HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-11/16/2022 Glenn Goldsmith,President O��QF soUjyol Town Hall Annex
A. Nicholas Krupski,Vice President h 54375 Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Eric Sepenoski Southold, New York 11971
Liz GilloolyG • Q Telephone(631) 765-1892
Elizabeth Peeples �`� a Fax(631) 765-6641
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
5:30 PM DEC 1 6 2022
Present Were: Glenn Goldsmith, President Southold Town Clerk
A. Nicholas Krupski, Trustee
Eric Sepenoski, Trustee
Liz Gillooly, Trustee
Elizabeth Peeples, Trustee
Elizabeth Cantrell, Senior Clerk Typist
Lori Hulse, Board Counsel
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Good evening and welcome to our Wednesday
November 16, 2022, Trustee meeting. At this time I would like
to call the meeting to order and ask that you please stand for
Pledge of Allegiance.
(Pledge of Allegiance is recited).
I'll start off by announcing the people on the dais. To my
left we have Trustee Krupski, we have Trustee Sepenoski, Trustee
Gillooly and Trustee Peeples. To my right we have Attorney to
the Trustees Lori Hulse, we have Senior Clerk Typist Elizabeth
Cantrell. We have with us tonight Court Stenographer Wayne
Galante, and from the Conservation Advisory Council we have
Shannon Wright.
Agendas for tonight's meeting are out in the hall and
posted on the Town's website. We do have a number of
postponements tonight.
In the agenda, on page five, under Amendments,
Number 1, Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of
FOUNDERS LANDING BOAT YARD, LLC requests an Amendment to
Wetland Permit#8666 for the as-built 68' long solid splashboard system
under the offshore fixed finger pier.
Located: 2700 Hobart Road & 1000 Terry Lane, Southold.
SCTM# 1000-64-3-10 & 1000-64-3-11;
On page six, number 4, Young &Young on behalf of MKS REALTY, LLC
Board of Trustees 2 November 16, 2022
requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to construct
a two-story 2,445sq.ft. footprint dwelling with garage; a proposed 21'10"x11'9"
(253.5sq.ft.) seaward bedroom balcony with railing system; a proposed
10'4"x20'2" (191.7sq.ft.) mezzanine level bedroom balcony, railing system, a
privacy screen wall along west side, and a 6' wide spiral staircase to ground;
a 1,218.8sq.ft. elevated deck with a 522sq.ft. pool on seaward side, privacy
screening along portion of east side, a 3'9" wide stairs with railings to ground
to west and a 3'6" stairs with railings to ground to east; proposed
10' wide bar/grill area on pool deck; seaward of pool to the east
off pool patio, a proposed 203.6sq.ft. elevated (ranging from
±7.5' to 10' above natural grade) catwalk leading to a
127.9sq.ft. open air gazebo with flat roof over, 3'6" wide
stairs with railings to ground, and 110.6sq.ft. storage area
under gazebo; proposed 663sq.ft. of non-pervious front entry
stairs; proposed 4,095sq.ft. of stone blend driveway; proposed
1,200-gallon underground propane tank; new I/A OWTS sanitary
system, i.e. one (1) 500 gallon wastewater treatment unit and
six (6) 8.5' long' by 2' effect. depth sanitary leaching galleys;
public water service connection; new storm water control
structures for roof runoff and driveway runoff; approximately
690 cubic yards of clean material from the excavated areas will
be used to fill the site to the proposed grades; and all
mechanical equipment (i.e. A/C unit), to be located above the
second-story structure.
Located: 1925 North Sea Drive, Southold. SCTM# 100.0-54-4-20;
On page seven, number 5, J.M.O. Environmental Consulting on
behalf of J. GEDDES PARSONS requests a Wetland Permit and a
Coastal Erosion Permit to remove the existing 5'x81' fixed dock
and piles (16), 3'x20' ramp and 9'x18' floating dock; construct
a proposed 5'x81' fixed dock secured by sixteen (16) piles;
install a 4'x16' adjustable ramp; and install an 8'x18.5'
floating dock situated in an "I" configuration and secured by
four (4) piles; and to replace the five (5) existing tie-off piles as needed.
Located: 515 Sterling Street, Fishers Island. SCTM# 1000-10-9-3.1.
And number 6, J.M.O. Environmental Consulting on behalf of
Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit for the existing 6.5'x53'
fixed dock with a 11'x11' fixed portion in an "L" configuration;
existing 3.5'x12' ramp and existing 8'x20' floating dock; the
6.5'x53'fixed dock and 11'x11' fixed portion in the "L"
configuration to remain; remove existing ramp, float and two
piles and install a new 4'x20' ramp with rails and an 8'x18'
floating dock situated in an "I" configuration secured by four
piles; and to install four tie-off piles.
Located: 371 Hedge Street, Fishers Island. SCTM# 1000-10-7-18
On page 13, number 25, Cole Environmental Services on
behalf of CHRISTOPHER & ELIZABETH AUSTIN requests a Wetland
Permit to demolish existing dwelling, shed, and accessory
structures; construct a proposed'two-story±39.5'x65' irregular
shaped dwelling with ±30.6'x±22.5' attached garage; a
±15.8'x±7.7' front porch; a ±25'x±65' irregular shaped rear
Board of Trustees 3 November 16, 2022
porch raised 4' above elevation with a 5'x22'9" roofed over open
section with second-story balcony on east side, a 12'x18' roofed
over open section with second-story balcony on west side; and a
±13'x±30' pool; pool and porch to be at elevation 9.5 with
stairs from porch to be ±5'x±6' and have a pool safety gate;
install a pool drywell for backwash, and pool equipment area;
install A/C units; install a generator; install a Bilco door;
existing septic to be abandoned in accordance with S.C.D.H.S.
specifications; install a new I/A system in front yard;
underground water and electric to be installed; install a
propane tank; install two retaining walls (top of retaining
walls to be ±82, bottom to be ±4.0'), on the east and west
property lines with the west side yard retaining wall to be
1037' in length and extends from the north-east, roadside of
the property and ends 3'8" from the southwest corner of proposed
dwelling, the wall then returns in towards the house with a
length of 18'5"; the east side yard retaining wall is 927' in
length and extends from the northeast, roadside of the property
and ends 8'0" past the southeast corner of the proposed
dwelling; the all then returns into the proposed 8'0" wide porch
from east side yard property line with a length of 20'0";
approximately 592 cubic yards of fill will be brought in and
used on the north, roadside of the property, within the
boundaries of the proposed retaining wall; the proposed
elevation of the street on the east side is 8', and on the west
side is 9'; the property to be graded from the street to the
retaining walls to be elevation ±8' and the grade of the rear
yard (seaward of retaining walls) will remain as is; with the
existing 10' wide non-turf buffer to remain.
Located: 2200 Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-123-4-5.1.
On page 14, number 26, Cole Environmental Services on
behalf of PHILIP & DEBRA RYBECKY requests a Wetland Permit to
demolish existing dwelling and construct a new dwelling over
existing foundation consisting of a proposed ±30.2'x±39'
two-story dwelling with a ±21.7'x±15' two-story addition, a
±25'x±28.2' attached garage; a ±13.5'x±9.3' front porch; a
±4'x±18' seaward side second story balcony; a ±10'x±39' seaward
side irregularly shaped deck with outdoor kitchen area and
±12.5'x±12.5' screened in pavilion; install a ±5'x±8' outdoor
shower on west side of dwelling over thru-flow decking with a
catch basin underneath; install stepping stones leading from
front entrance to rear patio; proposed ±15'x±15' rear on-grade
patio; remove existing driveway,-asphalt area, and all existing
walkways; install a ±5'x±47' (±7' wide at porch) walkway;
install a ±1,676sq.ft. Pervious gravel driveway and along
easterly driveway section install a ±32' long (±20' long with'
two ±6' returns) stone wall varying in height from ±1' to ±3'
tall; remove and replace existing westerly wood retaining wall
with new±84' varying in height from ±18"to ±36"; remove and
replace existing ±14' long, ±12" tall wood retaining wall, ±38'
long, ±18" tall wood retaining wall, and ±36' long and ±18" tall
Board of Trustees 4 November 16, 2022
wood retaining wall all seaward of dwelling; remove existing
cesspool and install a new-1/A system landward of dwelling;
install a 4' wide permeable sand path from rear deck to existing
boardwalk; remove existing turf grass and install native,
non-fertilizer depended vegetation to be planted; any tree to be
removed is to be replaced at a 1:1 ratio; and to install
drywells and trench drains to contain stormwater runoff; and a
Bioswale/rain garden proposed to address runoff on east side of
Located: 1065 Fleetwood Road, Cutchogue., SCTM# 1000-137-4-24.
On page 15, numbers 27 through 31, listed as follows:
Number 27, Martin Finnegan, Esq. on behalf of 16125
SOUNDVIEW REALTY, LLC requests a Wetland Permit to remove the
existing circular stone wall and pavers; remove 4'x8' stone
porch and relocate same to the northwestern side of dwelling;
construction of a 32'x16' (512sq.ft.) in-ground swimming pool
with a minimum depth of 42" and maximum depth of 96" (8ft.),
67.4'from top of bluff and 22' from existing septic tank;
install 709sq.ft. perimeter pool patio at grade with 48" BOCA
compliant pool enclosure fencing; install an 8'x4' pool drywell
and 3'x6' pool mechanical enclosure on east side of dwelling.
Located: 16125 Soundview Avenue, Southold. SCTM# 1000-50-2-19
Number 28, Suffolk Environmental Consulting on behalf of
PHYLLIS SOUSA requests a Wetland Permit to install a 14'x38'
swimming pool surrounded by a 58'x28' stone patio with an 8'x8'
spa along the pool's landward side; remove the existing seaward
deck stairs and install two 4'x4' wood stairs along the easterly
and westerly,sides of the existing deck.
Located: 4145 Wells Road, Peconic. SCTM# 1000-86-2-12.6
Number 29, Suffolk Environmental Consulting on behalf of
Wetland Permit to construct a proposed 25'x50' two-story,
single-family dwelling with attached 20'x20' garage; install a
pervious driveway; install a new I/A OWTS system; and to install
gutters to leaders to drywells to contain roof runoff.
Located: 480 Ackerly Pond Road, Southold. SCTM# 1000-69-3-13
Number 30, Young & Young on behalf of STEPHEN & JACQUELINE
DUBON requests a Wetland Permit for the existing 1,118sq.ft.
one-story dwelling and for the demolition and removal of certain
existing structures (project meets Town Code definition of
demolition), within and outside of the existing dwelling to
facilitate construction of the proposed additions and
alterations consisting of a proposed 45sq.ft. addition to,
northeast corner, and a 90sq.ft. addition to southeast corner
for a 1,195sq.ft. total footprint after additions; construct a
1,195sq.ft. second story addition; a 70sq.ft; second story
balcony; replace and expand existing easterly deck with a
320sq.ft. deck with 69sq.ft. of deck stairs to ground; replace
and expand existing porch with a 40sq.ft. porch and 20sq.ft.
porch stairs to ground; install one (1) new drywell for roof
runoff; abandon two (2) existing cesspools and install a new
Board of Trustees 5 November 16, 2022
IA/OWTS system consisting of one (1) 500 gallon treatment unit
and 46 linear feet of graveless absorption trenches and for the
existing 84sq.ft. shed.
Located: 5605 Stillwater Avenue, Cutchogue. SCTM# 1000-137-4-3.2
Number 31, En-Consultants on behalf of ELIAS DAGHER
requests a Wetland Permit to remove existing wood platform, walk
and steps; construct a fixed timber dock with water and
electricity consisting of a 4'x74' fixed timber catwalk
constructed with open-grate decking; with two (2) 4'x6' steps
for beach access; a 3'x14' hinged ramp; and a 6'x20' floating
dock situated in a "T" configuration and secured by two (2) 8"
diameter pilings.
Located: 90 Oak Avenue, Southold. SCTM# 1000-77-2-6
On page 16, numbers 32 through 35, listed as follows:
Number 32, BRIDGET CLARK requests a Wetland Permit for the
existing 20'3"x22'4" (452sq.ft.) detached garage and to convert
it into an accessory apartment by replacing existing windows,
exterior door, add plumbing to connect to existing septic, and
install a wall mounted electric heating unit.
Located: 7825 Soundview Avenue, Southold. SCTM# 1000-59-6-15
Number 33, Michael Kimack on behalf of NUNNAKOMA WATERS
ASSOCIATION, INC. requests a Wetland Permit to perform work on
the property located at 645 Wampum Way (1000-87-2-42.3),
consisting of installing 235 linear feet of Shore Guard 9900
vinyl hybrid low-sill bulkhead with helical supports installed
at discretion of contractor; restore approximately 200 linear
feet of eroded bank with 90-100 cubic yards of sand recovered
from storm deposit area; install filter fabric (±1,600sq.ft.),
and plant American Beach grass @ 18" on center(±1,200 plants)
over restored bank area; construct storm water concrete
diversion swale (10'x43', 430sq.ft.) with rip-rap runoff area
(10'x20', 200sq.ft.), consisting of 50-150 lb. stones set on
filter fabric; the storm washed sand area is to be restored to
the original grade line and the removed sand (90-100 cubic
yards) is to be used on site to restore the eroded bank area; on
all three properties, dredge a portion of Moyle Cove to deepen
channel in three (3) areas, AA, BB and CC to a depth of-4.00ft.
