HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 # 59 GENERAL CODE INSTRUCTIONS Town of Southold Code Supplement No. 59 The enclosed new and/or replacement pages should be placed in your Code volume immediately! The dateline, on the bottom of the page, shows the supplement number and the month and year in which the last piece of legislation reviewed for inclusion in the Code was adopted. This instruction page should be placed in the front of your Code volume. REMOVE INSERT Table of Contents Table of Contents 17:1 — 17:2 17:1 — 17:2 17:2.1 — 17:3 —17:4.1 17:3 — 17:4.2 17:9—17:14.1 17:9— 17:14.1 17:25— 17:26 17:25— 17:26 — 17:27— 17:30 189:3— 189:4 189:3— 189:4 245:1 —245:2 245:1 —245:2 245:2.1 — 245:3—245:4 245:3—245:4 245:7—245:8 245:7—245:8 260:27—260:30 260:27—260:30 280:5—280:6.2 280:5—280:6.2 280:12.1 —280:14 280:12.1 —280:14 280:14.1 — 280:22.1 —280:22.2 280:22.1 —280:22.2 280:90.1 —280:90.2 280:90.1 —280:90.2 280:90.6.1 —280:90.6.2 280:90.6.1 —280:90.6.2 280:115—280:116 280:115—280:116 280:167 280:167—280:168 — 280:169 280 Attachment 3 280 Attachment 3 DL:11 DL:11 —DL:12 Index Index Supp 59,Nov 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I: ADMINISTRATIVE LEGISLATION 1. General Provisions........................................................................................................................ 1:1 Article I Adoption of Code Article II Adoption of Renumbered 2006 Code 5. Appearance Tickets....................................................................................................................... 5:1 9. Assessors....................................................................................................................................... 9:1 Article I Election Article II Number 13. Committees,Appointment of................................................................ ...................................... 13:1 17. Community Preservation Fund and Community Housing Fund................................................. 17:1 Article I Southold Community Preservation Fund Article II Southold Community Preservation Project Plan Article III Community Preservation Fund Advisory Board Article IV Real Estate Transfer Tax Article V Water Quality Improvement Article VI Establishment of Community Housing Fund 21. Defense and Indemnification......................................................................................................21:1 26. Ethics...........................................................................................................................................26:1 30. Expenses of Town Officers......................................................................................................... 30:1 34. Housing Fund.............................................................................................................................. 34:1 38. Local Laws,Adoption of............................................................................................................38:1 42. Officers and Employees..............................................................................................................42:1 Article I Town Clerk Article II Superintendent of Highways Article III Residency Requirements 47. Personnel.....................................................................................................................................47:1 Article I Grievance Procedures 51. Police Department....................................................................................................................... 51:1 55. Public Hearings,Notice of.......................................................................................................... 55:1 59. Records ....................................................................................................................................... 59:1 Article I Public Access to Records Article II Records Management TOC:1 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE 64. Transportation Access Management...........................................................................................64:1 68. Youth Board................................................................................................................................ 68:1 PART II: GENERAL LEGISLATION 70. Agricultural Lands Preservation................................................................................................. 70:1 71. Agricultural Advisory Committee ..............................................................................................71:1 72. Agricultural Uses........................................................................................................................ 72:1 75. Alarm Systems............................................................................................................................ 75:1 79. Alcoholic Beverages...................................................................................................................79:1 Article I Public Consumption 83. Animals....................................................................................................................................... 83:1 Article I Ducks Article II Dogs Article III Dog Licensing and Identification Article IV Waterfowl and Gull Feeding and Domestic Pet Waste 88. Bicycles....................................................................................................................................... 88:1 92. Bingo and Games of Chance....................................................................................................... 92:1 Article I Bingo Article II Games of Chance 96. Boats,Docks and Wharves......................................................................................................... 96:1 Article I Obstruction and Use of Town Waters Article II Public Docks Article III Boats Article IV Floating Homes Article V Administration and Enforcement 100. Buildings,Unsafe;Property Maintenance................................................................................ 100:1 104. Burning, Outdoor...................................................................................................................... 104:1 106. Cannabis.................................................................................................................................... 106:1 Article I Cannabis Retail Dispensary and On-Site Consumption Site Opt-Out 111. Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas.................................................................................................. 111:1 117. Sanitary Flow Credits, Transfer of........................................................................................... 117:1 TOC:2 Supp 59,Nov 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS 121. Domestic Partnerships .............................................................................................................. 121:1 126. Electrical Inspections................................:............................................................................... 126:1 130. Environmental Quality Review................................................................................................. 130:1 135. (Reserved)................................................................................................................................. 135:1 139. Filming...................................................................................................................................... 139:1 144. Fire Prevention and Building Code Administration................................................................. 144:1 148. Flood Damage Prevention....................:.................................................................................... 148:1 157. Harbor Management................................................................................................................. 157:1 Article I Fishers Island Harbor Management 161. Highway Specifications............................................................................................................ 161:1 163. Hunting ..................................................................................................................................... 163:1 166. Junkyards .................................................................................................................................. 166:1 170. Landmark Preservation............................................................................................................. 170:1 172. Lighting, Outdoor..................................................................................................................... 172:1 174. Littering..................................................................................................................................... 174:1 177. Municipal Building Energy Benchmarking.............................................................................. 177:1 180. Noise,Prevention of................................................................................................................. 180:1 185. Open Space Preservation.......................................................................................................... 185:1 189. Parking...................................................................................................................................... 189:1 Article I Parking at Beaches 193. Parks and Recreation Areas...................................................................................................... 193:1 Article I Use Regulations and Restrictions 197. Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Retail Merchants................................................................ 197:1 205. Public Entertainment and Special Events.................................................................................205:1 207. Rental Permits...........................................................................................................................207:1 211. Salvage Centers.........................................................................................................................211:1 TOC:3 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE 215. Sewers and Sewage Disposal....................................................................................................215:1 Part 1 Sewer Use Part 2 Sewer Rents and Charges 219. Shellfish and Other Marine Resources .....................................................................................219:1 228. Soil Removal.............................................................................................................................228:1 233. Solid Waste...............................................................................................................................233:1 Article I Garbage,Rubbish and Refuse 236. Stormwater Management..........................................................................................................236:1 237. Streets and Sidewalks ...............................................................................................................237:1 Article I Notification of Defects Article II Street Excavations Article III Snow and Ice Removal Article IV Street Numbering Article V Removal of Utility Poles 240. Subdivision of Land..................................................................................................................240:1 245. Taxation....................................................................................................................................245:1 Article I Senior Citizen Exemption Article II Targeted Business Investment Exemption Article III Veterans'Exemption Article IV Exemption for Disabled Persons With Limited Income Article V Exemption for Volunteer Fire Fighters and Ambulance Workers Article VI Exemption for War Veterans and Gold Star Parents Article VII Exemption for Cold War Veterans Article VIII Exemption for Historic Properties Article IX Assessment and Tax Relief for Superstorm Sandy Impact 249. Tobacco Advertising.................................................................................................................249:1 253. Tourist and Trailer Camps........................................................................................................253:1 Article I General Regulations Article II Recreational Vehicle Parks 260. Vehicles and Traffic.................................................................................................................. 260:1 264. Vehicles,Motor-Driven............................................................................................................264:1 Article I Unlicensed Motor-Driven Vehicles Article II Motor-Driven Vehicles 268. Waterfront Consistency Review...............................................................................................268:1 275. Wetlands and Shoreline............................................................................................................275:1 TOC:4 Supp 59,Nov 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 i 277. Wind Energy.............................................................................................................................277:1 Article I Small Wind Energy Systems 280. Zoning.......................................................................................................................................280:1 APPENDIX A290. Police Department Rules and Regulations..............................................................................A290:1 DERIVATION TABLE DT. Derivation Table........................................................................................................................DT:1 DISPOSITION LIST DL. Disposition List..........................................................................................................................DL:1 INDEX Index........................................................................................................................................IDX:l TOC:5 Supp 59,Nov 2022 Chapter 17 r' ` COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND AND COMMUNITY HOUSING FUND ARTICLE I ARTICLE III Southold Community Preservation Fund Community Preservation Fund Advisory Board § 17-1. Title. § 17-2. Findings. § 17-16. Community Preservation Fund Advisory Board established; § 17-3. Legislative purpose. purpose; membership. § 1-7-4. Definitions. § 17-17. Severability. § 17-5. Southold Community § 17-18. When effective. Preservation Fund established. § 17-6. Purposes of fund. ARTICLE IV § 17-7. Acquisition of interests in Real Estate Transfer Tax property; public hearing and other requirements. § 17-19. Legislative findings. § 17-8. Management of lands acquired § 17-20. Definitions. pursuant to chapter. § 17-21. Imposition of tax; use of tax; § 17-9. Alienation of land acquired applicability. using fund moneys. § 17-22. Payment of tax; filing of § 17-10. Severability. return; recording. § 17-11. Effective date. § 17-23. Liability for tax. § 17-24. Exemptions from tax. ARTICLE H § 17-25. Additional exemptions. Southold Community Preservation Project Plan § 17-26. Credit. § 17-27. Cooperative housing § 17-12. Legislative findings; purpose. corporation transfers. § 17-13. Community preservation § 17-28. Designation of agent by project plan adopted. County Treasurer. § 17-13.1. Community Preservation § 17-29. Liability of Recording Officer. Fund Management and § 17-30. Refunds. Stewardship Plan adopted. § 17-14. Severability. § 17-31. Deposit and disposition of revenue. § 17-15. When effective. § 17-32. Judicial review. § 17-33. Apportionment of consideration subject to tax for property located only partly within - Town. § 17-34. Determination of tax; petition to Town Supervisor. 17:1 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 17-1 SOUTHOLD CODE § 17-2 § 17-35. Proceedings to recover tax § 17-44. Community Preservation Fund due. Project Plan. § 17-36. Interest and civil penalties. § 17-45. Certification. § 17-37. Confidentiality of transfer tax § 17-46. Water Quality Advisory returns. Committee. § 17-38. Intergovernmental agreement authority. ARTICLE VI § 17-39. Severability. Establishment of Community Housing Fund § 17-40. Effective date; referendum requirement. § 17-47. Fund established. ARTICLE V § 17-48. Purposes of fund. Water Quality Improvement § 17-49. Management of fund. § 17-50. Eligible expenses. § 17-41. Purpose. § 17-51. Advisory Board. § 17-42. Authority. § 17-52. Community Housing Plan. § 17-43. Definitions. § 17-53. Village participation. '[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.] GENERAL REFERENCES Open space prevention—See Ch.185. ARTICLE I Southold Community Preservation Fund [Adopted 8-25-1998 by L.L. No. 12-19981 § 17-1. Title. This article of the Southold Town Code shall be known and may be cited as the "Community Preservation Fund." § 17-2. Findings. The Town of Southold possesses a rich heritage of scenic, historic and natural resources which are vital to the Town's sense of place and to its economic success as a community. The lands which comprise these resources are rapidly being lost to development, however, and the Town's special identity is in danger of being damaged forever. In furtherance of its objective of preserving the Town's remaining natural, scenic and historic treasures, the Southold Town Board finds it necessary to establish a dedicated fund for their conservation. Such fund is 1. Editor's Note: The title of this chapter was changed from "Community Preservation Fund" to "Community Preservation Fund and Community Housing Fund"8-2-2022 by L.L.No.8-2022. 17;2 Supp 59,Nov 2022 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND AND § 17-2 COMMUNITY HOUSING FUND § 17-4 specifically authorized under § 64-e of the New York Town Law and is necessary to the enactment of a two-percent real estate transfer tax, which is also authorized by Town Law § 64-e and Tax Law Article 31D, and which the Town Board finds to be necessary to effectuate the Town's community preservation goals. § 17-3. Legislative purpose. It is the purpose of this article to establish and create the Southold Community Preservation Fund for the purpose of community preservation as that teen is defined in Town Law § 64-e, Subdivision (1)(b), and § 17-4 of this article. Community preservation includes protecting and preserving open and undeveloped lands in the Town of Southold, including wetlands, woodlands, agricultural lands and shorelands, and the other natural resources of the Town for the purpose of protecting historic places and properties within the Town and for the purpose of providing the Town's visitors and residents with outdoor recreational opportunities, all in accordance with the provisions of§ 64-e of the New York State Town Law and as more fully set forth therein. § 17-4. Definitions. [Amended 10-21-2014 by L.L. No. 11-20141 Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following terms shall, for the purpose of this chapter, have the meanings as herein defined. Any word or term not noted below shall be used with a meaning as defined in Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, unabridged (or latest edition). ADVISORY BOARD — The Southold Community Preservation Fund Advisory Board to be established and created by the Town Board pursuant to Town Law § 64-e, Subdivision (5). BOARD —The advisory board created pursuant to § 17-45 of this chapter. [Added 8-2-2022 by L.L. No. 8-20221 COMMUNITY HOUSING — A primary residential property for an eligible individual that does not exceed 150% of the purchase price limits established by the State of New York Mortgage Agency low-interest rate loan program in nontarget categories for Suffolk County in effect on the contract date for the sale of such property. [Added 8-2-2022 by L.L. No. 8- 20221 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION — Preservation of community character, which shall involve one or more of the following purposes: A. Establishment of parks, nature preserves or recreational areas. B. Preservation of open space, including agricultural lands. C. Preservation of lands of exceptional scenic value. D. Preservation of freshwater and saltwater marshes or other wetlands. E. Preservation of aquifer recharge areas. F. Preservation of undeveloped beach lands, shorelands or shoreline. 17:3 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 17-4 SOUTHOLD CODE § 17-4 G. Establishment of wildlife refuges for the purpose of maintaining native animal species diversity, including the protection of habitat essential to the.recovery of rare, threatened or endangered species. H. Preservation of pine barrens consisting of such biota as pitch pine and scrub oak. I. Preservation of unique or threatened ecological areas. J. Preservation of brooks or streams, rivers and river areas in natural, free-flowing condition. K. Preservation of forested land. L. Preservation of public access to lands for public use including stream rights and waterways. M. Preservation of historic places and properties listed on the New York State Register of Historic Places and/or protected under a municipal or local historic preservation ordinance or local law. N. Undertaking any of the aforementioned in furtherance of the establishment of a greenbelt. COMMUNITY PRESERVATION PROJECT PLAN — The Southold Community Preservation Project Plan to be adopted by the Southold Town Board pursuant to Town Law § 64-e, Subdivision (6), which shall be known as the "Southold Community Preservation Project Plan." ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUAL — A household with an income that does not exceed 100% of the income limits as established by the State of New York Mortgage Agency low-interest rate loan program in nontarget categories for Suffolk County in effect on the contract date for the sale of such property. [Added'8-2-2022 by L.L. No. 8-20221 FIRST-TIME HOMEBUYER — An eligible individual who has not owned a primary residential property and is not married to a person who has owned a residential property during the three-year period prior to his or her purchase of the primary residential property, and who does not own a vacation or investment home. [Amended 8-2-2022 by L.L. No. 8- 20221 FUND A. The Southold Community Preservation Fund established and created by this article pursuant to Town Law § 64-e. - B. The community housing fund established pursuant to § 17-51 of this chapter. [Added 8-2-2022 by L.L. No. 8-20221 PRIMARY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY — Any one- or two-family house, townhouse or condominium. [Amended 8-2-2022 by L.L. No. 8-20221 17;4 Supp 59,Nov 2022 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND AND § 17-5 COMMUNITY HOUSING FUND § 17-6 § 17-5. Southold Community Preservation Fund established. A. The Southold Community Preservation Fund is hereby established as authorized by § 64-e of the New York Town Law. B. Deposits into the fund may include revenues of the Town from whatever source and shall include, at a minimum, all revenues from a real estate transfer tax imposed by the Town pursuant to Article 31-D of the New York Tax Law. C. The fund shall also be authorized to accept gifts of any such interests in land or of funds. Interest accrued by moneys deposited in the fund shall be credited to the fund. D. In no event shall moneys deposited in the fund be transferred into any other account. E. Nothing contained in this article shall be construed to prevent the financing in whole or in part, pursuant to the New York Local Finance Law, of any acquisition authorized pursuant to this article. Moneys from the fund may be utilized to repay any indebtedness or obligations incurred pursuant to the Local Finance Law, consistent with effectuating the purposes of this article. F. Since 1980 the Town of Southold has incurred or authorized bonded indebtedness in the amount of approximately $11,000,000 for open-space purposes. The number of residents of the Town of Southold, per the 1990 U.S. Census, was approximately 20,000. The Town Board hereby determines and finds that the Town has incurred or authorized bonded indebtedness since 1980 for open-space purposes equal to or greater than two hundred dollars per Town resident, and thus the Town has complied with the per-resident financial commitment requirement set forth in Town Law § 64-e, Subdivision (2). § 17-6. Purposes of fund. A. The purposes of the fund shall be exclusively:- (1) To implement the Southold Community Preservation Project Plan for Community Preservation as required by § 64-e, Subdivision (6), of the Town Law. (2) To acquire interests or rights in real property for the preservation of community character within the Town, including the portion of any Village therein, in accordance with said plan. (3) To establish a bank pursuant to a transfer of development rights program consistent with § 261-a of the Town Law, at the sole discretion of the Town Board. (4) To provide a management and stewardship program for such rights and interests acquired by the fund, consistent with the provisions of this article and in accordance with the Southold Community Preservation Plan. B. The acquisition of interests and rights in real property under the fund shall be in cooperation with willing sellers. 17:4.1 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 17-6 SOUTHOLD CODE § 17-6 C. Not more than 10% of the fund shall be utilized for the management and stewardship program provided for in § 17-6A(4). D. If the implementation of the Southold Community Preservation Project Plan has been completed, and funds are no longer required for the purposes set forth in § 17-6A, any remaining moneys in the fund shall be applied to reduce any bonded indebtedness or obligations incurred to effectuate the purposes set forth in § 17-6A. i 17;4.2 Supp 59,Nov 2022 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND AND § 17-18 COMMUNITY HOUSING FUND § 17-19 § 17-18. When effective. This article shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided by law. ARTICLE IV Real Estate Transfer Tax JAdopted 8-25-1998 by L.L. No. 20-1998] § 17-19. Legislative findings. A. The Town of Southold enjoys a worldwide reputation as a community of great scenic beauty, rich in natural resources and open spaces, including agricultural lands, woodlands, wetlands, waterways, dunes, bluffs and other natural features. The Town also possesses a rich historic heritage as one of the oldest colonial settlements in the State of New York and, indeed, in the nation. Finally, because the second home industry and tourism are such important components of the local economy, the Town must preserve its scenic beauty and provide recreational areas in order to continue to attract visitors. B. The Town's natural and historic resources collectively provide the people of Southold with an unequaled community character. In fact, the Nature Conservancy has included the region which includes Southold Town as one of its twelve "Last Great Places" in the Western Hemisphere. The Town has done much to foster, protect and promote its community character. Southold enjoys a reputation as being creative and innovative in the area of land use and land conservation. C. The Town is today under extreme development pressure, with development out-pacing current conservation efforts. If exceptional action is not taken, Southold's unique character may be irretrievably lost and the substantial investment of the Town's citizens in protecting that character made moot. New financial resources are imperative if the Town is to preserve its special identity. D. Pursuant to § 64-e of the New York Town Law and Article 31-D of the Tax Law, Southold Town is authorized to create and establish a Community Preservation Fund and to impose a two-percent real estate transfer tax, with the revenue derived from said tax to be deposited into the Southold Community Preservation Fund. The creation of the fund and the imposition of the tax are subject to mandatory referendum. It is the purpose of this article to impose the two-percent real estate transfer tax in order to place the revenue derived from the tax in said dedicated fund. E. The Town Board finds that this article is an excellent opportunity for achieving balance between development and conservation which is needed to ensure the Town's community character. 2. Editor's Note: The title of this article was changed from "Two-Percent Real Estate Transfer Tax" to "Real Estate Transfer Tax"8-2-2022 by L.L.No.8-2022. 17;9 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 17-20 SOUTHOLD CODE § 17-20 § 17-20. Definitions. As used in this article, unless otherwise expressly stated, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings: CONSIDERATION — The price actually paid or required to be paid for the real property or interest therein, including payment for an option or contract to purchase real property, whether or not expressed in the deed and whether paid or required to be paid by money, property or any other thing of value. It shall include the cancellation or discharge of an indebtedness or obligation. It shall also include the amount of any mortgage, purchase money mortgage, lien or other encumbrance, whether or not the underlying indebtedness is assumed or taken subject to. A. In the case of the creation of a leasehold interest or the granting of an option with use and occupancy of real property, consideration shall include, but not be limited to, the value of the rental and other payments attributable to the use and occupancy of the real property or interest therein, the value of any amount paid for an option to purchase or renew and the value of rental or other payments attributable to the exercise of any option to renew. B. In the case of the creation of a subleasehold interest, consideration shall include, but not be limited to, the value of the sublease rental payments attributable to the use and occupancy of the real property, the value of any amount paid for an option to renew and the value of rental or other payments attributable to the exercise of any option to renew, less the value of the remaining prime lease rental payments required to be made. C. In the case of a controlling interest in any entity that owns real property, consideration shall mean the fair market value of the real property or interest therein, apportioned based on the percentage of the ownership interest transferred or acquired in the entity. D. In the case of an assignment or surrender of a leasehold interest or the assignment or surrender of an option or contract to purchase real property, consideration shall not include the value of the remaining rental payments required to be made pursuant to the terms of such lease or the amount to be paid for the real property pursuant to the terms of the option or contract being assigned or surrendered. E. In the case of the original conveyance of shares of stock in a cooperative housing corporation in connection with the grant or transfer of a proprietary leasehold by the cooperative corporation or cooperative plan sponsor and the subsequent conveyance by the owner thereof of such stock in a cooperative housing corporation in connection with the grant or transfer of a proprietary leasehold for a cooperative unit other than an individual residential unit, consideration shall include a proportionate share of the unpaid principal of any mortgage on the real property of the cooperative housing corporation comprising the cooperative dwelling or dwellings. Such share shall be determined by multiplying the total unpaid principal of the mortgage by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the number of shares of stock being conveyed in the cooperative housing corporation in connection with the grant or transfer of a proprietary leasehold, and the denominator of which shall be the total number of shares of stock in the cooperative housing corporation. CONTROLLING INTEREST 17:10 Supp 59,Nov 2022 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND AND § 17-20 COMMUNITY HOUSING FUND § 17-20 A. In the case of a corporation, either 50% or more of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of such corporation, or 50% or more of the capital, profits or beneficial interest in such voting stock of such corporation; and B. In the case of a partnership, association, trust or other entity, 50% or more of the capital, profits or beneficial interest in such partnership, association, trust or other entity. CONVEYANCE — The transfer or transfers of any interest in real property by any method, including but not limited to sale, exchange, assignment, surrender, mortgage foreclosure, transfer in lieu of foreclosure, option, trust indenture, taking by eminent domain, conveyance upon liquidation or by a receiver, or transfer or acquisition of a controlling interest in any entity with an interest in real property. Transfer of an interest in real property shall include the creation of a leasehold or sublease only where the sum of the term of the lease or sublease and any options for renewal exceeds 49 years, substantial capital improvements are or may be made by or for the benefit of the lessee or sublessee and the lease or sublease is for substantially all of the premises constituting the real property. Notwithstanding the foregoing, conveyance of real property shall not include a conveyance made pursuant to devise, bequest or inheritance; the creation, modification, extension, spreading, severance, consolidation, assignment, transfer, release or satisfaction of a mortgage; a mortgage subordination agreement, a mortgage severance agreement or an instrument given to perfect or correct a recorded mortgage; or a release of lien of tax pursuant to this article or the Internal Revenue Code. FUND — The Southold Community Preservation Fund created and established by Article I of this chapter pursuant to § 64-e of the New York Town Law. GRANTEE — The person who obtains real property or an interest therein as a result of a conveyance. GRANTOR—The person making the conveyance of real property or interest therein. Where the conveyance consists of a transfer or an acquisition of a controlling interest in an entity with an interest in real property, "grantor" shall mean the entity with an interest in real property or a shareholder or partner transferring stock or partnership interest, respectively. INTEREST IN REAL PROPERTY — Includes title in fee, a leasehold interest, a beneficial interest, an encumbrance, development rights, air space and air rights or any other interest with the right to use or occupancy of real property or the right to receive rents, profits or other income derived from real property. It shall also include an option or contract to purchase real property. It shall not include a right of first refusal to purchase real property. PERSON — An individual, partnership, limited liability company, society, association, joint stock company, corporation estate, receiver, trustee, assignee, referee or any other person acting in a fiduciary or representative capacity, whether appointed by a court or otherwise, any combination of individuals and any other form of unincorporated enterprise owned or conducted by two or more persons. REAL PROPERTY — Every estate or right, legal or equitable, present or future, vested or contingent, in lands, tenements or hereditaments, including buildings, structures and other improvements thereon, which are located in whole or in part within the Town. It shall not include rights to sepulture. 17;11 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 17-20 SOUTHOLD CODE § 17-22 RECORDING OFFICER—The County Clerk of the County of Suffolk. TOWN—The Town of Southold. TOWN SUPERVISOR—The Town Supervisor of the Town of Southold. TREASURER(COUNTY TREASURER)—The Treasurer of the County of Suffolk. § 17-21. Imposition of tax; use of tax; applicability. A. There is hereby imposed in the Town of Southold a tax on each conveyance of real property or interest therein where the consideration exceeds $500, the rate of such tax to be 2% of the consideration for such conveyance. Revenues from such tax shall be deposited in the Southold Community Preservation Fund established by Article I of this chapter and may be used solely for the purposes of said fund. Such tax shall apply to any conveyance occurring on or after March 1, 1999, but shall not apply to conveyances made on or after such date pursuant to binding written contracts entered into prior to such date, provided that the date of execution of such contract is confirmed by independent evidence such as the recording of the contract, payment of a deposit or other facts and circumstances as determined by the County Treasurer. B. In addition to the tax imposed by Subsection A of this section, there is hereby imposed on each conveyance of real property or interest therein where the consideration exceeds $500, at the rate of 0.5% of the consideration for such conveyance. Revenues from such supplemental tax shall be deposited in the Town Community Housing Fund established by Article VI of this chapter and may be used solely for the purposes of such fund. Such tax shall apply to any conveyance occurring on or after April 1, 2023, but shall not apply to conveyances made on or after such date pursuant to binding written contracts entered into prior to such date, provided that the date of execution of such contract is confirmed by independent evidence such as the recording of the contract, payment of a deposit or other facts and circumstances as determined by the County Treasurer. Any tax imposed pursuant to this subsection shall be administered and collected in a like manner as the tax imposed by Subsection A of this section. [Added 8-2-2022 by L.L. No. 8-20221 § 17-22. Payment of tax; filing of return; recording. A. The real estate transfer tax imposed pursuant to this article shall be paid to the Treasurer, or to'the Recording Officer acting as the agent of the Treasurer upon designation as such agent by the Treasurer. Such tax shall be paid at the same time as the real estate transfer tax imposed by Article 31 of the New York Tax Law is required to be paid. Such Treasurer or Recording Officer shall endorse upon each deed or instrument effecting a conveyance a receipt for the amount of the tax so paid. B. A return shall be required to be filed with such Treasurer or Recording Officer for purposes of the real estate transfer tax imposed pursuant to this article at the same time as a return is required to be filed for purposes of the real estate transfer tax imposed by Article 31 of the Tax Law. The Treasurer shall prescribe the form -of return, the information that it shall contain and the documentation that shall accompany the return. Said form shall be identical to the real estate transfer tax return required to be filed 17;12 Supp 59,Nov 2022 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND AND § 17-22 COMMUNITY HOUSING FUND § 17-24 pursuant to § 1409 of the Tax Law, except that the Treasurer shall adapt said form to reflect the provisions of this article which are inconsistent with, different from or in addition to the provisions of Article 31 of the Tax Law. The real estate transfer tax returns required to be filed pursuant to this section are required to be preserved for three years and thereafter until such Treasurer or Recording Officer orders them to be destroyed. C. The Recording Officer shall not record an instrument effecting a conveyance unless the return required by this section has been filed and unless the tax imposed pursuant to this article shall have been paid as provided in this section. § 17-23. Liability for tax. A. The real estate transfer tax required hereunder shall be paid by the grantee. If the grantee has failed to pay the tax imposed pursuant to this article, or if the grantee is exempt from such tax, the grantor shall have the duty to pay the tax. Where the grantor has the duty to pay the tax because the grantee has failed to pay the tax, such tax shall be the joint and several liability of the grantee and grantor. B. For the purpose of the proper administration of this article and to prevent evasion of the tax hereby imposed, it shall be presumed that all conveyances are taxable. Where the consideration includes property other than money, it shall be presumed that the consideration is the fair market value of the real property or interest therein. These presumptions shall prevail until the contrary is proven, and the burden of proving the contrary shall be on the person liable for payment of the tax. § 17-24. Exemptions from tax. A. The following shall be exempt from payment of the real estate transfer tax imposed by this article: (1) The State of New York or any of its agencies, instrumentalities, political subdivisions or public corporations (including a public corporation created pursuant to agreement or,compact with another state or the Dominion of Canada). (2) The United Nations and the United States of America and any of its agencies or instrumentalities. B. Exemption for certain conveyances. The real estate transfer tax imposed by this article shall not apply to any of the following conveyances: (1) Conveyances to the United Nations, the United States of America, the State of New York or any of their instrumentalities, agencies or political subdivisions (or any public corporation, including a public corporation created pursuant to agreement or compact with another state or the Dominion of Canada). (2) Conveyances which are or were used to secure a debt or other obligation. (3) Conveyances which, without additional consideration, confirm, correct, modify or supplement a deed previously recorded. 17:13 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 17-24 SOUTHOLD CODE § 17-24 (4) Conveyances of real property without consideration and otherwise than in connection with a sale, including deeds conveying realty as bona fide gifts. (5) Conveyances given in connection with a tax sale. (6) Conveyances to effectuate a mere change of identity or form of ownership or organization where there is no change in beneficial ownership, other than conveyances to a cooperative housing corporation of the real property comprising the cooperative dwelling or dwellings. (7) Conveyances which consist of a deed of partition. (8) Conveyances given pursuant to the Federal Bankruptcy Act. (9) Conveyances of real property which consist of the execution of a contract to sell real property without the use or occupancy of such property or the granting of an option to purchase real property without the use or.occupancy of such property. (10) Conveyances of.real property, where the entire parcel of real property to be conveyed is the subject of one or more of the following development restrictions: (a) An agricultural, conservation, scenic or an open space easement. (b) Recorded covenants or restrictions prohibiting development. (c) A purchase of development rights agreement. (d) A transfer of development rights agreement, where the property being conveyed has had its development rights removed. (e) Said real property is subject to the development restriction of an agricultural district or individual commitment, pursuant to Article 25AA of the New York Agriculture and Markets Law. (f) Real property subject to any locally adopted land preservation agreement, including agreements under the Town of Southold's Open Space Preservation and Agricultural Lands Preservation Laws, and, provided said exemption is included in the local law imposing the tax authorized by this article. (11) Conveyances of real property, where the property is viable agricultural land as defined in Subdivision (7) of § 301 of the Agriculture and Markets Law and the entire property to be conveyed is to-be made subject to one of the development restrictions set forth in the preceding § 17-24B(10), provided that said development restrictions preclude the conversion of the property to a nonagricultural use for at least three years from the date of transfer, and said development restriction is evidenced by an easement, agreement or other suitable instrument which is conveyed to the Town simultaneously with the conveyance of the real property; or 3. Editor's Note:See Ch.70,Agricultural Lands Preservation,and Ch.185,Open Space Preservation. 17:14 Supp 59,Nov 2022 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND AND § 17-24 COMMUNITY HOUSING FUND § 17-25 (12) Conveyances of real property for open space, parks or historic preservation purposes to any not-for-profit tax-exempt corporation operated for conservation, environmental or historic preservation purposes. § 17-25. Additional exemptions. [Amended 10-21-2014 by L.L. No. 11-2014; 12-6-2016 by L.L. No. 12-2016] A. There shall be allowed -an exemption of $200,000 on the consideration of the conveyance of improved real property or an interest therein. [Amended 8-2-2022 by L.L. No. 8-2022] B. There shall be an exemption of $75,000 on the consideration of the conveyance of unimproved real property or an interest therein. C. There shall be allowed an exemption for a first-time homebuyer where the purchase price of the primary residential property is within 80% of the purchase price limits defined by the State of New York Mortgage Agency (SONYMA) Low Interest Rate Mortgage Program in the nontarget one-family categories for Suffolk County in effect on the contract date for the sale of such property and the homebuyer's household income does not exceed the income limits defined by SONYMA's Low Interest Rate Mortgage Program in the nontarget, one- and two-person household category for Suffolk County in effect on the contract date for the sale of such property. 17:14.1 Supp 59,Nov 2022 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND AND § 17-44 COMMUNITY HOUSING FUND § 17-45 pollutants in the most cost effective manner. The plan shall provide a detailed written elaboration for the cost benefits in setting such priorities on a project-by-project basis. D. Said plan shall list every water quality improvement project which the Town plans to undertake pursuant to the Community Preservation Fund, and shall state how such project will improve existing water quality, and the estimated maximum cost of such project. E. The proposed water quality improvement project shall be for the planning, design, or implementation of a capital project with a probable useful life of at least five years, pursuant to the state Local Finance Law. F. The proposed water quality improvement project shall be consistent with one or more regional water quality improvement plans. G. Such projects shall advance measurable water quality improvement for the Peconic Bay region. H. Such projects shall comply with specific existing or proposed state or regional water quality standards or targets. I. In the case of aquatic habitat restoration projects, the project shall promote aquatic habitat restoration. J. In the case of pollution prevention projects, the project shall reduce, avoid, and/or eliminate the use of toxic or hazardous substances, or the generation of such substances. K. Projects which have as their purpose and effect the accommodation of new growth, as opposed to the remediation of water quality, shall not qualify for funding under this article. § 17-45. Certification. A. No monies from the Community Preservation Fund shall be expended for a water quality improvement project by the Town unless such project has first been certified by the Town Board, by resolution, pursuant to this Article. B. In making such certification, the Town Board shall find as follows: (1) The proposed water quality improvement project is for the planning, design, or implementation of a capital project with a probable useful life of at least five years, pursuant to the state Local Finance Law; (2) The proposed water quality improvement project is consistent with one or more regional water quality improvement plans; (3) Such project advances measurable water quality improvement for the Peconic Bay Region; (4) Such project complies with specific existing or proposed state or regional water quality standards or targets; 17:25 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 17-45 SOUTHOLD CODE § 17-47 (5) In the case of aquatic habitat restoration projects, the project will promote aquatic habitat restoration; and I (6) In the case of pollution prevention projects, the projects will reduce, avoid, and/or eliminate the use of toxic or hazardous substances, or the generation of such substances. C. The Town Board shall not certify projects which accommodate new or additional growth. § 17-46. Water Quality Advisory Committee. A. A Water Quality Advisory Committee shall be established pursuant to Town Board resolution to review and make recommendations on proposed water quality improvement projects using monies from the Fund. B. Such committee shall consist of(five or seven) members who shall be residents of the Town and who shall serve without compensation. No member of the Town Board shall serve on said Committee, nor shall any member have a direct interest in any project for which funding is sought. C. The members shall include individuals with demonstrated expertise in water quality issues, estuarine science, civil engineering, shellfish restoration, or similar relevant credentials. D. The responsibilities of such Committee may include, but not be limited to, assisting in the development of the project plan, drafting requests for proposals to implement water ' quality improvement projects, reviewing and prioritizing proposed projects, and offering such further advice and recommendations as the Town Board may specify and deem necessary. ARTICLE VI Establishment of Community Housing Fund [Adopted 8-2-2022 by L.L. No. 8-20221 § 17-47. Fund established. A. The Town of Southold Community Housing Fund is hereby established pursuant to the provisions of§ 64-k(2) of the State Town Law. B. Deposits into the fund shall include (i) all revenues from the supplemental real estate transfer tax authorized by Subdivision 2 of§ 1449-bb of the Tax Law, (ii) all proceeds from any indebtedness or obligations issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law for community housing opportunity purposes as authorized in Subdivision 3 of § 64-k of the Town Law, (iii) any proceeds received by the Town from the sale or rental of community housing produced from revenues of the fund: and (iv) the repayment of any loans issued from proceeds of the fund. 17:26 Supp 59,Nov 2022 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND AND § 17-47 COMMUNITY HOUSING FUND § 17-48 C. Deposits into the fund may also include (i) general fund balances or surpluses, (ii) any gifts of interests in land or funds: and (iii) any state or federal grants received by the Town for providing affordable homes. § 17-48. Purposes of fund. Purposes of the fund: The proceeds of the fund established pursuant to § 17-47 of this article shall be utilized for the following purposes: A. The provision of financial assistance to first-time homebuyers who are residents of the Town for the purchase of a first home. Such financial assistance may be in the form of a grant or a loan. (1) Financial assistance may be provided for the purchase of a first home to a first time homebuyer who is a resident of the Town or who is employed in the Town. "A resident of the Town" shall include a person who is currently a resident of the Town or a nonresident who has been a resident within the past five years. (2) Such financial assistance shall not exceed 50% of the purchase price of the home. (3) If such financial assistance is in the form of a loan, such loan shall be repayable to the Town pursuant to the terms agreed to between the recipient and the Town, provided that any loan shall be fully repaid by the recipient upon the resale of the home. (4) For the purposes of calculating Town tax liability for such property, only, the dollar amount of any financial assistance for the purchase of a first home made by the Town pursuant to this section shall be subtracted from the full equalized assessed value of such property. (5) All revenues received by the Town from the repayment of a loan shall be deposited in the fund. (6) A Town may provide financial assistance for community housing in conjunction with a public/private partnership for employer assisted housing. B. The actual production of community housing for sale to eligible individuals by the Town. C. The actual production of community housing for sale to eligible individuals in conjunction with a public/private partnership, where the private partner agrees to comply with the profit guidelines of the New York State Affordable Housing Corporation and the provisions of this section. D. The actual production and maintenance of community housing for rental to eligible individuals either by the Town or the Town Housing Authority; or in conjunction with a public/private partnership, where the private partner agrees to comply with the profit guidelines of the New York State Affordable Housing Corporation and the provisions of this section. E. The rehabilitation of existing buildings and structures in the Town for the purpose of conversion to community housing for sale or rental to eligible individuals. 17:27 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 17-48 SOUTHOLD CODE § 17-52 F. The acquisition of interests in real property in existing housing units, which will result in the production of community housing for sale or rental to eligible individuals. I G. The provision of housing counseling services by not-for-profit corporations who are authorized by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide such services. § 17-49. Management of fund. Interest accrued by monies deposited into the fund shall be credited to the fund. In no event shall monies deposited into the fund be transferred to any other account. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prevent the financing in whole or in part, pursuant to the state Local Finance Law, of any purpose authorized pursuant to this section. Monies from the fund may be utilized to repay indebtedness or obligations incurred pursuant to the state Local .Finance Law consistent with effectuating the purposes of this article. § 17-50. Eligible expenses. For the purposes of this article, eligible expenses relating to the production of community housing and the rehabilitation of existing buildings and structures under the fund shall include but not be limited to land acquisition, planning, engineering, construction costs, and other hard and soft costs directly related to the construction, rehabilitation, purchase or rental of housing pursuant to this section. All revenues received by the Town from the sale or rental of community homes or the repayment of loans shall be deposited in the fund. § 17-51. Advisory Board. An advisory board is hereby created to review and make recommendations regarding the Town's community housing plan required by § 17-52 of this article. Such board shall consist of not less than seven nor more than 15 legal residents of the Town who shall serve without compensation. No member of the Town Board shall serve on the advisory board. The board shall include a representative o£ (a) the construction industry: (b) the real estate industry: (c) the banking industry; (d) three representatives of local housing advocacy or human services organizations: and (e) at least one resident from a participating village. The Advisory Board shall act in an advisory capacity to the Town Board. § 17-52. Community Housing Plan. A. Before the Town Board may expend any funds pursuant to this section, the Town Board shall first adopt a Town Community Housing Plan which establishes an implementation plan for the provision of community housing opportunities by the fund. Said plan shall be adopted by local law. Such plan shall adhere to the following smart growth principles (1) Public investment. To account for and minimize social, economic, and environmental costs of new development, including infrastructure costs such as transportation, sewers, and wastewater treatment, water, schools, recreation, and loss of open space and agricultural land. ' 17:28 Supp 59,Nov 2022 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND AND § 17-52 COMMUNITY HOUSING FUND § 17-52 (2) Development. To encourage development in areas where transportation, water. and sewage infrastructure are available or practical. (3) Conservation. To protect, preserve, and enhance the state's resources. Including agricultural land, forests, surface waters, groundwater, recreation and open space, scenic areas, and significant historic and archeological sites. (4) Coordination. To promote coordination of state and local government decisions and cooperation among communities to work toward the most efficient, planned and cost-effective delivery of government services by, among other means, facilitating cooperative agreements among adjacent communities, and to coordinate planning to ensure compatibility of one's community development with development of neighboring communities (5) Community design. To strengthen communities through development and redevelopment strategies that include integration of all income and age groups, mixed land uses, and compact development, traditional neighborhood development, planned unit development, open space districts, downtown revitalization, brownfield redevelopment, enhanced beauty in public spaces, and diverse and community housing in close proximity to places of employment, recreation, and commercial development. (6) Transportation. To provide transportation choices, including increasing public transit and alternative modes of transportation, in order to reduce automobile dependency, traffic congestion, and automobile pollution. (7) Consistency. To ensure predictability in building and land use codes. (8) Community collaboration. To provide for and encourage local governments to develop, through a collaborative community based effort, smart growth plans that include long-term land use and permit predictability and coordination, efficient decision making and planning implementation. B. Such plan may include the establishment of a map or maps that delineate the housing implementation recommendations proposed by the Town. Such plan shall be updated at least once every five years. The Town housing plan shall be an element of the Town's Comprehensive Plan. Such plan shall ensure that all community housing created pursuant to this section remains affordable. Subsequent purchasers of such community housing shall have, at the time of purchase, pursuant to the definition of "eligible individual," an income that does not exceed 100% of the income limits as established by the State of New York Mortgage Agency low-interest rate loan program in nontarget categories for Suffolk County. Such plan shall provide for the equitable distribution of community housing opportunities among all the communities of the Town. The plan shall ensure that no community has an undue concentration of community housing opportunities that would substantially alter the character of the community. In determining equitable distribution of community housing opportunities, existing community housing opportunities in a community shall be considered. 