- mail and delete the original message. i RECEIVED COUNTY OF SUFFOLK [ 1 .......... _. m Fo (own STEVEN BELLONE Planning Board SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES GREGSON H. PIGOTT,MD, MPH Commissioner Matthew Frascinella February 13, 2023 437 SOUTH COUNTRY ROAD Notice#: 1 BROOKHAVEN, NY 11719 PECONIC COTTAGES SUBDIVISION Tax Map: 1000075000100006000 Record ID: RS-23-0012 Notice of Incomplete Appligation Matthew Frascinella, This office has reviewed your application for the above referenced project. The following will be required prior to any further processing of the application for approval to construct: (1) Lot 2 of the current proposal appears to be in excess of the Article 6 allowable density based on lot area. A Board of Review (BOR) variance is required & a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) proposal is recommended. Prior to BOR scheduling, submit the following: WWM-061 BOR Variance Application, revised maps, and clarify the method of density mitigation. If proposing to use a local offset, submit a TDR data sheet. If proposing Pine Barren Credits, then specify the amount to be transferred on map & submit a letter detailing where the credits will originate from. Letters from the sending/receiving Towns may be required prior to scheduling to accept the transfer. (2) Covenant language TBD upon BOR Determination. (3) Proposed use of lot 3 is unclear, as it appears to be denoted as a 50' Town ROW. Clarify if a road will be proposed with a SCWA water main being extended to serve future cottages. If the area will be a road, then update maps to remove reference to lot 3 & update SCDHS approval stamp/site data accordingly. If proposed to remain as undeveloped open space, then a covenant may be required. (4) Submit Water Availability Letter from SCWA including distance & cost if water main extension is required. Update distance the water main will be extended on map such that it is consistent with the water availability letter. (5) Maps provided show the calculation method based on commercial project to determine the population density equivalent; however, the current proposal appears to be a multiple residential project, which is calculated at 75% of the adjusted gross land area. Update allowable flow calculations accordingly; refer to Section VII. lb of the Commercial Standards, if necessary. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY-OFFICE OF WASTEWATER%) 360 Yaphank Avenue,Suite 2C,Yaphank, NY 11980 P13hW F.aJth (631)852-5700 1 Fax(631)852-5755 Page 1 of 2 (6) Revise typical lot layout provided to show commercial setbacks (e.g. leaching structures 10' minimum from property line). (7) Indicate on maps the use of proposed lot 1 (i.e. single-family residence(s) or commercial). Provide two (2) typical lot layouts for each type of proposed use (one using the Residential Standard setbacks, and the other using Commercial Standards setbacks) if lot 1 is proposed to be residential. (8) Show conceptual water line into all lots. (9) Revise the map name to say "Peconic Cottages", consistent with the application forms provided. Update SCDHS approval stamp accordingly. (10) Submit SEQRA Determination & Planning/Zoning Board Approval from Town. (11) Submit revised maps with original PE & LS signatures/seals and the design professional statement signed/dated. A minimum of four (4) paper prints will be required prior to subdivision approval. Additional revisions may be required upon further review. To avoid delays in the processing/approval of your application, paperwork and documents should be submitted using the online portal. Electronic submission will ensure priority processing. Please note that alterations of surveys/plans must be made by a licensed design professional or surveyor and be properly certified. Photocopies of documents and penciled in corrections are not acceptable. Please do not hesitate to call (631) 852- 5700 with any questions. Regards, Adrian Casillas CC: ROBERT A STEELE SCOTT RUSSELL a M . -WATER MANAGFMENTCIVINO OF EN R ENAUAIi C0FWfl 36 V�� r Lei�u uute ?