HomeMy WebLinkAboutCPF Management & Stewardship Plan 2017 Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2017 Adopted by Local Law No. 4 of 2017 March 28, 2017 Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2017 Prepared by: Melissa Spiro, Southold Town Land Preservation Coordinator Reviewed by: Southold Town Land Preservation Committee — February 7, 2017 Southold Town Board — February 14, 2017 For additional information, contact: Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator Southold Town Land Preservation Department (631) 765-5711 melissas iro townrn.southold.n .us Table of Contents I. Introduction . ............................................................... .............Page 1 II. Project List and Cost Estimate Description..............................Page 1 III. Stewardship and Management Expenditure Description............Page 2 IV. Exhibit A: Project List and Cost Estimates Table...........................Page 6 Bay to Sound Integrated Trails Initiative Project ..............Page 11 I. INTRODUCTION The Town of Southold has an established Community Preservation Fund in accordance with Town Law 64-e. Town Law 64 —e Section 6 includes a requirement that Towns with a Community Preservation Fund adopt a Management and Stewardship Plan before expending monies from the fund for management and stewardship of lands acquired by the fund. The Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2017 (CPF Stewardship Plan 2017) provides details regarding proposed expenditures from the Community Preservation Fund for management and stewardship purposes for 2017 and into 2018. It is intended that the CPF Stewardship Plan 2017 will be amended in early 2018 in conjunction with the Town Board's adoption of the FY2018 budget. It is anticipated that additional lands will be acquired with Community Preservation Funding during this timeframe and/or that management and stewardship needs may change during this timeframe. This may necessitate amendments to the Plan which will be subject to a public hearing. Town Law 64-e Section 3(d) states that not more than ten percent of the fund shall be utilized for the management and stewardship program. In February 2011, the Town of Southold adopted a document entitled Rules and Regulations for CPF Acquisition and Stewardship. The Rules and Regulations were adopted by the five East End Towns for the purpose of standardizing the application of the Community Preservation Fund state statute, Town Law 64-e. The Rules and Regulations establish how to calculate the 10% allowed for management and stewardship as follows: "The ten percent of the fund limitation for management and stewardship costs relates to the annual fund revenues. The last full calendar year of known revenue shall be used to determine the maximum amount permitted to be expensed for management and stewardship programs." The Town adopted a Community Preservation Project Plan (CPPP) July 2016 Update. The CPPP is a separate document from the CPF Stewardship Plan 2017; the CPPP identifies how the Town intends to preserve or protect properties and includes a list of eligible properties for acquisition, the CPF Stewardship Plan 2017 identifies how the Town will expend monies from the Community Preservation Fund for management and stewardship purposes. II. PROJECT LIST AND COST ESTIMATE DESCRIPTION Fee title properties acquired fully, or in partnership, with Town Community Preservation Funds for open space purposes are listed in the Project List and Cost Estimates table included as Exhibit A. The table shows proposed projects and cost estimates for each property for 2017 and into 2018. The Project List and Cost Estimate table is a list of the estimated type of work proposed to be performed on each property. The Project List and Cost Estimate table is intended to reflect a work plan outlined in a specific property Management Plan, if such a Plan CPF Stewardship Plan 2017 Page 1 has been adopted by the Town Board. The Project List and Cost Estimate table is not intended to allow for work to be performed that has not been approved in a specific property Management Plan or has been approved by the Town Board. The costs shown per project are estimated. The Project List and Cost Estimates table includes proposed projects that are subject to prioritization, completion of specific property Management Plans and/or Town Board approval. It is understood that not all projects will be approved or completed during FY2017. In addition to acquiring fee title for open space purposes, the Town acquires easements on properties for purposes of open space preservation and farmland preservation. When the Town purchases easements the landowner remains the steward of the land. The Town performs yearly monitoring of easements. During FY2017 monitoring is proposed to be performed by LPD Staff and the volunteer Land Preservation Committee Members, and is not a separate expenditure charged to the Community Preservation Fund. These properties are not included within the Project List and Cost Estimates table. III. STEWARDSHIP AND MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURE DESCRIPTION The adopted Town FY2017 budget for stewardship and management expenditures from the Community Preservation Fund and total cost estimates from the Project List and Cost Estimates are shown in the Table below. Details are described in the section after the Table. Cost Estimate for CPF Stewardship Town Budget# Plan 2017 Expenditures/...To.