17;29 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 17-53 SOUTHOLD CODE § 17-53 § 17-53. Village participation. A. The participation of any Village in the production of community housing authorized by ' this article shall be at the option of the Village. In order to participate, a Village shall pass a resolution opting into the program and shall submit said resolution to the Town Board. B. Where a Village opts to participate pursuant to this article, an intergovernmental agreement shall be executed pursuant to Article 5-G of the General Municipal Law or other applicable legal authority, in order to establish the rights and responsibilities of each local government regarding community housing opportunities. C. Regardless of whether a Village participates in the program authorized by this article, properties in the Village shall be subject to the supplemental real estate transfer tax authorized by Subdivision 2 of§ 1499-bb of the Tax Law and § 17-21B of this chapter 1 17;30 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 189-2 PARKING § 189-2 (7) Island View Lane, Shelter Island Sound, Greenport, along both sides from the terminus west to intersection of Bayview. (8) Silvermere Road, Pipe's Cove, Greenport, along both sides of the parking area adjacent to the terminus. (9) Sound Drive East, also known as "67 Steps," Long Island Sound, Greenport, from the guardrail at the terminus south for a distance of 500 feet. (10) Sound Drive, Long Island Sound, Greenport, both sides, between Sound Drive East and Sunset Lane. (11) Bay Home Road, Southold Bay, Southold, along both sides from the terminus north for a distance of 300 feet. (12) Bayview Avenue North, Hashamomuck Pond, Southold, along both sides from the terminus east for a distance of 140 feet. (13) Cedar Avenue, Goose Creek, Southold, along both sides from the terminus south to Oak Avenue. (14) Gilbert Street, Jockey Creek, Southold, along both sides from the terminus north to Jockey Creek Drive. (15) Glenn Road, Goose Creek, Southold, along both sides from the terminus north for a distance of 200 feet. (16) Kenney Road, Long Island Sound, Southold, west side only, from the terminus south to intersection of Lake Drive. (17) Lake Drive, Southold, along both sides for a distance of 100 feet easterly and westerly from the intersection of Lake Court. [Added 10-15-1996 by L.L. No. 18-1996] (18) Leeton Drive, Long Island Sound, Southold, along both sides from its intersection with Kenney Road west for a distance of 610 feet. (19) Lighthouse Road, Long Island Sound, Southold, on both sides from the terminus south to the intersection with Soundview Avenue. [Amended 5-14-1996 by L.L. No. 6-1996; 6-18-2019 by L.L. No. 9-20191 (20) Meadow Lane, Long Creek, Southold, along both sides from the tenninus north to Grove Drive. (21) North Parish Drive, Southold Bay, Southold, along both sides from the intersection with North Bayview east for a distance of 300 feet. (22) North Sea Drive, Long Island Sound, Southold, along the south side from the intersection with Horton's Lane west for a distance of 820 feet. [Amended.11-15- 2022 by L.L. No. 11-2022] (23) Sound View Avenue, Long Island Sound, Southold, along both sides from the intersection with Lighthouse Road south for a distance of 250 feet. 189:3 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 189-2 SOUTHOLD CODE § 189-2 (24) South Harbor Road, Richmond Creek, Southold, on the west side, from the guardrail at the terminus north for a distance of 500 feet. (25) Terry Lane, Town Creek, Southold, along both sides from the terminus east to the intersection with Hobart Road. (26) Town Harbor Lane, Southold Bay, Southold, along both sides from the terminus north to Terry Lane. (27) West Creek Road, Goose Creek, Southold, along both sides from the terminus south to Smith Drive North. (28) William's Road, Goose Creek, Southold, along both sides from the terminus south to Smith Drive North. (29) Willow Point Road, Southold Bay, Southold, along both sides from the terminus north for a distance of 200 feet. (30) Indian Neck Road, Hog Neck Bay, Peconic, along both sides from the terminus north for a distance of 250 feet. (31) Spring Lane, Richmond Creek, Peconic, along both sides from the terminus west for a distance of 250 feet. (32) Wells Road, Richmond Creek, Peconic, along both sides from the terminus north for a distance of 350 feet. (33) East Road, East Creek, Cutchogue, along both sides from the terminus west for a distance of 200 feet. (34) Harbor Lane, East Creek, also known as "Eugene's Creek," Cutchogue, along both sides from the terminus north to Oak Street. (35) Mason Drive East, Broadwaters Cove, Cutchogue, along both sides from the terminus west to Hickory Drive. (36) Mason Drive West, Haywater Cove, Cutchogue, along both sides from the terminus east for a distance of 260 feet. (37) Nassau Point Road, Peconic Bay, Cutchogue, along both sides from the terminus east for a distance of 300 feet. (38) Pequash Avenue, Cutchogue Harbor, Cutchogue, along both sides from the terminus north to East Road. (39) Skunk Lane, also known as "Bay Avenue," Hog Neck Creek, Cutchogue, along both sides from the terminus west to Nassau Point Road. (40) West Road, Wickham Creek, Cutchogue, along both sides from the terminus east to West Creek Avenue. (41) Fifth Street, Cutchogue Harbor, New Suffolk, along both sides from the terminus north to Jackson Street. _ I 189:4 Supp 59,Nov 2022 Chapter 245 TAXATION ARTICLE I fighters or ambulance Senior Citizen Exemption workers. § 245-14. Applicability. § 245-1. Partial exemption for senior citizens. ARTICLE VI § 245-2. Conditions. Exemption for War Veterans and Gold § 245-3. Applications. Star Parents § 245-4. Reapplications. § 245-15. Definitions. § 245-5. Penalties for offenses. § 245-16. Exemption granted to § 245-6. Notice. veterans and Gold Star parents. ARTICLE II § 245-16.1. Tenant-stockholders. Targeted Business Investment Exemption ARTICLE VII § 245-7. Exemption granted. Exemption for Cold War Veterans ARTICLE III § 245-17. Definitions. Veterans' Exemption § 245-18. Exemption granted. § 245-8. Purpose. ARTICLE VIII § 245-9. Amount of exemption. Exemption for Historic Properties ARTICLE IV § 245-19. Real property exemption. Exemption for Disabled Persons With Limited Income ARTICLE IX § 245-10. Exemption granted. Assessment and Tax Relief for Superstorm Sandy Impact ARTICLE V § 245-20. Definitions. Exemption for Volunteer Fire Fighters § 245-21. Implementation and adoption and Ambulance Workers of Superstorm Sandy Assessment Relief Act. § 245-11. Exemption granted; amount; § qualifications. 245-22. Eligibility criteria; relief granted. § 245-12. Effective date. - § 245-23. Other provisions. § 245-13. Unremarried spouses of deceased volunteer fire § 245-24. Applicability. 245:1 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 245-1 SOUTHOLD CODE § 245-1 [HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.] ' ARTICLE I Senior Citizen Exemption [Adopted 4-20-19711 § 245-1. Partial exemption for senior citizens. [Amended 3-12-1985 by L.L. No. 3-1985; 2-2-1993 by L.L. No. 2-1993; 12-27-1994 by L.L. No. 31-1994; 5-28-1996 by L.L. No. 9- 1996; 2-4-1997 by L.L. No. 3-1997; 2-29-1998 by L.L. No. 1-19981 A. Amount of exemption. (1) Real property owned by one or more persons, each of whom is 65 years of age or over, or real property owned by husband and wife, one of whom is 65 years of age or over, shall be exempt from Town taxes to the extent provided, subject to the following income limitations: [Amended 9-29-1998 by L.L. No. 16-1998; 1- 30-2001 by L.L. No. 3-2001; 3-25-2003 by L.L. No. 6-2003; 11-18-2003 by L.L. No. 26-2003; 2-13-2007 by L.L. No. 4-2007; 11-15-2022 by L.L. No. 12- 20221 Income Extent of Exemption $0 to $50,000 50% $50,001 to $51,000 45% u _ $51,000 to $52,000 40%� h li $52,001 to $53,000 35% f $53,001 to $53,900 30% li $53,901 to $54,800 25% $54,801 to $55,700 _ 20% _ _ t $55,701 to $56,600'—~ ij $56,601 to $57,500 10% $57,501 to $58,400 5% (2) Such exemption shall be computed after all other partial exemptions allowed by law have been subtracted from the total amount assessed. B. The real property tax exemption on real property owned by husband and wife, one of whom is 65 years of age or over, once granted, shall not be rescinded solely because of the death of the older spouse, so long as the surviving spouse is at least 62 years of age. C. The above income shall be calculated as described in Real Property Tax Law § 467 and shall include social security and retirement benefits, interest, dividends, total gain from I 245:2 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 245-1 TAXATION § 245-2 the sale or exchange of a capital asset which may be offset by a loss from the sale or exchange of a capital asset in the same income tax year, net rental income, salary or earnings, and net income from self-employment, but shall not include a return of capital, gifts, inheritances, payments made to individuals because of their status as victims of Nazi persecution as defined in P.L. 103-286 or moneys earned through employment in the federal foster grandparent program, and any such income shall be offset by all medical and prescription drug expenses actually paid which were not reimbursed or paid by insurance. § 245-2. Conditions. [Amended 3-12-1985 by L.L. No. 3-19851 No exemption shall be granted: A. If the income of the owner or the combined income of the owners of the property for the income tax year immediately preceding the date of making application for exemption exceeds the sum of $58,400 as provided by local law pursuant to this section. Where the taxable status date is on or before April 14, income tax year shall mean the twelve-month period for which the owner or owners filed a federal personal income tax return for the year before the income tax year immediately preceding the date of application, and where the taxable status date is on or after April 15, income tax year shall mean the twelve-month period for which the owner or owners filed a federal personal income tax return for the income year immediately preceding the date of the application. Where title is vested in either the husband or the wife, their combined income may not exceed such sum. Such income shall include social security and retirement benefits; interest; dividends; total gain from the sale or exchange of a capital asset, which may be offset by a loss from the sale or exchange of a capital asset in the same income tax year; net rental income; salary or earnings; and the net income from self-employment, but not including a return of capital, gifts or inheritances. In computing net rental income and net income from self-employment, no depreciation deduction shall be allowed for the exhaustion, wear and tear of real or personal property held for the production of income. [Amended 4-5-1988 by L.L. No. 7-1988; 2-6-1990 by L.L. No. 1-1990; 3-27-1990 by L.L. No. 3-1990; 2-2-1993 by L.L. No. 2-1993; 12-27-1994 by L.L. No. 31-1994; 11-18-2003 by L.L. No. 26-2003; 2-13- 2007 by L.L. No. 4-2007; 11-15-2022 by L.L. No. 12-2022] B. Unless the title of the property shall have been vested in the owner or one of the owners of the property for at least 24 consecutive months prior to the date of making application for exemption; provided, however, that in the event of the death of either a husband or wife in whose name title of the property shall have been vested at the time of death, and then becomes vested solely in the survivor by virtue of devise by or descent from the deceased husband or wife, the time of ownership of the property by the deceased husband or wife shall be deemed also a time of ownership by the survivor, and such ownership shall be deemed continuous for the purposes of computing such period of 24 consecutive months, and provided further that in the event of a transfer by either a husband or wife to the other spouse of all or part of the title to the property, the time of ownership of the property by the transfer or spouse shall be deemed also a time of ownership by the transferee spouse, and such ownership shall be deemed continuous for the purposes of computing such period of 24 consecutive months, and provided further that where property of the owner or owners has been acquired to replace 245:3 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 245-2 SOUTHOLD CODE § 245-3 property formerly owned by such owner or owners and taken by eminent domain or other involuntary proceedings, except a tax sale, the period of ownership of the former I property shall be combined with the period of ownership of the property for which application is made for exemption and such periods of ownership shall be deemed to be consecutive for purposes of this article. Where a residence is sold and replaced with another within the state, the period of ownership of both properties shall be deemed consecutive for the purposes of this article. C. Unless the property is used exclusively for residential purposes. D. Unless the real property is the legal residence of and is occupied in whole or in part by the owner or by all of the owners of the property. § 245-3. Applications. [Amended 4-12-2011 by L.L. No. 3-20111 A. Applications for such exemption must be made by the owner or all of the owners of the property, on forms prescribed by the State Board, to be furnished by the appropriate assessing authority, and shall furnish the information and be executed in the manner required or prescribed in such forms and shall be filed in such Assessor's office on or before the appropriate taxable status date. I 245:4 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 245-10 TAXATION § 245-11 B. To be eligible for the exemption authorized by such § 459-c and implemented by this article, the maximum income of such person shall not exceed $26,000 effective July 1, 2006, $27,000 effective July 1, 2007, $28,000 effective July 1, 2008, and $29,000 effective July 1, 2009. Any such person having a higher income shall be eligible for exemption in accordance with the following schedule: [Amended 4-11-2000 by L.L. No. 8-2000; 2-13-2001 by L.L. No. 4-2001; 3-25-2003 by L.L. No. 5-2003; 11-18- 2003 by L.L. No. 25-2003; 2-13-2007 by L.L. No. 5-2007; 11-15-2022 by L.L. No. 13-2022] Income Extent of Exemption f Up to $50,000 50% i _ 11 $50,001 to $51,000 45% r $51,001 to $52,000 40% $52,001 to $53,000 35% $53,001 to $53,900 ° 30% $53,901 to $54,800 l 25% i! $54,801 to $55,700 ; 20% �! $55,701 to $56,600 15% $56,601 to $57,500 10% +! $57,501 to $58,400 5% ARTICLE V Exemption for Volunteer Fire Fighters and Ambulance Workers [Adopted 2-25-2003 by L.L. No. 4-2003; amended in its entirety 11-30-2004 by L.L. No. 24-2004] § 245-11. Exemption granted; amount; qualifications. A. Qualifying residential real property, under § 466-c of the New York State Real Property Tax Law, owned by an enrolled member of an incorporated volunteer fire company, fire department or incorporated voluntary ambulance service, or such enrolled member and spouse residing in Suffolk County, shall be exempt from taxation to the extent of 10% of the assessed value of such property for city, village, Town, part Town, special district, county or school district purposes, exclusive of special assessments. B. Such exemption shall not be granted to an enrolled member of an incorporated volunteer fire company, fire department or incorporated voluntary ambulance service residing in such county unless: (1) The applicant resides in the city, Town or village which is served by such incorporated fire company or fire department or incorporated voluntary ambulance service; 245:7 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 245-11 SOUTHOLD CODE § 245-11 (2) The property is the primary residence of the applicant; (3) The property is used exclusively for residential purposes; provided, however, that in the event any portion of such property is not used exclusively for the applicant's residence but is used for other purposes, such portion shall be subject to taxation and the remaining portion only shall be entitled to the exemption provided by this section; I 245;8 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 260-8 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC § 260-8 Name of Street Side Location Hobart Road East At Southold, from the northerly curbline of Terry Lane northerly for a distance of 98 feet Horton's Lane [Added 11-15- East In Southold, from the intersection with 2022 by L.L. No. 11-20221 Soundview Avenue northwesterly to the terminus of Horton's Lane Horton's Lane West At Southold, from the extension easterly of the northerly line of County Route 48 northerly for a distance of 60 feet Hummel Avenue [Added 3-9- South At Southold, from the southeast corner 2004 by L.L. No. 7-20041 of Hummel Avenue and Boisseau Avenue, along the south side of Hummel Avenue to the intersection of Hummel Avenue and Young's Avenue Inlet Road (also known as Mill Both At Peconic, from the intersection of a Lane) [Added 10-5-2010 by L.L. private road known as Miami Avenue No. 11-2010; amended 9-10- and Inlet Road (also known as Mill 2013 by L.L. No. 8-20131 Lane) northerly to the intersection of a private road known as Sound View Avenue (also known as Sound Avenue) and Inlet Road (also known as Mill Lane) Jackson Street Both At Cutchogue, from the southerly curbline of New Suffolk Avenue southerly for a distance of 250 feet Jackson Street [Added 7-29-2008 Both At New Suffolk, from the intersection by L.L. No. 8-20081 of First Street westerly to the intersection of Fourth Street King Street [Added 3-11-2014 North At Orient, from the intersection of by L.L. No. 3-2014] King Street and Village Lane to the intersection of King Street and Willow Terrace Lane King Street South At New Suffolk, between Fourth Street and Fifth Street Lands End Road [Added 6-11- Both From Route 25 northerly to the 1996 by L.L. No. 12-19961 intersection of Latham Lane Love Lane East At Mattituck, from the north curbline of New York State Route 25 northerly for a distance of 20 feet Love Lane West At Mattituck, from the north curbline of Pike Street northerly for a distance of 40 feet 260;27 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 260-8 SOUTHOLD CODE § 260-8 Name of Street Side Location Love Lane West At Mattituck, from the north curbline t of Sounds Avenue northerly for a distance of 75 feet Luther's Road, also known as Both At Mattituck, from the guardrail at the "Breakwater Road" [Amended 6- northerly terminus of Luther's Road 24-1997 by L.L. No. 14-19971 extending southerly for a distance of 250 feet on the easterly side and 500 feet on the westerly side Main Bayview Road [Added 9- South In Southold, from the intersection of 27-2005 by L.L. No. 14-2005] Corey Creek Lane both easterly and westerly for a distance of 175 feet in each direction Marratooka Road West At Mattituck, between Peconic Bay and Park Avenue Mechanic Street East At Southold, between New York State Route 25 and Mechanic Street East Mill Road [Added 10-5-2010 by Both At Peconic, from the intersection of a L.L. No. 11-2010; amended 9- private road known as Miami Avenue 10-2013 by L.L. No. 8-20131 and Mill Road southeasterly to the intersection of Sound View Avenue and Mill Road Montauk Avenue [Added 9-17- West At Fishers Island, starting 559 feet 1996 by L.L. No. 17-1996; south of the intersection of Crescent amended 7-22-1997 by L.L. No. Avenue and extending southerly for a 20-1997] distance of 188 feet Nassau Point Road (causeway) Both At Cutchogue, from the intersection with Bay Avenue, also known as "Skunk Lane," south for a distance of 1,750 feet New Suffolk Avenue Both At Cutchogue, at Halls Creek Bridge, Downs Creek Bridge and West Creek Bridge for a distance of 250 feet easterly and westerly from the center lines of said bridges New Suffolk Avenue Both At Mattituck, from the southerly curbline of New York State Route 25 easterly for a distance of 500 feet New Suffolk Road East At Cutchogue, from the southerly curbline of New York State Route 25 southerly for a distance of 400 feet New Suffolk Road West At Cutchogue, from the southerly curbline of New York State Route 25 southerly for a distance of 385 feet 260;28 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 260-8 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC § 260-8 Name of Street Side Location North Bay View Road Both At Southold, for a distance of 450 feet easterly and westerly from the center line of Goose Creek Bridge North Sea Drive [Added 11-15- North In Southold, from the exit of the 2022 by L.L. No. 11-2022] McCabe's Beach Parking Lot southwesterly to the terminus of Horton's Lane Peconic Bay Boulevard Both At Mattituck, for a distance of 250 feet easterly and westerly from the center line of Brushes Creek Bridge Peconic Bay Boulevard North At Mattituck, from New York Telephone pole No. 22 easterly 650 feet to New York Telephone pole No. 16 Peconic Bay Boulevard [Added South At Mattituck, from a point at the 5-7-2019 by L.L. No. 4-20191 southwest corner of the intersection of Peconic Bay Boulevard and Bay Avenue, westerly for approximately 600 feet Peconic Bay Boulevard [Added South At Mattituck, from a point 960 feet 5-7-2019 by L.L. No. 4-20191 west of the southwest corner of the intersection of Peconic Bay Boulevard and Sigsbee Road, westerly for approximately 470 feet Pike Street Both At Mattituck, starting at the intersection of Wickham Avenue and extending westerly for a distance of 310 feet Pike Street North At Mattituck, starting at the northeast corner of Mary's Road and extending easterly for a distance of 700 feet Pike Street South At Mattituck, from the easterly curbline of Westphalia Road easterly for a distance of 12 feet Plum Island Lane [Added 2-2- Both In Orient, on both sides of Plum Island 1999 by L.L. No. 1-19991 Lane, from the intersection of Route 25 southerly to the intersection of Parkview Lane Rocky Point Road [Added 12- East In East Marion, on the east side of 18-2001 by L.L. No. 21-2001] Rocky Point Road, north and south of the intersection with Aquaview Avenue for approximately 50 feet Seventh Street East At Greenport, between New York State Route 25 (Main Street) and Corwin Street 260:29 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 260-8 SOUTHOLD CODE § 260-8 Name of Street Side Location Soundview Avenue Both At Southold, starting at the intersection ' of County Route 48 and extending westerly for a distance of 620 feet Soundview Avenue Both From terminus at Lighthouse Road Extension [Added 5-28-1996 by easterly for a distance of 300 feet L.L. No. 7-19961 Tabor Road Both At Orient, from the southerly curbline of New York State Route 25 southerly for a distance of 270 feet Terry Lane North At Southold, from the easterly curbline of Hobart Road easterly for a distance of 142 feet Terry Lane South At Southold, from the extension southerly of the east curbline of Hobart Road easterly for a distance of 127 feet Traveler Street South At Southold, from the southwest corner of Traveler Street and Beckwith Avenue proceeding westerly for 111 feet to the guardrail Traveler Street [Added 4-22- South In Southold, westerly on the south 2003 by L.L. No. 8-20031 curbline for a distance of 20 feet from the west side of the exit from the Town Municipal Parking Lot Village Lane East At Orient, between New York State Route 25 and Orchard Street Village Lane [Added 3-11-2014 East At Orient, from the point 170 feet by L.L. No. 3-20141 south of the intersection of Village Lane and the southwesterly corner of Fletcher Street and extending to the terminus of Village Lane at the intersection with King Street Village Lane West At Orient, between a point 50 feet north of the northerly curbline of Orchard Street and a point 675 feet southerly thereof Whistler Avenue South At Fishers Island, from the southeasterly corner of the intersection of Whistler Avenue and Airport Road easterly for a distance of 1,795 feet Youngs Avenue East At Southold, from the southerly curbline of New York State Route 25 southerly for a distance of 181 feet Youngs Avenue West At Southold, from the northerly curbline of New York State Route 25 northerly for a distance of 186 feet I 260:30 Supp 59,Nov 2022 ZONING § 280-147. Additional conditions and ARTICLE XXX safeguards. Agricultural Planned Development § 280-148. Rules of conduct and District procedure. § 280-149. Fees. § 280-170. Purpose. § 280-150. Notice of hearing. § 280-171. Definitions. § 280-172. Classification. ARTICLE XXVII § 280-173. Requirements for eligibility. Administration and Enforcement § 280-174. Zoning approval; application and review procedure. § 280-151. Administrative and enforcing § 280-175. Conditions of approval. officer. § 280-152. Revocation of permit. § 280-176. Price for development rights. § 280-177. Subsequent development § 280-153. Stop orders. right sales to Town. § 280-154. Certificates of occupancy. § 280-178. (Reserved) § 280-155. Penalties for offenses. § 280-179. Clearing house. § 280-156. Remedies. § 280-180. Conditions. ARTICLE XXVIII § 280-181. Subdivision. Amendments ARTICLE XXXI § 280-157. Procedures. Plum Island Research District (PIR) § 280-158. Fees for petitions for § 280-182. Purpose. proposed amendments. § 280-159. Additional notice § 280-183. Use regulations. requirements relating to § 280-184. Bulk, area and parking petitions for proposed regulations. amendment's. § 280-185. Setbacks. ARTICLE XXIX ARTICLE XXXII Severability Plum Island Conservation District (PIC) § 280-160. Severability. § 280-186. Purpose. § 280-161. (Reserved) § 280-187. Use regulations. § 280-162. (Reserved) § 280-188. Bulk, area and parking § 280-163. (Reserved) regulations. § 280-164. (Reserved) § 280-189. Setbacks. § 280-165. (Reserved) ARTICLE XXXIII § 280-166. (Reserved) Historic Preservation District (HPD) § 280-167. (Reserved) § 280-168. (Reserved) § 280-190. Purpose; applicability of § 280-169. (Reserved) amendments. § 280-191. Definitions. 280;5 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 280-1 SOUTHOLD CODE § 280-1 § 280-192. Eligibility. § 280-206. Bulk, area and parking § 280-193. Use regulations. regulations. § 280-194. Pre-application procedure. ARTICLE XXXVI § 280-195. Application procedure. Residential Dwelling Size Limits § 280-196. Maintenance and termination. § 280-207. Maximum gross floor area for residential dwellings in ARTICLE XXXIV A-C, R-40, R-80, R-120, R- Recreational Floating Zone District (RFZ) 200, and R-400 Districts. § 280-208. Pyramid Law. § 280-197. Purpose. Density and Minimum Lot § 280-198. Applicability. Size Schedule for Residential Districts § 280-199. Eligibility. § Density and Minimum Lot 280-200. Boundaries. Size Schedule for § 280-201. Application procedure. Nonresidential Districts § 280-202. Permitted uses. Bulk Schedule for Residential § 280-203. Dimensional and parking Districts requirements. Bulk Schedule for Business, § 280-204. Parking requirements. Office and Industrial Districts ARTICLE XXXV Bulk Schedule AA Marine III Zone District (MIII) Schedule for Open Space, Buffers and Setbacks for § 280-205. Use regulations. Residential Site Plans Bulk Schedules for PIR and PIC Districts [HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold 4-9-1957; amended in its entirety 11-23-1971. Amendments noted where applicable.] GENERAL REFERENCES Agricultural lands preservation—See Ch.70. Soil removal—See Ch.228. Flood damage prevention—See Ch.148. Subdivision of land—See Ch.240. Junkyards—See Ch. 166. Tourist and trailer camps—See Ch.253. Landmark preservation—See Ch.170. Wetlands and shoreline—See Ch.275. Open space preservation—See Ch.185. ARTICLE I General Provisions § 280-1. Title. [Added 2-1-1983 by L.L. No. 2-19831 This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Southold Town Zoning Code." I 280:6 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 280-2 ZONING § 280-3 § 280-2. Purposes. There is hereby established a comprehensive zoning plan for the Town of Southold, which plan is set forth in the text and map that constitute this chapter. Said plan is adopted for the purposes set forth in Article 16 of the Town Law, which, in the interest of the protection and promotion of the public health, safety and welfare, shall be deemed to specifically include the following, among others: A. The facilitation of the efficient and adequate provision of public facilities and services. B. The assurance of adequate sites for residence, industry and commerce. C. The provisions of privacy for families. D. The prevention and reduction of traffic congestion so as to promote efficient and safe circulation of vehicles and pedestrians. E. The maximum protection of residential and historic areas. [Amended 1-10-1989 by L.L. No. 1-19891 F. The gradual elimination of nonconforming uses. G. The enhancement of the appearance of the Town of Southold as a whole, particularly its open and rural environment. [Amended 1-10-1989 by L.L. No. 1-19891 H. The encouragement of flexibility in the design and development of land in such a way as to produce the most appropriate use of lands, to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of streets and utilities and to preserve the natural and scenic qualities of open lands. I. The fostering and protection of agriculture and fisheries. J. To make provision for, so far as conditions may permit, the accommodation of solar energy systems and equipment and access to sunlight necessary therefor. [Added 2-1- 1983 by L.L. No. 2-19831 K. The protection of the subsurface water supply and surface waters. [Added 1-10-1989 by L.L. No. 1-19891 L. The protection and enhancement of the coastal environment. [Added 1-10-1989 by L.L. No. 1-19891 § 280-3. Interpretation and conflicts. A. Where a provision of this chapter conflicts with or imposes a different requirement from any other provision of this chapter, the provision or requirement which is more restrictive or which establishes the higher standard shall govern. B. Where the provisions of this chapter conflict with or impose a different requirement from any other ordinance of the Town of Southold or any rules or regulations adopted thereunder, the ordinance, rule or regulation which establishes the higher standard or requirement shall govern. 280:6.1 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 280-3 SOUTHOLD CODE § 280-3 C. In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this chapter shall be held to be the minimum requirements adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety and I welfare. Except where specifically provided to the contrary, it is not intended by this chapter to repeal, abrogate, annul or in any way to impair or interfere with any rules, regulations or permits previously adopted or issued or which shall be adopted or issued pursuant to law relating to the use of buildings, structures, shelters or premises; nor is it intended by this chapter to interfere with or abrogate or annul any easements, covenants or other agreements between parties.' [Added 1-10-1989 by L.L. No. 1-1989] 1. Editor's Note: Former§100-12,Exceptions,which previously followed this section,amended 10-30-1973 by L.L.No. 5-1973,was repealed 11-28-1995 by L.L.No.23-1995,effective January 1,1996. ' 280:6.2 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 280-4 ZONING § 280-4 buildings, on-farm direct marketing buildings, equipment, manure processing and handling facilities, and practices which contribute to the cultivation, production, preparation, processing and marketing of crops, livestock and livestock products, freshwater or marine water products, including fish, fish products, and/or water plants and shellfish, as a commercial enterprise. The farm operation may consist of one or more parcels of owned or rented land, which parcels may be contiguous or noncontiguous to each other. [Added 4-25-2017 by L.L.No. 5-20171 FARM STAND — Any structure open to the weather on at least one side, used for the sole purpose of retail sale of produce grown by the owner of the stand on farm acreage within the Town of Southold. Such structure may be one-story or less, roofed or have partial walls and flooring but may not be completely enclosed except when the business is closed. A farm stand may not be insulated or mechanically heated or cooled by permanent equipment.A truck bed or trailer on wheels, with areas in excess of 20 square feet displaying produce, shall be considered a farm stand. [Added 5-13-1997 by L.L. No. 8-19971 FENCE—A vertical enclosure, solid or partially open, to prevent straying from within or intrusion from without or intended 'to be used as a visual screen. A "fence" is considered a structure for the purposes of this chapter. FISH PROCESSING — The readying of fish and shellfish for shipping to market, including icing, cleaning, filleting, shucking and the cooking of crabs or lobster, but not including other cooking, canning, freezing, smoking or other fish factory operations. FLAT OR MANSARD ROOF — Any roof that has a pitch of less than 3:12 or less. [Added 1-16-2007 by L.L. No. 2-2007; amended 10-18-2022 by L.L. No. 10- 2022] FLEA MARKET—An out-of-doors market operated only during daylight hours where new or used items are sold from individual locations, with each location being operated independently from other locations. Items sold include but are not limited to household items, antiques, rare items, decorations, used books and used magazines. This shall not include sales by a nonprofit organization on an occasional basis. [Added 10-17-1995 by L.L.No. 21-19951 FLOOD HAZARD AREA—Land in the floodplain subject to a one-percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year. FLOODPLAIN—The relatively flat area or low lands adjoining the channel of a river, stream, watercourse, canal or any body of standing water which has been or may be covered by floodwater. FLOOR AREA The sum of the gross horizontal areas of all floors of the building or buildings on a lot, having a clear height of not less than six feet measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls or from the center line of party walls separating two buildings, including cellar and basement areas. The "floor area" shall not include roof overhangs projecting less than three feet or any floors or portions thereof contained on terraces or balconies projecting beyond the exterior face of the building. FLOOR AREA, GROSS (GFA)—The cumulative area, in square feet, of all floor levels of every story of all dwellings on a lot, including attached garages, having a clear height 280:12.1 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 280-4 SOUTHOLD CODE § 280-4 of not less than six feet measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls or from the center line of party walls separating two buildings. Interior spaces with a floor-to-ceiling height in excess of 15 feet shall be counted twice for gross floor area. The cumulative area shall not include roof overhangs less than three feet, unenclosed porches, patios, decks, open terraces; balconies; basements and attics. Accessory buildings or structures shall also be excluded, except any portion thereof which may be converted to habitable space. Such habitable portion shall be included in the gross floor area. [Added 10-18- 2022 by L.L. No. 10-20221 FLOOR AREA, LIVABLE — All spaces within the exterior walls of a dwelling unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways, unheated porches, cellars, heater rooms and approved basements having a window area of less than 10% of the square foot area of the room. Usable floor area shall include all spaces not otherwise excluded above, such as principal rooms,utility rooms,bathrooms, all closets and hallways opening directly into any rooms within the dwelling unit. FLOOR AREA RATIO—The floor area in square feet of all buildings on a lot divided by the area of such lot in square feet. FOOD CATERING FACILITY — A food preparation operation that prepares food for consumption at a specific off-site location and/or event distinct from the restaurant trade. [Added 4-28-1997 by L.L. No. 6-19971 FOOD PROCESSING FACILITY — A wholesale operation where food is processed from a raw or semiprocessed state to a finished product suitable for resale at retail outlets or to restaurants. A food processing facility shall not include an outlet store, whether accessory or principal. [Added 4-28-1997 by L.L. No. 6-19971 FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION — A nonprofit association of persons bound by a common interest or goal, be it civic, patriotic, charitable, educational or historical. [Added 11-28-1989 by L.L. No. 22-19891 FRONTAGE—The width of a lot at the street line. GAMBLING—A commercial facility where patrons wager money on the outcome of a game, including but not limited to a card game or a slot machine. [Added 4-23-2019 by L.L.No. 3-2019] GARAGE, PRIVATE — A building used as an accessory to the main building for the storage of one or more gasoline or other power-driven vehicles owned and used by the owner or tenant of the lot on which the garage is erected for the storage of not exceeding two additional vehicles (not trucks) owned or used by the others and in which no occupation,business or service for profit is carried on without special permit. GARAGE, PUBLIC—A building, other than a private garage, used for housing or care of gasoline or other power-driven vehicles or where such vehicles are equipped for operation,repaired or kept for renumeration,hire or sale. GARAGE, REPAIR — A building, other than a private garage, used for adjustment, painting, replacement of parts or other repair or restoration of motor vehicles or parts thereof;whether or not accessory or incidental to another use. I 280:12.2 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 280-4 ZONING § 280-4 GASOLINE SERVICE STATION — A structure and surrounding land used for the storage and sale of petroleum fuel primarily to motor vehicles and for accessory uses such as the sale of lubricants, accessories or supplies, the incidental washing of motor vehicles and the performing of minor repairs within a building; however, a service station is not a repair garage or a body shop. GOLF COURSE, STANDARD REGULATION—A golfing facility open to the general public for a play greens fee, which is at least 125 contiguous acres of property and contains a regulation eighteen-hole golf course. The following accessory uses may be included,provided that sufficient land is available: practice tees for instruction purposes, pro shop and school, driving range, snack bar or restaurant, catering and banquet facilities, club houses, course offices, vehicle maintenance shed, employee facilities, locker rooms and showers, swimming pool and tennis courts. [Added 4-28-1997 by L.L. No. 6-19971 GREENHOUSE—A structure for growing plants. GROCERY STORE—A retail establishment dedicating 70%or more of its floor area to the sale of prepackaged or perishable food items. [Added 6-20-2006 by L.L. No. 8- 2006] GROSS FLOOR AREA—See "floor area, gross." [Added 10-18-2022 by L.L. No. 10- 2022] GROUND FLOOR—The first floor of a building other than a cellar or basement. GUEST UNIT — A bedroom-sleeping accommodation for transient guests, which may or may not include bathroom facilities and shall be occupied by no more than two adult persons and be at least 80 square feet in area. HABITABLE FLOOR AREA — See "floor area, livable." [Added 6-19-1990 by L.L. No. 13-19901 HEALTH CARE FACILITY—A structure and premises regulated by the State of New York and used to provide an integrated range of medical and/or surgical services, primarily for in-patients, on a twenty-four-hour basis. Health services may require surgical facilities, therapeutic and diagnostic equipment rooms, counseling facilities, convalescent care equipment and trauma care services. Out-patient clinics and other forms of ambulatory health care facilities may exist as accessory and integral services to the in-patient services. Supporting or accessory uses may include a kitchen for preparation of patient meals, cafeteria or snack/coffee shop for employees and visitors, gift shop, laundry, pharmacy and staff offices (for bookkeeping, administration, medical records, etc.). Shall be otherwise known as a "general or specialized hospital," a "rehabilitation center," "rest home" or "adult home." [Added 11-12-1996 by L.L. No. 20-1996] HEALTH CLUB — A facility where members or nonmembers use equipment or space for the purpose of physical exercise, conduct of sports, exercise, leisure time activities, or other customary and usual recreational activities. [Added 4-23-2019 by L.L. No. 3- 20191 HEIGHT OF ACCESSORY BUILDING — The vertical distance measured from the average elevation of the existing natural grade adjacent to the building, before any 280:13 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 280-4 SOUTHOLD CODE § 280-4 alteration or fill, to the highest point of the roof for flat and mansard roofs, and to the highest point of the ridge for sloping and other type roofs. [Added 1-16-2007 by L.L. No. 2-20071 HEIGHT OF BUILDING—The vertical distance measured from the average elevation of the existing natural grade adjacent to the building, before any alteration or fill, to the highest point of_the roof, parapet or railing. [Amended 10-18-2022 by L.L. No. 10- 20221 280;14 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 280-4 ZONING § 280-4 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES — The boundary lines of land used or intended for use as streets, as shown on deeds, plats or the Master Plan, and from which yard and other requirements shall be measured. ROADSIDE FARM STAND or AGRICULTURAL STAND—A booth, stall or display area exceeding 50 square feet in area located on a farm from which agricultural products are sold to the general public. ROADSIDE STAND — A display area less than 100 square feet in area located on a parcel on which fruits, vegetables or plants are home grown and sold to the general public. [Added 4-25-2017 by L.L.No. 5-2017] SEPTIC TANK—A watertight receptacle that receives the discharge of sewage from a building, sewer or part thereof and is designed and constructed so as to,permit settling of solids, digestion of the organic matter and discharge of the liquid portion into a disposal area. SETBACK — An area extending the full width of the lot, described or a distance between the street right-of-way and building for the full required front yard depth within which no buildings or parts of buildings may be erected. SHOPPING CENTER — A group of retail and service businesses which have an integrated architectural and site design and which have an anchor tenant consisting of either a supermarket or a department store if the anchor tenant encompasses a minimum of 25,000 square feet of area. [Added 5-16-1994 by L.L. No. 9-19941 SIGN—Any structure or part thereof, or any device attached to a building or painted or represented thereon, which shall display or include any letter, word, model, banner, pennant, insignia, device, trade flag or representation which is in the nature of, or which is used as, an announcement, direction or advertisement, for commercial purposes or otherwise. A "sign" includes a billboard and a neon tube, string of lights or similar device outlining or hung upon any part of a building or lot, but does not include the flag or insignia of any nation or group of nations or of any governmental agency or of any political, educational, charitable, philanthropic, civic, professional, religious or like campaign, drive,movement or event. Excluded from this definition are "signs" which are solely devoted to prohibiting trespassing,hunting or fishing. SIGN AREA — Includes all faces of a sign, measured as follows: [Amended 11-29- 1994 by L.L. No.25-19941 (1) When such sign is on a plate or framed or outlined, all of the area of such plate or the area enclosed by such frame or outline shall be included. (2) When such sign consists only of letters, designs or figures engraved, painted, projected or in any manner affixed on a wall, the total area of such sign shall be deemed the area that encompasses all the letters and symbols of the sign, together with the area of any background of a color or material different from the general finish of the building,whether painted or applied. SITE PLAN—A development plan for one or more lots on which is shown: (1) The existing and proposed conditions of the lot, including but not necessarily limited to topography,vegetation, drainage, floodplains,marshes and waterways. 280:22.1 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 280-4 SOUTHOLD CODE § 280-4 (2) The location of all existing and proposed buildings, drives, parking spaces, walkways, means of ingress and egress, drainage facilities, utility services, ' landscaping, structures and signs, lighting and screening devices. (3) Any other information that may be reasonably required in order to make an informed determination pursuant to this chapter for the review and approval of site plans by the Planning Board. SKY PLANE OF LOT — The sky plane is formed by imaginary lines starting at all property lines parallel or adjacent to the building or structure at 10 feet above the average elevation of the natural grade (prior to any grade alteration or fill) and extending inward toward the center of the lot at a forty-five-degree angle. [Added 10-18-2022 by L.L. No. 10-20221 SLOPING ROOF —Any roof that has a pitch equal to or greater than 3:12. [Added 1- 16-2007 by L.L. No. 2-20071 SMALL WIND ENERGY SYSTEM—A wind energy conversion system consisting of a wind turbine (not to exceed 125 kilowatts of production), a tower, and associated control or conversion electronics, which has a rated capacity intended primarily to reduce on-site consumption of utility power. [Added 7-17-2007 by L.L.No. 15-2007; amended 5-24-2011 by L.L.No. 6-20111 SNACK BAR—A small area located within a principal building where quick-serve and preprepared foods and beverages are sold over a counter. [Added 4-23-2019 by L.L. No. 3-20191 SPECIAL EXCEPTION USE—A use that is deemed appropriate in a particular district if specified conditions are met. STORY — That part of any building, exclusive of cellars but inclusive of basements, comprised between the level of one finished floor and the level of the next higher finished floor or, if there is no higher finished floor, then that part of the building comprised between the level of the highest finished floor and the top of the roof beams. STORY, HALF—Any space, with a minimum clear height of five feet, partially within the roof framing where the clear height of not more than 50% of such space between the top of the floor beams and the structural ceiling level is seven feet six inches or more. I 280:22.2 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 280-74 ZONING § 280-74 strength, capacity and reliability and must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Board why these standards and criteria are applicable to the Town of Southold. (f) Digital files of the propagation and gap maps, including attribute information, in a geographic information system (GIS) format and projecting that is compatible with the GIS technology currently in use by the Town of Southold. (g) A copy of the deed or lease agreement establishing applicant's right to use the parcel on which the wireless communication facility is to be located. (h) Other information deemed necessary to assess the compliance with this article. (2) Once the application is received in the Building Department, it will be forwarded to the Planning Director for report and recommendations on compliance with § 280-70, General requirements for all wireless communication facilities, and any technical consultant reports that may have been required. No building permit for a wireless facility may be granted prior to this report being submitted to the Building Inspector. C. Site plan application. The following application requirements are in addition to those required in § 280-133: (1) Seven copies of the completed building permit application required under Subsection B. (2) Aeronautical study or appropriate consultant's report demonstrating that the proposed facility will not constitute an obstruction or hazard to air navigation. (3) Visual impact analysis: renderings or computer graphics illustrating the appearance of the completed facility from residential and public vantage points to be determined by the Planning Board. (4) Adjacent land uses, structures and zoning within 500 feet. (5) The location in latitude and longitude, type and height of the wireless communication facility. (6) A list of other carriers already located on the facility, with the number, type, height, orientation, effective radiated power, number of channels and operating frequencies of each antenna, including the proposed. (7) Digital information about the facility (AutoCAD, Shapefile) that can be imported into a geographic information system depicting the search ring of the proposed facility. (8) A photo of the facility, if already existing. (9) Location of landmarks listed by federal, state or Town agencies within 300 feet. (10) Distances between the proposed facility and the following:, 280:90.1 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 280-74 SOUTHOLD CODE § 280-74 (a) The nearest residential structure. (b) The nearest property line with a residential use. ' (c) All other structures. (d) Roads, rights-of-way, driveways. (11) Fall zone radius and distance. (12) Proposed means of access. (13) Elevation drawings with dimensions clearly indicated, including diameter or width of the structure at its widest and narrowest, and the tallest point, including antennas or lightning protection. (14) Other information deemed by the Planning Board to be necessary to assess compliance with this article. D. Special exception application. To make the determination on an application for special exception, the Planning Board shall require the following in addition to the requirements of Article XXV of this chapter: (1) Each application shall include: (a) One copy of the building permit application. (b) One copy of the site plan application. (c) A written site location alternative analysis describing the location of other sites considered, the availability of those sites, the extent to which other sites do or do not meet the provider's service or engineering needs and the reason why the subject site was chosen. (d) Other information deemed by the Planning Board to be necessary to assess compliance with this article. (2) The applicant shall document to the satisfaction of the Planning Board that a good-faith effort has been made to locate or co-locate on existing towers or other available and appropriate buildings and structures, that it is not feasible to co- locate on an existing facility and that the proposed location is necessary to provide adequate service to the public. The documentation shall include a notarized statement by the applicant as to whether construction of the wireless communication facility will accommodate co-location of additional antennas for future users. (3) The Planning Board and Planning Department may retain technical consultants as they deem necessary to provide assistance in the review of the needs and site location alternatives analyses and other matters that the Board deems necessary. The applicant shall bear the reasonable cost associated with such consultation, which cost shall be assessed as an additional application fee. The consultants will I 280:90.2 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 280-78 ZONING § 280-78 Type of Use Required Number of Parking Spaces Antique shop, auction gallery, arts and 1 per 250 square feet of sales area crafts shop and workshop Apartment over store 1 per apartment in addition to business requirements Auditorium, meeting hall 1 per 50 square feet of seating area, but not less than 1 per 4 seats where provided Automobile laundry 1 per employee, plus a 10-space queuing line area for each laundry bay Bank 10 spaces or 1 space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area or 3 spaces per teller, whichever is greatest, plus a 5- space queuing area for each drive-in teller Beach club or swim club 2 spaces per 3 members Bed-and-breakfast enterprise 1 space per guest room in addition to residential requirements Boardinghouse or tourist house 1 space per guest room in addition to residential requirements Boat and marine engine repair and sales, if 1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor separate from marina area Boatyard, including boat sales and rentals Sales and rental portion, 3 spaces, in addition to marina requirements Bowling lane At least 4 spaces per lane Building, electrical or plumbing contractor's 1 space for each employee, plus 2 spaces business or yard Cold storage plant 3 spaces or 1 per 800 square feet of gross floor area College 0.5 space per student, plus 0.75 space per staff member Conference facilities 1 space per 4 seats in the largest assembly hall or meeting area, plus 1 space for each 4 seats in classroom facilities Convenience stores At least 1 space per 100 square feet of gross floor area of the retail store, including storage and counter space Drinking establishment 1 space per 3 seats or 1 space per 100 square feet of floor space, whichever is greater Fish market, including wholesale and retail 1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor sale of finfish and/or shellfish area 280:90.6.1 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 280-78 SOUTHOLD CODE § 280-78 Type of Use Required Number of Parking Spaces Food processing and packaging including 0.75 space per employee or 1 space per fish processing 500 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater Fraternal or social office or meeting hall See "office" I 280:90.6.2 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 280-110 ZONING § 280-111 § 280-110. Open storage. [Amended 3-26-1991 by L.L. No. 7-1991; 12-22-1992 by L.L. No. 35-1992; 8-8-2006 by L.L. No. 12-20061 No unenclosed debris, vehicles, vehicle parts or refuse may be kept on property in a residential district, except registered motor vehicles, recreation vehicles, boats and commercial vehicles as set forth in § 280-78, and except where located in an agricultural district and kept in connection with bona fide agricultural operations. § 280-111. Prohibited uses in all districts. [Amended 11-24-1992 by L.L. No. 26-1992; 8- 8-2006 by L.L. No. 7-2015; 8-25-2015 by L.L. No. 7-2015; 7-31-2018 by L.L. No. 9-2018; 12-14-2021 by L.L. No. 22-2021; 1-18-2022 by Res. No. 2022-117$'; 10-18-2022 by L.L. No. 9-20221 A. Any use which is noxious, offensive or objectionable by reason of the emission of smoke, dust, gas, odor or other form of air pollution or by reason of the deposit, discharge or dispersal of liquid or solid wastes in any form in such manner or amount as to cause permanent damage to the soil and streams or to adversely affect the surrounding area or by reason of the creation of noise, vibration, electromagnetic or other disturbance or by reason of illumination by artificial light or light reflection beyond the limits of the lot on or from which such light or light reflection emanates; or which involves any dangerous fire, explosive, radioactive or other hazard; or which causes injury, annoyance or disturbance to any of the surrounding properties or to their owners and occupants; and any other process or use which is unwholesome and noisome and may be dangerous or prejudicial to health, safety or general welfare, except where such activity is licensed or regulated by other governmental agencies. B. Artificial lighting facilities of any kind which create glare beyond lot lines. C. Uses involving primary production of the following products from raw materials: charcoal and fuel briquettes; chemicals; aniline dyes; carbide; caustic soda; cellulose; chlorine; carbon black and bone black; creosote; hydrogen and oxygen; industrial alcohol; nitrates of an explosive nature; potash; plastic materials and synthetic resins; pyroxylin; rayon yarn; hydrochloric, nitric, phosphoric, picric and sulfuric acids; coal, coke and tar products, including gas manufacturing; explosives; gelatin, glue and size (animal); linoleum and oil cloth; matches; paint, varnishes and turpentine; rubber (natural or synthetic); soaps, including fat rendering; starch. D. The following processes: (1) Nitrating of cotton or of other materials. (2) Milling or processing of flour. (3) Magnesium foundry. (4) Reduction, refining, smelting and alloying metal or metal ores. (5) Refining secondary aluminum. 57. Editor's Note:This resolution repealed L.L.No.22-2021. 280:115 Supp 59,Nov 2022 i § 280-111 SOUTHOLD CODE § 280-111 (6) Refining petroleum products, such as gasolines, kerosene, naphtha and lubricating oil. ' (7) Distillation of wood or bones. (8) Reduction and processing of wood pulp and fiber, including paper mill operations. E. Operations involving stockyards, slaughterhouses and slag piles. F. Storage of explosives. G. Quarries. H. Storage of petroleum products. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, storage facilities with a total combined capacity of more than 20,000 gallons, including all tanks, pipelines, buildings, structures and accessory equipment designed, used or intended to be used for the storage of gasoline, fuel oil, kerosene, asphalt or other petroleum products, shall not be located within 1,000 feet of tidal waters or tidal wetlands. I. Encumbrances to public roads. (1) No person shall intentionally discharge or cause to be discharged any water of any kind onto a public highway, roadway, right-of-way or sidewalk causing a public nuisance or hazardous condition, or resulting in flooding or pooling in or around the public area, including neighboring properties. (2) No person shall place or cause to be placed obstructions of any kind, except the lawful parking of registered vehicles, upon a public highway, roadway, right-of- way or sidewalk that unreasonably interferes with the public's use of the public highway, roadway, right-of-way or sidewalk. J. Transient rental properties. K. Aircraft prohibited. (1) Helicopters prohibited. No person, firm or corporation, except those with prior valid approvals, shall land or cause to be landed, take off or cause to take off or taxi any helicopter on or from the waters, beaches or on any land within the Town of Southold. (2) Seaplanes prohibited. No person, firm or corporation shall land or cause to be landed, take off or cause to take off, taxi, or emplane or deplane any seaplane on or from Town beaches and waterways, trustee waters and beaches, Town waters, Town docks, and/or floats. (3) This subsection shall not apply to Town-owned airfields, medical or police emergency landings and takeoffs or aircraft involved in medical or military emergencies, or aircraft involved in operations involving public health and safety. (4) This subsection shall not apply to the use of aircraft as an accessory use to agricultural production as set forth in § 280-13C(12). 280;116 Supp 59,Nov 2022 i § 280-204 ZONING § 280-206 B. Overflow, permeable, parking area(s) shall be required generally at a rate of 50% of the total number of parking spaces to accommodate for periods of high use and team sporting events. The total number of parking spaces required shall depend on the proposed use(s) and site design and will be determined by the Town Board during review of the change of zone petition. C. Use of public rights-of-way for member, patron or spectator parking is prohibited. D. Parking shall be located in the rear of the principal building where practicable. ARTICLE XXXV i Marine III Zone District (MIII) [Added 12-3-2019 by L.L. No. 17-20191 § 280-205. Use regulations. In the MIII District, no building or premises shall be used and no building or part of i a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any uses except the following (one use per 320,000 square feet of land above mean high water, unless otherwise specified): A. Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted uses and are subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board: (1) Ferry terminals for ferry service to and from Plum Island only. B. Accessory uses. The following uses are permitted as accessory uses and/or structures: (1) Ticket offices, waiting areas, snack bar. (2) Off-street parking or loading areas. (3) Offices for executive and administrative uses. i (4) Storage sheds and tool sheds. (5) On-site storage and repair facilities directly related to the operation of the primary permitted use. (6) Museum. (7) Any other customary structures or uses which are customarily incidental to the principal use, except those prohibited by this chapter. § 280-206. Bulk, area and parking regulations. No building shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the MIII District unless the same conforms to the Bulk Schedule and Parking and Loading Schedules" incorporated into this chapter by reference, with the same force and effect if such regulations were set forth herein in full. 70. Editor's Note:Said schedules are included as attachments to this chapter. I 280:167 Supp 59,Nov 2022 i § 280-207 SOUTHOLD CODE § 280-207 ARTICLE XXXVI Residential Dwelling Size Limits it [Added 10-18-2022 by L.L. No. 10-20221 § 280-207. Maximum gross floor area for residential dwellings in A-C, R-40, R-80, R- 120, R-200, and R-400 Districts. A. Maximum gross floor area (GFA): (1) The gross floor area shall not exceed the permitted square footage calculated as follows: (a) Lots containing up to 10,000 square feet of lot area: 2,100 square feet maximum. (b) Lots containing up to 20,000 square feet of lot area: 2,100 square feet plus 12.5% of the lot area in excess of 10,000 square feet up to a total of 3,350 square feet maximum. (c) Lots containing up to 30,000 square feet of lot area: 3,350 square feet plus 10% of the lot area in excess of 20,000 square feet up to a total of 4,350 square feet maximum. (d) Lots containing up to 40,000 square feet of lot area: 4,350 square feet plus 7.5% of the lot area in excess of 30,000 square feet up to a total of 5,100 square feet maximum. (e) Lots up to 80,000 square feet of lot area: 5,100 square feet plus 5% of the lot area in excess of 40,000 square feet up to a total of 7,100 square feet maximum. (f) Lots up to 200,000 square feet of lot area: 7,100 square feet plus 2.5% of the lot area in excess of 80,000 square feet up to a total of 10,100 square feet maximum. (g) All lots in excess of 200,000 square feet of lot area: 10,100 square feet plus 1% of any additional lot area. (2) In determining the maximum permitted gross floor area, the following provisions shall apply: (a) "Lot area" shall have the same meaning as the area of a lot or parcel defined as "buildable land" in this chapter. (b) In determining the maximum lot coverage, whether under the gross floor area requirement or the percentage restriction in this section, the more restrictive requirement or standard shall apply. (c) The new construction, reconstruction or improvement of any dwelling shall be limited by the standards established by this code, or by variance not to exceed the average GFA of dwellings in the immediate area as determined by the Zoning Board of Appeals. 280:168 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § 280-207 ZONING § 280-208 (d) Any existing dwelling as of the effective date of this section that exceeds the maximum GFA defined herein shall be deemed nonconforming for the purpose of this chapter. (e) The gross floor area restrictions set forth in this section shall not apply to farm labor housing. § 280-208. Pyramid Law. A. Any building or structure on any lot in the A-C, R-40, R-80, R-120, R-200, and R-400 Zoning Districts must be within the sky plane. B. If, in the determination of the Chief Building Inspector, conformance with Subsection A is not possible, a building or structure may be permitted so long as the overall height is not in excess of the average height of the adjacent parcels within 500 feet to each side of the subject parcel, on the same side of the street and in the same zoning district. 280:169 Supp 59,Nov 2022 ZONING 280 Attachment 3 Town of Southold Bulk Schedule for Residential Districts [Added 1-10-1989 by L.L.No.1-1989;amended 6-29-2021 by L.L.No.9-2021;10-18-2022 by L.L.No.10-20221 Column No. i ii iii iv v vi vii ix x xi xii Residential Unit 2-Family Where Detached Community Dwellings Water and in R-80 District A-C R-40 R-80 R-120 R-200 R-400 HD RR RO Sewer Available District Minimum requirements for 1-family detached dwellings' Lot size(square feet) 80,000 40,000 80,000 120,000 200,000 400,00 20,000 20,000 40,000 10,000 160,000 Lot width(feet) 175 150 175 200 270 270 75 75 150 60 270 Lot depth(feet) 250 175 250 300 400 400 120 120 175 80 400 Front yard(feet) 60 50 60 60 60 60 35 35 50 30 60 Primary front yard(feet) 60 50 60 60 60 60 35 35 50 30 60 Secondary front yard(feet) 40 35 40 40 40 40 25 25 35 20 Side yard(feet) 20 15 20 30 30 30 15 15 15 15 30 Both side yards(feet) 45 35 45 60 60 60 30 30 35 30 60 Rear yards(feet) 75 50 75 85 100 100 35 35 50 30 85 Livable floor area(square feet per dwelling unit) 850 850 850 850 850 850 8502 8503 850 850 850 Maximum permitted dimensions:' Lot coverage(percent) 20 20 20 10 5 5 25 25 20 25 10 Building height(feet)',' 35/25 35/25 35/25 35/25 35/25 35/25 35 35/25 35 35 35/25 Number of stories 2%2 2'/2 2%2 2'/2 2'/2 2%2 2'/z 2'/z 2%z 2'/2 2'/z NOTES: See text of chapter and Density and Minimum Lot Size Schedules for applicable districts. 