(Approx. 365 cubic yards), and area DD to a depth of-3.00ft.
(Approx. 85 cubic yards), for a total dredging of approximately
450 cubic yards; the dredge spoils is proposed to be spread on
the two Sauer properties (255 Wigwam Way, SCTM# 1000-87-2-40.1 &
175 Wigwam Way, SCTM# 1000-87-2-40.2), in an area of
approximately 8,000 sq.ft. and to a depth of approximately
1.5ft.; the dredged spoils placement area will be surrounded by
a silt fence with hay bales to. be kept in place and maintained
until the spoils are de-watered.
Located: 645 Wampum Way, 255 Wigwam Way & 175 Wigwam Way, Southold.
SCTM#'s 1000-87-2-42.3, 1000-87-2-40.1 & 1000-87.-2-40.2.
Number 34, Jeffrey Patanjo on behalf of SADIK HALIT LEGACY TRUST
requests a Wetland Permit for the as-built bluff stairs consisting of the
following: 4'x4' at-grade top landing to an 8,2'x9.5' upper platform to 18'x4' steps
Board of Trustees 6 November 16, 2022
down to an 8'x3.8' middle platform to 16'x4' steps down to a 19.4'x10' lower
platform to 14.5'x4' steps down to beach; all decking on structure is of untreated
Located: 2200 Sound Drive, Greenport. SCTM# 1000-33-1-16
Number 35, Cole Environmental Services on behalf of SCOTT & LEA VITRANO
requests a Wetland Permit to remove existing pier and float; construct a proposed
4'x14' landward ramp leading to a 4'x35' fixed pier with Thru-Flow decking
a minimum of 4' above wetlands; a proposed 3'x12' metal ramp; and a
4'x20' floating dock situated in a "T" configuration and secured by two (2) 8"
diameter piles.
Located: 3875 Main Bayview Road, Southold. SCTM# 1000-78-2-15.1.
And on page 17, number 36, Cole Environmental Services on
behalf of JUSTIN &ALLISON SCHWARTZ requests a Wetland Permit to
construct a proposed.4'x165' fixed pier with open grate decking
a minimum of 4' above tidal vegetative grade; a 3'x16' aluminum
ramp; a 6'x20' floating dock situated.in an "T" configuration;
and to install a natural path leading from upland to fixed pier
using permeable material.
Located: 2793 Cox Neck Road, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-113-8-7.6
So all those are postponed and we will not be having a
hearing on them this evening.
Under Town Code Chapter 275-8(c), files were officially
closed seven days ago. Submission of any paperwork after that
date may result in the delay of the processing of the application.
At this time I will make a motion to have our next field inspection Wednesday,
December 7th, 2022, at 8:00 AM.
I'll make a motion to hold our next Trustee meeting on Wednesday,
December 14th, 2022, at 5:30 PM, at the Town Hall Main Meeting Hall.
I'll make a motion to hold our next work session Monday, December 12th, 2022
at 5:OOPM at the Town Hall Annex 2nd floor Executive Board Room; and
on Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 5:OOPM at the Main Town Hall Meeting Hall.
Board of Trustees 7 November 16, 2022
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: I'll make a motion to approve the Minutes of
the October 19th, 2022, meeting.
The Trustees monthly report for October 2022. A check for
$9,231.75 was forwarded to the Supervisor's Office for the
General Fund.
Public Notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for
RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold
hereby finds that the following applications more fully
described in Section XI Public Hearings Section of the Trustee
agenda dated Wednesday, November 16, 2022 are classified as Type
II Actions pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations, and are not
subject to further review under SEQRA:
Daniel Hume SCTM# 1000-72-2-5
Rachel Levin Murphy SCTM# 1000-135-1-7.
Kimogenor Point Company SCTM# 1000-116-6-24.1
Pillar K. Willumstad SCTM# 1000-53-5-10
Deborah L. McKeand & Shannon Goldman SCTM# 1000-68-3-11.1
Robert E. & Laura C. Johnson SCTM# 1000-87-5-3
Daniel & Suzanne Diviney SCTM# 1000-43-5-8
Paul & Debra Lamaida SCTM# 1000-122-4-31
Bruno & Olivia Annicq SCTM# 1000-117-7-29
40200 Main, LLC SCTM# 1000-15-9-8.1
16125 Soundview Realty, LLC SCTM# 1000-50-2-19
John Nastasi SCTM# 1000-35-4-18
Brett O'Reilly SCTM# 1000-70-6-29.1
Barbara A. Pagano SCTM# 1000-37-4-9
Christopher& Elizabeth Austin SCTM# 1000-123-4-5.1
Philip & Debra Rybecky SCTM# 1000-137-4-24
Satwant Narula SCTM# 1000-88-5-66
Jacqueline Hollander SCTM# 1000-87-1-4
Treasure Island Cove, LLC SCTM# 1000-23-1-2.9
'Board of Trustees 8 November 16, 2022
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Under Roman numeral VIII, in order to simplify
our meetings, the Trustees regularly group together applications
that are similar or minor in nature.
As such I'll make a motion to approve as a group items 2
and 4, listed as follows:
Number 2, WAVES PROPERTIES LLC requests an Administrative
Permit to install a total of 233' of 4' high split rail fence
along the southern and western property lines.
Located: 2388 Hyatt Road, Southold. SCTM# 1000-54-1-5
Number 4, IRENE MOSHOURIS requests an Administrative Permit
to replace in kind existing 18'6"x38'6" on-grade brick patio
with 36" masonry steps.
Located: 755 Lupton Point Road, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-115-11-4.1
Administrative Permit to install 50' of 4' high split rail fence
on the southern border of property.
Located: 2382 Hyatt Road, Southold. SCTM# 1000-54-1-2.
Trustee Gillooly conducted a field inspection November
10th, 2022, noting: Measured the stake at the top of the bluff,
came to approximately 30 feet, terminating in the swale. The
Trustees do not allow fences within 20 feet of the top of the
bluff. Ten feet of fence is okay.
We did not get an LWRP on this. As such, seeing as how we
like to leave at least 20 feet of room between the top of the
bluff and the fence, I'll make a motion to approve this
application with the following stipulation: That the fence be
ten feet instead of the 50 feet as listed. That is my motion.
Administrative Permit for a Ten (10) Year Maintenance Permit to
remove invasive species i.e., Russian Olives and Black Locusts
which are growing along the permitted deer fence area.
Located: 44030 Route 25, Southold. SCTM# 1000-75-6-6.1
The LWRP coordinator found this to be inconsistent. The
inconsistency is limit the clearing to specified invasive
species. The proposal needs to be more specific, and gives
certain species as an example. The vegetation serves as a buffer
to the wetland, filtering out sediments and pollutants from
runoff. Clearing should be minimal. There are large trees
located,south of parcel that provide important buffering properties.
Trustee Krupski conducted a field inspection November 15th,
Board of Trustees 9 November 16, 2022
2022, noting condition no clearing past the berm. No cedars to
be cut or removed. No native hardwoods to be removed. No
clearing within ten feet of wetland line. No protected species
to be disturbed.
So I will make a motion to approve this application with
the following conditions: No cedar trees are removed or
trimmed. No native hardwood shall be removed. No trimming shall
take place on seaward side of the existing berm. No New York
State DEC protected species, including but not limited to
Baccharus, to be disturbed. No trimming shall take place within
ten feet of.the wetland line or the top of the precipitous
slope. Thereby bringing it into consistency with the LWRP.
That is my motion.
TRUST c/o MARCUS R. BRYAN requests an Administrative Permit to
remediate clearing by the planting of native shrubs, including rosa
rugosa, bayberry and milkweed; and for a Ten (10) Year
Maintenance Permit for the removal of invasives.
Located: 155 Glen Court, Cutchogue. SCTM# 1000-83-1-2'
The LWRP found this to be inconsistent. The inconsistency
is the clearing of vegetation was conducted without a wetland
permit and Board review.
Trustee Krupski conducted a field inspection November 6th,
noting re-vegetation plan. This is a re-vegetation plan for
that violation. There is not much needed. Some.natives to be
planted. Recommend as straightforward.
I will make a motion to approve this application as
submitted, again noting that it is a re-vegetation plan for the
clearing, which will therefore bring it into consistency with
the LWRP.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Under Roman numeral IX, Application for
Extensions/Transfers/Administrative Amendments. Again, in order
to simplify our meeting, I'll make a motion to approve as a
group items 1 through 7, number 9 and number 12. Listed as
Number 1, En-Consultants on behalf of NORTH FORK HAVEN, LLC
requests a One (1) Year Extension to Wetland Permit#9814 and
Coastal Erosion Permit#9814C, both issued on February 17, 2021.
Located: 8871 Oregon Road, Cutchogue. SCTM# 1000-83-1-34.1
Number 2, En-Consultants on behalf of EVAN M. & ELIZABETH
Board of Trustees 10 November 16, 2022
A. MINOGUE requests a One (1) Year Extension to Wetland Permit
#9786, issued on December 21, 2020.
Located: 5650 (a/k/a 5550) New Suffolk Avenue, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-115-10-6
Number 3, Michael A. Kimack on behalf of JOSEPH M.
SILVESTRO requests a One (1) Year Extension to Wetland Permit
#9789, issued on December 21, 2020.
Located: 265 Elizabeth Lane, Southold., SCTM# 1000-78-5-5
Number 4, BRIAN M.. CLEARY requests a One (1) Year Extension
to Wetland Permit#9754, as issued on November 18, 2020.
Located: 5875 Main Bayview Road, Southold. SCTM# 1000-78-7-7
Number 5, Inter-Science Research Associates, Inc., on
behalf of 40200 MAIN, LLC (ORIENT BY THE SEA) c/o RWN
MANAGEMENT, LLC requests a Final One (1) Year Extension to
Wetland Permit#9582 & Coastal Erosion Permit#9582C, as issued
on November 13, 2019.
Located: 40200 Route 25, Orient. SCTM# 1000-15-9-8.1
Number 6, Patricia C. Moore on behalf of DONALD & GLENNA
RYAN requests a Transfer of Wetland Permit#10097 from James W.
Kophen Trust c/o Glenna Ryan to Donald & Glenna Ryan, as issued
on March 16, 2022.
Located: 760 Oak Avenue, Southold. SCTM# 1000-77-1-3
Number 7, Martin D. Finnegan, Esq. on behalf of JOSHUA &
KERRY FRUM requests a Transfer of Wetland Permit#E-145-4-18
from Dorothy Gannon to Joshua & Kerry Frum, as issued on
December 21, 1992.
Located: 350 MacDonalds Crossing, Laurel. SCTM# 1000-145-4-18
Number 9, Martin D. Finnegan, Esq. on behalf of JOSHUA &
KERRY FRUM requests a Transfer of Administrative Permit#7872A
from Margaret Gannon to Joshua & Kerry Frum, as issued on August
22, 2012.
Located: 350 MacDonalds Crossing, Laurel. SCTM# 1000-145-4-18
And number 12, Steven Affelt, AIA on behalf of DOMELUCA II,
LLC requests an Administrative Amendment to Wetland Permit#9863
for a 14'x82'1" swimming pool in lieu of the previously
permitted 18'2"x82' swimming pool and to construct a 23'-8" x
14'-8" underground vault for the pool filter equipment.
Located: 14895 Route 25, East Marion. SCTM# 1000-23-1-2.10
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Number 8, Martin D. Finnegan, Esq. on behalf
of JOSHUA & KERRY FRUM requests a Transfer of Wetland.Permit
#7690 from Margaret Gannon to Joshua & Kerry Frum, as issued on
November 16, 2011, and Amended on December 12, 2012.
Located: 350 MacDonalds Crossing, Laurel. SCTM# 1000-145-4-18
Trustee Goldsmith conducted a field inspection November
6th, 2022, noting that the plans showed a plus or minus 3'x29'
wood walk that was never reconstructed.
I will make a motion to approve this application with the
condition that the plus or minus 3'x29' wood walkway be removed
Board of Trustees 11 November 16, 2022
from the permit, since it was never constructed.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Number 10, Michael A. Kimack on behalf of
STEVEN EISMAN &VALERIE FEIGEN requests.an Administrative
Amendment to Administrative Permit#9980A to exclude the
installation of the 4'x4' raised platform for air conditioner
and to relocate proposed raised steel platform for generator to
be set adjacent to pool and increase size to 8'x10' in lieu of
previously approved 36"x60".
Located: 18603 Main Road, East Marion. SCTM# 1000-17-5-3.2.
Trustee Sepenoski conducted a field inspection November
7th, 2022, noting concerns about the size of the proposed
structure in the new proposed location. The original location
is suitable. See field report from August 30th, 2021.
Due to the noted negative environmental impacts from this
larger structure in the different location, I'll make a motion
to deny this application as submitted.
request an Administrative Amendment to Wetland Permit#9986 to
build a 1,245sq.ft. grade level masonry pool patio in lieu of
the previously approved 1,005sq.ft. patio; with the relocation
of the pool equipment to the side of garage; install an unroofed
outdoor kitchen area; the removal of two (2) trees located near
pool area; and to exclude the proposed 60sq.ft. attached storage
garage previously approved.