� h� � 0(63.1.)852 5700 I Fax(6,31.)85,E-5755 page 2 of 2 - COUNTY OF SUFFOLK C~ EB µ 6 8�._ STEVEN BELLONE Planning � outl'io8 SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE Board DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES GREGSON H. PIGOTT, MD, MPH Commissioner Town of Southold Supervisor Date: 02/13/2023 53095 Main Rd, P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Attn: Scott Russell Subject: SCDHS New Online Public Portal; PIN Access to Existing Application(s) Dear Scott Russell: The Suffolk County Department of Health Services, Office of Wastewater Management, has a new online public portal and you are receiving this message because you are listed as an active contact in our prior computer system. You may use this portal to submit new applications, manage existing applications, upload or download files, make payments, renew your applications and track in-process or finalized applications. Please follow this link Lrtt -,prod.accela.co 1&1E OLKCOto create your account. When setting up your new account, in order to gain access to your existing pending applications through the online portal,the email address you use for your account's contact information must match the email address we have on file for your existing pending applications. After setting up your new account, if you still do not see the below referenced application, you must use the PIN +contact ID provided in the table below in order to gain access to that application. • Instructions for how to use the new online portal (a FAQ page; see bullet no. 1): -SUfrP_1&oUntVn4 ao v Ci'' M'Ye QEAQs p • Instructions for how to use the PIN provided in the table below.A Registration User Guide is available at that same address: p .,/ ca.suffotkc un v.qov1C&,zenAcossftcs18C_8_d l / s_1rcrct_io_n ._f Record ID Pin Number Contact ID Project Name Tax Map RS-23-0012 238986375 99008667 Peconic Cottages Subdivision 1000075000100006000 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY-OFFICE OF WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 360 Yaphank Avenue,Suite 2C,Yaphank, NY 11980 Page 1 of 1 cxrn (631)852-5700 1 Fax(631)852-5755 m IVED SOUTHOLDREC PLANNING oln DEPARTMENTS Planning Board Subdivision Application dorm - Sketch Approval APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town of Southold Planning Board for SKETCH APPROVAL for the subdivision described herein. 1. Name of Subdivision 2. Suffolk County Tax Map# -�LDd — r/6'. — 3. Type of Subdivision Standard Conservation [ ] 4. Hamlet 5. Street Address/ J-000 ' Project Location 6. Acreage of Site 0 t 22(Q ac.+-e 7. Proposed Yield 8. Number of Lots Proposed 2 9. Zoning District 10. Date of Submission 11. Please provide the names, addresses and phone numbers for the following people: Applicant: cS P. o. "? Agent: � "r), Sketch Plan Application Form Property Owner(s): _ cl U15 go ►'1 ? . ? V _e Surveyor: LKE _. `7 IR Engineer. ._ .... ,k'ti ,gym ►. " . Attorney: t . 12. Has an application for subdivision ever been filed for this property? If so,please indicate when and whether or not approval was granted by the Planning Board. 13. Has a pre-submission conference been held with the Planning Board? If so, provide date. ye-S 1 Z 02Z 14. Desthe � s No parcel(s) meet the Lot Recognition standard in Town Code §280-9 Lot Recognition? If"yes", explain how. 15. Has the owner/applicant met with Land Preservation? If so,provide date, 16. Is any part of the property in agricultural use? If so,how many acres?--mmu 17. Is there an existing or proposed sale of development rights on the property? MO 18. Does the owner own any adjacent properties? If so, please indicate the properties by SCTM#. l ODD- 19. Are there any building permits currently pending on this property? If yes,please provide permit number(s). (J O 2 20. The site will be serviced by the following special districts or utility companies: Fire District O�-QO l �i�_._.-i ' . Post Office _ ' School District _.. c U PS Water ��� ~�..... - 21. Has the relevant Electric Utility Company been notified of the proposed subdivision? If so, please x-ovide proof that service will be provided. 22. Please indicate the type of open space proposed and how it will be managed? 23. Are there any existing structures on the property? If so,please indicate the type of structure and its use(s). Will these structures remain, be removed or altered? 24. Based on the parcel yield and the affordable housing requirement of the Town Code, how many Moderate Income Family Dwelling Units are proposed? If the number that will be built is less than 20% of the yield,please indicate how you intend on satisfying the requirement(see Town Code §240-10 B (2)(c) for options). 