2 Except one-bedroom or studio in multiple dwelling may have 600 square feet.Minimum floor area may be reduced up to 200 for moderate-and/or lower-cost dwellings. 3 Except one-bedroom or studio in multiple dwelling may have 600 square feet. 'See limits to gross floor area(GFA)in§280-4. s Building height for all districts:35 feet to peak of sloping roofs,25 feet for flat or mansard roofs;see definitions. 6 Roofs must be within the sky plane;see definitions 280 Attachment 3:1 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § DL-1 DISPOSITION LIST § DL-1 Local Law Adoption Supp. No. Date Subject Disposition No. 17-2021 10-19-2021 E Vehicles and Traffic Amendment ! Ch. 260 ; 55 18-2021 10-19-2021 1 Parking: Parking at Beaches Ch. 189, Art. I'r 55 Amendment .19-2021 j 11-3-2021 Tax Levy Limit Override NCM x 55 tr ''20-2021 ; 12-14-2021 Water Supply Plan Map ;NCM 55 Amendment x121-2021 12-14-2021 Filming Amendment Ch. 139 55 622-2021 ; 12-14-2021 f Zoning Amendment }Repealed by 55 {Res. No. 2022-117 ' fi23-2021 , 12-14-2021 Zoning Amendment Ch. 280 55 24-2021 12-28-2021 Cannabis: Cannabis Retail Ch. 106, Art. I' 56 is + Dispensary and On-Site i; Consumption Site Opt-Out i I' I 1-2022 1-4-2022 Solid Waste: Garbage, Rubbish and Ch. 233, Art. 156 Refuse Amendment 12-2022 1-4-2022 • Sewers and Sewage Disposal: Ch. 215, Pt. 1, 1 56 Scavenger Wastes Repealer reference only o- ;3-2022 1-4-2022 Parking: Parking at Beaches Ch. 189, Art. I q 56 Il : Amendment ,,Res. No. ' 1-18-2022 - Zoning Amendment Ch. 280 56 ,, 4 � g f II '2022-117 1:4-2022 3-1-2022 i Vehicles and Traffic Amendment Ch. 260 56 '15-2022 ,'6-7-2022 Zoning Amendment Ch. 280 57 i r,. + k 6-2022 ;6-21-2022 Public Hearings, Notice of Ch. 55 j 58 i,Amendment i 4 7-2022 7-19-2022 Zoning Map Amendment 4 NCM 58 .8-2022 8-2-2022 Community Preservation Fund and 6 Ch. 17; Art. I; ` 59 F Community Housing Fund: Art. IV; Art. i + Southold Community Preservation VI Fund Amendment; Real Estate + I Transfer Tax Amendment; Establishment of Community (' ! Housing Fund 9-2022 10-18-2022 Zoning Amendment Ch. 280 59 x;10-2022 ` 10-18-2022 Zoning Amendment Ch. 280 59 DL:11 Supp 59,Nov 2022 § DL-1 SOUTHOLD CODE § DL-1 Local Law Adoption Supp. No. Date Subject Disposition No. 11-2022 11-15-2022 !Parking: Parking at Beaches Ch. 189, Art. l 59 Amendment; Vehicles and Traffic 'I; Ch. 260 Amendment t 12-2022 ' 11-15-2022 Taxation: Senior Citizen Ch. 245, Art. L 59 Exemption Amendment 13-2022 . 11-15-2022 f Taxation: Exemption for Disabled Ch. 245, Art. 59 Persons With Limited Income IV Amendment DL:12 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX DEFINITIONS NOTE:For the convenience of the Code user,all terms defined in this Code are included in the Index under the heading"Definitions and Abbreviations." R-120,R-200 and Parking 1-2 Sidewalks 1-14 A — R-400 Districts Peddling and soliciting 1-2 Soil removal 1-14 280-13;280-15 Penalties for offenses 1-11 Street excavations 1-14 ABANDONED VEHICLES General Business(B) Planning Board 1-2 Tobacco 1-14 VEHICLES,MOTOR- District 280-48 Police Department 1-2;1-4 Town Board 1-14;1-15; DRIVEN 264-19 Hamlet Business(HB) Repeal of enactments not 1-16 ABANDONMENT District 280-45 included in Code 1-3 Town Clerk 1-14 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Hamlet Density(HD) Salaries and compensation Trailer camps 1-14 PROPERTY Residential District 1-4 Transient merchants 1-14 MAINTENANCE 280-22 Sale of Code book; Unsafe buildings 1-14 100-3;100-4 Historic Preservation supplementation 1-10 Vehicles 1-14 Emergency Removal of District(HPD)280-193 Sales 1-4;1-10 Veterans 1-14 Vehicles 260-23 Light Industrial(LI)District Severability 1-6 Volunteer fire fighters 1-14 Fishers Island Harbor 280-62 Soil removal 1-2 Wetlands 1-14 Management 157-8 Light Industrial Park/ Town Board 1-2;1-4;1-8; When effective 1-18 Light Industrial(LI)District Planned Office Park 1-9;1-10 ADULT HOMES 280-62 (LIO)District 280-58 Town Clerk 1-7;1-9; 1-10; ZONING 280-4 Light Industrial Park/ Limited Business(LB) 1-11 ADVERTISING Planned Office Park District 280-41 Trailer camps 1-2 Adoption of Renumbered (LIO)District 280-58 Low-Density Residential Vehicles 1-2 2006 Code 1-14 SEWERS AND SEWAGE R-40 District 280-17 Violations and penalties General Business(B) DISPOSAL 215-3; Marine I(MI)District 1-4;1-11 District 280-48 215-9 280-52 Wetlands 1-2 Hamlet Business(HB) Signs 280-88 Marine II(MEI)District When effective 1-13 District 280-45 Small Wind Energy Systems 280-55 Zoning Maps 1-4 LITTERING 174-1;174-6 277-6 Marine III Zone District ADOPTION OF POLICE DEPARTMENT Special Exception Uses (MIII)280-205 RENUMBERED 2006 RULES AND 280-141 Plum Island Conservation CODE REGULATIONS SUBDIVISION OF LAND District(PIC)280-187 Advertising 1-14 A290-15 240-37 Plum Island Research Advisory Board 1-14 RENTAL PERMITS 207-9 Wireless Communication District(PIR)280-183 Alarm systems 1-14 Signs 280-80;280-81; Facilities 280-76 Recreational Floating Zone Alcoholic beverages 1-14 280-85 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS District(RFZ) Appearance tickets 1-14 Small Wind Energy Systems AND STRUCTURES 280-202;280-204 Appointments 1-14 277-4 Agricultural-Conservation Residential Office(RO) Bicycles 1-14 STORMWATER (A-C)District and District 280-38 Bingo 1-14 MANAGEMENT Low-Density Resort Residential(RR) Boats and Boating 1-14 236-5 Residential R-80, District 280-35 Burning 1-14 TOBACCO R-120,R-200 and Site Plan Approval 280-127 Charges 1-14 ADVERTISING R-400 Districts ZONING 280-4;280-78; Continuation of provisions 249-1;249-2;249-3; 280-13;280-15 280-111 1-16 249-4;249-5 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; ACCIDENTAL Costs and expenses 1-14 ZONING 280-4 PROPERTY DISCHARGES Defense and ADVISORY BOARD MAINTENANCE Illicit Discharges 236-28 indemnification 1-14 Adoption of Renumbered 100-4 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Disabled persons 1-14 2006 Code 1-14 FIRE PREVENTION AND DISPOSAL 215-4 Docks 1-14 Code of Ethics 26-2 BUILDING CODE ADOPTION OF CODE Dogs 1-14 Community Preservation ADMINISTRATION Amendments to Code 1-8 Domestic partnerships 1-14 Fund Advisory Board 144-3;144-8; 144-15 Bicycles 1-2 Environmental quality 17-16 FLOOD DAMAGE Bingo 1-2 review 1-14 COMMUNITY PREVENTION 148-4 Boats and Boating 1-2 Farms and farming 1-14 PRESERVATION Hamlet Density(HD) Bonds 1-4 Fees 1-14 FUND AND Residential District Burning 1-2 Fire prevention 1-14 COMMUNITY 280-22 Charges 1-4 Games of chance 1-14 HOUSING FUND LANDMARK Code book to be kept up-to- Garbage,rubbish and refuse 17-51 PRESERVATION date 1-9 1-14 Ethics Board 26-21 170-7 Copy of Code on file 1-7 GENERAL PROVISIONS Records Management 59-15 Low-Density Residential Distribution of local laws, 1-14\1-18 Southold Community R-40 District 280-19 ordinances and Grievances 1-14 Preservation Fund 17-4 STORMWATER resolutions 1-2 Hearings 1-14 AFFORDABLE HOUSING MANAGEMENT Docks 1-2 Incorporation of provisions Affordable Housing(AHD) 236-5 Easements 1-4 into Code 1-17 District 280-24; WATERFRONT Effect on previously Inspections 1-14 280-25;280-26; CONSISTENCY adopted legislation 1-5 Junkyards 1-14 280-27;280-30 REVIEW 268-3 Enactments saved from Legislative intent 1-14 Agricultural-Conservation WETLANDS AND repeal;matters not Licenses and permits 1-16 (A-C)District and SHORELINE 275-2; affected 1-4 Littering 1-14 Low-Density 275-5 Fees 1-10 Nonsubstantive changes in Residential R-80, ZONING 280-4;280-104; Garbage,rubbish and refuse previously adopted R-120,R-200 and 280-107;280-116 1-2 legislation 1-15 R-400 Districts 280-13 ACCESSORY USES AND GENERAL PROVISIONS Notices 1-14 COMMUNITY STRUCTURES 1-1\1-13 Obstructions 1-14 PRESERVATION Affordable Housing(AHD) Grades and grading 1-4 Officers and employees FUND AND District 280-27 Grievances 1-2 I-14 COMMUNITY Agricultural Planned Improvements 1-4 Open space 1-14 HOUSING FUND Development District Incorporation of provisions Parking 1-14 17-48 280-172 into Code 1-12 Parks and recreation 1-14 Hamlet Business(HB) Agricultural-Conservation Junkyards 1-2 Peddling and soliciting 1-14 District 280-45 (A-C)District and Legislative intent 1-1 Police Department 1-14 HOUSING FUND 34-1; Low-Density Liability 1-4 Records 1-14 34-2;34-5;34-6 Residential R-80, Licenses and permits 1-4 Senior citizens 1-14 Littering 1-2 Sewers 1-14 IDX:I Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE AFFORDABLE HOUSING... SANITARY FLOW Site plans 280-29;280-31 Town Board 70-2;70-4; Title 72-1 CREDITS, Standing committees 280-31 70-5 Trees 72-4 TRANSFER OF Tenants 280-27;280-28; AGRICULTURAL Variances 72-3 117-3;117-6;117-9; 280-30 PLANNED Water 72-4 117-11;117-14 Town Attorney 280-30 DEVELOPMENT AGRICULTURAL- Site Plan Approval 280-137 Town Board 280-25; DISTRICT CONSERVATION(A-C) SUBDIVISION OF LAND 280-26;280-29; Accessory uses and DISTRICT AND LOW- 240-2;240-10;240-25; 280-30;280-31 structures 280-172 DENSITY 240-53 Town Clerk 280-29;280-30 Agricultural districts RESIDENTIAL R-80, ZONING 280-5;280-158 Use regulations 280-27 280-173 R-120,R-200 AND R-400 AFFORDABLE HOUSING Utilities 280-25;280-29 Building permits 280-180 DISTRICTS (AHD)DISTRICT Vacant lots 280-30 Classification 280-172 Accessory buildings and Accessory uses and Variances 280-28 Clearing house 280-179 structures 280-13; structures 280-27 Vehicles 280-25 Conditions 280-180 280-15 Administration 280-31 Violations and penalties Conditions of approval Accessory uses and Affordable housing 280-24; 280-31;280-32.1; 280-175 structures 280-13; 280-25;280-26; 280-33 Costs and expenses 280-177 280-15 280-27;280-30 Water 280-29 County Clerk 280-175 Affordable housing 280-13 Ambulance service 280-30 Yards 280-28 Definitions 280-171 Animals 280-13 Apartments 280-27 ZONING 280-24\280-33 Disclosure 280-174 Apartments 280-13 Appeals 280-31 Zoning Board of Appeals Easements 280-175; Appeals 280-13 Applicability 280-26 280-28 280-177;280-179; Bed and breakfast 280-13 Applicability of other Code Zoning districts 280-32.1 280-180 Board of Appeals 280-13 provisions 280-32 Zoning Maps 280-29 Farms and farming 280-174 Boardinghouses 280-13 Application procedure AGRICULTURAL Fire protection 280-174 Boats and Boating 280-13 280-29 ADVISORY Hearings 280-174; Bufferyards 280-13 Boats and Boating 280-25 COMMITTEE 280-175;280-177 Building Inspector 280-13 Building Inspector 280-31 Agricultural districts 71-4 Height regulations 280-171 Bulk,area and parking Building permits 280-31 Appointments 71-3 Improvements 280-171; regulations 280-14 Bulk,area and parking Compensation 71-3 280-174 Camps 280-13 regulations 280-28 Composition;membership; Lots 280-173 Cemeteries 280-13 Certificates of occupancy terms of office; Meetings 280-174 Certificates of 280-31;280-33 removal 71-3 Notices 280-174 appropriateness 280-15 Comprehensive Plan 280-29 Definitions 71-2 Open space 280-181 Certificates of compliance Construction 280-25; Farms and farming 71-1; Permitted uses 280-175 280-13 280-29 71-3;71-4 Planning Board 280-174; Certificates of occupancy Costs and expenses 280-24; Meetings 71-3 280-181 280-13 280-30 Membership 71-3 Price for development rights Communicable diseases Definitions 280-25 Natural resources 71-1 280-176 280-13 Emergencies 280-30 Planning Board 71-1;71-4 Purpose 280-170 Conservation districts Eminent domain 280-25 Powers and duties 71-4 Records 280-175;280-179 280-15 Farms and farming 280-26 Purpose 71-1 Reports 280-174 Construction 280-13 Fees 280-29 Reports 71-4 Requirements for eligibility Drugs and drug General regulations and Site plans 71-4 280-173 paraphernalia 280-13 requirements 280-30 Terms of office 71-3 Sales 280-174;280-175; Dust 280-13 Grievances 280-31 Town Board 71-1;71-3; 280-176;280-177; Emergencies 280-13 Hearings 280-26;280-29 71-4 280-179;280-180; Farms and farming 280-12; Improvements 280-25; Vehicles 71-4 280-181 280-13 280-30 Zoning Board of Appeals Subdivision 280-181 Fees 280-13 Liens 280-25 71-1 Subsequent development Fences 280-13 Lots 280-30;280-31 Zoning districts 71-2;71-4 right sales to Town Fire prevention 280-13 Maintenance and upkeep AGRICULTURAL 280-177 Fowl 280-13 280-32.1 DISTRICTS Town Attorney 280-175 Fumes 280-13 Meetings 280-29 AGRICULTURAL Town Board 280-173; Garage sales 280-13 Newspaper 280-26 ADVISORY 280-174;280-176; Garages 280-13 Notices 280-26;280-29; COMMITTEE 71-4 280-177;280-180 Gas 280-13 280-30 Agricultural Planned Town Clerk 280-174 Hearings 280-13 Off-street parking 280-27; Development District Water supply 280-174 Height regulations 280-13; 280-28 280-173 ZONING 280-170\280-181 280-15 Parking 280-28 Real Estate Transfer Tax Zoning approval; Historic Preservation Penalties for offenses 17-24 application and review Commission 280-15 280-33 SUBDIVISION OF LAND procedure 280-174 Home occupations 280-13 Permitted uses 280-27 240-10;240-42 Zoning districts 280-174 Horses 280-13 Planning Board 280-24; ZONING 280-110 Zoning Maps 280-174; Hospitals 280-13 280-28;280-29; AGRICULTURAL LANDS 280-175 Inspections 280-13 280-30;280-31 PRESERVATION AGRICULTURAL USES Kennels 280-13 Planning Commission Acquisition of development Alcoholic beverages 72-4 Liability 280-13 280-29 rights 70-4 Animals 72-4 Licenses and permits 280-13 Property maintenance Alienation of development Christmas trees 72-4 Lighting 280-13 280-32.1 rights 70-5 Deer 72-4 Lots 280-13;280-15 Purpose;applicability of Construction 70-5 Definitions 72-4 Manure 280-13 amendments 280-24 Costs and expenses 70-5 See Farm Stands 72-5\72-12 Membership 280-13 Records 280-25;280-30; Definitions 70-3 Farms and farming 72-2; Mooring 280-13 280-31 Fences 70-3 72-4 Noise 280-13 Registry 280-25;280-30 Hearings 70-4;70-5 General Provisions 72-1\ Notices 280-13 Rental property 280-30 Improvements 70-2 72-4 Nursing homes 280-13 Reports 280-29;280-30 Licenses and permits 70-5 Horses 72-4 Odors 280-13 Retirement 280-25 Livestock 70-3 Livestock 72-4 Off-street parking 280-13 Safety standards 280-28 Open space 70-2 Poultry 72-4 One-family dwellings Sales 280-25;280-30; Purpose 70-2 Purpose 72-2 280-13 280-31 Sales 70-4;70-5 Safety standards 72-2;72-3 Parking 280-13;280-14 Schools 280-26 Severability 70-6 Sales 72-4 Permitted uses 280-13 Setbacks 280-24;280-28 Storage 70-3 Shrubs 72-4 Places of worship 280-13 Sewers 280-29 Title 70-1 Statutory authorization 72-3 Planning Board 280-13 Site plan approval 280-29 Storage 72-4 Plastics 280-13 IDX:2 Supp 59,Nov 2022 AGRICULTURAL-CONSERVATION(A-C) INDEX DISTRICT AND LOW-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL R-80,R-120,R-200 AND R-400 DISTRICTS... Playgrounds 280-13 Intentional false alarms 75-5 ANCHORING Rabies control 83-21;83-22 Pools 280-13 Investigations 75-1 BOATS,DOCKS AND Records 83-18;83-24 Property maintenance Licenses and permits 75-2; WHARVES 96-2; Repeal of inconsistent local 280-13 75-3;75-4;75-6 96-3;96-7;96-11; laws or ordinances Purpose 280-12 Penalties for offenses 75-8 96-12;96-14;96-22; 83-26 A Radiation 280-13 Permit required 75-3 96-23 Safety standards 83-17 A Registry 280-13 Police Department 75-2; COASTAL EROSION Service dogs 83-23 Restaurants 280-13 75-6 HAZARD AREAS SEWERS AND SEWAGE Roller skates 280-13 Purpose 75-1 111-13 DISPOSAL 215-3; Roofs 280-15 Records 75-2 Fishers Island Harbor 215-4 Safety standards 280-13 Reports 75-1;75-2 Management 157-4; Signs 280-85 Sales 280-13 Severability 75-7 157-6 Southold Community Schools 280-13 Town Board 75-2;75-7 FLOOD DAMAGE Preservation Fund 17-4 Screens and screening Town Clerk 75-6 PREVENTION 148-4; STORMWATER 280-13 Violations and penalties 148-14;148-16; MANAGEMENT Setbacks 280-13;280-15 75-5;75-6;75-8 148-18;148-21 236-5 Sewers 280-13 ALARMS,FALSE Small Wind Energy Systems SUBDIVISION OF LAND Signs 280-13 See FALSE ALARMS 277-4 240-3;240-44 Single-family dwellings See FIRE ALARMS WETLANDS AND Surcharges 83-19;83-23 280-13 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES SHORELINE 275-2 Term of license and Site plan approval 280-13 Adoption of Renumbered ZONING 280-4 renewals 83-22 Site plan review and 2006 Code 1-14 ANIMAL WASTE Town Board 83-17 approval 280-13 AGRICULTURAL USES See FECAL MATTER Town Clerk 83-18;83-19; Site plans 280-13 72-4 See PET WASTE 83-20;83-24 Skateboards 280-13 ALCOHOLIC ANIMALS Vaccinations 83-21 Smoke 280-13 BEVERAGES 79-1 AGRICULTURAL USES Violations and penalties Smoke alarms 280-13 Consumption of alcoholic 72-4 83-25 Special exceptions 280-13 beverages in public Agricultural-Conservation Waterfowl and Gull Feeding Storage 280-13 restricted 79-1 (A-C)District and and Domestic Pet Swimming pools 280-13 See Also INTOXICATING Low-Density Waste 83-27 Tenants 280-13 BEVERAGES Residential R-80, See Waterfowl and Gull Town Board 280-13 See Also INTOXICATION R-120,R-200 and Feeding and Domestic Town Clerk 280-13 Pedestrians 79-1 R-400 Districts 280-13 Pet Waste 83-27\83-31 Trustees 280-13 Penalties for offenses 79-2 ANIMALS 83-18;83-23 WETLANDS AND Two-family dwellings POLICE DEPARTMENT BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; SHORELINE 275-2 280-13 RULES AND PROPERTY ZONING 280-4;280-78; Use regulations 280-13 REGULATIONS MAINTENANCE 280-111 Utilities 280-13 A290-15 100-3 ANTENNAS Violations and penalties Public Consumption 79-1\ See Also CATS See Also SATELLITE DISH 280-13 79-2 Costs and expenses 83-23 ANTENNAS Water 280-13 Vehicles 79-1 Definitions 83-18 Wireless Communication Water supply 280-13 Violations and penalties Dog Licensing and Facilities 280-68; Wind energy systems,small 79-2 Identification 83-16\ 280-69;280-70; 280-13 ZONING 280-4 83-26 280-71;280-72; Wireless communications ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES Dogs 83-6;83-17;83-18; 280-73;280-74; 280-13 See Also OFF-ROAD 83-19;83-20;83-21; 280-76;280-76.1; Yard sales 280-13 VEHICLES 83-22;83-23;83-24; 280-76.2 Yards 280-13;280-15 VEHICLES,MOTOR- 83-26 ZONING 280-4 ZONING 280-12\280-15 DRIVEN 264-3 See Dogs 83-6\83-15 APARTMENTS Zoning Board of Appeals ALUMINUM See Ducks 83-1\83-5 Affordable Housing(AHD) 280-13 ELECTRICAL Farmland Bill of Rights District 280-27 AIR CONDITIONING INSPECTIONS 126-4 280-98;280-99 Agricultural-Conservation FLOOD DAMAGE Garbage,Rubbish and Fees 83-19;83-23 (A-C)District and PREVENTION 148-16 Refuse 233-1 Fishers Island Harbor Low-Density Illicit Discharges 236-25 LITTERING 174-1 Management 157-11 Residential R-80, SEWERS AND SEWAGE Roadway Construction Garbage,Rubbish and R-120,R-200 and DISPOSAL 215-2; 161-36 Refuse 233-1 R-400 Districts 280-13 215-4 Signs 280-82 Guide dogs 83-23 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; AIR POLLUTION ZONING 280-111 Hearing dogs 83-23 PROPERTY See Also POLLUTION AMBULANCE SERVICE Issuance of license; MAINTENANCE ZONING 280-77;280-111 Affordable Housing(AHD) identification tag 83-24 100-4 AIR RIFLES District 280-30 Legislative authority 83-16 Exemption for War PARKS AND Exemption for Volunteer Liability 83-25 Veterans and Gold Star RECREATION Fire Fighters and Licenses and permits Parents 245-16.1 AREAS 193-6 Ambulance Workers 83-17;83-19;83-20; General Business(B) ALARM SYSTEMS 245-11;245-13 83-21;83-22;83-23; District 280-48 Adoption of Renumbered PUBLIC 83-24;83-26 Hamlet Business(HB) 2006 Code 1-14 ENTERTAINMENT Licenses issued only by District 280-45 ALARM SYSTEMS 75-1; AND SPECIAL Town Clerk 83-20 Hamlet Density(HD) 75-2;75-3;75-5;75-6 EVENTS 205-5 Licensing 83-19 Residential District BICYCLES 88-2 AMERICANS WITH Light Industrial(LI)District 280-22 Charges 75-6;75-8 DISABILITIES ACT 280-62 Historic Preservation Charges for false alarms; See DISABLED PERSONS Light Industrial Park/ District(HPD)280-193 rules and regulations AMUSEMENTS Planned Office Park Light Industrial(LI)District 75-6 APPEARANCE TICKETS (LIO)District 280-58 280-62 Definitions 75-2 5-2 LITTERING 174-1 Light Industrial Park/ Disorderly conduct 75-8. PUBLIC Low-Density Residential Planned Office Park Disorderly persons 75-8 ENTERTAINMENT R-40 District 280-17 (LIO)District 280-58 Emergencies 75-1;75-2; AND SPECIAL PARKS AND Limited Business(LB) 75-5;75-6 EVENTS 205-2 RECREATION District 280-41 False alarms 75-5;75-6 ZONING 280-4 AREAS 193-2;193-3.1 Plum Island Conservation See Also FALSE ALARMS Penalties for offenses 83-25 District(PIC)280-187 Fees 75-4;75-8 Proof of vaccination against Plum Island Research See Also FIRE ALARMS rabies 83-21 District(PIR)280-183 Fire Department 75-1;75-2 Purpose 83-17 RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 IDX:3 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE APARTMENTS... Residential Office(RO) Board of Appeals 280-145 Exemption for Volunteer Approval by referendum 9-5 District 280-38 Ethics Board 26-21 Fire Fighters and Assessor 9-3;9-4 WETLANDS AND POLICE DEPARTMENT Ambulance Workers Conditions as to SHORELINE 275-2 51-3;51-4 245-11;245-12;245-14 effectiveness 9-4 ' ZONING 280-4;280-78 POLICE DEPARTMENT Exemption for War See Election 9-1\9-2 APPEALS RULES AND Veterans and Gold Star Number 9-3\9-5 Affordable Housing(AHD) REGULATIONS Parents 245-16; Town Board 9-4 District 280-31 A290-5 245-16.1 AUXILIARY POLICE Agricultural-Conservation RECORDS 59-5 Hamlet Business(HB) See POLICE OFFICERS (A-C)District and Residency Requirements District 280-45 AWNINGS Low-Density 42-10 HOUSING FUND 34-3 FIRE PREVENTION AND Residential R-80, Site Plan Approval 280-135 Light Industrial(LI)District BUILDING CODE R-120,R-200 and Small Wind Energy Systems 280-62 ADMINISTRATION R-400 Districts 280-13 277-7 Light Industrial Park/ 144-8 Board of Appeals 280-146 TRANSPORTATION Planned Office Park Garbage,Rubbish and See Also BOARD OF ACCESS (LIO)District 280-58 Refuse 233-4 APPEALS MANAGEMENT 64-4 LITTERING 174-5 General Business(B) COASTAL EROSION YOUTH BOARD 68-5 PUBLIC District 280-48 HAZARD AREAS AREA,YARD AND BULK ENTERTAINMENT Hamlet Business(HB) 111-24;111-25;111-26 REGULATIONS AND SPECIAL District 280-45 Fane Stands 72-11 See LOTS EVENTS 205-4;205-7 Signs 280-85 FIRE PREVENTION AND See YARDS PUBLIC HEARINGS, BUILDING CODE ARREST WARRANTS NOTICE OF 55-1 — B — ADMINISTRATION Dogs 83-9 Recreational Floating Zone 144-5 See Also SEARCH District(RFZ)280-201 BACKFILLING FLOOD DAMAGE WARRANTS SANITARY FLOW See Also EXCAVATIONS PREVENTION 148-4; See Also WARRANTS CREDITS, See Also FILL 148-22 ASBESTOS TRANSFER OF 117-9 Roadway Construction LANDMARK SEWERS AND SEWAGE Senior Citizen Exemption 161-25;161-36;161-44 PRESERVATION DISPOSAL 215-9 245-3;245-4 SEWERS AND SEWAGE 170-11 ASHES SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL 215-9 Plum Island Conservation PARKS AND DISPOSAL 215-16; Street Excavations 237-13 District(PIC)280-187 RECREATION 215-18 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Plum Island Research AREAS 193-2 SHELLFISH AND OTHER 240-36 District(PIR)280-183 SEWERS AND SEWAGE MARINE WETLANDS AND PUBLIC DISPOSAL 215-4 RESOURCES 219-4 SHORELINE 275-11 ENTERTAINMENT ASSEMBLIES,PUBLIC Signs 280-88 BAGS,PLASTIC AND SPECIAL See PUBLIC Site Plan Approval 280-133 See PLASTIC BAGS EVENTS 205-6 ASSEMBLIES SOIL REMOVAL 228-6 BARRICADES Real Estate Transfer Tax ASSESSMENT AND TAX STORMWATER BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 17-34 RELIEF FOR MANAGEMENT PROPERTY RECORDS 59-8;59-10 SUPERSTORM SANDY 236-17;236-20 MAINTENANCE 1 RENTAL PERMITS 207-8 IMPACT SUBDIVISION OF LAND 100-9 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Applicability 245-24 240-7;240-44 SEWERS AND SEWAGE 240-10 Assessments 245-20; Targeted Business DISPOSAL 215-9 See Also ZONING BOARD 245-21;245-22; Investment Exemption Street Excavations 237-12; OF APPEALS 245-23;245-24 245-7 237-13 APPEALS BOARD Assessor 245-23 Veterans'Exemption 245-8; WETLANDS AND See BOARD OF APPEALS Board of Assessment 245-9 SHORELINE 275-11 See ZONING BOARD OF 245-23 WATERFRONT BATHING APPEALS Definitions 245-20 CONSISTENCY BOATS,DOCKS AND APPEARANCE TICKETS Eligibility criteria;relief REVIEW 268-3;268-5 WHARVES 96-7; Adoption of Renumbered granted 245-22 WETLANDS AND 96-11;96-12;96-16; 2006 Code 1-14 Emergency Management SHORELINE 275-4; 96-19;96-20;96-21 Amusements 5-2 Agency 245-23 275-6;275-11 Marine I(MI)District APPEARANCE TICKETS Implementation and Wireless Communication 280-52 5-1;5-2;5-3 adoption of Superstorm Facilities 280-76 Marine II(MII)District Certain public servants Sandy Assessment YOUTH BOARD 68-3; 280-55 authorized to issue Relief Act 245-21 68-4;68-5 Parking at Beaches 189-1; appearance tickets 5-2 Improvements 245-20; ZONING 280-92;280-159 189-2 Code Enforcement Officer 245-22;245-23 ASSESSOR PARKS AND 5-2 Insurance 245-23 Assessment and Tax Relief RECREATION Dogs 5-2 Other provisions 245-23 for Superstorm Sandy AREAS 193-3.1; Fire prevention 5-2 Reports 245-23 Impact 245-23 193-4;193-5 Firesafety 5-2 Superstorm Sandy 245-20; ASSESSORS 9-3;9-4 SHELLFISH AND OTHER Parking 5-2;5-3 245-21;245-22;245-23 Exemption for Historic MARINE Peddling and soliciting 5-2 TAXATION 245-20\245-24 Properties 245-19 RESOURCES 219-4 Purpose 5-1 ASSESSMENTS Exemption for Volunteer ZONING 280-78 Safety standards 5-2 Assessment and Tax Relief Fire Fighters and BATTERIES Sanitation 5-2 for Superstorm Sandy Ambulance Workers JUNKYARDS 166-1 Service of appearance Impact 245-20; 245-11 Light Industrial(LI)District tickets 5-3 245-21;245-22; Exemption for War 280-62 Signs 5-2 245-23;245-24 Veterans and Gold Star Light Industrial Park/ Vehicles 5-2 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Parents 245-16 Planned Office Park Violations and penalties PROPERTY LITTERING 174-5 (LIO)District 280-58 5-1;5-2;5-3 MAINTENANCE Senior Citizen Exemption BEACH FIRES Waterfowl and Gull Feeding 100-6;100-10 245-3 See FIRES and Domestic Pet COASTAL EROSION Targeted Business BED AND BREAKFAST Waste 83-29 HAZARD AREAS Investment Exemption Agricultural-Conservation APPOINTMENTS 111-10 245-7 (A-C)District and Adoption of Renumbered Exemption for Cold War See Also TAX ASSESSOR Low-Density I 2006 Code 1-14 Veterans 245-18 Veterans'Exemption 245-9 Residential R-80, AGRICULTURAL Exemption for Historic ASSESSORS R-120,R-200 and ADVISORY Properties 245-19 Amendment of Session R-400 Districts 280-13 COMMITTEE 71-3 Laws 9-3 IDX:4 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX BED AND BREAKFAST... General Business(B) BINGO AND GAMES OF Board of Appeals 280-145; TOURIST AND TRAILER District 280-48 CHANCE 280-146;280-147; CAMPS 253-6;253-7; Hamlet Business(HB) Bingo 92-1\92-11 280-148;280-149; 253-14 District 280-45 Bingo permitted 92-2 280-150BOARD OF REVIEW Hamlet Density(HD) See Games of Chance Building Inspector 280-146 COASTAL EROSION Residential District 92-12\92-15 Certificates of occupancy HAZARD AREAS 280-22 Leased premises 92-4 280-146 111-23;111-24; Historic Preservation License required 92-3 Costs and expenses 280-146 111-25;111-26;111-29 District(HPD)280-193 Licenses and permits 92-2; County Clerk 280-146 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Limited Business(LB) 92-3 Escrow accounts 280-146 BOATS,DOCKS AND District 280-41 Management and operation EXPENSES OF TOWN WHARVES 96-1; Low-Density Residential 92-9 OFFICERS 30-1 96-2;96-3;96-23; R-40 District 280-17 Maximum value of all Farm Stands 72-11 96-25;96-31;96-32 Marine I(MI)District prizes on one occasion Fees 280-149 COASTAL EROSION 280-52 92-8 General Business(B) HAZARD AREAS Marine II(MII)District Maximum value of single District 280-48 111-6 280-55 prize 92-7 Hamlet Business(HB) Design Standards 240-45 Parking at Beaches 189-3 Penalties for offenses 92-11 District 280-45 Ducks 83-4 Residential Office(RO) Purchase of bingo Hamlet Density(HD) FIRE PREVENTION AND District 280-38 equipment 92-5 Residential District BUILDING CODE Resort Residential(RR) Purpose 92-1 280-22 ADMINISTRATION District 280-35 Remuneration prohibited Hearings 280-146;280-150 144-8 ZONING 280-4;280-78 92-10 Light Industrial(LI)District Shellfish 219-7;219-8 BICYCLES Town Board 92-1 280-62 SHELLFISH AND OTHER Adoption of Code 1-2 Use of proceeds 92-6 Light Industrial Park/ MARINE Adoption of Renumbered Violations and penalties Planned Office Park RESOURCES 219-4; 2006 Code 1-14 92-11 (LIO)District 280-58 219-16;219-17; Alarm systems 88-2 BLASTING Limited Business(LB) 219-18;219-21 Applicability 88-8 See EXPLOSION District 280-41 Site Plan Approval 280-133 BICYCLES 88-1;88-2; HAZARDS Low-Density Residential STORMWATER 88-3;88-5;88-6 See EXPLOSIVES R-40 District 280-17 MANAGEMENT Coasting;carrying children BLIGHT Marine I(MI)District 236-18 88-5 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 280-52 WETLANDS AND Cutouts prohibited 88-4 PROPERTY Marine II(MII)District SHORELINE 275-2; Design Standards 240-45 MAINTENANCE 280-55 275-3;275-3.1;275-4; Hamlet Business(HB) 100-3;100-4 Membership 280-145 275-6;275-11 District 280-45 FLOOD DAMAGE Notice of hearing 280-150 BOARDINGHOUSES Light required 88-1 PREVENTION 148-3 Notices 280-146;280-150 Agricultural-Conservation Limited Business(LB) LITTERING 174-1 Permitted uses 280-146 (A-C)District and District,280-41 RENTAL PERMITS 207-1 Plum Island Conservation Low-Density Motorcycles 88-4 BLOCKS District(PIC)280-187 Residential R-80, Operation of bicycle 88-3 Design Standards 240-45 Plum Island Research R-120,R-200 and Parks and recreation 88-1; FIRE PREVENTION AND District(PIR)280-183 R-400 Districts 280-13 88-2;88-3;88-5 BUILDING CODE Powers and duties 280-146 Hamlet Business(HB) Pedestrians 88-2;88-6 ADMINISTRATION Qualifications 280-146 District 280-45 Penalties for offenses 88-7 144-8 Reports 280-146 Parking at Beaches 189-3 PUBLIC Floating Homes 96-27 Residential Office(RO) ZONING 280-78 ENTERTAINMENT FLOOD DAMAGE District 280-38 BOATS AND BOATING AND SPECIAL PREVENTION 148-21 Resort Residential(RR) Adoption of Code 1-2 EVENTS 205-2 General Business(B) District 280-35 Adoption of Renumbered See Also ROLLER District 280-48 Rules of conduct and 2006 Code 1-14 SKATES Hamlet Business(HB) procedure 280-148 Affordable Housing(AHD) Sidewalks 88-6 District 280-45 Safety standards 280-146 District 280-25 Site Plan Approval 280-137 Site Plan Approval 280-133 Site Plan Approval 280-131 Agricultural-Conservation See Also SKATEBOARDS Small Wind Energy Systems Special exceptions 280-146 (A-C)District and Southold Community 277-2 Special permits 280-146 Low-Density Preservation Fund 17-8 STORMWATER Town Board 280-145; Residential R-80, SUBDIVISION OF LAND MANAGEMENT 280-149 R-120,R-200 and 240-10;240-53 236-5 Town Clerk 280-150 R-400 Districts 280-13 TRANSPORTATION SUBDIVISION OF LAND Variances 280-146 BOATS,DOCKS AND ACCESS 240-3;240-10;240-17; Waivers 280-150 WHARVES 96-2; MANAGEMENT 64-5 240-21 ZONING 280-4;280-9; 96-3;96-6;96-7;96-9; Use of bell or whistle as WATERFRONT 280-78;280-79; 96-10;96-11;96-12; alarm 88-2 CONSISTENCY 280-121;280-145\ 96-13;96-14;96-15; Use of sidewalks 88-6 REVIEW 268-3 280-150;280-154 96-17;96-18;96-20; Vehicles 88-1;88-2;88-3; WETLANDS AND Zoning Board of Appeals 96-22;96-23;96-24; 88-4;88-5;88-6 SHORELINE 275-2 280-149 96-25 Violations and penalties ZONING 280-4;280-116 See Also ZONING BOARD COASTAL EROSION 88-7 BOARD OF APPEALS OF APPEALS HAZARD AREAS BILLBOARDS Additional conditions and Zoning Maps 280-146 111-5 Signs 280-83 safeguards 280-147 BOARD OF ASSESSMENT Fishers Island Harbor ZONING 280-4 Agricultural-Conservation Assessment and Tax Relief Management 157-3; BINGO (A-C)District and for Superstorm Sandy 157-5;157-6;157-8; Adoption of Code 1-2 Low-Density Impact 245-23 157-10;157-12 Adoption of Renumbered Residential R-80, Rules of Conduct 26-13 Floating Homes 96-26 2006 Code 1-14 R-120,R-200 and BOARD OF Garbage,Rubbish and BINGO AND GAMES OF R-400 Districts 280-13 COMMISSIONERS Refuse 233-4 CHANCE 92-1;92-2; Appeals 280-146 BURNING,OUTDOOR General Business(B) 92-3;92-4;92-5;92-6; See Also APPEALS 104-1 District 280-48 92-7;92-8;92-10; Appointment;membership POLICE DEPARTMENT Light Industrial(LI)District 92-11 280-145 51-2 280-62 See Also GAMBLING Appointments 280-145 BOARD OF HEALTH Light Industrial Park/ See Also GAMES OF See Also HEALTH Planned Office Park CHANCE OFFICER (LIO)District 280-58 IDX:5 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE BOATS AND BOATING... Marine I(MI)District Hunting 96-20 Site Plan Approval BUFFERS 280-52 Inspections 96-24 280-131;280-137 COASTAL EROSION Marine II(MII)District Internal-combustion SOIL REMOVAL 228-9 HAZARD AREAS 280-55 engines;mufflers 96-17 Southold Community 111-12 ' Parking at Beaches 189-2 Issuance of permits by Preservation Fund Light Industrial(LI)District PARKS AND Board of Trustees 96-3 17-5;17-6 280-62;280-64 RECREATION Liability 96-10;96-25 STORMWATER Light Industrial Park/ B AREAS 193-1;193-3; Licenses and permits 96-3; MANAGEMENT Planned Office Park 193-5 96-24 236-5;236-20 (LIO)District 280-58; Plum Island Research Liens 96-10;96-25 Street Excavations 237-9; 280-60 District(PIR)280-183 Lighting 96-14 237-18 Plum Island Conservation Resort Residential(RR) Markers 96-23 SUBDIVISION OF LAND District(PIC)280-187 District 280-35 Mooring 96-3;96-7;96-22; 240-3;240-7;240-20; Plum Island Research Shellfish 219-8;219-9; 96-24;96-25 240-23;240-25; District(PIR)280-183 219-10 Mooring and anchoring 240-30;240-31; Preservation of Natural SHELLFISH AND OTHER 96-22 240-32;240-33; Features 240-49 MARINE Mooring permits 96-24 240-34;240-35; See Also SCREENS AND RESOURCES 219-4; Mooring without a permit 240-36;240-37 SCREENING 219-12 96-25 WETLANDS AND Site Plan Approval Site Plan Approval 280-137 Motor vehicles 96-24 SHORELINE 275-9 280-131;280-137 STORMWATER Mufflers 96-17 BONFIRES STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Noise 96-17 See BURNING MANAGEMENT 236-5 Notice of violation 96-31 See FIRES 236-18 WETLANDS AND Notices 96-10;96-13; BOWLING ALLEYS SUBDIVISION OF LAND SHORELINE 275-2; 96-25;96-31;96-32; General Business(B) 240-3;240-17;240-21; 275-11 96-33 District 280-48 240-42;240-43 Wireless Communication Notices of violations 96-31; ZONING 280-4 WATERFRONT Facilities 280-69 96-32 BRIDGES CONSISTENCY ZONING 280-4;280-78; Obstruction and Use of FLOOD DAMAGE REVIEW 268-3 280-110;280-119 Town Waters 96-1\96-3 PREVENTION 148-3; WETLANDS AND BOATS,DOCKS AND Operation of boats near 148-22 SHORELINE 275-2; WHARVES beaches and bathers Notification of Defects 275-4;275-5;275-7; Administration and 96-11 237-1 275-11 Enforcement 96-30\ Operators 96-15 Parking at Beaches 189-2 Wireless Communication 96-33 Parades 96-16 Stop and Yield Intersections Facilities 280-70; Anchoring 96-2;96-3; Permit required 96-1 260-6 280-72 96-7;96-11;96-12; See Public Docks 96-4\96-5 SUBDIVISION OF LAND ZONING 280-4;280-92; 96-14;96-22;96-23 Ramps 96-9 240-17 280-94;280-95; Anchoring in Mattituck Records 96-10;96-25 VEHICLES AND 280-96;280-118 Creek 96-23 Registration 96-24 TRAFFIC 260-8 BUFFERYARDS Aquatic events 96-18 Regulation of personal WETLANDS AND Agricultural-Conservation Bathing 96-7;96-11;96-12; watercraft and specialty SHORELINE 275-11 (A-C)District and 96-16;96-19;96-20; prop-craft 96-16 BRUSH,GRASS AND Low-Density 96-21 Restricted areas at end of WEEDS Residential R-80, Bathing and swimming Town highways 96-2 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; R-120,R-200 and 96-19 Safety standards 96-14; PROPERTY R-400 Districts 280-13 Board of Trustees 96-1; 96-15 MAINTENANCE Special Exception Uses 96-2;96-3;96-23; Sales 96-10;96-25 100-4 280-143 96-25;96-31;96-32 Sanitary regulations 96-8 BURNING,OUTDOOR BUILDING Boats 96-6\96-25 Scuba diving 96-20 104-1;104-2 CONSTRUCTION Boats and Boating 96-2; Short title;applicability Garbage,Rubbish and See Also CONSTRUCTION 96-3;96-6;96-7;96-9; 96-6 Refuse 233-1;233-4 96-10;96-11;96-12; Signs 96-23 See Also GRASS FIRE PREVENTION AND 96-13;96-14;96-15; Spearfishing 96-21 CLIPPINGS BUILDING CODE 96-17;96-18;96-20; Special permits 96-18 JUNKYARDS 166-7 ADMINISTRATION 96-22;96-23;96-24; Speed limits 96-13 See Also LAWNS 144-5;144-15 96-25 Speed limits;manner of NOISE,PREVENTION OF Site Plan Approval 280-128 Certificates of registration operation 96-13 180-4 BUILDING INSPECTOR 96-10 Storage 96-10;96-25 Roadway Construction Affordable Housing(AHD) Charges 96-10;96-25 Towing 96-7;96-12;96-16 161-16;161-30;161-42 District 280-31 Compliance required; Town Board 96-10;96-13; Snow and Ice Removal Agricultural-Conservation penalties for offenses 96-18;96-24 237-20 (A-C)District and 96-33 Town Clerk 96-32 SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 Low-Density Costs and expenses 96-10; Trustees 96-24;96-25 STORMWATER Residential R-80, 96-25 Unnavigable boats;hazards MANAGEMENT R-120,R-200 and Definitions 96-7 to navigation 96-10 236-19 R-400 Districts 280-13 Docks 96-1;96-3;96-12; Vehicles 96-9 Street Excavations 237-13 Board of Appeals 280-146 96-14;96-22 Violations and penalties SUBDIVISION OF LAND BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Drugs and drug 96-14;96-31;96-33 240-10 PROPERTY paraphernalia 96-15 Water 96-7;96-12;96-16 TOURIST AND TRAILER MAINTENANCE Dumps and dumping 96-8 Water-skiers 96-12 CAMPS 253-5 100-5;100-6;100-7; Emergencies 96-17 BONDS WETLANDS AND 100-9;100-10 Enforcing officer 96-30 Adoption of Code 1-4 SHORELINE 275-2; See Also CODE Equipment 96-14 COASTAL EROSION 275-11 ENFORCEMENT Explosives 96-16 HAZARD AREAS See Also YARD WASTE OFFICER Fees 96-3 111-15;111-27;111-28 ZONING 280-4;280-93; ELECTRICAL See Floating Homes 96-26\ Design Standards 240-45 280-95 INSPECTIONS 126-3 96-29 HIGHWAY BUDGET FILMING 139-8 Fuel 96-16 SPECIFICATIONS Chief of Police A290-7 FIRE PREVENTION AND Garbage,rubbish and refuse 161-49 LITTERING 174-5 BUILDING CODE 96-8 HOUSING FUND 34-4 POLICE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION Gas 96-17 Roadway Construction 51-4 144-3;144-5;144-6; Gases 96-16 161-46 YOUTH BOARD 68-4 144-7;144-8;144-9; Hearing 96-32 SEWERS AND SEWAGE 144-10;144-12; Hearings 96-31;96-32 DISPOSAL 215-8 IDX:6 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX BUILDING INSPECTOR... 144-13;144-14; Residential Office(RO) Hedges 100-4 Garbage,rubbish and refuse 144-15;144-16; District 280-38 Height regulations 100-4 104-1 144-17; 144-18; SANITARY FLOW Hot tubs 100-4 Grass fires;permits 104-2 144-19;144-20 CREDITS, Inspection and report 100-5 Issuance of fire permits; FLOOD DAMAGE TRANSFER OF Inspections 100-5; 100-9 agreement with Fire PREVENTION 148-4; 117-10 Landscaping 100-4 District 104-1 148-11 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Lawns 100-4 Licenses and permits See Also INSPECTIONS DISPOSAL 215-7 Liability 100-11 104-I;104-2 Light Industrial(LI)District Site Plan Approval Licenses and permits 100-3 Penalties for offenses 104-5 280-62 280-127;280-130; Liens 100-10 Sidewalks 104-1 Light Industrial Park/ 280-134 Litter 100-3 Supervision of fires 104-3 Planned Office Park Small Wind Energy Systems Notices 100-6;100-7; Town Board 104-1 (LIO)District 280-58 277-3;277-6 100-8;100-9;100-11 Violations and penalties LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Special Exception Uses Nuisances 100-2 104-1;104-5 172-8 280-140 Obstructions 100-2 BUS STOPS PUBLIC See Also SPECIAL Open space 100-3 VEHICLES AND ENTERTAINMENT PERMITS Paper 100-3 TRAFFIC 260-21; AND SPECIAL STORMWATER Penalties for offenses 260-28 EVENTS 205-2 MANAGEMENT 100-11 BUSINESS DISTRICTS RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 236-10;236-11 Ponds 100-4 General Business(B) SANITARY FLOW Street Numbering 237-25; Property maintenance District 280-48 CREDITS, 237-26 100-1;100-4 . Light Industrial Park/ TRANSFER OF 117-9 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Purpose 100-2 Planned Office Park Signs 280-81;280-85; 240-10;240-25 Records 100-3;100-8 (LIO)District 280-58 280-88 Wireless Communication Reports 100-5 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Site Plan Approval Facilities 280-70; Residential districts 100-4 172-5 280-127;280-130; 280-71;280-74 Safety standards 100-2; Signs 280-85 280-131 ZONING 280-4;280-8; 100-3;100-4 Site Plan Approval 280-137 Small Wind Energy Systems 280-9;280-10; Service of notice 100-6 ZONING 280-5;280-78; 277-7 280-105;280-114; Setbacks 100-4 280-93;280-94 SOIL REMOVAL 228-4 280-121;280-124; Severability 100-12 BUSINESS LICENSES STORMWATER 280-125;280-151; Sidewalks 100-4 See LICENSES AND MANAGEMENT 280-152;280-153 Site plan approval 100-4 PERMITS 236-5;236-11;236-33; BUILDINGS, Spas 100-4 236-34;236-35 DEMOLITION OF Standards 100-4 — C — Street Numbering 237-28 See DEMOLITION OF Storage 100-3 WATERFRONT BUILDINGS Swimming pools 100-4 CABLE TELEVISION CONSISTENCY BUILDINGS,UNSAFE Title 100-1 Removal of Utility Poles REVIEW 268-6 See UNSAFE BUILDINGS Town Attorney 100-8; 237-31 WETLANDS AND BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 100-11 CAMPING SHORELINE 275-11 PROPERTY Town Board 100-7 FLOOD DAMAGE Wireless Communication MAINTENANCE Trees 100-4 PREVENTION 148-4 Facilities 280-70; Abandonment 100-3;100-4 Unsafe buildings 100-1; Recreational Vehicle Parks 280-74;280-76 Accessory buildings and 100-4;100-5 253-20 ZONING 280-4;280-6; structures 100-4 Vehicles 100-3; 100-4; ZONING 280-4 280-8;280-92; Animals 100-3 100-5 CAMPS 280-105;280-109; Apartments 100-4 Village Trustees 100-5 Agricultural-Conservation 280-151;280-152; Assessments 100-6;100-10 Violations and penalties (A-C)District and 280-153;280-154; Barricades 100-9 100-6;100-7;100-10; Low-Density 280-155;280-208 Blight 100-3;100-4 100-11 Residential R-80, BUILDING PERMITS Brush,grass and weeds Water 100-4 R-120,R-200 and Affordable Housing(AHD) 100-4 Wells 100-4 R-400 Districts 280-13 District 280-31 Building Inspector 100-5; When effective 100-13 General Business(B) Agricultural Planned 100-6;100-7;100-9; Yards 100-3;100-4 District 280-48 Development District 100-10 Zoning districts 100-4 Light Industrial Park/ 280-180 Building permits 100-4 BURNING Planned Office Park BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Certificates of occupancy Adoption of Code 1-2 (LIO)District 280-58 PROPERTY 100-4 Adoption of Renumbered Low-Density Residential MAINTENANCE Cesspools 100-4 2006 Code 1-14 R-40 District 280-17 100-4 Combustibles 100-3 BURNING,OUTDOOR Resort Residential(RR) COASTAL EROSION Condominiums 100-4 104-1;104-2 District 280-35 HAZARD AREAS Contents of notice 100-7 FIRE PREVENTION AND TOURIST AND TRAILER 111-6 Costs and expenses 100-7; BUILDING CODE CAMPS 253-1;253-2; ELECTRICAL 100-9;100-10 ADMINISTRATION 253-3;253-5;253-6; INSPECTIONS 126-3 County Clerk 100-8 144-6;144-8 253-7;253-8;253-10; Ethics Board 26-21 Definitions 100-3 See Also FIRES 253-11;253-12; FIRE PREVENTION AND Demolition 100-4;100-9; JUNKYARDS 166-3;166-7 253-13;253-14; BUILDING CODE 100-10 STORMWATER 253-15;253-16 ADMINISTRATION Dumpsters 100-3;100-4 MANAGEMENT ZONING 280-4;280-78; 144-3;144-5;144-6; Easements 100-3 236-5 280-115 144-8;144-9;144-10; Emergencies 100-4;100-5; WETLANDS AND CANNABIS 144-11;144-12; 100-9 SHORELINE 275-2 CANNABIS 106-1;106-2; 144-13;144-15; Emergency measures to BURNING,OPEN 106-3 144-16;144-17; vacate 100-9 See FIRES Cannabis Retail Dispensary 144-18;144-20 Emergency vehicles 100-2 BURNING,OUTDOOR and On-Site Garbage,Rubbish and Fences 100-4 Board of Commissioners Consumption Site Opt- Refuse 233-6 Filing a copy of notice 104-1 Out 106-1\106-3 LANDMARK 100-8 Brush,grass and weeds Legislative intent 106-1 PRESERVATION Fire Department 100-5 104-1;104-2 Licenses and permits 106-2 170-5;170-6 Garbage,rubbish and refuse Burning 104-1;104-2 Local opt-out 106-3 See Also LICENSES AND 100-3; 100-4 Exclusions 104-4 Statutory authority 106-2 PERMITS Glass 100-3 Fire Department 104-2 Town Board 106-2;106-3 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Graffiti 100-4 Fires 104-1;104-2;104-3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 172-8 Health hazards 100-2 See Also FIRES PROJECTS RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 Hearings 100-7 See IMPROVEMENTS IDX:7 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE CARBON MONOXIDE Residential R-80, POLICE DEPARTMENT See Also PLACES OF DETECTORS R-120,R-200 and 51-I;51-6 WORSHIP RENTAL PERMITS 207-4 R-400 Districts 280-13 POLICE DEPARTMENT Residential Office(RO) CARNIVALS Board of Appeals 280-146 RULES AND District 280-38 PUBLIC BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; REGULATIONS SEWERS AND SEWAGE ENTERTAINMENT PROPERTY A290-36 DISPOSAL 215-7 AND SPECIAL MAINTENANCE RENTAL PERMITS 207-5 Snow and Ice Removal EVENTS 205-2 100-4 SEWERS AND SEWAGE 237-20 CATS ELECTRICAL DISPOSAL 215-7; Special Exception Uses See Also ANIMALS INSPECTIONS 126-3 215-15;215-16 280-143 C Limited Business(LB) Ethics Board 26-21 Street Numbering 237-23 CIGARETTES District 280-41 FIRE PREVENTION AND SUBDIVISION OF LAND Illicit Discharges 236-28 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding BUILDING CODE 240-8 TOBACCO and Domestic Pet ADMINISTRATION TOURIST AND TRAILER ADVERTISING Waste 83-27 144-5;144-10;144-15; CAMPS 253-2 249-1;249-2 ZONING 280-4;280-78 144-16;144-17; VEHICLES,MOTOR- CIRCUSES CEASE AND DESIST 144-18;144-20 DRIVEN 264-19 PUBLIC ORDERS Preservation of Natural ZONING 280-4;280-115 ENTERTAINMENT COASTAL EROSION Features 240-49 CHIEF OF POLICE AND SPECIAL HAZARD AREAS RENTAL PERMITS 207-5; Budget A290-7 EVENTS 205-2 111-25 207-7 Chief of Police A290-6; CIVIL SERVICE CEMETERIES Residential Office(RO) A290-7 COMMISSION Agricultural-Conservation District 280-38 FILMING 139-3;139-4; POLICE DEPARTMENT (A-C)District and SANITARY FLOW 139-8;139-13 51-4 Low-Density CREDITS, General duties A290-6 CLERK Residential R-80, TRANSFER OF Inspections A290-7 See COUNTY CLERK R-120,R-200 and 117-13 Investigations A290-7 CLUSTER R-400 Districts 280-13 Signs 280-85 Meetings A290-7 DEVELOPMENTS STORMWATER Site Plan Approval 280-130 Members of the Department Design Standards 240-45 MANAGEMENT STORMWATER A290-33 Site Plan Approval 280-137 236-10 MANAGEMENT PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS SUBDIVISION OF LAND CERTIFICATES OF 236-11;236-34 AND TRANSIENT 240-3;240-10;240-42; APPROPRIATENESS Street Numbering 237-25 RETAIL 240-43;240-44 Agricultural-Conservation Targeted Business MERCHANTS 197-11 COASTAL EROSION (A-C)District and Investment Exemption See Also POLICE CHIEF HAZARD AREAS Low-Density 245-7 Police Department 51-1; Administration and Residential R-80, ZONING 280-4;280-10; A290-7 Enforcement 111-27\ R-120,R-200 and 280-112;280-151; POLICE DEPARTMENT 111-34 R-400 Districts 280-15 280-154 RULES AND Amendments 111-35\111-36 LANDMARK CERTIFICATES OF REGULATIONS Anchoring 111-13 PRESERVATION REGISTRATION A290-2;A290-3; Appeal to Board of Review 170-4;170-6;170-7; BOATS,DOCKS AND A2904;A290-6\ 111-25 170-9;170-10;170-12; WHARVES 96-10 A290-7;A290-8; Appeal to Supreme Court 170-14 Fishers Island Harbor A290-9;A290-12; 111-26 Site Plan Approval 280-131 Management 157-12 A290-13;A290-15; Appeals 111-24;111-25; CERTIFICATES OF See Also REGISTRATION A290-16;A290-17; 111-26 APPROVAL CESSPOOLS A290-18;A290-19; Assessments 111-10 SUBDIVISION OF LAND BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; A290-22;A290-27; Beach area 111-12 240-21 PROPERTY A290-30;A290-36; Bluff area 111-14 CERTIFICATES OF MAINTENANCE A290-41;A290-43; Board of Review 111-23; COMPLIANCE 100-4 A290-44;A290-46 111-24;111-25; Agricultural-Conservation SEWERS AND SEWAGE PUBLIC 111-26;111-29 (A-C)District and DISPOSAL 215-3; ENTERTAINMENT Board of Trustees 111-6 Low-Density 215-5 AND SPECIAL Boats and Boating 111-5 Residential R-80, SOIL REMOVAL 228-4 EVENTS 205-2 Bond 111-28 R-120,R-200 and Water Quality Improvement Records A290-7 Bonds 111-15;111-27; R-400 Districts 280-13 17-43 Reports A290-7 111-28 ELECTRICAL WETLANDS AND Security standards A290-7 Buffers 111-12 INSPECTIONS 126-3 SHORELINE 275-3 Specific duties A290-7 Building permits 111-6 FLOOD DAMAGE CHARGES Town Board A290-7 Cease and desist orders PREVENTION 148-14 Adoption of Code 1-4 Town Clerk A290-7 111-25 Illicit Discharges 236-28 Adoption of Renumbered VEHICLES,MOTOR- Certification 111-36 WETLANDS AND 2006 Code 1-14 DRIVEN 264-8; Coastal Erosion Hazard SHORELINE 275-10; ALARM SYSTEMS 75-6; 264-17;264-19 Board of Review 275-13 75-8 CHILD-CARE CENTERS 111-24 ZONING 280-4 BOATS,DOCKS AND TOBACCO Coastal erosion CERTIFICATES OF WHARVES 96-10; ADVERTISING 249-2 management permit INSURANCE 96-25 CHIMNEYS 111-27 FILMING 139-3;139-11 See Also COSTS AND FIRE PREVENTION AND Conflicts 111-31 See Also INSURANCE EXPENSES BUILDING CODE Conservation districts 111-6 PUBLIC Emergency Removal of ADMINISTRATION Construction 111-4;111-5; ENTERTAINMENT Vehicles 260-24 144-6; 144-8 111-6;111-10;111-11; AND SPECIAL Farmland Bill of Rights FLOOD DAMAGE 111-13;111-14; EVENTS 205-4;205-7 280-101 PREVENTION 148-18 111-15;111-23 WETLANDS AND See Also FEES ZONING 280-4;280-104 Costs and expenses 111-6; SHORELINE 275-3.1 Fishers Island Harbor CHRISTMAS TREES 111-20 CERTIFICATES OF Management 157-8; AGRICULTURAL USES Decks 111-6 OCCUPANCY 157-12 72-4 Definitions 111-6 Affordable Housing(AHD) Garbage,Rubbish and Farmland Bill of Rights Docks 111-6 District 280-31;280-33 Refuse 233-3.1;233-7 280-98 Drainage 111-14 Agricultural-Conservation LITTERING 174-5 ZONING 280-4 Dumps and dumping 111-6 (A-C)District and NOISE,PREVENTION OF CHURCHES Dune area 111-13 Low-Density 180-4 General Business(B) See Emergency Activities -- Parking at Beaches 189-3 District 280-48 111-17\111-19 Enactment 111-1 IDX:8 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX COASTAL EROSION HAZARD AREAS... Environmental quality Violations and penalties COMMITTEES, See Real Estate Transfer review 111-33 111-29;111-34 APPOINTMENT OF Tax 17-19\17-40 Environmental review Walls 111-6 Committee members 13-2 Sales 17-47;17-48;17-50 111-33 Water 111-5;111-6;111-7; Compensation 13-2 Schools 17-52 Erosion protection 111-10;111-13; Costs and expenses 13-4 Sewers 17-52 structures 111-15 111-14;111-29 Duties 13-3 See Southold Community Establishment 111-7 Water conservation 111-6 Effect on statutory Preservation Fund Excavations 111-6;111-10; Wetlands 111-6 provisions 13-5 17-1\17-11 111-11;111-12; When effective 111-3 Establishment of See Southold Community 111-13;111-14 Wildlife 111-6;111-12; committees 13-1 Preservation Project Expiration 111-23 111-13;111-14;111-15 Expenses 13-4 Plan 17-12\17-15 Fees 111-22;111-27 CODE ENFORCEMENT Meetings 13-3 Town Board 17-51;17-52; Fences 111-6 OFFICER Membership 13-2 17-53 Findings 111-5 APPEARANCE TICKETS Minutes 13-3 Village participation 17-53 Format and procedure 15-2 Town Board 13-1;13-2; Water 17-52 111-21 See Also BUILDING 13-3;13-4 See Water Quality Garages 111-6 INSPECTOR Town Clerk 13-3 Improvement 17-41\ Gas 111-10 Dogs 83-7 When effective 13-6 17-46 General Provisions 111-1\ FILMING 139-8 COMMUNICABLE COMPENSATION 111-6 FIRE PREVENTION AND DISEASES AGRICULTURAL Grades and grading 111-6; BUILDING CODE Agricultural-Conservation ADVISORY 111-10;111-11; ADMINISTRATION (A-C)District and COMMITTEE 71-3 111-12;111-13 144-3 Low-Density Code of Ethics 26-2 Grievances 111-26 FLOOD DAMAGE Residential R-80, COMMITTEES, Groundwater 111-5;111-6 PREVENTION 148-4 R-120,R-200 and APPOINTMENT OF Hearings 111-23;111-27; LANDMARK R-400 Districts 280-13 13-2 111-35 PRESERVATION See Also CONTAGIOUS Community Preservation Height regulations 111-6 170-12;170-13 DISEASES Fund Advisory Board Improvements 111-6 RENTAL PERMITS 207-2; POLICE DEPARTMENT 17-16 Inspections 111-29 207-10 RULES AND COMMUNITY Interpretation 111-30 Small Wind Energy Systems REGULATIONS PRESERVATION Issuance of permit 111-9 277-7 A290-45 FUND AND Licenses and permits Street Numbering 237-28 TOURIST AND TRAILER COMMUNITY 111-27;111-29;111-31 WATERFRONT CAMPS 253-14 HOUSING FUND Mining 111-6;111-11; CONSISTENCY COMMUNITY 17-51 111-12;111-13;111-14 REVIEW 268-6 PRESERVATION Ethics Board 26-21 Mobile homes 111-6 WETLANDS AND FUND ADVISORY Exemption for Cold War Motor vehicles 111-16 SHORELINE 275-12.1 BOARD Veterans 245-18 Natural resources 111-4; ZONING 280-4;280-153 Advisory Board 17-16 Exemption for War 111-5;111-6;111-9; CODE OF CONDUCT Community Preservation Veterans and Gold Star 111-15 See OFFICERS AND Fund Advisory Board Parents 245-16 Nearshore area 111-11 EMPLOYEES established;purpose; EXPENSES OF TOWN Notices 111-25;111-35 CODE OF ETHICS membership 17-16 OFFICERS 30-1 Notices of violations 111-29 Advisory Board 26-2 COMMUNITY FIRE PREVENTION AND Obstructions 111-11; Compensation 26-2 PRESERVATION BUILDING CODE 111-13 Costs and expenses 26-2 FUND AND ADMINISTRATION Open space 111-13 Definitions 26-2 COMMUNITY 144-3 Pedestrians 111-6;111-16 Disclosure 26-1 HOUSING FUND' Grievance Procedures 47-1 Penalties for offenses ETHICS 26-1\26-2 17-16\17-18 HOUSING FUND 34-6 111-34 Legislative intent 26-1 Compensation 17-16 NOISE,PREVENTION OF Permit required for Licenses and permits 26-2 Membership 17-16 180-4 regulated activities Officers and employees Severability 17-17 POLICE DEPARTMENT 111-8 26-1 Town Board 17-16 51-1;51-4;51-6 Police Department 111-6; Volunteer fire fighters 26-2 When effective 17-18 POLICE DEPARTMENT 111-29 CODE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY RULES AND Pools 111-6 See BUILDING PRESERVATION REGULATIONS Porches 111-6 INSPECTOR FUND AND A290-47 Powers and duties 111-29 COLD WAR VETERANS COMMUNITY Real Estate Transfer Tax Powers and duties of Exemption for Cold War HOUSING FUND 17-35 Administrator 111-29 Veterans 245-17; Advisory Board 17-51 Rules of Conduct 26-5; Procedure 111-35 245-18 Affordable housing 17-48 26-12;26-16 Purpose 111-4 COMBUSTIBLES Community Housing Plan See Also SALARIES AND Records 111-10;111-29 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 17-52 COMPENSATION Regulations 111-7\111-16 PROPERTY See Community Site Plan Approval 280-135 Reports 111-27;111-29; MAINTENANCE Preservation Fund TOBACCO 111-35 100-3 Advisory Board 17-16\ ADVERTISING 249-2 Severability 111-32 See Also EXPLOSION 17-18 TOURIST AND TRAILER Sheds 111-6 HAZARDS Compensation 17-51 CAMPS 253-1 Structural hazard area See Also EXPLOSIVES Comprehensive Plan 17-52 TRANSPORTATION 111-10 See Also FLAMMABLES Construction 17-50;17-51 ACCESS Tests 111-6 JUNKYARDS 166-1;166-7 _ Costs and expenses 17-50; MANAGEMENT 64-4 Title 111-2 LITTERING 174-1 17-52 Water Quality Improvement Town Board 111-22; SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 Eligible expenses 17-50 17-46 111-24;111-27;111-35 COMMERCIAL VEHICLES Establishment of WETLANDS AND Town Clerk 111-25 Garbage,Rubbish and Community Housing SHORELINE 275-3.1 Traffic control 111-16 Refuse 233-1;233-4 Fund 17-47\17-53 YOUTH BOARD 68-5 Trustees 111-35 See Also VEHICLES Fund established 17-47 ZONING 280-4 Utilities 111-6 VEHICLES AND Groundwater 17-52 COMPLAINTS Variances 111-20;111-21; TRAFFIC 260-15 Liability 17-48 Dogs 83-8;83-9 111-22;111-23; ZONING 280-78;280-110 Management of fund 17-49 Ethics Board 26-23 111-24;111-27 COMMISSIONERS, Open space 17-52 FIRE PREVENTION AND Variances and Appeals BOARD OF Planned unit developments BUILDING CODE 111-20\111-26 See BOARD OF 17-52 ADMINISTRATION Variances from standards COMMISSIONERS Pollution 17-52 144-5 and restrictions 111-20 Purposes of fund 17-48 IDX:9 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE COMPLAINTS... Garbage,Rubbish and CONSERVATION 148-14;148-15; WETLANDS AND Refuse 233-8 DISTRICTS 148-16; 148-17; SHORELINE 275-2; Members of the Department Agricultural-Conservation 148-18;148-19; 275-3.1;275-5;275-7; A290-33 (A-C)District and 148-20; 148-23 275-11;275-12.1; POLICE DEPARTMENT Low-Density Garbage,Rubbish and 275-16 RULES AND Residential R-80, Refuse 233-1;233-4 Wireless Communication REGULATIONS R-120,R-200 and General Business(B) Facilities 280-70; A290-15;A290-36; R-400 Districts 280-15 District 280-48 280-73;280-74;280-75 A290-45 COASTAL EROSION Hamlet Business(HB) ZONING 280-4;280-8; Senior Citizen Exemption HAZARD AREAS District 280-45 280-105;280-114; C245-4 111-6 HIGHWAY 280-123;280-153; STORMWATER General Business(B) SPECIFICATIONS 280-156;280-207 MANAGEMENT District 280-48 161-2;161-4;161-6; CONSTRUCTION CODES 236-24 Hamlet Business(HB) 161-7; 161-9;161-14 See BUILDING TOURIST AND TRAILER District 280-45 HOUSING FUND 34-5 CONSTRUCTION CAMPS 253-15 Hamlet Density(HD) Illicit Discharges 236-25; CONSTRUCTION CODES, WETLANDS AND Residential District 236-28;236-30 UNIFORM SHORELINE 275-3.1 280-22 LANDMARK See BUILDING Wireless Communication Limited Business(LB) PRESERVATION CONSTRUCTION Facilities 280-74 District 280-41 170-6;170-7 CONSTRUCTION ZONING 280-151 Low-Density Residential LIGHTING,OUTDOOR OFFICIAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN R-40 District 280-17; 172-4;172-6 See BUILDING Affordable Housing(AHD) 280-19 NOISE,PREVENTION OF INSPECTOR District 280-29 Marine I(MI)District 180-4 See CODE COMMUNITY 280-52 OPEN SPACE ENFORCEMENT PRESERVATION Marine II(MII)District PRESERVATION OFFICER FUND AND 280-55 185-5 CONSTRUCTION COMMUNITY Plum Island Conservation Preservation of Natural PERMITS HOUSING FUND District(PIC)280-186; Features 240-51 See BUILDING PERMITS 17-52 280-187;280-188 Residential Office(RO) See LICENSES AND FLOOD DAMAGE Preservation of Natural District 280-38 PERMITS PREVENTION 148-22 Features 240-51 Roadway Construction See SPECIAL PERMITS General Business(B) Residential Office(RO) 161-15;161-18; CONSTRUCTION SIGNS District 280-48 District 280-38 161-21;161-24; See SIGNS Hamlet Business(HB) Resort Residential(RR) 161-25;161-37; 161-38 CONSTRUCTION District 280-45 District 280-35 SANITARY FLOW STANDARDS Historic Preservation SEWERS AND SEWAGE CREDITS, See BUILDING District(HPD)280-195 DISPOSAL 215-2 TRANSFER OF CONSTRUCTION See Also MASTER PLAN STORMWATER 117-10;117-13 CONTAGIOUS DISEASES Recreational Floating Zone MANAGEMENT SEWERS AND SEWAGE See Also District(RFZ)280-201 236-5;236-17 DISPOSAL 215-2; COMMUNICABLE SOIL REMOVAL 228-6 Water Quality Improvement 215-3;215-4;215-9; DISEASES SUBDIVISION OF LAND 17-41;17-43 215-18 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS 240-3;240-4;240-10; ZONING 280-5 Signs 280-81;280-85 AND TRANSIENT 240-11;240-19; CONSERVATION Site Plan Approval RETAIL 240-42;240-43;240-53 EASEMENTS 280-128;280-133; MERCHANTS 197-6 COMPTROLLER See EASEMENTS 280-137;280-138 CONVALESCENT HOMES LOCAL LAWS, CONSTRUCTION Small Wind Energy Systems See Also NURSING ADOPTION OF 38-5 Affordable Housing(AHD) 277-4 HOMES RECORDS 59-2 District 280-25;280-29 SOIL REMOVAL 228-4; ZONING 280-4;280-79 CONDITIONAL USES AGRICULTURAL LANDS 228-7 CONVENIENCE STORES See NONCONFORMING PRESERVATION 70-5 Special Exception Uses General Business(B) USES Agricultural-Conservation 280-140;280-141 District 280-48 See PERMITTED USES (A-C)District and STORMWATER Hamlet Business(HB) See SPECIAL EXCEPTION Low-Density MANAGEMENT District 280-45 USES Residential R-80, 236-2;236-3;236-4; ZONING 280-4;280-78 CONDOMINIUMS R-120,R-200 and 236-5;236-7;236-9; CORRUGATED BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; R-400 Districts 280-13 236-10;236-12; CARDBOARD PROPERTY See Also BUILDING 236-14;236-16; Garbage,Rubbish and MAINTENANCE CONSTRUCTION 236-17;236-18; Refuse 233-1;233-3.1 100-4 COASTAL EROSION 236-19;236-20; COSTS AND EXPENSES Southold Community HAZARD AREAS 236-22;236-23;236-34 Adoption of Renumbered Preservation Fund 17-4 111-4;111-5;111-6; Street Excavations 237-13 2006 Code 1-14 WETLANDS AND 111-10;111-11; Street Numbering 237-25; Affordable Housing(AHD) SHORELINE 275-2 111-13;111-14; 237-26 District 280-24;280-30 ZONING 280-4 111-15;111-23 SUBDIVISION OF LAND AGRICULTURAL LANDS CONFIDENTIALITY COMMUNITY 240-3;240-6;240-10; PRESERVATION 70-5 POLICE DEPARTMENT PRESERVATION 240-16;240-17; Agricultural Planned RULES AND FUND AND 240-21;240-25; Development District REGULATIONS COMMUNITY 240-31;240-32; 280-177 A290-14;A290-41 HOUSING FUND 240-35;240-36; ANIMALS 83-23 Real Estate Transfer Tax 17-50;17-51 240-37;240-39; Board of Appeals 280-146 17-37 • Ducks 83-3 240-40;240-54;240-59 BOATS,DOCKS AND RECORDS 59-2 FIRE PREVENTION AND Targeted Business WHARVES 96-10; Rules of Conduct 26-11 BUILDING CODE Investment Exemption 96-25 CONFLICTS OF INTEREST ADMINISTRATION 245-7 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Rules of Conduct 26-3; 144-2; 144-3;144-5; Water Quality Improvement PROPERTY 26-5;26-7 144-6;144-7;144-8; 17-43 MAINTENANCE CONSERVATION BOARD 144-10;144-11; WATERFRONT 100-7;100-9;100-10 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 144-13;144-15; CONSISTENCY See Also CHARGES 240-42 144-17;144-19;144-21 REVIEW 268-3 COASTAL EROSION FLOOD DAMAGE HAZARD AREAS PREVENTION 148-2; 111-6;111-20 148-4;148-12;148-13; Code of Ethics 26-2 IDX:10 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX COSTS AND EXPENSES... COMMITTEES, Signs 280-88;280-90 STORMWATER DEFENSE AND APPOINTMENT OF Site Plan Approval MANAGEMENT INDEMNIFICATION 13-4 280-131;280-137 236-5 Adoption of Renumbered COMMUNITY Small Wind Energy Systems SUBDIVISION OF LAND 2006 Code 1-14 PRESERVATION 277-6 240-10;240-17 Adoption of statutory FUND AND SOIL REMOVAL 228-9 CURBS provisions 21-1 COMMUNITY STORMWATER Design Standards 240-45 DEFENSE AND HOUSING FUND MANAGEMENT HIGHWAY INDEMNIFICATION 17-50;17-52 236-8;236-9;236-18; SPECIFICATIONS 21-2 DOMESTIC 236-20;236-34;236-35 161-4 Ethics Board 26-21 PARTNERSHIPS Street Excavations 237-7; Marine 11(MII)District Liability 21-2 121-5 237-9 280-55 See Also LIABILITY ELECTRICAL SUBDIVISION OF LAND POLICE DEPARTMENT Officers and employees INSPECTIONS 126-2 240-8;240-10;240-20; RULES AND 21-1 Emergency Removal of 240-23;240-32; REGULATIONS Town Board 21-1 Vehicles 260-24 240-34;240-37;240-44 A290-37;A290-38 Town to provide defense for ENVIRONMENTAL Targeted Business Roadway Construction employees 21-2 QUALITY REVIEW Investment Exemption 161-34; 161-38; DEFINITIONS AND 130-9 245-7 161-41;161-45;161-46 ABBREVIATIONS ETHICS 26-17;26-26 TRANSPORTATION Site Plan Approval 303(d)LIST 236-5 Ethics