Located: 3475 Wells Road, Peconic. SCTM# 1000-86-2-9
The LWRP found this to be consistent.
The Conservation Advisory Council supports application with
the condition the pool is located a minimum of 50 feet from the
Trustee Peeples conducted a field inspection November 2nd,
2022, noting that the application was straightforward, with the
addition of sound attenuation around the pool equipment.
I will make a motion to approve this application with the
condition of the sound attenuation around the pool equipment,
and also one-to-one tree replacement with two to three-inch
caliper native hardwood for any trees that are removed seaward
of house.
Board of Trustees 12 November 16, 2022
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Under Roman numeral X, Resolutions - Other,
Number 1, RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board of Trustees
hereby REVOKES and VACATES Wetland Permit#10201 at the request
of the property owners JOSEPH F. & LINDA SCIOTTO for the
existing 2,011sq.ft. two-story dwelling with a 400sq.ft. second
floor balcony, a 7'x24' west side porch, a 3'4"x10' stoop on
seaward side, an existing 6'8"x6'7" outdoor shower, and an
existing 6'x7'4" Jacuzzi; remove existing garage and shed;
construct a new 1,166sq.ft. two-story addition onto the landward
side of existing dwelling on top of a 4" reinforced concrete
foundation slab with a proposed one-story 10'x12' shed attached
to landward side of addition; the existing 14'8"x15'4" front
porch to be expanded an additional 8'2"'x10' to connect to new
addition; and to install gutters to leaders to drywells for the
addition; with the condition that any trees removed are replaced
with a one-to-one native species tree replacement; and grants
the request for a new Wetland Permit for the existing
2,011 sq.ft. two-story dwelling with a 400sq.ft. second floor
balcony, a 7'x24'west side porch, a 3'4"x10' stoop on seaward
side, an existing 6'8"x6'7" outdoor shower, existing 6'x7'4"
Jacuzzi; and existing 14'8"x15'4" front porch; and as depicted
on the site plan prepared by Mark K.'Schwartz, AIA dated June
15, 2022 and stamped approved on August 17, 2022.
Located: 8380 Great Peconic Bay Boulevard, Laurel. SCTM# 1000-126-11-20
That is my motion.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Under Roman numeral XI, Public Hearings, at
this time aye make a motion to go off of our regular meeting
agenda and enter into you public hearings.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: This is a public hearing in the matter of the
following applications for permits under the Wetlands ordinance
of the Town of Southold. I have an affidavit of publication from
the Suffolk Times. Pertinent correspondence may be read prior to
asking for comments from the public.
Please keep your comments organized and brief. Five minutes
or less if possible.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Under Wetland and Coastal Erosion Permits.
Number 1, Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of DANIEL HUME
Board of Trustees 13 November 16, 2022
requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to install 246.7 linear feet of
rock revetment (includes two (2) 15' returns), along the existing toe of the bluff at no
more than 2.5 tons per linear foot and within the property boundaries; construct a new 4'
wide by 105' long staircase down the bluff, 3' above grade to replace the existing
damaged staircase; backfill the rock wall with 295 cubic yards of clean up-land fill; place
300 cubic yards of clean up-land fill on the bluff face to fill in gullies and grade to support
the new coir log terracing; plant the backfilled area and bluff face with native grasses
and shrubs.
Located: 14216 Oregon Road, Cutchogue. SCTM# 1000-72-2-5
The LWRP found this to be consistent.
The Conservation Advisory Council does not support the
application as it goes against the mission statement of the
Conservation Advisory Council.
The Conservation Advisory Council requests this area of
shoreline be classified as a sensitive area, referencing the
Starvation of Southold Beaches, prepared"by former Conservation
Advisory Council member Doug Hardy, dated January 14th, 2013.
The Trustees conducted a field inspection on November 9th,
2022, noting that the bluff was heavily,eroded. There was also a
plan to install a rock revetment on the neighboring properties,
so this one would tie in. It's straightforward. And to stipulate
access for equipment and material from Duck Pond Road Extension ending.
Is there anyone here wishing to speak regarding this application?
MS. COSTELLO: I am Jane Costello, agent for the applicant, and
I'm here to answer any questions that the Board might have in
addition, or the public.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Just, I know we mentioned on the field
inspection, we said the neighbors are also planning on doing
one, so this will just tie in.
MS. COSTELLO: That's correct.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Okay. Is there anyone else here wishing to
speak regarding this application?
(Negative response).
Any other questions or comment from the Board.
(No response).
Hearing none, I make a motion to close this hearing.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: I make a motion to approve both the wetland
Permit and the Coastal Erosion Permit.
MS. COSTELLO: Thank you.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Number 2, Suffolk Environmental Consulting on
requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to
reconstruct the existing bluff stair assembly with railings
consisting of one (1) 9'x10' top wood platform to 4'x14' stairs
Board of Trustees 14 November 16, 2022
to one (1) 4'x5.5' wood middle platform to 4'x13' stairs to one
(1) 4'x5.5' lower wood platform to 4'x8' stairs leading to stone
steps down to the beach that are to be built into a proposed
102' long rock revetment consisting of a 20-501b. gravel base
over filter cloth and 2-3 ton stone; stabilize the existing
bluff by terracing the areas of excessive scouring, utilizing
206 overall feet of 2"x12" CCA planks secured by 2"x2"x4' CCA
stakes placed 6.0' on center perpendicular to the downward slope
of the bluff along a horizontal plan; and to revegetate all
disturbed area using Cape American beach grass planted 12"18" on
Located: 18975 Soundview Avenue, Southold. SCTM# 1000-51-1-16
The Trustees most recently reviewed this application on the
9th of November, noting that we had new plans which would need
further review.
Prior to that work session there was a public hearing on
this in which the Trustees were looking for an additional buffer
on the plans for this property, as it is a steep slope.
The LWRP found this to be consistent but noted that no
boulders naturally occurring on the beach shall be used for the
And the Conservation Advisory Council supports the
application with retractable steps off the bottom of landing and
parallel to the shoreline, and installation of a buffer planted
with native vegetation.
Is there anyone here wishing to speak regarding this
MR. ANDERSON: Robert Anderson, Suffolk Environment Consulting,
on behalf of the applicant, here to answer any questions the
Board may have.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Is there anyone else that wishes to
speak regarding this application or any additional comments from
members of the Board?
(Negative response).
Hearing no additional comments, I make a motion to close the
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I make a motion to approve this application
based on new plans stamped received by the office October 12th,
2022, and with the stipulation that no current and existing
boulders found on the beach be used in the revetment construction.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Second. All in favor?
MR. ANDERSON: Thank you.
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Number 3, En-Consultants on behalf of
RACHEL LEVIN MURPHY requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal
Erosion Permit to construct approximately 201 linear feet of steel
bulkhead with a 12' easterly return in place of existing 133
Board of Trustees 15 November 16, 2022
linear feet of fiberglass bulkhead and approximately 69 linear
foot portion of existing ±73 linear foot concrete seawall;
install reinforced concrete anchor at property line on landward
side of±4' portion of concrete seawall to remain; remove
existing concrete steps to beach; backfill with approximately 50
cubic yards of clean sandy fill to be trucked in from an
approved upland source; construct 4'x43' wood boardwalk between
existing stone steps down embankment and proposed 4'x6' wood
landing and 2' wide retractable stair to beach; maintain 10 foot
wide Non-Turf Buffer (sand and/or gravel "splash pad"), along
landward side of new bulkhead; and restore disturbed portions of
naturally vegetated embankment with native grasses as needed.
Located: 21695 Soundview Avenue, Southold. SCTM# 1000-135-1-7
The Trustees most recently visited the site on 11/9/22.
Notes from our visit read: Include non-turf buffer atop of
slope to match house permit, minimum ten feet.
The LWRP found this project to be consistent. Consider
integrating the splash pad along the entire length of the
bulkhead in the design to prevent erosion during high energy
storm events.
The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support the
application, noting this is an environmentally sensitive area.
Based on past experience with storm events we must recommend
that the agent indemnify any future damage to neighboring
properties resulting from this construction.
The Conservation Advisory Council recommends the steps are
retractable and parallel to the shoreline and a non-turf buffer
planted with native vegetation.
Is there anyone here who wishes to speak regarding this application?
MR. HERRMANN: Good evening. Rob Herrmann of En-Consultants on
behalf of the applicant.
It is a relatively straightforward application that
includes the replacement of a previously permitted fiberglass
bulkhead and a portion of a pre-existing concrete seawall.
There was a7rustees permit that was issued in 2009 for the
fiberglass bulkhead that is there, unfortunately the fiberglass
and corrugated vinyl bulkheads have not held up quite as well
against the elements of Long Island Sound as some had hoped and
so the proposal here is to replace existing bulkhead with steel.
There probably will be some incorporation of that stone splash
pad behind the bulkhead. We've indicated on the plans one way or
other that will be a non-turf buffer, and also indicated that
the vegetated slope would remain as a vegetated buffer.
We did talk a little bit about that buffer along the top of
the bank, but we did find that the permit that was issued for
the house includes that non-turf buffer, and I think we agreed
that it was best to just leave that associated with that permit.
And.so with that, I would ask if the Board had any further questions.
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Rob, are you talking about the September 26th
plans? September of 2022?
MR. HERRMANN: I don't follow your question, Eric.
Board of Trustees 16 November 16, 2022
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Is that the plans you are referring to about
the non-turf buffer on the September 26th plans.
MR. HERRMANN: Oh, yes. Yes. The plans that were submitted
originally with the application dated September 16, indicate
along the bulkhead, if you look at the first page, on the
left-hand side, proposed ten-foot wide non-turf buffer and/or
gravel splash pad.
MR. HERRMANN: You're welcome.
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Any members of the'public wish to speak
regarding this application?
(Negative response).
Any comments or concerns from the members of the Board?
(Negative response).
Hearing none, I make a motion to close this hearing.
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: I make a motion to approve this application
with the plans stamped received September 26th, 2022. That is my
MR. HERRMANN: Thank you.
TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Under Wetland Permits, number 1, Costello Marine
Contracting Corp. on behalf of JSK PARK AVE, LLC requests a Wetland
Permit to remove and dispose of existing 70' long jetty and construct new
51' long jetty to Mean Low Water, in-kind, in-place, and using vinyl sheathing.
Located: 2150 Park Avenue, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-123-8-9.
The Trustees most recently visited this site on September 7th, noting
wait for DEC, no higher than 12" above existing grade.
We are in receipt of DEC approval, dated November 9th.
The LWRP reviewed this application and found it to be exempt.
And the Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support-this application.
Is there anyone here wishing to speak regarding this application?
(Negative response).
Any questions/HOR comments from the Board?
(Negative response).
Hearing none, I make a motion to close this hearing.
TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: I make a motion to approve this application
with the condition that the new jetty is not to exceed 12 inches
above existing grade.
Board of Trustees 17 November 16, 2022
TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Number 2, Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on
behalf of JSK PARK AVE, LLC requests a Wetland Permit to remove
and dispose of existing 66' long jetty and construct new 51'
long jetty to Mean Low Water, in-kind, in-place, and using vinyl
Located: 2200 Park Avenue, Mattituck. SCTM# 1.000-123-8-10
The Trustees most recently visited this site September 7th,
and noted wait for DEC permit, and then also construction should
be no higher than 12 inches above existing grade.
We are in receipt of the DEC permit, dated November 9th.
And the LWRP finds this is inconsistent, noting that the
loss of function of the subject jetty reveals that the sand
capture is minimal under the jetties to the east and west
provide stabilization of the beach.
The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support this
Is there anyone here who wishes to speak in regard to this
(Negative response).
Any other questions or comments from the Board?
(Negative response).
With that, hearing none, I make a motion to close this hearing.
TRUSTEE PEEPLES: I make a motion to approve this application
with the stipulation that the construction is no higher than 12
inches above existing grade. And with the Trustees review onsite
during field inspection and receipt of DEC permit, I grant that
would bring it into consistency with the LWRP.
That is my motion.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Number 3, Suffolk Environmental Consulting on
behalf of BARBARA A. PAGANO requests a Wetland Permit for the
existing 1,319.45sq.ft. 1 Y2 story dwelling with existing
157.25sq.ft. raised stone patio; reconstruct the existing
485sq.ft. seaward side deck; reconstruct the existing 191 sq.ft.
landward side deck; and modify the entrance to dwelling by
relocating the existing 4'x4' outdoor shower along the
southeasterly side of the dwelling over existing stone patio.
Located: 2435 Cedar Lane, East Marion. SCTM# 1000-37-4-9
The Trustees conducted a field inspection November 9th,
noting straightforward, and to-install gutters to leaders to drywells.
LWRP found this to be inconsistent. The inconsistency is
the as-built structures were built without obtaining a Board of
Trustees regulatory permit.
Board of Trustees 18 November 16, 2022
The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support this
Is there anyone here who wishes to speak regarding this
MR. ANDERSON: Yes, Robert Anderson, Suffolk Environmental
Consulting on behalf of the applicant, here to answer any
questions you may have.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: The only note we have was the gutters to
leaders to drywells.