25. Application completed by ] owner [] agent [ ] other Signature of Preparer Date 4aw— Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCE"ASSESSNIEN`ll"'FOI M A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions inchding Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. " l rcapos d actdu»rn �rll„ be alu tt as tt �tS !nificatat b nefd i l anct..gc�ygs f1ects��pcg ili coa teal jtre C14cl includes all of Southold To y i 3. orm is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will If any question in Section C on this f affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus each answer must be ex lained in detail listing both supportin2 and non- supporting facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net),the Board of Trustees Office,the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# � PROJECT NAME Gd.I-Irk �/ ., 1_lf. The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): Town Board ❑ Planning Board[,id Building Dept. ❑ Board of Trustees ❑ l. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) (b) Financial assistance(e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: Nature and extent of action 1 vvov�-_R)-rce_ k ous C dim m U-n I , Location of action: ©6 Q CQrI'O .............._——— b www1� www_ �►Uu-e Pe-c o►7 i c . Site acreage: - ' ...9 2 . Present land use !,i`` t wwwww w _ .!VL) Present zoning classification:....... 1 . _...�......��............_...... ...... _ ..��... 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: I n a Name of applicant:-- (b) Mailing address:....._... ._...........m.m.��_ ......� �� .. - 2 ..: — .. __........(c) Telephone number: Area Code (d) Application number, if any:..... Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes El No If yes,which state or federal agency? C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III— Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. II AApplicable _.. .. .:: h.w.,... __... allot� L___ / es L as , _ �C .cam F...... � r ..._ �. ..... . ...._....w _..._ — .............. . ........ a,d"_......_� w. — .—_W....n"e- ..__— ....�.............. ..... .. ........ ............... �.._.... ... ...— �_ Attach additioii�►1 sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria Yes F1 No Not Applicable -51 Attach addi foii�il sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria w�� � ..... _�._ _ ... ' Q Yes No Not Applicable � �� ..��. .. ,. ..g �R.+4.r � f1 ....... _ It '�' IT a Attach additional;sh s if 0lecess NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria Yes 11 No 5—Vi Not Applicable Attach additional_..s. il....c e t's if _necessary------------..... . _— .... .._. _.�_.._ Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria Eyes 1:1No Not.Applicable _ 1!e- �� � .... Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III— Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. Yes L] No Not Applicable S-14 VVW _. -__ _, ....._ .....- .. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. Yes E] No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. Yes ❑I No .. Not Applicable PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. �p l Yes[1] No❑ Not Applicable ..— .. -_ .......... ... ., Attach additional sheets if necessary� � _.......... � .�.�...� WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. El Yes El No [FrNot Applicable ................ ........... ............... Attach additional shw"s, if n—e c e s s a—ry . ...... . Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound,the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. Yes F] No Not Applicable ........... Attach additional shccts ................ .......... ............... ............. ............... ............ if n—ecessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. 0 YesEl No[— No t Applicable Co-re Culd also 4111 ---------- .......... -- ................... ............. ........... .......... ............... Attach additiorkil sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. Yes IL' j No M Not Applicable, .......... ....... 4 CTJ ............6 —-------- PREPARED BY TITLE. �Ze i r- DATE-434=3 Amended on&111105 I� �Il�III IIII��III II��I III II�I�IIIII III I I�I)III II II � � II IIIII� I I I SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 09/14/2018 Number of Pages: 4 At: 03:54 :04 PM Receipt Number : 18-0172494 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER, 18-05315 LIBER: D00012978 PAGE : 613 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 075. 