Board 26-21 ACCESS 280-131;280-133; ACCESS 280-4 EXPENSES OF TOWN MANAGEMENT 64-2 280-137 ACCESS PATH 275-2 OFFICERS 30-1 VEHICLES,MOTOR- STORMWATER ACCESSORY See Also FEES DRIVEN 264-19 MANAGEMENT APARTMENT 280-4 FILMING 139-4;139-5; Water Quality Improvement 236-5 ACCESSORY BUILDING 139-14 17-44 Street Excavations 237-16 OR STRUCTURE FIRE PREVENTION AND WETLANDS AND SUBDIVISION OF LAND 280-4 BUILDING CODE SHORELINE 275-7; 240-17;240-21 ACCESSORY ADMINISTRATION 275-11 VEHICLES AND STRUCTURE 275-2 144-3;144-8;144-17 Wireless Communication TRAFFIC 260-1; ACCESSORY USE 280-4 Fishers Island Harbor Facilities 280-74; 260-22;260-28 ACQUISITION 185-3 Management 157-8; 280-76 ZONING 280-4;280-78; ACTIONS 268-3 157-12 ZONING 280-4;280-92 280-92 ACTIVE DUTY 245-17 FLOOD DAMAGE COUNTY CLERK CURFEW ADAPTIVE REUSE 170-3 PREVENTION 148-3; Agricultural Planned See MINORS ADDITION 280-4 148-4;148-12;148-13; Development District ADMINISTRATIVE 148-15;148-22;148-23 280-175 — D — PERMIT 275-2 General Business(B) - Board of Appeals 280-146 ADMINISTRATOR 111-6 District 280-48 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; DANCE HALLS ADVISORY BOARD 17-4 Hamlet Business(HB) PROPERTY General Business(B) AESTHETICS 275-2 District 280-45 MAINTENANCE District 280-48 AGENCY 268-3 HIGHWAY 100-8 ZONING 280-4 AGRICULTURAL SPECIFICATIONS Historic Preservation DAY-CARE FACILITIES DEBRIS 233-1 161-6;161-49 District(HPD)280-196 Historic Preservation AGRICULTURAL LANDS HOUSING FUND 34-3; Real Estate Transfer Tax District(HPD)280-193 70-3 34-5;34-6 17-20 DECKS AGRICULTURAL Illicit Discharges 236-28; SANITARY FLOW COASTAL EROSION PROCESSING 280-4 236-31 CREDITS, HAZARD AREAS AGRICULTURAL JUNKYARDS 166-6 TRANSFER OF 111-6 PROCESSING LANDMARK 117-11 FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING 280-4 PRESERVATION STORMWATER BUILDING CODE AGRICULTURAL 170-14 MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION PRODUCTION 70-3; Light Industrial(LI)District 236-9;236-11 144-8 72-4;236-5;280-4 280-62 SUBDIVISION OF LAND FLOOD DAMAGE AGRICULTURAL Light Industrial Park/ 240-3;240-21;240-25; PREVENTION 148-18 PRODUCTION Planned Office Park 240-30;240-34; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR BUILDING 280-4 (LIO)District 280-58 240-35;240-44; 172-2 AGRICULTURAL USES LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 240-52;240-57 Site Plan Approval 280-137 72-4 172-4 ZONING 280-4 STORMWATER AGRICULTURAL LITTERING 174-5 COURT CLERK MANAGEMENT ZONING DISTRICTS OPEN SPACE Members of the Department 236-10 71-2 PRESERVATION A290-33 WETLANDS AND AGRICULTURE 236-5; 185-5 CROSSWALKS SHORELINE 275-2; 240-3;275-2;280-4 Parking at Beaches 189-7 See Also PEDESTRIAN 275-5 AGRICULTURE AND POLICE DEPARTMENT WALKWAYS ZONING 280-4;280-104 MARKETS LAW 51-1 Pedestrians 260-27 DEER 83-18 PUBLIC See Also STREETS AND AGRICULTURAL USES AGRICULTURE ENTERTAINMENT SIDEWALKS 72-4 RESERVE AREA AND SPECIAL SUBDIVISION OF LAND FIRE PREVENTION AND 240-3 EVENTS 205-5;205-7 240-3 BUILDING CODE AIRBORNE SOUND 180-4 Real Estate Transfer Tax VEHICLES AND ADMINISTRATION ALARM INSTALLATION 17-35 TRAFFIC 260-18 144-8 75-2 RECORDS 59-9 CULTURAL HISTORIC HUNTING 163-3 ALIENATION 70-3;185-3 Roadway Construction PRESERVATION Stop and Yield Intersections ALTER HYDROLOGY 161-21;161-26;161-40 See HISTORIC 260-4;260-6 FROM PRE-TO SANITARY FLOW PRESERVATION WETLANDS AND POST- CREDITS, CULVERTS SHORELINE 275-5 DEVELOPMENT TRANSFER OF 117-9 FIRE PREVENTION AND ZONING 280-4;280-105 CONDITIONS 236-5 Senior Citizen Exemption BUILDING CODE DEER HUNTING ALTERATION 170-3; 245-1 ADMINISTRATION HUNTING 163-3 280-4 SEWERS AND SEWAGE 144-10 DEFECATION AMPLIFIED SOUND DISPOSAL 215-3; Notification of Defects Waterfowl and Gull Feeding 180-4 215-4;215-7;215-8; 237-1 and Domestic Pet ANTENNA 280-69 215-9;215-12;215-18 Site Plan Approval 280-133 Waste 83-28 ANTENNA SUPPORT Shellfish 219-6 STRUCTURE 280-69 IDX:11 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS... APARTMENT 280-4 BONA FIDE COASTAL HIGH- CONSTRUCTION APARTMENT HOUSE AQUACULTURE/ HAZARD AREA DEVICE 180-4 280-4 MARICULTURE 148-4 CONSULTANT 26-2 APPEAL 148-4 FARM OPERATION COASTAL WATERS CONSUMER PRICE APPEAR and APPEAR 280-4 111-6 INDEX 280-25 BEFORE 26-2 BONA FIDE FARM COASTLINE 111-6 CONTAINMENT 219-4 APPLICANT 236-5;240-3; OPERATION 280-4 COD(denoting chemical CONTINUING CARE 275-2;280-4 BOWRIDING 96-7 oxygen demand)215-2 FACILITY 280-4 APPLICATION 275-2 BREAKAWAY WALL CODE ENFORCEMENT CONTRACT 26-2 APPLICATION FOR 148-4 OFFICIAL 207-2 CONTROLLING DEVELOPMENT BREEZEWAY 280-4 COLD WAR VETERAN INTEREST 17-20 280-4 BUFFER 280-4 245-17 CONVENIENCE STORE AQUACULTURE 219-4; BUFFER AREA 240-3; COMBINED SEWER 280-4 D 275-2;280-4 275-2 236-5 CONVEYANCE 17-20; AQUATIC HABITAT BUILDABLE AREA 280-4 COMMENCE 280-25 RESTORATION BUILDABLE LAND 280-4 (COMMENCEMENT COOPERATIVE 280-4 PROJECT 17-43 BUILDABLE LANDS OF)CONSTRUCTION CORRUGATED ARCADE,AMUSEMENT 240-3 ACTIVITIES 236-5 CARDBOARD 233-1 280-4 BUILDING 148-4;236-5; COMMERCIAL COURT,DEPTH OF ARCHIVES 59-13 280-4 AGRICULTURE 275-2 OUTER 280-4 AREA LIGHT 172-2 BUILDING AREA 280-4 COMMERCIAL DOCK COURT,INNER 280-4 AREA OF SHALLOW BUILDING ENERGY 275-2 COURT,OUTER 280-4 FLOODING 148-4 BENCHMARKING COMMERCIAL COURT,WIDTH OF AREA OF SPECIAL 177-1 LANDSCAPER 180-4 OUTER 280-4 FLOOD HAZARD BUILDING INSPECTOR COMMERCIAL COVERED MUNICIPAL 148-4 236-5 LANDSCAPING 180-4 BUILDING 177-1 ARMED FORCES 245-17 BUILDING LINE 280-4 COMMERCIAL CRAWL SPACE 148-4 ARTISAN MARKET BUILDING PERMIT 144-3 PURPOSES 219-4 CREEKS 275-2 280-191 BULKHEAD 275-2;280-4 COMMERCIAL SELF- CRITICAL ARTIST STUDIO/ CABANA/POOL HOUSE HAULERS 233-1 ENVIRONMENTAL WORKSHOP 280-191 280-4 COMMERCIAL SERVICE AREAS 275-2 AS-BUILT PLANS 275-2 CAMP COTTAGE 253-1 EQUIPMENT 180-4 CROPS,LIVESTOCK ASSET 280-25 CAMPSITE 253-20 COMMERCIAL SOLAR AND LIVESTOCK ASTM 215-2 CANOPY 144-3 ENERGY PRODUCTS 280-98 ATTENDANT 233-1 CANS 233-1 PRODUCTION CROSSWALK 240-3 AUTHORIZED PRIVATE CATWALK 275-2 SYSTEM 280-4 CUL-DE-SAC 280-4 RECEPTACLE 174-1 CELLAR 148-4;280-4 COMMERCIAL CUL-DE-SAC(COURT) AUTO 166-2 CENTRAL ALARM VEHICLES 233-1 240-3 AUTO REPAIR SHOP STATION 75-2 COMMISSION 64-3 CULLING 219-4 280-4 CERTIFICATE OF COMMISSIONER 177-1 CULTURAL FEATURES AUTOMOBILE SALES COMPLIANCE 280-4 COMMITTEE 70-3;71-2; 240-3 LOT OR BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF 185-3 CURB CUT 280-4 280-4 OCCUPANCY 280-4 COMMON DRIVEWAY CURB LEVEL 280-4 AUTOMOBILE TRAILER CHANNEL 236-5 240-3 CURBLINE 260-1 or HOUSE CAR 253-1 CHANNEL SYSTEM COMMON OPEN SPACE CUSTOM WORKSHOP BANK 275-2 96-7;219-4 280-4 280-4 BASE FLOOD 148-4 CHARITABLE EVENT COMMUNICABLE CUSTOMER or CLIENT BASE STATION 180-4 DISEASE A290-45 26-2 EQUIPMENT 280-69 CHILD CARE 280-4 COMMUNITY CENTER DAYS 47-1 BASEMENT 148-4;280-4 CHILD-CARE CENTER 280-4 dB(A)180-4 BAY 275-2 249-2 COMMUNITY FACILITY DEBRIS LINE 111-6 BEACH 111-6;275-2 CHLORINE DEMAND 280-191 DEC 215-2 BED-AND-BREAKFAST 215-2 COMMUNITY HOUSING DECIBEL("dB")180-4 280-4 CHURNING 219-4 17-4 DECK 275-2;280-4 BENCHMARKING CIGARETTE 249-2 COMMUNITY DECKING 275-2 INFORMATION 177-1 CLEAN FILL 236-5 PRESERVATION 17-4 DEDICATION 236-5; BERM 280-4 CLEAN WATER ACT COMMUNITY 280-4 BEST MANAGEMENT 236-5 PRESERVATION DEMOLITION 170-3; PRACTICES(BMPs) CLEARING 236-5;240-3; PROJECT PLAN 17-4 280-4 236-5 275-2 COMPLAINANT A290-36 DEPARTMENT 47-1; BILLBOARD 280-4 CLERK 275-2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 177-1;236-5;A290-46 BLOCK 280-4 CLERK OF THE 240-3 DESIGN MANUAL 236-5 BLUFF 111-6;275-2 PLANNING BOARD CONDOMINIUM 280-4 DESIGN PROFESSIONAL BLUFF LINE 275-2 240-3 CONSERVATION 240-3; 236-5 BLUFF,TOE OF 275-2 CLUB,BEACH 280-4 275-2 DEVELOPER 236-5 BLUFF,TOP OF 275-2 CLUB,MEMBERSHIP OR CONSERVATION DEVELOPMENT 148-4; BOARD 275-2;17-4 COUNTRY OR GOLF AREAS,PRIMARY 236-5 BOARD OF APPEALS 280-4 240-3 DEVELOPMENT RIGHT 280-4 CLUB,YACHT 280-4 CONSERVATION 70-3; 185-3 BOARD OR CLUSTER 240-3;280-4 AREAS, DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS DEPARTMENT OF CO-LOCATION 280-69 SECONDARY 240-3 280-171 PUBLIC HEALTH COASTAL AREA 268-3 CONSERVATION DIAL ALARM 75-2 253-1 COASTAL ASSESSMENT EASEMENT 240-3 DIRECT ACTIONS 268-3 BOARDING-AND FORM(CAF)268-3 CONSERVATION DIRECT ALARM 75-2 TOURIST HOUSES COASTAL SUBDIVISION 240-3 DIRECT DISCHARGE(TO 280-4 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATION 17-20 A SPECIFIC BOAT/VESSEL 219-4; 275-2 CONSISTENT 268-3 SURFACE WATER 275-2 COASTAL CONSTRUCTION 236-5 BODY)236-5 BOATS 96-7 CONTRACTOR 275-2 CONSTRUCTION DISCHARGE 236-5 BOD(denoting COASTAL EROSION ACTIVITY 236-5 DISTRICT 215-2 "biochemical oxygen HAZARD AREA MAP CONSTRUCTION AND DOCK 275-2 demand")215-2 111-6 DEMOLITION(C& DOCK LENGTH 275-2 BODY FLUIDS A290-45 COASTAL EROSION D)DEBRIS 233-1; DOMESTIC LIVESTOCK HAZARD LINE 275-2 275-2 83-27 IDX:12 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS... DOMESTIC PET EXPANSION TO AN FOOD PROCESSING HISTORIC BUILDING (ANIMAL)83-27 EXISTING FACILITY 280-4 280-4 DOUBLE POLE 237-31 MANUFACTURED FOOTCANDLE(FC)172-2 HISTORIC DRAIN LAYER or HOME PARK OR FRATERNAL SIGNIFICANCE 64-3 LICENSED DRAIN SUBDIVISION 148-4 ORGANIZATION HISTORIC STRUCTURE LAYER 215-2 EXTERIOR LIGHTING 280-4 148-4 DRAINAGE RIGHT-OF- 172-2 FRONT or FRONTAGE HISTORICAL SOCIETY WAY 240-3 EXTERIOR PROPERTY 237-23 280-4 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS 100-3 FRONTAGE 280-4 HOLIDAY LIGHTING 236-5 FACADE 170-3 FULL CUTOFF(FCO) 172-2 DUMPSTER 100-3 FALL ZONE 280-69 172-2 HOLIDAYS 180-4;260-1 DUNE 111-6;275-2 FALSE EMERGENCY FULLY SHIELDED 172-2 HOME BUSINESS DWELLING 207-2;249-2 ALARM 75-2 FUNCTIONAL 275-2 OFFICE 280-4 DWELLING UNIT 207-2; FAMILY 280-4 FUNCTIONAL HOME OCCUPATION 280-4 FAMILY MEMBER 280-4 BULKHEAD 275-2 280-4 DWELLING,MULTIPLE FAMILY OFFENSE FUNCTIONAL JETTY/ HOME PROFESSIONAL 280-4 A290-36 GROIN 275-2 OFFICE 280-4 DWELLING,MULTIPLE- FAMILY/HOUSEHOLD FUNCTIONALLY HOMEOWNER'S LIGHT FAMILY 207-2 A290-36 DEPENDENT USE RESIDENTIAL DWELLING,ONE- FARM 280-4 148-4 OUTDOOR FAMILY 207-2;280-4 FARM BUILDINGS 280-4 FUND 34-3;17-4;17-20 EQUIPMENT 180-4 DWELLING,ROW OR FARM OPERATION 280-4 GABION 275-2 HOMEOWNERS'OR ATTACHED 280-4 FARM STAND 72-4;280-4 GAMBLING 280-4 HOMES DWELLING, FARMHOUSE 280-4 GARAGE,PRIVATE 280-4 ASSOCIATION SEMIDETACHED FEDERAL EMERGENCY GARAGE,PUBLIC 280-4 275-2;280-4 280-4 MANAGEMENT GARAGE,REPAIR 280-4 HORTICULTURE 275-2 DWELLING,TWO- AGENCY 148-4 GARBAGE 100-3;174-1 HOTEL OR MOTEL, FAMILY 207-2;280-4 FEED or FEEDING 83-27 GARDEN CENTER RESORT 280-4 EASEMENT 240-3;280-4 FENCE 280-4 280-191 HOTEL OR MOTEL, EEL 219-4 FILLING 236-5 GAS-POWERED LEAF TRANSIENT 280-4 ELEVATED BUILDING FINAL PLAT 240-3 BLOWER 180-4 HOUSEHOLD 280-25 148-4 FINAL PLAT APPROVAL GASOLINE SERVICE HOUSING 34-3 ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUAL 240-3 STATION 280-4 IDENTIFICATION TAG 17-4 FINAL STABILIZATION GIFT and FINANCIAL 83-18 ELIGIBLE PROJECT 236-5 BENEFIT 26-2 IESNA 172-2 117-3 FIRE DEPARTMENTS GLARE 172-2 IESNA RECOMMENDED EMERGENCY ALARM 75-2 GLASS 233-1 PRACTICES 172-2 75-2 FIRE OR POLICE ALARM GOLD STAR PARENT ILLEGAL DUMPING EMPLOYEE 47-1 DEVICE 75-2 245-15 233-1 ENERGY 177-1 FIRST-TIME GOLF COURSE, ILLICIT CONNECTIONS ENERGY CODE 144-3 HOMEBUYER 17-4 STANDARD 236-5 ENERGY FISH PROCESSING 280-4 REGULATION 280-4 ILLICIT DISCHARGE PERFORMANCE FIXED DOCK 275-2 GOVERNMENT LIAISON 236-5 SCORE 177-1 FIXED GEAR 219-4 OFFICER 280-25 ILLUMINANCE 172-2 ENERGY USE FIXTURE 172-2 GRADING 111-6;236-5; IMMEDIATE FAMILY INTENSITY(EUI) FLAT OR MANSARD 240-3 207-2 177-1 ROOF 280-4 GRANTEE 17-20 IMMEDIATE FAMILY ENGINEER 240-3 FLEA MARKET 280-4 GRANTOR 17-20 MEMBER 26-2 ENLARGEMENT 280-4 FLOAT 275-2 GREENHOUSE 280-4 IMMEDIATE PROJECT ENVIRONMENT 268-3 FLOATING DOCK 275-2 GRIEVANCE 47-1 AREA 275-2 EQUIPMENT SHELTER FLOATING HOME 96-27 GROCERY STORE 280-4 IMMEDIATE 280-69 FLOATING HOME GROIN 275-2 SUPERVISOR 47-1 EROSION 111-6;236-5 MARINA 96-27 GROSS FLOOR AREA IMPACTED TAX ROLL EROSION CONTROL FLOOD BOUNDARY 177-1;280-4 245-20 275-2 AND FLOODWAY GROUND FLOOR 280-4 IMPERVIOUS SURFACE EROSION CONTROL MAP(FBFM)148-4 GUEST 219-4 236-5;275-2;280-4 MANUAL 236-5 FLOOD ELEVATION GUEST UNIT 280-4 IMPROVED VALUE EROSION HAZARD STUDY 148-4 GUYED ANTENNA 245-20 AREA 111-6 FLOOD HAZARD AREA SUPPORT INCOME ELIGIBLE EROSION PROTECTION 280-4 STRUCTURE 280-69 INDIVIDUALS/ STRUCTURE 111-6 FLOOD HAZARD HABITABLE FLOOR FAMILIES 34-3 EROSION, BOUNDARY MAP AREA 280-4 INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE SEDIMENTATION (FHBM)148-4 HABITAT 275-2 TREATMENT AND STORMWATER FLOOD INSURANCE HABITAT SYSTEM 236-5 RUNOFF CONTROL RATE MAP(FIRM) FRAGMENTATION INDOOR DOG AND CAT PLAN 236-5 148-4 275-2 CARE FACILITY ESSENTIAL LIGHTING FLOOD INSURANCE HANDBILL 174-1 280-4 172-2 STUDY 148-4 HARVESTING 275-2 INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY EXCAVATION 236-5 FLOOD OR FLOODING HAZARDOUS 236-5 EXCESSIVE LIGHTING 148-4 MATERIALS 236-5 INDUSTRIAL 172-2 FLOODPLAIN 280-4 HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD STORMWATER EXISTING FLOODPLAIN OR 280-25 PERMIT 236-5 MANUFACTURED FLOOD-PRONE HEALTH CARE INFILTRATION 236-5 HOME PARK OR AREA 148-4;240-3 FACILITY 280-4 INTEREST IN REAL SUBDIVISION 148-4 FLOODPROOFING 148-4 HEALTH CLUB 280-4 PROPERTY 17-20 EXISTING RESOURCE FLOODWAY 148-4 HEIGHT 280-69 INTRUSION 75-2 AND SITE FLOOR AREA 280-4 HEIGHT OF ACCESSORY JETTY 275-2 ANALYSIS PLAN FLOOR AREA RATIO BUILDING 280-4 JUNKED VEHICLE 100-3 (ERSAP)240-3 280-4 HEIGHT OF BUILDING JUNKYARD 280-4 EXISTING STRUCTURE FLOOR AREA,GROSS 280-4 JURISDICTIONAL 111-6 (GFA)280-4 HIGHEST ADJACENT WETLAND 236-5 FLOOR AREA,LIVABLE GRADE 148-4 LAMP 172-2 280-4 HIGHWAY 237-5 LAND 100-3 FOOD CATERING HISTORIC 170-3 LAND DEVELOPMENT FACILITY 280-4 ACTIVITY 236-5 IDX:13 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS... LAND-BASED MANUFACTURED HOME NEW YORK SCENIC PARK AND AQUACULTURE 148-4 BYWAY(NORTH RECREATION FEE 219-4;280-4 MANUFACTURED HOME FORK TRAIL)268-3 240-3 LANDMARK PARK OR NEWSPAPER 174-1;233-1 PARK DEDICATION DESIGNATION 280-4 SUBDIVISION 148-4 NOISE POLLUTION 180-4 240-3 LANDOWNER 236-5 MANUFACTURING 280-4 NONCONFORMING PARKING CAPACITY LANDSCAPE LIGHTING MAP 237-23 BUILDING OR 205-2 172-2 MARICULTURE 219-4; STRUCTURE 280-4 PARKING LOT 280-4 LANDSCAPED BUFFER 280-4 NONCONFORMING LOT PARTIAL SELF-SERVICE 268-3 MARINA 96-27;275-2 280-4 GASOLINE SERVICE LANDSCAPING 180-4; MARINA or BOAT BASIN NONCONFORMING USE STATION 280-4 280-4 280-4 280-4 PARTIALLY SHIELDED LANDWARD 275-2 MARINE RESOURCES NONDISTURBANCE 172-2 D LARGER COMMON 219-4 BUFFER 275-2 PATENT LANDS 219-4; PLAN OF MASTER PLAN 280-4 NONESSENTIAL 275-2 DEVELOPMENT OR MATERIAL 275-2 EXTERIOR PATIO 280-4 SALE 236-5 MEAN HIGH WATER LIGHTING 172-2 PEAK LUNAR TIDES LATEST CLASS RATIO (MHW)275-2;280-4 NONFERTILIZER 275-2 275-2 245-17 MEAN LOW WATER NONPOINT SOURCE PEDDLER 197-2 LATEST STATE 111-6 POLLUTION 236-5 PERFORMANCE BOND EQUALIZATION MEAN LOW WATER NONRECYCLABLE 240-3 RATE 245-17 (MLW)275-2 WASTE 233-1 PERFORMANCE LATTICE ANTENNA MEAN SEA LEVEL 148-4 NONRESIDENT 219-4 GUARANTY 280-4 SUPPORT MEMBER A290-46 NONSTORMWATER PERIOD OF WAR 245-15 STRUCTURE 280-69 MINOR ACTIONS 268-3 DISCHARGE 236-5 PERMANENT FIXED LAWS and ORDINANCES MOBILE HOME 148-4 NONTURF BUFFER 275-2 IMPROVEMENT A290-46 MODERATE-INCOME NORMAL 280-25 LICENSING AUTHORITY FAMILY 280-25 MAINTENANCE PERMANENT MOORING 75-2 MODERATE-INCOME 111-6 96-7 LIFE CARE FAMILY DWELLING NPDES 215-2 PERMANENT RESIDENT COMMUNITY 280-4 UNIT 280-25 NUISANCE WILDLIFE 219-4 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL MODERATE-INCOME 268-3 PERMIT HOLDER 144-3 USES 280-4 FAMILY NURSERY SCHOOL 280-4 PERSON 26-2;83-18; LIGHT INDUSTRY 280-4 UNIMPROVED LOT OCCUPANT 100-3 83-27;96-4;96-27; LIGHT POLLUTION 172-2 280-25 OFF DUTY A290-46 100-3;111-6;144-3; LIGHT SOURCE 172-2 MODIFICATION 280-69 OFF-PREMISES SIGN 166-2;174-1;180-4; LIGHT TRESPASS 172-2 MONOPOLE 280-69 280-4 197-2;215-2;233-1; LIGHTING 172-2 MONOPOLIZE 96-4;275-2 OFF-STREET PARKING 237-5;249-2;275-2; LITTER 100-3;174-1 MOORING 275-2 SPACE 280-4 17-20;280-4 LIVABLE FLOOR AREA MOTEL,RESORT 280-4 OFFICER A290-46 PERSONAL 111-6 MOTEL,TRANSIENT OFFICIAL MAP 240-3 WATERCRAFT 96-7 LIVING AREA 280-4 280-4 OFFICIAL TIME PERVIOUS NONTURF LOADING BERTH 280-4 MOUNT 280-69 STANDARD 260-1 BUFFER 268-3 LOCAL MOUNTING HEIGHT ON DUTY A290-46 PERVIOUS SURFACE ADMINISTRATOR 172-2 ON-FARM DIRECT 236-5 148-4 MOVABLE STRUCTURE MARKETING pH 215-2 LOCAL WATERFRONT 111-6 BUILDING 280-4 PHASING 236-5 REVITALIZATION MUNICIPAL PERMIT ON-FARM OPERATION PIER 275-2 PROGRAM or LWRP 236-5 DIRECT PIER LINE 275-2 268-3 MUNICIPAL SEPARATE MARKETING 280-4 PLANNING BOARD 280-4 LOT 240-3;280-4 STORM SEWER ONE-HUNDRED-YEAR PLANNING BOARD or LOT AREA 280-4 SYSTEM(MS4)236-5 FLOOD 148-4 BOARD 240-3 LOT COVERAGE 280-4 NATIONAL GEODETIC ONE-HUNDRED-YEAR PLASTICS 233-1 LOT DEPTH 280-4 VERTICAL DATUM FLOODPLAIN 236-5 PLAT 280-4 LOT LINE 280-4 (NGVD)148-4 OPEN DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM 275-2 LOT LINE NATURAL BUFFER 240-3 AREA 240-3 POLICE MODIFICATION NATURAL DRAINAGE OPEN SPACE 280-4 HEADQUARTERS 240-3 236-5 OPEN SPACE or OPEN 75-2 LOT LINE,FRONT 280-4 NATURAL FEATURES, AREA 185-3 POLITICAL ACTIVITIES LOT LINE,REAR 280-4 RESOURCES OR OPERATIONS 275-2 26-2 LOT LINE,SIDE 280-4 SYSTEMS 240-3 ORDER OF PROTECTION POLITICAL PARTY LOT WIDTH 280-4 NATURAL OUTLET 215-2 A290-36 COMMITTEE 26-2 LOT,CORNER 280-4 NATURAL PROTECTIVE ORDINARY AND USUAL POLLUTANT 236-5 LOT,INTERIOR 280-4 FEATURE 111-6; MAINTENANCE POLLUTANT OF LOT,REAR OR FLAG 236-5;268-3 275-2 CONCERN 236-5 280-4 NATURAL PROTECTIVE ORDINARY POLLUTION LOT,THROUGH 280-4 FEATURE AREA MAINTENANCE PREVENTION LOW-PROFILE JETTY 111-6 280-69 PROJECT 17-43 275-2 NATURAL VEGETATED ORIGINAL STRUCTURE POND 275-2 LOW-SILL BULKHEAD BUFFER 268-3 275-2 PORTFOLIO MANAGER 275-2 NATURAL OUTDOOR PAVILLION 177-1 LOWER-AND WATERCOURSE 280-4 PREEXISTING MODERATE-COST 236-5 OUTDOOR NONPERMITTED HOUSING 280-4 NATURAL WATERSHED RECREATIONAL AND/OR LOWEST FLOOR 148-4 236-5 FACILITIES 280-4 NONCONFORMING LUMEN 172-2 NEARSHORE AREA OUTDOOR STORAGE STRUCTURES 275-2 LUMINAIRE 172-2 111-6 280-4 PRELIMINARY PLAT MAIN FLOOR 280-4 NET WORTH 280-25 OUTSIDE EMPLOYER 240-3 MAINTENANCE NEW CONSTRUCTION OR BUSINESS 26-2 PREMISES 100-3;236-5 AGREEMENT 236-5 148-4 OWNER 83-18;100-3; PRESERVATION 240-3 MAINTENANCE NEW MANUFACTURED 207-2;237-23;280-4 PRIMARY DUNE 111-6 DREDGING 275-2 HOME PARK OR OWNER OF RECORD PRIMARY FRONTAL MAJOR ADDITION 111-6 SUBDIVISION 148-4 83-18 DUNE 148-4 -- MAN-MADE POND 275-2 PARK 174-1;249-2 PRIMARY RESIDENCE 280-25 IDX:14 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS... PRIMARY RESIDENTIAL RECREATIONAL SANITARY FLOW SPECIALTY PROP- PROPERTY 17-4 VEHICLE 148-4; CREDITS 117-3 CRAFT 96-7 PRINCIPAL BUILDING 253-20;280-4 SANITARY FLOW RIGHT SPLIT-RAIL FENCE 275-2 111-6;280-4 RECREATIONAL 117-3 STABILIZATION 236-5 PRINCIPAL USE 280-4 VEHICLE PARK SCAP NET 219-4 STANDARD PRINCIPALLY ABOVE 253-20 SCENIC SIGNIFICANCE INSTALLATION GROUND 148-4 RECREATIONAL 64-3 144-3 PRIORITY WATER BODY VEHICLE SITE SCHOOL 249-2 STANDARD 268-3 253-20 SEASONAL STRUCTURE SUBDIVISION 240-3 PRIVATE PREMISES RECYCLABLE WOOD 275-2 START OF 174-1 233-1 SECONDARY DUNE CONSTRUCTION PRIVATE RECYCLABLE, 111-6 148-4 WAREHOUSING MANDATED 233-1 SEDIMENT CONTROL STATE POLLUTANT 280-4 RECYCLABLE,OTHER 236-5 DISCHARGE PROACTIVE 233-1 SEDIMENTATION 236-5 ELIMINATION RESTORATION 275-2 REFUSE 174-1;233-1 SENDING DISTRICT SYSTEM(SPDES) PROBABLE CAUSE REFUSE HAULER/ 117-3 236-5 A290-36 CARTER 233-1 SENDING PARCEL 117-3 STATE POLLUTANT PROCESSED REGIONAL WATER SENSITIVE AREAS 236-5 DISCHARGE AGRICULTURAL QUALITY SEPTIC TANK 280-4 ELIMINATION PRODUCT 72-4;280-4 IMPROVEMENT SEQRA 240-3 SYSTEM(SPDES) PROFESSIONAL A290-46 PLAN 17-43 SERVICE CONNECTED GENERAL PERMIT PROFESSIONAL OFFICE REGULATED ACTIVITY 245-17 FOR 280-4 111-6 SERVICING 59-13 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT 236-5 REGULATION SETBACK 275-2;280-4 ACTIVITIES PROPERTY 245-20 EQUIPMENT A290-46 SEWAGE 215-2 GP-0-10-001 236-5 PUBLIC PARKING LOT REGULATORY SEWAGE TREATMENT STOP-WORK ORDER 260-1 FLOODWAY 148-4 PLANT 215-2 236-5 PUBLIC PLACE 174-1 RELATIVE 26-2 SEWAGE WORKS 215-2 STORMWATER 236-5 PUBLIC PROPERTY 264-3 RELIEF ACT 245-20 SEWER or DRAIN 215-2 STORMWATER PUBLIC WAREHOUSING REMOVAL 170-3 SHEATHING 275-2 COLLECTING 280-4 RENT 207-2 SHELLFISH 219-4 SYSTEM 17-43 PUBLIC WATER:PUBLIC RENTAL DWELLING SHOPPING CENTER STORMWATER SEWER 280-4 UNIT 207-2 280-4 HOTSPOT 236-5 PUBLICLY OWNED RENTAL OCCUPANCY SHORELINE STORMWATER PROPERTY 83-27 207-2 STRUCTURE 275-2 MANAGEMENT QUALIFIED INSPECTOR RENTAL OCCUPANCY SIGN 280-4 236-5 236-5 PERMIT 207-2 SIGN AREA 280-4 STORMWATER QUALIFIED OWNER RENTAL PERMIT 280-4 SIGNIFICANT FISH AND MANAGEMENT 245-17 RESEARCH WILDLIFE HABITAT CONTROL PLAN QUALIFIED LABORATORY 280-4 111-6;268-3 236-5 PROFESSIONAL RESIDENT 83-18 SILT BOOM 275-2 STORMWATER 236-5 RESIDENTIAL 275-2 SITE PLAN 280-4 MANAGEMENT QUALIFIED RESIDENTIAL CLUSTER SITE PREPARATION FACILITY 236-5 RESIDENTIAL REAL 280-4 236-5 STORMWATER PROPERTY 245-17 RESIDENTIAL DOCK SKY PLANE OF LOT MANAGEMENT RADIO FREQUENCY 275-2 280-4 OFFICER(SMO) (RF)EMISSIONS OR RESIDENTIAL SKYGLOW 172-2 236-5 RADIATION 280-69 HORTICULTURE SLOPING ROOF 280-4 STORMWATER RADIO FREQUENCY 275-2 SLUGS 215-2 MANAGEMENT (RF)PROFESSIONAL RESIDENTIAL SELF- SMALL BUSINESS PRACTICES(SMPs) 280-69 HAULERS 233-1 OFFICE 280-191 236-5 RADIO FREQUENCY RESOURCE BUFFER SMALL WIND ENERGY STORMWATER (RF)SIGNAL 280-69 AREA 275-2 SYSTEM 277-1;280-4 POLLUTION REAL PROPERTY 17-20 RESPONSIBLE PARTY SNACK BAR 280-4 PREVENTION PLAN RECEDING EDGE 111-6 236-5 SOLAR POWER FAST (SWPPP)236-5 RECEIVING DISTRICT RESTAURANT 280-4 TRACK PROGRAM STORMWATER RUNOFF 117-3 RESTAURANT, 144-3 236-5 RECEIVING PARCEL FORMULA FOOD SOLICITOR and/or STORY 280-4 117-3 280-4 CANVASSER 197-2 STORY,HALF 280-4 RECESSION RATE 111-6 RESTAURANT,TAKE- SOUND 275-2 STREET 237-23;280-4 RECHARGE 236-5 OUT 280-4 SOUND-LEVEL METER STREET LINE 280-4 RECORDING OFFICER RESTORATION 111-6 180-4 STREET OR RIGHT-017- 17-20 RESUBDIVISION 240-3 SPAWNER SANCTUARY WAY WIDTH 240-3 RECORDS 59-13 RETAIL SALES AREA 275-2 STREET,ARTERIAL RECORDS CENTER 59-13 72-4 SPDES GENERAL 240-3 RECORDS DISPOSITION RETAIL STORE 280-4 PERMIT FOR STREET,COLLECTOR 59-13 RETAINING WALL STORMWATER 240-3 RECORDS 275-2;280-4 DISCHARGES FROM STREET,LOCAL 240-3 MANAGEMENT REVETMENT 275-2 MUNICIPAL STRIPPING 236-5 59-13 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES SEPARATE STRUCTURAL RECREATION FACILITY, 280-4 . STORMWATER ALTERATION 280-4 COMMERCIAL 280-4 RIPRAP 275-2 SEWER SYSTEMS STRUCTURAL RECREATION FACILITY, ROADSIDE FARM GP-0-10-002 236-5 COMPONENTS 275-2 MAJOR 280-4 STAND or SPECIAL CONDITIONS STRUCTURAL HAZARD RECREATION FACILITY, AGRICULTURAL 236-5 AREA 111-6 MINOR 280-4 STAND 280-4 SPECIAL EVENT 205-2 STRUCTURE 70-3;111-6; RECREATION,ACTIVE ROADSIDE STAND 280-4 SPECIAL EVENT 148-4;185-3;236-5; 240-3 RUBBISH 100-3;174-1 COMMITTEE 205-2 275-2;280-4 RECREATION,PASSIVE RULES 130-2 SPECIAL EXCEPTION SUBDIVISION 240-3 240-3 RUN AT LARGE 83-18 USE 280-4 SUBORDINATE OF A RECREATIONAL AREAS RURAL SIGNIFICANCE SPECIAL PROJECTS TOWN OFFICER OR 193-1 64-3 COORDINATOR EMPLOYEE 26-2 RECREATIONAL SALVAGE CENTER 211-1 280-25 SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE FACILITIES 280-4 SAND DUNES 148-4 148-4 IDX:15 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS... SUBSTANTIAL TROPICAL HARDWOOD YOUTH SERVICE See Also PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT 275-2 PROJECT 68-2 STANDARDS 148-4 TRUSTEES 275-2 ZONE 280-4 Planning Board 240-45 SUBTIDAL 275-2 UNIFORMITY RATIO("U ZONING BOARD 280-4 Plumbing 240-47 SUPERINTENDENT RATIO")172-2 ZONING MAP 280-4 Records 240-45 193-1;215-2;237-5 UNIT 253-1 DEMOLITION Safety standards 240-45; SUPERIOR OFFICER UNLICENSED MOTOR- BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 240-46 A290-46 DRIVEN VEHICLE PROPERTY Setbacks 240-45 SUPERSTORM SANDY 264-3 MAINTENANCE Sidewalks 240-45 245-20 UNREGULATED 100-4;100-9;100-10 STORMWATER SUPERVISOR OF A ACTIVITY 111-6 FIRE PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT TOWN OFFICER OR UNSHIELDED FIXTURE BUILDING CODE 236-9 EMPLOYEE 26-2 172-2 ADMINISTRATION Streetlighting 240-46 D SUPERVISORY OFFICER USABLE OPEN SPACE 144-8 SUBDIVISION OF LAND A290-46 280-4 Garbage,Rubbish and 240-36;240-45\240-48 SURFACE WATERS OF USE 280-4 Refuse 233-1;233-4 Wastewater treatment THE STATE OF NEW USE,ACCESSORY 280-4 Historic Preservation systems 240-47 YORK 236-5 UTILITY 177-1;237-31 District(HPD)280-190 Water 240-48 SUSPENDED SOLIDS VARIANCE 148-4 LANDMARK Water supply 240-48 215-2 VEGETATED PRESERVATION Water supply systems SWIM PLATFORM 275-2 WETLANDS 275-2 170-2;170-3;170-4; 240-48 SWIMMING POOL 280-4 VEGETATION 111-6 170-5;170-6;170-7; Wireless Communication TAKING 219-4 VEHICLE 193-1 170-9;170-10 Facilities 280-70; TAXPAYER 219-4 VEHICLES 174-1 Roadway Construction 280-72 TELECOMMUNICATION VESSEL PUMPOUT 161-21 Yards 240-45 TOWER 280-4 STATION 17-43 Special Exception Uses Zoning Board of Appeals TEMPORARY VETERAN 245-15 280-140 240-45 ANCHORING 96-7 WALER 275-2 STORMWATER Zoning districts 240-45 TEMPORARY WASTEWATER 236-5 MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT FEES STABILIZATION WASTEWATER 236-5;236-19 See FEES 236-5 TREATMENT WETLANDS AND DINING FACILITIES TENT 144-3 IMPROVEMENT SHORELINE 275-2; See RESTAURANTS TIDAL WATERS 275-2 PROJECT 17-43 275-4;275-11 DIRECT SELLERS TOBACCO 249-2 WATER QUALITY ZONING 280-4 See SALES TOBACCO PRODUCT IMPROVEMENT DEMOLITION DEBRIS DIRT ADVERTISEMENT PROJECT 17-43 Garbage,Rubbish and See Also EXCAVATIONS 249-2 WATER QUALITY Refuse 233-1 See Also FILL TOE 111-6 STANDARD 236-5 DEMOLITION OF HIGHWAY TOPSOIL 236-5 WATER-DEPENDENT BUILDINGS SPECIFICATIONS TOTAL ASSESSED USES 275-2 FIRE PREVENTION AND 161-9 VALUE 245-20 WATERCOURSE 215-2; BUILDING CODE NOISE,PREVENTION OF TOTAL MAXIMUM 236-5 ADMINISTRATION 180-4 DAILY LOAD WATERFOWL 83-27 144-5 PARKS AND (TMDL)236-5 WATERWAY 236-5 DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION TOURIST CAMP 253-1; WATERWAYS 83-27 HEALTH AREAS 193-2 280-4 WEATHER See BOARD OF HEALTH PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS TOURIST COTTAGE NORMALIZED SITE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND TRANSIENT 280-4 EUI 177-1 AND RECREATION RETAIL TOWER HEIGHT 277-1 WETLAND BOUNDARY See PARKS AND MERCHANTS 197-10 TOWN 34-3;83-18;130-2; OR BOUNDARIES OF RECREATION SEWERS AND SEWAGE 174-1;237-5;275-2; WETLAND 275-2 DEPARTMENT OF DISPOSAL 215-3 17-20 WETLANDS PLANNING Snow and Ice Removal TOWN AGENCY 130-2 (FRESHWATER) See PLANNING BOARD 237-20 TOWN BOARD 237-5; 275-2 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC See Also SOIL REMOVAL A290-46;280-4 WETLANDS(TIDAL) WORKS STORMWATER TOWN GARBAGE BAG 275-2 MUNICIPAL BUILDING MANAGEMENT 233-1 WHARF 275-2 ENERGY 236-5 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WIDTH OF CREEK 275-2 BENCHMARKING See Also TOPSOIL 75-2 WILDLIFE PROTECTIVE 177-1 REMOVAL TOWN OFFICER OR STRUCTURES 111-6 PARKS AND DISABILITY EMPLOYEE 26-2 WIRELESS CARRIER RECREATION Exemption for Cold War TOWN SUPERVISOR 280-69 AREAS 193-1 Veterans 245-17; 17-20 WIRELESS DESIGN STANDARDS 245-18 TOWN WATERS 96-27; COMMUNICATION Bicycles 240-45 Exemption for Disabled 219-4;275-2 FACILITY 280-4 Blocks 240-45 Persons With Limited TOWNHOUSE 280-4 WIRELESS Board of Trustees 240-45 Income 245-10 TRAIL 240-3 COMMUNICATIONS Bonds 240-45 Exemption for War TRAILER OR MOBILE 280-4 Cluster developments Veterans and Gold Star HOME 280-4 WIRELESS 240-45 Parents 245-16 TRAINED CONTRACTOR COMMUNICATIONS Curbs 240-45 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 236-5 FACILITY 280-69 Driveways 240-45 172-2 TRANSFER OF WIRELESS SERVICES Final plats 240-45 POLICE DEPARTMENT SANITARY FLOW 280-69 Fire hydrants 240-48 RULES AND CREDITS 117-3 YARD 280-4 FLOOD DAMAGE REGULATIONS TRANSFER STATION, YARD LINE 280-4 PREVENTION A290-3 PRIVATE 233-1 YARD,FRONT 280-4 148-14;148-18 DISABLED PERSONS TRANSFER STATION, YARD,PRIMARY FRONT Grades and grading 240-45 Adoption of Renumbered TOWN 233-1 280-4 Improvements 240-45 2006 Code 1-14 TRANSIENT RENTAL YARD,REAR 280-4 Lighting 240-46 DISABLED VETERANS PROPERTY 280-4 YARD,SECONDARY Lots 240-45 See VETERANS TRANSIENT RETAIL FRONT 280-4 Lots;streets;common DISCLOSURE BUSINESS 197-2 YARD,SIDE 280-4 driveways;flag lot Agricultural Planned TREASURER(COUNTY YIELD 240-3 design 240-45 Development District TREASURER)17-20 YOUTH 68-2 Off-street parking 240-45 280-174 Open space 240-45 Code of Ethics 26-1 IDX:16 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX DISCLOSURE... ETHICS 26-17;26-18; ANIMALS 83-6\83-15; FLOOD DAMAGE Roadway Construction 26-19;26-20 83-17;83-18;83-19; PREVENTION 161-39;161-46 Ethics Board 26-21;26-22; 83-20;83-21;83-22; 148-12;148-15; Signs 280-85 26-24;26-25 83-23;83-24;83-26 148-16;148-17;148-19 Site Plan Approval 280-137 MUNICIPAL BUILDING APPEARANCE TICKETS HIGHWAY SOIL REMOVAL 228-4 ENERGY 5-2 SPECIFICATIONS STORMWATER BENCHMARKING Arrest warrants 83-9 161-2;161-3;161-4; MANAGEMENT 177-4 Code Enforcement Officer 161-8; 161-9; 161-13 236-13;236-17;236-18 RECORDS 59-2 83-7 JUNKYARDS 166-4 Street Numbering 237-23 WETLANDS AND Complaints 83-8;83-9 Preservation of Natural SUBDIVISION OF LAND SHORELINE 275-6 Confinement;redemption; Features 240-51 240-3 DISCRIMINATION disposition 83-12 Recreational Vehicle Parks TOURIST AND TRAILER Grievance Procedures 47-2 Dogs 83-6;83-7;83-8; 253-22 CAMPS 253-3; DISEASE CONTROL 83-9;83-10;83-11; Roadway Construction 253-10;253-11 TOBACCO 83-12 161-18;161-25; VEHICLES AND ADVERTISING 249-1 Enforcement 83-7 161-27; 161-28; TRAFFIC 260-9; DISORDERLY CONDUCT Fees 83-12 161-29; 161-30; 260-15;260-17; ALARM SYSTEMS 75-8 Filing of complaints 83-8 161-31;161-32; 260-18;260-22;260-28 See Also NOISE Impoundment 83-11;83-12 161-36;161-45 WATERFRONT POLICE DEPARTMENT Limited Business(LB) SEWERS AND SEWAGE CONSISTENCY RULES AND District 280-41 DISPOSAL 215-2; REVIEW 268-3 REGULATIONS PARKS AND 215-4;215-5 WETLANDS AND A290-9;A290-15; RECREATION Site Plan Approval SHORELINE 275-2; A290-36 AREAS 193-3.1 280-127;280-129; 275-3;275-5 SEWERS AND SEWAGE PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS 280-133 Wireless Communication DISPOSAL 215-6 AND TRANSIENT SOIL REMOVAL 228-2; Facilities 280-74 DISORDERLY PERSONS RETAIL 228-4;228-7 ZONING 280-4;280-78; ALARM SYSTEMS 75-8 MERCHANTS 197-5; STORMWATER 280-92;280-93 DISTRICT ATTORNEY 197-10 MANAGEMENT DRUGS AND DRUG Ethics Board 26-22 Penalties for offenses 83-13. 236-4;236-5;236-6; PARAPHERNALIA DISTURBING THE PEACE Police officers 83-7 236-13;236-16; Agricultural-Conservation See Also NOISE Prohibited activities 83-6 236-17;236-18;236-24 (A-C)District and NOISE,PREVENTION OF Recreation areas 83-6 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Low-Density 180-4 Seeing eye dogs 83-10 240-3;240-4;240-9; Residential R-80, DOCKING AND MOORING Seeing Eye dogs exempted 240-10;240-11; R-120,R-200 and See MOORING 83-10 240-17;240-19; R-400 Districts 280-13 DOCKS Seizure 83-11 240-21;240-32; BOATS,DOCKS AND Adoption of Code 1-2 Seizure of dogs at large 240-36;240-37; WHARVES 96-15 Adoption of Renumbered 83-11 240-41;240-44 Senior Citizen Exemption 2006 Code 1-14 Severability 83-14 TOURIST AND TRAILER 245-1 BOATS,DOCKS AND Summons;arrest warrant CAMPS 253-5 VEHICLES,MOTOR- WHARVES 96-1; 83-9 Water Quality Improvement DRIVEN 264-15 96-3;96-12;96-14; Summonses 83-9 17-43 ZONING 280-4 96-22 Town Attorney 83-9 WATERFRONT DUCKS COASTAL EROSION Town Board 83-12 CONSISTENCY ANIMALS 83-1\83-5 HAZARD AREAS Town Clerk 83-12 REVIEW 268-3 Applications and issuance of 111-6 Violations and penalties WETLANDS AND permit 83-3 Fishers Island Harbor 83-13 SHORELINE 275-5; Board of Trustees 83-4 Management 157-5; Warrants 83-9 275-6;275-7;275-11 Construction 83-3 157-6;157-7 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding Wireless Communication Deposit of waste matter in Floating Homes 96-27; and Domestic Pet Facilities 280-72 Town waters prohibited 96-28 Waste 83-27 ZONING 280-4;280-78; 83-4 Light Industrial(LI)District When effective 83-15 280-91 Keeping of ducks for private 280-62 ZONING 280-4;280-78 DRAINAGE PLAN use 83-2 Light Industrial Park/ DOMESTIC Preservation of Natural Penalties for offenses 83-5 Planned Office Park PARTNERSHIPS Features 240-51 Permit required for (LIO)District 280-58 Adoption of Renumbered Site Plan Approval commercial enterprise Marine I(MI)District 2006 Code 1-14 280-129;280-133 83-1 280-52 Costs and expenses 121-5 SOIL REMOVAL 228-5 Town Board 83-1;83-2; Marine II(MEI)District DOMESTIC STORMWATER 83-3;83-5 280-55 PARTNERSHIPS MANAGEMENT Town Clerk 83-1;83-3 Parking at Beaches 189-4 121-1;121-2;121-3; 236-10 Violations and penalties Public Docks 96-4;96-5 121-4;121-5 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 83-5 SHELLFISH AND OTHER Fees 121-3;121-5 240-7;240-17;240-20; Water 83-3;83-4 MARINE Filing of statements;fees 240-21;240-23; DUMPS AND DUMPING RESOURCES 219-4 121-5 240-25;240-30; BOATS,DOCKS AND STORMWATER Purpose and objectives 240-32;240-35 WHARVES 96-8 MANAGEMENT 121-2 WETLANDS AND COASTAL EROSION 236-5 Records 121-4 SHORELINE 275-6; HAZARD AREAS WETLANDS AND Requirements 121-3 275-11 111-6 SHORELINE 275-2; Statement of domestic DRIVE-IN RESTAURANTS Garbage,Rubbish and 275-3;275-4;275-5; partnership 121-4 Limited Business(LB) Refuse 233-1;233-2; 275-7;275-11 Title 121-1 District 280-41 233-7 ZONING 280-4;280-78; Town Board 121-5 DRIVEWAYS JUNKYARDS 166-3;166-7 280-111;280-116 Town Clerk 121-4;121-5 Design Standards 240-45 PARKS AND DOG RUNS Violations and penalties General Business(B) RECREATION PARKS AND 121-4;121-5 District 280-48 AREAS 193-2 RECREATION DRAINAGE LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Roadway Construction AREAS 193-3.1 COASTAL EROSION 172-2 161-19;161-21 DOG WASTE HAZARD AREAS LITTERING 174-1;174-2 DUMPSTERS See FECAL MATTER 111-14 PARKS AND BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; See PET WASTE FIRE PREVENTION AND RECREATION PROPERTY DOGS BUILDING CODE AREAS 193-1 MAINTENANCE Adoption of Renumbered ADMINISTRATION Recreational Vehicle Parks 100-3;100-4 2006 Code 1-14 144-10 253-22 IDX:17 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE DUST VEHICLES,MOTOR- ELECTRICAL STORMWATER Agricultural-Conservation DRIVEN 264-3 INSPECTIONS 126-3 MANAGEMENT (A-C)District and WETLANDS AND Emergency Activities 236-5 Low-Density SHORELINE 275-11 111-17;111-18;111-19 SUBDIVISION OF LAND I Residential R-80, ZONING 280-3;280-4 Emergency Removal of 240-10;240-42 R-120,R-200 and ELECTION Vehicles 260-23 EMERGENCY REMOVAL R-400 Districts 280-13 Approval by referendum 9-2 FILMING 139-3 OF VEHICLES Farmland Bill of Rights ASSESSORS 9-1\9-2 FIRE PREVENTION AND Abandonment 260-23 280-99 Continuation as elective BUILDING CODE Authority to remove General Business(B) office 9-1 ADMINISTRATION vehicles 260-23 District 280-48 ELECTRICAL CODE 144-6 Charges 260-24 Light Industrial(LI)District FIRE PREVENTION AND Fishers Island Harbor Costs and expenses 260-24 280-62 BUILDING CODE Management 157-6 Emergencies 260-23 Light Industrial Park/ ADMINISTRATION Floating Homes 96-26 Impoundment 260-24 Planned Office Park 144-3 Garbage,Rubbish and Notice of removal 260-25 (LIO)District 280-58 RENTAL PERMITS 207-1 Refuse 233-6 Notices 260-25 NOISE,PREVENTION OF Roadway Construction HOUSING FUND 34-2; Obstructions 260-23 E180-4 161-46 34-6 Parking 260-23 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS ELECTRICAL Illicit Discharges 236-29; Police Department 260-24; AND TRANSIENT INSPECTIONS 236-32 260-25 RETAIL Administration 126-1 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Police officers 260-23; MERCHANTS 197-10 Aluminum 126-4 172-6 260-24 Plum Island Research Building Inspector 126-3 Members of the Department Seizure 260-24 District(PIR)280-183 Building permits 126-3 A290-33 Storage 260-24 Roadway Construction Certificates of compliance NOISE,PREVENTION OF Storage and charges 260-24 161-23 126-3 180-7 Town Board 260-24 SOIL REMOVAL 228-2; Certificates of occupancy PARKS AND Vehicles 260-23;260-24; 228-5;228-7 126-3 RECREATION 260-25 Special Exception Uses Costs and expenses 126-2 AREAS 193-3 VEHICLES AND 280-143 Designation of Inspectors POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC 260-23\ STORMWATER 126-2 51-4 260-25 MANAGEMENT Duties of Electrical POLICE DEPARTMENT EMERGENCY VEHICLES 236-18 Inspector 126-3 RULES AND BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; ZONING 280-91;280-111 Electrical Inspector 126-1; REGULATIONS PROPERTY 126-2;126-3 A290-3;A290-11; MAINTENANCE — E Emergencies 126-3 A290-46 100-2 Inspections 126-1;126-2; PUBLIC FLOOD DAMAGE EARTH REMOVAL 126-3 ENTERTAINMENT PREVENTION 148-22 See TOPSOIL REMOVAL Insurance 126-2 AND SPECIAL Roadway Construction EASEMENTS Penalties for offenses 126-5 EVENTS 205-4 161-20 Adoption of Code 1-4 Reports 126-3 RENTAL PERMITS 207-5 See Also VEHICLES Agricultural Planned Restrictions on materials SEWERS AND SEWAGE VEHICLES,MOTOR- Development District 126-4 DISPOSAL 215-4 DRIVEN 264-18 280-175;280-177; Severability 126-6 Site Plan Approval 280-137 EMINENT DOMAIN 280-179;280-180 Town Attorney 126-2 Special Exception Uses Affordable Housing(AHD) BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Town Board 126-2;126-3 280-143 District 280-25 PROPERTY Violations and penalties STORMWATER LANDMARK MAINTENANCE 126-3;126-5 MANAGEMENT PRESERVATION 100-3 When effective 126-7 236-10 170-7 FILMING 139-3 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR Street Excavations 237-13 Real Estate Transfer Tax HIGHWAY ELECTRICAL Street Numbering 237-22 17-20 SPECIFICATIONS INSPECTIONS 126-1; WATERFRONT Senior Citizen Exemption 161-2;161-3;161-4; 126-2;126-3 CONSISTENCY 245-2 161-13 RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 REVIEW 268-3 ENCROACHMENTS LANDMARK ELECTROMAGNETIC WETLANDS AND FLOOD DAMAGE PRESERVATION INTERFERENCE SHORELINE 275-5 PREVENTION 170-4 Small Wind Energy Systems Wireless Communication 148-14; 148-15; Preservation of Natural 277-4 Facilities 280-70 148-17;148-19 Features 240-51 ELEVATORS ZONING 280-4;280-111 ENFORCEMENT OFFICER PUBLIC FLOOD DAMAGE EMERGENCY ACTIVITIES See CODE ENTERTAINMENT PREVENTION 148-16 Applicability 111-17 ENFORCEMENT AND SPECIAL ZONING 280-104 COASTAL EROSION OFFICER EVENTS 205-4;205-5 E-MAIL HAZARD AREAS ENVIRONMENTAL Real Estate Transfer Tax PUBLIC 111-17\111-19 IMPACT 17-24 ENTERTAINMENT Emergencies I II-17; STATEMENTS Roadway Construction AND SPECIAL 111-18;111-19 ENVIRONMENTAL 161-18 EVENTS 205-7 Improper or insufficient QUALITY REVIEW SANITARY FLOW Rules of Conduct 26-12 notification 111-19 130-9;130-10;130-11; CREDITS, EMERGENCIES Natural resources 111-17 130-12;130-13; TRANSFER OF Affordable Housing(AHD) Notices 111-18;111-19 130-14;130-17 117-5; 117-8 District 280-30 Notification to SUBDIVISION OF LAND SEWERS AND SEWAGE Agricultural-Conservation Administrator 111-18 240-18;240-19; DISPOSAL 215-9; (A-C)District and Safety standards 111-17; 240-22;240-25 215-10 Low-Density 111-18 Wireless Communication Site Plan Approval 280-133 Residential R-80, EMERGENCY Facilities 280-74 Southold Community R-120,R-200 and MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL Preservation Fund 17-9 R-400 Districts 280-13 AGENCY QUALITY REVIEW STORMWATER ALARM SYSTEMS 75-1; Assessment and Tax Relief Actions involving more than MANAGEMENT 75-2;75-5;75-6 for Superstorm Sandy one agency 130-18 236-9;236-20 BOATS,DOCKS AND Impact 245-23 Adoption of Renumbered SUBDIVISION OF LAND WHARVES 96-17 FLOOD DAMAGE 2006 Code 1-14 240-3;240-10;240-17; BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; PREVENTION 148-4; COASTAL EROSION 240-21;240-26; PROPERTY 148-6;148-9;148-10; HAZARD AREAS 240-27;240-28; MAINTENANCE 148-13;148-14; 111-33 240-42;240-44;240-54 100-4;100-5;100-9 148-15;148-22 IDX:18 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW... Compliance required; Preservation of Natural Investigations 26-21; Veterans 245-17;245-18 exceptions 130-3 Features 240-49; 26-22;20-23;26-25 Violations and penalties Costs and expenses 130-9 240-51 Licenses and permits 26-21 245-18 Decision to approve or See Also SOIL EROSION Meetings 26-21 EXEMPTION FOR disapprove action;time AND SEDIMENT Officers and employees DISABLED PERSONS limit 130-14 CONTROL 26-24;26-25 WITH LIMITED Definitions 130-2 STORMWATER Powers of the Ethics Board INCOME Environmental impact MANAGEMENT 26-22 Disability 245-10 statements 130-9; 236-1;236-3;236-5; Public inspection of Ethics Exemption granted 245-10 130-10;130-11; 236-6;236-7;236-9; Board records 26-25 TAXATION 245-10 130-12;130-13; 236-12;236-17; Qualifications 26-21 EXEMPTION FOR 130-14;130-17 236-18;236-19; Records 26-23;26-25 HISTORIC ENVIRONMENTAL 236-20;236-22;236-34 Reports 26-25 PROPERTIES QUALITY REVIEW SUBDIVISION OF LAND Review of lists and Assessments 245-19 130-1 240-11;240-19;240-36 disclosure statements Assessor 245-19 Fee 130-19 WATERFRONT 26-24 Historic preservation 245-19 Fees 130-9;130-19 CONSISTENCY Terms of office 26-21; Historic Preservation Filing of copy of REVIEW 268-2;268-3 26-23 Commission 245-19 determination 130-16 WETLANDS AND Town Attorney 26-22 Real property exemption Filing of written statement SHORELINE 275-2; Town Board 26-21;26-22; 245-19 by applicant 130-5 275-3;275-6;275-11 26-23 TAXATION 245-19 Garbage,Rubbish and ESCROW ACCOUNTS Violations and penalties EXEMPTION FOR Refuse 233-6 Board of Appeals 280-146 26-23;26-24 VOLUNTEER FIRE Hearings 130-10;130-11; Wireless Communication EXCAVATIONS FIGHTERS AND 130-12 Facilities 280-74 See Also BACKFILLING AMBULANCE Licenses and permits 130-5 ESCROW DEPOSITS COASTAL EROSION WORKERS Maintenance of files open to STORMWATER HAZARD AREAS Ambulance service 245-11; public inspection MANAGEMENT 111-6;111-10;111-11; 245-13 130-17 236-20 111-12;111-13;111-14 Applicability 245-14 Meetings 130-7 ETHICS See Also DIRT Assessments 245-11; Notice of completion of Annual disclosure 26-17 See Also FILL 245-12;245-14 draft environmental Applicant disclosure 26-20 FIRE PREVENTION AND Assessor 245-11 impact statement See Code of Ethics 26-1\ BUILDING CODE Effective date 245-12 130-10 26-2 ADMINISTRATION Exemption granted;amount; Notice of completion of Costs and expenses 26-17; 144-8 qualifications 245-11 final environmental 26-26 FLOOD DAMAGE Fire Department 245-11; impact statement Debarment 26-28 PREVENTION 148-4 245-13 130-13 Designation of officers and HIGHWAY Hearings 245-13 Notice of receipt of employees required to SPECIFICATIONS Qualifications 245-11 complete application file annual disclosure 161-2 Schools 245-11;245-13 130-6 statements 26-18 Roadway Construction TAXATION 245-11\245-14 Notices 130-6;130-10; Disclosure 26-17;26-18; 161-17;161-18; Unremarried spouses of 130-13;130-17 26-19;26-20 161-25;161-29; deceased volunteer fire Preparation of draft Disclosure Requirements 161-30;161-36 fighters or ambulance environmental impact 26-17\26-20 SEWERS AND SEWAGE workers 245-13 statement 130-9 See Ethics Board 26-21\ DISPOSAL 215-7; Volunteer Ambulance Preparation of final 26-25 215-8;215-9 245-11;245-13 environmental impact Liability 26-26 Site Plan Approval Volunteer fire fighters statement 130-12 Licenses and permits 26-17 280-129;280-136 245-11;245-13 Processing of proposed Maintenance of disclosure SOIL REMOVAL 228-1; EXEMPTION FOR WAR actions 130-8 statements 26-19 228-3;228-4;228-5; VETERANS AND Processing of proposed Officers and employees 228-6;228-7 GOLD STAR PARENTS actions not affecting 26-17;26-18 STORMWATER Apartments 245-16.1 environment 130-11 Penalties 26-26\26-28 MANAGEMENT Assessments 245-16; Required findings in written Penalties for offenses 26-26 236-5;236-9;236-10; 24546.1 determination 130-15 Retirement 26-17 236-15;236-16; Assessor 245-16 SANITARY FLOW See Rules of Conduct 26-3\ 236-17;236-18; Compensation 245-16 CREDITS, 26-16 236-34;236-35 Definitions 245-15 TRANSFER OF 117-9 Town Board 26-18;26-26 Street Excavations 237-4; Disability 245-16 Site Plan Approval Town Clerk 26-19 237-6;237-9;237-11; Exemption granted to 280-131;280-137 Variances 26-17 237-12;237-13;237-16 veterans and Gold Star STORMWATER Violations and penalties See Also STREET parents 245-16 MANAGEMENT 26-17;26-26;26-27; EXCAVATIONS Gold Star Parents 245-15; 236-5 26-28 See Also STREET 245-16 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Voidable contracts 26-27 OPENINGS Reports 245-15 240-3;240-8;240-18; ETHICS BOARD SUBDIVISION OF LAND Schools 245-16 240-19;240-22; Advisory Board 26-21 240-36 TAXATION 245-15\ 240-25;240-30 Appointments 26-21 See Also TOPSOIL 245-16.1 Time limit for written Building permits 26-21 REMOVAL Tenant-stockholders determination by Certificates of occupancy See Also TRENCHES 245-16.1 agency 130-7 26-21 WETLANDS AND Tenants 245-16.1 Title 130-1 Compensation 26-21 SHORELINE 275-2; Veterans 245-15;245-16 Types of actions 130-4 Complaints 26-23 275-11 Water 245-15 When effective 130-20 Costs and expenses 26-21 ZONING 280-114 EXPENSES OF TOWN ENVIRONMENTALLY Defense and EXEMPTION FOR COLD OFFICERS SENSITIVE AREAS indemnification 26-21 WAR VETERANS Board of Appeals 30-1 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Disclosure 26-21;26-22; Assessments 245-18 Compensation 30-1 240-10;240-43 26-24;26-25 Cold War veterans 245-17; Compensation for expense ZONING 280-4 District Attorney 26-22 245-18 of attendance at official EROSION AND SEDIMENT Establishment of Ethics Compensation 245-18 meetings 30-1 CONTROL Board 26-21 Definitions 245-17 Costs and expenses 30-1 FIRE PREVENTION AND ETHICS 26-21\26-25 Disability 245-17;245-18 Meetings 30-1 BUILDING CODE Investigation procedures Exemption granted 245-18 Planning Board 30-1 ADMINISTRATION 26-23 Schools 245-18 Town Board 30-1 144-10 TAXATION 245-17\245-18 IDX:19 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE EXPLOSION HAZARDS Holidays 280-99 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS HIGHWAY See Also COMBUSTIBLES Horses 280-98;280-99 AND TRANSIENT SPECIFICATIONS See Also FLAMMABLES Inspections 280-101 RETAIL 161-49 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Livestock 280-98;280-99 MERCHANTS 197-2 Historic Preservation DISPOSAL 215-4 Noise 280-99 Preservation of Natural District(HPD)280-195 EXPLOSIVES Notices 280-97;280-100; Features 240-49 JUNKYARDS 166-6 BOATS,DOCKS AND 280-101 PUBLIC LANDMARK WHARVES 96-16 Nuisances 280-97;280-99 ENTERTAINMENT PRESERVATION See Also COMBUSTIBLES Odors 280-99 AND SPECIAL 170-7;170-14 See Also FLAMMABLES Planning Board 280-100 EVENTS 205-2 NOISE,PREVENTION OF JUNKYARDS 166-1 Poultry 280-98;280-99 See Also RIGHT TO FARM 180-4 Light Industrial(LI)District Right to farm 280-97 OPEN SPACE 280-62 Right to notice by brokers Signs 280-85;280-86; PRESERVATION Light Industrial Park/ and agents 2 80-10 1 280-87 185-3;185-4;185-5 Planned Office Park Right to notice provided by SOIL REMOVAL 228-3; Parking at Beaches 189-3; (LIO)District 280-58 Town agencies 280-100 228-4;228-6;228-7 189-4 Plum Island Research Right to undertake protected SUBDIVISION OF LAND PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS District(PIR)280-183 farm practices 280-99 240-10;240-42;240-43 AND TRANSIENT SEWERS AND SEWAGE Safety standards 280-97; TRANSPORTATION RETAIL DISPOSAL 215-4 280-99 ACCESS MERCHANTS 197-4; F STORMWATER Sales 280-98 MANAGEMENT 197-7;197-8;197-9 MANAGEMENT Severability 280-103 64-2;64-3 Plum Island Conservation 236-5 Shrubs 280-98 ZONING 280-4;280-78; District(PIC)280-187 ZONING 280-111 Signs 280-101 280-207 Plum Island Research Smoke 280-99 FAST-FOOD District(PIR)280-183 _ F _ Town Board 280-97; RESTAURANTS POLICE DEPARTMENT 280-100 See RESTAURANTS RULES AND FAIR HOUSING Trees 280-98 FECAL MATTER REGULATIONS See AFFORDABLE Vehicles 280-99 See Also PET WASTE A290-15 HOUSING Vibrations 280-99 POLICE DEPARTMENT Preservation of Natural FALSE ALARMS Violations and penalties RULES AND Features 240-49 ALARM SYSTEMS 75-5; 280-102 REGULATIONS PUBLIC 75-6 Water 280-99 A290-45 ENTERTAINMENT See Also ALARM ZONING 280-97\280-103 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding AND SPECIAL SYSTEMS Zoning Board of Appeals and Domestic Pet EVENTS 205-4; See Also FIRE ALARMS 280-100 Waste 83-28 205-5;205-7 FAMILY DAY-CARE FARMS AND FARMING FEES Real Estate Transfer Tax See DAY-CARE Adoption of Renumbered Adoption of Code I-10 17-20;17-35 FACILITIES 2006 Code 1-14 Adoption of Renumbered RECORDS 59-3;59-9 FARM STANDS Affordable Housing(AHD) 2006 Code 1-14 Recreational Floating Zone AGRICULTURAL USES District 280-26 Affordable Housing(AHD) District(RFZ)280-201 72-5\72-12 AGRICULTURAL District 280-29 RENTAL PERMITS 207-3; Appeals 72-11 ADVISORY Agricultural-Conservation 207-5;207-8 Board of Appeals 72-11 COMMITTEE 71-1; (A-C)District and Rules of Conduct 26-5 Farm stand offerings 72-7 71-3;71-4 Low-Density SALVAGE CENTERS Farm stand permit required Agricultural Planned Residential R-80, 211-3 72-5 Development District R-120,R-200 and SEWERS AND SEWAGE Farm stand permits issued 280-174 R-400 Districts 280-13 DISPOSAL 215-7 without requirement of AGRICULTURAL USES ALARM SYSTEMS 75-4; Shellfish 219-7 site plan approval 72-6 72-2;72-4 75-8 SHELLFISH AND OTHER Farms and farming 72-5; Agricultural-Conservation ANIMALS 83-19;83-23 MARINE 72-6;72-7;72-8; (A-C)District and Board of Appeals 280-149 RESOURCES 219-4 72-11;72-12 Low-Density BOATS,DOCKS AND Signs 280-81 Licenses and permits 72-6 Residential R-80, WHARVES 96-3 Site Plan Approval Livestock 72-5 R-120,R-200 and See Also CHARGES 280-129;280-131; Maximum size of farm R-400 Districts COASTAL EROSION 280-133;280-137; stand 72-8 280-12;280-13 HAZARD AREAS 280-138 Off-street parking 72-6 Farm Stands 72-5;72-6; 111-22;111-27 Small Wind Energy Systems Parking 72-5;72-6 72-7;72-8;72-11; See Also COSTS AND 277-5 Penalties for offenses 72-12 72-12 EXPENSES SOIL REMOVAL 228-8; Planning Board 72-6 Farmland Bill of Rights Dogs 83-12 228-11 Safety standards 72-11 280-97;280-98; DOMESTIC Southold Community Sales 72-5;72-6;72-7 280-99;280-100; PARTNERSHIPS Preservation Fund 17-8 Setbacks 72-6 280-101 121-3;121-5 Special Exception Uses Site plan approval 72-6 FIRE PREVENTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL 280-141 Site plans 72-6 BUILDING CODE QUALITY REVIEW Street Excavations 237-10 Variance procedures 72-11 ADMINISTRATION 130-9;130-19 Street Numbering 237-23 Variances 72-11 144-8 FILMING 139-3;139-4; SUBDIVISION OF LAND Violations and penalties Garbage,Rubbish and 139-6; 139-7;139-13 240-3;240-6;240-7; 72-12 Refuse 233-1 FIRE PREVENTION AND 240-8;240-9;240-10; Zoning Board of Appeals General Business(B) BUILDING CODE 240-16;240-19; 72-11 District 280-48 ADMINISTRATION 240-20;240-30; FARMLAND BILL OF Historic Preservation 144-5;144-8; 144-9; 240-34;240-37; RIGHTS District(HPD)280-191 144-11;144-15;144-18 240-44;240-53 Animals 280-98;280-99 HOUSING FUND 34-6 Fishers Island Harbor TOURIST AND TRAILER Charges 280-101 Light Industrial(LI)District Management 157-6 CAMPS 253-4 Christmas trees 280-98 280-62 FLOOD DAMAGE WETLANDS AND Definitions 280-98 Light Industrial Park/ PREVENTION SHORELINE 275-2; Dust 280-99 Planned Office Park 148-12;148-13;148-15 275-3.1;275-7;275-8; Enforcement 280-102 (LIO)District 280-58 Garbage,Rubbish and 275-14 Farms and farming 280-97; Limited Business(LB) Refuse 233-2;233-3; Wireless Communication ' 280-98;280-99; District 280-41 233-3.1;233-4;233-6; Facilities 280-71; 280-100;280-101 Low-Density Residential 233-7 280-74 Fences 280-99 R-40 District 280-17 ZONING 280-4;280-154; Grades and grading 280-99 280-158 IDX:20 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX FENCES WETLANDS AND STORMWATER SUBDIVISION OF LAND AGRICULTURAL LANDS SHORELINE 275-11 MANAGEMENT 240-10;240-17; PRESERVATION 70-3 FILLING STATIONS 236-9 240-21;240-35;240-36 Agricultural-Conservation See GAS STATIONS FINAL PLATS VEHICLES AND (A-C)District and See SERVICE STATIONS Design Standards 240-45 TRAFFIC 260-14; Low-Density FILMING Preservation of Natural 260-28 Residential R-80, Application for a permit Features 240-51 FIRE INSPECTOR R-120,R-200 and 139-3 SUBDIVISION OF LAND FIRE PREVENTION AND R-400 Districts 280-13 Building Inspector 139-8 240-3;240-6;240-7; BUILDING CODE BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Certificates of insurance 240-8;240-13;240-15; ADMINISTRATION PROPERTY 139-3;139-11 240-16;240-19; 144-3 MAINTENANCE Chief of Police 139-3; 240-20;240-21; FIRE INSURANCE 100-4 139-4;139-8;139-13 240-22;240-23; See CERTIFICATES OF COASTAL EROSION Cleanup deposit 139-5 240-24;240-25; INSURANCE HAZARD AREAS Code Enforcement Officer 240-28;240-31; See INSURANCE 111-6 139-8 240-32;240-35; FIRE INSURANCE Farmland Bill of Rights Compliance with other laws 240-36;240-41; CLAIMS 280-99 139-10 240-42;240-44; See CERTIFICATES OF FIRE PREVENTION AND Costs and expenses 139-4; 240-52;240-53 INSURANCE BUILDING CODE 139-5;139-14 ZONING 280-4 See INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION Easements 139-3 FINANCIAL FIRE LANES 144-8;144-10 Emergencies 139-3 DISCLOSURES JUNKYARDS 166-7 General Business(B) Extension of permit period See DISCLOSURE VEHICLES AND District 280-48 139-13 FINANCIAL TRAFFIC 260-14; See Also HEDGES Fees 139-3;139-4;139-6; INSTITUTIONS 260-15;260-28 See Also HEIGHT 139-7;139-13 Hamlet Business(HB) FIRE MARSHAL REGULATIONS Fire extinguishers 139-3 District 280-45 FILMING 139-8 JUNKYARDS 166-4;166-7 Fire Marshal 139-8 STORMWATER PUBLIC Light Industrial(LI)District Firesafety 139-3 MANAGEMENT ENTERTAINMENT 280-62 Garbage,rubbish and refuse 236-20 AND SPECIAL Light Industrial Park/ 139-3 FINES EVENTS 205-5 Planned Office Park Insurance 139-11 See VIOLATIONS AND RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 (LIO)District 280-58 Insurance requirements PENALTIES FIRE PREVENTION Limited Business(LB) 139-11 FINGERPRINTING Adoption of Renumbered District 280-41 Liability 139-3;139-11 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS 2006 Code 1-14 OPEN SPACE Liability insurance 139-11 AND TRANSIENT Agricultural-Conservation PRESERVATION Licenses and permits RETAIL (A-C)District and 185-3 139-1;139-3 MERCHANTS 197-7 Low-Density Roadway Construction No alterations to Town FIRE ALARMS Residential R-80, 161-16;161-29; property 139-9 See Also ALARM R-120,R-200 and 161-41;161-42 No donations accepted SYSTEMS R-400 Districts 280-13 Signs 280-82;280-85 139-7 See Also FALSE ALARMS APPEARANCE TICKETS Site Plan Approval Notice to other officials SUBDIVISION OF LAND 5-2 280-133;280-134; 139-8 240-17 FIRE PREVENTION AND 280-137 Notices 139-4;139-8 FIRE DEPARTMENT BUILDING CODE Small Wind Energy Systems Parking 139-3 ALARM SYSTEMS 75-1; ADMINISTRATION 277-4 Payment of fees 139-6 75-2 144-1;144-2;144-3; SOIL REMOVAL 228-4; Pedestrians 139-1;139-3 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 144-5;144-6 228-7 Penalties for offenses PROPERTY Historic Preservation STORMWATER 139-14 MAINTENANCE District(HPD)280-196 MANAGEMENT Permit available at film site 100-5 RENTAL PERMITS 207-1; 236-5;236-10;236-18 139-12 BURNING,OUTDOOR 207-4;207-7;207-8 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Permit required;exemption 104-2 FIRE PREVENTION AND 240-36 139-2 Exemption for Volunteer BUILDING CODE TOURIST AND TRAILER Police Department 139-12 Fire Fighters and ADMINISTRATION CAMPS 253-15 Police officers 139-4 Ambulance Workers Abatement of violations WATERFRONT Purpose 139-1 245-11;245-13 144-21 CONSISTENCY Safety standards 139-1; Members of the Department Accessory buildings and REVIEW 268-3 139-3 A290-33 structures 144-3; WETLANDS AND Salaries and compensation PARKS AND 144-8;144-15 SHORELINE 275-2; 139-4 RECREATION Administration and 275-5;275-11 Sanitary facilities 139-3 AREAS 193-3 enforcement officers Wireless Communication Security standards 139-3 See Also VOLUNTEER designated;definitions Facilities 280-69; Severability 139-15 FIRE FIGHTERS 144-3 280-70;280-71 Sidewalks 139-2 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Appeals 144-5 ZONING 280-4;280-78; Signs 139-3 FILMING 139-3 Awnings 144-8 280-92;280-94; Town Attorney 139-3 FIRE PREVENTION AND Blocks 144-8 280-104;280-105; Town Board 139-1;139-3; BUILDING CODE Board of Trustees 144-8 280-106;280-114 139-4;139-9 ADMINISTRATION Building construction FERAL CATS Town Clerk 139-3;139-4; 144-6 144-5;144-15 See CATS 139-5;139-6;139-8; General Business(B) Building Inspector 144-3; FILL 139-13 District 280-48 144-5;144-6;144-7; See Also BACKFILLING Traffic control fee 139-4 JUNKYARDS 166-7 144-8;144-9;144-10; See Also DIRT Trash 139-3 PUBLIC 144-12;144-13; See Also EXCAVATIONS Trees 139-9 ENTERTAINMENT 144-14;144-15; FLOOD DAMAGE Utilities 139-3 AND SPECIAL 144-16;144-17; PREVENTION Vehicles 139-3 EVENTS 205-4 144-18;144-19;144-20 148-15;148-18 Violations and penalties TOURIST AND TRAILER Building permit fees 144-11 Roadway Construction 139-14 CAMPS 253-14 Building permit required; 161-25 When effective 139-16 FIRE HAZARDS application for permit SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 FINAL PLANS JUNKYARDS 166-7 144-8 STORMWATER HIGHWAY FIRE HYDRANTS Building permits 144-3; MANAGEMENT SPECIFICATIONS Design Standards 240-48 144-5;144-6;144-8; 236-5;236-18 161-3;161-4 Site Plan Approval 144-9;144-10;144-11; Street Excavations 237-13 280-133;280-137 IDX:21 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING CODE ADMINISTRATION... 