MR. ANDERSON: Correct, that has been requested'from the
surveyor. It's in the works right now. I was hoping we could do
a conditional approval based on submitted plans.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Okay, is there anyone else here wishing to
speak regarding this application?
(Negative response).
Any other questions or comments from the Board?
(Negative response).
Hearing none, motion to close this hearing.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: I make a motion to approve this application
With the condition of gutters to leaders to drywells, with new
plans to be submitted showing as such, and thereby, by granting
a permit will bring it into consistency with the LWRP.
That is my motion. .
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Number 4, En-Consultants on behalf of KIMOGENOR
POINT COMPANY requests a Wetland Permit to construct a
continuous 189 linear foot long vinyl bulkhead in place of, and
partially landward of±59' and ±130' sections of existing timber
bulkhead to be removed, and permanently remove ±2' section of
existing timber bulkhead to eliminate "bumped out" portion of
bulkhead; excavate up to ±18"wide, approximately 100 sq. Ft.
area between existing 130' "bumped out" section of bulkhead and
proposed vinyl bulkhead to a maximum depth of 4 MLW to match
existing seaward grade; use approximately 25 cubic yards of .
excavated on-site material and approximately 50 cubic yards of
clean sand to be trucked in from an approved upland source as
backfill; remove and replace existing ±65 linear foot long
timber jetty with vinyl jetty; and remove and replace in-place
existing 16'x16.5' fixed dock platform (using untreated
Located: 50 Jackson Street, New Suffolk. SCTM# 1000-116-6-24.1
The Trustees most recently visited the site on the 9th of
November, noted that it should be stipulated thru-flow decking
on the dock/platform.
The LWRP coordinator found this to be consistent but
Board of Trustees 19 November 16, 2022
required turbidity controls, reduce CCA-treated materials during
construction, and incorporate native vegetation and design. _
And the Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support
the application.
Is there anyone here that wishes to speak regarding the
MR. HERRMANN: Rob Herrmann of En-Consultants, on behalf of
Kimogenor Point Company. The larger assaults up here are from
Kimogenor Point.
This is a straightforward bulkhead and jetty replacement
application. The only difference in the condition, as I
discussed at field inspection, is there was once along the
existing bulkhead to be replaced an 18-inch seaward replacement
which is going to be pulled in. So that whole bulkhead now will
just be one continuous line, and that bump out into the channel
there will be removed.
And there is also the in-place replacement of the existing
dock platform by the clubhouse. The plans do indicate that it
will be untreated material.
The Board had indicated you would likely condition a permit
that that untreated material be open-grate, which I believe Bill
at field inspection indicated was acceptable. So I don't have
anything else. I'll leave it to the Board.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Is there anyone else here that
wishes to speak regarding this application, or any additional
comments from members of the Board?
(Negative response).
Hearing no further comments, I make a motion to close the
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I make a motion to approve this application
with the stipulation of thru-flow decking on dock/deck, and the
use of turbidity controls during construction.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Second. All in favor?
MR. HERRMANN: Thank you.
TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Number 5, En-Consultants on behalf of
PILLAR K. WILLUMSTAD requests a Wetland Permit to install vinyl
sheathing on the landward side of approximately 135 linear feet
of existing timber bulkhead and ±6' and ±12' timber returns;
backfill with approximately 15 cubic yards of clean sandy fill
to be trucked in from an approved upland source; and to
establish and perpetually maintain a 10' wide non-turf buffer
along the landward edge of the bulkhead.
Located: 1280 Sage Boulevard, Greenport. SCTM# 1000-53-5-10
We are in receipt of a letter from the neighbor at 1280
Sage Boulevard, stating they have no objections to the proposed
project, but they would like to understand the potential effects
Board of Trustees 20 November 16, 2022
of raising the height or length of the bulkhead.
The Trustees most recently visited this site on November
9th, 2022, noting that we discussed a non-turf buffer at ten
feet, and enhancement with salt-tolerant plantings.
The LWRP reviewed this application and found it to be
And the Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support
this application.
Is there anyone here wishing to speak regarding this?
MR. HERRMANN: Yes. Rob Herrmann of En-Consultants, on behalf of
the applicant.
This is another straightforward bulkhead maintenance
application. Here the existing bulkhead will remain. It is
proposed to be re-sheathed on its landward side. In response to
the comment from the neighbor, there is no proposed change in
length or height of the existing structure. The landward
sheathing, re-sheath, will also be at the same height and length
as existing structure. And we had discussed in the field the
originally submitted plans showed a ten-foot wide non-turf
buffer along the landward side of all the bulkheading that is to
be re-sheathed. And the Board had asked if that non-turf buffer
could be extended to the easterly property line along the tidal
wetland boundary where there is no bulkhead to be replaced.
The owner was understanding of that and had no objection to
it, and we submitted revised project plans dated November 11th,
showing that additional non-turf buffer.
TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: And was the owner open to a vegetated non-turf
MR. HERRMANN: Well, what we had discussed I think, was exactly
what Trustee Krupski had asked, was his recommendation that both
buffer areas be enhanced with salt-tolerant vegetation. And I
think that recommendation is well received. I don't know if the
expectation would be that that would be a completely, you know,
wall-to-wall vegetation, but that there would be the use of
salt-tolerant vegetation in that area, particularly where there
is no bulkhead and the tide is not as contained as where it is
by the bulkhead.
TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Thank you. Any other comments from the public?
(Negative response).
Any questions or comments from the Board?
(No response).
TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Hearing none, I make a motion to close this
TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: I make a motion to approve this application
with the new plans received November 14th, 2022, with the buffer
extending across the entire property; with the condition that --
let me see Trustee Krupski's wording. That the buffer is
enhanced with salt-tolerant plantings.
Board of Trustees 21 November 16, 2022
That is my motion.
MR. HERRMANN: Thank you.
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Number 6, En-Consultants on behalf of,DEBORAH
L. McKEAND & SHANNON GOLDMAN for a Wetland Permit to remove and
replace (in-place, with pergola above and new steps), 172sq.ft.
previously roofed-over waterside deck attached to existing
1,045sq.ft. one-story dwelling (to remain with interior
renovations; remove exiting 210sq.ft. slate patio and 120sq.ft.
attached deck and stairs; install an A/C pad on west side of
dwelling; install a 4'x8' outdoor shower enclosure (over
pervious gravel bed, piped to proposed drainage system); install
1,000 gallon underground LP tank; construct 20'x22' one-story
accessory detached garage; remove existing asphalt driveway and
install new pervious gravel driveway (with associated
fill/re-grading, 2'-4' high landscape retaining walls, and
steps); replace existing conventional septic system with new I/A
sanitary system (with associated fill and 4' high max. Concrete
retaining wall; place approximately 480 cubic yards of clean
fill to achieve proposed grades associated with proposed
driveway and sanitary system; install stormwater drainage
system; and to establish and perpetually maintain a 5'to 10'
wide, approximately 1,035sq.ft. Non-turf buffer along the top of
bluff and bank.
Located: 100 Salt Marsh Lane, Peconic. SCTM# 1000-68-3-11.1
TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Because of my personal relationship with the
applicant, I'm recusing myself from this application.
The Trustees most recently visited the site on 11/9/22.
Notes from this visit read: Stipulate one-to-one tree
replacement, and screening the front of retaining wall.
The LWRP found this project to be consistent. They make two
points. One, preserve existing vegetation seaward of the house
as vegetated buffer due to the insufficient setback to the top
of bluff.
And number two, the retaining wall should be evaluated for
its impact on the neighbors.
The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support the
Is there anyone here who wishes to speak to this
MR. HERRMANN: Yes. Rob Herrmann of En-Consultants, on behalf of
the applicants.
As we discussed at field inspection, the work that will
occur closest to the top of bluff here is the in-place
replacement of an historically existing deck on the waterside of
the house. While it has been a previously roofed deck, the roof
had to be removed due to storm damage last year. And the roof
Board of Trustees 22 November 16, 2022
will not be replaced, rather there will be a pergola atop the
deck. There are various other improvements that are proposed,
including the installation of an IA sanitary stem that is being
proposed in connection with interior renovations associated with
the house. I did mention at field inspections obviously the
other superficial exterior improvements in terms of siding.
There is already the new roof on, windows, et cetera, but there
is no other footprint expansion. In fact the only other
structural work is actually the removal of an existing deck and
stairs that is on the lake side of the house.
There is a proposed accessory garage that is located just
outside the 100-foot freshwater wetlands jurisdiction associated
with Autumn Lake. We did talk about a couple items there. You
mentioned the landscaping in terms of screening the retaining
wall associated with the sanitary system, and also the
one-to-one tree replacement of any trees being removed.
We did submit and you should have now with you a landscape
plan prepared by the applicants themselves that do show
vegetated screening all around the entire concrete retaining
wall, and other retaining walls associated with the proposed
grading. And it also shows -- oh, I know one thing that I had to
bring to your attention. So what that landscape plan shows that
does not show on the plan before you is there was a decision
made after the rather extensive staking that'the Trustees
witnessed in the field. A desire to push that driveway entrance
that is proposed along Huntington Boulevard about 20 feet to the
north. Without getting into excessive details it just seems to
them, based on the lay of the land and based on how lights and
things from cars might be shining on the houses that are down in
lower elevation,that the driveway would be better suited to be
moved up. That driveway location is shown on that landscape
plan, and I also have three site plans here that show that
change in the driveway design. Otherwise the plan remains the
Let me get up, I have three copies to give you. So you get
at least one in front of you. I'll give these to Liz. And you
can see, just in terms of where the driveway entry is, it's
moved about 20 feet to the north. There is a retaining wall that
is aligned with that, with the proposed garage, which actually
decreases in length by about four feet. It reflects the location
of a relocated utility pole, Verizon pole, and a change in the
total square footage of the pervious gravel driveway from 3,273
square feet to 3,740 square feet, mostly due to some just
additional gravel space next to the garage. Again that is just
beyond the hundred-foot freshwater wetland jurisdiction. And
then some adjustments for the locations of the storm drywells.
But the drainage capacity for the drywell system remains
unchanged. The grading is obviously adjusted accordingly, but
the volume calculations don't change for the.fill material.
So a positive that comes from the staking that they
required. And Eric, just remind me, there were two -- oh, the
Board of Trustees 23 November 16, 2022
one-for-one tree replacement. That is also noted on that
landscape plan.
MR. HERRMANN: So those two comments were addressed.
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Just one comment that I have. I think based
on the new plans and the severe slope of the site, I think it
would be appropriate that if we do move forward with this
application tonight, that we at least stipulate approval based
on a letter of approval from the Town Engineer for drainage.
MR. HERRMANN: So, that is, I don't know if that's a complicated
request or not because these are both private roads, and for the
work that will be done in connection with the driveway, I don't
think a building permit is required. But they can certainly
present the plan to the Town Engineer to look at. I just don't
know whether they would comment or not. It's a little out of my
bailiwick, so I'm just not sure.
There is a building permit. So in terms of building
permits, the one for the deck will not go in, probably, for a
while. And the building permit application, you know, the
Building Department is now backed up about eight weeks. So
there is a building permit application pending for the garage.
So, Deb, are you here? Yes. So maybe what we could do is you
could present this most recently revised site plan to the
building department in connection with that pending application
to make sure that the engineer sees that, so that you could then
satisfy what the Board is suggesting, is the request that prior
to construction you just get a sign-off on the Town Engineer
that the grading and the drainage that is proposed here is
adequate. Am I hearing you right, Nick?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We would just need some sort of--
MR. HERRMANN: Some documentation from the Town Engineer that
they bless this design.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: However you go about it would be fine.
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: That's fine. So the other small thing that is
the extent of the planting plan. I just want to note that there
is one species on here that is Mexican grass. Mexican
feathergrass. And we are not all botanists, but I'm pretty sure
that's probably not a native species. Native to the southwest of
Argentina perhaps, but not to the North Fork. I think a simple
substitution will be Panicgrass, Panicum virgatum, which is
similar in look and native to this area. If that's amenable to
your client..
MR. HERRMANN: Or a little bluestem, or something that's native.
,MR. HERRMANN: I did see that at the last second, but trying to
get this in here in time, I might, it went by the wayside.
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Any other questions or comments from the
MR. HERRMANN: Thank you, Eric.
MS. KRAMER: I have one comment. My name is Meryl Kramer, I'm the
architect on the project, but I did not prepare the site plan.
Board of Trustees 24 November 16, 2022
The engineers prepared the site plan.
But the only thing I was going to say was just to, in
anticipation that there is any coordination problems with the
engineer, because, the town engineer, because I know there is an
overload of applications right now. I'm wondering if we could
get the engineer to give criteria that she used to do the
calculations because I know she was very strict in how she
calculated the slope to make sure that it was less than a
certain percentage slope, and also to make sure that she handled
the runoff properly. And there are runoff calculations there,
and she did do that according to the Town standards. And I'm
just wanting to make sure that we don't have a delay for the
approval because of the Town's --
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: I think the Engineer should be able to look
at it pretty quickly.
MS. KRAMER: Okay. I just wanted to offer that as an option, in
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: All right, are there any other comments from
the public?
(Negative response).