00 01.00 006.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $750,000 .00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $20 . 00 NO Handling $20 .00 NO COE $5. 00 NO NYS SRCHG $15. 00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $250 . 00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation $0 .00 NO Cert_Copies $0.00 NO RPT $200 .00 NO Transfer tax $0 . 00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $520 .00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 18-05315 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A .BILL ,JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County F1151 Number of pages RECORDED 2018 Sep 14 03:34:04 PM JUDITH A. PPSCRLE This document will be public CLERK OF su record. Please remove all L D00 COUNTY L D00012978 Social Security Numbers P 613 prior to recording. DTI{ 12-05315 Deed I Mortgage Instrument Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp = Recording/Filing Stamps 3 FEES Filing/Page Mortgage Amt. g Fee 1. Basic Tax Handling 2'I). 2. Additional Tax TP-584 Sub Total Notation SpecJAssit. or EA-52 17(County) Sub Total Spec./Add_ EA-5217(State) _ TOT.MTG.TAX --,_,_,- 7�r Dual Town Dual County_ R.P.T.S A. / Held for Appointment Comm.of Ed. 5. 00 T _- ransfer Tax Affidavit ` Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is Certified Copy . ............ or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 r r�f1 family dwelling only. Sub Total `� .0 YES or NO Other r� Grand Total V - If NO,see appropriate tax clause on page of this i trument. .I n 18028802 i000 07500 0100 006000 006.000 5 Community Preservation Fund 4 Il'i. Real Pro II ��flfl IIII `� Consideration Amount 750,000..00 Tax Set R DTY Agen 2Btt1D Verifict �,.- q CPF ax Due $ -0- ._._ �-�... Improved 6 Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD&RETURN TO: Vacant Land X WILLIAM McQUAID DUFFY ESQ TD LO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PO BOX 1179 TD SOUTHOLD NY 11971 TD Mail to:Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 =le Company_Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 ca,Name Chicago Title Insurance Services, LLC www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Title# C17-7474-17580-SUFF g Suffolk- Count Recor n " Endorsement This page forms part of the attached Executor's Deed made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) SANDRA J. MI➢GLEY, as Executor of the The premises herein is situated in �dt W21. and Testartm nt o i ata SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK_ Rle .I.�_.......- TO In the TOWN of Southold TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the VILLAGE ............... - or HAMLET of Peconic BOXES 6 THRU S MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. 12-0104-WOBkk x .;,, r.^ •Form 80D5•A --E*ewtdr"s Deed—Individual or Corporation(single sheet) No N.Y.S.REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX R OWRED THIS INDENTURE,made the 26th day of July in the year 2018 BETWEEN SANDRA J. MIDGLEY, residing at 9655 Isom Avenue, Hastings, Florida 32145 as executor of the last will and testament of William S. Midgley, Jr. , late of Suffolk County, New York, who died on September 26, 2014 (Surrogate' s Court File #2014-3708) , party of the first part,and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation with office and principal place of business at 53095 Route 25, Southold, New York 11971 party of the second part, WITNESSETH,that the party of the first part, to whom letters testamentary were issued by the Surrogate's Court of the State of New York for the County of Suffolk on October 24, 2014, and by virtue of the power and authority given in and by said last will and testament,and in consideration of SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND and 00/100 ($750,000.00)------------- ------------------------------paid by the party of the second part,does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that undivided interest in that certain plot, piece or parcel of land,with the buildings and improvements thereon erected,situate,lying and tieing on the 'easterly side of Carroll Avenue, Peconic, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, . New York, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Carroll Avenue which point is distant 368.5 feet on a tie line North 32' 50' 10" West southerly from the Long Island Rail Road (MTA) along the