144-12;144-13; Performance of work under FIRE ZONES Speed and wake regulation 144-15;144-16; permit 144-10 VEHICLES AND 157-4 144-17;144-18;144-20 Permitted uses 144-8 TRAFFIC 260-14; Storage 157-6;157-12 Burning 144-6;144-8 Planning Board 144-8 260-20;260-28 Title;applicability 157-1 ' Certificate of occupancy Playgrounds 144-8 FIREARMS Town Board 157-3;157-6; required;application Plumbing 144-8 See Also GUNS 157-7;157-12 144-15 Powers and duties 144-5 Members of the Department Traffic control authority Certificates of occupancy Powers and duties of A290-33 157-2 144-5;144-10;144-15; Building Inspector PARKS AND Unnavigable boats;hazards 144-16;144-17; 144-5 RECREATION to navigation 157-12 144-18;144-20 Public assemblies 144-6 AREAS 193-6 Use of private moorings by Chimneys 144-6;144-8 Purpose 144-2 POLICE DEPARTMENT guests 157-9 Code Enforcement Officer Records 144-5;144-8; RULES AND Use of vessel as abode 144-3 144-16 REGULATIONS 157-7 Compensation 144-3 Reports 144-5;144-17 A290-9 Violations and penalties Complaints 144-5 Retaining walls 144-8 See Also WEAPONS 157-11; 157-14 Compliance required; Revocation of building FIRES Water 157-1;157-5 penalties for offenses permit 144-12 See Also BURNING Waterskiing 157-5 144-20 Right of entry 144-14 BURNING,OUTDOOR FISHING Conflicts with other Roofs 144-3;144-10 104-1;104-2;104-3 Floating Homes 96-26 F regulations 144-4 Schools 144-8;144-15 See Also BURNING, Marine I(MI)District Construction 144-2;144-3; Sheds 144-8 OUTDOOR 280-52 144-5;144-6;144-7; Signs 144-6;144-8 FIRESAFETY Marine II(MII)District 144-8;144-10;144-11; Single-family dwellings APPEARANCE TICKETS 280-55 144-13;144-15; 144-8 5-2 Parking at Beaches 189-3 144-17;144-19;144-21 Site plan review and FILMING 139-3 SHELLFISH AND OTHER Cooperation with other approval 144-8 FIRE PREVENTION AND MARINE departments 144-7 Site plans 144-8 BUILDING CODE RESOURCES 219-4 Costs and expenses 144-3; Smoke detectors 144-8 ADMINISTRATION TRANSPORTATION 144-8;144-17 Soil erosion and sediment 144-5;144-6;144-8 ACCESS Culverts 144-10 control 144-10 PUBLIC MANAGEMENT 64-3 Decks 144-8 Solar collectors 144-3 ENTERTAINMENT VEHICLES AND Deer 144-8 Solar energy systems 144-8 AND SPECIAL TRAFFIC 260-28 Demolition 144-8 Special exceptions 144-8 EVENTS 205-4 WETLANDS AND Demolition of buildings Sprinkler systems 144-8; FIREWORKS SHORELINE 275-2; 144-5 144-17 See EXPLOSION 275-11 Drainage 144-10 Stop-work orders 144-5; HAZARDS ZONING 280-4;280-78 Electrical Code 144-3 144-12;144-13 See EXPLOSIVES FLAMMABLES Emergencies 144-6 Storage 144-8 FISHERS ISLAND See Also COMBUSTIBLES Erosion and sediment Stormwater 144-10 HARBOR See Also EXPLOSION control 144-10 Surcharges 144-8 MANAGEMENT HAZARDS Excavations 144-8 Swimming pools 144-8 Abandonment 157-8 See Also EXPLOSIVES Farms and farming 144-8 Temporary certificates of Anchoring 157-4;157-6 General Business(B) Fees 144-5;144-8;144-9; occupancy;fee 144-18 Anchoring and mooring District 280-48 144-11;144-15;144-18 Tenants 144-13 157-6 JUNKYARDS 166-1 Fences 144-8;144-10 Tests 144-3;144-5;144-19 Animals 157-11 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Fire extinguishers 144-6 Tests for compliance with Boats and Boating 157-3; DISPOSAL 215-4 Fire Inspector 144-3 standards 144-19 157-5;157-6;157-8; STORMWATER Fire prevention 144-1; Title 144-1 157-10;157-12 MANAGEMENT 144-2;144-3;144-5; Town Board 144-3;144-5 Certificates of registration 236-5 144-6 Two-family dwellings 144-8 157-12 FLOATING HOMES Fire protection 144-8 Vacant lots 144-8 Charges 157-8;157-12 Blocks 96-27 Firesafety 144-5;144-6; Ventilation 144-8 Costs and expenses 157-8; Boats and Boating 96-26 144-8 Veterans 144-8 157-12 BOATS,DOCKS AND Fuel 144-6;144-8 Violations and penalties Discharge of refuse 157-11 WHARVES 96-26\ Garages 144-8 144-5;144-6;144-8; Docks 157-5;157-6;157-7 96-29 Gas 144-6 144-12;144-13; Emergencies 157-6 Definitions 96-27 Grades and grading 144-6; 144-16;144-20;144-21 Fees 157-6 Docks 96-27;96-28 144-10 Walls 144-8 Fishers Island Harbor Emergencies 96-26 Heating 144-6;144-8 Warrants 144-6;144-8 Committee 157-3 Fire protection 96-26 Height regulations 144-8 Water 144-3;144-8;144-10 HARBOR Fishing 96-26 Hotels 144-8 Water supply 144-8 MANAGEMENT Legislative findings 96-26 Impoundment 144-8 Watercourses 144-10 157-1\157-14 Marinas 96-26;96-27; Improvements 144-8 Yards 144-8;144-10 Height regulations 157-6 96-28 Inspection prior to issuance Zoning Board of Appeals Inspections 157-8 Mooring 96-26;96-28 of certificate;records 144-8 Liability 157-12 Pollution 96-26 144-16 FIRE PROTECTION Licenses and permits 157-6 Prohibited acts 96-28 Inspections 144-3;144-5; Agricultural Planned Liens 157-12 Recreation areas 96-26 144-6;144-8;144-16; Development District Marinas 157-4 Safety standards 96-26 144-17 280-174 Meetings 157-3 Sales 96-27 Inspections required 144-6 FIRE PREVENTION AND Membership 157-3 Severability 96-29 Investigations 144-5 BUILDING CODE Mooring 157-6;157-7; Storage 96-26;96-27 Issuance of certificate of ADMINISTRATION 157-8;157-9;157-10 Town Board 96-26 occupancy 144-17 144-8 Mooring maintenance 157-8 Trash 96-26 Issuance or denial of Floating Homes 96-26 Notices 157-3;157-9; Water 96-27 building permit 144-9 General Business(B) 157-12;157-14 Water pollution 96-26 Liability 144-3 District 280-48 Penalties for offenses Water quality 96-26 Licenses and permits SANITARY FLOW 157-14 FLOOD DAMAGE 144-5;144-8 CREDITS, Ponds 157-6 PREVENTION Lighting 144-6 TRANSFER OF 117-9 Rafting 157-10 Accessory buildings and Lots 144-8 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Records 157-12 structures 148-4 ' Motels 144-8 240-4;240-9 Safety standards 157-6 Air conditioning 148-16 Notices 144-5;144-8; Sales 157-12 Anchoring 148-4;148-14; 144-20 Severability 157-13 148-16;148-18;148-21 Nuisances 144-10 Appeals 148-4;148-22 IDX:22 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION... Applicability 148-5 Insects 148-16 Warning and disclaimer of Light Industrial Park/ Application for permit Inspections 148-12;148-14 liability 148-10 Planned Office Park 148-13 Insurance 148-2;148-4; Water 148-2;148-3;148-4; (LIO)District 280-58 Basis for establishing areas 148-6;148-7;148-12; 148-14;148-15; Marine 1(MI)District of special flood hazard 148-14; 148-15; 148-16;148-18; 280-52 148-6 148-17;148-18; 148-19;148-22 Marine II(MII)District Blight 148-3 148-21;148-23 Water supply 148-16 280-55 Blocks 148-21 Interpretation;conflict with Watercourses 148-4; MUNICIPAL BUILDING Bridges 148-3;148-22 other laws 148-7 148-13;148-14 ENERGY Building Inspector 148-4; Liability 148-10 Zoning Board of Appeals BENCHMARKING 148-11 Licenses and permits 148-22 177-1 Camping 148-4 148-4;148-11;148-14 FLOOD HAZARD AREAS NOISE,PREVENTION OF Certificates of compliance Lots 148-4;148-13;148-23 FLOOD DAMAGE 180-4 148-14 Manufactured home parks PREVENTION 148-4 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Chimneys 148-18 148-4;148-21 Site Plan Approval DISPOSAL 215-4 Code Enforcement Officer Manufactured homes 280-129;280-133 WATERFRONT 148-4 148-4;148-13;148-14; WETLANDS AND CONSISTENCY Comprehensive Plan 148-22 148-15;148-21 SHORELINE 275-3 REVIEW 268-3 Conditions for variances Manufactured homes and ZONING 280-4 WETLANDS AND 148-23 recreational vehicles FLOODPLAINS SHORELINE 275-4 Construction 148-2;148-4; 148-21 FLOOD DAMAGE ZONING 280-4;280-111 148-12;148-13; Mining 148-4 PREVENTION 148-2; FUMES 148-14;148-15; Mobile homes 148-4 148-4;148-11;148-12; Agricultural-Conservation 148-16;148-17; Nonresidential structures 148-14;148-22 (A-C)District and 148-18;148-19; (coastal high-hazard Preservation of Natural Low-Density 148-20;148-23 areas)148-20 Features 240-50 Residential R-80, Costs and expenses 148-3; Nonresidential structures STORMWATER R-120,R-200 and 148-4;148-12;148-13; (except coastal high- MANAGEMENT R-400 Districts 280-13 148-15;148-22;148-23 hazard areas)148-19 236-4;236-5;236-15; See Also GAS Decks 148-18 Notices 148-9;148-14; 236-18 See Also GASES Definitions 148-4 148-23 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Light Industrial(LI)District Design standards 148-14; Nuisances 148-23 240-3;240-4 280-62 148-18 Objectives 148-3 ZONING 280-4 Light Industrial Park/ Designation of local Obstructions 148-16; FLOODWAYS Planned Office Park administrator 148-11 148-18 FLOOD DAMAGE (LIO)District 280-58 Drainage 148-12;148-15; Official Map 148-4 PREVENTION 148-4; See Also ODORS 148-16;148-17;148-19 Parking 148-4;148-16 148-14;148-15;148-23 Plum Island Research Duties and responsibilities Penalties for offenses 148-9 STORMWATER District(PIR)280-183 of local administrator Plumbing 148-16 MANAGEMENT See Also VAPORS 148-14 Porches 148-18 236-18 Elevation of residential Purpose 148-2 FLY ASH — G — structures(except Records 148-22 See ASHES coastal high-hazard Recreational vehicles FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS GAMBLING areas)148-17 148-4;148-14;148-15; See RESTAURANTS See Also BINGO Elevators 148-16 148-21 FORESTRY ZONING 280-4 Emergency Management Reports 148-6;148-22 STORMWATER GAMES OF CHANCE Agency 148-4;148-6; Residential structures MANAGEMENT Adoption of Renumbered 148-9;148-10;148-13; (coastal high-hazard 236-5 2006 Code 1-14 148-14;148-15;148-22 areas)148-18 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Approval by electors 92-15 Emergency vehicles 148-22 Roofs 148-18 240-3;240-44 See Also BINGO Encroachments 148-14; Safety standards 148-2; WETLANDS AND BINGO AND GAMES OF 148-15;148-17;148-19 148-4;148-7;148-18; SHORELINE 275-2 CHANCE 92-12\92-15 Excavations 148-4 148-22;148-23 ZONING 280-4 Definitions 92-12 Fees 148-12;148-13; Sales 148-4 FOWL Games of Chance 92-13; 148-15 Sanitary facilities 148-4; Agricultural-Conservation 92-14 Fill 148-15;148-18 148-19;148-20 (A-C)District and Games of chance authorized Findings 148-1 Screens and screening Low-Density 92-13 Flood hazard areas 148-4 148-16 Residential R-80, Licenses and permits Floodplain development Security standards 148-21 R-120,R-200 and 92-13;92-14 permit;fees;deposit Severability 148-8 R-400 Districts 280-13 Restrictions 92-14 148-12 Sewers 148-3;148-15; Light Industrial(LI)District GAMING Floodplains 148-2;148-4; 148-16;148-22 280-62 See BINGO 148-11;148-12; Sheds 148-4 Light Industrial Park/ GARAGE SALES 148-14;148-22 Standards for all structures Planned Office Park Agricultural-Conservation Floodways 148-4;148-14; 148-16 (LIO)District 280-58 (A-C)District and 148-15;148-23 Steep slopes 148-4 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding Low-Density Garages 148-4 Stop-work orders 148-14 and Domestic Pet Residential R-80, Gas 148-3;148-4; 148-15; Storage 148-4;148-12; Waste 83-27 R-120,R-200 and 148-22 148-16 ZONING 280-4 R-400 Districts 280-13 General standards 148-15 Storage tanks 148-4 FUEL PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS Glass 148-18 Town Board 148-1 BOATS,DOCKS AND AND TRANSIENT Grades and grading 148-2; Trucks 148-4 WHARVES 96-16 RETAIL 148-4;148-16;148-17; Utilities 148-3;148-4; FIRE PREVENTION AND MERCHANTS 197-4 148-18;148-19;148-21 148-13;148-15; BUILDING CODE See Also SALES Grievances 148-22 148-16;148-19; ADMINISTRATION See Also YARD SALES Heating 148-16 148-20;148-21;148-22 144-6;144-8 GARAGES Height regulations 148-4; Variances 148-4;148-7; Garbage,Rubbish and Agricultural-Conservation 148-21 148-9;148-14;148-22; Refuse 233-3 (A-C)District and Historic districts 148-4 148-23 General Business(B) Low-Density Historic preservation 148-4 Vehicles 148-4;148-16 District 280-48 Residential R-80, Improvements 148-4; Violations and penalties Hamlet Business(HB) R-120,R-200 and 148-13;148-14; 148-4;148-9;148-14 District 280-45 R-400 Districts 280-13 148-15;148-16; Walls 148-4;148-13; Light Industrial(LI)District COASTAL EROSION 148-17;148-18; 148-14;148-16; 280-62 HAZARD AREAS 148-19;148-20;148-23 148-18;148-19 111-6 IDX:23 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE GARAGES... FIRE PREVENTION AND Licenses and permits COASTAL EROSION Driveways 280-48 BUILDING CODE 233-2;233-3;233-3.1; HAZARD AREAS Dust 280-48 ADMINISTRATION 233-4;233-8 111-10 Farms and farming 280-48 144-8 LITTERING 174-1;174-2 FIRE PREVENTION AND Fences 280-48 ' FLOOD DAMAGE Magazines 233-I BUILDING CODE Fire extinguishers 280-48 PREVENTION 148-4 Motor vehicles 233-3;233-4 ADMINISTRATION Fire protection 280-48 General Business(B) Newspaper 233-1;233-3.1 144-6 Flammables 280-48 District 280-48 Notices 233-6;233-8 FLOOD DAMAGE Front yard setbacks 280-50 Hamlet Business(HB) Paper 233-1 PREVENTION 148-3; Fuel 280-48 District 280-45 PARKS AND 148-4;148-15;148-22 Garages 280-48 Light Industrial(LI)District RECREATION See Also FUMES Gas stations 280-48 280-62 AREAS 193-2;193-7 JUNKYARDS 166-4 Glass 280-48 Light Industrial Park/ Penalties for offenses 233-7 Light Industrial(LI)District Groundwater 280-48 Planned Office Park Planning Board 233-6 280-62 Height regulations 280-48 (LIO)District 280-58 Plastic bags 233-1 Light Industrial Park/ Hospitals 280-48 Site Plan Approval Plastics 233-1;233-3.1 Planned Office Park Hotels 280-48 280-134;280-137 PUBLIC (LIO)District 280-58 Industrial districts 280-48 WETLANDS AND ENTERTAINMENT MUNICIPAL BUILDING Junk 280-48 SHORELINE 275-2 AND SPECIAL ENERGY Library 280-48 ZONING 280-4;280-78; EVENTS 205-4 BENCHMARKING Licenses and permits 280-48 280-104 Recyclable materials 233-1 177-1 Lots 280-48 GARBAGE,RUBBISH AND Recyclables 233-1;233-2; NOISE,PREVENTION OF Meetings 280-48 REFUSE 233-3;233-3.1;233-4; 180-4;180-7 Motels 280-48 G Adoption of Code 1-2 233-5;233-6 See Also ODORS Motor vehicles 280-48 Adoption of Renumbered Recycling 233-7 POLICE DEPARTMENT Noise 280-47;280-48 2006 Code 1-14 Registration 233-4 RULES AND Nonconforming uses 280-48 Aluminum 233-1 Revocation of permit and/or REGULATIONS Odors 280-48 Animals 233-1 license 233-8 A290-15 Off-street parking 280-48 Awnings 233-4 Schools 233-3 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Office districts 280-48 Boats and Boating 233-4 SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL 215-4 Parking 280-48;280-49 BOATS,DOCKS AND DISPOSAL 215-2; Signs 280-83 Patios 280-48 WHARVES 96-8 215-3;215-4 Site Plan Approval 280-129 Pedestrian walkways 280-48 Brush,grass and weeds Shrubs 233-4 STORMWATER Pedestrians 280-48 233-1;233-4 Sidewalks 233-2 MANAGEMENT Permitted uses 280-48 Building permits 233-6 Signs 233-3 236-19 Planning Board 280-48 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Site plan approval 233-6 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Plastics 280-48 PROPERTY Site plans 233-6 240-35 Plumbing 280-48 MAINTENANCE SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 ZONING 280-111 Pollution 280-48 100-3;100-4 SOLID WASTE 233-1\ GAS STATIONS Purpose 280-47 BURNING,OUTDOOR 233-8;233-3.1 General Business(B) Restaurants 280-48 104-1 See Also SOLID WASTE District 280-48 Roofs 280-48 Charges 233-3.1;233-7 Special permits 233-6 Hamlet Business(HB) Salaries and compensation Commercial vehicles Storage 233-1 District 280-45 280-48 233-1;233-4 STORMWATER See Also SERVICE Sales 280-48 Complaints 233-8 MANAGEMENT STATIONS Schools 280-48 Construction 233-1;233-4 236-5 GASES Screens and screening Conveyance and TOURIST AND TRAILER BOATS,DOCKS AND 280-48 transportation of refuse CAMPS 253-7;253-14 WHARVES 96-16 Service stations 280-48 233-5 Town Board 233-1;233-2; See Also FUMES Setbacks 280-50 Corrugated cardboard 233-3;233-3.1;233-4; Light Industrial(LI)District Shopping centers 280-48 233-1;233-3.1 233-6;233-7;233-8 280-62 Sidewalks 280-48 Definitions 233-1 Town Clerk 233-4;233-6 Light Industrial Park/ Signs 280-48 Demolition 233-1;233-4 Town transfer station 233-3 Planned Office Park Site plan approval 280-48 Demolition debris 233-1 Transfer station special (LIO)District 280-58 Site plan review and Disposal and collection of permit 233-6 See Also ODORS approval 280-48 solid waste and Trash 233-3.1 Plum Island Research Site plans 280-48 recyclables 233-3.1 See Also TRASH District(PIR)280-183 Smoke 280-48 Dumping prohibited Trees 233-4 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Spas 280-48 generally 233-2 Trucks 233-6 DISPOSAL 215-4 Special exception uses Dumps and dumping 233-1; Vehicles 233-1;233-3; Special Exception Uses 280-48 233-2;233-7 233-3.1;233-4;233-5; 280-143 Special exceptions 280-48 Emergencies 233-6 233-6 GENERAL BUSINESS(B) Storage 280-48 Environmental quality Violations and penalties DISTRICT Tests 280-48 review 233-6 233-3.1;233-7;233-8 Accessory uses and Tires 280-48 Farms and farming 233-1 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding structures 280-48 Trailer camps 280-48 Fees 233-2;233-3;233-3.1; and Domestic Pet Advertising 280-48 Trailers 280-48 233-4;233-6;233-7 Waste 83-28 Apartments 280-48 Two-family dwellings Fees;issuance and duration WETLANDS AND Awnings 280-48 280-48 of permits and licenses SHORELINE 275-11 Bed and breakfast 280-48 Use regulations 280-48 233-4 Yard waste 233-3.1 Blocks 280-48 Vehicles 280-48 FILMING 139-3 Yards 233-3.1;233-4 Board of Appeals 280-48 Vibrations 280-48 Fuel 233-3 ZONING 280-114 Boats and Boating 280-48 Walls 280-48 Garbage,Rubbish and GARDEN APARTMENTS Bowling alleys 280-48 Yards 280-48;280-50 Refuse 233-1;233-2; See APARTMENTS Bulk,area and parking ZONING 280-47\280-50 233-3;233-3.1;233-4 GAS requirements 280-49 Zoning Board of Appeals Glass 233-1;233-3.1 Agricultural-Conservation Business districts 280-48 280-48 Grass clippings 233-4 (A-C)District and Camps 280-48 GENERAL PROVISIONS Hazardous wastes 233-1; Low-Density Churches 280-48 See Adoption of Code 1-1\ 233-2 Residential R-80, Comprehensive Plan 280-48 1-13 Hearings 233-6;233-8 R-120,R-200 and Conservation districts See Adoption of Inspections 233-4;233-6 R-400 Districts 280-13 280-48 Renumbered 2006 ' Junk 233-1;233-2 BOATS,DOCKS AND Construction 280-48 Code 1-14\1-18 Landfills 233-3.1;233-4 WHARVES 96-17 Convenience stores 280-48 GLARE Landscaping 233-4 Costs and expenses 280-48 Light Industrial(LI)District Dance halls 280-48 280-62 IDX:24 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX GLARE... Light Industrial Park/ STORMWATER COMMUNITY SUBDIVISION OF LAND Planned Office Park MANAGEMENT PRESERVATION 240-44 (LIO)District 280-58 236-3;236-5;236-6; FUND AND ZONING 280-4 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 236-9;236-10;236-15; COMMUNITY 172-2;172-5 236-17;236-18; HOUSING FUND _ H Site Plan Approval 280-129 236-19;236-34 17-52 ZONING 280-91;280-94; Street Excavations 237-6; General Business(B) HAMLET BUSINESS(HB) 280-111;280-117 237-13 District 280-48 DISTRICT GLASS SUBDIVISION OF LAND HOUSING FUND 34-6 Accessory uses and BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 240-3;240-4;240-6; Illicit Discharges 236-25; structures 280-45 PROPERTY 240-10;240-17; 236-26 Advertising 280-45 MAINTENANCE 240-19;240-21;240-41 Light Industrial(LI)District Affordable housing 280-45 100-3 TOBACCO 280-62 Apartments 280-45 FLOOD DAMAGE ADVERTISING 249-2 Light Industrial Park/ Assessments 280-45 PREVENTION 148-18 TOURIST AND TRAILER Planned Office Park Awnings 280-45 Garbage,Rubbish and CAMPS 253-5 (LIO)District 280-58 Bed and breakfast 280-45 Refuse 233-1;233-3.1 WATERFRONT Plum Island Research Bicycles 280-45 General Business(B) CONSISTENCY District(PIR)280-183 Blocks 280-45 District 280-48 REVIEW 268-3 Roadway Construction Board of Appeals 280-45 Hamlet Business(HB) WETLANDS AND 161-29;161-30 Boardinghouses 280-45 District 280-45 SHORELINE 275-2; SANITARY FLOW Bulk,area and parking JUNKYARDS 166-1 275-4;275-7;275-11 CREDITS, regulations 280-46 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR ZONING 280-4;280-78; TRANSFER OF Comprehensive Plan 280-45 172-2 280-108;280-114 117-3;117-6 Conservation districts LITTERING 174-1 GRAFFITI SEWERS AND SEWAGE 280-45 PARKS.AND BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; DISPOSAL 215-2; Construction 280-45 RECREATION PROPERTY 215-3;215-4;215-9 Convenience stores 280-45 AREAS 193-2 MAINTENANCE Site Plan Approval Costs and expenses 280-45 SEWERS AND SEWAGE 100-4 280-129;280-137 Financial institutions 280-45 DISPOSAL 215-4 GRASS Special Exception Uses Fuel 280-45 Signs 280-82;280-85 See BRUSH,GRASS AND 280-143 Garages 280-45 GOLD STAR PARENTS WEEDS STORMWATER Gas stations 280-45 Exemption for War GRASS CLIPPINGS MANAGEMENT Glass 280-45 Veterans and Gold Star See Also BRUSH,GRASS 236-3;236-5;236-10; Grades and grading 280-45 Parents 245-15;245-16 AND WEEDS 236-18;236-24 Height regulations 280-45 GOLF COURSES Garbage,Rubbish and SUBDIVISION OF LAND Hotels 280-44;280-45 Light Industrial Park/ Refuse 233-4 240-4 Improvements 280-45 Planned Office Park See Also LAWNS WETLANDS AND Industrial districts 280-45 (LIO)District 280-58 NOISE,PREVENTION OF SHORELINE 275-3; Library 280-45 ZONING 280-4;280-78 180-4 275-7 Meetings 280-45 GRADES AND GRADING See Also YARD WASTE Wireless Communication Motels 280-44;280-45 Adoption of Code 1-4 GRAVEYARDS Facilities 280-70 Motorcycles 280-45 COASTAL EROSION JUNKYARDS 166-1 ZONING 280-4;280-91 Museums 280-45 HAZARD AREAS GRIEVANCE GUARANTEES Off-street parking 280-45 111-6;111-10;111-11; PROCEDURES STORMWATER Office districts 280-45 111-12;111-13 Compensation 47-1 MANAGEMENT Parking 280-45;280-46 Design Standards 240-45 Declaration of policy 47-2 236-20 Parking off-street 280-45 Farmland Bill of Rights Definitions 47-1 Street Excavations 237-9 Patios 280-45 280-99 Discrimination 47-2 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Pedestrian walkways 280-45 FIRE PREVENTION AND Grievances 47-1;47-2; 240-31;240-33;240-34 Permitted uses 280-45 BUILDING CODE 47-3;47-4 WETLANDS AND Planning Board 280-45 ADMINISTRATION Hearings 47-4 SHORELINE 275-9; Plastics 280-45 144-6;144-10 Holidays 47-1 275-10 Plumbing 280-45 FLOOD DAMAGE Initial presentation 47-3 Wireless Communication Purpose 280-44 PREVENTION 148-2; Investigations 47-3 Facilities 280-72 Registry 280-45 148-4;148-16;148-17; Notices 47-1 GUARANTIES Restaurants 280-45 148-18;148-19;148-21 PERSONNEL 47-1\47-4 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Roofs 280-45 Hamlet Business(HB) Records 47-1 DISPOSAL 215-8 Salaries and compensation District 280-45 Retirement 47-1 Site Plan Approval 280-131 280-45 HIGHWAY Review by Town Board SUBDIVISION OF LAND Sales 280-45 SPECIFICATIONS 47-4 240-34;240-38 Schools 280-45 161-2;161-4 Safety standards 47-1 ZONING 280-4 Screens and screening LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Town Board 47-4 GUIDE DOGS 280-45 172-2 Violations and penalties ANIMALS 83-23 Setbacks 280-45 Preservation of Natural 47-1 See Also HEARING DOGS Sidewalks 280-45 Features 240-49; GRIEVANCES See Also SEEING EYE Signs 280-45 240-51 Adoption of Code 1-2 DOGS Site plan approval 280-45 Roadway Construction Adoption of Renumbered See Also SERVICE DOGS Site plan review and 161-18;161-19; 2006 Code 1-14 GUNS approval 280-45 161-21;161-22; Affordable Housing(AHD) See Also FIREARMS Site plans 280-45 161-23;161-24; District 280-31 PARKS AND Special exception uses 161-29;161-30; COASTAL EROSION RECREATION 280-45 161-35;161-42;161-46 HAZARD AREAS AREAS 193-6 Special exceptions 280-45 SEWERS AND SEWAGE 111-26 POLICE DEPARTMENT Storage 280-45 DISPOSAL 215-9 FLOOD DAMAGE RULES AND Two-family dwellings Signs 280-85 PREVENTION 148-22 REGULATIONS 280-45 Site Plan Approval Grievance Procedures 47-1; A290-15 Use regulations 280-45 280-129;280-133; 47-2;47-3;47-4 See Also WEAPONS Walls 280-45 280-134;280-136 LANDMARK GUTTERS Yards 280-45 Small Wind Energy Systems PRESERVATION LITTERING 174-2 ZONING 280-44\280-46 277-1 170-11 Roadway Construction HAMLET DENSITY(HD) SOIL REMOVAL 228-4; GROUNDWATER 161-29;161-34 RESIDENTIAL 228-6;228-7 COASTAL EROSION STORMWATER DISTRICT HAZARD AREAS MANAGEMENT Accessory buildings and 111-5;111-6 236-5;236-14 structures 280-22 IDX:25 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE HAMLET DENSITY(HD)RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT... Accessory uses and SEWERS AND SEWAGE RENTAL PERMITS 207-8 FLOOD DAMAGE structures 280-22 DISPOSAL 215-3 SANITARY FLOW PREVENTION 148-4; Apartments 280-22 HEARING DOGS CREDITS, 148-21 Applicability 280-21 ANIMALS 83-23 TRANSFER OF General Business(B) Bed and breakfast 280-22 See Also GUIDE DOGS 117-7;117-9; 117-12; District 280-48 Board of Appeals 280-22 See Also SEEING EYE 117-14 Hamlet Business(HB) Bulk,area and parking DOGS Senior Citizen Exemption District 280-45 regulations 280-23 See Also SERVICE DOGS 245-4 Light Industrial(LI)District Conservation districts HEARING OFFICER Site Plan Approval 280-62 280-22 Real Estate Transfer Tax 280-130;280-131; Light Industrial Park/ Parking 280-23 17-34 280-137 Planned Office Park Permitted uses 280-22 HEARINGS SOIL REMOVAL 228-5; (LIO)District 280-58 Planning Board 280-22 Adoption of Renumbered 228-12 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Purpose 280-20 2006 Code 1-14 Southold Community 172-2;172-5;172-6; Residential districts 280-20; Affordable Housing(AHD) Preservation Fund 17-7 172-8 280-21;280-23 District 280-26;280-29 Special Exception Uses Removal of Utility Poles Sewers 280-22 AGRICULTURAL LANDS 280-141 237-31 Single-family dwellings PRESERVATION STORMWATER Roadway Construction 280-22 70-4;70-5 MANAGEMENT 161-44;161-46 Site plan approval 280-22 Agricultural Planned 236-5 Signs 280-82;280-85 Special exceptions 280-22 Development District SUBDIVISION OF LAND Site Plan Approval 280-134 Town Board 280-21 280-174;280-175; 240-13;240-19; Small Wind Energy Systems Two-family dwellings 280-177 240-25;240-29; 277-1;277-2;277-3; 280-22 Agricultural-Conservation 240-30;240-53 277-4 Use regulations 280-22 (A-C)District and TOURIST AND TRAILER SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 Utilities 280-22 Low-Density CAMPS 253-2;253-4 Street Numbering 237-26 H Water 280-22 Residential R-80, WETLANDS AND SUBDIVISION OF LAND ZONING 280-20\280-23 R-120,R-200 and SHORELINE 275-3.1; 240-10 Zoning Maps 280-21 R-400 Districts 280-13 275-8 WATERFRONT HANDBILLS Board of Appeals 280-146; ZONING 280-11;280-92; CONSISTENCY LITTERING 174-1;174-6 280-150 280-157;280-159 REVIEW 268-3 HANDICAPPED PARKING BOATS,DOCKS AND HEATING WETLANDS AND See Also PARKING WHARVES 96-31; FIRE PREVENTION AND SHORELINE 275-2; VEHICLES AND 96-32 BUILDING CODE 275-11 TRAFFIC 260-17; BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; ADMINISTRATION Wireless Communication 260-28 PROPERTY 144-6;144-8 Facilities 280-69; HANDICAPPED PERSONS MAINTENANCE FLOOD DAMAGE 280-70;280-71; See DISABLED PERSONS 100-7 PREVENTION 148-16 280-72;280-73; HARASSMENT COASTAL EROSION Light Industrial Park/ 280-74;280-76; POLICE DEPARTMENT HAZARD AREAS Planned Office Park 280-76.2 RULES AND 111-23;111-27;111-35 (LIO)District 280-58 ZONING 280-4;280-78; REGULATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL MUNICIPAL BUILDING 280-94;280-104; A290-36 QUALITY REVIEW ENERGY 280-105;280-106; HARBOR MANAGEMENT 130-10;130-11;130-12 BENCHMARKING 280-107;280-108; See Fishers Island Harbor Exemption for Volunteer 177-1 280-109;280-117; Management 157-1\ Fire Fighters and Roadway Construction 280-208 157-14 Ambulance Workers 161-22;161-23 HIGHWAY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 245-13 HEDGES SPECIFICATIONS AND SUBSTANCES Garbage,Rubbish and BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Bonds 161-49 Illicit Discharges 236-32 Refuse 233-6;233-8 PROPERTY Construction 161-2;161-4; Light Industrial Park/ Grievance Procedures 47-4 MAINTENANCE 161-6;161-7;161-9; Planned Office Park Historic Preservation 100-4 161-14 (LIO)District 280-58 District(HPD)280-195 See Also FENCES Construction plans 161-4 STORMWATER HOUSING FUND 34-4; Stop and Yield Intersections Costs and expenses 161-6; MANAGEMENT 34-6 260-4 161-49 236-3;236-5 JUNKYARDS 166-6 WETLANDS AND Curbs 161-4 See Also TOXIC LANDMARK SHORELINE 275-2 Dead-end streets 161-11 SUBSTANCES PRESERVATION ZONING 280-78;280-106 Dirt 161-9 Water Quality Improvement 170-5;170-7;170-14 HEIGHT REGULATIONS Drainage 161-2;161-3; 17-43;17-44;17-45 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Agricultural Planned 161-4;161-8;161-9; WATERFRONT 172-8 Development District 161-13 CONSISTENCY LOCAL LAWS, 280-171 Drainage easements 161-13 REVIEW 268-3;268-5 ADOPTION OF 38-1; Agricultural-Conservation Easements 161-2;161-3; HAZARDOUS WASTES 38-2;38-4;38-6 (A-C)District and 161-4;161-13 Garbage,Rubbish and NOISE,PREVENTION OF Low-Density Excavations 161-2 Refuse 233-1;233-2 180-4 Residential R-80, Fees 161-49 POLICE DEPARTMENT OPEN SPACE R-120,R-200 and Final Dedication of Roads RULES AND PRESERVATION R-400 Districts 161-49 REGULATIONS 185-4;185-5 280-13;280-15 Final plans 161-3;161-4 A290-45 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; General Construction STORMWATER AND TRANSIENT PROPERTY Requirements 161-5\ MANAGEMENT RETAIL MAINTENANCE 161-14 236-4 MERCHANTS 197-11 100-4 Grades and grading 161-2; See Also TOXIC POLICE DEPARTMENT COASTAL EROSION 161-4 SUBSTANCES 51-6 HAZARD AREAS Improvements 161-6 HEALTH DEPARTMENT PUBLIC 111-6 Inspections 161-49 See BOARD OF HEALTH ENTERTAINMENT See Also FENCES Lighting 161-4 HEALTH HAZARDS AND SPECIAL FIRE PREVENTION AND Lots 161-11 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; EVENTS 205-6 BUILDING CODE Major subdivisions 161-4 PROPERTY PUBLIC HEARINGS, ADMINISTRATION Manholes 161-2 MAINTENANCE NOTICE OF 55-1 144-8 Monuments 161-3 100-2 Real Estate Transfer Tax Fishers Island Harbor Planning Board 161-49 HEALTH OFFICER 17-34 Management 157-6 Plans and Maps for See Also BOARD OF Recreational Floating Zone Subdivisions 161-1\ HEALTH District(RFZ)280-201 161-4 IDX:26 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX HIGHWAY SPECIFICATIONS... Preliminary plans 161-2; Southold Community Utilities 280-195 HOSPITALS 161-3 Preservation Fund Violations and penalties Agricultural-Conservation Procedure 161-49 17-4;17-8 280-196 (A-C)District and Progress schedule 161-5 STORMWATER Water 280-195 Low-Density Protection of new drainage MANAGEMENT ZONING 280-190\280-196 Residential R-80, installations 161-9 236-6 Zoning districts 280-190 R-120,R-200 and Records 161-49 HISTORIC Zoning Maps 280-195; R-400 Districts 280-13 Reports 161-49 PRESERVATION 280-196 General Business(B) Responsibility of developer COMMISSION HISTORIC RESOURCES District 280-48 161-6 Agricultural-Conservation LANDMARK Low-Density Residential See Roadway Construction (A-C)District and PRESERVATION R-40 District 280-17 161-15\161-48 Low-Density 170-2 POLICE DEPARTMENT Safety standards 161-6; Residential R-80, Plum Island Conservation RULES AND 161-7 R-120,R-200 and District(PIC)280-186 REGULATIONS Sales 161-49 R-400 Districts 280-15 Real Estate Transfer Tax A290-44;A290-45 Sidewalks 161-3;161-4 Exemption for Historic 17-19 ZONING 280-4;280-78; Signs 161-11; 161-12 Properties 245-19 STORMWATER 280-79 Sketch plans 16 1-1 Historic Preservation MANAGEMENT HOT TUBS Soil removal 161-10 District(HPD) 236-20 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Speed limits 161-12 280-192;280-195 WATERFRONT PROPERTY Stormwater 161-6;161-8 LANDMARK CONSISTENCY MAINTENANCE Stormwater runoff 161-8 PRESERVATION REVIEW 268-5 100-4 Street signs 161-12 170-4;170-5;170-6; HISTORICAL DISTRICTS STORMWATER Street trees 161-3 170-7;170-8;170-9; Wireless Communication MANAGEMENT Streetlighting 161-3; 161-4 170-10;170-11; Facilities 280-70 236-5 Temporary roads 161-14 170-12;170-14 HISTORICAL FEATURES HOTELS Tests 161-2;161-6 Rules of Conduct 26-16 Site Plan Approval 280-133 FIRE PREVENTION AND Topsoil removal 161-10 Site Plan Approval HOLDING TANKS BUILDING CODE Town Attorney 161-49 280-131;280-135 Water Quality Improvement ADMINISTRATION Town Board 161-12;161-49 HISTORIC 17-43 144-8 Town Clerk 161-49 PRESERVATION HOLIDAYS General Business(B) Town Engineer 161-5; DISTRICT(HPD) Farmland Bill of Rights District 280-48 161-6;161-8;161-49 Accessory uses and 280-99 Hamlet Business(HB) Traffic maintenance 161-7 structures 280-193 Grievance Procedures 47-1 District 280-44;280-45 Trees 16 1-11 Apartments 280-193 NOISE,PREVENTION OF Limited Business(LB) Vehicles 161-7 Application procedure 180-4;180-7 District 280-41 Water 161-11 280-195 PUBLIC Marine 11(M11)District Wells 161-3 Bed and breakfast 280-193 ENTERTAINMENT 280-55 HISTORIC DISTRICTS Comprehensive Plan AND SPECIAL See Also MOTELS FLOOD DAMAGE 280-195 EVENTS 205-3 Parking at Beaches 189-3 PREVENTION 148-4 County Clerk 280-196 VEHICLES AND Resort Residential(RR) LANDMARK Day-care facilities 280-193 TRAFFIC 260-1; District 280-35 PRESERVATION Definitions 280-191 260-11 Signs 280-85 170-4;170-5 Demolition 280-190 HOME OCCUPATIONS ZONING 280-4;280-78; WATERFRONT Eligibility 280-192 Agricultural-Conservation 280-79 CONSISTENCY Farms and farming 280-191 (A-C)District and HOUSES OF WORSHIP REVIEW 268-3 Fees 280-195 Low-Density See CHURCHES Wireless Communication Fire prevention 280-196 Residential R-80, See PLACES OF Facilities 280-75 Hearings 280-195 R-120,R-200 and WORSHIP HISTORIC FEATURES Historic landmarks R-400 Districts 280-13 HOUSING FUND LANDMARK 280-192;280-195 ZONING 280-4;280-78 Affordable housing 34-1; PRESERVATION Historic preservation HORSES 34-2;34-5;34-6 170-3;170-8 280-190;280-192 AGRICULTURAL USES Assessments 34-3 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Historic Preservation 72-4 Bonds 34-4 240-4 Commission 280-192; Agricultural-Conservation Compensation 34-6 HISTORIC LANDMARKS 280-195 (A-C)District and Construction 34-5 Historic Preservation Insurance 280-191 Low-Density Costs and expenses 34-3; District(HPD) Library 280-191;280-193 Residential R-80, 34-5;34-6 280-192;280-195 Maintenance and R-120,R-200 and Definitions 34-3 LANDMARK termination 280-196 R-400 Districts 280-13 Emergencies 34-2;34-6 PRESERVATION Meetings 280-193;280-195 Farmland Bill of Rights Farms and farming 34-6 170-1;170-2;170-4; Museums 280-193 280-98;280-99 Findings 34-2 170-5;170-8;170-9; Notices 280-195 Light Industrial(LI)District Fund established 34-4 170-10 Permitted uses 280-193 280-62 Groundwater 34-6 Plum Island Conservation Planning Board 280-193; Light Industrial Park/ Hearings 34-4;34-6 District(PIC)280-187 280-195;280-196 Planned Office Park Housing Advisory Plum Island Research Planning Commission (LIO)District 280-58 Commission District(PIR)280-183 280-195 See.41so LIVESTOCK established 34-6 Site Plan Approval 280-131 Pre-application procedure STORMWATER Improvements 34-2;34-5; HISTORIC 280-194 MANAGEMENT 34-6 PRESERVATION Property maintenance 236-5 Meetings 34-6 Exemption for Historic 280-196 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Membership 34-6 Properties 245-19 Purpose;applicability of 240-3 Minutes 34-6 FLOOD DAMAGE amendments 280-190 TRANSPORTATION Natural resources 34-6 PREVENTION 148-4 Reports 280-195 ACCESS Open space 34-6 Historic Preservation Sales 280-191 MANAGEMENT 64-2 Parking 34-6 District(HPD) Schools 280-191;280-193 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding Planned unit developments 280-190;280-192 Sewers 280-195 and Domestic Pet 34-6 LANDMARK Site plan approval 280-193 Waste 83-27 Police officers 34-2 PRESERVATION Town Attorney 280-196 WETLANDS AND Purpose 34-1 170-4 Town Board 280-190; SHORELINE 275-2 Purposes of fund 34-5 Real Estate Transfer Tax 280-195;280-196 ZONING 280-4 Qualifications 34-5 17-24 Town Clerk 280-195; Sales 34-2;34-4;34-5;34-6 280-196 Town Board 34-3;34-4; Use regulations 280-193 34-6 IDX:27 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE HOUSING FUND... Water 34-6 Stormwater 236-25; STORMWATER ELECTRICAL HUNTING 236-26;236-27; MANAGEMENT INSPECTIONS 126-1; BOATS,DOCKS AND 236-28;236-30;236-31 236-5;236-17 126-2;126-3 WHARVES 96-20 STORMWATER Street Excavations 237-6; Farmland Bill of Rights Deer 163-3 MANAGEMENT 237-16 280-101 Deer hunting 163-3 236-25\236-32 SUBDIVISION OF LAND FIRE PREVENTION AND HUNTING 163-1;163-2; Suspension of access to 240-3;240-6;240-9; BUILDING CODE 163-3 MS4 in emergency 240-10;240-16; ADMINISTRATION Licenses and permits 163-2 situations or due to 240-17;240-20; 144-3;144-5;144-6; PARKS AND illicit discharge 236-29 240-30;240-31; 144-8;144-16;144-17 RECREATION Tests 236-25 240-32;240-33; Fishers Island Harbor AREAS 193-2; Trash 236-28 240-34;240-35; Management 157-8 193-3.1;193-6 Violations and penalties 240-36;240-37; FLOOD DAMAGE Purpose 163-2 236-25;236-27; 240-38;240-39; PREVENTION Special permits 163-3 236-29;236-31 240-40;240-41; 148-12; 148-14 Title 163-1 Waivers 236-25 240-53;240-59 Garbage,Rubbish and Town Board 163-2 Water 236-25;236-26 Targeted Business Refuse 233-4;233-6 Town Clerk 163-2 Wetlands 236-25 Investment Exemption HIGHWAY Waiver 163-3 IMPACT FEES 245-7 SPECIFICATIONS Waivers 163-2;163-3 See FEES TRANSPORTATION 161-49 ZONING 280-4 IMPOUNDMENT ACCESS Illicit Discharges 236-31 Dogs 83-11;83-12 MANAGEMENT 64-5 JUNKYARDS 166-6 _ I _ Emergency Removal of VEHICLES,MOTOR- LOCAL LAWS, Vehicles 260-24 DRIVEN 264-6 ADOPTION OF 38-2 ILLICIT CONNECTIONS FIRE PREVENTION AND Water Quality Improvement Parking at Beaches 189-3; Illicit Discharges 236-25 BUILDING CODE 17-41;17-42;17-43; 189-4 See Also SEWAGE ADMINISTRATION 17-44;17-45;17-46 POLICE DEPARTMENT DISPOSAL,PRIVATE 144-8 WATERFRONT RULES AND STORMWATER CONSISTENCY REGULATIONS See Also SEWERS MANAGEMENT REVIEW 268-3 A290-15;A290-27 I STORMWATER 236-5 WETLANDS AND PUBLIC MANAGEMENT VEHICLES,MOTOR- SHORELINE 275-3; ENTERTAINMENT 236-4;236-5;236-35 DRIVEN 264-9 275-5 AND SPECIAL ILLICIT DISCHARGES WETLANDS AND ZONING 280-4;280-207 EVENTS 205-5 Access and monitoring of SHORELINE 275-6 INDECENT LANGUAGE RECORDS 59-3;59-9; discharges 236-31 IMPROVEMENTS See PROFANITY 59-10 Accidental discharges Adoption of Code 1-4 INDEMNIFICATION RENTAL PERMITS 207-5; 236-28 Affordable Housing(AHD) See LIABILITY 207-6;207-7 Activities contaminating District 280-25;280-30 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS Roadway Construction stormwater prohibited AGRICULTURAL LANDS General Business(B) 161-19;161-21; 236-27 PRESERVATION 70-2 District 280-48 161-42;161-46;161-48 Air conditioning 236-25 Agricultural Planned Hamlet Business(HB) SEWERS AND SEWAGE Certificates of compliance Development District District 280-45 DISPOSAL 215-3; 236-28 280-171;280-174 Light Industrial(LI)District 215-4;215-7;215-9; Cigarettes 236-28 Assessment and Tax Relief 280-63 215-10 Construction 236-25; for Superstorm Sandy Roadway Construction Site Plan Approval 280-137 236-28;236-30 Impact 245-20; 161-15 STORMWATER Costs and expenses 236-28; 245-22;245-23 ZONING 280-5;280-93; MANAGEMENT 236-31 COASTAL EROSION 280-94 236-4;236-9;236-20; Discharge and connection HAZARD AREAS INDUSTRIAL WASTES 236-22;236-24;236-34 prohibitions 236-25 111-6 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Street Excavations 237-14 Emergencies 236-29; Design Standards 240-45 DISPOSAL 215-2; SUBDIVISION OF LAND 236-32 FIRE PREVENTION AND 215-3;215-4 240-9;240-10;240-20; Failing individual sewage BUILDING CODE INSECTS 240-32;240-33; treatment systems ADMINISTRATION FLOOD DAMAGE 240-36;240-37 prohibited 236-26 144-8 PREVENTION 148-16 TOURIST AND TRAILER Groundwater 236-25; FLOOD DAMAGE PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS CAMPS 253-13 236-26 PREVENTION 148-4; AND TRANSIENT VEHICLES AND Hazardous materials and 148-13;148-14; RETAIL TRAFFIC 260-28 substances 236-32 148-15;148-16; MERCHANTS 197-10 WATERFRONT Illicit connections 236-25 148-17;148-18; Roadway Construction CONSISTENCY Industrial or construction 148-19;148-20;148-23 161-44 REVIEW 268-3;268-5 activity discharges Hamlet Business(HB) INSPECTIONS WETLANDS AND 236-30 District 280-45 Adoption of Renumbered SHORELINE 275-7; Inspections 236-31 HIGHWAY 2006 Code 1-14 275-9;275-10;275-11; Lawns 236-25 SPECIFICATIONS Agricultural-Conservation 275-16 Notices 236-25;236-27; 161-6 (A-C)District and Wireless Communication 236-29;236-32 HOUSING FUND 34-2; Low-Density Facilities 280-69; Notification of spills 236-32 34-5;34-6 Residential R-80, 280-70;280-74 Pet waste 236-27 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR R-120,R-200 and ZONING 280-151;280-154 Prevention,control and 172-4 R-400 Districts 280-13 INSURANCE reduction of stormwater Preservation of Natural BOATS,DOCKS AND Assessment and Tax Relief pollutants by use of Features 240-51 WHARVES 96-24 for Superstorm Sandy best management Real Estate Transfer Tax See Also BUILDING Impact 245-23 practices 236-28 17-20 INSPECTOR See Also CERTIFICATES Records 236-31;236-32 Records Management 59-15 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; OF INSURANCE Search warrants 236-31 Roadway Construction PROPERTY ELECTRICAL Security standards 236-31 161-25 MAINTENANCE INSPECTIONS 126-2 Septic tanks 236-26;236-28 Site Plan Approval 100-5;100-9 FILMING 139-11 See Also SEWAGE 280-129;280-131; Chief of Police A290-7 FLOOD DAMAGE DISPOSAL,PRIVATE 280-133;280-137 COASTAL EROSION PREVENTION 148-2; SOIL REMOVAL 228-4 HAZARD AREAS 148-4;148-6;148-7; Sewers 236-26 Southold Community 111-29 148-12;148-14; Preservation Fund 17-8 148-15;148-17; 148-18;148-21;148-23 IDX:28 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX INSURANCE... Historic Preservation Historic Preservation District(HPD)280-191 _ J _ — K_ Commission 170-4; Marine I(MI)District 170-5;170-6;170-7; 280-52 JUNK KENNELS 170-8;170-9;170-10; Marine II(MII)District Garbage,Rubbish and Agricultural-Conservation 170-11; 170-12;170-14 280-55 Refuse 233-1;233-2 (A-C)District and Historic Preservation Real Estate Transfer Tax General Business(B) Low-Density Commission; 17-32;17-34 District 280-48 Residential R-80, membership;terms; Residential Office(RO) JUNKYARDS 166-6;166-7 R-120,R-200 and powers and duties District 280-38Light Industrial(LI)District R-400 Districts 280-13 170-4 Senior Citizen Exemption 280-62 ZONING 280-4 Historic resources 170-2 245-1 Light Industrial Park/ Meetings 170-4 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Planned Office Park _ L _ Membership 170-4 DISPOSAL 215-8 (LIO)District 280-58 Minutes 170-4 SOIL REMOVAL 228-6 ZONING 280-4 LANDFILLS Notices 170-4;170-5; STORMWATER JUNKYARDS Garbage,Rubbish and 170-7;170-14 MANAGEMENT Adoption of Code 1-2 Refuse 233-3.1;233-4 Obstructions 170-3 236-5 Adoption of Renumbered Roadway Construction Penalties for offenses Street Excavations 237-8; 2006 Code 1-14 161-16 170-13 237-18 Application for license SUBDIVISION OF LAND Powers and duties 170-4 WETLANDS AND 166-4 240-44 Purpose 170-2 SHORELINE 275-3.1 Batteries 166-1 ZONING 280-4 Qualifications 170-5 ZONING 280-10 Brush,grass and weeds LANDLORDS Quorum 170-4 INTERNET 166-7 RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 Records 170-5;170-11 MUNICIPAL BUILDING Burning 166-3;166-7 See Also RENTAL Reports 170-5 ENERGY Combustibles 166-1;166-7 PROPERTY Stop-work orders 170-12 BENCHMARKING Costs and expenses 166-6 LANDMARK Title 170-1 177-1;177-4 Definitions 166-2 PRESERVATION Town Attorney 170-13 Rules of Conduct 26-12 Drainage 166-4 Accessory buildings and Town Board 170-4;170-5; INTOXICATED PERSONS Dumps and dumping 166-3; structures 170-7 170-10;170-11;170-14 See ALCOHOLIC 166-7 Appeals 170-11 Town Clerk 170-5 BEVERAGES Existing businesses 166-5 Application for certificate of Violations and penalties INTOXICATING Explosives 166-1 appropriateness 170-7 170-13 BEVERAGES Fees 166-6 Building permits 170-5; Zoning districts 170-8 See Also ALCOHOLIC Fences 166-4;166-7 170-6 LANDSCAPING BEVERAGES Fire extinguishers 166-7 Certificate of BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; PARKS AND Fire hazards 166-7 appropriateness for PROPERTY RECREATION Fire lanes 166-7MAINTENANCE AREAS 193-9 alteration,demolition POLICE DEPARTMENT Gas 166-4 166-1 or new construction Garbage,Rubbish and Gas170-6 g RULES AND Glasss 166-1 6 1666-1 Certificates of Refuse 233-4 REGULATIONS Graveyards 166-1 appropriateness 170-4; Limited Business(LB) A290-15;A290-24District 280-41 INTOXICATION Hearings 166-6 170-6;170-7;170-9; Inspections 166-6 170-10;170-12;170-14 NOISE,PREVENTION OF See Also ALCOHOLIC Issuance of license;fee; Code Enforcement Officer -180-4;180-7 BEVERAGES display;duration; 170-12;170-13 Preervation of Natural POLICE DEPARTMENT transferability; Construction 170-6;170-7 Features 240-49 RULES AND revocation;previous Costs and expenses 170-14 Recreational Floating Zone REGULATIONS licenses 166-6 Criteria for approval of District(RFZ)280-201 A290-9 Junk 166-6;166-7 alteration of facades of Roadway Construction INVESTIGATIONS JUNKYARDS 166-1 historic landmarks 161-42;161-43 ALARM SYSTEMS 75-I Legislative intent 166-1 170-8 See Also SCREENS AND Chief of Police A290-7 Liability 166-8 Criteria for approval of SCREENING Ethics Board 26-21;26-22; License required 166-3 demolition or removal Site Plan Approval 26-23;26-25 Licenses and permits of historic landmarks 280-129;280-131; FIRE PREVENTION AND 166-1;166-3;166-4; 170-9 280-133;280-134; BUILDING CODE 166-5;166-6;166-7; 280-137 Definitions 170-3 ADMINISTRATION 166-8 Demolition 170-2;170-3; SOIL REMOVAL 228-4 144-5 Motorcycles 166-2 170-4;170-5;170-6; STORMWATER Grievance Procedures 47-3 Notices 166-5 170-7;170-9;170-10 MANAGEMENT PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS Nuisances 166-1 Designation of historic 236-10;236-16; AND TRANSIENT Penalties for offenses 166-8 landmarks 170-5 236-20;236-34 RETAIL Plastics 166-1 Easements 170-4 SUBDIVISION OF LAND MERCHANTS 197-7 Regulations 166-7 Eminent domain 170-7 240-32;240-36; POLICE DEPARTMENT Sales 166-3 Enforcement 170-12 240-42;240-43 51-6 Sanitary facilities 166-7 Fees 170-7;170-14 WATERFRONT POLICE DEPARTMENT Septic tanks 166-7 Grievances 170-11 CONSISTENCY RULES AND Sewers 166-4;166-7 Hardship criteria for REVIEW 268-3 REGULATIONS Storage 166-3 approval of demolition, WETLANDS AND A290-15;A290-17; Tires 166-1 removal or alteration of SHORELINE 275-3; A290-19;A290-20; Town Board 166-1;166-6; historic landmarks 275-5;275-11 A290-21;A290-24; 166-7;166-8 170-10 Wireless Communication A290-25;A290-31 Town Clerk 166-4;166-5; Hearings 170-5;170-7; Facilities 280-69; RECORDS 59-2 166-7 170-14 280-70;280-76.2 Site Plan Approval 280-130 Trash 166-7 Historic districts 170-4; ZONING 280-4;280-7; WATERFRONT Trespassing 166-7 170-5 280-78;280-91; CONSISTENCY Trucks 166-2 Historic features 170-3; 280-92;280-93; REVIEW 268-3 Vehicles 166-2 170-8 280-94;280-95; WETLANDS AND Violations and penalties Historic landmarks 170-1; 280-123 SHORELINE 275-8 166-8 170-2;170-4;170-5; LAWNS Water 166-4 170-8;170-9;170-10 See Also BRUSH,GRASS ZONING 280-4 Historic preservation 170-4 AND WEEDS JUVENILES See MINORS IDX:29 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE LAWNS... BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; VEHICLES,MOTOR- Garbage,Rubbish and BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; PROPERTY DRIVEN 264-20 Refuse 233-2;233-3; PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Waterfowl and Gull Feeding 233-3.1;233-4;233-8 MAINTENANCE 100-4 and Domestic Pet General Business(B) 100-10 See Also GRASS Waste 83-27 District 280-48 Fishers Island Harbor CLIPPINGS WETLANDS AND HUNTING 163-2 Management 157-12 Illicit Discharges 236-25 SHORELINE 275-3.1; JUNKYARDS 166-1; Light Industrial(LI)District NOISE,PREVENTION OF 275-9;275-10 166-3;166-4;166-5; 280-62 180-4 LIABILITY INSURANCE 166-6;166-7;166-8 Light Industrial Park/ STORMWATER FILMING 139-11 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Planned Office Park MANAGEMENT PUBLIC 172-8 (LIO)District 280-58 236-4;236-19 ENTERTAINMENT Members of the Department Real Estate Transfer Tax WETLANDS AND AND SPECIAL A290-33 17-20;17-27;17-35 SHORELINE 275-2 EVENTS 205-4 OPEN SPACE SEWERS AND SEWAGE See Also YARD WASTE WETLANDS AND PRESERVATION DISPOSAL 215-16; LEAF WASTE SHORELINE 275-9 185-5 215-17 See YARD WASTE LIBRARY Parking at Beaches 189-2; Signs 280-88 LEASHING General Business(B) 189-3;189-4;189-5 Site Plan Approval 280-131 PARKS AND District 280-48 PARKS AND STORMWATER RECREATION Hamlet Business(HB) RECREATION MANAGEMENT AREAS 193-3.1 District 280-45 AREAS 193-3.1 236-9;236-34 LEAVES OF ABSENCE Historic Preservation PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS SUBDIVISION OF LAND See SICK LEAVE District(HPD) AND TRANSIENT 240-34;240-44 LETTERS OF CREDIT 280-191;280-193 RETAIL WETLANDS AND Site Plan Approval 280-131 Limited Business(LB) MERCHANTS 197-3; SHORELINE 275-11 STORMWATER District 280-41 197-4;197-6;197-7; Wireless Communication MANAGEMENT Low-Density Residential 197-8;197-9;197-11; Facilities 280-76 236-20 R-40 District 280-17 197-13 ZONING 280-92 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Residential Office(RO) Preservation of Natural LIGHT INDUSTRIAL(LI) 240-34 District 280-38 Features 240-49 DISTRICT LIABILITY YOUTH BOARD 68-1 PUBLIC Abandonment 280-62 Adoption of Code 1-4 ZONING 280-78;280-79 ENTERTAINMENT Accessory uses and Agricultural-Conservation LICENSES AND PERMITS AND SPECIAL structures 280-62 (A-C)District and Adoption of Code 1-4 EVENTS 205-2; Animals 280-62 Low-Density Adoption of Renumbered 205-4;205-5;205-7; Apartments 280-62 Residential R-80, 2006 Code 1-16 205-9 Assessments 280-62 R-120,R-200 and AGRICULTURAL LANDS RENTAL PERMITS 207-7 Batteries 280-62 R-400 Districts 280-13 PRESERVATION 70-5 Residential Office(RO) Board of Appeals 280-62 ANIMALS 83-25 Agricultural-Conservation District 280-38 Boats and Boating 280-62 L BOATS,DOCKS AND (A-C)District and Rules of Conduct 26-16 Buffers 280-62;280-64 WHARVES 96-10; Low-Density SALVAGE CENTERS Building Inspector 280-62 96-25 Residential R-80, 211-5 Bulk,area and parking BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; R-120,R-200 and SEWERS AND SEWAGE regulations 280-63 PROPERTY R-400 Districts 280-13 DISPOSAL 215-2; Costs and expenses 280-62 MAINTENANCE ALARM SYSTEMS 75-2; 215-7;215-8 Docks 280-62 100-11 75-3;75-4;75-6 Shellfish 219-6 Dust 280-62 COMMUNITY ANIMALS 83-17;83-19; Site Plan Approval Explosives 280-62 PRESERVATION 83-20;83-21;83-22; 280-130;280-131; Farms and farming 280-62 FUND AND 83-23;83-24;83-26 280-133;280-136 Fences 280-62 COMMUNITY BINGO AND GAMES OF SOIL REMOVAL 228-8; Fowl 280-62 HOUSING FUND CHANCE 92-2;92-3 228-12 Front yard setbacks 280-64 17-48 BOATS,DOCKS AND See Also SPECIAL Fuel 280-62 DEFENSE AND WHARVES 96-3; PERMITS Fumes 280-62 INDEMNIFICATION 96-24 STORMWATER Garages 280-62 21-2 See Also BUILDING MANAGEMENT Gas 280-62 See Also DEFENSE AND PERMITS 236-2;236-4;236-5; Gases 280-62 INDEMNIFICATION BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 236-14;236-21 Glare 280-62 ETHICS 26-26 PROPERTY Street Excavations 237-10 Groundwater 280-62 FILMING 139-3;139-11 MAINTENANCE SUBDIVISION OF LAND Height regulations 280-62 FIRE PREVENTION AND 100-3 240-21;240-25;240-26 Horses 280-62 BUILDING CODE BURNING,OUTDOOR TOBACCO Industrial districts 280-63 ADMINISTRATION 104-1;104-2 ADVERTISING 249-2 Junk 280-62 144-3 CANNABIS 106-2 TOURIST AND TRAILER Liens 280-62 Fishers Island Harbor COASTAL EROSION CAMPS 253-3;253-12 Lots 280-61 Management 157-12 HAZARD AREAS VEHICLES AND Noise 280-62 FLOOD DAMAGE 111-27;111-29;111-31 TRAFFIC 260-17 Notices 280-62 PREVENTION 148-10 Code of Ethics 26-2 WATERFRONT Nuisances 280-62 JUNKYARDS 166-8 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSISTENCY Odors 280-62 Real Estate Transfer Tax QUALITY REVIEW REVIEW 268-3 Office districts 280-62 17-20;17-23;17-29; 130-5 WETLANDS AND Parking 280-62;280-63 17-31;17-34;17-35 ETHICS 26-17 SHORELINE 275-2; Permitted uses 280-62 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Ethics Board 26-21 275-3.1;275-5;275-6; Planning Board 280-62 DISPOSAL 215-4; Farm Stands 72-6 275-8;275-11;275-16 Plumbing 280-62 215-8;215-10;215-17 FILMING 139-1;139-3 Wireless Communication Pollution 280-62 Signs 280-88 FIRE PREVENTION AND Facilities 280-71; Purpose 280-61 SOIL REMOVAL 228-9 BUILDING CODE 280-74;280-76.1 Safety standards 280-62 STORMWATER ADMINISTRATION ZONING 280-3;280-4; Sales 280-62 MANAGEMENT 144-5;144-8 280-115 Schools 280-62 236-20 Fishers Island Harbor LIENS Screens and screening Street Excavations 237-14; Management 157-6 Affordable Housing(AHD) 280-62;280-64 237-18 FLOOD DAMAGE District 280-25 Setbacks 280-62;280-64 SUBDIVISION OF LAND PREVENTION 148-4; BOATS,DOCKS AND Shrubs 280-62 240-54 148-11;148-14 WHARVES 96-10; Signs 280-62 TOBACCO Games of Chance 92-13; 96-25 Site plan approval 280-62 ADVERTISING 249-2 92-14 IDX:30 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX LIGHT INDUSTRIAL(LI)DISTRICT... Site plan review and Shrubs 280-58 Wireless Communication Fences 280-41 approval 280-62 Signs 280-58 Facilities 280-69; Front yard setbacks 280-43 Smoke 280-62 Site plan approval 280-58 280-70 Hotels 280-41 Solar collectors 280-62 Site plan review and ZONING 280-4;280-111; Landscaping 280-41 Solar energy 280-62 approval 280-58 280-117 Library 280-41 Solar energy systems Site plans 280-58 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Lots 280-41 280-62 Smoke 280-58 Applicability 172-4 Motorcycles 280-41 Special exception uses Solar collectors 280-58 Building Inspector 172-8 Museums 280-41 280-62 Solar energy 280-58 Building permits 172-8 Office districts 280-41 Special exceptions 280-62 Solar energy systems Business districts 172-5 Parking 280-42 Storage 280-62 280-58 Conflict with other laws Pedestrians 280-41 Tests 280-62 Solid waste 280-58 172-3 Permitted uses 280-41 Trees 280-62 Special exception uses Construction 172-4;172-6 Planning Board 280-41; Trucks 280-62 280-58 Costs and expenses 172-4 280-42 Use regulations 280-62 Special exceptions 280-58 Decks 172-2 Plumbing 280-41 Utilities 280-62 Special permits 280-58 Definitions 172-2 Purpose 280-40 Vibrations 280-62 Storage 280-58 Disability 172-2 Restaurants 280-41 Violations and penalties Street trees 280-58 Driveways 172-2 Sales 280-41 280-62 Tests 280-58 Emergencies 172-6 Screens and screening Waivers 280-62 Town Board 280-58 Exemptions 172-6 280-41 Yards 280-62;280-64 Trees 280-58 Glare 172-2;172-5 Setbacks 280-43 ZONING 280-61\280-64 Trucks 280-58 Glass 172-2 Signs 280-41 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Use regulations 280-58 Grades and grading 172-2 Site plan approval 280-41 PARK/PLANNED Utilities 280-58 Hearings 172-8 Site plan review and OFFICE PARK(LIO) Vehicles 280-58 Height regulations 172-2; approval 280-41 DISTRICT Vibrations 280-58 172-5;172-6;172-8 Special exception uses Abandonment 280-58 Violations and penalties Improvements 172-4 280-41 Accessory uses and 280-58 Licenses and permits 172-8 Special exceptions 280-41 structures 280-58 Waivers 280-58 Lighting 172-1;172-2; Storage 280-41 Animals 280-58 Wireless communications 172-4;172-5;172-6; Use regulations 280-41 Apartments 280-58 280-58 172-7;172-8 Waivers 280-42 Assessments 280-58 Yards 280-58;280-60 Lots 172-5 Yards 280-41;280-43 Batteries 280-58 ZONING 280-57\280-60 Markers 172-7 ZONING 280-40\280-43 Board of Appeals 280-58 LIGHTING Meters 172-2;172-5 LITTER Boats and Boating 280-58 Agricultural-Conservation Nuisances 172-2;172-5 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Buffers 280-58;280-60 (A-C)District and Parking 172-2;172-5 PROPERTY Building Inspector 280-58 Low-Density Patios 172-2 MAINTENANCE Bulk,area and parking Residential R-80, Pedestrians 172-2 100-3 regulations 280-59 R-120,R-200 and Penalties for offenses 172-9 LITTERING 174-1;174-2; Business districts 280-58 R-400 Districts 280-13 Planning Board 172-5; 174-3;174-4;174-5 Camps 280-58 BOATS,DOCKS AND 172-8 NOISE,PREVENTION OF Costs and expenses 280-58 WHARVES 96-14 Pollution 172-2 180-4 Docks 280-58 Design Standards 240-46 Prohibitions 172-7 STORMWATER Dust 280-58 FIRE PREVENTION AND Public assemblies 172-2 MANAGEMENT Explosives 280-58 BUILDING CODE Reports 172-2 236-17 Farms and farming 280-58 ADMINISTRATION Review procedures 172-8 TRANSPORTATION Fences 280-58 144-6 Safety standards 172-2; ACCESS Fowl 280-58 HIGHWAY 172-5 MANAGEMENT 64-5 Front yard setbacks 280-60 SPECIFICATIONS Security standards 172-2 LITTERING Fuel 280-58 161-4 Service stations 172-5 Adoption of Code 1-2 Fumes 280-58 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Sidewalks 172-5 Adoption of Renumbered Garages 280-58 172-1;172-2;172-4; Signs 172-7;172-8 2006 Code 1-14 Gas 280-58 172-5;172-6;172-7; Site plans 172-8 Advertising 174-1;174-6 Gases 280-58 172-8 Standards for exterior Aluminum 174-1 Glare 280-58 MUNICIPAL BUILDING lighting 172-5 Animals 174-1 Golf courses 280-58 ENERGY Streetlighting 172-2;172-5; Assessments 174-5 Groundwater 280-58 BENCHMARKING 172-8 Assessor 174-5 Hazardous materials and 177-1 Title 172-1 Blight 174-1 substances 280-58 PUBLIC Towers 172-6 Budget 174-5 Heating 280-58 ENTERTAINMENT Trespassing 172-2;172-5 Charges 174-5 Height regulations 280-58 AND SPECIAL Utilities 172-4;172-5 Combustibles 174-1 Horses 280-58 EVENTS 205-4;205-7 Vapors 172-7 Costs and expenses 174-5 Junk 280-58 Roadway Construction Variances 172-8 Definitions 174-1 Liens 280-58 161-46 Violations and penalties Driveways 174-1;174-2 Motor vehicles 280-58 Signs 280-81;280-83; 172-9 Garbage,rubbish and refuse Noise 280-58 280-87;280-88 Walls 172-2;172-7;172-8 174-1;174-2 Notices 280-58 Site Plan Approval Yards 172-2 Glass 174-1 Nuisances 280-58 280-129;280-133; Zoning Board of Appeals Gutters 174-2 Odors 280-58 280-137 172-8 Handbills 174-1;174-6 Off-street parking 280-58 Small Wind Energy Systems LIMITED BUSINESS(LB) Litter 174-1;174-2;174-3; Office districts 280-58 277-4 DISTRICT 174-4;174-5 Parking 280-58;280-59 Street Excavations 237-12 Accessory uses and Litter from vehicles 174-3 Permitted uses 280-58 See Also structures 280-41 Litter in parks,beaches and Planning Board 280-58 STREETLIGHTING Apartments 280-41 bodies of water 174-4 Plumbing 280-58 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Bed and breakfast 280-41 Litter in public places 174-2 Pollution 280-58 240-44 Bicycles 280-41 Litter on private property Purpose 280-57 TOURIST AND TRAILER Board of Appeals 280-41 174-5 Recyclables 280-58 CAMPS 253-3 Bulk,area and parking Newspaper 174-6 Recycling 280-58 TRANSPORTATION regulations 280-42 Notices 174-5 Safety standards 280-58 ACCESS Cats 280-41 Paper 174-1 Sales 280-58 MANAGEMENT 64-5 Conservation districts Parking 174-1 Schools 280-58 WETLANDS AND 280-41 Parks and recreation 174-1; Screens and screening SHORELINE 275-11 Dogs 280-41 174-4 280-58;280-60 Drive-in restaurants 280-41 Peddling and soliciting Setbacks 280-58;280-60 Farms and farming 280-41 174-6 1DX:31 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE LITTERING... Penalties for offenses 174-7 FLOOD DAMAGE Marinas 280-52 Plastics 174-1 PREVENTION 148-4; — M — Mooring 280-52 Playgrounds 174-1 148-13;148-23 Parking 280-53 Ponds 174-4 General Business(B) MAGAZINES Permitted uses 280-52 Porches 174-1 District 280-48 Garbage,Rubbish and Planning Board 280-52 Records 174-5 HIGHWAY Refuse 233-1 Purpose 280-51 Reports 174-5 SPECIFICATIONS ZONING 280-4 Records 280-52 Safety standards 174-1 161-11 MAJOR SUBDIVISIONS Sales 280-52 Sidewalks 174-1;174-2; Light Industrial(LI)District HIGHWAY Schools 280-52 174-5;174-6 280-61 SPECIFICATIONS Signs 280-52 Signs 174-6 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 161-4 Site plan approval 280-52 Storage 174-1 172-5 Roadway Construction Site plan review and Tires 174-3 Limited Business(LB) 161-38 approval 280-52 Town Board 174-5 District 280-41 See Also SUBDIVISION Special exceptions 280-52 Trucks 174-3 Preservation of Natural OF LAND Swimming pools 280-52 Vehicles 174-1;174-3; Features 240-49; MANHOLES Use regulations 280-52 174-6 240-51 HIGHWAY Water 280-51 Violations and penalties Recreational Floating Zone SPECIFICATIONS ZONING 280-51\280-53 174-7 District(RFZ)280-201 161-2 MARINE II(MII) Water 174-4 Roadway Construction Roadway Construction DISTRICT Yards 174-1 161-15;161-16 161-35 Accessory uses and LIVESTOCK Site Plan Approval 280-137 SEWERS AND SEWAGE structures 280-55 AGRICULTURAL LANDS SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 DISPOSAL 215-2; Bathing 280-55 PRESERVATION 70-3 STORMWATER 215-4;215-6 Bed and breakfast 280-55 AGRICULTURAL USES MANAGEMENT SUBDIVISION OF LAND Board of Appeals 280-55 72-4 236-13;236-16 240-17 Boats and Boating 280-55 Farm Stands 72-5 Street Numbering 237-23 MANUFACTURED HOME Bulk,area and parking Farmland Bill of Rights SUBDIVISION OF LAND PARKS regulations 280-56 280-98;280-99 240-3;240-4;240-10; FLOOD DAMAGE Conservation districts See Also HORSES 240-17;240-21; PREVENTION 148-4; 280-55 STORMWATER 240-26;240-27; 148-21 Curbs 280-55 MANAGEMENT 240-30;240-41; See Also MOBILE HOME Docks 280-55 236-5 240-42;240-43; PARKS Fishing 280-55 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 240-44;240-53; MANUFACTURED HOMES Fuel 280-55 240-3;240-44 240-57;240-59 FLOOD DAMAGE Hotels 280-55 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding VEHICLES AND PREVENTION 148-4; Insurance 280-55 and Domestic Pet TRAFFIC 260-12; 148-13;148-14; Marinas 280-55 Waste 83-27;83-28 260-28 148-15;148-21 Mooring 280-55 WATERFRONT WETLANDS AND See Also MOBILE HOMES Motels 280-55 CONSISTENCY SHORELINE 275-2 MANURE Museums 280-55 REVIEW 268-3 ZONING 280-4;280-9; Agricultural-Conservation Parking 280-56 WETLANDS AND 280-10;280-11; (A-C)District and Permitted uses 280-55 SHORELINE 275-2 280-78;280-79; Low-Density Planning Board 280-55 ZONING 280-4 280-95;280-106; Residential R-80, Porches 280-55 LOCAL LAWS,ADOPTION 280-109;280-113; R-120,R-200 and Purpose 280-54 OF 280-116;280-124; R-400 Districts 280-13 Records 280-55 Comptroller 38-5 280-207 Roadway Construction Restaurants 280-55 Filing of proof of LOW-DENSITY 161-44 Sales 280-55 publication and posting RESIDENTIAL R-40 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Schools 280-55 38-4 DISTRICT DISPOSAL 215-4 Sewers 280-55 Hearings 38-1;38-2;38-4; Accessory buildings 280-19 ZONING 280-4 Signs 280-55 38-6 Accessory buildings and MARINAS Site plan approval 280-55 Inspections 38-2 structures 280-19 Fishers Island Harbor Site plan review and Notices 38-1;38-2;38-4; Accessory uses and Management 157-4 approval 280-55 38-6 structures 280-17 Floating Homes 96-26; Special exceptions 280-55 Numbering 38-5 Animals 280-17 96-27;96-28 Swimming pools 280-55 Posting and availability of Bed and breakfast 280-17 Marine I(MI)District Use regulations 280-55 copies 38-2 Board of Appeals 280-17 280-52 Water 280-54;280-55 Posting of copy upon Bulk,area and parking Marine II(MII)District ZONING 280-54\280-56 adoption 38-3 regulations 280-18 280-55 MARINE III ZONE Public hearing;notice 38-1 Camps 280-17 Resort Residential(RR) DISTRICT(MIII) Rezonings 38-6 Conservation districts District 280-35 Accessory uses and Town Board 38-1;38-3 280-17;280-19 Signs 280-85;280-86 structures 280-205 Town Clerk 38-1;38-2; Farms and farming 280-17 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding Bulk,area and parking 38-3;38-4;38-5 Hospitals 280-17 and Domestic Pet regulations 280-206 LOTS Library 280-17 Waste 83-27 Museums 280-205 Affordable Housing(AHD) Museums 280-17 WETLANDS AND Off-street parking 280-205 District 280-30;280-31 Open space 280-16 SHORELINE 275-2; Parking 280-206 Agricultural Planned Parking 280-18 275-11 Permitted uses 280-205 Development District Permitted uses 280-17 ZONING 280-4;280-78 Planning Board 280-205 280-173 Planning Board 280-17 MARINE I(MI)DISTRICT Sheds 280-205 Agricultural-Conservation Purpose 280-16 Accessory uses and Site plan approval 280-205 (A-C)District and Single-family dwellings structures 280-52 Storage 280-205 Low-Density 280-17 Bathing 280-52 Use regulations 280-205 Residential R-80, Site plan approval 280-17 Bed and breakfast 280-52 Water 280-205 R-120,R-200 and Special exceptions 280-17 Board of Appeals 280-52 ZONING 280-205\280-206 R-400 Districts Use regulations 280-17 Boats and Boating 280-52 MARKERS 280-13;280-15 Water supply 280-16 Bulk,area and parking BOATS,DOCKS AND Design Standards 240-45 Yards 280-17 regulations 280-53 WHARVES 96-23 FIRE PREVENTION AND ZONING 280-16\280-19 Conservation districts LIGHTING,OUTDOOR BUILDING CODE 280-52 172-7 ADMINISTRATION Docks 280-52 SHELLFISH AND OTHER 144-8 Fishing 280-52 MARINE Fuel 280-52 RESOURCES 219-4 Insurance 280-52 Site Plan Approval 280-137 IDX:32 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX MARKERS... SUBDIVISION OF LAND POLICE DEPARTMENT FLOOD DAMAGE VEHICLES AND 240-41 RULES AND PREVENTION 148-4 TRAFFIC 260-18 TOURIST AND TRAILER REGULATIONS See Also VEHICLES,MOTOR- CAMPS 253-8 A290-33 MANUFACTURED DRIVEN 264-3; MASTER PLAN Police officers A290-33 HOMES 264-11;264-15 See Also Records A290-33 STORMWATER ZONING 280-4;280-77; COMPREHENSIVE Reports A290-33 MANAGEMENT 280-78;280-110 PLAN Retirement A290-33 236-5 MOTORCYCLES SUBDIVISION OF LAND Safety standards A290-33 WETLANDS AND BICYCLES 88-4 240-10;240-17 Security standards A290-33 SHORELINE 275-2 Hamlet Business(HB) ZONING 280-4 Vehicles A290-33 ZONING 280-4;280-78 District 280-45 MEETINGS Violations and penalties MONUMENTS JUNKYARDS 166-2 Affordable Housing(AHD) A290-33 HIGHWAY Limited Business(LB) District 280-29 Weapons A290-33 SPECIFICATIONS District 280-41 AGRICULTURAL MEMBERSHIP 161-3 PUBLIC ADVISORY AGRICULTURAL SUBDIVISION OF LAND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE 71-3 ADVISORY 240-10;240-17; AND SPECIAL Agricultural Planned COMMITTEE 71-3 240-21;240-41 EVENTS 205-2 Development District Agricultural-Conservation WETLANDS AND VEHICLES,MOTOR- 280-174 (A-C)District and SHORELINE 275-6 DRIVEN 264-15 Chief of Police A290-7 Low-Density ZONING 280-104 MUFFLERS COMMITTEES, Residential R-80, MOORING BOATS,DOCKS AND APPOINTMENT OF R-120,R-200 and Agricultural-Conservation WHARVES 96-17 13-3 R-400 Districts 280-13 (A-C)District and PARKS AND ENVIRONMENTAL Board of Appeals 280-145 Low-Density RECREATION QUALITY REVIEW COMMITTEES, Residential R-80, AREAS 193-3 130-7 APPOINTMENT OF R-120,R-200 and MULCHING Ethics Board 26-21 13-2 R-400 Districts 280-13 STORMWATER EXPENSES OF TOWN Community Preservation BOATS,DOCKS AND MANAGEMENT OFFICERS 30-1 Fund Advisory Board WHARVES 96-3; 236-5;236-18 Fishers Island Harbor 17-16 96-7;96-22;96-24; WETLANDS AND Management 157-3 Fishers Island Harbor 96-25 SHORELINE 275-2 General Business(B) Management 157-3 Fishers Island Harbor MULTIFAMILY District 280-48 HOUSING FUND 34-6 Management 157-6; DWELLINGS Hamlet Business(HB) LANDMARK 157-7;157-8;157-9; SEWERS AND SEWAGE District 280-45 PRESERVATION 157-10 DISPOSAL 215-7 Historic Preservation 170-4 Floating Homes 96-26; ZONING 280-108 District(HPD) SUBDIVISION OF LAND 96-28 MUNICIPAL BUILDING" 280-193;280-195 240-44 Marine I(NII)District ENERGY HOUSING FUND 34-6 YOUTH BOARD 68-5 280-52 BENCHMARKING LANDMARK ZONING 280-4;280-78 Marine II(MII)District Applicability 177-2 PRESERVATION METERS 280-55 Benchmarking required for 170-4 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Resort Residential(RR) covered municipal Notification of Defects 172-2;172-5 District 280-35 buildings 177-3 237-2 NOISE,PREVENTION OF WETLANDS AND Definitions 177=1 ��♦/� PARKS AND 180-4;180-6 SHORELINE 275-2; Department of Public Works RECREATION See Also PARKING 275-11 177-1 AREAS 193-9 METERS ZONING 280-4;280-78 Disclosure 177-4 PUBLIC HEARINGS, SEWERS AND SEWAGE MOTELS Disclosure and publication NOTICE OF 55-2 DISPOSAL 215-4 FIRE PREVENTION AND of benchmarking Residential Office(RO) MINING