Questions, concerns, from members of the Board?
(Negative response).
Hearing none I make a motion to close this hearing.
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: I make a motion to approve this application
with the following conditions: One, a letter of approval from
the Town Engineer about the drainage on the driveway. One-to-one
tree replacement. And the planting plans showing Mexican
feathergrass substituted with native species of the client's
choice. And with the plans stamped November 16th, 2022, and the
planting plan November 14th, 2022. And site plan 11/14/22.
That's my motion.
TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Number 7, En-Consultants on behalf of
ROBERT E. & LAURA C. JOHNSON requests a Wetland Permit to raise
in-place by up to 3.3 feet (to proposed FEMA compliant FF elevation of 9'
NAVD), onto piling foundation, an existing one-story,
1,113sq.ft. single-family dwelling with 76sq.ft. attached deck
and 3'x6.4' steps in place of existing 3'x1.6' steps; remove
existing conventional septic system and install farther from
wetlands a new I/A OWTS sanitary system; backfill proposed
leaching field with approximately 37 cubic yards of trucked in
ratable sand in place of existing soil material, and raise
grade around proposed sanitary system less than one (1) foot
using on-site material and 16 cubic yards topsoil; remove
existing drinking water well from potable service and install
Board of Trustees 25 November 16, 2022
new public water service; install stormwater drainage system;
and establish and perpetually maintain a 5 foot wide non-turf
buffer along the landward edge of the bulkhead.
Located: 430 Koke Drive, Southold. SCTM# 1000-87-5-3
The Trustees most recently visited the site on November
9th, and Trustee Peeples, myself, noted that to add a non-turf
from the bulkhead to the house, to increase it, and stepping
back to a ten-foot non-turf buffer at the property line.
Based on our conversation at the site, we received new
plans stamped and dated November 14th, and that does show an
expanded ten-foot wide buffer, but it also then expands 16 feet
along the seaward edge of the house.
The LWRP found this proposal consistent, and noted to
require the 167foot buffer to be planted with native vegetation.
The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support this
Is there anyone here who wishes to speak in regard to this
MR. HERRMANN: Yes. Rob Herrmann of En-Consultants, on behalf of
the applicant.
Also, Bob Johnson, the owner, is here. -
Elizabeth, I just want to make one point which is kind of
an odd coincidence, but there is, on the LWRP report, the LWRP
has not seen this-latest plan based on field inspection, so the
description and plan they have was for a five-foot buffer.
MR. HERRMANN: So when they say they want the 16-foot buffer
planted, that's a typo. It's probably a leftover from a
different application, because that predates this plan, which
just happens to show that the maximum width of the buffer I
think is 16 feet or something like that.
MR. HERRMANN: Right. Anyway, on that note, we did talk about
expanding what was the originally proposed five-foot non-turf
buffer to a buffer that extended to the waters edge of the
house, and we did give you a revised plan from Sherman
Engineering showing the width of the buffer expanded from five
feet to ten feet, and then tapering back to the house as,we
discussed during field inspections.
Otherwise, the application basically entails the raising of
a FEMA non-compliant house to a FEMA-compliant elevation,
removal of a conventional septic system located only 33 feet
from the bulkhead, to an IA system. The leaching galleys are
located more than 92 feet from the bulkhead, as far from the
wetland as possible on this property. There is also a storm
water drainage system proposed.
So this application really brings with it a pretty
substantial environmental improvement to the site, and now that
the revised plans submitted to you pursuant to our discussion at
field inspection, enhances that further with a wider non-turf buffer.
TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Thank you. Any other questions or comments from
Board of Trustees 26 November 16, 2022
the public?
(No response).
Any other questions or comments from the Board?
(Negative response).
Hearing none, I make a motion to close this hearing.
TRUSTEE PEEPLES: I make a motion to approve this application
with the plans stamped and dated November 14th, 2022, and noting
the description to be modified with the note here which has been
revised to depict a ten-foot wide buffer expanding to a width
approximately 16-feet along the seaward edge of the house to be
raised. That is my motion.
MR. HERRMANN: Thank you.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Number 8, En-Consultants on behalf of
DANIEL & SUZANNE DIVINEY requests a Wetland Permit to demolish
and remove existing 1,345sq.ft. two-story dwelling with attached
deck, and remove existing shed; construct a new two-story,
single family dwelling with a 1,516sq.ft. footprint and
341sq.ft. attached garage with 39sq.ft. concrete apron, stoop
and steps beneath 92sq.ft. front roof overhang, 410sq.ft. deck
(with balcony above), and 4'x4.25' steps, 123sq.ft. screened
porch (with balcony above), and 4'x4.25' steps, and 112sq.ft.
second-story deck/balcony; install 112sq.ft. pavers-in-sand
patio, 4'x4' outdoor shower enclosure over gravel (piped to
proposed drainage system), .HVAC, and buried utilities, replace
existing concrete driveway with pervious gravel driveway; remove
existing septic system and install new I/A OWTS sanitary system;
install a stormwater drainage system; and to establish and
perpetually maintain a 10 foot wide, approximately 1,385sq.ft.
Vegetated buffer adjacent to the tidal wetland boundary
(including existing vegetation to remain undisturbed).
Located: 400 Bay Road, Greenport. SCTM# 1000-43-5-8
The Trustees conducted a field inspection November 9th,
noting the project seemed straightforward. Awaiting plans
depicting a non-disturbance buffer, and a proposed ten-foot wide
non-turf buffer along the wetland line.
The LWRP found this to be inconsistent. The inconsistency
is increase in structure in the FEMA flood zone is not supported
by Policy 4. The structure is located in an AE elevation 6 flood
zone. Structures in special flood hazard areas should be
minimized to less the impact and loss from repetitive storm
The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support the
application with the condition the structures don't exceed 20%
Board of Trustees 27 November 16, 2022
of the buildable lot coverage.
Is there anyone here who wishes to speak regarding this
MR. HERRMANN: Rob Herrmann of En-Consultants, on behalf of the
applicant. I think the owner is also here somewhere. Sue, are
you here? Sue and Dan Diviney are here.
So we did talk during field inspections about the fact that
the new house will actually increase the existing wetland
setback by about four feet. There is an IA sanitary system
proposed as far from wetlands as possible. There is a storm
water drain system proposed. There is an existing shed that is
currently the structure located farthest toward the Gull Pond
Inlet from the road, which is to be removed. And per the
Conservation Advisory Council comments, the proposed lot
coverage is just under 18%. So we are below the 20%, and
compliant with the Town's lot coverage limitations.
We did talk onsite about a dual buffer that would include
two parts. Basically all of the existing,natural vegetation
between the wetlands boundary and the existing edge of lawn is
to remain undisturbed, and would remain permanently established
as a non-disturbance buffer, and also there was an area
throughout, I would say about 75% of the property, where the
lawn goes right down to natural vegetation that is located sort
of it's narrowest distance from the wetland boundary before the
natural vegetation and shrubs and trees comes back toward the
road on the north end of the property. Which is actually almost
identical to another property that we did up the road a few
months ago, where we were going to add to that non-disturbance
buffer a ten-foot wide non-turf buffer in place of the existing
In order to depict these buffer areas, we had to have the
surveyor go out and locate the existing edge of lawn, which they
did. That was sent to Robert Brown, the project architect. That
edge of lawn, as you can see on the plan that I just handed up
to you, which is last revised November 16th by Robert I. Brown,
Architect PC, shows the existing edge of lawn. It now shows the
project limiting fence running around the landward edge of the
existing edge of lawn. And the entire natural vegetated area
between that edge of lawn and the wetland boundary is marked
with the label "existing natural vegetation adjacent to wetland
boundary to remain as non-disturbance buffer."Then there is a
label identifying a proposed ten-foot wide, approximately 800
square-foot non-turf buffer adjacent to the that edge of lawn
where we were standing and talking.
So I hope you'll find the plan meets with your intent, but
if not, I'm here to answer any questions.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Is there anyone else here wishing to speak
regarding this application?
(No response).
Mr. Herrmann, can you just clarify what the inconsistency
from the LWRP, about the structure in the FEMA zone? Are you
Board of Trustees 28 November 16, 2022
raising it to FEMA-compliant elevations?
MR. HERRMANN: The new house would of course comply with flood
zone requirements, yes.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Thank you. Is there anyone else here wishing
to speak regarding this application?
(Negative response).
Any other questions or comments from the Board?
(Negative response).
Hearing none, I make a motion to close this hearing.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: I make a motion to approve this application
with the new plans stamped received November 16th, 2022, that
show the new ten-foot non-turf buffer as well as the
non-disturbance buffer seaward of the existing edge of lawn, and
also noting that the project will bring it to FEMA-compliant
elevations which therefore will bring it into consistency with
the LWRP.
MR. HERRMANN: Thank you.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Number 9, En-Consultants on behalf of
PAUL & DEBRA LAMAIDA requests a Wetland Permit to remove
and replace in-place approximately 138 linear feet of existing timber
bulkhead with vinyl bulkhead; remove and replace in-place ±10'
timber return with vinyl return; and backfill with approximately
25 cubic yards of clean sandy fill to be trucked in from an
approved upland source.
Located: 4440 Ole Jule Lane, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-122-4-31
The Trustees most recently visited the site on the 9th of
November, and noted that a 50-foot non-disturbance buffer needs
to be reestablished. Needs to delineate the edge of the
non-disturbance buffer. Rest of the work looks straightforward.
The LWRP coordinator found this to be consistent with the
requirement of turbidity control.
And the Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support
the application with a non-turf buffer installed.
It should also be noted that I am in receipt of new plans
showing a four-foot wide access path which was discussed at work
session to navigate through the non-disturbance buffer.
Is there anyone here that wishes to speak regarding this
MR. HERRMANN: Yes, Rob Herrmann of En-Consultants on behalf of
the applicants. I think the applicants would want to go with
the ten-foot non-turf buffer-- I was rushing -- by the
Conservation Advisory Council. But as we discussed there was a
50-foot non-disturbance buffer that was established by the
Trustees permit back in 2002. The mature trees had never been
Board of Trustees 29 November 16, 2022
removed. I think the owner had understood that. And there is not
a whole lot that seems to want to grow down there, but obviously
it can't be mowing in that area. So in accordance with our
conversation, I have prepared a revised plan. The bulkhead
replacement portion of it is the same. It's the same bulkhead,
same length, same location, same height. There is no change in
condition there.
But I did propose a six-inch high landscape edge to be
maintained along the limit of the buffer in order to create
actually, you know, a firm line for compliance that the Board
can verify is being adhered to or not.
And the plan that I revised further to show the pathway,
you'll notice I did show the pathway leading to the closest
point, at the half of the boat basin that this applicant shares,
and then also running along the bulkhead, um, to have a
non-disturbance buffer right up to a bulkhead that is used for
dockage, it seems a little unusual to me. It's almost, you know,
this is 20 years ago, was probably an oversight by the agent or,
you know, maybe staff when they looked at it at DEC originally.
It seemed like the buffer originated with the DEC and then
the Trustee permit followed.
You'll have probably a foot-and-a-half to two-foot cap
along the bulkhead anyway, so we are just trying to create a
safe walking area along that bulkhead that you can actually get
to boats. So that's why I have drawn the path the way I've drawn
it. I hope that is acceptable to the Board.
Remember, again, I don't know how much is going to grow
right along that edge anyway, but the idea is just to keep safe
access along the bulkhead.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Is there anyone else here that
wishes to speak regarding this application?
(No response).
Or any additional comments from the Board?
(Negative response).
Hearing none, I'll make a motion to close the hearing.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'll make a motion to approve this application
with the new plans stamped received by the office November 16th,
2022, showing a six-inch high landscape edge to be maintained
along the line of the non-disturbance buffer, to be planted with
native grasses with a four-foot access path to and along the
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Number 10, Cole Environmental Consulting on
behalf of GERARD & KAREN DIFFLEY requests a Wetland Permit to
demolish existing dwelling, deck, driveway and curb; construct a
Board of Trustees 30 November 16, 2022
new±48'6" x±61'2" two-story irregular shaped dwelling
(±2,354sq.ft.) with a full basement (±2,354sq.ft.); remove ±387
cubic yards of soil for the full basement; construct a ±24' x
±5' front porch; a ±21' x ±5' rear porch; a ±4' x±5' entry
stoop on east side; install a ±40' x ±35' irregular shaped stone
patio with a ±15' x 15' shade porch; install a ±30' x±14'
in-ground swimming pool with a max depth of±7'; proposed patio,
shade porch and pool to be on-grade; install a drywell for pool
discharge; install a pool enclosure fencing; install a ±4' x ±4'
outdoor shower; remove ±80 cubic yards of soil for pool
excavation; install a pervious semi-circle driveway landward of
dwelling; existing septic system to be abandoned (system to be
pumped clean and filled with clean sand from upland source); and
the installation of a new I/A OWTS system landward of dwelling;
there is no proposed grade change.
Located: 1050 Lupton Point Road, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-115-11-14
The Trustees most recently visited the site on 11/9/22. The
notes from that visit read: Inhouse review, new plans show
non-turf buffer seaward of proposed pool fence.