easterly side of Carroll Avenue and which point is the southwesterly corner of land of Courtenay; running thence from said point of beginning North 52' 06' 00" East along land of Courtenay 261.47 feet to a point; thence North 310 30' 40" West along the easterly boundaries of lands of Courtenay, Rosa-Osorio and Miller 355.24 feet to the southerly side of the Long Island Rail Road (MTA) ; thence North 55° 05' 20" East along the southerly side of the Long Island Rail Road (MTA) 341.39 feet to land of Osprey Dominion Vineyard, Ltd. and County of Suffolk (Development Rights) ; thence South 290 55' 50" East along the westerly boundary of land of Osprey Dominion Vineyard, Ltd. and County of Suffolk (Development Rights) 886.47 feet to land of ILEX VM, LLC and Town of Southold (Development Rights) ; thence South 470 16' 40" West along the northerly boundary of land of ILEX VM, LLC and Town of Southold (Development Rights) 573.42 feet to the easterly side of Carroll Avenue; thence North 32° 50' 10" West along the easterly side of Carroll Avenue 593.26 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises as described in a certain Judgment entitled "Sandra J. Midgley as Executor of the Estate of William S. Midgley, Jr. , Deceased vs. Charles L. Phillips, et al. " dated August 4, 2017, Index Number 2009-09933, entered in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Suffolk on August 14, 2017 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on August 24, 2017 in Liber 12926 Page 762. Page 2 of 4 TOGETHER with all right,title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part of, in and to any streets and roads abutting the above-described premises to the center fines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances, and also all the estate which the said decedent had at the time of decedent's death in said premises, and also the estate therein, which the party of the first part has or has power to convey or dispose of,whether individually,or by virtue of said will or otherwise; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever,except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word"party"shall be construed as if it read"parties"whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: Jandd,AaJfM�idgle eA Page 3 of 4 ACKN'OWtI E ENT T N IN NgWyqRK STATE. State of County of as: On the day of in the year 20 before me the undersigned personatty appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence„ to be the individuals)whose name(s) is(are)subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that(he)(sire)(they)executed the same in(his)(her)(their)capaoity(oes)„and that by(his)(her) (their) signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s) or the person upon behalf of which theindividual(s) acted, executed the instrument ACKNOIMfF i DGEftMENT TAKEN IN NEW YORtt STATE State of County of as: On the day of in the year 20 before me tht+undersigned,personally appeared personally known to me or proved to one can the basis of satisfactory evidence,to be the individual(s)whose name(s)is(are)subscrbad to the within instrument and acknowledged' to me that(he)(she) (they) executed the same in (his)(her) (their)capacily(nes), and that by (iris) (her) (their) signature(s)on the instrument,the individual(s)or the person upon behalf'of which the individual(s)acted',executed the instrument. ACKNOWLEDGEMgNT BY SU'BSC' RING WITNESS TA N IN NEW YORK STAT State of County of as:, On the day of in the year 20 before me the undersigned,personalty appeared the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument,with whom l am personally actfuainted,r who being by me duly sworn,did depose and say,that(he)(she)(they) reside(s)in ;that(he)(she)(they)know(s) to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that said subscribing witness was present and saw said execute the same;and that said witness at the same time subscribed(his)(her)(their)name(s)as a witness thereto. CKNOWL D EN' TAKEN lDE NEVN YORtC TATE State of Florida County of St.Johns,ss: (or insert District of Columbia,Territory,Possession or Foreign Country) On the \o day of S \ , in the year 2018, before me the undersigned, personally appeared SANDRA J. MIDGLEY personally known to me or prov d to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence,to be the individual(6)whose name(s)is(are)subscribed to the within instrument and acknovviedged to me