BUILDING CODE information 177-4 District 280-38 COASTAL EROSION ADMINISTRATION Enforcement and SANITARY FLOW HAZARD AREAS 144-8 administration 177-6 CREDITS, 111-6;111-11;111-12; General Business(B) Fuel 177-1 TRANSFER OF 117-9 111-13;111-14 District 280-48 Gas 177-1 Site Plan Approval FLOOD DAMAGE Hamlet Business(HB) Heating 177-1 280-131;280-133; PREVENTION 148-4 District 280-44;280-45 Internet 177-1;177-4 280-137 STORMWATER See Also HOTELS Lighting 177-1 Southold Community MANAGEMENT Marine II(MII)District Maintenance of records Preservation Project 236-5 280-55 177-5 Plan 17-13 MINORS Parking at Beaches 189-3 Records 177-5 SUBDIVISION OF LAND TOBACCO Resort Residential(RR) Reports 177-6 240-13;240-23;240-40 ADVERTISING 249-1 District 280-35 Tenants 177-5 WETLANDS AND ZONING 280-4 Signs 280-85 Town Board 177-6 SHORELINE 275-8 MINUTES ZONING 280-4;280-78 Utilities 177-1;177-5 YOUTH BOARD 68-4; COMMITTEES, MOTOR VEHICLES Walls 177-1 68-5 APPOINTMENT OF BOATS,DOCKS AND Water 177-1 ZONING 280-4;280-78; 13-3 WHARVES 96-24 MUSEUMS 280-157 HOUSING FUND 34-6 COASTAL EROSION Hamlet Business(HB) MEMBERS OF THE LANDMARK HAZARD AREAS District 280-45 DEPARTMENT PRESERVATION 111-16 Historic Preservation Chief of Police A290-33 170-4 Garbage,Rubbish and District(HPD)280-193 Complaints A290-33 See Also RECORDS Refuse 233-3;233-4 Limited Business(LB) Court Clerk A290-33 Records Management 59-13 General Business(B) District 280-41 Duties A290-33 YOUTH BOARD 68-4 District 280-48 Low-Density Residential Emergencies A290-33 MOBILE HOME PARKS Light Industrial Park/ R-40 District 280-17 Fire Department A290-33 See Also Planned Office Park Marine II(MEI)District Firearms A290-33 MANUFACTURED (LIO)District 280-58 280-55 Licenses and permits HOME PARKS Parking at Beaches 189-3; Marine III Zone District A290-33 ZONING 280-4 189-4 (MIII)280-205 Notices A290-33 MOBILE HOMES PARKS AND Plum Island Conservation Police Department A290-33 COASTAL EROSION RECREATION District(PIC)280-187 HAZARD AREAS AREAS 193-3 Plum Island Research 111-6 See Also VEHICLES District(PIR)280-183 IDX:33 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE MUSEUMS... Residential Office(RO) See Also DISTURBING NONCONFORMING Grievance Procedures 47-1 District 280-38 THE PEACE BUILDINGS Historic Preservation ZONING 280-78;280-79; Farmland Bill of Rights ZONING 280-122;280-123 District(HPD)280-195 280-119 280-99 NONCONFORMING LOTS Illicit Discharges 236-25; General Business(B) SUBDIVISION OF LAND 236-27;236-29;236-32 N _ District 280-47;280-48 240-57 JUNKYARDS 166-5 Light Industrial(LI)District ZONING 280-4;280-10; LANDMARK NATURAL FEATURES 280-62 280-124 PRESERVATION See Also PRESERVATION Light Industrial Park/ NONCONFORMING SIGNS 170-4;170-5;170-7; OF NATURAL Planned Office Park Signs 280-90 170-14 FEATURES (LIO)District 280-58 See Also SIGNS Light Industrial(LI)District Real Estate Transfer Tax NOISE,PREVENTION OF NONCONFORMING 280-62 17-19 180-1; 180-2;180-3; STRUCTURES Light Industrial Park/ Site Plan Approval 180-4;180-5;180-6; WETLANDS AND Planned Office Park 280-129;280-133 180-7 SHORELINE 275-2; (LIO)District 280-58 Special Exception Uses PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS 275-11 LITTERING 174-5 280-143 AND TRANSIENT NONCONFORMING USES LOCAL LAWS, STORMWATER RETAIL General Business(B) ADOPTION OF 38-1; MANAGEMENT MERCHANTS 197-10 District 280-48 38-2;38-4;38-6 236-18 PUBLIC See Also PERMITTED Members of the Department SUBDIVISION OF LAND ENTERTAINMENT USES A290-33 240-3;240-43;240-53; AND SPECIAL See Also PROHIBITED Notification of Defects 240-54 EVENTS 205-7 USES 237-1;237-2 WATERFRONT Small Wind Energy Systems Signs 280-90 PARKS AND CONSISTENCY 277-2;277-3 See Also SPECIAL RECREATION REVIEW 268-3 SOIL REMOVAL 228-5 EXCEPTION USES AREAS 193-10 Wireless Communication Special Exception Uses ZONING 280-2;280-4; POLICE DEPARTMENT Facilities 280-72 280-143 280-120;280-121; 51-6 ZONING 280-4 TRANSPORTATION 280-123;280-154 POLICE DEPARTMENT NATURAL RESOURCES ACCESS NONRESIDENTIAL RULES AND AGRICULTURAL MANAGEMENT 64-5 DISTRICTS REGULATIONS ADVISORY Wireless Communication ZONING 280-93 A290-44 COMMITTEE 71-1 Facilities 280-70; NOTICES PUBLIC COASTAL EROSION 280-71 Adoption of Renumbered ENTERTAINMENT HAZARD AREAS ZONING 280-4;280-91; 2006 Code 1-14 AND SPECIAL 111-4;111-5;111-6; 280-94;280-111 Affordable Housing(AHD) EVENTS 205-4; 111-9;111-15 NOISE,PREVENTION OF District 280-26; 205-7;205-8;205-9 Emergency Activities Brush,grass and weeds 280-29;280-30 PUBLIC HEARINGS, 111-17 180-4 Agricultural Planned NOTICE OF 55-1 HOUSING FUND 34-6 Charges 180-4 Development District Real Estate Transfer Tax Plum Island Conservation Compensation 180-4 280-174 17-32;17-34 District(PIC)280-187 Construction 180-4 Agricultural-Conservation RECORDS 59-10 Real Estate Transfer Tax Definitions 180-4 (A-C)District and Recreational Floating Zone 17-19 Dirt 180-4 Low-Density District(RFZ)280-201 Southold Community Disturbing the peace 180-4 Residential R-80, Removal of Utility Poles Preservation Fund Dust 180-4 R-120,R-200 and 237-32 N17-2;17-3;17-8 Emergencies 180-7 R-400 Districts 280-13 RENTAL PERMITS 207-8 Southold Community Fees 180-4 Board of Appeals 280-146; Roadway Construction Preservation Project Fuel 180-4 280-150 161-44 Plan 17-12 Gas 180-4;180-7 BOATS,DOCKS AND SANITARY FLOW STORMWATER General prohibition 180-5 WHARVES 96-10; CREDITS, MANAGEMENT Grass clippings 180-4 96-13;96-25;96-31; TRANSFER OF 236-5;236-10 Hearings 180-4 96-32;96-33 117-9;117-10;117-12; SUBDIVISION OF LAND Holidays 180-4;180-7 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 117-13;117-14 240-4;240-10 Landscaping 180-4;180-7 PROPERTY Senior Citizen Exemption WATERFRONT Lawns 180-4 MAINTENANCE 245-3;245-4;245-6 CONSISTENCY Litter 180-4 100-6;100-7;100-8; SEWERS AND SEWAGE REVIEW 268-2; Meters 180-4;180-6 100-9;100-11 DISPOSAL 215-3; 268-3;268-5 Noise 180-1;180-2;180-3; COASTAL EROSION 215-4;215-7;215-8; WETLANDS AND 180-4;180-5;180-6; HAZARD AREAS 215-9;215-11 SHORELINE 275-2; 180-7 111-25;111-35 SHELLFISH AND OTHER 275-3;275-11 Pollution 180-1;180-2; Emergency Activities MARINE NEWSPAPER 180-3;180-4;180-5; 111-18;111-19 RESOURCES 219-16 Affordable Housing(AHD) 180-6; 180-7 Emergency Removal of Signs 280-88 District 280-26 Prohibited noises;evidence Vehicles 260-25 Site Plan Approval Garbage,Rubbish and of violation 180-7 ENVIRONMENTAL 280-131;280-137 Refuse 233-1;233-3.1 Property maintenance 180-4 QUALITY REVIEW Small Wind Energy Systems LITTERING 174-6 Purpose 180-2 130-6;130-10;130-13; 277-3 See Also PAPER Safety standards 180-2; 130-17 SOIL REMOVAL 228-5; PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS 180-3 Farmland Bill of Rights 228-9;228-12 AND TRANSIENT Shrubs 180-4 280-97;280-100; STORMWATER RETAIL Standards 180-6 280-101 MANAGEMENT MERCHANTS 197-4 Statutory authorization FILMING 139-4;139-8 236-5;236-9;236-12; NOISE 180-3 FIRE PREVENTION AND 236-23;236-24; Agricultural-Conservation Tenants 180-4 BUILDING CODE 236-34;236-35 (A-C)District and Title 180-1 ADMINISTRATION Street Excavations 237-11; Low-Density Town Board 180-2 144-5;144-8;144-20 237-13 Residential R-80, Town Supervisor 180-7 Fishers Island Harbor SUBDIVISION OF LAND R-120,R-200 and Trees 180-4 Management 157-3; 240-13;240-18; R-400 Districts 280-13 Trucks 180-4 157-9;157-12;157-14 240-19;240-22; BOATS,DOCKS AND Veterans 180-4 FLOOD DAMAGE 240-25;240-29; WHARVES 96-17 Violations and penalties PREVENTION 148-9; 240-30;240-32; See Also DISORDERLY 180-7 148-14;148-23 240-36;240-44;240-54 CONDUCT Garbage,Rubbish and TOURIST AND TRAILER Refuse 233-6;233-8 CAMPS 253-4 IDX:34 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX NOTICES... VEHICLES,MOTOR- See Also Light Industrial(LI)District ONE-FAMILY DRIVEN 264-8 CONVALESCENT 280-62 DWELLINGS WETLANDS AND HOMES Light Industrial Park/ Agricultural-Conservation SHORELINE 275-3.1; ZONING 280-4;280-78 Planned Office Park (A-C)District and 275-8;275-9;275-10; (LIO)District 280-58 Low-Density 275-11;275-16 0 — Limited Business(LB) Residential R-80, Wireless Communication District 280-41 R-120,R-200 and Facilities 280-74; OBSTRUCTIONS ZONING 280-5 R-400 Districts 280-13 280-76 Adoption of Renumbered OFFICERS AND RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 ZONING 280-92;280-153; 2006 Code 1-14 EMPLOYEES See Also SINGLE-FAMILY 280-155;280-157; BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Adoption of Renumbered DWELLINGS 280-159 PROPERTY 2006 Code 1-14 ZONING 280-4;280-10; NOTICES OF VIOLATIONS MAINTENANCE Code of Ethics 26-1 280-109 BOATS,DOCKS AND 100-2 DEFENSE AND ONE-WAY STREETS WHARVES 96-31; COASTAL EROSION INDEMNIFICATION No U-turn areas 260-3.1 96-32 HAZARD AREAS 21-1 One-Way Streets 260-3 COASTAL EROSION 111-11;111-13 ETHICS 26-17;26-18 One-way streets designated HAZARD AREAS Emergency Removal of Ethics Board 26-24;26-25 260-3 111-29 Vehicles 260-23 See Also PERSONNEL Signs 260-3.1 STORMWATER FLOOD DAMAGE POLICE DEPARTMENT U-turns 260-3.1 MANAGEMENT PREVENTION 51-1 Vehicles 260-3;260-3.1 236-35 148-16;148-18 See Residency VEHICLES AND See Also VIOLATIONS LANDMARK Requirements 42-9\ TRAFFIC 260-3\ AND PENALTIES PRESERVATION 42-10 260-3.1 NOTIFICATION OF 170-3 Rules of Conduct 26-4; OPEN BURNING DEFECTS Notification of Defects 26-11 See BURNING Bridges 237-1 237-1 See Superintendent of See FIRES Culverts 237-1 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS Highways 42-5\42-8 OPEN FIRES Meetings 237-2 AND TRANSIENT See Town Clerk 42-1\42-4 See BURNING Notices 237-1;237-2 RETAIL OFFICIAL MAP See FIRES Obstructions 237-1 MERCHANTS 197-10 FLOOD DAMAGE OPEN SPACE Prior written notice required SEWERS AND SEWAGE PREVENTION 148-4 Adoption of Renumbered 237-1 DISPOSAL 215-4 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 2006 Code 1-14 Statutory provisions Signs 280-80 240-3;240-4;240-10; AGRICULTURAL LANDS superseded 237-3 Snow and Ice Removal 240-17 PRESERVATION 70-2 STREETS AND 237-20 ZONING 280-4 Agricultural Planned SIDEWALKS 237-1\ Wireless Communication See Also ZONING MAPS Development District 237-3 Facilities 280-70; OFFICIAL ZONING MAP 280-181 Town Board 237-2 280-74 See ZONING MAPS BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Town Clerk 237-1;237-2 ZONING 280-104; OFF-ROAD VEHICLES PROPERTY Transmission and 280-106;280-111 See Also ALL-TERRAIN MAINTENANCE presentation of notices OCCUPANCY, VEHICLES 100-3 237-2 CERTIFICATES OF SUBDIVISION OF LAND COASTAL EROSION NUISANCES See CERTIFICATES OF 240-44 HAZARD AREAS BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; OCCUPANCY VEHICLES,MOTOR- 111-13 PROPERTY OCCUPANCY PERMITS DRIVEN 264-16 COMMUNITY MAINTENANCE See CERTIFICATES OF OFF-STREET LOADING PRESERVATION 100-2 OCCUPANCY See Also PARKING FUND AND Farmland Bill of Rights ODORS ZONING 280-79 COMMUNITY 280-97;280-99 Agricultural-Conservation OFF-STREET PARKING HOUSING FUND O FIRE PREVENTION AND (A-C)District and Affordable Housing(AHD) 17-52 BUILDING CODE Low-Density District 280-27;280-28 Design Standards 240-45 ADMINISTRATION Residential R-80, Agricultural-Conservation HOUSING FUND 34-6 144-10 R-120,R-200 and (A-C)District and Low-Density Residential FLOOD DAMAGE R-400 Districts 280-13 Low-Density R-40 District 280-16 PREVENTION 148-23 Farmland Bill of Rights Residential R-80, OPEN SPACE JUNKYARDS 166-1 280-99 R-120,R-200 and PRESERVATION Light Industrial(LI)District See Also FUMES R-400 Districts 280-13 185-1;185-2;185-3; 280-62 See Also GAS Design Standards 240-45 185-5 Light Industrial Park/ See Also GASES Farm Stands 72-6 Preservation of Natural Planned Office Park General Business(B) General Business(B) Features 240-49 (LIO)District 280-58 District 280-48 District 280-48 Real Estate Transfer Tax LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Light Industrial(LI)District Hamlet Business(HB) 17-24 172-2;172-5 280-62 District 280-45 SANITARY FLOW Plum Island Research Light Industrial Park/ Light Industrial Park/ CREDITS, District(PIR)280-183 Planned Office Park Planned Office Park TRANSFER OF SEWERS AND SEWAGE (LIO)District 280-58 (LIO)District 280-58 117-2;117-3 DISPOSAL 215-4 Plum Island Research Marine III Zone District Site Plan Approval SOIL REMOVAL 228-5 District(PIR)280-183 (MIII)280-205 280-127;280-128; VEHICLES,MOTOR- SEWERS AND SEWAGE See Also PARKING 280-137 DRIVEN 264-14 DISPOSAL 215-4 See Also PARKING OFF- Southold Community Waterfowl and Gull Feeding Special Exception Uses STREET Preservation Fund and Domestic Pet 280-143 Site Plan Approval 17-4;17-5;17-8;17-9 Waste 83-28 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 280-129;280-133; Southold Community WATERFRONT 240-44 280-137 Preservation Project CONSISTENCY ZONING 280-4;280-111 Special Exception Uses Plan 17-12 REVIEW 268-3 OFFENSES 280-143 STORMWATER ZONING 280-111 See VIOLATIONS AND SUBDIVISION OF LAND MANAGEMENT NURSING HOMES PENALTIES 240-4 236-19 Agricultural-Conservation OFFICE DISTRICTS Wireless Communication SUBDIVISION OF LAND (A-C)District and General Business(B) Facilities 280-70 240-2;240-3;240-10; Low-Density District 280-48 ZONING 280-4;280-77; 240-21;240-42; Residential R-80, Hamlet Business(HB) 280-78;280-95; 240-43;240-44;240-54 R-120,R-200 and District 280-45 280-109 R-400 Districts 280-13 IDX:35 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE OPEN SPACE... TRANSPORTATION APPEARANCE TICKETS Southold Community PARKING FOR ACCESS 5-2;5-3 Preservation Fund 17-8 HANDICAPPED MANAGEMENT 64-3 Emergency Removal of Special Exception Uses See HANDICAPPED WATERFRONT Vehicles 260-23 280-143 PARKING CONSISTENCY Farm Stands 72-5;72-6 STORMWATER PARKING METERS REVIEW 268-2;268-5 FILMING 139-3 MANAGEMENT See Also METERS WETLANDS AND FLOOD DAMAGE 236-5;236-13;236-19 VEHICLES AND SHORELINE 275-2 PREVENTION 148-4; SUBDIVISION OF LAND TRAFFIC 260-1 ZONING 280-4;280-8 148-16 240-44 PARKING OFF-STREET OPEN SPACE General Business(B) TRANSPORTATION Hamlet Business(HB) PRESERVATION District 280-48;280-49 ACCESS District 280-45 Acquisition 185-4 Hamlet Business(HB) MANAGEMENT 64-5 See Also OFF-STREET Alienation of fee,interest or District 280-45;280-46 VEHICLES AND PARKING right;instrument of Hamlet Density(HD) TRAFFIC 260-1; PARKS AND conveyance;Open Residential District 260-8;260-8.1;260-9; RECREATION Space Committee 280-23 260-10;260-11; Adoption of Renumbered 185-5 See Also HANDICAPPED 260-12;260-14; 2006 Code 1-14 Construction 185-5 PARKING 260-15;260-16; BICYCLES 88-1;88-2; Costs and expenses 185-5 HOUSING FUND 34-6 260-17;260-18; 88-3;88-5 Definitions 185-3 Light Industrial(LI)District 260-19;260-20; LITTERING 174-1; 174-4 Fees 185-3;185-4; 185-5 280-62;280-63 260-21;260-22;260-28 PARKS AND Fences 185-3 Light Industrial Park/ WATERFRONT RECREATION Findings 185-2 Planned Office Park CONSISTENCY AREAS 193-1; 193-3.1 Hearings 185-4;185-5 (LIO)District 280-58; REVIEW 268-3 See Also PLAYGROUNDS Licenses and permits 185-5 280-59 WETLANDS AND PUBLIC Open space 185-1;185-2; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR SHORELINE 275-2 ENTERTAINMENT 185-3;185-5 172-2;172-5 Wireless Communication AND SPECIAL Sales 185-4;185-5 Limited Business(LB) Facilities 280-69; EVENTS 205-7 Severability 185-6 District 280-42 280-72 Real Estate Transfer Tax Title 185-1 LITTERING 174-1 ZONING 280-4;280-65; 17-24 Town Board 185-2;185-4; Low-Density Residential 280-78;280-79; See Also RECREATION 185-5 R-40 District 280-18 280-92;280-95; AREAS OUTDOOR BURNING Marine I(MI)District 280-111;280-117 Southold Community See FIRES 280-53 PARKING AT BEACHES Preservation Fund 17-4 Marine II(MII)District Bathing 189-1;189-2 STORMWATER _ P _ 280-56 Bed and breakfast 189-3 MANAGEMENT Marine III Zone District Boardinghouses 189-3 236-19 PAPER (MIII)280-206 Boats and Boating 189-2 SUBDIVISION OF LAND BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; See Also OFF-STREET Bridges 189-2 240-3;240-4;240-10; PROPERTY LOADING Charges 189-3 240-42;240-52; MAINTENANCE See Also OFF-STREET Costs and expenses 189-7 240-53;240-54 100-3 PARKING Designation of parking areas TOBACCO Garbage,Rubbish and Parking at Beaches 189-1; on Fishers Island 189-4 ADVERTISING 249-1 Refuse 233-1 189-2;189-3;189-4; Designation of parking areas Waterfowl and Gull Feeding LITTERING 174-1 189-5;189-6 requiring permits 189-2 and Domestic Pet See Also NEWSPAPER See Parking at Beaches Docks 189-4 Waste 83-27 PARKS AND 189-1\189-8 Duration of permits 189-5 ZONING 280-4;280-7 RECREATION PARKS AND Fees 189-3;189-4 PARKS AND AREAS 193-2 RECREATION Fishing 189-3 RECREATION AREAS SEWERS AND SEWAGE AREAS 193-1;193-3 Hotels 189-3 Air rifles 193-6 DISPOSAL 215-4; PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS Inspections 189-3;189-4 Animals 193-2;193-3.1 215-10 AND TRANSIENT Licenses and permits Ashes 193-2 P Signs 280-83;280-85 RETAIL 189-2;189-3;189-4; Authority to promulgate SUBDIVISION OF LAND MERCHANTS 197-2; 189-5 rules and regulations 240-20;240-28; 197-10 Motels 189-3 193-11 240-29;240-30 Plum Island Conservation Motor vehicles 189-3; 189-4 Bathing 193-3.1;193-4; TOBACCO District(PIC)280-188 Other regulations 189-6 193-5 ADVERTISING 249-2 Plum Island Research PARKING 189-1\189-8 Beach activities 193-5 ZONING 280-4;280-111 District(PIR)280-184 Parking permits 189-3 Behavior and conduct 193-9 PARADES PUBLIC Penalties for offenses 189-8 Boats and Boating 193-1; BOATS,DOCKS AND ENTERTAINMENT Police Department 189-7 193-3;193-5 WHARVES 96-16 AND SPECIAL Police officers 189-7 Certain acts prohibited PARKS AND EVENTS 205-2; Policy 189-1 193-2 RECREATION 205-3;205-4;205-7 Ponds 189-2 Definitions 193-1 AREAS 193-9 Recreational Floating Zone Recreation areas 189-4 Department of Public Works PUBLIC District(RFZ) Registration 189-3;189-4 193-1 ENTERTAINMENT 280-201;280-203; Removal of vehicles parked Dirt 193-2 AND SPECIAL 280-204 in violation 189-7 Dog runs 193-3.1 EVENTS 205-2 RENTAL PERMITS 207-1 Rental units 189-3 Dogs 193-3.1 PARENT AND GUARDIAN Residential Office(RO) Signs 189-4 Driveways 193-1 RESPONSIBILITIES District 280-38;280-39 Storage 189-7 Dumps and dumping 193-2 Shellfish 219-6 Resort Residential(RR) Town Board 189-1;189-3; Emergencies 193-3 PARKING District 280-36 189-4 Enforcement;penalties for Adoption of Code 1-2 Roadway Construction Town Clerk 189-3;189-4 offenses 193-12 Adoption of Renumbered 161-15 Trailers 189-2 Fire Department 193-3 2006 Code 1-14 SALVAGE CENTERS Vehicles 189-1;189-2; Firearms 193-6 Affordable Housing(AHD) 211-3;211-4 189-3;189-4;189-7 Garbage,rubbish and refuse District 280-28 Signs 280-85 Violations and penalties 193-2;193-7 Agricultural-Conservation Site Plan Approval 189-2;189-3;189-4; Glass 193-2 (A-C)District and 280-127;280-128; 189-7;189-8 Guns 193-6 Low-Density 280-129;280-131; Water 189-1 Hours of use 193-10 Residential R-80, 280-133;280-134; Wells 189-2 Hunting 193-2;193-3.1; R-120,R-200 and 280-137 193-6 R-400 Districts SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 Hunting and use of firearms 280-13;280-14 prohibited 193-6 IDX:36 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX PARKS AND RECREATION AREAS... Intoxicating beverages PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS See Also VENDORS FIRE PREVENTION AND 193-9 AND TRANSIENT PEDESTRIAN BUILDING CODE Leashing 193-3.1 RETAIL MERCHANTS WALKWAYS ADMINISTRATION Licenses and permits Application for license See Also CROSSWALKS 144-8 193-3.1 197-6 General Business(B) General Business(B) Meetings 193-9 Chief of Police 197-11 District 280-48 District 280-48 Motor vehicles 193-3 Contagious diseases 197-6 Hamlet Business(HB) Hamlet Business(HB) Mufflers 193-3 Definitions 197-2 District 280-45 District 280-45 Notices 193-10 Dirt 197-10 PEDESTRIANS Hamlet Density(HD) Paper 193-2 Dogs 197-5;197-10 ALCOHOLIC Residential District Parades 193-9 Dust 197-10 BEVERAGES 79-1 280-22 Parking 193-1;193-3 Exemptions 197-4 BICYCLES 88-2;88-6 Historic Preservation Parks and recreation 193-1; Farms and farming 197-2 COASTAL EROSION District(HPD)280-193 193-3.1 Fees 197-4;197-7;197-8; HAZARD AREAS Light Industrial(LI)District Playgrounds 193-1 197-9 111-6; 111-16 280-62 Police Department 193-12 Fees;expiration of license Crosswalks 260-27 Light Industrial Park/ Police officers 193-3 197-9 FILMING 139-1;139-3 Planned Office Park Recreation areas 193-1; Fingerprinting 197-7 General Business(B) (LIO)District 280-58 193-3.1;193-6;193-7; Garage sales 197-4 District 280-48 Limited Business(LB) 193-10;193-11 Hearings 197-11 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR District 280-41 Regulations concerning Insects 197-10 172-2 Low-Density Residential bathing and swimming Investigation of applicant Limited Business(LB) R-40 District 280-17 193-4 197-7 District 280-41 Marine I(MI)District Regulations concerning Investigations 197-7 Pedestrians 260-27 280-52 dogs or domestic Issuance of license;records; Recreational Floating Zone Marine II(MII)District animals 193-3.1 possession 197-8 District(RFZ)280-201 280-55 Regulations concerning Legislative intent 197-1 Safety standards 260-27 Marine III Zone District motor vehicles 193-3 License required 197-3 Signs 280-85 (MIII)280-205 Restrictions concerning Licenses and permits Site Plan Approval See Also certain games and 197-3;197-4;197-6; 280-128;280-129; NONCONFORMING sports activities 193-8 197-7;197-8;197-9; 280-133;280-137 USES Safety standards 193-6; 197-11;197-13 Street Numbering 237-26 Plum Island Conservation 193-11 Licensing and Regulation SUBDIVISION OF LAND District(PIC)280-187 Service dogs 193-3.1 197-1\197-13 240-3;240-4;240-10; Plum Island Research Signs 193-3; 193-3.1 Newspaper 197-4 240-42;240-53;240-54 District(PIR)280-183 Special permits 193-7 Noise 197-10 Town Board 260-27 PUBLIC Toilet facilities 193-4 Obstructions 197-10 TRANSPORTATION ENTERTAINMENT Town Board 193-3.1; Parking 197-2;197-10 ACCESS AND SPECIAL 193-10 Peddling and soliciting MANAGEMENT 64-5 EVENTS 205-2;205-5 Trap 193-6 197-1;197-2;197-3; Vehicle Traffic 260-26 Recreational Floating Zone Trash 193-2;193-7 197-4;197-7;197-8; VEHICLES AND District(RFZ)280-202 Trees 193-2 197-10 TRAFFIC 260-18; Residential Office(RO) Trucks 193-3 Penalties for offenses 260-27 District 280-38 Use of picnic areas 193-7 197-13 WETLANDS AND Resort Residential(RR) Use Regulations and Permitted activities 197-5 SHORELINE 275-11 District 280-35 Restrictions 193-1\ Police Chief 197-7 ZONING 280-2;280-77 SANITARY FLOW 193-13 Police Department 197-7 PENALTIES FOR CREDITS, Vehicles 193-1;193-3; Records 197-7;197-8 OFFENSES TRANSFER OF 117-3 193-4 Registration 197-1;197-4; See VIOLATIONS AND Special Exception Uses Violations and penalties 197-6 PENALTIES 280-143 193-7;193-12 Restrictions 197-10 PENSIONS See Also SPECIAL Water 193-4 Revocation of license; See Also RETIREMENT EXCEPTION USES Weapons 193-6 hearing 197-11 WATERFRONT Targeted Business When effective 193-13 Sales 197-2;197-4;197-5; CONSISTENCY Investment Exemption Wildlife 193-6 197-6;197-10 REVIEW 268-3 245-7 PARKS AND Schools 197-10 PERFORMANCE Wireless Communication RECREATION Signs 197-12 GUARANTEES Facilities 280-71 COMMITTEE Town Board 197-11;197-12 STORMWATER PERSONNEL See Also RECREATION Town Clerk 197-3;197-6; MANAGEMENT See Grievance Procedures AREAS 197-8;197-11 236-20 47-1\47-4 Recreational Floating Zone Transient merchants 197-1; WETLANDS AND See Also OFFICERS AND District(RFZ)280-201 197-2;197-5;197-6 SHORELINE 275-9 EMPLOYEES PATIOS Trucks 197-2;197-5 PERFORMANCE PERSONNEL POLICIES General Business(B) Vehicles 197-10 STANDARDS See OFFICERS AND District 280-48 Violations and penalties See Also DESIGN EMPLOYEES Hamlet Business(HB) 197-6;197-11;197-13 STANDARDS PET WASTE District 280-45 PEDDLING AND STORMWATER See Also FECAL MATTER LIGHTING,OUTDOOR SOLICITING MANAGEMENT Illicit Discharges 236-27 172-2 Adoption of Code 1-2 236-3;236-9;236-18 STORMWATER STORMWATER Adoption of Renumbered PERMIT PARKING MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT 2006 Code 1-14 See PARKING 236-4 236-5 APPEARANCE TICKETS PERMITTED USES PET WASTE DISPOSAL WETLANDS AND 5-2 Affordable Housing(AHI)) See FECAL MATTER SHORELINE 275-2 LITTERING 174-6 District 280-27 PLACES OF WORSHIP ZONING 280-4;280-104 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS Agricultural Planned Agricultural-Conservation PEACE AND GOOD AND TRANSIENT Development District (A-C)District and ORDER RETAIL 280-175 Low-Density See DISORDERLY MERCHANTS 197-1; Agricultural-Conservation Residential R-80, CONDUCT 197-2;197-3;197-4; (A-C)District and R-120,R-200 and See DISTURBING THE 197-7;197-8; 197-10 Low-Density R-400 Districts 280-13 PEACE POLICE DEPARTMENT Residential R-80, See Also CHURCHES See NOISE RULES AND R-120,R-200 and Residential Office(RO) PEDALCYCLES REGULATIONS R-400 Districts 280-13 District 280-38 See BICYCLES A290-15 Board of Appeals 280-146 ZONING 280-78 See Also SALES IDX:37 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE PLANNED UNIT Residential Office(RO) JUNKYARDS 166-1 Groundwater 280-183 DEVELOPMENTS District 280-38 LITTERING 174-1 Historic landmarks 280-183 COMMUNITY Resort Residential(RR) POLICE DEPARTMENT Museums 280-183 PRESERVATION District 280-35 RULES AND Nuisances 280-183 FUND AND Roadway Construction REGULATIONS Odors 280-183 COMMUNITY 161-15;161-44 A290-45 Parking 280-184 HOUSING FUND Rules of Conduct 26-13 Roadway Construction Permitted uses 280-183 17-52 SANITARY FLOW 161-46 Planning Board 280-183 HOUSING FUND 34-6 CREDITS, SEWERS AND SEWAGE Purpose 280-182 PLANNING BOARD TRANSFER OF DISPOSAL 215-4 Setbacks 280-185 Adoption of Code 1-2 117-9;117-11 Signs 280-82 Sewers 280-183 Affordable Housing(AHD) Signs 280-81 WETLANDS AND Site plan approval 280-183 District 280-24; Site Plan Approval SHORELINE 275-11 Smoke 280-183 280-28;280-29; 280-127;280-129; ZONING 280-4;280-111 Solar energy 280-183 280-30;280-31 280-130;280-131; PLAYGROUNDS Special exception uses AGRICULTURAL 280-132;280-133; Agricultural-Conservation 280-183 ADVISORY 280-137 (A-C)District and Special exceptions 280-183 COMMITTEE 71-1; SOIL REMOVAL 228-4; Low-Density Storage 280-183 71-4 228-7 Residential R-80, Town Board 280-183 Agricultural Planned STORMWATER R-120,R-200 and Use regulations 280-183 Development District MANAGEMENT R-400 Districts 280-13 Utilities 280-183 280-174;280-181 236-10 FIRE PREVENTION AND Vibrations 280-183 Agricultural-Conservation Street Numbering 237-25 BUILDING CODE Water 280-183 (A-C)District and SUBDIVISION OF LAND ADMINISTRATION Wetlands 280-185 Low-Density 240-3;240-5;240-6; 144-8 ZONING 280-182\280-185 Residential R-80, 240-8;240-9;240-10; LITTERING 174-1 PLUMBERS R-120,R-200 and 240-11;240-12; See Also PARKS AND SEWERS AND SEWAGE R-400 Districts 280-13 240-13;240-14; RECREATION DISPOSAL 215-8 Design Standards 240-45 240-16;240-18; PARKS AND ZONING 280-4 EXPENSES OF TOWN 240-19;240-20; RECREATION PLUMBING OFFICERS 30-1 240-21;240-22; AREAS 193-1 Design Standards 240-47 Farm Stands 72-6 240-23;240-24; See Also RECREATION FIRE PREVENTION AND Farmland Bill of Rights 240-25;240-29; AREAS BUILDING CODE 280-100 240-30;240-32; SUBDIVISION OF LAND ADMINISTRATION FIRE PREVENTION AND 240-34;240-35; 240-10;240-43; 144-8 BUILDING CODE 240-38;240-39; 240-44;240-52;240-53 FLOOD DAMAGE ADMINISTRATION 240-40;240-41; PLUM ISLAND PREVENTION 148-16 144-8 240-42;240-44; CONSERVATION General Business(B) Garbage,Rubbish and 240-52;240-53; DISTRICT(PIC) District 280-48 Refuse 233-6 240-54;240-56; Accessory uses and Hamlet Business(HB) General Business(B) 240-57;240-58;240-59 structures 280-187 District 280-45 District 280-48 WATERFRONT Apartments 280-187 Light Industrial(LI)District Hamlet Business(HB) CONSISTENCY Appeals 280-187 280-62 District 280-45 REVIEW 268-4 Board of Appeals 280-187 Light Industrial Park/ Hamlet Density(HD) Wireless Communication Buffers 280-187 Planned Office Park Residential District Facilities 280-70; Bulk,area and parking (LIO)District 280-58 280-22 280-72;280-73; regulations 280-188 Limited Business(LB) HIGHWAY 280-74;280-76.2 Conservation districts District 280-41 SPECIFICATIONS ZONING 280-4;280-9; 280-186;280-187; RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 161-49 280-78;280-92; 280-188 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Historic Preservation 280-94;280-104; Fees 280-187 DISPOSAL 215-2; District(HPD) 280-123;280-151; Historic landmarks 280-187 215-9 P 280-193;280-195; 280-154;280-157 Historic resources 280-186 ZONING 280-4;280-78 280-196 PLANNING COMMISSION Museums 280-187 PLUMBING CODE Light Industrial(LI)District Affordable Housing(AHD) Natural resources 280-187 RENTAL PERMITS 207-1 280-62 District 280-29 Parking 280-188 POLICE CHIEF Light Industrial Park/ Historic Preservation Permitted uses 280-187 See Also CHIEF OF Planned Office Park District(HPD)280-195 Planning Board 280-187 POLICE (LIO)District 280-58 PUBLIC Purpose 280-186 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS LIGHTING,OUTDOOR ENTERTAINMENT Setbacks 280-189 AND TRANSIENT 172-5;172-8 AND SPECIAL Site plan approval 280-187 RETAIL Limited Business(LB) EVENTS 205-5 Solar energy 280-187 MERCHANTS 197-7 District 280-41;280-42 Site Plan Approval 280-131 Special exception uses POLICE DEPARTMENT Low-Density Residential SUBDIVISION OF LAND 280-187 Administration;rules and R-40 District 280-17 240-12 Special exceptions 280-187 regulations 51-5 Marine I(MI)District PLASTIC BAGS Town Board 280-187 Adoption of Code 1-2;1-4 280-52 Garbage,Rubbish and Use regulations 280-187 Adoption of Renumbered Marine II(MII)District Refuse 233-1 Wetlands 280-189 2006 Code 1-14 280-55 POLICE DEPARTMENT ZONING 280-186\280-189 ALARM SYSTEMS 75-2; Marine III Zone District RULES AND PLUM ISLAND RESEARCH 75-6 (MIII)280-205 REGULATIONS DISTRICT(PIR) Appointments 51-3;51-4 Plum Island Conservation A290-45 Accessory uses and Board of Commissioners District(PIC)280-187 PLASTICS structures 280-183 51-2 Plum Island Research Agricultural-Conservation Apartments 280-183 Board of Police District(PIR)280-183 (A-C)District and Appeals 280-183 Commissioners 51-2 Preservation of Natural Low-Density Board of Appeals 280-183 Budget 51-4 Features 240-49; Residential R-80, Boats and Boating 280-183 Charges 51-1;51-6 240-51 R-120,R-200 and Buffers 280-183 Charges;disciplinary action PUBLIC R-400 Districts 280-13 Bulk,area and parking 51-6 ENTERTAINMENT Garbage,Rubbish and regulations 280-184 Chief of Police 51-1; AND SPECIAL Refuse 233-1;233-3.1 Dust 280-183 A290-7 EVENTS 205-2;205-5 General Business(B) Explosives 280-183 Civil Service Commission Recreational Floating Zone District 280-48 Fees 280-183 51-4 District(RFZ) Hamlet Business(HB) Fumes 280-183 280-201;280-202 District 280-45 Gases 280-183 IDX:38 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX POLICE DEPARTMENT... COASTAL EROSION A290-15;A290-16; Order of rank A290-4 Emergency Removal of HAZARD AREAS A290-17;A290-18; Organization A290-1\ Vehicles 260-23; 111-6;111-29 A290-19;A290-22; A290-5 260-24 Compensation 51-1;51-4; A290-27;A290-30; Other occupations A290-40 FILMING 139-4 51-6 A290-36;A290-41; Patrol duty A290-37 HOUSING FUND 34-2 Costs and expenses 51-1 A290-43;A290-44; Peddling and soliciting Members of the Department Emergencies 51-4 A290-46 A290-15 A290-33 Emergency Removal of See Chief of Police A290-6\ Plastic bags A290-45 Parking at Beaches 189-7 Vehicles 260-24; -A290-7 Plastics A290-45 PARKS AND 260-25 Civilian Members A290-12\ Police Department A290-1; RECREATION Establishment;members; A290-14 A290-2;A290-4; AREAS 193-3 powers and duties; Communicable diseases A290-8;A290-11; POLICE DEPARTMENT compensation; A290-45 A290-34;A290-35; 51-3;51-4 equipment 5 1-1 Communicable/infectious A290-36;A290-41; POLICE DEPARTMENT FILMING 139-12 diseases A290-45 A290-46;A290-47 RULES AND Hearings 51-6 Compensation A290-47 Police officers A290-4; REGULATIONS Investigations 51-6 Complaints A290-15; A290-16;A290-23; A2904;A290-16; Members of the Department A290-36;A290-45 A290-36;A290-37 A290-23;A290-36; A290-33 Composition A290-18 Powers and duties A290-1 A290-37 Notices 51-6 Conduct A290-15 Pro-arrest policy A290-36 PUBLIC Officers and employees Confidentiality A290-14; Procedures A290-30 ENTERTAINMENT 51-1 A290-41 Profanity A290-15 AND SPECIAL Parking at Beaches 189-7 Confidentiality of official Qualifications A290-16 EVENTS 205-5 PARKS AND business A290-41 Records A290-9;A290-11; Street Numbering 23 7-2 8 RECREATION Conflict with Police A290-15;A290-28; VEHICLES AND AREAS 193-12 Benevolent Association A290-45 TRAFFIC 260-7 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS agreements A290-48 Records and documents VEHICLES,MOTOR- AND TRANSIENT Construal of Provisions A290-28 DRIVEN 264-15; RETAIL A290-48 Reports A290-3;A290-9; 264-17 MERCHANTS 197-7 Cooperation.with other law A290-11;A290-13; POLITICAL SIGNS POLICE DEPARTMENT enforcement agencies A290-15;A290-31; See SIGNS 51-1;51-2;51-3;51-5; A290-22 A290-32;A290-36; POLLUTION 51-6 Curbs A290-37;A290-38 A290-37;A290-38; See Also AIR POLLUTION POLICE DEPARTMENT Definitions;word usage A290-44 COMMUNITY RULES AND A290-46 Requesting assistance PRESERVATION REGULATIONS Detectives A290-16\ A290-26 FUND AND A290-1;A290-2; A290-32 Rules of conduct A290-15; COMMUNITY A290-4;A290-8; Detectives to be on call A290-23 HOUSING FUND A290-11;A290-34; A290-32 Safeguarding information 17-52 A290-35;A290-36; Disability A290-3 A290-14 Floating Homes 96-26 A290-41;A290-46; Disciplinary Action Safety standards A290-45 General Business(B) A290-47 A290-47 Salaries and compensation District 280-48 Police officers 51-3;51-4 Disorderly conduct A290-9; A290-47 Light Industrial(LI)District Powers and duties 51-1 A290-15;A290-36 Scene of investigation 280-62 PUBLIC Dress A290-29 A290-20 Light Industrial Park/ ENTERTAINMENT Duty of Department Security standards A290-9; Planned Office Park AND SPECIAL A290-35 A290-42 (LIO)District 280-58 EVENTS 205-5;205-9 Emergencies A290-3; Seniority A290-5 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Qualifications 51-3 A290-11;A290-46 Sergeants A290-10\A290-11 172-2 Qualifications of members Fecal matter A290-45 Sick leave A290-39 NOISE,PREVENTION OF of Police Department Fees A290-15 Sick time A290-44 180-1;180-2;180-3; 51-3 Firearms A290-9 Sidearms A290-42 180-4;180-5;180-6; Salaries and compensation Fitness for duty A290-39 Sidewalks A290-37; 180-7 51-6 Gas A290-15 A290-38 SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 Special policemen 51-4 General duties A290-8; Smoke A290-45 Special Exception Uses STORMWATER A290-10;A290-12 Specific duties A290-9; 280-143 MANAGEMENT General Rules A290-34\ A290-11;A290-13 STORMWATER 236-33 A290-45 Streetlighting A290-37; MANAGEMENT Street Excavations 237-13 Grooming A290-43 A290-38 236-3;236-4;236-5; Town Board 51-I;51-2; Guns A290-15 Supervisory officers 236-17;236-19; 51-4;51-5;51-6 Harassment A290-36 A290-38 236-20;236-35 VEHICLES,MOTOR- Hazardous wastes A290-45 Tests A290-45 See Also WATER DRIVEN 264-17; Hospitals A290-44; Tobacco A290-15 POLLUTION 264-19 A290-45 Towing A290-15 Water Quality Improvement Violations and penalties Inquiries A290-25 Town Board A290-2; 17-41;17-43;17-44; 51-6 Inspections A290-15; A2904;A290-15; 17-45 WATERFRONT A290-27 A290-46 WATERFRONT CONSISTENCY Intoxicating beverages Types of action A290-47 CONSISTENCY REVIEW 268-4;268-6 A290-15;A290-24 Use of intoxicating REVIEW 268-3 POLICE DEPARTMENT Intoxication A290-9 beverages A290-24 ZONING 280-91 RULES AND Investigation of Vehicles A290-11; PONDS REGULATIONS questionable deaths A290-15;A290-45 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Absence or disability of A290-21 Violations and penalties PROPERTY Chief A290-3 Investigations A290-15; A290-9;A290-13; MAINTENANCE Additional duties A290-19 A290-17;A290-19; A290-15;A290-19; 100-4 Advertising A290-15 A290-20;A290-21; A290-36;A290-47 Fishers Island Harbor Alcoholic beverages A290-24;A290-25; Waivers A290-43 Management 157-6 A290-15 A290-31 Warrants A290-17; LITTERING 174-4 Appointments A290-5 Lieutenant A290-8\A290-9 A290-36 Parking at Beaches 189-2 Assignment A290-17 Maintenance of order Water A290-45 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Charges A290-36 A290-34 Weapons A290-15 DISPOSAL 215-2 Chief of Police A290-2; See Members of the Word Usage A290-46 Site Plan Approval 280-133 A290-3;A290-4; Department A290-33 POLICE OFFICERS Southold Community A290-8;A290-9; Monthly report A290-31 Dogs 83-7 Preservation Project A290-12;A290-13; Notices A290-44 Plan 17-13 IDX:39 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE PONDS... Stop and Yield Intersections YOUTH BOARD 68-5 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Parks and recreation 205-7 260-4;260-6 PRELIMINARY PLANS PROPERTY Penalties for offenses 205-9 STORMWATER HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE Permit required 205-3 MANAGEMENT SPECIFICATIONS 100-1;100-4 Permitted uses 205-2;205-5 236-5;236-9;236-17; 161-2;161-3 Historic Preservation Planning Board 205-2; 236-18 PRELIMINARY PLATS District(HPD)280-196 205-5 SUBDIVISION OF LAND SUBDIVISION OF LAND NOISE,PREVENTION OF Planning Commission 205-5 240-4;240-10;240-42 240-3;240-6;240-7; 180-4 Police Department 205-5; VEHICLES AND 240-8;240-10;240-13; PUBLIC ASSEMBLIES 205-9 TRAFFIC 260-9; 240-15;240-16; FIRE PREVENTION AND Police officers 205-5 260-11 240-17;240-18; BUILDING CODE Purpose 205-1 Water Quality Improvement 240-19;240-20; ADMINISTRATION Safety standards 205-1; 17-43 240-22;240-24; 144-6 205-3;205-4;205-5; Waterfowl and Gull Feeding 240-25;240-53;240-58 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 205-7 and Domestic Pet PRESERVATION OF 172-2 Sales 205-2;205-4 Waste 83-27 NATURAL FEATURES Site Plan Approval 280-129 Sanitary facilities 205-3; WETLANDS AND Buffers 240-49 Special Exception Uses 205-4 SHORELINE 275-2; Certificates of occupancy 280-143 Security standards 205-4 275-3;275-4;275-11 240-49 PUBLIC DOCKS Signs 205-2;205-4 ZONING 280-4;280-113 Clearing 240-49 BOATS,DOCKS AND Site plan review and POOLS Conservation districts WHARVES 96-4\96-5 approval 205-5 Agricultural-Conservation 240-51 Definitions 96-4 Site plans 205-2 (A-C)District and Construction 240-51 Docks 96-4;96-5 Special Events Requiring Low-Density Drainage 240-51 Monopolization of docks, Chairperson of the Residential R-80, Drainage plan 240-51 bulkheads and landing Zoning Board of R-120,R-200 and Easements 240-51 places prohibited 96-5 Appeals'Approval R-400 Districts 280-13 Erosion and sediment PUBLIC 205-4\205-6 COASTAL EROSION control 240-49;240-51 ENTERTAINMENT Special Events Requiring HAZARD AREAS Farms and farming 240-49 AND SPECIAL Town Board Approval 111-6 Fees 240-49 EVENTS 205-7 See Also SW VI IING Final plats 240-51 Ambulance service 205-5 Special permits 205-8 POOLS Floodplains 240-50 Amusements 205-2 Toilet facilities 205-2 WETLANDS AND Grades and grading 240-49; Appeal from denial of a Town Attorney 205-2; SHORELINE 275-2 240-51 special event permit 205-5 ZONING 280-4 Improvements 240-51 205-6 Town Board 205-2;205-3; PORCHES Landscaping 240-49 Appeals 205-6 205-4;205-5;205-6; COASTAL EROSION Licenses and permits 240-49 Application requirements 205-7;205-8 HAZARD AREAS Lots 240-49;240-51 205-4 Town Clerk 205-5;205-6; 111-6 See Also NATURAL Application review 205-7 FLOOD DAMAGE FEATURES procedure and Trash 205-4 PREVENTION 148-18 Open space 240-49 standards 205-5 Utilities 205-4 LITTERING 174-1 Planning Board 240-49; Assessments 205-4;205-7 Variances 205-5 Marine II(MII)District 240-51 Bicycles 205-2 Vehicles 205-2;205-4 280-55 Screens and screening Building Inspector 205-2 Vendors 205-4;205-7 Site Plan Approval 240-49 Carnivals 205-2 Violations and penalties 280-134;280-137 Stormwater 240-50;240-51 Certificates of insurance 205-1;205-5;205-7; STORMWATER Stormwater,drainage and 205-4;205-7 205-9 MANAGEMENT erosion control 240-51 Chief of Police 205-2 Waivers 205-4;205-7 236-5 Street trees 240-49 Circuses 205-2 Zoning Board of Appeals ZONING 280-4 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Costs and expenses 205-5; 205-2;205-5;205-7; POULTRY 240-49\240-51 205-7 205-8 AGRICULTURAL USES Trees 240-49 Definitions 205-2 Zoning districts 205-2 72-4 Water 240-51 E-mail 205-7 PUBLIC HEARINGS, Farmland Bill of Rights Water conservation 240-51 Easements 205-4;205-5 NOTICE OF 280-98;280-99 Wetlands 240-51 Emergencies 205-4 Assessments 55-1 STORMWATER PRIVACY PROTECTION Enforcement 205-8\205-9 Hearings 55-I Q MANAGEMENT See CONFIDENTIALITY Events held on Town lands Meetings 55-2 236-5 PRIVIES or events exceeding Notices 55-1 SUBDIVISION OF LAND SEWERS AND SEWAGE 1,000 attendees 205-7 Providing notice of public 240-3;240-44 DISPOSAL 215-3 Farms and farming 205-2 hearings 55-1 WETLANDS AND PRIVY VAULTS Fees 205-4;205-5;205-7 Records 55-1 SHORELINE 275-2 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Fire extinguishers 205-4 Setbacks 55-1 ZONING 280-4 DISPOSAL 215-3 Fire Marshal 205-5 Signs 55-1 POWERS AND DUTIES PROFANITY Firesafety 205-4 Town Board 55-1;55-2 AGRICULTURAL POLICE DEPARTMENT Garbage,rubbish and refuse Videoconferencing for ADVISORY RULES AND 205-4 public meetings 55-2 COMMITTEE 71-4 REGULATIONS General Provisions 205-1\ PUBLIC RECORDS, Board of Appeals 280-146 A290-15 205-3 ACCESS TO COASTAL EROSION PROHIBITED USES Hearings 205-6 See RECORDS HAZARD AREAS See Also Holidays 205-3 PUBLIC SAFETY 111-29 NONCONFORMING Inspections 205-5 See SAFETY FIRE PREVENTION AND USES Liability insurance 205-4 STANDARDS BUILDING CODE See Also SPECIAL Licenses and permits PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION EXCEPTION USES 205-2;205-4;205-5; DEPARTMENT 144-5 ZONING 280-8;280-111 205-7;205-9 See DEPARTMENT OF LANDMARK PROPERTY Lighting 205-4;205-7 PUBLIC WORKS PRESERVATION MAINTENANCE Modification or rescission 170-4 Affordable Housing(AHD) of permit 205-8 — Q — POLICE DEPARTMENT District 280-32.1 Motorcycles 205-2 51-1 Agricultural-Conservation Noise 205-7 QUALIFICATIONS POLICE DEPARTMENT (A-C)District and Notices 205-4;205-7; Board of Appeals 280-146 RULES AND Low-Density 205-8;205-9 Ethics Board 26-21 REGULATIONS Residential R-80, Parades 205-2 A290-1 R-120,R-200 and Parking 205-2;205-3; Records Management 59-14 R-400 Districts 280-13 205-4;205-7 IDX:40 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX QUALIFICATIONS... Exemption for Volunteer Effective date;referendum COASTAL EROSION Records access officer Fire Fighters and requirement 17-40 HAZARD AREAS 59-3;59-8;59-10 Ambulance Workers Eminent domain 17-20 111-10;111-29 Records Management 245-11 Exemptions from tax 17-24 Comptroller 59-2 59-11;59-12;59-13; HOUSING FUND 34-5 Fees 17-20;17-35 Confidentiality 59-2 59-14;59-15;59-16; LANDMARK Hearing Officer 17-34 Costs and expenses 59-9 59-17 PRESERVATION Hearings 17-34 Definitions 59-1 See Records Management 170-5 Historic preservation 17-24 Denial of access;appeals 59-11\59-17 POLICE DEPARTMENT Historic resources 17-19 59-8 Requests for access 59-6 51-3 Imposition of tax;use of Design Standards 240-45 Rules of Conduct 26-7 POLICE DEPARTMENT tax;applicability 17-21 Designation of records Safety standards 59-2 RULES AND Improvements 17-20 access officer;duties Salaries and compensation REGULATIONS Insurance 17-32;17-34 59-3 59-2;59-9 A290-16 Interest and civil penalties Designation of records SEWERS AND SEWAGE Residency Requirements 17-36 location 59-4 DISPOSAL 215-1; 42-9 Intergovernmental Disclosure 59-2 215-9 WATERFRONT agreement authority DOMESTIC Site Plan Approval 280-133 CONSISTENCY 17-38 PARTNERSHIPS SOIL REMOVAL 228-6; REVIEW 268-3 Judicial review 17-32 121-4 228-9;228-12 Wireless Communication Legislative findings 17-19 Ethics Board 26-23;26-25 STORMWATER Facilities 280-74 Liability 17-20;17-23; Exceptions;records to be MANAGEMENT QUORUM 17-29;17-31;17-34; maintained 59-2 236-5;236-9;236-20; LANDMARK 17-35 Fees 59-3;59-9 236-24 PRESERVATION Liability for tax 17-23 FIRE PREVENTION AND Street Numbering 237-24 170-4 Liability of Recording BUILDING CODE SUBDIVISION OF LAND Officer 17-29 ADMINISTRATION 240-10;240-17; _ R_ Liens 17-20;17-27;17-35 144-5;144-8;144-16 240-19;240-21; Natural features 17-19 Fishers Island Harbor 240-25;240-29; RABIES CONTROL Natural resources 17-19 Management 157-12 240-34;240-35; ANIMALS 83-21;83-22 Notices 17-32;17-34 FLOOD DAMAGE 240-38;240-41; RADIATION Open space 17-24 PREVENTION 148-22 240-44;240-52;240-57 Agricultural-Conservation Parks and recreation 17-24 Grievance Procedures 47-1 TOURIST AND TRAILER (A-C)District and Payment of tax;filing of HIGHWAY CAMPS 253-13 Low-Density return;recording 17-22 SPECIFICATIONS Town Board 59-3;59-8 Residential R-80, Proceedings to recover tax 161-49 Town Clerk 59-3;59-8 R-120,R-200 and due 17-35 Hours for public inspection WETLANDS AND R-400 Districts 280-13 Records 17-20;17-21; 59-5 SHORELINE 275-10 Wireless Communication 17-22;17-24;17-28; Illicit Discharges 236-31; ZONING 280-4;280-7; Facilities 280-69; 17-29;17-34;17-35; 236-32 280-9;280-92; 280-70 17-37 Inspections 59-3;59-9; 280-151;280-154 ZONING 280-4 Recreation areas 17-19 59-10 RECORDS ACCESS RADIOACTIVE WASTE Refunds 17-30 Investigations 59-2 OFFICER SEWERS AND SEWAGE Reports 17-34 LANDMARK RECORDS 59-3;59-8; DISPOSAL 215-4 Sales 17-20;17-24;17-25 PRESERVATION 59-10 RAFFLES Severability 17-39 170-5;170-11 RECORDS MANAGEMENT See GAMBLING Social Security 17-27 LITTERING 174-5 Advisory Board 59-15 REAL ESTATE SIGNS Town Attorney 17-35 Maintenance of list of Custody and control of Signs 280-81;280-85 Town Board 17-19;17-34; records by subject records 59-16 See Also SIGNS 17-38 matter 59-7 Definitions 59-13 REAL ESTATE TRANSFER Town Supervisor 17-20; Marine I(MI)District Disposition of records 59-17 TAX 17-31;17-34 280-52 Improvements 59-15 Additional exemptions Treasurer 17-20;17-21; Marine II(MII)District Intent 59-11 17-25 17-22;17-27;17-28; 280-55 Minutes 59-13 Agricultural districts 17-24 17-30;17-31;17-32; Members of the Department Powers and duties 59-14 Appeals 17-34 17-33;17-34;17-35; A290-33 Powers and duties of Apportionment of 17-36 See Also MINUTES records management consideration subject to Violations and penalties MUNICIPAL BUILDING officer 59-14 tax for property located 17-31;17-32;17-34; ENERGY Program established; only partly within 17-35;17-36;17-37 BENCHMARKING designation of records Town 17-33 Waivers 17-36 177-5 management officer COMMUNITY Warrants 17-35 Notices 59-10 59-12 PRESERVATION Wetlands 17-19 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS RECORDS 59-11\59-17 FUND AND RECORDS AND TRANSIENT Records Advisory Board COMMUNITY Adoption of Renumbered RETAIL 59-15 HOUSING FUND 2006 Code 1-14 MERCHANTS 197-7; Security standards 59-13 17-19\17-40 Affordable Housing(AHD) 197-8 Signs 59-15 Compensation 17-35 District 280-25; POLICE DEPARTMENT Storage 59-12;59-13;59-14 Confidentiality 17-37 280-30;280-31 RULES AND Town Board 59-15 Confidentiality oftransfer Agricultural Planned REGULATIONS Town Clerk 59-12 tax returns 17-37 Development District A290-9;A290-11; RECREATION AREAS Cooperative housing 280-175;280-179 A290-15;A290-28; Dogs 83-6 corporation transfers ALARM SYSTEMS 75-2 A290-45 Floating Homes 96-26 17-27 ANIMALS 83-18;83-24 Public Access to Records Parking at Beaches 189-4 Costs and expenses 17-35 Appeals 59-8;59-10 59-1\59-10 See Also PARKS AND County Clerk 17-20 Appointments 59-5 PUBLIC HEARINGS, RECREATION Credit 17-26 BOATS,DOCKS AND NOTICE OF 55-1 PARKS AND Definitions 17-20 WHARVES 96-10; Public notice required 59-10 RECREATION Deposit and disposition of 96-25 Real Estate Transfer Tax AREAS 193-1; revenue 17-31 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 17-20;17-21;17-22; 193-3.1;193-6;193-7; Designation of agent by PROPERTY 17-24;17-28;17-29; 193-10;193-11 County Treasurer 17-28 MAINTENANCE 17-34; 17-35;17-37 See Also PARKS AND Determination of tax; 100-3;100-8 RECORDS 59-2;59-3; RECREATION - petition to Town Chief of Police A290-7 59-4;59-5;59-6;59-7; COMMITTEE Supervisor 17-34 59-8;59-9;59-10 See Also PLAYGROUNDS Easements 17-24 IDX:41 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE RECREATION AREAS... Real Estate Transfer Tax TOURIST AND TRAILER Legislative intent and RENTAL PROPERTY 17-19 CAMPS 253-20\253-24 purpose 237-30 Affordable Housing(AHD) Recreational Floating Zone Trailers 253-20 Notices 237-32 District 280-30 District(RFZ)280-201 Vehicles 253-20 Penalties for offenses See Also LANDLORDS Southold Community Yards 253-21 237-33 RENTAL PERMITS 207-7 Preservation Fund 17-4 RECREATIONAL Removal of damaged or See Also TENANTS SUBDIVISION OF LAND VEHICLES double utility poles ZONING 280-4;280-111 240-3;240-4;240-10; FLOOD DAMAGE 237-32 RENTAL UNITS 240-42;240-43; PREVENTION 148-4; Safety standards 237-30 Parking at Beaches 189-3 240-44;240-52 148-14;148-15;148-21 STREETS AND RENTAL PERMITS 207-7 ZONING 280-4 Recreational Vehicle Parks SIDEWALKS 237-30\ REPORTS RECREATIONAL FIRES 253-20;253-21; 237-33 Affordable Housing(AHD) See FIRES 253-23;253-24 Utilities 237-30;237-31; District 280-29;280-30 RECREATIONAL Site Plan Approval 280-137 237-32 AGRICULTURAL FLOATING ZONE See Also VEHICLES Utility poles 237-30; ADVISORY DISTRICT(RFZ) ZONING 280-4 237-31;237-32 COMMITTEE 71-4 Accessory uses and RECYCLABLE Violations and penalties Agricultural Planned structures 280-202; MATERIALS 237-30;237-32;237-33 Development District 280-204 Garbage,Rubbish and RENTAL PERMITS 280-174 Applicability 280-198 Refuse 233-1 Advertising 207-9 ALARM SYSTEMS 75-1; Application procedure RECYCLABLES Apartments 207-2 75-2 280-201 Garbage,Rubbish and Appeals 207-8 Assessment and Tax Relief Assessments 280-201 Refuse 233-1;233-2; Application for search for Superstorm Sandy Boundaries 280-200 233-3;233-3.1;233-4; warrant 207-6 Impact 245-23 Comprehensive Plan 233-5;233-6 Blight 207-1 Board of Appeals 280-146 280-201 Light Industrial Park/ Broker's/agent's BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Dimensional and parking Planned Office Park responsibility 207-9 PROPERTY requirements 280-203 (LIO)District 280-58 Building Inspector 207-2 MAINTENANCE Eligibility 280-199 SALVAGE CENTERS Building permits 207-2 100-5 Fees 280-201 211-1 Carbon monoxide detectors Chief of Police A290-7 Hearings 280-201 RECYCLING 207-4 COASTAL EROSION Landscaping 280-201 Garbage,Rubbish and Certificates of occupancy HAZARD AREAS Lots 280-201 Refuse 233-7 207-5;207-7 111-27;111-29;111-35 Notices 280-201 Light Industrial Park/ Charges 207-5 ELECTRICAL Parking 280-201;280-203; Planned Office Park Code Enforcement Officer INSPECTIONS 126-3 280-204 (LIO)District 280-58 207-2;207-10 Ethics Board 26-25 Parking requirements See Also SOLID WASTE Definitions 207-2 Exemption for War 280-204 Water Quality Improvement Electrical Code 207-1 Veterans and Gold Star Parks and Recreation 17-43 Electrical Inspector 207-2 Parents 245-15 Committee 280-201 REFUSE Emergencies 207-5 FIRE PREVENTION AND Pedestrians 280-201 See GARBAGE,RUBBISH Enforcement 207-10 BUILDING CODE Permitted uses 280-202 AND REFUSE Fees 207-3;207-5;207-8 ADMINISTRATION Planning Board 280-201; REGISTRATION Fire Marshal 207-2 144-5;144-17 280-202 BOATS,DOCKS AND Fire prevention 207-1; FLOOD DAMAGE Purpose 280-197 WHARVES 96-24 207-4;207-7;207-8 PREVENTION 148-6; Recreation areas 280-201 See Also CERTIFICATES Hearings 207-8 148-22 Reports 280-201 OF REGISTRATION Implementation 207-12 HIGHWAY Safety standards 280-201 Garbage,Rubbish and Inspections 207-5;207-6; SPECIFICATIONS Screens and screening Refuse 233-4 207-7 161-49 280-201 Parking at Beaches 189-3; Landlords 207-2 Historic Preservation Setbacks 280-201;280-203 189-4 Legislative intent 207-1 District(HPD)280-195 Sewers 280-201 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS Licenses and permits 207-7 LANDMARK Site plan approval 280-202 AND TRANSIENT Notices 207-8 PRESERVATION Site plans 280-201 RETAIL One-family dwellings 207-2 170-5 Town Board 280-197; MERCHANTS 197-1; Parking 207-1 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 280-198;280-200; 197-4;197-6 Penalties for offenses 172-2 280-201;280-204 TOURIST AND TRAILER 207-11 LITTERING 174-5 Town Clerk 280-200; CAMPS 253-14 Plumbing 207-2 Members of the Department 280-201 VEHICLES AND Plumbing Code 207-1 A290-33 R Utilities 280-201 TRAFFIC 260-28 Rental permit required MUNICIPAL BUILDING Water 280-201 VEHICLES,MOTOR- 207-7 ENERGY Yards 280-203 DRIVEN 264-11 Rental property 207-7 BENCHMARKING ZONING 280-197\280-204 REGISTRY Rental units 207-7 177-6 Zoning districts 280-201 Affordable Housing(AHD) Revocation of permit 207-8 POLICE DEPARTMENT Zoning Maps 280-200; District 280-25;280-30 Safety standards 207-1; RULES AND 280-201 Agricultural-Conservation 207-5;207-8 REGULATIONS RECREATIONAL (A-C)District and Sanitation 207-2 A290-3;A290-9; VEHICLE PARKS Low-Density Search warrants 207-6 A290-11;A290-13; Applicability of other Residential R-80, Smoke detectors 207-4 A290-15;A290-31; chapter provisions R-120,R-200 and Smoke detectors and carbon A290-32;A290-36; 253-24 R-400 Districts 280-13 monoxide detectors A290-37;A290-38; Camping 253-20 Hamlet Business(HB) 207-4 A290-44 Dates of operation;time District 280-45 Stormwater 207-2 Real Estate Transfer Tax limit for Residential Office(RO) Tenants 207-2 17-34 accommodation 253-23 District 280-38 Town Board 207-1;207-2; Recreational Floating Zone Definitions 253-20 SANITARY FLOW 207-3;207-8 District(RFZ)280-201 Drainage 253-22 CREDITS, Town Clerk 207-8 SANITARY FLOW Driveways 253-22 TRANSFER OF Town Engineer 207-2 CREDITS, Recreational vehicles 117-11 Vehicles 207-1 TRANSFER OF 117-9 253-20;253-21; REMOVAL OF UTILITY Violations and penalties SEWERS AND SEWAGE 253-23;253-24 POLES 207-1;207-6;207-7; DISPOSAL 215-4 Roadways and driveways Cable television 237-31 207-8;207-11;207-12 STORMWATER 253-22 Definitions 237-31 Warrants 207-5 MANAGEMENT Setbacks 253-21 Height regulations 237-31 236-20 Site requirements 253-21 IDX:42 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX REPORTS... SUBDIVISION OF LAND Registry 280-38 See Also WALLS Design criteria for leaching 240-3;240-19 Residential districts 280-38 WETLANDS AND basins 161-28 TOBACCO Restaurants 280-38 SHORELINE 275-2; Drainage 161-18;161-25; ADVERTISING 249-1 Sales 280-38 275-11 161-27;161-28; TOURIST AND TRAILER Schools 280-38 ZONING 280-4 161-29;161-30; CAMPS 253-14 Signs 280-38 RETIREMENT 161-31;161-32; TRANSPORTATION Single-family dwellings Affordable Housing(AHD) 161-36;161-45 ACCESS 280-38 District 280-25 Drainage design criteria MANAGEMENT 64-4 Site plan approval 280-38 ETHICS 26-17 161-27 WATERFRONT Site plan review and Grievance Procedures 47-1 Drainage pipe criteria CONSISTENCY approval 280-38 Members of the Department 161-36 REVIEW 268-4 Special exception uses A290-33 Driveways 161-39; 161-46 WETLANDS AND 280-38 See Also PENSIONS Dumps and dumping SHORELINE 275-7; Special exceptions 280-38 Senior Citizen Exemption 161-19;161-21 275-8 Storage 280-38 245-1;245-2 Dust 161-23 Wireless Communication Two-family dwellings WATERFRONT Easements 161-18 Facilities 280-70; 280-38 CONSISTENCY Electrical Code 161-46 280-74 Use regulations 280-38 REVIEW 268-3 Emergency vehicles 161-20 YOUTH BOARD 68-4 ZONING 280-37\280-39 REVIEW,BOARD OF Excavation and ZONING 280-4;280-151; RESORT RESIDENTIAL See BOARD OF REVIEW embankment 161-18 280-157 (RR)DISTRICT RIGHT OF ENTRY Excavations 161-17; RESIDENCY Accessory uses and FIRE PREVENTION AND 161-18;161-25; REQUIREMENTS structures 280-35 BUILDING CODE 161-29;161-30;161-36 Appointments 42-10 Bed and breakfast 280-35 ADMINISTRATION Fences 161-16;161-29; Eligibility requirements for Board of Appeals 280-35 144-14 161-41;161-42 Town Attorney 42-10 Boats and Boating 280-35 STORMWATER Fencing and curbs at OFFICERS AND Bulk,area and parking MANAGEMENT recharge basins 161-41 EMPLOYEES 42-9\ regulations 280-36 236-20 Fill 161-25 42-10 Camps 280-35 RIGHT TO FARM Grades and grading 161-18; Qualifications 42-9 Conservation districts Farmland Bill of Rights 161-19;161-21; Supersession of Town Law 280-35 280-97 161-22;161-23; and enactment Hotels 280-35 See Also FARMS AND 161-24;161-29; authority 42-9 Marinas 280-35 FARMING 161-30;161-35; Terms of office 42-10 Mooring 280-35 ROADS 161-42;161-46 Town Attorney 42-10 Motels 280-35 See STREETS AND Groundwater 161-29; RESIDENTIALParking 280-36 SIDEWALKS 161-30 CONSTRUCTION Permitted uses 280-35 ROADSIDE STANDS Gutters 161-29;161-34 See BUILDING Planning Board 280-35 ZONING 280-4 Heating 161-22;161-23 CONSTRUCTION Purpose 280-34 ROADWAY Height regulations 161-44; See CONSTRUCTION Residential districts 280-35 CONSTRUCTION 161-46 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS Restaurants 280-35 Alterations or modifications HIGHWAY BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Sewers 280-34;280-35 to specifications 161-47 SPECIFICATIONS PROPERTY Signs 280-35 Aluminum 161-36 161-15\161-48 MAINTENANCE Site plan approval 280-35 As-constructed survey Improvements 161-25 100-4 Site plan review and 161-45 Industrial districts 161-15 Hamlet Density(HD) approval 280-35 Asphalt binder course Insects 161-44 Residential District Special exception uses 161-22 Inspection of work 161-48 280-20;280-21;280-23 280-35 Asphalt pavement cores Inspections 161-19;161-21; Residential Office(RO) Special exceptions 280-35 161-26 161-42;161-46;161-48 District 2 80-3 8 Trailer camps 280-35 Asphalt wearing course Landfills 161-16 Resort Residential(RR) Use regulations 280-35 161-23 Landscaping 161-42; District 280-35 Water 280-34;280-35 Backfilling 161-25;161-36; 161-43 Site Plan Approval ZONING 280-34\280-36 161-44 Landscaping of recharge 280-129;280-137 RESTAURANTS Base course for asphalt basins Types A and B Wireless Communication Agricultural-Conservation pavement 161-21 161-42 Facilities 280-73 (A-C)District and Base course for stone blend Lighting 161-46 ZONING 280-5;280-78; Low-Density road 161-19 Lots 161-15;161-16 280-93;280-94; Residential R-80, Bituminous surface Major subdivisions 161-38 280-104;280-110 R-120,R-200 and treatment double Manholes 161-35 RESIDENTIAL OFFICE R-400 Districts 280-13 application 161-24 Manure 161-44 (RO)DISTRICT General Business(B) Bonds 161-46 Modifications to existing Accessory uses and District 280-48 Brush,grass and weeds private roads 161-25 structures 280-38 Hamlet Business(HB) 161-16;161-30;161-42 Notices 161-44 Apartments 280-38 District 280-45 Catch basins 161-34 Parking 161-15 Bed and breakfast 280-38 Limited Business(LB) Clearing and grubbing Planning Board 161-15; Board of Appeals 2 80-3 8 District 280-41 161-16 161-44 Building permits 280-38 Marine II(MII)District Concrete curbs 161-38 Plastics 161-46 Bulk,area and parking 280-55 Concrete cylinders 161-40 Recharge basins Type A and regulations 280-39 Residential Office(RO) Concrete footings,slabs and drainage areas 161-29 Certificates of occupancy District 280-38 headwalls 161-37 Recharge basins Type B and 280-38 Resort Residential(RR) Concrete sidewalks and drainage areas 161-30 Churches 280-38 District 280-35 driveway entrances Recharge Basins Type C Conservation districts Signs 280-85 161-39 161-31 280-38 WETLANDS AND Construction 161-15; Safety standards 161-44; Construction 280-38 SHORELINE 275-11 161-18;161-21; 161-46 Insurance 280-38 ZONING 280-4;280-78 161-24;161-25; Screens and screening Library 280-38 RETAIL FOOD 161-37;161-38 161-22;161-23; Licenses and permits 280-38 ESTABLISHMENTS Construction specifications 161-24;161-29; Meetings 280-38 See RESTAURANTS 161-15 161-30;161-42 Museums 280-38 RETAINING WALLS Costs and expenses 161-21; Seeding 161-43 Parking 280-38;280-39 FIRE PREVENTION AND 161-26;161-40 Sheds 161-46 Permitted uses 280-38 BUILDING CODE Curbs 161-34;161-38; Sidewalks 161-39;161-46 Places of worship 280-38 ADMINISTRATION 161-41;161-45; 161-46 Stone blend wearing course Planning Board 280-38 144-8 Demolition 161-21 161-20 Purpose 280-37 Site Plan Approval 280-134 Storage 161-29;161-30 IDX:43 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION... Storm drains 161-33 Confidential information HIGHWAY SALARIES AND Stormwater 161-27; 26-11 SPECIFICATIONS COMPENSATION 161-29;161-30; Confidentiality 26-11 161-6;161-7 Adoption of Code 1-4 161-32;161-36 Conflicts of interest 26-3; Light Industrial(LI)District See Also COMPENSATION Stormwater drainage 26-5;26-7 280-62 systems 161-32 E-mail 26-12 Light Industrial Park/ FILMING 139-4 Street trees 161-44 ETHICS 26-3\26-16 Planned Office Park General Business(B) Streetlighting 161-46 Exclusion from Code of (LIO)District 280-58 District 280-48 Streetlighting specifications Ethics 26-16 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Hamlet Business(HB) 161-46 Fees 26-5 172-2;172-5 District 280-45 Stripping and stockpiling General prohibition 26-5 LITTERING 174-1 POLICE DEPARTMENT soil 161-17 Gifts 26-8 Members of the Department 51-6 Tests 161-26;161-29; Goal 26-3 A290-33 POLICE DEPARTMENT 161-30;161-40;161-46 Historic Preservation NOISE,PREVENTION OF RULES AND Through streets 161-46 Commission 26-16 180-2;180-3 REGULATIONS Town Board 161-44;161-47 Inducement of others and PARKS AND A290-47 Town Engineer 161-26; bribery 26-15 RECREATION RECORDS 59-2;59-9 161-27;161-29; Internet 26-12 AREAS 193-6;193-11 Senior Citizen Exemption 161-30;161-31;161-44 Licenses and permits 26-16 Pedestrians 260-27 245-1;245-2 Trees 161-16;161-29; Officers and employees POLICE DEPARTMENT WETLANDS AND 161-30;161-42;161-44 26-4;26-11 RULES AND SHORELINE 275-3.1 Trenches 161-36 Planning Board 26-13 REGULATIONS SALES Trucks 161-19; 161-21 Political activities A290-45 Adoption of Code 1-4;1-10 Utility poles 161-46 prohibited 26-12 PUBLIC Affordable Housing(AHD) Vibrations 161-21 Records 26-7 ENTERTAINMENT District 280-25; Warrants 161-46 Recusal 26-6 AND SPECIAL 280-30;280-31 Water 161-30;161-39; Recusal procedure 26-7 EVENTS 205-1; AGRICULTURAL LANDS 161-44 Representation 26-9 205-3;205-4;205-5; PRESERVATION Yards 161-24 Restriction on elected 205-7 70-4;70-5 Zoning districts 161-15 official or member of RECORDS 59-2 Agricultural Planned ROLLER BLADES board 26-13 Recreational Floating Zone Development District See BICYCLES Revolving door 26-14 District(RFZ)280-201 280-174;280-175; See SKATEBOARDS Sales 26-12 Removal of Utility Poles 280-176;280-177; ROLLER SKATES Town Attorney 26-13 237-30 280-179;280-180; Agricultural-Conservation Town Board 26-5;26-9; RENTAL PERMITS 207-1; 280-181 (A-C)District and 26-10;26-13 207-5;207-8 AGRICULTURAL USES Low-Density Town Clerk 26-5 Roadway Construction 72-4 Residential R-80, Violations and penalties 161-44; 161-46 