The Conservation Advisory Council resolved not to support
the application because the inadequate setbacks of the proposed
swimming pool and dwelling. The proposed structures are too
close to the wetland boundary and not in compliance with the
LWRP. Those comments were made August 10th, 2022.
The LWRP, on the same day, August 10th, 2022, found this
project to be consistent. Three recommendations followed. Due to-
the size of the property the room needed for an IA/OWTS, even
though the structure is more seaward than the existing one..
Consider requiring vegetated non-turf buffer to mitigate the
shift of the structure seaward. Retain trees and existing
vegetation within the buffer. And the question on everyone's
mind, where will the outside shower drain.
So is there anyone here wishing to speak regarding this
MR. COLE: Chris Cole, Cole Environmental, agent for the
applicant. And the homeowner is here as well.
We took into consideration Trustees comments the last time
around, and we increased the buffer from ten-foot to going all
the way up to the pool fence. So the buffer is now approximately
20 to 30 feet and follows the natural vegetation line along the
We have added the sound-deadening enclosure that was
requested, and according to previous Trustee comments, we've
requested, noted, that all trees to be removed are going to be
replaced with a one-to-one native species, and we are able to
move the sanitary system further away from wetlands on the other
side of the property and we are able to save some additional
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: And the drywell as noted on the plans stamped
November 4th, 2022, that drywell will contain the runoff from
Board of Trustees 31 November 16, 2022
the outdoor shower.
MR. COLE: Yes.
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Anyone else, members of the public, wish to
speak regarding this application?
(Negative response).
Questions or comments from the Board?
(Negative response).
Hearing none, I make a motion to close this hearing.
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: I make a motion to approve this application
with the plans stamped November 4th, 2022.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Second. All in favor?
MR. COLE: Thank you.
TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Number 11, David Bergen on behalf of
BRUNO & OLIVIA ANNICQ requests a Wetland Permit to replace in-place
±31' of failing bulkhead with new vinyl sheathing bulkhead to match
adjacent-bulkhead using 10" diameter pilings 8' on-center, three
6"x6" timber whalers, one inch tie-rods to helix screw backing
system, and fiberglass cap; for the existing 34"x108" stairs to
beach off bulkhead; relocate existing fence on south side of
property to the south side property line; remove one tree and
additional invasive plantings; and re-vegetate disturbed areas
with native plants.
Located: 1230 First Street, New Suffolk. SCTM# 1000-117-7-29
The Trustees most recently visited this site on November
9th, 2022, noting straightforward, stipulate all of property to
remain non-turf and permeable, with the exception of the patio.
At work session, a question came up regarding seeking Town
Board approval for this project, since it is adjacent to
Town-owned property, and we are in receipt of a letter from Town
Attorney John Burke, saying that they are not opposed to the
The LWRP reviewed this application and found it to be
consistent, but it pose five questions.
Number one, require turbidity control. That's not a
question. It's a statement.
Number two, where does the outside shower drain into?
Number three, what is the purpose of removing the tree.
Number four, will overland access be used to construct the
And, number five, preserve the Spartina to the north of the
The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support this
application with the recommendation of retractable steps
parallel to the shoreline.
Is there anyone here wishing to speak regarding this
Board of Trustees 32 November 16, 2022
MR. BERGEN: Dave Bergen here representing the applicants. This
is this what is better known in New Suffolk as the Sugar Shack,
and back when Hurricane Sandy hit, the bulkhead was replaced
around two-and-a-half sides of three sides that needed
bulkheading of the property. So now they are just finishing up
with the replacement of the bulkhead and approximately 30 feet:
And'as you noted, there is a letter, excuse me, an e-mail
from the Town Attorney saying the Town Board did approve this.
Regarding, I was trying to get the comments down there.
The LWRP comments: Turbidity control. The majority of this is
going to be above the intertidal zone,,this construction, so I'm
not sure what type of turbidity control is needed since it's a
majority of it is all above the intertidal zone.
The tree that has to come down, that is a tree that is, I
think in some of the pictures you would have seen, is wedged in
between-the bulkhead and the house itself. And there is no room
to perform the construction without taking that locust tree
The interesting thing is about a third of that tree came
down when a truck ran into that tree about a month ago and took
the telephone pole down and took about a third of the tree down.
So about a third of it is removed already.
Access to this will be via the Town road end immediately
adjacent to the bulkhead. And, yes, absolutely, we will do
everything we can during construction to preserve the Spartina.
TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Okay, thank you.
Anyone else here wishing to speak regarding this application?
(Negative response).
Any questions or comments from the Board?
(Negative response).
Hearing none, I make a motion to close this hearing.
TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: I make a motion to approve this application
with the stipulation that the remainder of the property, except
for the patio, remains non-turf and permeable. That is my motion.
MR. BERGEN: Thank you.
TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Number 12, Graham Associates on behalf of
40200 MAIN, LLC requests a Wetland Permit to remove one (1) existing
1,000 gallon above ground diesel tank; install one (1) 12,000
gallon double wall fiberglass tank split 8,000 diesel.and 4,000
gas underground; install new leak detection system, piping,
alarms, and dispenser.
Located: 40200 Main Road, Orient. SCTM# 1000-15-9-8.1
This was reviewed in the field by Trustee Sepenoski on
November 8th, and he noted that it was straightforward.
Board of Trustees 33 November 16, 2022
The LWRP finds this proposal to be consistent.
And the Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support
this application.
Is there anyone here who wishes to speak in regard to this
(No response).
Any other questions or comments from the Board?
(Negative response).
Hearing none, I make a motion to close this hearing.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? -
TRUSTEE PEEPLES: I make a motion to approve this application
with the plans stamped and dated September 23, 2022.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Number 13, Creative Environmental Design on
behalf of JOHN NASTASI requests a Wetland Permit to install a
1,465sq.ft. elevated terrace with.stairs to ground; install a
519sq.ft. in-ground swimming pool; install pool enclosure
fencing; install a pool drywell for backwash; and install a pool
equipment area.
Located: 706 Wiggins Lane, Greenport. SCTM# 1000-35-4-18
The Trustees conducted a field inspection November 9th,
noting straightforward. Asks for one-to-one tree replacement of
the two trees being removed.
The LWRP found this to be consistent.
The Conservation Advisory Council does not support the
application because the application was incomplete. A complete
review requires an updated survey and certified engineered
architectural plan.
Is there anyone here wishing to speak regarding this
MR. CHICANOWICZ: Dave Chicanowicz, Creative Environment Design,
representing Nastasi, to answer any questions. We did have,a
site meeting last week and I think one of your concerns was that
it wasn't on the original permit is we were requesting two trees
to be removed, and we agreed to put two additional trees in
place. The owner is absolutely fine with that. No problems. So
if there's any other questions you might have, I would be happy
'to answer them.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Sorry, with that note, we do have new plans .
stamped received November 9th, 2022, that do show those two
trees, two new white oak trees, two to two-and-a-half inch
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Is there anyone else here wishing to speak to
this application?
(No response).
Board of Trustees 34 November 16, 2022
Any other questions or comments from the Board?
(Negative response).
Hearing none, I make a motion to close this hearing.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: I make a motion to approve this application
with the new plans stamped received November 9th, 2022, that do
show the two new trees and the one-to-one tree replacement.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Number 14, Charles Thomas, Architect on behalf
of BRETT O'REILLY requests a Wetland Permit to install a 20'x40'
in-ground swimming pool located 597' away from the existing
bulkhead at its closest point; install a grade level bluestone
pool patio around the pool extending 3'0" to the west side of
the pool, 3'0" on the seaward side of pool, and 10'0" on the
east and.south sides of pool located 567' away from existing
bulkhead at its closest point; install 4' high pool enclosure
fencing around patio perimeter; install a pool drywell for
backwash, and pool equipment area; demolish existing dwelling,
wood decks and concrete ramp; for construction activity within
100' from the landward edge of wetlands for a proposed two-story
dwelling with attached garage located 108'0" away from the
bulkhead at its closet point, and seaward side porch and covered
porch located 100'0" away from the bulkhead at its closest
point; abandon existing sanitary system and construct new I/A
OWTS system landward of dwelling.
Located: 505 Lighthouse Lane, Southold. SCTM# 1000-70-6-29.1
The Board most recently visited the site on the 9th of
November, recommended in the field a one-to-one tree replacement
on the entire property, one to three-inch caliper; install silt
fence and hay bales for construction; and they would like to see
the pool drywell moved landward to be at least inline with the
pool if not landward of the pool.
The LWRP coordinator found this to be consistent.
And the Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support
the application with pool enclosure fencing, and trees to be
Is there anyone here that wishes to speak regarding this
MR. THOMAS: Good evening. Chuck Thomas, Architect. I have the
homeowner here as well.
So, listening to the recommendations, we are, the homeowner
absolutely agrees to do a one-to-one replacement of the trees. I
absolutely will slide that drywell back. I just thought it was
inline, parallel with the dock, but it can slide-back without a
Board of Trustees 35 November 16, 2022
MR. THOMAS: And we did have a glass pool enclosure, so it does
have that.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Great. Thank you. Is there anyone else here
that wishes to speak regarding this application?
Please approach the dais and state your name.
MR. POLLARD: Fred Pollard. It's just a process question. So are
the Trustees approving the pool but not the house as proposed?
Just because the house is going to be more than 100 feet from
the water.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That's correct. The house is outside of our
MR. POLLARD: So this is just approval for the pool.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That's correct.
MR. POLLARD: Okay, because its interdependent to the house, if
there is a change to the house plans, would they come back
because the construction would to some extent impact the area
control of the Trustees?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: So what the Trustees typically do, if there is
a house outside of our jurisdiction, but there will still be
construction activity within our jurisdiction, we'll review that
application and usually do an Administrative Permit, so that
would have been the case except that they were applying for the
separate pool and patio. So we are reviewing the pool, patio,
drainage and drywell and construction activity for this
property, and taking that into account, which is why we are
going with the silt fence and the hay bales for a little extra
support. If there are any changes, they would have to come back
to us, technically, I guess, for a full wetland then. If the
house were to come into our jurisdiction. If it were to go
If it was a change to the pool or anything in this
application, it can be done during an administrative amendment.
MR. POLLARD: Okay. So is who is the body that approves the
proposed house construction, is that the --
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The Building Department.
MR. POLLARD: Thank you, very much.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Is there anyone else here wishing to
speak regarding this application or any additional comments from
members of the Board?
(Negative response).
Hearing none, I'll make a motion to close the hearing.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'll make a motion to approve this application
with the stipulation of new plans that shows silt fence and hay
bails, show a native, a one-to-one native hardwood tree
replacement with one to three-inch caliper, and it shows
drywells even or landward of the pool. That is my motion.
Board of Trustees 36 November 16, 2022
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Number 15, Inter-Science Research Associates,
Inc. on behalf of TREASURE ISLAND COVE, LLC requests a Wetland
Permit for bluff vegetation restoration consisting of removing
Privet (Ligustrum vulgare) within the approximately 127 linear
foot long by 115 linear foot wide (overall size is 14,
947sq.ft.) area; and where vegetation is removed various plant
species will be planted including Northern Bayberry, Beach Plum,
Groundsel Bush, Switchgrass, Little Bluestem Grass, and
Sweetfern; this project has been presented as a phased project,
applicant is to contact the area Trustee for review at the
completion of each phase with supplemental plans to be submitted
to the Board upon.completion of each phase; with the condition
that a silt fence/hay bale line is used throughout the entire
process to prevent any run-off into Dam Pond and the surrounding
wetlands; a bulldozer is not used to regrade the area; and to
establish,and perpetually maintain as a Non-Disturbance Buffer
area the area seaward of the silt fence.
Located: 14911 Route 25, East Marion. SCTM# 1000-23-1-2.9
The Trustees most recently visited the site 11/9/22, and
noted inhouse review, further review planting plans at work
The LWRP found the project to be consistent. There are a
number of notes. According to the DEC Article 24 permit,
required no disturbance of native vegetation. Further, a
qualified ecologist shall monitor and flag any plants within the
management area to avoid cutting.
The plans submitted and approved by the New York State DEC
cover the entire project scope and phases. It should be noted
that this application adjoined by several others that follow in
the public hearing.
A question. Will fertilization be applied to the planted
vegetation. Fertilization of the areas adjacent to marine and
water bodies contributes to degradation. Question: Will
irrigation be used.
The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support the
Also in receipt of a letter stating support for the .
application and asking that pre-existing shrubs and trees along
the property line, shared property line, not be cut. However,
according to legal counsel, the Trustees cannot require the
applicant to not cut that vegetation.
Is there anyone here wishing to speak regarding this
MR. WALKER: Tim Walker, Inter-Science. This is a project that
was approved in 2019. The DEC permit is still active. The
property owner's got another set of permits from the Board of
Trustees and is working on that project now, and that is the
impetus of finally doing this bluff restoration.
There's three properties involved. I'll speak once or
Board of Trustees 37 November 16, 2022
twice or three times, your prerogative. But we are removing
privet and we are planting back native trees, shrubs, wild
flowers and native grasses.
Typically with native plants, you do put bonemeal and
dehydrated cow manure in the hole when you pocket plant plant
materials. But no other fertilizer is used on this type of a
Temporary irrigation is usually kept in place for one year.