�e.r � .. .........._ � Site Development Personal Services* CM.1620.1.100.100 $58,013 E Contractual Ex ' pense: Misc t Supplies* CM.1620.4.100.100 $31,358 Land Stewardshi / p Management* CM.8710.2.400.200 $97,000 STEWARDSHIP/MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURE TOTAL_ $186,371 *Detailed description of line itern below............. Town Law 64-e Section 3(d) states that not more than ten percent of the fund shall be utilized for the management and stewardship program. The last full calendar year of known revenue for Southold Town was FY 2016. The known revenue was $7,073,493; therefore $707,349 is permitted to be expensed for management and stewardship programs. CPF Stewardship Plan 2017 Page 2 The costs shown per project are estimated and it is understood that not all projects will be approved or completed. In addition, some projects are eligible for grant funding. Charges for these projects will be charged to the CPF budget and the Town will be reimbursed from the awarded grants. All grant re-imbursements will be deposited into the Community Preservation Fund. The total projected cost is below that of the 10% allowance; therefore, even in the unlikely circumstance that all projects as proposed are completed the expenditure will be below that of the 10% allowance. Details for Stewardship and Management Expenditures ■ Site Development Personal Services, Full Time Employees, Reg Earnings This line is for Stewardship work performed by Department of Public Works (DPW) Staff on properties purchased with Community Preservation Funds. Typical work includes activities/improvements necessary to sustain public access such as trail improvements, pruning and upkeep, invasive species removal, parking area creation/upkeep, initial debris removal, signage, fencing, restoration and similar types of activities. Other more specific activities/ improvements are listed in individual Management Plans for the specific property. Specific properties on which work will take place and estimated cost per property are listed in Exhibit A (Project List and Cost Estimates.) DPW Staff are not dedicated exclusively to implementing the CPF Plan. Cost will be documented by a time accounting system and no more than the cost of the actual time expended directly dedicated to implementing the provisions of the CPF Plan will be charged to the Community Preservation Fund. ® Contractual Expense: Misc Supplies This line is for Stewardship supplies and materials for projects on properties purchased with Community Preservation Funds. Supplies and materials for projects include, but are not limited to: supplies/materials for grassland restoration and native plantings; supplies/materials for creation/upkeep of parking areas, lumber for kiosks, benches, and boardwalks, signs, chains, gates, and equipment. Specific properties on which work will take place and estimated cost per property, are listed in Exhibit A (Project List and Cost Estimates.) • Land Stewardship/Management This line is for land stewardship management such as Flora & Fauna inventories, site restoration, trail improvements, invasive species removal, parking area CPF Stewardship Plan 2017 Page 3 improvements, initial debris removal, tree removal and other similar types of work performed by non-town employees on properties purchased with CPF. All independent contractors will assist the Town in implementing the provisions of the Community Preservation Plan as noted in Exhibit A. Bills are itemized per project and reflect actual time expended. Specific properties on which work will take place and estimated cost per property are listed in Exhibit A (Project List and Cost Estimates.) CPF stewardship Plan 2017 Page 4 EXHIBIT PROJECTLIST AND COST ESTIMATES TABLE PAGES 6-9 CPF Stewardship Plan 2017 Page 5 2017 2017 Budget: Budget: 2017 Land Stew. Site Dev. Budget: /Mgmt. Personal Supplies, Total CM.8710. Services Materials Preserve Name(bold) Nov. 2016 Cost for 2.400.200 CM.1620. CM.1620. Description of Ac uisition Name SCTM# Acres± status Preserve Contractors 1.100.100 4.100.100 Proposed Work Non-site specific trail/mowing/pruning/upkeep Typical activities/ for public access purposes improvements to on CPF Preserves open to Open to sustain public public NA NA Public $14,500 $0 $14,500 $0 access _. �... -- Improvements . Im rovement ...m. p s (safety/emergency/ contingency)to sustain public access; general supplies and equipment, materials,trail Non-site specific items, maps, bike racks, misc. equipment, Open to general contingency for all CPF Public and improvements for properties w NA NA undeveloped $7,600 eNtlnn $0 $1,500 $6,100 CPF preserves. � . . .. .m..... See Bay to Sound Integrated Trails Initiative Grant Project for details (BtoSProject) Grant award Bay to Sound (C1000970) *See Bay to Sound Open to potential for grant Integrated Trails Initiative Public and reimbursement. Grant Project for details potential Plan is for 1-3 year (BtoSProect) NANA openmc $127,221 $92,000 $19,788 r $15,433 timeframe. --- ----- -- -— .......... ........... ...... __________ Trails/Zones/ Signage for Deer Management Open to Program on CPF Deer Management on CPF Public and Preserve. ........ _..... w _ m.,.,,___--- —_ .... closure project. Preserves NA NA undevelo ed $9 400 $0 $5,400 $4 000 Ex r 44.-4-5, Open to 45-1-9, Public and Arshamomaque Preserve: 53.-1- potential Levin Manor Grove 1 2&1.3 82 opening $1,800 x $1,800 $0 See Bay to Sound ® _ - - — — .... .... — Typical activities/ improvements to Open to sustain public Custer Preserve: Zazecki 70.-8-1 6 Public $0 $0 $0 $0 access. CPF Stewardship Plan 2017 Page 6 CPF Stewardship Plan 20l7 ....... ........._-------.... ...... — _- ---- 2017 2017 Budget: Budget: 2017 Land Stew. Site Dev. Budget: /Mgmt. Personal Supplies, Total CM.8710. Services Materials Preserve Name(bold) Nov. 2016 Cost for 2.400.200 CM.1620. CM.1620. Description of ._ t —._. _ Proposedwork_._.. Acquisition Name„ SCTM# Acres+ status Preserve Contractors 1.100.100 4.100.100 Pr Hiker gates;tree removal;typical activities/ Tall Pines: VJ Dev Corp& 79.-8- improvements to Paradise Point Holding 16& Open to sustain public Corp. 81.-2-5 22 Public $8,000 $5,000 $1,800 $1,200 access No improvements Blackham _B e. undeveloped. 0 $0 $. 0 proposed. 74.-1-3 0 $0 $ 127.-3- 8, 9.2, 10.2& 10.3; undeveloped 127.-8- *pending 17.2& 2017 No improvements Brushes Creek Properties* 17.3 26 acquisition $0 $0 $0 $0 _proposed. ..... m,.._� No improvements .......................______ — ....... develop--_..... $t1... $0 . $0 . .....,$0... Proposed. C&D Realty 113-4-1 9. undeveloped Corey Creek Preserve: 87.-6- No improvements Blocker 12.1 45 undeveloped $0„ $0 $0 $0 proposed_ _ m.m .m 59.-3- No improvements Damianos „ 28.4 22 yundeveloped_ $0 $0_. yyyyy $0 $0 proposed_ 115-12- No improvements 1.Dickerson Estate 1O1 0 undeveloped $0 $0 _$0 $0 proposed. 87.-1- No improvements Drum/Saland 26 eOen 2 undeveloped $0 $0m$0_ $0 proposed - „ _. No improvements Fred 56.4-4 0 undeveloped $0 $0 $0 $0 proposed. - - _...r .._ 34.-1-7, No improvements Heaney 3414 8 undeveloped $0 $0 $0 $0 proposed_ -- ......_ _..... 68.-4- No improvements 11 3 undeveloped .... ........... .$.0 . .n r _._...__ $0 $0 $.0... proposed. .. Hog's Neck Properties: 79.-5- No improvements -- — 6 undeveloped $.0.. .µ. $� _ $0 ....... $.0 ,...proposed,...... Hurtado 20.13 1.. Hog's Neck Properties: 79.4- No improvements Zoumas 17.17 37 undeveloped $0 $0 $0 $0 proposed_ ma.._. ,. _.m----------._. -- _,_ .. —._ _....... ......... undeveloped *pending 54.-5- 2017 Potential viewing Murphy*..... 49,.x....... . . 2 acquisition. ...... — $750 .. $0... ®$500 $250 bench and 56.-5- No improvements Peconic Land Trust/Palmer 12 1 1 undeveloped $0 $0 $0 $0 proposed. Pipes Cove Preserve: Potential Carroll, Carla 53 3-2 11 Openin —_ x x x x See BtoSProject Pipes Cove Preserve: Potential Reese 45 5-5 47 Opening x x x x See BtoSProect CPF Stewardship Plan 2017 Page 8 CPP 8mwon]sbip Plan 2017 BAY TO SOUND INTEGRATED TRAILSINITIATIVE PRO PAGE 11 CPF Stewardship Plan 2017 Page 10 Estimated bud et for the Bay to Sound Integrated Trails Initiative Proiiect CPF properties involved in Bay to Sound Integrated Trails Initiative Project: • Arshamomaque Preserve • Manor Grove (Listed on Attachment"A" as p/o Arshamomaque Preserve) • Pekunka (Listed on Attachment"A" as Pipes Cove Preserve, Pekunka) • Sill • Carroll (Listed on Attachment"A" as Pipes Cove Preserve, Carroll) • Reese (Listed on Attachment"A" as Pipes Cove Preserve, Reese) CPF Budget for the Bay to Sound Integrated Trails Initiative grant project: Materials: $15,432.50 (boardwalks, blinds, parking areas, signs) Contractors: $92,000.00 (Sill remediation and demolition) Labor/Salary: $19,788.13 (DPW construction) Total: $127,220.63 The specific tasks proposed on CPF parcels are as follows: Task 1a - Install trail markers for trails that require minimal work Task 1 b- Deadfall removal, trimming, mowing, regrading (labor) Task lb- Deadfall removal, trimming, mowing, regrading (equipment) Task 1c- Install trail markers for trails that require additional work Task 3b- Installation of three boardwalks at Arshamomaque Preserve Task 3f- Installation of boardwalk at Town parcel known as Pekunka Task 4b-Construct observation blind on Town property known as Manor Grove Task 4c-Construct observation blind on Town property know as Sill Task 5a - Construct parking area at Town property known as Manor Grove Task 5b - Construct parking area on Town property known as Pekunka Task 5c- Install kiosk and guard rail at Manor Grove Task 6a - Hire contractor(s) to remediate septic and asbestos contamination Task 6b- Hire contractor to demolish Sill house Task 6c- Remove C& D materials Task 6d - Restore house area and seed with native grasses Task 9a - Remove larger items such as abandoned equipment from properties to be opened to the public (labor) Task 9a - Remove larger items such as abandoned equipment from properties to be opened to the public (equipment) CPF Stewardship Plan 2017 Page 1 1