Agricultural-Conservation R-120,R-200 and 26-4;26-15 SEWERS AND SEWAGE (A-C)District and R-400 Districts 280-13 Waivers 26-5 DISPOSAL 215-10 Low-Density See Also BICYCLES Zoning Board of Appeals SHELLFISH AND OTHER Residential R-80, See Also SKATEBOARDS 26-13 MARINE R-120,R-200 and ROOFS RESOURCES 219-5 R-400 Districts 280-13 Agricultural-Conservation — S — Signs 280-82;280-88 BOATS,DOCKS AND (A-C)District and Site Plan Approval WHARVES 96-10; Low-Density SAFETY STANDARDS 280-128;280-129; 96-25 Residential R-80, Affordable Housing(AHD) 280-131;280-133; COMMUNITY R-120,R-200 and District 280-28 280-137 PRESERVATION R-400 Districts 280-15 AGRICULTURAL USES Small Wind Energy Systems COMMUNITY FIRE PREVENTION AND 72-2;72-3 277-3 BUILDING CODE Agricultural-Conservation SOIL REMOVAL 228-1; HOUSING FUND ADMINISTRATION (A-C)District and 228-5;228-7 17-47;17-48;17-50 144-3;144-10 Low-Density Special Exception Uses Farm Stands 72-5;72-6; FLOOD DAMAGE Residential R-80, 280-142;280-143 72-7 PREVENTION 148-18 R-120,R-200 and STORMWATER Farmland Bill of Rights General Business(B) R-400 Districts 280-13 MANAGEMENT 280-98 District 280-48 ANIMALS 83-17 236-2;236-3;236-4; Fishers Island Harbor Hamlet Business(HB) APPEARANCE TICKETS 236-5;236-18;236-24 Management 157-12 District 280-45 5-2 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Floating Homes 96-27 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Board of Appeals 280-146 240-2;240-4;240-10; FLOOD DAMAGE DISPOSAL 215-2; BOATS,DOCKS AND 240-38;240-43;240-56 PREVENTION 148-4 215-4;215-9 WHARVES 96-14; TRANSPORTATION See Also GARAGE SALES S Signs 280-85;280-86 96-15 ACCESS General Business(B) Site Plan Approval 280-134 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; MANAGEMENT 64-5 District 280-48 STORMWATER PROPERTY Vehicle Traffic 260-26 Hamlet Business(HB) MANAGEMENT MAINTENANCE VEHICLES,MOTOR- District 280-45 236-5 100-2;100-3;100-4 DRIVEN 264-2; HIGHWAY WETLANDS AND Design Standards 240-45; 264-14;264-15 SPECIFICATIONS SHORELINE 275-2; 240-46 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding 161-49 275-4 Emergency Activities and Domestic Pet Historic Preservation Wireless Communication 111-17; 111-18 Waste 83-28;83-31 District(HPD)280-191 Facilities 280-69; Farm Stands 72-11 WATERFRONT HOUSING FUND 34-2; 280-71;280-72 Farmland Bill of Rights CONSISTENCY 34-4;34-5;34-6 ZONING 280-4;280-104; 280-97;280-99 REVIEW 268-3 JUNKYARDS 166-3 280-108 FILMING 139-1;139-3 WETLANDS AND Light Industrial(LI)District RUBBISH Fishers Island Harbor SHORELINE 275-3; 280-62 See GARBAGE,RUBBISH Management 157-6 275-11;275-12 Light Industrial Park/ AND REFUSE Floating Homes 96-26 Wireless Communication Planned Office Park RULES OF CONDUCT FLOOD DAMAGE Facilities 280-67; (LIO)District 280-58 Appearances 26-10 PREVENTION 148-2; 280-70;280-76; Limited Business(LB) Avoidance of conflicts 26-4 148-4;148-7;148-18; 280-76.2 District 280-41 Board of Assessment 26-13 148-22;148-23 ZONING 280-2;280-3; Marine I(MI)District Compensation 26-5;26-12; Grievance Procedures 47-1 280-111;280-125 280-52 26-16 Marine II(MII)District 280-55 IDX:44 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX SALES... OPEN SPACE SANITARY FLOW Agricultural-Conservation Residential R-80, PRESERVATION CREDITS,TRANSFER (A-C)District and R-120,R-200 and 185-4;185-5 OF Low-Density R-400 Districts 280-13 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS Affordable housing 117-3; Residential R-80, See Also BUFFERS AND TRANSIENT 117-6;117-9;117-11; R-120,R-200 and FLOOD DAMAGE RETAIL 117-14 R-400 Districts 280-13 PREVENTION 148-16 MERCHANTS 197-2; Applicability;general COMMUNITY General Business(B) 197-4;197-5;197-6; prohibitions 117-4 PRESERVATION District 280-48 197-10 Assessments 117-9 FUND AND Hamlet Business(HB) See Also PEDDLING AND Building Inspector 117-9 COMMUNITY District 280-45 SOLICITING Building permits 117-10 HOUSING FUND See Also LANDSCAPING PUBLIC Certificates of occupancy 17-52 Light Industrial(LI)District ENTERTAINMENT 117-13 Exemption for Cold War 280-62;280-64 AND SPECIAL Construction 117-10; Veterans 245-18 Light Industrial Park/ EVENTS 205-2;205-4 117-13 Exemption for Volunteer Planned Office Park Real Estate Transfer Tax Costs and expenses 117-9 Fire Fighters and (LIO)District 280-58; 17-20; 17-24;17-25 County Clerk 117-11 Ambulance Workers 280-60 Residential Office(RO) Covenants and restrictions 245-11;245-13 Limited Business(LB) District 280-38 117-11 Exemption for War District 280-41 Rules of Conduct 26-12 Definitions 117-3 Veterans and Gold Star Preservation of Natural SANITARY FLOW Determination of credits to Parents 245-16 Features 240-49 CREDITS, be deposited;duties of FIRE PREVENTION AND Recreational Floating Zone TRANSFER OF Clerk 117-7 BUILDING CODE District(RFZ)280-201 117-5;117-6;117-11 Easements 117-5;117-8 ADMINISTRATION Roadway Construction Senior Citizen Exemption Environmental quality 144-8;144-15 161-22; 161-23; 245-1;245-2 review 117-9 Garbage,Rubbish and 161-24; 161-29; SEWERS AND SEWAGE Expiration 117-13 Refuse 233-3 161-30; 161-42 DISPOSAL 215-2 Fire protection 117-9 General Business(B) SEWERS AND SEWAGE Signs 280-85 Groundwater 117-3;117-6 District 280-48 DISPOSAL 215-4 Southold Community Hearings 117-7;117-9; Hamlet Business(HB) Site Plan Approval Preservation Fund 117-12;117-14 District 280-45 280-129;280-131 17-4;17-9 Irreversible transfer 117-8 Historic Preservation SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 'STORMWATER Meetings 117-9 District(HPD) Special Exception Uses MANAGEMENT Notices 117-9;117-10; 280-191;280-193 280-143 236-5 117-12;117-13;117-14 Light Industrial(LI)District STORMWATER SUBDIVISION OF LAND Open space 117-2;117-3 280-62 MANAGEMENT 240-3;240-34 Permitted uses 117-3 Light Industrial Park/ 236-20 TOBACCO Planning Board 117-9; Planned Office Park TOURIST AND TRAILER ADVERTISING 117-11 (LIO)District 280-58 CAMPS 253-16 249-1;249-2 Procedure for transfer from Marine I(MI)District Wireless Communication Waterfowl and Gull Feeding bank to receiving 280-52 Facilities 280-70; and Domestic Pet district 117-9 Marine 11(MII)District 280-71;280-72; Waste 83-27 Purpose and intent 117-2 280-55 280-76.2 WATERFRONT Registry 117-11 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS ZONING 280-4;280-7; CONSISTENCY Reports 117-9 AND TRANSIENT 280-78;280-91; REVIEW 268-3 Return of credit to bank RETAIL 280-92;280-93; WETLANDS AND 117-14 MERCHANTS 197-10 280-94;280-104; SHORELINE 275-2 Revocation 117-12 Residential Office(RO) 280-117 See Also YARD SALES Sales 117-5;117-6;117-11 District 280-38 SEARCH WARRANTS ZONING 280-4;280-78; Sanitary flow credit bank SANITARY FLOW See Also ARREST 280-79;280-104; 117-5 CREDITS, WARRANTS 280-118 Sanitary flow credit TRANSFER OF 117-9 Illicit Discharges 236-31 SALVAGE CENTERS certificate 117-10 SEWERS AND SEWAGE RENTAL PERMITS 207-6 Application and fee 211-3 Sanitary flow credit transfer DISPOSAL 215-7 See Also WARRANTS Definitions 211-1 117-6 Special Exception Uses SECURITY STANDARDS Fees 211-3 Schools 117-9 280-143 Chief of Police A290-7 Licenses and permits 211-5 Title 117-1 Stop and Yield Intersections FILMING 139-3 Parking 211-3;211-4 Town Attorney 117-5; 260-6 FLOOD DAMAGE Parking and access 211-4 117-9;117-10;117-11 SUBDIVISION OF LAND PREVENTION 148-21 Penalties for offenses 211-6 Town Board 117-5;117-6; 240-4;240-53 Illicit Discharges 236-31 Permit provisions 211-5 117-7;117-9;117-10; Targeted Business LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Permit required 211-2 117-11;117-12; Investment Exemption 172-2 Recyclables 211-1 117-13;117-14 245-7 Members of the Department Storage 211-3 Town Clerk 117-7;117-9; TOBACCO A290-33 Town Board 211-3;211-5 117-10;117-11; ADVERTISING POLICE DEPARTMENT Town Clerk 211-3 117-13;117-14 249-1;249-2;249-3 RULES AND Violations and penalties Water supply 117-9 VEHICLES AND REGULATIONS 211-6 Zoning districts 117-3; TRAFFIC 260-9; A290-9;A290-42 SANITARY FACILITIES 117-6;117-14 260-15 PUBLIC FILMING 139-3 SANITARY LANDFILL VEHICLES,MOTOR- ENTERTAINMENT FLOOD DAMAGE See LANDFILLS DRIVEN 264-6 AND SPECIAL PREVENTION 148-4; SANITATION YOUTH BOARD 68-1; EVENTS 205-4 148-19;148-20 APPEARANCE TICKETS 68-5 Records Management 59-13 JUNKYARDS 166-7 5-2 ZONING 280-4;280-78; Wireless Communication PUBLIC RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 280-79 Facilities 280-69 ENTERTAINMENT SATELLITE DISH SCOOTERS SEEING EYE DOGS AND SPECIAL ANTENNAS VEHICLES,MOTOR- Dogs 83-10 EVENTS 205-3;205-4 See Also ANTENNAS DRIVEN 264-3 See Also GUIDE DOGS See Also TOILET Wireless Communication SCREENS AND See Also HEARING DOGS FACILITIES Facilities 280-68; SCREENING See Also SERVICE DOGS ZONING 280-4 280-72 Agricultural-Conservation SEIZURE SCHOOLS (A-C)District and Dogs 83-11 Affordable Housing(AHD) Low-Density Emergency Removal of District 280-26 Vehicles 260-24 IDX:45 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE SENIOR CITIZEN General Business(B) Historic Preservation General discharge EXEMPTION District 280-50 District(HPD)280-195 prohibitions 215-4 Applications 245-3 Hamlet Business(HB) See Also ILLICIT General waste disposal Assessments 245-3;245-4 District 280-45 CONNECTIONS requirements 215-3 Assessor 245-3 Light Industrial(LI)District Illicit Discharges 236-26 Glass 215-4 Complaints 245-4 280-62;280-64 JUNKYARDS 166-4;166-7 Grades and grading 215-9 Conditions 245-2 Light Industrial Park/ Marine II(MII)District Groundwater 215-2;215-3; Costs and expenses 245-1 Planned Office Park 280-55 215-4;215-9 Drugs and drug (LIO)District 280-58; Plum Island Research Guaranties 215-8 paraphernalia 245-1 280-60 District(PIR)280-183 Health Officer 215-3 Eminent domain 245-2 Limited Business(LB) Recreational Floating Zone Industrial wastes 215-2; Hearings 245-4 District 280-43 District(RFZ)280-201 215-3;215-4 Insurance 245-1 Plum Island Conservation Resort Residential(RR) Inspections 215-3;215-4; Notice 245-6 District(PIC)280-189 District 280-34;280-35 215-7;215-9;215-10 Notices 245-3;245-4;245-6 Plum Island Research SEWERS AND SEWAGE Insurance 215-8 Partial exemption for senior District(PIR)280-185 DISPOSAL 215-1; Liability 215-4;215-8; citizens 245-1 PUBLIC HEARINGS, 215-2;215-3;215-4; 215-10;215-17 Penalties for offenses 245-5 NOTICE OF 55-1 215-5;215-6;215-7; Licenses and permits Reapplications 245-4 Recreational Floating Zone 215-8;215-9;215-10; 215-2;215-7;215-8 Retirement 245-1;245-2 District(RFZ) 215-11;215-12; Liens 215-16;215-17 Salaries and compensation 280-201;280-203 215-14;215-15; Manholes 215-2;215-4; 245-1;245-2 Recreational Vehicle Parks 215-16;215-17;215-18 215-6 Sales 245-1;245-2 253721 Site Plan Approval 280-133 Manure 215-4 Senior citizens 245-1 Signs 280-85 STORMWATER Meters 215-4 Social Security 245-1;245-2 Site Plan Approval MANAGEMENT Multifamily dwellings TAXATION 245-1\245-6 280-133;280-134; 236-4;236-5;236-19 215-7 Violations and penalties 280-137 Street Excavations 237-16 Notices 215-3;215-4; 245-5 Small Wind Energy Systems SUBDIVISION OF LAND 215-7;215-8;215-9; SENIOR CITIZENS 277-3 240-10;240-17; 215-11 Adoption of Renumbered SOIL REMOVAL 228-5; 240-42;240-44 Nuisances 215-4 2006 Code 1-14 228-7 TOURIST AND TRAILER Obstructions 215-4 Senior Citizen Exemption SUBDIVISION OF LAND CAMPS 253-7 Odors 215-4 245-1 240-19;240-42;240-43 ZONING 280-4;280-112 Paper 215-4;215-10 ZONING 280-4 WATERFRONT SEWERS AND SEWAGE Penalties for offenses; SEPTIC SYSTEMS CONSISTENCY DISPOSAL disconnection 215-11 SUBDIVISION OF LAND REVIEW 268-3 Abandonment 215-3;215-9 Permit required to work on 240-10 WETLANDS AND Accidental discharges 215-4 public sewers; Water Quality Improvement SHORELINE 275-2; Actions to collect rents tampering prohibited; 17-43 275-3;275-5 215-17 penalties 215-6 WETLANDS AND Wireless Communication Air conditioning 215-2; Persons authorized to work SHORELINE 275-4 Facilities 280-70; 215-4 on sewers;licensed SEPTIC TANKS 280-72;280-76.2 Animals 215-3;215-4 drain layers 215-8 Illicit Discharges 236-26; ZONING 280-4;280-104; Asbestos 215-9 Plastics 215-4 236-28 280-105;280-116; Ashes 215-4 Plumbers 215-8 JUNKYARDS 166-7 280-123 Assessments 215-16; Plumbing 215-2;215-9 SEWERS AND SEWAGE SEWAGE DISPOSAL, 215-18 Ponds 215-2 DISPOSAL 215-3; INDIVIDUAL Backfilling 215-9 Powers and authority of 215-5 See ILLICIT Barricades 215-9 inspectors 215-10 TOURIST AND TRAILER CONNECTIONS Bonds 215-8 Privies 215-3 CAMPS 253-7 SEWAGE DISPOSAL, Building permits 215-7 Privy vaults 215-3 WETLANDS AND PRIVATE Building sewer permits;fees Purpose 215-1;215-14 SHORELINE 275-3 See Also ILLICIT 215-7 Radioactive waste 215-4 ZONING 280-4 CONNECTIONS Cesspools 215-3;215-5 Records 215-1;215-9 SERVICE DOGS See Also ILLICIT Charges 215-7;215-15; Rents;penalty for late ANIMALS 83-23 DISCHARGES 215-16 payment 215-15 See Also GUIDE DOGS SEWERS AND SEWAGE Churches 215-7 Reports 215-4 See Also HEARING DOGS DISPOSAL 215-3 Conservation districts 215-2 Roofs 215-2;215-4;215-9 PARKS AND SEWER DISTRICTS Construction 215-2;215-3; Safety standards 215-10 RECREATION SEWERS AND SEWAGE 215-4;215-9;215-18 Sales 215-2 AREAS 193-3.1 DISPOSAL 215-1; Costs and expenses 215-3; Schools 215-7 See Also SEEING EYE 215-2;215-3;215-14; 215-4;215-7;215-8; Screens and screening 215-4 DOGS 215-17 215-9;215-12;215-18 Septic tanks 215-3;215-5 S SERVICE STATIONS SEWERS Definitions;word usage Severability 215-13 See Also GAS STATIONS Adoption of Renumbered 215-2 Sewage disposal,private General Business(B) 2006 Code 1-14 Dirt 215-3 215-3 District 280-48 Affordable Housing(AHD) Discharges from private Sewer districts 215-1; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR District 280-29 systems 215-5 215-2;215-3;215-14; 172-5 Agricultural-Conservation Discretionary monitoring of 215-17 ZONING 280-4;280-78 (A-C)District and effluents 215-12 Sewer rent fund 215-18 SETBACKS Low-Density Disorderly conduct 215-6 Sewer Rents and Charges Affordable Housing(AHD) Residential R-80, Drainage 215-2;215-4; 215-14\215-18 District 280-24;280-28 R-120,R-200 and 215-5 Sewer Use 215-1\215-13 Agricultural-Conservation R-400 Districts 280-13 Easements 215-9;215-10 Sewers 215-1;215-2; (A-C)District and COMMUNITY Emergencies 215-4 215-3;215-4;215-5; Low-Density PRESERVATION Excavations 215-7;215-8; 215-6;215-7;215-8; Residential R-80, FUND AND 215-9 215-9;215-10;215-11; R-120,R-200 and COMMUNITY Explosion hazards 215-4 215-12;215-14; R-400 Districts HOUSING FUND Explosives 215-4 215-15;215-16; 280-13;280-15 17-52 Fees 215-7 215-17;215-18 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; FLOOD DAMAGE Flammables 215-4 Single-family dwellings PROPERTY PREVENTION 148-3; Fuel 215-4 215-3 MAINTENANCE 148-15;148-16;148-22 Garbage,rubbish and refuse Standards for building 100-4 Hamlet Density(HD) 215-2;215-3;215-4 sewers 215-9 Design Standards 240-45 Residential District Gas 215-4 Storage 215-2;215-4 Farm Stands 72-6 280-22 Gases 215-4 Storm sewers 215-2;215-3 IDX:46 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL... Stormwater 215-2;215-4 Board of Trustees 219-4; SICK LEAVE Assessments 280-88 Tests 215-2;215-4;215-9; 219-16;219-17; POLICE DEPARTMENT Awnings 280-85 215-10 219-18;219-21 RULES AND Billboards 280-83 Toilet facilities 215-2 Boats and Boating 219-4; REGULATIONS BOATS,DOCKS AND Town Board 215-1;215-14; 219-12 A290-39 WHARVES 96-23 215-17 Coordination and SIDEWALK SALES Building Inspector 280-81; Town Engineer 215-9 enforcement 219-23 See GARAGE SALES 280-85;280-88 Toxic substances 215-4 Culling shellfish and See YARD SALES Business districts 280-85 Trees 215-9 restoration of SIDEWALKS Certificates of occupancy Trenches 215-5;215-9 underwater lands Adoption of Renumbered 280-85 Two-family dwellings 215-7 219-14 2006 Code 1-14 Construction 280-81; Utilities 215-8;215-9 Definitions 219-4 BICYCLES 88-6 280-85 Violations and penalties Docks 219-4 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Costs and expenses 280-88; 215-4;215-6;215-7; Dredges and scrapes 219-19 PROPERTY 280-90 215-8;215-9;215-11; Eels 219-13 MAINTENANCE Driveways 280-85 215-15;215-17;215-18 Fees 219-4 100-4 Farmland Bill of Rights Walls 215-2;215-9 Fishing 219-4 BURNING,OUTDOOR 280-101 Water 215-2;215-3;215-4; Fixed gear 219-15 104-1 Farms and farming 280-85; 215-9 Markers 219-4 Design Standards 240-45 280-86;280-87 Water pollution 215-4 Mussels 219-12 FILMING 139-2 Fees 280-81 Watercourses 215-2 Notices 219-16 Garbage,Rubbish and Fences 280-82;280-85 Workmen's Compensation Other Marine Resources Refuse 233-2 FILMING 139-3 215-8 219-11\219-13 General Business(B) FIRE PREVENTION AND SEXUAL HARASSMENT Penalties for offenses District 280-48 BUILDING CODE See HARASSMENT 219-22 Hamlet Business(HB) ADMINISTRATION SHADE TREES Planting of shellfish seed District 280-45 144-6;144-8 See Also TREES 219-17 HIGHWAY Garbage,Rubbish and ZONING 280-93 Prohibited Activities; SPECIFICATIONS Refuse 233-3 SHEDS Restricted Areas; 161-3;161-4 Gas 280-83 COASTAL EROSION Enforcement 219-14\ LIGHTING,OUTDOOR General Business(B) HAZARD AREAS 219-23 172-5 District 280-48 111-6 Purpose 219-5 LITTERING 174-1;174-2; General design principles FIRE PREVENTION AND Residence requirements 174-5;174-6 280-82 BUILDING CODE 219-1 POLICE DEPARTMENT Glass 280-82;280-85 ADMINISTRATION Residence Requirements; RULES AND Grades and grading 280-85 144-8 Title;Definitions; REGULATIONS Hamlet Business(HB) FLOOD DAMAGE Purpose 219-1\219-5 A290-37;A290-38 District 280-45 PREVENTION 148-4 Restricted areas 219-16 Roadway Construction Height regulations 280-82; Marine III Zone District Safety standards 219-5 161-39; 161-46 280-85 (MIII)280-205 See Shellfish 219-6\219-10 Signs 280-85 HIGHWAY Roadway Construction Title 219-3 Site Plan Approval SPECIFICATIONS 161-46 Town Board 219-22 280-133;280-137 161-11;161-12 STORMWATER Transplanting of shellfish Snow and Ice Removal Hotels 280-85 MANAGEMENT 219-18 237-19;237-20 Liability 280-88 236-5 Trustees 219-19;219-20 SOIL REMOVAL 228-4 Liens 280-88 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Variances 219-21 Special Exception Uses Light Industrial(LI)District 240-42 Vegetation removal 280-143 280-62 WETLANDS AND prohibited 219-20 STORMWATER Light Industrial Park/ SHORELINE 275-2 Violations and penalties MANAGEMENT Planned Office Park ZONING 280-4 219-22;219-23 236-5;236-17;236-19 (LIO)District 280-58 SHELLFISH Water 219-4;219-14 Street Excavations 237-5; Lighting 280-81;280-83; Board of Trustees 219-7; Wetlands 219-20 237-12;237-13;237-16 280-87;280-88 219-8 SHOPPING CENTERS See Also STREETS AND LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Boats and Boating 219-8; General Business(B) SIDEWALKS 172-7;172-8 219-9;219-10 District 280-48 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Limitation of content or Clams 219-9 Signs 280-87 240-17;240-21;240-36 copy 280-84 Costs and expenses 219-6 VEHICLES AND VEHICLES AND Limited Business(LB) Fees 219-7 TRAFFIC 260-12; TRAFFIC 260-14; District 280-41 Licenses and permits 219-6 260-14;260-22 260-18;260-28 LITTERING 174-6 Oysters 219-10 ZONING 280-4 VEHICLES,MOTOR- Marinas 280-85;280-86 Parent and guardian SHRUBS DRIVEN 264-3 Marine I(MI)District responsibilities 219-6 AGRICULTURAL USES Waterfowl and Gull Feeding 280-52 Permit fee;expiration; 72-4 and Domestic Pet Marine II(MEI)District display 219-7 Farmland Bill of Rights Waste 83-28 280-55 Permit requirements 219-6 280-98 WETLANDS AND Motels 280-85 Scallops 219-8 Garbage,Rubbish and SHORELINE 275-2 Nonconforming signs SHELLFISH AND OTHER Refuse 233-4 ZONING 280-78;280-95; 280-90 MARINE Light Industrial(LI)District 280-111 See Also RESOURCES 219-6\ 280-62 SIGNS NONCONFORMING 219-10 Light Industrial Park/ Abandonment 280-88 SIGNS Towing 219-8 Planned Office Park Advertising 280-80; Nonconforming uses 280-90 Town Board 219-7 (LIO)District 280-58 280-81;280-85 Notices 280-88 Town Clerk 219-6 NOISE,PREVENTION OF Agricultural-Conservation Obstructions 280-80 Violations and penalties 180-4 (A-C)District and One-Way Streets 260-3.1 219-6 See Also TREES Low-Density Paper 280-83;280-85 SHELLFISH AND OTHER WETLANDS AND Residential R-80, Parking 280-85 MARINE RESOURCES SHORELINE 275-2 R-120,R-200 and Parking at Beaches 189-4 Angling for fish 219-2 Wireless Communication R-400 Districts 280-13 PARKS AND Aquaculture/mariculture Facilities 280-70; Aluminum 280-82 RECREATION exemption 219-21 280-72 Animals 280-85 AREAS 193-3;193-3.1 Assessments 219-4 ZONING 280-4;280-92; APPEARANCE TICKETS PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS Bathing 219-4 280-93;280-95; 5-2 AND TRANSIENT Blue claw crabs 219-11 280-118 Applicability;permit RETAIL required;application; MERCHANTS 197-12 approval;fees 280-81 Pedestrians 280-85 IDX:47 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE SIGNS... Planning Board 280-81 SINGLE-FAMILY Costs and expenses Low-Density Residential Plastics 280-82 DWELLINGS 280-131;280-137 R-40 District 280-17 Prohibitions and general Agricultural-Conservation Culverts 280-133 Marine I(MI)District restrictions 280-83 (A-C)District and Curbs 280-131;280-133; 280-52 PUBLIC Low-Density 280-137 Marine II(MII)District ENTERTAINMENT Residential R-80, Decks 280-137 280-55 AND SPECIAL R-120,R-200 and Drainage 280-127; Marine III Zone District EVENTS 205-2;205-4 R-400 Districts 280-13 280-129;280-133 (MIII)280-205 PUBLIC HEARINGS, FIRE PREVENTION AND Drainage plan 280-129; Markers 280-137 NOTICE OF 55-1 BUILDING CODE 280-133 Meetings 280-131; Purpose 280-80 ADMINISTRATION Driveways 280-137 280-133;280-137 Real estate signs 280-81; 144-8 Duration of plan 280-132 Natural features 280-129; 280-85 Hamlet Density(HD) Easements 280-133 280-133 See Also REAL ESTATE Residential District Emergencies 280-137 Notices 280-131;280-137 SIGNS 280-22 Environmental quality Objectives 280-129 Records Management 59-15 Low-Density Residential review 280-131; Off-street parking 280-129; Residential Office(RO) R-40 District 280-17 280-137 280-133;280-137 District 280-38 See Also ONE-FAMILY Excavations 280-129; Open space 280-127; Resort Residential(RR) DWELLINGS 280-136 280-128;280-137 District 280-35 Residential Office(RO) Farm Stands 72-6 Parking 280-127;280-128; Restaurants 280-85 District 280-38 Fee schedule for site plan 280-129;280-131; Roofs 280-85;280-86 SEWERS AND SEWAGE applications 280-138 280-133;280-134; Safety standards 280-82; DISPOSAL 215-3 Fees 280-129;280-131; 280-137 280-88 STORMWATER 280-133;280-137; Pedestrians 280-128; Sales 280-85 MANAGEMENT 280-138 280-129;280-133; Setbacks 280-85 236-19 Fences 280-133;280-134; 280-137 Shopping centers 280-87 WETLANDS AND 280-137 Planning Board 280-127; Sidewalks 280-85 SHORELINE 275-5 Findings of fact;purpose 280-129;280-130; Sign illumination 280-87 ZONING 280-4;280-78 280-128 280-131;280-132; Signs 280-80;280-81; SINGLE-USE PLASTIC Fire hydrants 280-133; 280-133;280-137 280-82;280-83; BAGS 280-137 Planning Commission 280-84;280-85; See PLASTIC BAGS Flood hazard areas 280-131 280-86;280-87; SITE PLAN APPROVAL 280-129;280-133 Plum Island Conservation 280-88;280-89;280-90 Accessory uses and Garages 280-134;280-137 District(PIC)280-187 Site Plan Approval structures 280-127 Garbage,Rubbish and Plum Island Research 280-133;280-134; Affordable housing 280-137 Refuse 233-6 District(PIR)280-183 280-137 Affordable Housing(AHD) Gas 280-129 Ponds 280-133 Small Wind Energy Systems District 280-29 General Business(B) Porches 280-134;280-137 277-4 Agricultural-Conservation District 280-48 Public assemblies 280-129 Specific sign requirements (A-C)District and Glare 280-129 Records 280-133 280-86 Low-Density Grades and grading Recreational Floating Zone Specific signs 280-85 Residential R-80, 280-129;280-133; District(RFZ)280-202 Stop and Yield Intersections R-120,R-200 and 280-134;280-136 Recreational vehicles 260-4;260-6 R-400 Districts 280-13 Groundwater 280-129; 280-137 Storage 280-88 Applicability 280-127 280-137 Residential districts STORMWATER Application requirements Guaranties 280-131 280-129;280-137 MANAGEMENT 280-133 Hamlet Business(HB) Residential Office(RO) 236-5;236-10 Appointments 280-135 District 280-45 District 280-38 Street Excavations 237-13 Approval of site plan Hamlet Density(HD) Resort Residential(RR) Street Numbering 237-26 required 280-130 Residential District District 280-35 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Architectural Review 280-22 Retaining walls 280-134 240-17;240-19;240-21 Committee 280-135 Hearings 280-130; Review procedure 280-131 TOBACCO Architectural review 280-131;280-137 Roofs 280-134 ADVERTISING standards 280-134 Height regulations 280-134 Safety standards 280-128; 249-2;249-4 Assessments 280-133 Historic landmarks 280-131 280-129;280-131; Town Board 280-81 Bicycles 280-137 Historic Preservation 280-133;280-137 Transition 280-89 Blocks 280-133 Commission 280-131; Screens and screening TRANSPORTATION Board of Appeals 280-131 280-135 280-129;280-131 ACCESS Board of Trustees 280-133 Historic Preservation Setbacks 280-133;280-134; MANAGEMENT 64-5 Boats and Boating 280-137 District(HPD)280-193 280-137 Trees 280-83 Bonds 280-131;280-137 Historical features 280-133 Sewers 280-133 Unsafe,abandoned and Buffers 280-131;280-137 Improvements 280-129; Sidewalks 280-133; unlawful signs 280-88 Building construction 280-131;280-133; 280-137 Utilities 280-83 280-128 280-137 Signs 280-133;280-134; Utility poles 280-83 Building Inspector Inspections 280-137 280-137 Variances 280-81;280-86 280-127;280-130; Investigations 280-130 Site Plan Approval VEHICLES AND 280-131 Land clearing 280-136 280-127;280-129; TRAFFIC 260-1; Building permits 280-127; Landscaping 280-129; 280-130;280-131; 260-8;260-8.1; 280-130;280-134 280-131;280-133; 280-132 260-12;260-13; BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 280-134;280-137 Site plan review and 260-17;260-18 PROPERTY Letters of credit 280-131 approval 280-133; Violations and penalties MAINTENANCE Licenses and permits 280-137 280-81;280-88 100-4 280-130;280-131; Site plans 280-127; Walls 280-82;280-85; Business districts 280-137 280-133;280-136 280-129;280-130; 280-86;280-87 Certificates of Liens 280-131 280-131;280-132; WETLANDS AND appropriateness Light Industrial(LI)District 280-133;280-134; SHORELINE 275-2; 280-131 280-62 280-137;280-138 275-11 Certificates of occupancy Light Industrial Park/ SOIL REMOVAL 228-4 Wireless Communication 280-130 Planned Office Park Solar energy 280-138 Facilities 280-70 Cluster developments (LIO)District 280-58 Special exceptions Yard sales 280-86 280-137 Lighting 280-129;280-133; 280-130;280-131 ZONING 280-4;280-78; Compensation 280-135 280-137 Standards for residential site 280-80\280-90 Construction 280-128; Limited Business(LB) plans 280-137 Zoning Board of Appeals 280-133;280-137; District 280-41 Storage 280-134;280-137 280-81;280-86 280-138 Lots 280-137 IDX:48 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX SITE PLAN APPROVAL... Stormwater 280-129; SITE PLANS Application 277-2 RENTAL PERMITS 207-4 280-133 Affordable Housing(AHD) Appointments 277-7 SMOKING STORMWATER District 280-29;280-31 Blocks 277-2 TOBACCO MANAGEMENT AGRICULTURAL Building Inspector 277-7 ADVERTISING 249-1 236-16;280-133 ADVISORY Building permits 277-3; ZONING 280-4 Street trees 280-129; COMMITTEE 71-4 277-6 SNOW AND ICE 280-133 Agricultural-Conservation Code Enforcement Officer EMERGENCIES Terms of office 280-135 (A-C)District and 277-7 See EMERGENCIES Town Attorney 280-130 Low-Density Construction 277-4 SNOW AND ICE Town Board 280-128; Residential R-80, Construction standards REMOVAL 280-131;280-135 R-120,R-200 and 277-4 Brush,grass and weeds Town Engineer 280-129; R-400 Districts 280-13 Costs and expenses 277-6 237-20 280-131 Farm Stands 72-6 Definitions 277-1 Churches 237-20 Trailers 280-137 FIRE PREVENTION AND Development standards Dirt 237-20 Trees 280-129;280-130; BUILDING CODE 277-3 Intent 237-19 280-133;280-136 ADMINISTRATION Electromagnetic Obstructions 237-20 Trustees 280-131 144-8 interference 277-4 Penalties for offenses Utilities 280-127;280-129; Garbage,Rubbish and Enforcement;penalties for 237-21 280-133 Refuse 233-6 offenses;remedies for Sidewalks 237-19;237-20 Utility poles 280-133 General Business(B) violations 277-7 Snow and Ice Removal Variances 280-131;280-137 District 280-48 Fees 277-5 237-20 Vehicles 280-129;280-137 Hamlet Business(HB) Fences 277-4 Snow and ice removal; Violations and penalties District 280-45 Grades and grading 277-1 general maintenance 280-130;280-136 Light Industrial Park/ Height regulations 277-1; 237-20 Waivers 280-131;280-133 Planned Office Park 277-2;277-3;277-4 STREETS AND Walls 280-137 (LIO)District 280-58 Lighting 277-4 SIDEWALKS 237-19\ Water 280-128;280-129; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Noise 277-2;277-3 237-21 280-133 172-8 Notices 277-3 Town Board 237-19 Water supply 280-129; PUBLIC Safety standards 277-3 Vacant lots 237-20 280-133 ENTERTAINMENT Setbacks 277-3 Violations and penalties Watercourses 280-133 AND SPECIAL Signs 277-4 237-21 Wells 280-133 EVENTS 205-2 Towers 277-1;277-2; SNOWMOBILES Wetlands 280-129;280-133 Recreational Floating Zone 277-3;277-4;277-7 VEHICLES,MOTOR- Wildlife 280-129;280-133 District(RFZ)280-201 Town Attorney 277-7 DRIVEN 264-3; Wireless Communication Site Plan Approval Town Board 277-7 264-15 Facilities 280-70; 280-127;280-129; Trees 277-3 SOCIAL SECURITY 280-71;280-72 280-130;280-131; Utilities 277-1;277-2; Real Estate Transfer Tax Yards 280-137 280-132;280-133; 277-3;277-4 17-27 ZONING 280-92;280-104; 280-134;280-137; Violations and penalties Senior Citizen Exemption 280-119;280-127\ 280-138 277-7 245-1;245-2 280-138;280-154 SOIL REMOVAL 228-4 WIND ENERGY 277-1\ SOIL EROSION AND Zoning Board of Appeals STORMWATER 277-7 SEDIMENT CONTROL 280-130;280-131; MANAGEMENT Wind energy systems,small See Also EROSION AND 280-137 236-5;236-17 277-2;277-3;277-4; SEDIMENT Zoning districts 280-129; SUBDIVISION OF LAND 277-6 CONTROL 280-137 240-42 Wind turbines 277-1;277-3 FIRE PREVENTION AND SITE PLAN REVIEW AND TOURIST AND TRAILER SMOKE BUILDING CODE APPROVAL CAMPS 253-3 Agricultural-Conservation ADMINISTRATION Agricultural-Conservation Wireless Communication (A-C)District and 144-10 (A-C)District and Facilities 280-71; Low-Density STORMWATER Low-Density 280-73;280-74; Residential R-80, MANAGEMENT Residential R-80, 280-76.2 R-120,R-200 and 236-3;236-4;236-17; R-120,R-200 and ZONING 280-4;280-151 R-400 Districts 280-13 236-18 R-400 Districts 280-13 SKATEBOARDS Farmland Bill of Rights SOIL MOVEMENT FIRE PREVENTION AND Agricultural-Conservation 280-99 See TOPSOIL REMOVAL BUILDING CODE (A-C)District and General Business(B) SOIL REMOVAL ADMINISTRATION Low-Density District 280-48 Adoption of Code 1-2 144-8 Residential R-80, Light Industrial(LI)District Adoption of Renumbered General Business(B) R-120,R-200 and 280-62 2006 Code 1-14 District 280-48 R-400 Districts 280-13 Light Industrial Park/ Application for permit Hamlet Business(HB) See Also BICYCLES Planned Office Park 228-6 District 280-45 See Also ROLLER (LIO)District 280-58 Assessments 228-6 Light Industrial(LI)District SKATES Plum Island Research Bond or cash deposit 228-9 280-62 SKETCH PLANS District(PIR)280-183 Bonds 228-9 Light Industrial Park/ HIGHWAY POLICE DEPARTMENT Brush,grass and weeds Planned Office Park SPECIFICATIONS RULES AND 228-7 (LIO)District 280-58 161-1 REGULATIONS Building Inspector 228-4 Limited Business(LB) SUBDIVISION OF LAND A290-45 Cesspools 228-4 District 280-41 240-7;240-10;240-13; Special Exception Uses Combustibles 228-7 Marine I(MI)District 240-16;240-20 280-143 Comprehensive Plan 228-6 280-52 SKETCH PLATS TOBACCO Construction 228-4;228-7 Marine II(MII)District SUBDIVISION OF LAND ADVERTISING 249-1 Costs and expenses 228-9 280-55 240-6;240-7;240-8; ZONING 280-111 See Also DIRT PUBLIC 240-9;240-10;240-11; SMOKE ALARMS Drainage 228-2;228-4; ENTERTAINMENT 240-12;240-13; Agricultural-Conservation 228-7 AND SPECIAL 240-17;240-20; (A-C)District and Drainage plan 228-5 EVENTS 205-5 240-26;240-27;240-28 Low-Density Driveways 228-4 Residential Office(RO) SLAUGHTERHOUSES Residential R-80, Dust 228-2;228-5;228-7 District 280-38 ZONING 280-111 R-120,R-200 and Excavations 228-I;228-3; Resort Residential(RR) SMALL WIND ENERGY R-400 Districts 280-13 228-4;228-5;228-6; District 280-35 SYSTEMS SMOKE DETECTORS 228-7 Site Plan Approval Abandonment 277-6 FIRE PREVENTION AND Farms and farming 228-3; 280-133;280-137 Abandonment of use 277-6 BUILDING CODE 228-4;228-6;228-7 ZONING 280-4 Advertising 277-4 ADMINISTRATION Fees 228-8;228-11 Anchoring 277-4 144-8 Fences 228-4;228-7 IDX:49 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE SOIL REMOVAL... Fill 228-7 Light Industrial Park/ Southold Community Off-street parking 280-143 Garbage,rubbish and refuse Planned Office Park Preservation Fund Parking 280-143 228-7 (LIO)District 280-58 established 17-5 Permitted uses 280-143 Grades and grading 228-4; Plum Island Conservation Title 17-1 See Also PERMITTED 228-6;228-7 District(PIC)280-187 Town Board 17-2; 17-4; USES Hearings 228-5;228-12 Plum Island Research 17-5;17-6;17-7;17-8 Plum Island Conservation Height regulations 228-7 District(PIR)280-183 Water 17-8 District(PIC)280-187 HIGHWAY Site Plan Approval 280-138 Wetlands 17-3;17-4 Plum Island Research SPECIFICATIONS ZONING 280-4 Wildlife 17-4;17-8 District(PIR)280-183 161-10 SOLAR ENERGY SOUTHOLD COMMUNITY Pollution 280-143 Improvements 228-4 SYSTEMS PRESERVATION See Also PROHIBITED Insurance 228-6 FIRE PREVENTION AND PROJECT PLAN USES Intent of regulations 228-2 BUILDING CODE COMMUNITY Public assemblies 280-143 Issuance and renewal of ADMINISTRATION PRESERVATION Purpose 280-139 permits 228-8 144-8 FUND AND Residential Office(RO) Landscaping 228-4 Light Industrial(LI)District COMMUNITY District 280-38 Legislative declaration 280-62 HOUSING FUND Resort Residential(RR) 228-1 Light Industrial Park/ 17-12\17-15 District 280-35 Liability 228-9 Planned Office Park Community Preservation Safety standards 280-142; Licenses and permits (LIO)District 280-58 Fund Management and 280-143 228-8;228-12 ZONING 280-2 Stewardship Plan Schools 280-143 Lots 228-7 SOLID WASTE adopted 17-13.1 Screens and screening Noise 228-5 Garbage,Rubbish and Community preservation 280-143 Notices 228-5;228-9; Refuse 233-1;233-3.1; project plan adopted Sidewalks 280-143 228-12 233-6 17-13 Smoke 280-143 Nuisances 228-5 See Garbage,Rubbish and Legislative findings; Special Exception Uses Operations excepted 228-4 Refuse 233-1\233-8 purpose 17-12 280-140;280-141; Parking 228-7 See Also GARBAGE, Meetings 17-13 280-144 Penalties for offenses RUBBISH AND Natural resources 17-12 Special exception uses; 228-13 REFUSE Open space 17-12 approval required Permit required 228-3 Light Industrial Park/ Ponds 17-13 280-140 Permit standards 228-5 Planned Office Park Severability 17-14 Special exceptions Planning Board 228-4; (LIO)District 280-58 Town Board 17-12; 17-13; 280-139;280-140; 228-7 See Also RECYCLING 17-13.1 280-141;280-142 Pollution 228-7 STORMWATER Water quality 17-13 Stormwater 280-143 Public hearing 228-12 MANAGEMENT Wetlands 17-13 Stormwater management Records 228-6;228-9; 236-5 When effective 17-15 280-142 228-12 See Also TRASH SPAS Vehicles 280-143 Regulations 228-7 WATERFRONT BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Vibrations 280-143 Safety standards 228-1; CONSISTENCY PROPERTY Violations and penalties 228-5;228-7 REVIEW 268-5 MAINTENANCE 280-141 Screens and screening 228-7 SOUTHOLD COMMUNITY 100-4 Water supply 280-143 Setbacks 228-5;228-7 PRESERVATION General Business(B) ZONING 280-4;280-78; Sidewalks 228-4 FUND District 280-48 280-139\280-144 Site plan approval 228-4 Acquisition of interests in ZONING 280-4 Zoning Board of Appeals Site plans 228-4 property;public SPECIAL EXCEPTION 280-140;280-141; Storage 228-7 hearing and other USES 280-142;280-144 Stormwater 228-4 requirements 17-7 Abandonment 280-141 SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS Stormwater management Advisory Board 17-4 Additional conditions and Agricultural-Conservation 228-6 Alienation of land acquired safeguards 280-144 (A-C)District and Topsoil removal 228-3; using fund moneys Application;hearing; Low-Density 228-4;228-5;228-6 17-9 approval;violations of Residential R-80, See Also TOPSOIL Animals 17-4 conditions 280-141 R-120,R-200 and REMOVAL Bicycles 17-8 Bufferyards 280-143 R-400 Districts 280-13 Town Board 228-3;228-4; Bonds 17-5;17-6 Building permits 280-140 Board of Appeals 280-146 228-5;228-6;228-7; COMMUNITY Churches 280-143 FIRE PREVENTION AND 228-8;228-9;228-10; PRESERVATION Construction 280-140; BUILDING CODE 228-12;228-13 FUND AND 280-141 ADMINISTRATION Town Clerk 228-6;228-7; COMMUNITY Demolition 280-140 144-8 228-8;228-9;228-10; HOUSING FUND Dust 280-143 General Business(B) 228-11 17-1\17-11 Emergencies 280-143 District 280-48 Treasurer 228-6 Condominiums 17-4 Fees 280-141 Hamlet Business(HB) S Vibrations 228-5 Definitions 17-4 Gases 280-143 District 280-45 Violations and penalties Easements 17-9 General Business(B) Hamlet Density(HD) 228-13 Effective date 17-11 District 280-48 Residential District Waiver by Town Board Fees 17-8 General standards 280-142 280-22 228-10 Findings 17-2 Groundwater 280-143 Light Industrial(LI)District Waivers 228-10 Hearings 17-7 Hamlet Business(HB) 280-62 Water 228-2;228-4;228-5; Historic preservation 17-4; District 280-45 Light Industrial Park/ 228-7 17-8 Hearings 280-141 Planned Office Park Water supply 228-7 Improvements 17-8 Light Industrial(LI)District (LIO)District 280-58 Yards 228-6;228-11 Legislative purpose 17-3 280-62 Limited Business(LB) SOLAR COLLECTORS Management of lands Light Industrial Park/ District 280-41 FIRE PREVENTION AND acquired pursuant to Planned Office Park Low-Density Residential BUILDING CODE chapter 17-8 (LIO)District 280-58 R-40 District 280-17 ADMINISTRATION Natural resources 17-2; Limited Business(LB) Marine I(MI)District 144-3 17-3;17-8 District 280-41 280-52 Light Industrial(LI)District Open space 17-4;17-5; Matters to be considered Marine II(MII)District 280-62 17-8;17-9 280-143 280-55 Light Industrial Park/ Parking 17-8 Natural features 280-143 Plum Island Conservation - Planned Office Park Parks and recreation 17-4 Noise 280-143 District(PIC)280-187 (LIO)District 280-58 Purposes of fund 17-6 See Also Plum Island Research SOLAR ENERGY Recreation areas 17-4 NONCONFORMING District(PIR)280-183 Light Industrial(LI)District Sales 17-4;17-9 USES Residential Office(RO) 280-62 Severability 17-10 Odors 280-143 District 280-38 IDX;50 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS... Resort Residential(RR) FLOOD DAMAGE SUBDIVISION OF LAND STORMWATER District 280-35 PREVENTION 148-14 240-44 MANAGEMENT Site Plan Approval LANDMARK TOURIST AND TRAILER Accessory buildings and 280-130;280-131 PRESERVATION CAMPS 253-14 structures 236-5 Special Exception Uses 170-12 VEHICLES,MOTOR- Activities covered 236-19 280-139;280-140; STORMWATER DRIVEN 264-19 Activities requiring 280-141;280-142 MANAGEMENT WATERFRONT stormwater Wireless Communication 236-5 CONSISTENCY management control Facilities 280-70; WATERFRONT REVIEW 268-3 approval 236-15 280-71;280-73; CONSISTENCY WETLANDS AND Additional Requirements 280-74;280-76.2; REVIEW 268-6 SHORELINE 275-2 236-19\236-24 280-76.3 WETLANDS AND ZONING 280-4;280-78; Administration and ZONING 280-154 SHORELINE 280-79;280-104; Enforcement 236-33\ SPECIAL PERMITS 275-12.1;275-16 280-110;280-111; 236-36 Board of Appeals 280-146 STORAGE 280-118;280-119 Advertising 236-5 BOATS,DOCKS AND AGRICULTURAL LANDS STORAGE TANKS All stormwater discharges WHARVES 96-18 PRESERVATION 70-3 FLOOD DAMAGE 236-34 See Also BUILDING AGRICULTURAL USES PREVENTION 148-4 Amendments and PERMITS 72-4 STORM SEWERS modifications to Garbage,Rubbish and Agricultural-Conservation SEWERS AND SEWAGE stormwater Refuse 233-6 (A-C)District and DISPOSAL 215-2; management control HUNTING 163-3 Low-Density 215-3 plan 236-12 See Also LICENSES AND Residential R-80, STORMWATER Animals 236-5 PERMITS R-120,R-200 and MANAGEMENT Applicability and Light Industrial Park/ R-400 Districts 280-13 236-4;236-5 prohibitions 236-6 Planned Office Park BOATS,DOCKS AND See Also STORMWATER Application process (LIO)District 280-58 WHARVES 96-10; MANAGEMENT 236-17;236-20 PARKS AND 96-25 STORMWATER Approved plans 236-11 RECREATION BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; FIRE PREVENTION AND Assessments 236-17; AREAS 193-7 PROPERTY BUILDING CODE 236-20 PUBLIC MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION Blocks 236-5 ENTERTAINMENT 100-3 144-10 Board of Trustees 236-18 AND SPECIAL Emergency Removal of HIGHWAY Boats and Boating 236-5 EVENTS 205-8 Vehicles 260-24 SPECIFICATIONS Bonds 236-5;236-20 ZONING 280-4;280-154 FIRE PREVENTION AND 161-6;161-8 Brush,grass and weeds SPEED LIMITS BUILDING CODE Illicit Discharges 236-25; 236-19 BOATS,DOCKS AND ADMINISTRATION 236-26;236-27; Buffers 236-18 WHARVES 96-13 144-8 236-28;236-30;236-31 Building Inspector 236-5; HIGHWAY Fishers Island Harbor Preservation of Natural 236-11;236-33; SPECIFICATIONS Management 157-6; Features 240-50; 236-34;236-35 161-12 157-12 240-51 Building permits 236-10; TRANSPORTATION Floating Homes 96-26; RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 236-11 ACCESS 96-27 Roadway Construction Burning 236-5 MANAGEMENT 64-5 FLOOD DAMAGE 161-27;161-29; Cemeteries 236-10 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS PREVENTION 148-4; 161-30; 161-32;161-36 Certificates of occupancy FIRE PREVENTION AND 148-12;148-16 SEWERS AND SEWAGE 236-11;236-34 BUILDING CODE Garbage,Rubbish and DISPOSAL 215-2; Complaints 236-24 ADMINISTRATION Refuse 233-1 215-4 Compliance 236-16 144-8;144-17 General Business(B) Site Plan Approval Conservation districts STANDING COMMITTEES District 280-48 280-129;280-133 236-5;236-17 Affordable Housing(AHD) Hamlet Business(HB) SOIL REMOVAL 228-4 Construction 236-2;236-3; District 280-31 District 280-45 Special Exception Uses 236-4;236-5;236-7; STEEP SLOPES JUNKYARDS 166-3 280-143 236-9;236-10;236-12; FLOOD DAMAGE Light Industrial(LI)District STORMWATER 236-14;236-16; PREVENTION 148-4 280-62 MANAGEMENT 236-17;236-18; SUBDIVISION OF LAND Light Industrial Park/ 236-2;236-3;236-4; 236-19;236-20; 240-4 Planned Office Park 236-5;236-9;236-10; 236-22;236-23;236-34 STOP AND YIELD (LIO)District 280-58 236-12;236-13; Contractor identification INTERSECTIONS Limited Business(LB) 236-17;236-18; and certification 236-22 Bridges 260-6 District 280-41 236-19;236-20; Costs and expenses 236-8; Deer 260-4;260-6 LITTERING 174-1 236-21;236-22; 236-9;236-18;236-20; Hedges 260-4 Marine III Zone District 236-24;236-34;236-35 236-34;236-35 Ponds 260-4;260-6 (MIII)280-205 SUBDIVISION OF LAND County Clerk 236-9;236-11 �y Schools 260-6 Parking at Beaches 189-7 240-3;240-11;240-19; Culverts 236-5 Signs 260-4;260-6 Plum Island Research 240-36;240-44 Curbs 236-5 Stop intersections 260-4; District(PIR)280-183 Water Quality Improvement Decks 236-10 260-5 Records Management 17-43 Definitions 236-5 Stop intersections with 59-12;59-13;59-14 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding Demolition 236-5;236-19 flashing signals 260-5 Residential Office(RO) and Domestic Pet Design standards 236-9 Stop intersections with stop District 280-38 Waste 83-27 Dirt 236-5 signs 260-4 Roadway Construction WATERFRONT Docks 236-5 Trees 260-4;260-6 161-29;161-30 CONSISTENCY Drainage 236-4;236-5; VEHICLES AND SALVAGE CENTERS REVIEW 268-3 236-6;236-13;236-16; TRAFFIC 260-4\260-6 211-3 WETLANDS AND 236-17;236-18;236-24 Wells 260-4;260-6 SEWERS AND SEWAGE SHORELINE 275-3 Drainage plan 236-10 Yield intersections 260-6 DISPOSAL 215-2; Wireless Communication Driveways 236-13;236-17; STOP INTERSECTIONS 215-4 Facilities 280-72 236-18 Stop and Yield Intersections Signs 280-88 STORMWATER CONTROL Dust 236-18 260-4;260-5 Site Plan Approval STORMWATER Easements 236-9;236-20 STOP-WORK ORDERS 280-134;280-137 MANAGEMENT Emergencies 236-10 FIRE PREVENTION AND SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 236-5 Emergency Management BUILDING CODE STORMWATER WETLANDS AND Agency 236-5 ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT SHORELINE 275-7 Enforcement 236-33 144-5;144-12;144-13 236-5;236-17;236-18 Environmental quality review 236-5 IDX:51 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT... Erosion and sediment Notices 236-5;236-9; 236-13;236-17; Barricades 237-12;237-13 control 236-1;236-3; 236-12;236-23; 236-18;236-19; Bonds 237-9;237-18 236-5;236-6;236-7; 236-24;236-34;236-35 236-20;236-21; Brush,grass and weeds 236-9;236-12;236-17; Notices of violations 236-35 236-22;236-24; 237-13 236-18;236-19; Open space 236-19 236-34;236-35 Completion of work 237-14 236-20;236-22;236-34 Other environmental Stormwater control 236-5 Construction 237-13 Escrow deposits 236-20 permits 236-21 STORMWATER Costs and expenses 237-7; Excavations 236-5;236-9; Parking 236-5;236-13; MANAGEMENT 237-9 236-10;236-15; 236-19 236-1;236-3;236-4; Curbs 237-16 236-16;236-17; Parks and recreation 236-19 236-5;236-7;236-8; Definitions 237-5 236-18;236-34;236-35 Patios 236-5 236-9;236-10;236-11; Emergencies 237-13 Exemptions 236-10 Performance and design 236-12;236-15; Excavations 237-4;237-6; Explosives 236-5 criteria for stormwater 236-16;236-17; 237-9;237-11;237-12; Fences 236-5;236-10; management and 236-18;236-20; 237-13;237-16 236-18 erosion and sediment 236-22;236-24 See Also EXCAVATIONS Fill 236-5;236-18 control 236-7 Stormwater Management Fees 237-10 Final plans 236-9 Performance guarantees Officer and authority Fill 237-13 Financial institutions 236-20 236-20 236-8 Grades and grading 237-6; Findings of fact 236-3 Performance standards Stormwater pollution 237-13 Flammables 236-5 236-3;236-9;236-18 prevention plans Guarantees 237-9 Floodplains 236-4;236-5; Performance standards for 236-5;236-8;236-20; Improvements 237-6; 236-15;236-18 approval of stormwater 236-34 237-16 Floodways 236-18 management control Street Excavations 237-7 Inspections 237-14 Forestry 236-5 plan 236-18 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Insurance 237-8;237-18 Garbage,rubbish and refuse Pet waste 236-4 240-17 Insurance coverage 237-8 236-5 Planning Board 236-10 Swimming pools 236-5 Liability 237-14;237-18 Gas 236-19 Police Department 236-33 SWPPP and other Licenses and permits 237-10 General Provisions 236-1\ Pollution 236-3;236-4; documents retained on Lighting 237-12 236-12 236-5;236-17;236-19; site 236-23 Notice to public utilities Grades and grading 236-3; 236-20;236-35 Technical standards 236-5; 237-11 236-5;236-6;236-9; Ponds 236-5;236-9; 236-7;236-17;236-20 Notices 237-11;237-13 236-10;236-15; 236-17;236-18 Tests 236-17 Penalties for offenses 236-17;236-18; Porches 236-5 Title 236-1 237-17 236-19;236-34 Poultry 236-5 Topsoil removal 236-10 Permit required 237-6 Groundwater 236-3;236-5; Purpose 236-4 TOURIST AND TRAILER Permit requirements 237-13 236-10;236-18;236-24 Records 236-5;236-9; CAMPS 253-2 Police Department 237-13 Guarantees 236-20 236-20;236-24 Town Attorney 236-9; Protective measures 237-12 Gutters 236-5;236-14 Remedies not exclusive 236-33 Responsibility for damages; Hazardous materials and 236-36 Town Board 236-5;236-8; repair 237-16 substances 236-3; Reports 236-20 236-33 Revocation 237-15 236-5 Requirements for all land- Trash 236-4 Sewers 237-16 Hazardous wastes 236-4 disturbing activities or Trees 236-18 Short title 237-4 Hearings 236-5 impervious surfaces Utilities 236-5;236-6; Sidewalks 237-5;237-12; Historic preservation 236-6 236-14 236-10;236-17;236-19 237-13;237-16 Historic resources 236-20 Requirements for All Variances 236-2 Signs 237-13 Horses 236-5 Stoimwater Discharges Violations and penalties Stormwater management Hot tubs 236-5 236-13\236-18 236-5;236-6;236-7; 237-7 Illicit connections 236-4; Right of entry 236-20 236-9;236-22;236-24; Street openings 237-13 236-5;236-35 Roofs 236-5 236-33;236-34;236-35 STREETS AND Illicit discharges 236-35 Safety standards 236-2; Waivers 236-20 SIDEWALKS 237-4\ See Illicit Discharges 236-3;236-4;236-5; Walls 236-5 237-18 236-25\236-32 236-18;236-24 Warrants 236-35 Town Board 237-5;237-10; Impoundment 236-5 Sales 236-5 Water 236-3;236-4;236-5; 237-17;237-18 Improvements 236-5; Screens and screening 236-6;236-10;236-17; Town Clerk 237-10 236-17 236-20 236-18;236-19;236-24 Trenches 237-13 Inspection of stormwater Sewers 236-4;236-5; Water conservation 236-7 Utilities 237-11;237-16 facilities after project 236-19 Water pollution 236-5 Violations and penalties completion 236-24 Sheds 236-5 Water quality 236-3;236-4; 237-17 Inspections 236-4;236-9; Sidewalks 236-5;236-17; 236-5;236-6;236-7; Waiver of insurance and 236-20;236-22; 236-19 236-9;236-20;236-22 bond requirements 236-24;236-34 Signs 236-5;236-10 Water supply 236-4;236-5 237-18 Insurance 236-5 Single-family dwellings Watercourses 236-5; Waivers 237-18 S Landscaping 236-10; 236-19 236-15;236-18 Water 237-13;237-16 236-16;236-20;236-34 Site plan approval 236-16; Websites 236-20 STREET NUMBERING Lawns 236-4;236-19 280-133 Wells 236-5;236-14 Building Inspector 237-28 Letters of credit 236-20 Site plans 236-5;236-17 Wetlands 236-4;236-5; Building permits 237-25; Liability 236-20 Soil erosion and sediment 236-6;236-15;236-17; 237-26 Licenses and permits control 236-3;236-4; 236-18;236-19 Certificates of occupancy 236-2;236-4;236-5; 236-17;236-18 WETLANDS AND 237-25 236-14;236-21 SOIL REMOVAL 228-6 SHORELINE 275-6; Charges 237-23 Liens 236-9;236-34 Solid waste 236-5 275-8 Code Enforcement Officer Litter 236-17 Special Exception Uses Yard waste 236-4;236-5 237-28 Livestock 236-5 280-142 Yards 236-15 Construction 237-25; Lots 236-13;236-16 Statutory authorization/and STORMWATER 237-26 Maintenance,inspection and conflicts with other POLLUTION Definitions 237-23 repair of stormwater laws 236-2 PREVENTION PLANS Display of numbers;style facilities 236-9 Stop-work orders 236-5 STORMWATER and size 237-26 Mining 236-5 Storage 236-5;236-17; MANAGEMENT Driveways 237-23 Mobile homes 236-5 236-18 236-5;236-8;236-20; Emergencies 237-22 Mulching 236-5;236-18 Storm sewers 236-4;236-5 236-34 Enforcement 237-28 Natural features 236-18 See Also STORM SEWERS STREET EXCAVATIONS Fees 237-23 Natural resources 236-5; Adoption of Renumbered Height regulations 237-26 236-10 Stormwater 236-2;236-3; 2006 Code 1-14 Legislative intent 237-22 236-4;236-5;236-9; Applications 237-7 Lots 237-23 236-10;236-12; Backfilling 237-13 IDX:52 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX STREET NUMBERING... Numbering system Additional Requirements Drainage 240-3;240-4; General requirements established;changes; 240-52\240-58 240-9;240-10;240-11; 240-4;240-27 unnamed roads 237-24 Administration fee 240-37 240-17;240-19; General Requirements; Pedestrians 237-26 Affordable housing 240-2; 240-21;240-32; Classification 240-4\ Penalties for offenses 240-10;240-25;240-53 240-36;240-37; 240-5 237-29 Agricultural districts 240-41;240-44 - Grades and grading 240-3; Planning Board 237-25 240-10;240-42 Drainage plan 240-7; 240-4;240-6;240-10; Police officers 237-28 Animals 240-3;240-44 240-17;240-20; 240-17;240-19; Posting of numbers 237-25 Appeals 240-10 240-21;240-23; 240-21;240-41 Records 237-24 Assessments 240-7;240-44 240-25;240-30; Groundwater 240-4 Signs 237-26 Authority and purpose 240-32;240-35 Guarantees 240-31;240-33; STREETS AND 240-42 Driveways 240-3 240-34 SIDEWALKS 237-22\ Backfilling 240-36 Easements 240-3;240-10; Guaranties 240-34;240-38 237-29 Bicycles 240-10;240-53 240-17;240-21; Gutters 240-44 Tax bill;compliance Blocks 240-3;240-10; 240-26;240-27; Hearings 240-13;240-19; deadline 237-27 240-17;240-21 240-28;240-42; 240-25;240-29; Town Board 237-24;237-28 Bonds 240-3;240-7; 240-44;240-54 240-30;240-53 Trustees 237-25 240-20;240-23; Emergency Management Height regulations 240-10 Vehicles 237-26 240-25;240-30; Agency 240-10;240-42 Historic features 240-4 Violations and penalties 240-31;240-32; Enforcement 240-59\240-61 Horses 240-3 237-29 240-33;240-34; Environmental impact Improvements 240-3; STREET OPENINGS 240-35;240-36;240-37 statements 240-18; 240-6;240-9;240-10; See Also EXCAVATIONS Bonds and Other Security 240-19;240-22;240-25 240-16;240-17; Street Excavations 237-13 240-31\240-34 Environmental quality 240-20;240-30; WATERFRONT Bridges 240-17 review 240-3;240-8; 240-31;240-32; CONSISTENCY Brush,grass and weeds 240-18;240-19; 240-33;240-34; REVIEW 268-3 240-10 240-22;240-25;240-30 240-35;240-36; STREET TREES Buffers 240-3;240-17; Environmental review 240-37;240-38; HIGHWAY 240-21;240-42;240-43 240-18;240-22 240-39;240-40; SPECIFICATIONS Building permits 240-10; Environmentally sensitive 240-41;240-53;240-59 161-3 240-25 areas 240-10;240-43 Inspection of improvements Light Industrial Park/ Certificates of approval Erosion and sediment 240-36 Planned Office Park 240-21 control 240-11; Inspections 240-9;240-10; (LIO)District 280-58 Charges 240-8 240-19;240-36 240-20;240-32; Preservation of Natural Cluster Development Establishment 240-26 240-33;240-36;240-37 Features 240-49 240-42\240-44 Excavations 240-36 Landfills 240-44 Roadway Construction Cluster developments Expiration 240-14 Landscaping 240-32; 161-44 240-3;240-10;240-42; Farms and farming 240-10; 240-36;240-42;240-43 Site Plan Approval 240-43;240-44 240-42;240-43 Letters of credit 240-34 280-129;280-133 Comprehensive Plan 240-3; Fees 240-3;240-6;240-7; Liability 240-54 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 240-4;240-10;240-11; 240-8;240-9;240-10; Licenses and permits 240-17;240-21 240-19;240-42; 240-16;240-19; 240-21;240-25;240-26 STREETLIGHTING 240-43;240-53 240-20;240-30; Liens 240-34;240-44 Design Standards 240-46 Conservation Board 240-42 240-34;240-37; Lighting 240-44 HIGHWAY Construction 240-3;240-6; 240-44;240-53 Livestock 240-3;240-44 SPECIFICATIONS 240-10;240-16; Fences 240-36 Lots 240-3;240-4;240-10; 161-3;161-4 240-17;240-21; Final Plat Review 240-20\ 240-17;240-21; See Also LIGHTING 240-25;240-31; 240-25 240-26;240-27; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 240-32;240-35; Final plats 240-3;240-6; 240-30;240-41; 172-2;172-5;172-8 240-36;240-37; 240-7;240-8;240-13; 240-42;240-43; POLICE DEPARTMENT 240-39;240-40; 240-15;240-16; 240-44;240-53; RULES AND 240-54;240-59 240-19;240-20; 240-57;240-59 REGULATIONS Coordination of review of 240-21;240-22; Maintenance bond 240-33 A290-37;A290-38 performance bond 240-23;240-24; See Also MAJOR Roadway Construction estimate 240-23 240-25;240-28; SUBDIVISIONS 161-46 Coordination with other 240-31;240-32; Manholes 240-17 SUBDIVISION OF LAND agencies 240-12 240-35;240-36; Mapping of completed 240-17;240-21 Costs and expenses 240-8; 240-41;240-42; improvements; STREETS AND 240-10;240-20; 240-44;240-52;240-53 monuments 240-41 SIDEWALKS 240-23;240-32; Final plats not in substantial Markers 240-41 See Also CROSSWALKS 240-34;240-37;240-44 agreement with Master Plan 240-10;240-17 See Notification of Defects County Clerk 240-3; approved preliminary Meetings 240-13;240-23; 237-1\237-3 240-21;240-25; plats or when no 240-40 See Removal of Utility 240-30;240-34; preliminary plat is Membership 240-44 Poles 237-30\237-33 240-35;240-44; required 240-25 Methods of enforcement See Also SIDEWALKS 240-52;240-57 Fire alarms 240-17 240-61 See Snow and Ice Removal Creation of lots 240-30 Fire hydrants 240-10; Modification of design of 237-19\237-21 Crosswalks 240-3 240-17;240-21; improvements 240-40 See Street Excavations Culverts 240-10;240-17 240-35;240-36 Monuments 240-10; 237-4\237-18 Curbs 240-17;240-21 Fire protection 240-4;240-9 240-17;240-21;240-41 See Street Numbering Definitions 240-3 Floodplains 240-3;240-4 Natural features 240-3; 237-22\237-29 Design standards 240-36 Forestry 240-3;240-44 240-43;240-53;240-54 STRUCTURES,UNSAFE See Design Standards Forms of security; Natural resources 240-4; See UNSAFE BUILDINGS 240-45\240-48 expiration and terms of 240-10 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Determination of location of bonds;default 240-34 Nonconforming lots 240-57 Abandonment 240-37 open spaces created by Gas 240-35 Notices 240-13;240-18; Action on final plats which cluster development General application 240-19;240-22; are in substantial using primary and procedure 240-6 240-25;240-29; agreement with secondary conservation General Application 240-30;240-32; approved preliminary areas 240-43 Procedure;Submission 240-36;240-44;240-54 plats 240-24 Requirements;Fees Odors 240-44 Action on preliminary plat 240-6\240-8 Off-road vehicles 240-44 240-19 General Provisions 240-1\ Off-street parking 240-4 Action on sketch plat; 240-2 Official Map 240-3;240-4; decision 240-13 240-10;240-17 IDX:53 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE SUBDIVISION OF LAND... Open Development Area Reservation of parkland on Violations and penalties SUBDIVISION OF LAND 240-26\240-30 subdivision plats 240-44;240-59; 240-3 Open space 240-2;240-3; containing residential 240-60;240-61 WETLANDS AND 240-10;240-21; units 240-53 Waiver 240-38 SHORELINE 275-3; 240-42;240-43; Review of sketch plat Waiver of requirements 275-11 240-44;240-54 240-11 240-15 ZONING 280-4 Paper 240-20;240-28; Safeguards during Waiver,adjustment of 240-29;240-30 construction 240-39 property lines 240-57 — T — Parking 240-44 Safety standards 240-2; Waivers 240-10;240-15; Parks and recreation 240-3; 240-4;240-10;240-38; 240-38;240-40; TARGETED BUSINESS 240-4;240-10;240-42; 240-43;240-56 240-56;240-57 INVESTMENT 240-52;240-53;240-54 Sales 240-3;240-34 Waivers of certain EXEMPTION Pedestrians 240-3;240-4; Schools 240-4;240-53 provisions 240-56 Assessments 245-7 240-10;240-42; Septic systems 240-10 Water 240-3;240-4; Assessor 245-7 240-53;240-54 Setbacks 240-19;240-42; 240-10;240-17; Certificates of occupancy Penalties for offenses 240-43 240-21;240-35; 245-7 240-60 Sewers 240-10;240-17; 240-36;240-42;240-44 Construction 245-7 Performance bond 240-32 240-42;240-44 Water supply 240-9; Costs and expenses 245-7 Planning Board 240-3; Sheds 240-42 240-10;240-11; Exemption granted 245-7 240-5;240-6;240-8; Sidewalks 240-17;240-21; 240-17;240-19; Improvements 245-7 240-9;240-10;240-11; 240-36 240-42;240-44 Permitted uses 245-7 240-12;240-13; Signs 240-17;240-19; Watercourses 240-3;240-41 Schools 245-7 240-14;240-16; 240-21 Wells 240-4;240-10; TAXATION 245-7;245-7 240-18;240-19; Site plans 240-42 240-17;240-21; TAX ASSESSOR 240-20;240-21; Sketch plans 240-7; 240-35;240-44 See Also ASSESSOR 240-22;240-23; 240-10;240-13; Wetlands 240-3;240-4; SUBDIVISION OF LAND 240-24;240-25; 240-16;240-20 240-10;240-17; 240-34 240-29;240-30; Sketch Plat Review 240-9\ 240-21;240-42 TAXATION 240-32;240-34; 240-14 When effective;effect on See Assessment and Tax 240-35;240-38; Sketch plats 240-6;240-7; existing plats 240-58 Relief for Superstorm 240-39;240-40; 240-8;240-9;240-10; Wildlife 240-3;240-44 Sandy Impact 245-20\ 240-41;240-42; 240-11;240-12; Zoning Board of Appeals 245-24 240-44;240-52; 240-13;240-17; 240-57 See Exemption for Cold 240-53;240-54; 240-20;240-26; Zoning districts 240-10; War Veterans 245-17\ 240-56;240-57; 240-27;240-28 240-17;240-26; 245-18 240-58;240-59 Standards and procedures 240-27;240-42 See Exemption for Disabled Planning Commission for acceptance of SUMMONSES Persons With Limited 240-12 streets;recreation and Dogs 83-9 Income 245-10 Playgrounds 240-10; park areas 240-52 SUPERINTENDENT OF See Exemption for Historic 240-43;240-44; Statutory authority 240-1 HIGHWAYS Properties 245-19 240-52;240-53 Steep slopes 240-4 OFFICERS AND See Exemption for Ponds 240-4;240-10; Storage 240-44 EMPLOYEES 42-5\ Volunteer Fire Fighters 240-42 Stormwater 240-3;240-11; 42-8 and Ambulance Poultry 240-3;240-44 240-19;240-36;240-44 Referendum to be held 42-7 Workers 245-11\245-14 Preliminary Plat Review Stotmwater management Supersession of Town Law See Exemption for War 240-15\240-19 240-17 42-6 Veterans and Gold Star Preliminary plats 240-3; Street trees 240-17;240-21 Term of office 42-5 Parents 245-15\ 240-6;240-7;240-8; Streetlighting 240-17; Terms of office 42-5 245-16.1 240-10;240-13; 240-21 When effective 42-8 See Senior Citizen 240-15;240-16; Subdivision classifications SUPERSTORM SANDY Exemption 245-1\245-6 240-17;240-18; 240-5 Assessment and Tax Relief See Targeted Business 240-19;240-20; Submission 240-9;240-16; for Superstorm Sandy Investment Exemption 240-22;240-24; 240-20 Impact 245-20; 245-7 240-25;240-53;240-58 Submission requirements 245-21;245-22;245-23 See Veterans'Exemption See Preservation of Natural 240-7;240-28 SURCHARGES 245-8\245-9 Features 240-49\240-51 Swimming pools 240-3 ANIMALS 83-19;83-23 TAXICABS Procedure 240-29 Tax Assessor 240-34 FIRE PREVENTION AND ZONING 280-111 Protection and use of open Technical requirements BUILDING CODE TECHNICAL STANDARDS space lands created by 240-10;240-17;240-21 ADMINISTRATION STORMWATER cluster development Terms defined 240-3 144-8 MANAGEMENT 240-44 Tests 240-17;240-21; VEHICLES AND 236-5;236-7;236-17; Purpose 240-2 240-35;240-36 TRAFFIC 260-28 236-20 Purpose of performance Time limitations 240-55 SWIMMING POOLS TELECOMMUNICATIONS bond 240-31 Topsoil removal 240-3 Agricultural-Conservation FACILITIES Records 240-10;240-17; Town Attorney 240-21; (A-C)District and Wireless Communication T 240-19;240-21; 240-32;240-34;240-44 Low-Density Facilities 280-69; 240-25;240-29; Town Board 240-3;240-10; Residential R-80, 280-71 240-34;240-35; 240-12;240-19; R-120,R-200 and TENANTS 240-38;240-41; 240-25;240-26; R-400 Districts 280-13 Affordable Housing(AHD) 240-44;240-52;240-57 240-28;240-29; BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; District 280-27; Recreation areas 240-3; 240-32;240-33; PROPERTY 280-28;280-30 240-4;240-10;240-42; 240-34;240-42; MAINTENANCE Agricultural-Conservation 240-43;240-44;240-52 240-52;240-53;240-58 100-4 (A-C)District and Reports 240-3;240-19 Town Clerk 240-19; FIRE PREVENTION AND Low-Density Required improvements and 240-25;240-29; BUILDING CODE Residential R-80, utilities 240-35 240-30;240-32;240-57 ADMINISTRATION R-120,R-200 and Required Public Town Supervisor 240-29 144-8 R-400 Districts 280-13 Improvements; Trees 240-3;240-10 Marine I(MI)District Exemption for War Inspections;Fees Utilities 240-4;240-10; 280-52 Veterans and Gold Star 240-35\240-41 240-17;240-21; Marine II(MII)District Parents 245-16.1 Reservation of lands for 240-35;240-36; 280-55 FIRE PREVENTION AND pedestrian trails 240-54 240-41;240-42 See Also POOLS BUILDING CODE Variances 240-57 STORMWATER ADMINISTRATION Vehicles 240-3;240-54 MANAGEMENT 144-13 