It's pretty hard to keep plants alive in July and August if you
don't. So our general thing is we agree to remove irrigation
after a single season. Plans are then able to survive without
These planting plans were reviewed at length three years
ago. We were approved in phases. The phases will be done and
planted one after the other. The project should be able to be
finished in one season, and then the irrigation can be removed.
The project sponsor has hired summer help, landscape, who
is a landscape contractor that I'm familiar with that
specializes in native plants.
So we think it's a good match and it will be visible from
the road. And that part of the shoreline will start to look like
the other parts of the shoreline around the pond. And that's it.
Unless you have specific questions.
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: At some point reviewing this application, I
thought I saw something about deer fencing. Can you speak to
whether or not there is deer fencing proposed for this area?
MR. WALKER: The fencing was reviewed at length during the prior
proceeding. They are building a pool house at the top of that
little circle, driveway circle. And at that time, the fencing,
some of the Board members were here. Jay Bredemeyer asked us to
do certain things with the fence, and that is what is being
installed. It should be installed as soon as they start to take
privet out. It is required to be a certain fence with holes
every eight feet to allow turtles and rabbits and something like
that. It's part of the other permit.
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKL That's where I saw it.
MR. WALKER: And it's going to be maintained in that manner. I
think there is one fence that is allowed to stay, and the rest
of the fencing has to be removed after, again, a single season.
MR. WALKER: But that's part of the other permit. The pool house
with IA system and all the other things that go with that were
approved last year. That's what they are starting on. They
started the demolition there, if you went to the site, that's
what you see. The old barn that-was falling in, those things are
starting to get rectified.
So this project that was approved in 2019 is finally going
ahead, and that's pretty exciting.
The contractor is a local contractor that-we know well and
his son plays baseball with my son, so I can ride herd on him
pretty well to make sure that he behaves himself up on the
Board of Trustees 38 November 16, 2022
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: It's a really iconic property and visual joy
for all who pass by and enjoy that area, so.
MR. WALKER: It's a nice property. If the neighbors are worried
about trees and shrubs that are going to be removed, there will
be trees and shrubs planted back. And they should do quite well.
Better than the privet. Although the privet'grows really thick
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: It's really thick, almost impenetrable and
has no habitat value.
MR. WALKER: It's the strangest bluff I have ever seen.
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Anyone else here wishing to speak regarding
this application?
(No response).
Members of the Board?
(Negative response).
Hearing no further comments, I make a motion to close this
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: I make a motion to approve the application
stipulating the irrigation to be removed after one year, deer
fencing to be removed as mentioned earlier, after a deer season, i
after a year, and with these plans stamped received October 6th,
2022, describing the landscaping for this particular parcel, and
as per survey dated September 30th, 2022. That is my motion.
TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Number 16, Inter-Science Research Associates,
Inc. on behalf of DOMELUCA, LLC requests a Wetland Permit for
bluff vegetation restoration along the irregularly shaped
sections of the bluff and property, specifically the 113'x68'
(7,294sq.ft.) Eastern area, a 65'x75' (6,372sq.ft.) area closest
to the pool, and a 41'x190' (4,741sq.ft.) area closest to the
water where existing Privet (Lingustrum vulgare) is to be
removed and re-vegetated using native plant species such as
Northern Bayberry, Beach Plum, Groundsel Bush, Switchgrass,
Little Bluestem Grass, Sweetfern and Shadbush; and the existing
intact Eastern Red Cedars will be retained; and the existing
intact Eastern Red Cedars will be retained; this project has
been presented as a phased project, applicant is to contact the
area Trustee for review at the completion of each phase with
supplemental plans to be submitted to the Board upon completion
of each phase; with the condition that a silt fence/hay bale
line is used throughout the entire process to prevent any
run-off into Dam Pond and the surrounding wetlands; a bulldozer
is not used to regrade the area; and to establish and,
perpetually maintain as a Non-Disturbance Buffer area, where
Board of Trustees 39 November 16, 2022
only invasives can be removed.
Located: 14909 Route 25, East Marion. SCTM# 1000-23-1-2.8
This is connected to the previous hearing.
The Trustees most recently conducted an inhouse review on
November 9th, and raised questions about the deer fencing. We
are in receipt of a review from the LWRP, which found it to be
consistent, with the same notes that were just mentioned,
including the question about fertilization and irrigation.
The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support this
Is there anyone here wishing to speak?
MR. WALKER: Jim Walker, from Inter-Science. Same presentation
that I just made.
TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Okay, great. Any other questions or comments?
(Negative response).
Hearing none, I make a motion to close this hearing.
TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: I make a motion to approve this application
with the stipulation of temporary irrigation and deer fencing to
be removed after one year, with the plans stamped received in
the office October 6th, 2022. And striking from the written
description "where only invasives can be removed."
That is my motion.
TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Number 17, Inter-Science Research Associates,
Inc. on behalf of DOMELUCA II, LLC requests a Wetland Permit for
bluff vegetation restoration along the irregularly shaped
sections of the 36'x94' (2,837sq.ft.) northern area and 326'x95'
(48,770sq.ft.) shoreline area consisting of removing Privet
(Ligustrum vulgure), and within the areas where vegetation is
removed various plant species will be planted including Swamp
Red Maple, Scarlet Oak, Eastern Red Cedar, Northern Arrowwood,
Northern Bayberry, Beach Plum, Inkberry, Groundsel Bush,
Switchgrass, Little Bluestem Grass, Sweetfern and Shadbush; and
the existing Eastern Red Cedars will be retained; this project
has been presented as a phased project, applicant is to contact
the area Trustee for review at the completion of each phase with
supplemental plans to be submitted to the Board upon completion
of each phase; with the condition that a silt fence/hay bale
line is used throughout the entire process to prevent any
run-off into Dam Pond and the surrounding wetlands; a bulldozer
is not used to regrade the area; and to establish and
perpetually maintain as a Non-Disturbance Buffer area the area
seaward of the silt fence.
Located: 14895 Route 25, East Marion. SCTM# 1000-23-1-2.10
The Trustees most recently had an inhouse review of this
Board of Trustees 40 November 16, 2022
application on November 9th, and noted will further review plans
at work session.
The LWRP resolved this proposal to be consistent, with the
same notes. This application is connected with number 16 and
number 15, the two previous hearings, with the same notes that
there is a DEC permit issue, and will fertilization be applied
to planted vegetation, and will irrigation be used.
The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support this
And we have plans stamped and dated October 6th, 2022.
Is there anyone here wishing to speak in regard to this
MR. WALKER: Jim Walker, from Inter-Science. Same presentation.
TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Thank you. Anyone else?
(No response).
Any other questions or comments from the Board?
(Negative response).
Hearing none, I'll make a motion to close this hearing.
TRUSTEE PEEPLES: I'll make a motion to approve this application
with the stipulation that there is no use of,fertilization and
that the removal of the deer fence and irrigation after one
year. That is my motion.
MR. WALKER: Thank you.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Number 18, Jeffrey Patanjo on behalf of
MATTHEW GLASSMAN &TRACY HELLER requests a Wetland Permit to
demolish the existing dwelling, foundation, decks, patios,
walkways, pond, sanitary system, etc. And remove all debris from
site; fill all voids left with 30 cubic yards of clean granular
fill from upland sources; topsoil and seed entire work limits
and install and perpetually maintain a 10' wide non-turf buffer
area along the landward side of the top crest of the bluff.
Located: 3450 Private Road #13, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-105-1-4
The Trustees conducted field inspection November 9th,
noting straightforward demo with no rebuild, to increase the
width of the proposed non-turf buffer.
The LWRP found this be consistent.
The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support the
We are in receipt of new plans stamped received November
14th, 2022 that show a 25-foot wide vegetated non-turf buffer
along the top of the bluff.
Is there anyone here who wishes to speak regarding this
MR. PATANJO: Jeff Patanjo, any questions, I would be happy to
Board of Trustees 41 November 16, 2022.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Anyone else here wishing to speak regarding
this application?
(Negative response).
Any questions or comments from the Board?
(Negative response).
Hearing none, I'll make a motion to close this hearing.
I make a motion to approve this application with the plans .
stamped received November 14th 2022, that have a 25-foot
vegetated non-turf buffer at the top of the bluff.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Number 19, Jeffrey Patanjo on behalf of
MIKHAIL &JENNIFER RAKHMANINE requests a Wetland Permit to
demolish existing 22'x22' detached garage, concrete patio, and portions
of driveway; demolition (project meets Town Code definition of
demolition) and reconstruction of existing 40.2'x44.2' one-story
dwelling and construct a 14.5'x27.4' one-story addition attached
to existing dwelling and new 21.5'x31.3' two-story addition
connected to new 21.5'x22.4' two-car garage; proposed 21.5'x13'
rear patio and 5'x14.5' front patio; abandon existing rear yard
sanitary system and install an I/A low-nitrogen sanitary system
in the front yard.
Located: 685 Bungalow Lane, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-123-3-9
The Trustees most recently visited this site on the 9th of
November, noted that there are gutters, leaders to drywells'on
the plan, and a one-to-one tree replacement should be required.
The LWRP coordinator found this to be consistent.
And the Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support
the application and recommended a permeable patio.
Is there anyone here that wishes to speak regarding this
MR. PATANJO: Jeff Patanjo, on behalf of the applicant. The
client has no problem with doing a one-to-one tree replacement
for any trees removed during the project, and a permeable patio
is also agreed upon, if that's a condition to the permit.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Is there anyone else here that
wishes to speak regarding this application, or any comments from
the Board?
(No response).
I'm going to personally avoid the permeable patio, I think
that's a dangerous term because I don't know if-- a permeable
patio is pretty hard to come up with. So I think in this case,
based on our observations, we are far enough away from the
wetland that do not require a permeable patio, or storm water
mitigation, which was already done with the buffer with the
Board of Trustees 42 November 16, 2022
prior work of this project.
To repeat, is there anyone else here wishing to speak
regarding this application?
(Negative response).
Hearing no additional comments, I'll make a motion to close the
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Second. All in favor?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I make a motion to approve this application
with new plans showing a one-to-one tree replacement of native
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: We'll take a five-minute recess.
(After a brief recess, these proceedings continue as follows).
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All right, we are back on the record.
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Number 20, Mike Kimack on behalf of
SCOTT & PATRICIA PASKEWITZ requests a Wetland Permit to
construct a 4'x136' catwalk using Thru-Flow decking with six (6) pair
of 4"x4" Epai O/E pilings set 8' on center with cross ties for the
first 44' and thirteen (13) pair of 8" diameter pressure
treating pilings installed a minimum of 3' above catwalk set at
8' on center; a 3'x10' aluminum ramp; and a 6'x20' floating dock
with marine grade decking situated in an "I" configuration set
six (6) feet from catwalk and secured with one (1) anchor piling
and one (1) dauphin piling.
Located: 1475 Waterview Drive, Southold. SCTM# 1000-78-7-20
The Trustees on 11/9/22, filled out a field inspection
report, noted inhouse review. Will review new plans at work
The LWRP, on September 12th, found the project to be
inconsistent. The applicant has not demonstrated the following
dock standards pursuant to 275-11. Construction and operation
standards have not been met. The pier line is not shown. The
plans are deficient.
The CAC resolved to support the application, but there is
concern with the depth of water and size of the vessel.
Since those comments were made the Trustees have been in
receipt of new plans stamped November 4th, 2022, and the plans
demonstrate a significant reduction in the size of the dock.
Is there anyone here wishing to speak regarding this
MR. KIMACK: Michael Kimack, on behalf of the applicant.
Yes, there is. I think it went from 162 feet to 48, if I
remember correctly. Although I'll point out the disparity
between the fact the.,DEC approved 162 feet. One of these days we
may be able to work in concert, but I doubt it.
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Not with that much disparity.
MR. KIMACK: I think the recommendation, I never thought he would
Board of Trustees 43 November 16, 2022
try to move it, but the 18-inch depth seems to be fairly
consistent with some distance. So I pulled the design back so,
as close to the shoreline as possible. It only goes out, I think
48 feet, and then the rest of it is for the boat in front of it.
MR. KIMACK: And it's a fixed dock. Obviously it does not meet
the requirements that you have.
TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: A quick question about the access path. We
noted that it was much wider than normal four-foot access path.
MR. KIMACK: Yes, the DEC pointed that out, too, basically, they
like five feet, you guys like four feet. So, we don't mind. It's
all phragmites. The crazy thing about it is I could put in a
requirement for us to cut it but I think we can lower it back to
four feet. If you want to make a condition on that.
If you.look back on the old aerials, they let that
phragmites grow probably 100 more feet landward than originally.
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: It's a very deep yard, yes.
Any other comments from the public?
(No response).
Comments concerns from the Board?
TRUSTEE PEEPLES: I just want to mention, I noted the height of
the dock is over eight feet, I believe. I don't have it in front
of me. And that was based on the DEC --
MR. KIMACK: Yes, the DEC likes to see four foot underneath the
wetland portion, primarily, to the bottom of the --then I drop
it down, basically, to 5.5. Because I found that particular
height is good to be able to get into boat for both the high
water mark and low water mark, primarily, based upon where most
boats sit in terms of the depth of water, where the gunwales
actually sit, you can get into it, you are not that far down.