that( )(she)(thy)executed the name in(leis)(her)(them) pacity(*s),and that by (his)(her',) (ter)signature(s)on the instrument„the individual($)or the person upon behalf of which the individuals)acted,executed the instrument and that such individual made such appearancV State of Florida. !Carl M. EXECUTOR'S DEED RETURN BY MAIL TO Title No. WILLIAM McQUAID DUFFY ESQ SANDRA J. MIDGLEY, AS EXECUTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OF THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT PO BOX 1179 WILLIAM S. MIDGLEY, JR. SOUTHOLD NY 11971 to TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Section: 075.00 Block: 01.00 Lot: 006.000 County or Town: Suffolk County Distributed By Chicago Title Insurance Company Page 4 of '4 . x INSIRUCTIONS(RP.5217-PDT-INS)www.opa_stete.rNy.us FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ) u� Now vd*� 1llftellt of C1.tiMI19 Coco i T� t3 �+"c Taxaft l and Finance 07-DAN I!Mlsad Roo aided ! -" a offer or PAW Properly TAR Sorvloea - """ RP-5217-PDF Clseal) - t j C4.P*p L I Rwl rrpr Tnwlts In Report J1(1,) PROPERTY INFORIA/1TION I.L lOdO ocallion Carrol] Avesnue •ardaN w#sa - — sournold ' ffil� b •xo+r�rporsr -- .—• — araasal °aPt= 2. r T o:d Now Cafusr»sw '� faaplNWwra .• a arwak,ocaw�Nr.�.. .. ..� .�.. IPar wA% — s'Tax eercyewhere fulurs Tax B•u rs Io oe/enl Town Of SCU LFlal d UN*ig Addrou A ewer than law oddla.tr bMw of form)— ,rer r wr �+•, neat NraNt P.O. Box 1179 a'MFXI rMAettwo—ft NMYF —� —,$';x(yr O�pPN'M —•�I�If 2PCLIe. 4.INNIeNe dw nwmbor o('Avio4osMme r �� ey (Only R Part at a Pa"Check as thoy ap*: Ros prceb rssneAawwr on lltd _ �_ OR L1 Pare a a Pr ck 4A.PkrrnNp eoM wan Sulkkt#Mwbl A Allwyy Ewals l a.ow/d Prowrly rea.Niurue """. (-)R -.10.U— — OLS..hd7W—Appmol was Re9u red for T+anrer (' 4C-PE Awwwod for SubtL#Ae on witn Wp Prowdea GI Sandra J. Q]ielfl uya as_f'xe�fn t�f tbbe 1.ra_$t R'i_ll and Testament of Niliaa N.r S. G.laG/r .".uweiwrae,rc�rr "—'"" . . r�e l dSleyf Jr. 'T-iaYwtdude/*VU-*hfwh mpatai{rarNNy describes Wa -' Cheer)the' below a eft M*. W of the prop"at ttaa torn N of sdo. s.Own 111P Iyw/is Gondonc aurn I U.Vnn-Residential Vaftant land I-NowCangruci ainaVoerttLow n 1IIA.Pmi)lny Lmidodwhhn on,M,gvAlknrdi os'tdd toe"khel W ar lvd is tW*ditwm��skkgldmq lhrt the wraporty Is in on Ll ISAt J �.ed Dam L I!N!F TYON 1 tL care aea or macwro wf fVad4r unldiwaw ea awrl ks oa A PSold.drrlusewN PWAWn or Fww Rolefivne 11.lals earsreet ow 0 2/V/2 01 B B Sals'i an ReLoW lumpeseo ar PSMars in Bump OB/C3/2 — C One d the B# yes a aim Sear 11 DNe d 6alsRkslrtbr 01 B O.Buyer or Salter to Qdkornwin Awanr.T or LoAoew isaarnwaron '- - '- - E.0mc Typo net' lnahky cr Brpaaa and She(may Baaawy' •13.Fri tefe Price 750r COD- F.SAW ud FA at Low then C&Vwkant Chwdo in wropof fB ew sTas'(e'SPaadydis r]d°mow DM/o t Fwit So PdGae na veep Idiot a'moasd pad for Vac property sofuonw Verging H S d suelod s m Ind into in Sole Pnca T �may to vis r of A,oeN vioporly at goule,wC Cho.� e"4.d I.OthK Unuaral Factors Alt amg Sete Pdw(5N,*Bdoo ir"NU aoarothwixiwpbwutoplsoasesto w0nor>awdatwhofadoNarWUdN, ,IT„� J No 'Comnrngp an Condroon: 14.Indicate U*vNue of pM WW prwprgelneludodMtlroaN _ •IXI P,ro rxor�t'o^"a ttidsd i,�SSt'SSfdE f FORf�tyt7iK]N.Detr eWf�xNd rltfl�Ta!Ihd IrTaa1 F)amtl rrl Ratl rntf Tale .-,., '—. . —. .`....,�.B'd 10,Year of Aassamant Rail from which Inki nNbn hfen(YYI ]R -1/.TOW Assaa/d Volus 3# !D 0 '1B.F%Wmty Clovis 170 ....._ "1s. L'kowrlaCNanas Saul:hoid 'Zs.Tar flap ldrwnrloyRar ld/nirlar(al Id mole then tow..nrwh ofwl with sddblonol IdeaLlWsll — '15-1 0' ® �cx�ca 075cx� Ol o o 00(.o oo cERr�� Ii Codf UW ed of ON roes of fnhwdsdtlon mikew on this fwm one tnr and Gomm(to the bwlt of wag)hraowkelo It a no ba nq rad I undmtand ehN the nreWq of wry vAWW Me swolwnanitaf nwswwrN hunt"Maroin rnjigoo,,dw qM PrwTdoidfps"0""1#Mft gv#10 the mdwhap wad ferny of take inRrenaMs. ULLERMQMILpft I BUYER-QoNr"TWDRUM1t1 tree bk 'r w"1'AaAx:.a/y, 0A�woed ow..�r. gakxa.alMyMMtiF.rMWwaw d t/"a r/ter b Nxa b wE/n arNdr*nD rwr r4.000"¢aww Fa.*Yenwo"M to"t w zrrouA taws �/ nt aw/Ayrt p0 N'e NiP EUYE6SICIlyATLRE uurfy williafn M,-Q3aid 1'Yl '�(tr� wr.arpax x,n exwwrl +MMM.M t"9KYf µ MMndleri 154375 fcea�Lrl.ta b- 'BOX B "iFaaedev N,yY6adk ^4r.W�i%&Z """"— — """""""' r r ItlpSt;Uelloid !'Y 1 fl'9`tV ace urn on4ONE � r „,Lttaio' "u Ll"46T"Mixn 3d t L l.i,rfn "�:it`tt �. . --.� — �sPsrooit —"'"� rarrPwcraaaNrmaurs. """"""""'"""-