Violations 240-59 236-5 IDX:54 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX TENANTS... MUNICIPAL BUILDING TOBACCO ADVERTISING Complaints 253-15 TOWING ENERGY Advertising 249-1;249-2; Definitions 253-1 BOATS,DOCKS AND BENCHMARKING 249-3;249-4;249-5 Distance between cottages WHARVES 96-7; 177-5 Child-care centers 249-2 and other buildings or 96-12;96-16 NOISE,PREVENTION OF Cigarettes 249-1;249-2 trailers 253-9 POLICE DEPARTMENT 180-4 Compensation 249-2 Distance from property lines RULES AND RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 Definitions and word usage and roadways 253-10 REGULATIONS See Also RENTAL 249-2 Drainage 253-5 A290-15 PROPERTY Disease control 249-1 Driveways 253-3;253-10; Shellfish 219-8 WETLANDS AND Exceptions 249-4 253-11 ZONING 280-4 SHORELINE 275-12.1 Grades and grading 249-2 Duties of owner 253-14 TOWN ATTORNEY ZONING 280-4 Legislative intent and Entrances and exits;trespass Affordable Housing(AHD) TERMS OF OFFICE findings 249-1 on adjoining property District 280-30 AGRICULTURAL Liability 249-2 253-15 Agricultural Planned ADVISORY Licenses and permits 249-2 Fees 253-4 Development District COMMITTEE 71-3 Minors 249-1 Fees;public hearing 253-4 280-175 Ethics Board 26-21;26-23 Paper 249-2 Fences 253-15 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Residency Requirements Parks and recreation 249-1 Fire extinguishers 253-14 PROPERTY 42-10 Penalties for offenses 249-6 Garbage collection;sewer MAINTENANCE Site Plan Approval 280-135 Reports 249-1 system 253-7 100-8;100-11 Superintendent of Highways Restrictions 249-3 Garbage,rubbish and refuse Dogs 83-9 42-5 Sales 249-1;249-2 253-7;253-14 ELECTRICAL Town Clerk 42-1 Schools 249-1;249-2;249-3 General Regulations 253-11 INSPECTIONS 126-2 TRANSPORTATION Severability 249-7 253-19 Ethics Board 26-22 ACCESS Signs 249-2;249-4 Grades and grading 253-5 FILMING 139-3 MANAGEMENT 64-4 Smoke 249-1 Hearings 253-2;253-4 HIGHWAY TESTS Smoking 249-1 Inspections 253-13 SPECIFICATIONS COASTAL EROSION Time frame for compliance Licenses and permits 161-49 HAZARD AREAS 249-5 253-3;253-12 Historic Preservation 111-6 Tobacco 249-1;249-2; Lighting 253-3 District(HPD)280-196 FIRE PREVENTION AND 249-3;249-4;249-5 Management 253-12 LANDMARK BUILDING CODE Town Board 249-1 Markers 253-8 PRESERVATION ADMINISTRATION Variances 249-1 Minimum unit dimensions 170-13 144-3;144-5;144-19 Violations and penalties 253-8 PUBLIC General Business(B) 249-6 Nonapplicability 253-18 ENTERTAINMENT District 280-48 Walls 249-3 Notices 253-4 AND SPECIAL HIGHWAY When effective 249-8 Other ordinances and EVENTS 205-2;205-5 SPECIFICATIONS TOILET FACILITIES regulations 253-17 Real Estate Transfer Tax 161-2;161-6 PARKS AND Penalties for offenses 17-35 Illicit Discharges 236-25 RECREATION 253-19 Residency Requirements Light Industrial(LI)District AREAS 193-4 Permit required 253-2 42-10 280-62 PUBLIC Records 253-13 Rules of Conduct 26-13 Light Industrial Park/ ENTERTAINMENT See Recreational Vehicle SANITARY FLOW Planned Office Park AND SPECIAL Parks 253-20\253-24 CREDITS, (LIO)District 280-58 EVENTS 205-2 Registration 253-14 TRANSFER OF POLICE DEPARTMENT See Also SANITARY Reports 253-14 117-5;117-9;117-10; RULES AND FACILITIES Roadways and driveways 117-11 REGULATIONS SEWERS AND SEWAGE 253-11 Site Plan Approval 280-130 A290-45 DISPOSAL 215-2 Screening by plantings Small Wind Energy Systems Roadway Construction ZONING 280-4 253-16 277-7 161-26;161-29; TOPSOIL PROTECTION Screens and screening STORMWATER 161-30;161-40;161-46 See DIRT 253-16 MANAGEMENT SEWERS AND SEWAGE See EXCAVATIONS Septic tanks 253-7 236-9;236-33 DISPOSAL 215-2; See FILL Sewers 253-7 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 215-4;215-9;215-10 TOPSOIL REMOVAL Site plans 253-3 240-21;240-32; STORMWATER See Also DIRT Site requirements 253-5 240-34;240-44 MANAGEMENT See Also EXCAVATIONS Storage 253-14 WATERFRONT 236-17 HIGHWAY Stormwater management CONSISTENCY SUBDIVISION OF LAND SPECIFICATIONS 253-2 REVIEW 268-6;268-7 240-17;240-21; 161-10 Town Board 253-2;253-14; WETLANDS AND 240-35;240-36 SOIL REMOVAL 228-3; 253-16;253-19 SHORELINE 275-6 WETLANDS AND 228-4;228-5;228-6 Town Clerk 253-3;253-4 TOWN BOARD SHORELINE 275-4 See Also SOIL REMOVAL Trailer camps 253-10; Adoption of Code 1-2;1-4; Wireless Communication STORMWATER 253-16 1-8;1-9;1-10 Facilities 280-69; MANAGEMENT Trailers 253-1;253-3; Adoption of Renumbered 280-74 236-10 253-9;253-10 2006 Code 1-14;1-15; THROUGH STREETS SUBDIVISION OF LAND Trespassing 253-15 1-16 Roadway Construction 240-3 Vehicles 253-1;253-14 Affordable Housing(AHD) 161-46 TOURIST AND TRAILER Violations and penalties District 280-25; TIRES CAMPS 253-14;253-19 280-26;280-29; General Business(B) Application;site plan 253-3 Water 253-6 280-30;280-31 District 280-48 Board of Health 253-6; Water supply 253-3;253-6; AGRICULTURAL JUNKYARDS 166-1 253-7;253-14 253-14 ADVISORY LITTERING 174-3 Brush,grass and weeds TOWERS COMMITTEE 71-1; TOBACCO 253-5 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 71-3;71-4 Adoption of Renumbered Camps 253-1;253-2; 172-6 AGRICULTURAL LANDS 2006 Code 1-14 253-3;253-5;253-6; Small Wind Energy Systems PRESERVATION POLICE DEPARTMENT 253-7;253-8;253-10; 277-1;277-2;277-3; 70-2;70-4;70-5 RULES AND 253-11;253-12; 277-4;277-7 Agricultural Planned REGULATIONS 253-13;253-14; Wireless Communication Development District A290-15 253-15;253-16 Facilities 280-69; 280-173;280-174; TOBACCO Charges 253-2 280-72;280-74 280-176;280-177; ADVERTISING Communicable diseases ZONING 280-4;280-104 280-180 249-1;249-2;249-3; 253-14 249-4;249-5 Compensation 253-1 IDX:55 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE TOWN BOARD... Agricultural-Conservation Historic Preservation 117-5;117-6;117-7; Agricultural Planned (A-C)District and District(HPD) 117-9;117-10;117-11; Development District Low-Density 280-190;280-195; 117-12;117-13;117-14 280-174 Residential R-80, 280-196 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Agricultural-Conservation R-120,R-200 and HOUSING FUND 34-3; DISPOSAL 215-1; (A-C)District and R-400 Districts 280-13 34-4;34-6 215-14;215-17 Low-Density ALARM SYSTEMS 75-2; HUNTING 163-2 Shellfish 219-7 Residential R-80, 75-7 JUNKYARDS 166-1; SHELLFISH AND OTHER R-120,R-200 and ANIMALS 83-17 166-6;166-7;166-8 MARINE R-400 Districts 280-13 ASSESSORS 9-4 LANDMARK RESOURCES 219-22 ALARM SYSTEMS 75-6 BINGO AND GAMES OF PRESERVATION Signs 280-81 ANIMALS 83-18;83-19; CHANCE 92-1 170-4; 170-5;170-10; Site Plan Approval 83-20;83-24 Board of Appeals 280-145; 170-11;170-14 280-128;280-131; Board of Appeals 280-150 280-149 Light Industrial Park/ 280-135 BOATS,DOCKS AND BOATS,DOCKS AND Planned Office Park Small Wind Energy Systems WHARVES 96-32 WHARVES 96-10; (LIO)District 280-58 277-7 Chief of Police A290-7 96-13;96-18;96-24 LITTERING 174-5 Snow and Ice Removal COASTAL EROSION BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; LOCAL LAWS, 237-19 HAZARD AREAS PROPERTY ADOPTION OF 38-1; SOIL REMOVAL 228-3; 111-25 MAINTENANCE 38-3 228-4;228-5;228-6; COMMITTEES, 100-7 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 228-7;228-8;228-9; APPOINTMENT OF BURNING,OUTDOOR ENERGY 228-10;228-12;228-13 13-3 104-1 BENCHMARKING Southold Community Dogs 83-12 CANNABIS 106-2;106-3 177-6 Preservation Fund DOMESTIC Chief of Police A290-7 NOISE,PREVENTION OF 17-2;17-4;17-5;17-6; PARTNERSHIPS COASTAL EROSION 180-2 17-7;17-8 121-4;121-5 HAZARD AREAS Notification of Defects Southold Community Ducks 83-1;83-3 111-22;111-24; 237-2 Preservation Project ETHICS 26-19 111-27;111-35 OPEN SPACE Plan 17-12;17-13; FILMING 139-3;139-4; COMMITTEES, PRESERVATION 17-13.1 139-5;139-6;139-8; APPOINTMENT OF 185-2;185-4;185-5 STORMWATER 139-13 13-1;13-2;13-3;13-4 Parking at Beaches 189-1; MANAGEMENT Garbage,Rubbish and Community Preservation 189-3;189-4 236-5;236-8;236-33 Refuse 233-4;233-6 Fund Advisory Board PARKS AND Street Excavations 237-5; HIGHWAY 17-16 RECREATION 237-10;237-17;237-18 SPECIFICATIONS COMMUNITY AREAS 193-3.1; Street Numbering 237-24; 161-49 PRESERVATION 193-10 237-28 Historic Preservation FUND AND PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS SUBDIVISION OF LAND District(HPD) COMMUNITY AND TRANSIENT 240-3;240-10;240-12; 280-195;280-196 HOUSING FUND RETAIL 240-19;240-25; HUNTING 163-2 17-51;17-52;17-53 MERCHANTS 240-26;240-28; JUNKYARDS 166-4; DEFENSE AND 197-11;197-12 240-29;240-32; 166-5; 166-7 INDEMNIFICATION Pedestrians 260-27 240-33;240-34; LANDMARK 21-1 Plum Island Conservation 240-42;240-52; PRESERVATION Dogs 83-12 District(PIC)280-187 240-53;240-58 170-5 DOMESTIC Plum Island Research TOBACCO LOCAL LAWS, PARTNERSHIPS District(PIR)280-183 ADVERTISING 249-1 ADOPTION OF 38-1; 121-5 POLICE DEPARTMENT TOURIST AND TRAILER 38-2;38-3;38-4;38-5 Ducks 83-1;83-2;83-3; 51-1;51-2;51-4;51-5; CAMPS 253-2; Notification of Defects 83-5 51-6 253-14;253-16;253-19 237-1;237-2 ELECTRICAL POLICE DEPARTMENT TRANSPORTATION OFFICERS AND INSPECTIONS 126-2; RULES AND ACCESS EMPLOYEES 42-1\ 126-3 REGULATIONS MANAGEMENT 42-4 Emergency Removal of A290-2;A290-4; 64-2;64-4;64-5 Parking at Beaches 189-3; Vehicles 260-24 A290-15;A290-46 Vehicle Traffic 260-26 189-4 ETHICS 26-18;26-26 PUBLIC VEHICLES,MOTOR- PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS Ethics Board 26-21;26-22; ENTERTAINMENT DRIVEN 264-2 AND TRANSIENT 26-23 AND SPECIAL Water Quality Improvement RETAIL EXPENSES OF TOWN EVENTS 205-2; 17-41;17-42;17-43; MERCHANTS 197-3; OFFICERS 30-1 205-3;205-4;205-5; 17-44;17-45;17-46 197-6;197-8;197-11 Farmland Bill of Rights 205-6;205-7;205-8 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding PUBLIC 280-97;280-100 PUBLIC HEARINGS, and Domestic Pet ENTERTAINMENT FILMING 139-1;139-3; NOTICE OF 55-1;55-2 Waste 83-31 AND SPECIAL 139-4;139-9 Real Estate Transfer Tax WATERFRONT EVENTS 205-5; FIRE PREVENTION AND 17-19; 17-34;17-38 CONSISTENCY 205-6;205-7 T BUILDING CODE RECORDS 59-3;59-8 REVIEW 268-3; RECORDS 59-3;59-8 ADMINISTRATION Records Management 59-15 268-4;268-5 Records Management 59-12 144-3;144-5 Recreational Floating Zone WETLANDS AND Recreational Floating Zone Fishers Island Harbor District(RFZ) SHORELINE 275-3; District(RFZ) Management 157-3; 280-197;280-198; 275-3.1;275-7;275-16 280-200;280-201 157-6;157-7; 157-12 280-200;280-201; YOUTH BOARD 68-1; Referendum to be held 42-3 Floating Homes 96-26 280-204 68-4;68-5 RENTAL PERMITS 207-8 FLOOD DAMAGE RENTAL PERMITS 207-1; ZONING 280-4;280-9; Rules of Conduct 26-5 PREVENTION 148-1 207-2;207-3;207-8 280-92;280-115; SALVAGE CENTERS Garbage,Rubbish and Roadway Construction 280-151;280-155; 211-3 Refuse 233-1;233-2; 161-44;161-47 280-157;280-158; SANITARY FLOW 233-3;233-3.1;233-4; Rules of Conduct 26-5; 280-159 CREDITS, 233-6;233-7;233-8 26-9;26-10;26-13 TOWN CLERK TRANSFER OF Grievance Procedures 47-4 SALVAGE CENTERS Adoption of Code 1-7; 1-9; 117-7;117-9;117-10; Hamlet Density(HD) 211-3;211-5 1-10;1-11 117-11;117-13;117-14 Residential District SANITARY FLOW Adoption of Renumbered Shellfish 219-6 280-21 CREDITS, 2006 Code 1-14 SOIL REMOVAL 228-6; HIGHWAY TRANSFER OF Affordable Housing(AHD) 228-7;228-8;228-9; SPECIFICATIONS District 280-29;280-30 228-10;228-11 161-12;161-49 Street Excavations 237-10 IDX:56 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX TOWN CLERK... SUBDIVISION OF LAND TRANSIENT VENDORS HIGHWAY PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS 240-19;240-25; See PEDDLING AND SPECIFICATIONS AND TRANSIENT 240-29;240-30; SOLICITING 161-11 RETAIL 240-32;240-57 See SALES Light Industrial(LI)District MERCHANTS 197-2; Supersession of Town Law TRANSPORTATION 280-62 197-5 42-2 ACCESS Light Industrial Park/ Roadway Construction Term of office 42-1 MANAGEMENT Planned Office Park 161-19;161-21 Terms of office 42-1 Appointments 64-4 (LIO)District 280-58 Vehicle Traffic 260-26 TOURIST AND TRAILER Bicycles 64-5 NOISE,PREVENTION OF ZONING 280-4;280-77; CAMPS 253-3;253-4 Compensation 64-4 180-4 280-79 Town Clerk 42-1 Costs and expenses 64-2 PARKS AND TRUSTEES When effective 42-4 Definitions 64-3 RECREATION Agricultural-Conservation ZONING 280-92;280-158; Duties of Commission 64-5 AREAS 193-2 (A-C)District and 280-159 Farms and farming 64-2; Preservation of Natural Low-Density TOWN ENGINEER 64-3 Features 240-49 Residential R-80, HIGHWAY Fishing 64-3 Roadway Construction R-120,R-200 and SPECIFICATIONS Horses 64-2 161-16; 161-29; R-400 Districts 280-13 161-5;161-6;161-8; Improvements 64-5 161-30; 161-42;161-44 BOATS,DOCKS AND 161-49 Lighting 64-5 SEWERS AND SEWAGE WHARVES 96-24; RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 Litter 64-5 DISPOSAL 215-9 96-25 Roadway Construction Noise 64-5 See Also SHADE TREES COASTAL EROSION 161-26;161-27; Open space 64-3 See Also SHRUBS HAZARD AREAS 161-29;161-30; Parking 64-5 Signs 280-83 111-35 161-31;161-44 Pedestrians 64-5 Site Plan Approval SHELLFISH AND OTHER SEWERS AND SEWAGE Purpose 64-2 280-129;280-130; MARINE DISPOSAL 215-9 Reports 64-4 280-133;280-136 RESOURCES 219-19; Site Plan Approval Safety standards 64-5 Small Wind Energy Systems 219-20 280-129;280-131 Signs 64-5 277-3 Site Plan Approval 280-131 TOWN SUPERVISOR Speed limits 64-5 Stop and Yield Intersections Street Numbering 237-25 NOISE,PREVENTION OF Terms of office 64-4 260-4;260-6 WATERFRONT 180-7 Title 64-1 STORMWATER CONSISTENCY Real Estate Transfer Tax Town Board 64-2;64-4; MANAGEMENT REVIEW 268-4 17-20;17-31;17-34 64-5 236-18 WETLANDS AND SUBDIVISION OF LAND Transportation Commission SUBDIVISION OF LAND SHORELINE 275-2; 240-29 64-4 240-3;240-10 275-3.1;275-4;275-5; TOXIC SUBSTANCES Vacancies 64-4 WATERFRONT 275-6;275-7;275-8; See Also HAZARDOUS Vehicles 64-5 CONSISTENCY 275-9;275-10;275-11; MATERIALS AND Water quality 64-5 REVIEW 268-3 275-12;275-13; SUBSTANCES When effective 64-6 WETLANDS AND 275-14;275-16 See Also HAZARDOUS TRAP SHORELINE 275-2; ZONING 280-116 WASTES PARKS AND 275-4 TWO-FAMILY SEWERS AND SEWAGE RECREATION Wireless Communication DWELLINGS DISPOSAL 215-4 AREAS 193-6 Facilities 280-70; Agricultural-Conservation TOXIC WASTES TRASH 280-72;280-73; (A-C)District and See HAZARDOUS FILMING 139-3 280-76.2 Low-Density MATERIALS AND Floating Homes 96-26 ZONING 280-4;280-92; Residential R-80, SUBSTANCES Garbage,Rubbish and 280-93;280-94; R-120,R-200 and See HAZARDOUS Refuse 233-3.1 280-95;280-118 R-400 Districts 280-13 WASTES See Also GARBAGE, TRENCHES FIRE PREVENTION AND TRAILER CAMPS RUBBISH AND See Also EXCAVATIONS BUILDING CODE Adoption of Code 1-2 REFUSE Roadway Construction ADMINISTRATION Adoption of Renumbered Illicit Discharges 236-28 161-36 144-8 2006 Code 1-14 JUNKYARDS 166-7 SEWERS AND SEWAGE General Business(B) General Business(B) PARKS AND DISPOSAL 215-5; District 280-48 District 280-48 RECREATION 215-9 Hamlet Business(HB) Resort Residential(RR) AREAS 193-2;193-7 Street Excavations 237-13 District 280-45 District 280-35 PUBLIC TRESPASSING Hamlet Density(HD) TOURIST AND TRAILER ENTERTAINMENT JUNKYARDS 166-7 Residential District CAMPS 253-10; AND SPECIAL LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 280-22 253-16 EVENTS 205-4 172-2;172-5 Residential Office(RO) ZONING 280-115 See Also SOLID WASTE TOURIST AND TRAILER District 280-38 TRAILERS STORMWATER CAMPS 253-15 SEWERS AND SEWAGE General Business(B) MANAGEMENT VEHICLES,MOTOR- DISPOSAL 215-7 District 280-48 236-4 DRIVEN 264-14 ZONING 280-78 Parking at Beaches 189-2 TREASURER ZONING 280-4 Recreational Vehicle Parks Real Estate Transfer Tax TRUCKS _ U — 253-20 17-20;17-21;17-22; FLOOD DAMAGE Site Plan Approval 280-137 17-27;17-28;17-30; PREVENTION 148-4 UNDERGROUND TOURIST AND TRAILER 17-31;17-32;17-33; Garbage,Rubbish and STORAGE TANKS CAMPS 253-1;253-3; 17-34;17-35;17-36 Refuse 233-6 See STORAGE TANKS 253-9;253-10 SOIL REMOVAL 228-6 JUNKYARDS 166-2 UNSAFE BUILDINGS VEHICLES AND TREES Light Industrial(LI)District Adoption of Renumbered TRAFFIC 260-8.1 AGRICULTURAL USES 280-62 2006 Code 1-14 ZONING 280-4;280-78; 72-4 Light Industrial Park/ BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 280-115 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Planned Office Park PROPERTY TRANSIENT MERCHANTS PROPERTY (LIO)District 280-58 MAINTENANCE Adoption of Renumbered MAINTENANCE LITTERING 174-3 100-1;100-4;100-5 2006 Code 1-14 100-4 NOISE,PREVENTION OF UTILITIES PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS Farmland Bill of Rights 180-4 Affordable Housing(AHD) AND TRANSIENT 280-98 PARKS AND District 280-25;280-29 RETAIL FILMING 139-9 RECREATION Agricultural-Conservation MERCHANTS 197-1; Garbage,Rubbish and AREAS 193-3 (A-C)District and 197-2;197-5;197-6 Refuse 233-4 Low-Density IDX:57 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE UTILITIES... Residential R-80, AGRICULTURAL TRANSPORTATION R-120,R-200 and — V — ADVISORY ACCESS R-400 Districts 280-13 COMMITTEE 71-4 MANAGEMENT 64-5 COASTAL EROSION VACANCIES ALCOHOLIC Vehicle Traffic 260-26 HAZARD AREAS TRANSPORTATION BEVERAGES 79-1 VEHICLES AND 111-6 ACCESS APPEARANCE TICKETS TRAFFIC 260-1; FILMING 139-3 MANAGEMENT 64-4 5-2 260-2;260-7;260-8; FLOOD DAMAGE VACANT LOTS BICYCLES 88-1;88-2; 260-8.1;260-9; PREVENTION 148-3; Affordable Housing(AHD) 88-3;88-4;88-5;88-6 260-10;260-11; 148-4;148-13;148-15; District 280-30 BOATS,DOCKS AND 260-12;260-13; 148-16;148-19; FIRE PREVENTION AND WHARVES 96-9 260-14;260-15; 148-20;148-21;148-22 BUILDING CODE BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 260-16;260-17; Hamlet Density(HD) ADMINISTRATION PROPERTY 260-18;260-19; Residential District 144-8 MAINTENANCE 260-20;260-21; 280-22 Snow and Ice Removal 100-3;100-4;100-5 260-22;260-28 Historic Preservation 237-20 See Also COMMERCIAL VEHICLES,MOTOR- District(HPD)280-195 VACCINATIONS VEHICLES DRIVEN 264-1; Light Industrial(LI)District ANIMALS 83-21 Emergency Removal of 264-2;264-3;264-4; 280-62 VAPORS Vehicles 260-23; 264-5;264-6;264-7; Light Industrial Park/ See Also FUMES 260-24;260-25 264-9;264-14;264-15; Planned Office Park LIGHTING,OUTDOOR See Also EMERGENCY 264-16;264-19;264-20 (LIO)District 280-58 172-7 VEHICLES Wireless Communication LIGHTING,OUTDOOR VARIANCES Farmland Bill of Rights Facilities 280-69; 172-4;172-5 Affordable Housing(AHD) 280-99 280-70 MUNICIPAL BUILDING District 280-28 FILMING 139-3 ZONING 280-2;280-4; ENERGY AGRICULTURAL USES FLOOD DAMAGE 280-78;280-79; BENCHMARKING 72-3 PREVENTION 148-4; 280-110;280-111 177-1;177-5 Board of Appeals 280-146 148-16 VEHICLES,ABANDONED Plum Island Research COASTAL EROSION Garbage,Rubbish and See ABANDONED District(PIR)280-183 HAZARD AREAS Refuse 233-1;233-3; VEHICLES PUBLIC 111-20;111-21; 233-3.1;233-4;233-5; See ABANDONMENT ENTERTAINMENT 111-22;111-23; 233-6 VEHICLES,ALL-TERRAIN AND SPECIAL 111-24;111-27 General Business(B) See ALL-TERRAIN EVENTS 205-4 ETHICS 26-17 District 280-48 VEHICLES Recreational Floating Zone Farm Stands 72-11 HIGHWAY VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC District(RFZ)280-201 FLOOD DAMAGE SPECIFICATIONS Additional parking Removal of Utility Poles PREVENTION 148-4; 161-7 regulations 260-18 237-30;237-31;237-32 148-7; 148-9;148-14; JUNKYARDS 166-2 Application 260-7 SEWERS AND SEWAGE 148-22;148-23 Light Industrial Park/ Authority to install traffic DISPOSAL 215-8; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Planned Office Park control devices 260-2 215-9 172-8 (LIO)District 280-58 Bridges 260-8 Signs 280-83 PUBLIC LITTERING 174-1;174-3; Bus stops 260-21;260-28 Site Plan Approval ENTERTAINMENT 174-6 Commercial vehicles 280-127;280-129; AND SPECIAL Members of the Department 260-15 280-133 EVENTS 205-5 A290-33 Crosswalks 260-18 Small Wind Energy Systems SHELLFISH AND OTHER See Also MOTOR Curbs 260-1;260-22; 277-1;277-2;277-3; MARINE VEHICLES 260-28 277-4 RESOURCES 219-21 One-Way Streets 260-3; Definitions of words and STORMWATER Signs 280-81;280-86 260-3.1 phrases 260-1 MANAGEMENT Site Plan Approval Parking at Beaches 189-1; Driveways 260-9;260-15; 236-5;236-6;236-10; 280-131;280-137 189-2;189-3;189-4; 260-17;260-18; 236-17;236-19 STORMWATER 189-7 260-22;260-28 Street Excavations 237-11; MANAGEMENT PARKS AND See Emergency Removal of 237-16 236-2 RECREATION Vehicles 260-23\ SUBDIVISION OF LAND SUBDIVISION OF LAND AREAS 193-1;193-3; 260-25 240-4;240-10;240-17; 240-57 193-4 Fire hydrants 260-14; 240-21;240-35; TOBACCO PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS 260-28 240-36;240-41;240-42 ADVERTISING 249-1 AND TRANSIENT Fire lanes 260-14;260-15; WATERFRONT WATERFRONT RETAIL 260-28 CONSISTENCY CONSISTENCY MERCHANTS 197-10 Fire wells 260-16 REVIEW 268-3 REVIEW 268-3;268-5 POLICE DEPARTMENT Fire zone 260-20 WETLANDS AND Wireless Communication RULES AND Fire zones 260-14;260-20; SHORELINE 275-11 Facilities 280-76.3 REGULATIONS 260-28 Wireless Communication ZONING 280-10;280-92; A290-11;A290-15; Fire zones;fire lanes;fire Facilities 280-69 280-121;280-154; A290-45 hydrants;fire wells ZONING 280-2;280-4; 280-207 PUBLIC 260-14 280-112 VECTORS ENTERTAINMENT Fishing 260-28 UTILITY POLES See INSECTS AND SPECIAL General Provisions 260-1\ Removal of Utility Poles VEHICLE TRAFFIC EVENTS 205-2;205-4 260-2 237-30;237-31;237-32 Pedestrians 260-26 Recreational Vehicle Parks Handicapped parking Roadway Construction Restricted vehicle traffic 253-20 260-17;260-28 161-46 260-26 See Also RECREATIONAL Holidays 260-1;260-11 7 Signs 280-83 Safety standards 260-26 VEHICLES Inspections 260-28 \v/ Site Plan Approval 280-133 Town Board 260-26 RENTAL PERMITS 207-1 Licenses and permits 260-17 VEHICLES AND Trucks 260-26 Site Plan Approval Loading zones 260-22 TRAFFIC 260-8 Vehicles 260-26 280-129;280-137 Lots 260-12;260-28 Wireless Communication VEHICLES AND Special Exception Uses Motor vehicles 260-18 Facilities 280-69 TRAFFIC 260-26 280-143 No stopping zones 260-19 U-TURNS VEHICLES Street Numbering 237-26 See One-Way Streets 260-3\ One-Way Streets 260-3.1 Adoption of Code 1-2 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 260-3.1 Adoption of Renumbered 240-3;240-54 Parking 260-1;260-8; 2006 Code 1-14 TOURIST AND TRAILER 260-8.1;260-9; Affordable Housing(AHD) CAMPS 253-1;253-14 260-10;260-11; District 280-25 260-12;260-14; 260-15;260-16; IDX:58 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC... 260-17;260-18; Impoundment 264-9 Exemption for Cold War ELECTRICAL 260-19;260-20; Improvements 264-6 Veterans 245-17; INSPECTIONS 126-3; 260-21;260-22;260-28 Intent 264-14 245-18 126-5 Parking for limited time Liability 264-20 Exemption for War ETHICS 26-17;26-26; only 260-11 Motor vehicles 264-3; Veterans and Gold Star 26-27;26-28 Parking meters 260-1 264-11;264-15 Parents 245-15;245-16 Ethics Board 26-23;26-24 Parking or standing Motor-Driven Vehicles FIRE PREVENTION AND Exemption for Cold War prohibited during 264-14\264-22 BUILDING CODE Veterans 245-18 certain times 260-15 Motorcycles 264-15 ADMINISTRATION Farm Stands 72-12 Parking prohibited at all Notices 264-8 144-8 Farmland Bill of Rights times 260-8 Nuisances 264-14 NOISE,PREVENTION OF 280-102 Parking prohibited during Off-road vehicles 264-16 180-4 FILMING 139-14 certain hours 260-9 Operation on private Veterans'Exemption 245-8 FIRE PREVENTION AND Parking prohibited during property restricted VETERANS'EXEMPTION BUILDING CODE certain months 260-10 264-5 Amount of exemption 245-9 ADMINISTRATION Parking,Standing and Operation on Town property Assessments 245-8;245-9 144-5;144-6;144-8; Stopping 260-7\260-22 prohibited 264-4 Assessor 245-9 144-12;144-13; Pedestrians 260-18 Parents or guardians to be Purpose 245-8 144-16; 144-20;144-21 See Pedestrians 260-27 notified of violations TAXATION 245-8\245-9 Fishers Island Harbor Penalties 260-28 264-8 Veterans 245-8 Management 157-11; Penalties for offenses Penalties for offenses VIBRATIONS 157-14 260-28 264-10 Farmland Bill of Rights FLOOD DAMAGE Police officers 260-7 Penalties for offenses; 280-99 PREVENTION 148-4; Ponds 260-9;260-11 restitution 264-20 General Business(B) 148-9;148-14 Public parking lots 260-12 Police Department 264-17; District 280-48 Garbage,Rubbish and Registration 260-28 264-19 Light Industrial(LI)District Refuse 233-3.1;233-7; Schools 260-9;260-15 Police officers 264-15; 280-62 233-8 Shopping centers 260-12; 264-17 Light Industrial Park/ Grievance Procedures 47-1 260-14;260-22 Presumptive evidence Planned Office Park Historic Preservation Sidewalks 260-14;260-18; 264-16 (LIO)District 280-58 District(HPD)280-196 260-28 Purpose 264-2 Plum Island Research Illicit Discharges 236-25; Signs 260-1;260-8; Registration 264-11 District(PIR)280-183 236-27;236-29;236-31 260-8.1;260-12; Responsibility of parents or Roadway Construction JUNKYARDS 166-8 260-13;260-17;260-18 guardians 264-7 161-21 LANDMARK See Stop and Yield Restrictions 264-15 SOIL REMOVAL 228-5 PRESERVATION Intersections 260-4\ Safety standards 264-2; Special Exception Uses 170-13 260-6 264-14;264-15 280-143 Light Industrial(LI)District Stopping prohibited at all Schools 264-6 ZONING 280-111 280-62 times 260-13 Scooters 264-3 VILLAGE TRUSTEES Light Industrial Park/ Surcharges 260-28 Severability 264-12;264-21 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Planned Office Park Trailer parking prohibited at Sidewalks 264-3 PROPERTY (LIO)District 280-58 all times 260-8.1 Snowmobiles 264-3;264-15 MAINTENANCE LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Trailers 260-8.1 Storage 264-19 100-5 172-9 Utility poles 260-8 Title 264-1 VIOLATIONS AND LITTERING 174-7 See Vehicle Traffic 260-26 Town Board 264-2 PENALTIES Members of the Department Vehicles 260-1;260-2; Trespassing 264-14 Adoption of Code 1-4;1-11 A290-33 260-7;260-8;260-8.1; Unlicensed Motor-Driven Affordable Housing(AHD) NOISE,PREVENTION OF 260-9;260-10;260-11; Vehicles 264-1\264-13 District 280-31; 180-7 260-12;260-13; Vehicles 264-1;264-2; 280-32.1;280-33 See Also NOTICES OF 260-14;260-15; 264-3;264-4;264-5; Agricultural-Conservation VIOLATIONS 260-16;260-17; 264-6;264-7;264-9; (A-C)District and Parking at Beaches 189-2; 260-18;260-19; 264-14;264-15; Low-Density 189-3;189-4;189-7; 260-20;260-21; 264-16;264-19;264-20 Residential R-80, 189-8 260-22;260-28 Vehicles in violation to be R-120,R-200 and PARKS AND Violations and penalties impounded 264-9 R-400 Districts 280-13 RECREATION 260-28 Violations and penalties ALARM SYSTEMS 75-5; AREAS 193-7;193-12 Wells 260-12;260-14; 264-7;264-8;264-9; 75-6;75-8 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS 260-16;260-28 264-10;264-19;264-20 ALCOHOLIC AND TRANSIENT VEHICLES, When effective 264-13; BEVERAGES 79-2 RETAIL COMMERCIAL 264-22 ANIMALS 83-25 MERCHANTS 197-6; See COMMERCIAL VEHICLES, APPEARANCE TICKETS 197-11;197-13 VEHICLES RECREATIONAL 5-1;5-2;5-3 POLICE DEPARTMENT VEHICLES, See RECREATIONAL BICYCLES 88-7 51-6 IMPOUNDMENT OF VEHICLES BINGO AND GAMES OF POLICE DEPARTMENT See IMPOUNDMENT VEHICLES,TOWING OF CHANCE 92-11 RULES AND VEHICLES,MOTOR- See TOWING BOATS,DOCKS AND REGULATIONS DRIVEN VENDORS WHARVES 96-14; A290-9;A290-13; Abandoned vehicles 264-19 See Also PEDDLING AND 96-31;96-33 A290-15;A290-19; All-terrain vehicles 264-3 SOLICITING BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; A290-36;A290-47 Charges 264-19 PUBLIC PROPERTY PUBLIC Chief of Police 264-8; ENTERTAINMENT MAINTENANCE ENTERTAINMENT 264-17;264-19 AND SPECIAL 100-6;100-7;100-10; AND SPECIAL Confiscation and EVENTS 205-4;205-7 100-11 EVENTS 205-1; T redemption of vehicles VENTILATION BURNING,OUTDOOR 205-5;205-7;205-9 V 264-19 FIRE PREVENTION AND 104-1;104-5 Real Estate Transfer Tax Conflicts with state law BUILDING CODE COASTAL EROSION 17-31;17-32;17-34; 264-11 ADMINISTRATION HAZARD AREAS 17-35;17-36;17-37 Costs and expenses 264-19 144-8 111-29;111-34 Removal of Utility Poles Definitions 264-3 VERNAL POOLS Dogs 83-13 237-30;237-32;237-33 Drugs and drug WETLANDS AND DOMESTIC RENTAL PERMITS 207-1; paraphernalia 264-15 SHORELINE 275-3 PARTNERSHIPS 207-6;207-7;207-8; Easements 264-3 VETERANS 121-4;121-5 207-11;207-12 Emergency vehicles 264-18 Adoption of Renumbered Ducks 83-5 Rules of Conduct 26-4; Enforcement 264-17 2006 Code 1-14 26-15 Exceptions 264-6;264-18 IDX:59 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES... SALVAGE CENTERSw WARRANTS Marine I(MI)District 211-6 — — See Also ARREST 280-51 Senior Citizen Exemption WARRANTS Marine II(MII)District 245-5 WAIVERS Dogs 83-9 280-54;280-55 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Board of Appeals 280-150 FIRE PREVENTION AND Marine III Zone District DISPOSAL 215-4; HUNTING 163-2;163-3 BUILDING CODE (MIII)280-205 215-6;215-7;215-8; Illicit Discharges 236-25 ADMINISTRATION MUNICIPAL BUILDING 215-9;215-11;215-15; Light Industrial(LI)District 144-6;144-8 ENERGY 215-17;215-18 280-62 POLICE DEPARTMENT BENCHMARKING Shellfish 219-6 Light Industrial Park/ RULES AND 177-1 SHELLFISH AND OTHER Planned Office Park REGULATIONS Parking at Beaches 189-1 MARINE (LIO)District 280-58 A290-17;A290-36 PARKS AND RESOURCES 219-22; Limited Business(LB) Real Estate Transfer Tax RECREATION 219-23 District 280-42 17-35 AREAS 193-4 Signs 280-81;280-88 POLICE DEPARTMENT RENTAL PERMITS 207-5 Plum Island Research Site Plan Approval RULES AND Roadway Construction District(PIR)280-183 280-130;280-136 REGULATIONS 161-46 POLICE DEPARTMENT Small Wind Energy Systems A290-43 See Also SEARCH RULES AND 277-7 PUBLIC WARRANTS REGULATIONS Snow and Ice Removal ENTERTAINMENT STORMWATER A290-45 237-21 AND SPECIAL MANAGEMENT Preservation of Natural SOIL REMOVAL 228-13 EVENTS 205-4;205-7 236-35 Features 240-51 Special Exception Uses Real Estate Transfer Tax WATER Recreational Floating Zone 280-141 17-36 Affordable Housing(AHD) District(RFZ)280-201 STORMWATER Rules of Conduct 26-5 District 280-29 Resort Residential(RR) MANAGEMENT Site Plan Approval AGRICULTURAL USES District 280-34;280-35 236-5;236-6;236-7; 280-131;280-133 72-4 Roadway Construction 236-9;236-22;236-24; SOIL REMOVAL 228-10 Agricultural-Conservation 161-30;161-39;161-44 236-33;236-34;236-35 STORMWATER (A-C)District and SEWERS AND SEWAGE Street Excavations 237-17 MANAGEMENT Low-Density DISPOSAL 215-2; Street Numbering 237-29 236-20 Residential R-80, 215-3;215-4;215-9 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Street Excavations 237-18 R-120,R-200 and SHELLFISH AND OTHER 240-44;240-59; SUBDIVISION OF LAND R-400 Districts 280-13 MARINE 240-60;240-61 240-10;240-15; BOATS,DOCKS AND RESOURCES 219-4; TOBACCO 240-38;240-40; WHARVES 96-7; 219-14 ADVERTISING 249-6 240-56;240-57 96-12;96-16 Site Plan Approval TOURIST AND TRAILER WETLANDS AND BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 280-128;280-129; CAMPS 253-14; SHORELINE 275-3; PROPERTY 253-19 275-6 MAINTENANCE SOIL REMOVAL 228-2; VEHICLES AND Wireless Communication 100-4 228-4;228-5;228-7 TRAFFIC 260-28 Facilities 280-76.2 COASTAL EROSION Southold Community VEHICLES,MOTOR- ZONING 280-11;280-78; HAZARD AREAS Preservation Fund 17-8 DRIVEN 264-7; 280-159 111-5;111-6;111-7; STORMWATER 264-8;264-9;264-10; WALLS 111-10;111-13; MANAGEMENT 264-19;264-20 COASTAL EROSION 111-14;111-29 236-3;236-4;236-5; Waterfowl and Gull Feeding HAZARD AREAS COMMUNITY 236-6;236-10;236-17; and Domestic Pet 111-6 PRESERVATION 236-18;236-19;236-24 Waste 83-28;83-29; FIRE PREVENTION AND FUND AND Street Excavations 237-13; 83-30 BUILDING CODE COMMUNITY 237-16 WATERFRONT ADMINISTRATION HOUSING FUND SUBDIVISION OF LAND CONSISTENCY 144-8 17-52 240-3;240-4;240-10; REVIEW 268-6;268-7 FLOOD DAMAGE Design Standards 240-48 240-17;240-21; WETLANDS AND PREVENTION 148-4; Ducks 83-3;83-4 240-35;240-36; SHORELINE 275-3.1; 148-13;148-14; Exemption for War 240-42;240-44 275-11;275-12.1; 148-16;148-18;148-19 Veterans and Gold Star TOURIST AND TRAILER 275-15;275-16 General Business(B) Parents 245-15 CAMPS 253-6 Wireless Communication District 280-48 Farmland Bill of Rights Water Quality Improvement Facilities 280-76 Hamlet Business(HB) 280-99 17-43;17-44 ZONING 280-151; District 280-45 FIRE PREVENTION AND WATERFRONT 280-153;280-155; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR BUILDING CODE CONSISTENCY 280-156 172-2;172-7;172-8 ADMINISTRATION REVIEW 268-3;268-5 VOLUNTEER MUNICIPAL BUILDING 144-3;144-8;144-10 WETLANDS AND AMBULANCE ENERGY Fishers Island Harbor SHORELINE 275-2; Exemption for Volunteer BENCHMARKING Management 157-1; 275-3.275-4;275-7; Fire Fighters and 177-1 157-5 275-11;275-12 Ambulance Workers See Also RETAINING Floating Homes 96-27 Wireless Communication 245-11;245-13 WALLS FLOOD DAMAGE Facilities 280-69 VOLUNTEER FIRE SEWERS AND SEWAGE PREVENTION 148-2; ZONING 280-4;280-7; DEPARTMENT DISPOSAL 215-2; 148-3; 148-4;148-14; 280-8;280-91;280-96; See FIRE DEPARTMENT 215-9 148-15;148-16; 280-104;280-111; VOLUNTEER FIRE Signs 280-82;280-85; 148-18;148-19;148-22 280-112;280-113; FIGHTERS 280-86;280-87 Hamlet Density(HD) 280-116 Adoption of Renumbered Site Plan Approval 280-137 Residential District WATER CONSERVATION 2006 Code 1-14 STORMWATER 280-22 COASTAL EROSION Code of Ethics 26-2 MANAGEMENT HIGHWAY HAZARD AREAS W Exemption for Volunteer 236-5 SPECIFICATIONS 111-6 Fire Fighters and TOBACCO 161-11 Preservation of Natural Ambulance Workers ADVERTISING 249-3 Historic Preservation Features 240-51 245-11;245-13 ZONING 280-4;280-78; District(HPD)280-195 STORMWATER See Also FIRE 280-92;280-94; HOUSING FUND 34-6 MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 280-104;280-105; Illicit Discharges 236-25; 236-7 280-106;280-108; 236-26 WATER POLLUTION 280-116 JUNKYARDS 166-4 Floating Homes 96-26 LITTERING 174-4 See Also POLLUTION IDX:60 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX WATER POLLUTION... SEWERS AND SEWAGE Residential R-80, Stormwater 83-27 Zoning Board of Appeals DISPOSAL 215-4 R-120,R-200 and Town Board 83-31 268-4;268-5 STORMWATER R-400 Districts 280-13 Violations and penalties WEAPONS MANAGEMENT Design Standards 240-48 83-28;83-29;83-30 See Also FIREARMS 236-5 FIRE PREVENTION AND Waterfowl 83-27;83-28 See Also GUNS WETLANDS AND BUILDING CODE Wildlife 83-27 Members of the Department SHORELINE 275-3 ADMINISTRATION WATERFRONT A290-33 WATER QUALITY 144-8 CONSISTENCY PARKS AND Floating Homes 96-26 FLOOD DAMAGE REVIEW RECREATION Southold Community PREVENTION 148-16 Accessory buildings and AREAS 193-6 Preservation Project Low-Density Residential structures 268-3 POLICE DEPARTMENT Plan 17-13 R-40 District 280-16 Assessments 268-3;268-5 RULES AND STORMWATER SANITARY FLOW Authority and purpose REGULATIONS MANAGEMENT CREDITS, 268-2 A290-15 236-3;236-4;236-5; TRANSFER OF 117-9 Blocks 268-3 WEBSITES 236-6;236-7;236-9; Site Plan Approval Buffers 268-3 STORMWATER 236-20;236-22 280-129;280-133 Building Inspector 268-6 MANAGEMENT TRANSPORTATION SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 Code Enforcement Officer 236-20 ACCESS Special Exception Uses 268-6 YOUTH BOARD 68-4 MANAGEMENT 64-5 280-143 Construction 268-3 ZONING 280-4 Water Quality Improvement STORMWATER Definitions 268-3 WEEDS 17-41;17-42;17-43; MANAGEMENT Drainage 268-3. See BRUSH,GRASS AND 17-44;17-45;17-46 236-4;236-5 Driveways 268-3 WEEDS WATERFRONT SUBDIVISION OF LAND Emergencies 268-3 WELLS CONSISTENCY 240-9;240-10;240-11; Enforcement 268-6 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; REVIEW 268-2; 240-17;240-19; Erosion and sediment PROPERTY 268-3;268-5 240-42;240-44 control 268-2;268-3 MAINTENANCE WETLANDS AND TOURIST AND TRAILER Fences 268-3 100-4 SHORELINE 275-3; CAMPS 253-3;253-6; Fuel 268-3 HIGHWAY 275-11 253-14 Grades and grading 268-3 SPECIFICATIONS WATER QUALITY WETLANDS AND Hazardous materials and 161-3 IMPROVEMENT SHORELINE 275-3 substances 268-3; Parking at Beaches 189-2 Authority 17-42 ZONING 280-2;280-4 268-5 Site Plan Approval 280-133 Certification 17-45 WATERCOURSES Height regulations 268-3 Stop and Yield Intersections Cesspools 17-43 FIRE PREVENTION AND Historic districts 268-3 260-4;260-6 COMMUNITY BUILDING CODE Historic resources 268-5 STORMWATER PRESERVATION ADMINISTRATION Improvements 268-3 MANAGEMENT FUND AND 144-10 Inspections 268-3;268-5 236-5;236-14 COMMUNITY FLOOD DAMAGE Investigations 268-3 SUBDIVISION OF LAND HOUSING FUND PREVENTION 148-4; Landscaping 268-3 240-4;240-10;240-17; 17-41\17-46 148-13;148-14 Licenses and permits 268-3 240-21;240-35;240-44 Community Preservation SEWERS AND SEWAGE Livestock 268-3 VEHICLES AND Fund Project Plan DISPOSAL 215-2 Management and TRAFFIC 260-12; 17-44 Site Plan Approval 280-133 coordination of LWRP 260-14;260-16;260-28 Compensation 17-46 STORMWATER 268-4 WETLANDS Conservation districts MANAGEMENT Natural features 268-3 Adoption of Code 1-2 17-41;17-43 236-5;236-15;236-18 Natural resources 268-2; Adoption of Renumbered Construction 17-43 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 268-3;268-5 2006 Code 1-14 Costs and expenses 17-44 240-3;240-41 Nuisances 268-3 COASTAL EROSION Definitions 17-43 ZONING 280-4 Open space 268-2;268-5 HAZARD AREAS Drainage 17-43 WATERFOWL Parking 268-3 111-6 Hazardous materials and Waterfowl and Gull Feeding Penalties for offenses 268-7 Illicit Discharges 236-25 substances 17-43; and Domestic Pet Pensions 268-3 Plum Island Conservation 17-44;17-45 Waste 83-27;83-28 Planning Board 268-4 District(PIC)280-189 Holding tanks 17-43 WETLANDS AND Police Department 268-4; Plum Island Research Improvements 17-41; SHORELINE 275-3 268-6 District(PIR)280-185 17-42;17-43;17-44; WATERFOWL AND GULL Pollution 268-3 Preservation of Natural 17-45;17-46 FEEDING AND Qualifications 268-3 Features 240-51 Pollution 17-41;17-43; DOMESTIC PET Reports 268-4 Real Estate Transfer Tax 17-44;17-45 WASTE Retirement 268-3 17-19 Ponds 17-43 ANIMALS 83-27\83-31 Review of actions 268-5 SHELLFISH AND OTHER Purpose 17-41 Appearance tickets 83-29 Safety standards 268-3 MARINE Recycling 17-43 Cats 83-27 Sales 268-3 RESOURCES 219-20 Septic systems 17-43 Defecation 83-28 Setbacks 268-3 Site Plan Approval Stormwater 17-43 Definitions 83-27 Solid waste 268-5 280-129;280-133 Town Board 17-41;17-42; Dogs 83-27 Stop-work orders 268-6 Southold Community 17-43;17-44;17-45; Enforcement 83-29 Storage 268-3 Preservation Fund 17-46 Fecal matter 83-28 Stormwater 268-3 17-3;17-4 Water 17-43;17-44 Fowl 83-27 Street openings 268-3 Southold Community Water quality 17-41;17-42; Garbage,rubbish and refuse Title 268-1 Preservation Project 17-43;17-44;17-45; 83-28 Town Attorney 268-6; Plan 17-13 17-46 Horses 83-27 268-7 STORMWATER Water Quality Advisory Liability 83-27 Town Board 268-3;268-4; MANAGEMENT Committee 17-46 Livestock 83-27;83-28 268-5 236-4;236-5;236-6; Wetlands 17-43 Marinas 83-27 Trees 268-3 236-15;236-17; Wildlife 17-43 Nuisances 83-28 Trustees 268-4 236-18;236-19 WATER SUPPLY Parks and recreation 83-27 Utilities 268-3 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Agricultural Planned Penalties for offenses 83-30 Variances 268-3;268-5 240-3;240-4;240-10; Development District Ponds 83-27 Violations and penalties 240-17;240-21;240-42 280-174 Prohibitions 83-28 268-6;268-7 Water Quality Improvement Agricultural-Conservation Safety standards 83-28; Water 268-3;268-5 17-43 (A-C)District and 83-31 Water quality 268-2;268-3; WATERFRONT Low-Density Sales 83-27 268-5 CONSISTENCY Sidewalks 83-28 Wetlands 268-3 REVIEW 268-3 Statutory authority 83-31 Wildlife 268-2;268-3 IDX:61 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE WETLANDS... WETLANDS AND Emergencies 275-5 Retaining walls 275-2; WATERFRONT SHORELINE 275-1; Erosion and sediment 275-11 CONSISTENCY 275-2;275-3;275-4; control 275-2;275-3; Roofs 275-2;275-4 REVIEW 268-2;268-3 275-5;275-6;275-7; 275-6;275-11 Safety standards 275-3; WETLANDS AND 275-8;275-11;275-12; Excavations 275-2;275-11 275-11;275-12 SHORELINE 275-3; 275-16 Exceptions 275-4 Salaries and compensation 275-4;275-7;275-11; Wireless Communication Fees 275-2;275-3.1;275-7; 275-3.1 275-12 Facilities 280-70 275-8;275-14 Sales 275-2 WIND ENERGY ZONING 280-4;280-96; Fences 275-2;275-5; Septic systems 275-4 See Small Wind Energy 280-111;280-116 275-11 Septic tanks 275-3 Systems 277-1\277-7 WETLANDS AND Fill 275-11 Setbacks 275-2;275-3; WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS, SHORELINE Findings;purpose; 275-5 SMALL Accessory buildings and jurisdiction;setbacks Sheds 275-2 Agricultural-Conservation structures 275-2;275-5 275-3 Shrubs 275-2 (A-C)District and Administration and Fishing 275-2;275-11 Sidewalks 275-2 Low-Density Enforcement 275-15\ Flood hazard areas 275-3 Signs 275-2;275-11 Residential R-80, 275-16 Forestry 275-2 Single-family dwellings R-120,R-200 and Anchoring 275-2 Fuel 275-4 275-5 R-400 Districts 280-13 Animals 275-2 Garages 275-2 Standards for issuance of Small Wind Energy Systems Apartments 275-2 Garbage,rubbish and refuse permit 275-12 277-2;277-3;277-4; Application 275-6 275-11 Stop-work orders 275-12.1; 277-6 Assessments 275-4;275-6; General Provisions 275-1\ 275-16 ZONING 280-4 275-11 275-4 Storage 275-2 WIND TURBINES Backfilling 275-11 Grades and grading 275-2; Stormwater 275-3 Small Wind Energy Systems Barricades 275-11 275-4;275-7;275-11 Stormwater control 275-7 277-1;277-3 Blocks 275-2 Groundwater 275-3;275-7 Stormwater management ZONING 280-4 Board of Trustees 275-2; Guarantees 275-9;275-10 275-6;275-8 WIRELESS 275-3;275-3.1;275-4; Hearings 275-3.1;275-8 Swimming pools 275-3; COMMUNICATION 275-6;275-11 Hedges 275-2 275-11 FACILITIES Boats and Boating 275-2; Height regulations 275-2; Tenants 275-12.1 Abandonment 280-76 275-11 275-11 Tests 275-4 Antennas 280-68;280-69; Bonds 275-9 Horses 275-2 Title 275-1 280-70;280-71; Bridges 275-11 Impoundment 275-6 Town Attorney 275-6 280-72;280-73; Brush,grass and weeds Improvements 275-3;275-5 Town Board 275-3; 280-74;280-76; 275-2;275-11 Inspections 275-7;275-9; 275-3.1;275-7;275-16 280-76.1;280-76.2 Buffers 275-2;275-4; 275-10;275-11;275-16 Transferability 275-14 Application fees and 275-5;275-7;275-11 Insurance 275-3.1 Trees 275-2;275-4 requirements 280-74 Building Inspector 275-11 Investigations 275-8 Trustees 275-2;275-3.1; Assessments 280-76 Burning 275-2 Landscaping 275-3;275-5; 275-4;275-5;275-6; Boats and Boating 280-69 Certificate of compliance 275-11 275-7;275-8;275-9; Buffers 280-70;280-72 275-13 Lawns 275-2 275-10;275-11; Building Inspector 280-70; Certificates of compliance Liability 275-3.1;275-9; 275-12;275-13; 280-74;280-76 275-10;275-13 275-10 275-14;275-16 Building permits 280-70; Certificates of insurance Liability insurance 275-9 Utilities 275-11 280-71;280-74 275-3.1 Licenses and permits Vernal pools 275-3 Complaints 280-74 Cesspools 275-3 275-2;275-3.1;275-5; Violations and penalties Construction 280-70; Code Enforcement Officer 275-6;275-8;275-11; 275-3.1;275-11; 280-73;280-74;280-75 275-12.1 275-16 275-12.1;275-15; Costs and expenses 280-74; Compensation 275-3.1 Licensing of coastal 275-16 280-76 Complaints 275-3.1 contractors 275-3.1 Waivers 275-3;275-6 Definitions 280-69 Compliance requirements; Liens 275-11 Water 275-2;275-3;275-4; Design standards 280-70; penalties for offenses Lighting 275-11 275-7;275-11;275-12 280-72 275-16 Livestock 275-2 Water pollution 275-3 Drainage 280-72 Conditions,inspection fees, Lots 275-2 Water quality 275-3;275-11 Driveways 280-74 performance guarantee Marinas 275-2;275-11 Water supply 275-3 Emergencies 280-70 upon issuance of permit Meetings 275-8 Waterfowl 275-3 Environmental impact 275-9 Mobile homes 275-2 Wetlands 275-1;275-2; statements 280-74 Condominiums 275-2 Monuments 275-6 275-3;275-4;275-5; Escrow accounts 280-74 Construction 275-2; Mooring 275-2;275-11 275-6;275-7;275-8; Fees 280-71;280-74 275-3.1;275-5;275-7; Mulching 275-2 275-11;275-12;275-16 Fences 280-69;280-70; 275-11;275-12.1; Natural resources 275-2; Wildlife 275-3;275-4; 280-71 275-16 275-3;275-11 275-7;275-11;275-12 General requirements for all Construction and operation Nonconforming structures Yards 275-5;275-7 wireless standards 275-11 275-2;275-11 WILD ANIMALS communication Contents of permit 275-10 Notices 275-3.1;275-8; See ANIMALS facilities 280-70 Coordination and 275-9;275-10;275-11; WILDLIFE Groundwater 280-70 enforcement 275-15 275-16 COASTAL EROSION Guarantees 280-72 Costs and expenses 275-7; Open space 275-2 HAZARD AREAS Height regulations 280-69; 275-11 Parking 275-2 111-6;111-12;111-13; 280-70;280-71; Decks 275-2;275-5 Patios 275-2 111-14; 111-15 280-72;280-73; Deer 275-5 Pedestrians 275-11 PARKS AND 280-74;280-76; Definitions;word usage Performance guarantees RECREATION 280-76.2 275-2 275-9 AREAS 193-6 Historic buildings and Demolition 275-2;275-4; Permit procedures 275-5 Site Plan Approval districts 280-75 275-11 Permits 275-5\275-14 280-129;280-133 Historic districts 280-75 W Disclosure 275-6 Plastics 275-11 Southold Community Historical districts 280-70 Docks 275-2;275-3;275-4; Ponds 275-2;275-3;275-4; Preservation Fund Inspections 280-69;280-70; 275-5;275-7;275-11 275-11 17-4;17-8 280-74 Drainage 275-5;275-6; Pools 275-2 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Landscaping 280-69; 275-7;275-11 Poultry 275-2 240-3;240-44 280-70;280-76.2 Drainage plan 275-6; Processing of application Water Quality Improvement Licenses and permits 275-11 275-8 17-43 280-71;280-74; Driveways 275-2;275-3; Records 275-10 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding 280-76.1 275-5 Reports 275-7;275-8 and Domestic Pet Liens 280-76 Easements 275-11 Restaurants 275-11 Waste 83-27 Lighting 280-69;280-70 IDX:62 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES... Natural features 280-72 Zoning districts 280-70; Hamlet Business(HB) See Affordable Housing Noise 280-70;280-71 280-71 District 280-45 (AHD)District 280-24\ Notices 280-74;280-76 WIRELESS Light Industrial(LI)District 280-33 Obstructions 280-70; COMMUNICATIONS 280-62;280-64 Agricultural districts 280-74 Agricultural-Conservation Light Industrial Park/ 280-110 Off-street parking 280-70 (A-C)District and Planned Office Park See Agricultural Planned Parking 280-69;280-72 Low-Density (LIO)District 280-58; Development District Permitted uses 280-71 Residential R-80, 280-60 280-170\280-181 Planning Board 280-70; R-120,R-200 and LIGHTING,OUTDOOR See Agricultural- 280-72;280-73; R-400 Districts 280-13 172-2 Conservation(A-C) 280-74;280-76.2 Light Industrial Park/ Limited Business(LB) District and Low- Preexisting antenna support Planned Office Park District 280-41;280-43 Density Residential structures and antennas (LIO)District 280-58 LITTERING 174-1 R-80,R-120,R-200 280-76.1 Wireless Communication Low-Density Residential and R-400 Districts Purpose 280-67 Facilities 280-67; R-40 District 280-17 280-12\280-15 Qualifications 280-74 280-68;280-69; Recreational Floating Zone Air pollution 280-77; Radiation 280-69;280-70 280-70;280-71; District(RFZ)280-203 280-111 Relief 280-76.3 280-72;280-73; Recreational Vehicle Parks Alcoholic beverages 280-4 Removal;height reduction 280-74;280-75;280-76 253-21 Aluminum 280-111 280-76 ZONING 280-4;280-104 Roadway Construction Amendments 280-157\ Reports 280-70;280-74 WIRELESS FACILITIES 161-24 280-159 Required approvals 280-71 Wireless Communication Site Plan Approval 280-137 Amusements 280-4 Residential districts 280-73 Facilities 280-67; SOIL REMOVAL 228-6; Anchoring 280-4 Roofs 280-69;280-71; 280-69;280-70; 228-11 Animals 280-4;280-78; 280-72 280-71;280-72; STORMWATER 280-111 Safety standards 280-67; 280-73;280-74 MANAGEMENT Antennas 280-4 280-70;280-76; ZONING 280-4 236-15 Apartments 280-4;280-78 280-76.2 WIRELESS WETLANDS AND Assessments 280-92; Satellite dish antennas TELECOMMUNICATIONS SHORELINE 275-5; 280-159 280-68;280-72 FACILITIES 275-7 Bathing 280-78 Scope 280-68 See Wireless Communication Bed and breakfast 280-4; Screens and screening TELECOMMUNICAT Facilities 280-70 280-78 280-70;280-71; IONS FACILITIES ZONING 280-4;280-7; Billboards 280-4 280-72;280-76.2 WORKMEN'S 280-8;280-78;280-79; Blocks 280-4;280-116 Security standards 280-69 COMPENSATION 280-93;280-96; Board of Appeals 280-4; Setbacks 280-70;280-72; SEWERS AND SEWAGE 280-104;280-105; 280-9;280-78;280-79; 280-76.2 DISPOSAL 215-8 280-109;280-124 280-121;280-154 Severability 280-76.4 YIELD INTERSECTIONS See Board of Appeals Shrubs 280-70;280-72 — XYZ _ Stop and Yield Intersections 280-145\280-150 Signs 280-70 260-6 Boardinghouses 280-78 Site plan approval 280-70; YARD SALES YOUTH BOARD Boats and Boating 280-4; 280-71;280-72 Agricultural-Conservation Appointments 68-5 280-78;280-110; Site plans 280-71;280-73; (A-C)District and Assessments 68-3;68-4; 280-119 280-74;280-76.2 Low-Density 68-5 Bowling alleys 280-4 Special exception approval Residential R-80, Budget 68-4 Brush,grass and weeds 280-73 R-120,R-200 and Compensation 68-5 280-4;280-93;280-95 Special exceptions 280-70; R-400 Districts 280-13 Definitions 68-2 Buffers 280-4;280-92; 280-71;280-73; See Also GARAGE SALES Director 68-4 280-94;280-95; 280-74;280-76.2; See Also SALES Legislative intent 68-1 280-96;280-118 280-76.3 Signs 280-86 Library 68-1 Building Inspector 280-4; Stormwater 280-72 YARD WASTE Meetings 68-4;68-5 280-6;280-8;280-92; Telecommunications See Also BRUSH,GRASS Membership 68-5 280-105;280-109; facilities 280-69; AND WEEDS Minutes 68-4 280-151;280-152; 280-71 Garbage,Rubbish and Powers and duties 68-5 280-153;280-154; Tests 280-69;280-74 Refuse 233-3.1 Reports 68-4 280-155;280-208 Towers 280-69;280-72; See Also GRASS Schools 68-1;68-5 Building length and 280-74 CLIPPINGS Town Board 68-1;68-4; separation for buildings Trees 280-70;280-72; See Also LAWNS 68-5 containing multiple 280-73;280-76.2 STORMWATER Websites 68-4 dwellings 280-107 Utilities 280-69 MANAGEMENT Youth Board 68-5 Building permits 280-4; Utility poles 280-69 236-4;236-5 Youth Bureau created 68-3 280-8;280-9;280-10; Variances 280-76.3 YARDS ZONING 280-105;280-114; Vehicles 280-69;280-70 Affordable Housing(AHD) Access requirements 280-121;280-124; Violations and penalties District 280-28 280-109 280-125;280-151; 280-76 Agricultural-Conservation Accessory buildings and 280-152;280-153 Waivers 280-76.2 (A-C)District and structures 280-4; Building setback Waivers of criteria 280-76.2 Low-Density 280-104;280-107; requirements adjacent Water 280-69 Residential R-80, 280-116 to water bodies and Wetlands 280-70 R-120,R-200 and Accessory uses and wetlands 280-116 When effective 280-76.5 R-400 Districts structures 280-4; Business districts 280-5; Wireless communications 280-13;280-15 280-78;280-111 280-78;280-93;280-94 280-67;280-68; BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Additional notice Camping 280-4 280-69;280-70; PROPERTY requirements relating to Camps 280-4;280-78; 280-71;280-72; MAINTENANCE petitions for proposed 280-115 280-73;280-74; 100-3;100-4 amendments 280-159 Cats 280-4;280-78 280-75;280-76 Design Standards 240-45 Administration and Certificates of compliance Wireless facilities 280-67; FIRE PREVENTION AND Enforcement 280-151\ 280-4 280-69;280-70; BUILDING CODE 280-156 Certificates of occupancy 280-71;280-72; ADMINISTRATION Administrative and 280-4;280-10; XYZ�YT� 280-73;280-74 144-8;144-10 enforcing officer 280-112;280-151; X Yards 280-70 Garbage,Rubbish and 280-151 280-154 ZONING 280-67\280-76.5 Refuse 233-3.1;233-4 Adult homes 280-4 Charges 280-4;280-115 -- Zoning Board of Appeals General Business(B) Advertising 280-4 Chimneys 280-4;280-104 280-76.3 District 280-48;280-50 Affordable housing 280-5; Christmas trees 280-4 280-158 IDX:63 Supp 59,Nov 2022 SOUTHOLD CODE ZONING... Code Enforcement Officer Gas 280-111 Livestock 280-4 Off-street parking areas 280-4;280-153 See General Business(B) Long-term outdoor display 280-78 Commercial vehicles District 280-47\280-50 or storage 280-119 Office districts 280-5 280-78;280-110 General Provisions 280-1\ Lot recognition 280-9 Official Map 280-4 Compensation 280-4 280-4 Lots 280-4;280-9;280-10; One-family dwellings Complaints 280-151 General requirements 280-11;280-78; 280-4;280-10;280-109 Condominiums 280-4 1 280-92 280-79;280-95; Open space 280-4;280-8 Conformance required Glare 280-91;280-94; 280-106;280-109; Open storage 280-110 280-66 280-111;280-117 280-113;280-116; Paper 280-4;280-111 Conservation districts 280-5 Golf courses 280-4;280-78 280-124;280-207 Parking 280-4;280-65; Construction 280-4;280-8; Grades and grading 280-4; See Low-Density 280-78;280-79; 280-105;280-114; 280-78;280-108; Residential R-40 280-92;280-95; 280-123;280-153; 280-114 District 280-16\280-19 280-111;280-117 280-156;280-207 Groundwater 280-4;280-91 Magazines 280-4 Parking and Loading Areas Convalescent homes 280-4; Guaranties 280-4 Manure 280-4 280-77\280-79 280-79 Gutters 280-4 Marinas 280-4;280-78 Parks and recreation 280-4; Convenience stores 280-4; See Hamlet Business(HB) See Marine I(MI)District 280-7 280-78 District 280-44\280-46 280-51\280-53 Patios 280-4;280-104 Corner lots 280-106 See Hamlet Density(HD) See Marine II(MII)District Pedestrians 280-2;280-77 Costs and expenses 280-4; Residential District 280-54\280-56 Penalties for offenses 280-92 280-20\280-23 See Marine III Zone District 280-155 County Clerk 280-4 .Hearings 280-11;280-92; (MIII)280-205\ Places of worship 280-78 Courts 280-108 280-157;280-159 280-206 Planning Board 280-4; Curbs 280-4;280-78; Hedges 280-78;280-106 Master Plan 280-4 280-9;280-78;280-92; 280-92 Height of fences,walls and Maximum gross floor area 280-94;280-104; Dance halls 280-4 berms 280-105 for residential 280-123;280-151; Decks 280-4;280-104 Height regulations 280-4; dwellings in A-C,R-40, 280-154;280-157 Deer 280-4;280-105 280-78;280-94; R-80,R-120,R-200, Plastics 280-4;280-111 Definitions 280-4 280-104;280-105; and R-400 Districts See Plum Island Demolition 280-4 280-106;280-107; 280-207 Conservation District Density,Minimum Lot Size 280-108;280-109; Meetings 280-4;280-78; (PIC)280-186\280-189 and Bulk Schedules 280-117;280-208 280-157 See Plum Island Research 280-65\280-66 See Historic Preservation Membership 280-4;280-78 District(PIR)280-182\ District boundaries 280-7 District(HPD) Merger 280-10 280-185 District designations 280-5 280-190\280-196 Minors 280-4 Plumbers 280-4 Districts 280-5\280-11 Home occupations 280-4; Mobile home parks 280-4 Plumbing 280-4;280-78 Docks 280-4;280-78; 280-78 Mobile homes 280-4; Pollution 280-91 280-111;280-116 Horses 280-4 280-78 Ponds 280-4;280-113 Dogs 280-4;280-78 Hospitals 280-4;280-78; Monuments 280-104 Pools 280-4 Drainage 280-4;280-78; 280-79 Mooring 280-4;280-78 Porches 280-4 280-91 Hotels 280-4;280-78; Motels 280-4;280-78 Poultry 280-4 Driveways 280-4;280-78; 280-79 Motor vehicles 280-4; Procedures 280-157 280-92;280-93 Hunting 280-4 280-77;280-78; Prohibited uses 280-8; Drugs and drug Improvements 280-4; 280-110 280-111 paraphernalia 280-4 280-207 Multifamily dwellings Prohibited uses in all Dust 280-91;280-111 Industrial districts 280-5; 280-108 districts 280-111 Easements 280-3;280-4 280-93;280-94 Museums 280-78;280-79; Properties located adjacent Effect of establishment of Inspections 280-151; 280-119 to creeks 280-96 districts 280-8 280-154 Natural features 280-4 Provisions for community Elevators 280-104 Insurance 280-10 Noise 280-4;280-91; water,sewer and utility Emergencies 280-4; Interpretation and conflicts 280-94;280-111 facilities 280-112 280-111 280-3 Nonconforming buildings Purpose 280-77;280-91; Environmentally sensitive Involuntary moves 280-126 280-122;280-123 280-120 areas 280-4 Junk 280-4 Nonconforming buildings Purposes 280-2 Excavations 280-114 Junkyards 280-4 with conforming uses Pyramid Law 280-208 Exceptions and Kennels 280-4 280-122 Radiation 280-4 modifications 280-104 Land under water;filled Nonconforming buildings Records 280-4;280-7; Explosives 280-111 land 280-113 with nonconforming 280-9;280-92; See Farmland Bill of Rights Landfills 280-4 uses 280-123 280-151;280-154 280-97\280-103 Landscaped parking area Nonconforming lots 280-4; Recreation areas 280-4 Farms and farming 280-4; 280-95 280-10;280-124 See Recreational Floating 280-78;280-207 Landscaping 280-4;280-7; Nonconforming uses 280-2; Zone District(RFZ) Fees 280-4;280-154; 280-78;280-91; 280-4;280-120; 280-197\280-204 280-158 280-92;280-93; 280-121;280-123; Recreational vehicles 280-4 Fees for petitions for 280-94;280-95; 280-154 Remedies 280-156 proposed amendments 280-123 Nonconforming Uses and Rental property 280-4; 280-158 Landscaping,Screening and Buildings 280-120\ 280-111 Fences 280-4;280-78; Buffer Regulations 280-126 Repairs and maintenance 280-92;280-94; 280-91\280-96 Nonresidential districts 280-125 280-104;280-105; Library 280-78;280-79 280-93 Repeal of existing schedule; 280-106;280-114 Licenses and permits Notices 280-92;280-153; incorporation of new Final plats 280-4 280-3;280-4;280-115 280-155;280-157; schedules 280-65 Fishing 280-4;280-78 Liens 280-92 280-159 Reports 280-4;280-151; Flood hazard areas 280-4 See Light Industrial(LI) Nuisances 280-111 280-157 Floodplains 280-4 District 280-61\280-64 Nursing homes 280-4; Residential districts 280-5; Forestry 280-4 See Light Industrial Park/ 280-78 280-78;280-93; Fowl 280-4 Planned Office Park Obstructions 280-104; 280-94;280-104; Front landscaped area (LIO)District 280-57\ 280-106;280-111 280-110 X� T� 280-93 280-60 Odors 280-4;280-111 Residential Dwelling Size Y Fuel 280-4;280-111 Lighting 280-4;280-111; Off-street loading 280-79 Limits 280-207\ Gambling 280-4 280-117 Off-street loading areas 280-208 Garages 280-4;280-78; Lighting restrictions 280-79 See Residential Office(RO) 280-104 280-117 Off-street parking 280-4; District 280-37\280-39 Garbage,rubbish and refuse See Limited Business(LB) 280-77;280-78; See Resort Residential(RR) 280-114 District 280-40\280-43 280-95;280-109 District 280-34\280-36 IDX:64 Supp 59,Nov 2022 INDEX ZONING... Restaurants 280-4;280-78 Town Board 280-4;280-9; Agricultural-Conservation Wireless Communication Retaining walls 280-4 280-92;280-115; (A-C)District and Facilities 280-70; Revocation of permit 280-151;280-155; Low-Density 280-71 280-152 280-157;280-158; Residential R-80, ZONING 280-4;280-92; Roadside stands 280-4 280-159 R-120,R-200 and 280-93;280-104; Roofs 280-4;280-104; Town Clerk 280-92; R-400 Districts 280-13 280-113;280-159; 280-108 280-158;280-159 See Also APPEALS 280-208 Safety standards 280-2; Trailer camps 280-115 Board of Appeals 280-149 ZONING ENFORCEMENT 280-3;280-111; Trailers 280-4;280-78; See Also BOARD OF OFFICER 280-125 280-115 APPEALS See CODE Sales 280-4;280-78; Transition buffer area Design Standards 240-45 ENFORCEMENT 280-79;280-104; 280-94 Farm Stands 72-11 OFFICER 280-118 Trees 280-4;280-92; Farmland Bill of Rights ZONING HEARING Sanitary facilities 280-4 280-93;280-94; 280-100 BOARD Schools 280-4;280-78; 280-95;280-118 FIRE PREVENTION AND See HEARING OFFICER 280-79 Trespassing 280-4 BUILDING CODE See HEARINGS Screens and screening Trucks 280-4;280-77; ADMINISTRATION ZONING MAPS 280-4;280-7;280-78; 280-79 144-8 Adoption of Code 1-4 280-91;280-92; Trustees 280-116 FLOOD DAMAGE Affordable Housing(AHD) 280-93;280-94; Two-family dwellings PREVENTION 148-22 District 280-29 280-104;280-117 280-78 General Business(B) Agricultural Planned Senior citizens 280-4 Utilities 280-2;280-4; District 280-48 Development District Septic tanks 280-4 280-112 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 280-174;280-175 Service stations 280-4; Variances 280-10;280-92; 172-8 Board of Appeals 280-146 280-78 280-121;280-154; PUBLIC Hamlet Density(HD) Setbacks 280-4;280-104; 280-207 ENTERTAINMENT Residential District 280-105;280-116; Vehicles 280-2;280-4; AND SPECIAL 280-21 280-123 280-78;280-79; EVENTS 205-2; Historic Preservation Severability 280-160 280-110;280-111 205-5;205-7;205-8 District(HPD) Sewers 280-4;280-112 Vibrations 280-111 Rules of Conduct 26-13 280-195;280-196 Shade trees 280-93 Violations and penalties Signs 280-81;280-86 See Also OFFICIAL MAP Sheds 280-4 280-151;280-153; Site Plan Approval Recreational Floating Zone Shopping centers 280-4 280-155;280-156 280-130;280-131; District(RFZ) Shrubs 280-4;280-92; Waiver of merger 280-11 280-137 280-200;280-201 280-93;280-95; Waivers 280-11;280-78; Special Exception Uses ZONING 280-4;280-6; 280-118 280-159 280-140;280-141; 280-7;280-113; Sidewalks 280-78;280-95; Walls 280-4;280-78; 280-142;280-144 280-157;280-158; 280-111 280-92;280-94; SUBDIVISION OF LAND 280-159 Signs 280-4;280-78 280-104;280-105; 240-57 ZONING OFFICER See Signs 280-80\280-90 280-106;280-108; WATERFRONT See BUILDING Single-family dwellings 280-116 CONSISTENCY INSPECTOR 280-4;280-78 Water 280-4;280-7;280-8; REVIEW 268-4;268-5 See CODE Site plan approval 280-92; 280-91;280-96; Wireless Communication ENFORCEMENT 280-104;280-119; 280-104;280-111; Facilities 280-76.3 OFFICER 280-154 280-112;280-113; ZONING 280-4;280-11; ZONING PERMITS See Site Plan Approval 280-116 280-92;280-207 See BUILDING PERMITS 280-127\280-138 Water supply 280-2;280-4 ZONING DISTRICTS See LICENSES AND Site plan review and Watercourses 280-4 Affordable Housing(AHD) PERMITS approval 280-4 Websites 280-4 District 280-32.1 See SPECIAL PERMITS Site plans 280-4;280-151 Wetlands 280-4;280-96; AGRICULTURAL Slaughterhouses 280-111 280-111;280-116 ADVISORY Smoke 280-111 Wind energy systems,small COMMITTEE 71-2; Smoking 280-4 280-4 71-4 Solar energy 280-4 Wind turbines 280-4 Agricultural Planned Solar energy systems 280-2 See Wireless Development District Spas 280-4 Communication 280-174 Special exception uses Facilities 280-67\ BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 280-4;280-78 280-76.5 PROPERTY See Special Exception Uses Wireless communications MAINTENANCE 280-139\280-144 280-4;280-104 100-4 Special exceptions 280-154 Wireless facilities 280-4 Design Standards 240-45 Special permits 280-4; Yards 280-4;280-7;280-8; Historic Preservation 280-154 280-78;280-79; District(HPD)280-190 Stop orders 280-153 280-93;280-96; LANDMARK Storage 280-4;280-78; 280-104;280-105; PRESERVATION 280-79;280-104; 280-109;280-124 170-8 280-110;280-111; Zoning Board of Appeals PUBLIC 280-118;280-119 280-4;280-11;280-92; ENTERTAINMENT Supplementary Regulations 280-207 AND SPECIAL 280-104\280-119 Zoning districts 280-4; EVENTS 205-2 Swimming pools 280-4 280-92;280-93; Recreational Floating Zone Taxicabs 280-111 280-104;280-113; District(RFZ)280-201 Temporary outdoor display 280-159;280-208 Roadway Construction or storage 280-118 Zoning Map 280-6 161-15 Tenants 280-4 Zoning Maps 280-4;280-6; SANITARY FLOW Title 280-1 280-7;280-113; CREDITS, Toilet facilities 280-4 280-157;280-158; TRANSFER OF Tourist camps,camp 280-159 117-3;117-6;117-14 cottages and trailers ZONING BOARD OF Site Plan Approval XYZ 280-115 APPEALS 280-129;280-137 Towers 280-4;280-104 Affordable Housing(AHD) SUBDIVISION OF LAND Y Towing 280-4 District 280-28 240-10;240-17; AGRICULTURAL 240-26;240-27;240-42 ADVISORY COMMITTEE 71-1 IDX:65 Supp 59,Nov 2022