But I have to start high, and then you'll see it slopes down.
TRUSTEE PEEPLES: I did notice that. If there is any way to
minimize that height.
MR. KIMACK: Not according to DEC. And I shaved 120 feet off.
TRUSTEE PEEPLES: You did, and we do appreciate that. Thank you.
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Any other comments or concerns from the
(Negative response).
Hearing none, I'll make a motion to close this hearing.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Second. All in favor?
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: I'll make a motion to approve this
application stipulating that the four-foot wide access path be
re-established by allowing the vegetation around it to grow
back, and noting that the plans stamped received November 4th,
2022, bring the LWRP into consistency. That is my motion.
MR. KIMACK: Thank you.
TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Number 21, Michael Kimack on behalf of SATWANT
Board of Trustees 44 November 16, 2022
NARULA requests a Wetland Permit to remove existing wood
bulkhead, dead men and stairs to beach; install new 112 linear
foot long vinyl bulkhead in place and a same height as existing
with the exception of the easterly side that will be relocated
(10 linear foot and 6 linear foot section) to allow for the
proposed cantilevered triangular landing with 12sq.ft. Stairs to
beach to be within property line; and to install and perpetually.
maintain a 10'wide non-turf buffer along the landward edge of
the bulkhead.
Located: 1195 Watersedge Way, Southold. SCTM# 1000-88-5-66 Mike
The Trustees most recently visited the site on November
9th, 2022, noting to maintain plus replant 30 linear feet of
vegetation landward of bulkhead at ten feet deep, and remaining
to be non-turf.
The LWRP reviewed this application and found this to be
The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support the
application with steps parallel to the shoreline.
Is there anyone here wishing to speak regarding this
MR. KIMACK: Michael Kimack, on behalf of the applicant. I
apologize, I finally got the new drawing in that would reflect
that putting back the American beach grass today. You've got
TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: I should have noted that. We received that
November 16th. Today.
MR. KIMACK: And I believe that's what you were looking for. Any
other questions I would be glad to answer them.
TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Anyone else here wishing to speak regarding
this application?
(Negative response).
Are there any other questions or comments from the Board?
(Negative response).
Okay, hearing none, I make a motion to close this hearing.
TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: I make a motion to approve this application
with the stipulation that at least 330 square feet of the
non-turf buffer remains American beach grass. That is my
TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Number 22, Michael Kimack on behalf of
JACQUELINE HOLLANDER requests a Wetland Permit for the as-built
170.64sq.ft. deck with stairs to ground; as-built hot tub on top
of 78sq.ft. deck; remove existing septic system in accordance
with Suffolk County Health Dept. Standards and install an VA
OWTS system; install Geomat disposal trenches to serve both the
Board of Trustees 45 November 16, 2022
primary residence and accessory building apartment; and for the
existing 8'x12' shed.
Located: 485 Old Wood Path, Southold. SCTM# 1000-87-1-4
J The Trustees most recently visited the site on September
11th, and noted that the new updated plan with the IA trench to
be submitted. I believe that was actually November 9th. Not
September 11th.
MR. KIMACK: That is correct.
TRUSTEE PEEPLES: 11/9, not 9/11. Okay. So November 9th. Noted
that the receipt of the new plans updated with IA trench to be
The LWRP found this consistent and inconsistent. So the
proposed upgraded sanitary system is consistent with the LWRP
policies and with the LWRP. And the as-built structures are
recommended as inconsistent.
The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support this
application. We were also in receipt of a few letters from
neighbors. One received on November 16th, noting that we believe
the approved septic system she is proposal to install on the
property will be much improved and better for the environment.
One received on November 15th, also in support of the new septic
system in accordance with state and local regulations.
And one received on November 10th, in support of this
application to preserve our precious wetlands.
Is there anyone here who wishes to speak in regard to this
MR. KIMACK: Michael Kimack, on behalf of the applicant. I
apologize, I have not been able to get the new survey moving it
up. I had sent it out to be, what a surprise, but I should be
getting it soon, to locate it further uphill. And I wanted to
put the distance on it also.
To the inconsistency, the deck and the hot tub were there,
they have been there for some time, when they bought the place,
and it is landward of where the new line is going anyway. The
new line is cutting down below it. For the pump. This is a
pressure system from the IA, so that will be feeding into both
of those trenches. It's almost like a balancing system, which
I'm very familiar with. We see them a lot in Vermont.
TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Okay, anyone else here wishing to speak in
regard to this application?
MS. WRIGHT: Shannon Wright, for the Conservation Advisory
Council. Just the only thing in our notes was that they
requested Dark Skies Compliant lighting around the patio.
TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Thank you, for bringing that to my attention.
So the Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support
the application and they did want to note that they support the
application with Dark Skies Compliant lighting around the patio.
Thank you, very much.
Anyone else? Any other questions or comments from the
(No response).
Board of Trustees 46 November 16, 2022
Hearing none, I'll make a motion to close this hearing.
TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Just one quick comment. Dark Skies lighting is
the law of the Town. Dark Skies Compliant lighting. So in
effect all of the approvals that we make must be Dark Skies
compliant. So I just wanted to note that.
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: I second the motion.
TRUSTEE PEEPLES: I make a motion to approve this application
with the condition of receipt of updated plans showing the
landward movement of the IA sanitary system that is not
underneath the shed, and then also I wanted to note that with
the net gain of the IA/OWTS sanitary system and the Trustees
granting the permit therefore bring it into consistency with the
LWRP. That is my motion.
MR. KIMACK: Thank you, very much. Have an enjoyable evening.
TRUSTEE PEEPLES: You, as well. Thank you.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Number 23, Patricia Moore, Esq. on behalf of
JDK EAST ROAD, LLC, c/o JASON KOFINAS requests a Wetland Permit
for the as-built 10'x12' shed with outdoor shower and 4'x4'
platform located 5'from top of bank; as-built 9'xl 4'x9'xl 8'
wood platform on-grade and landward of bulkhead/retaining wall;
as-built 20'x20' wood retaining wall with 22'x20' play area with
foam squares on-grade; as-built 6'x4' window well; as-built 4'
high fencing and evergreens along top of bank; and as-built
15'x13' oblong patio on-grade.
Located: 500 East Road, Cutchogue. SCTM# 1000-110-7-18.3
The Trustees conducted a field inspection November 9th,
2022, noting that some of the illegal structures on the site
should be removed.
The LWRP found this to be inconsistent. The inconsistencies
are the as-built outdoor shower and four4'x4' platform and other
structures are inconsistent with Policy 6.3.
The Drainage of the shower is unknown and inconsistent with
Policy 4. The deck associated with the stairs is non-compliant
with Policy 4. The structure is within a FEMA VE flood zone. The
threat of waves with velocity during storms could result in
repetitive loss.
The Conservation Advisory Council supports the application,
however recommends removal of the existing shed located near the
top of the bank, and out of compliance with setbacks as set
forth in Chapter 275, and the lower deck should be reduced to no
larger than 100 square-feet. "
We also have a letter in the file here that has been
reviewed. I'm not going to read the whole thing, from neighbors
Louis and Sarah Gicale objecting to the project.
Is there anyone here wishing to speak regarding this
Board of Trustees 47 November 16, 2022
MS. MOORE: Yes. Patricia Moore, on behalf of the applicant.
This is Mrs. Kofinas, the grandma, is here helping me on behalf
of the owners. And the neighbors that sent the letter are here
as well. We had an opportunity to speak. Absolutely agree, the
shed does not belong there. So that, right off the bat, the shed
will be removed from its location. We have to figure out, if
they are going to have a shed, where it can go, because it's,
the placement of the shed is a little awkward because it's not
supposed to be in the side yard, it can't be in the front yard.
Well, it could be in the front yard but then it needs a front
yard setback. Zoning placement of the shed is going to be an
issue. I just don't know where ultimately it's going to be
placed. So that issue is, as far as we are concerned, resolved.
We apologize. It went there and shouldn't have gone there, and
they learned.
I tried to get an explanation, the outdoor shower. It's
actually, he's got very young children. He's got a three-year
old and an 18-month old. And the shower is just a platform with
an outside shower, and they use it on, you know, sporadic, to
rinse off the kids and that's it. It has no drainage, it's a
passive outdoor shower. A little more elaborate than a hose.
So that's that little platform that is to the seaward side
of the shed.
As to the deck down at the bottom, the code does allow a
platform not exceeding 200-square feet under 275-11(b). In fact
the size of this is 125 square feet because they used the
bulkhead as the attachment. And they would have started at 100,
but then it would have been in the sand, nothing to attach it to.
So it was actually modified to make it sit along the edge
of the existing bulkhead. So that is why it's the size it is,
and we hope that that would, you would find that to be
It is, again, it's an on-grade platform they use to sit on
and watch the kids.
We are in Justice Court, we have to get permits for
everything before we return to Justice Court. So the Court has
given us time to come before the Board to resolve all the
The only other thing is the playground area, but the Town
does not.consider that a structure. They didn't realize it was
as close as it was to the top of the bluff. It's, the only
thing, it's the retaining walls are too close to the bluff as
far as closer than 100 feet, but it's purely a playground area.
So I think you saw that and you see pictures of it as well.
The staircase was existing since the '80s, or at least my
understanding is it was built by the prior owner, and it may
have gone in there, from what I can tell, from the '80s. But
the house was built in 1985-86, and when the house was built,
the owner at the time put stairs down to the beach.
So those, you could tell from the look of the stairs that
Board of Trustees 48 November 16, 2022
they are the original stairs with just some repairs, boards that
have been repaired over time.
The property does have a very nice vegetated buffer at the
top of the bank, the landscaping is very nice, it's very clean,
and they would just ask that the Board approve what, you know,
remains there, with the understanding that we will remove the
shed as soon as we get somebody in to actually pick it up and
move it.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Thank you. Just one quick question. We don't
have anything with the stairs in this description.
MS. MOORE: I thought there was a permit for it but when I went
looking today for it, I didn't see it. So I don't know if I saw
it, I didn't print it, or it's not there. I usually, if I don't
see a permit, I include it in the permit. If it's not too late,
I would include it at this point. I'll give you the amended
description, but if not, I'll amend the description to include
it. I just don't have it memorized. I did this too long ago.
It's been two months. So I just don't recall if there is a
permit, an original permit for this. It probably, it was built
in the '80s, it would not have been a permit required. That's my
memory of the code. I defer to whatever you prefer.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Is there anyone else here wishing to speak
regarding this application?
MR. GICALE: My name is Louis Gicale. This is my wife Sarah is
here. We own the property adjacent at 160 East Road, which is
west of the property, and we submitted that letter and opposed
to that shed, and they indicated they are taking it down, so
we're fine.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you, sir.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Anyone else here wishing to speak regarding
this application?
(Negative response).
Questions or comments from the Board?
(Negative response).
Hearing none, I make a motion to close this hearing.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: I make a motion to approve the as-built
20'x20' wood retaining wall with 22'x20' play area with foam
squares on-grade; the as-built 6'x4' window well; the as-built
15'x13' oblong patio; the existing stairs with new plans
submitted showing the stairs and the dimensions; with the
condition to remove the as-built 10'x12' shed with outdoor
shower; and a 4'x4' platform located five feet from the top of
the bank; the as-built 9'x14'x9'x18' wood platform on-grade and
landward of the bulkhead retaining wall; and the as-built 4'
high fence along.the top of the bank.
And I also make a motion to deny the as-built 10'x12' shed
without outdoor shower and 4'x4' platform located five feet from
the top of the bank; the as-built 9'x14'x9'x18' wood platform
Board of Trustees 49 November 16, 2022
on-grade and landward of bulkhead retaining wall; and the
as-built 4' high fence along the top of the bank, thereby
bringing it into consistency with the LWRP. That is my motion.
MS. MOORE: There is no 4' high fence. It's a 2' high fence along
the top. It was 2' high.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The hearing is closed. That's what it says on
the description. But regardless, we did remove it.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Number 24, Patricia Moore, Esq. on behalf of
CAROLYN &JOSEPH FERRARA requests a Wetland Permit for a
proposed 3'x36' fixed dock consisting of 4"x8" pilings with
4"x8" caps (CCA), 4"x8" (CCA) stringers, and open grade style
decking within the area of a private mooring lot and adjacent to
bulkhead; and to install a 4' wide path to the road.
Located: Property Off of Osprey Nest Road, Greenport.
SCTM# 1000-35-7-1
The Trustees most recently visited the property and noted
it was not staked. There were concerns over the neighbor's
right-of-way, concerns with navigation hazards.
The LWRP coordinator found this to be inconsistent.
The safe navigation of vessels needs to be further evaluated.
In 1957 when the mooring laws were created the number and
size of vessels would have been different from those today.
Stakes were used to moor vessels. The owner would pull them
into shore to board.
The Conservation Advisory Council did not support the
application due to the concerns of navigation around other
docking facilities.
Is there anyone here that wishes to speak regarding this
MS. MOORE: Yes, Patricia Moore, on behalf of the applicant
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'm sorry. Can I interrupt you for one second.
It should also be noted that I'm in receipt of some
documentation that has been reviewed by the Law Offices of
Wickham, Bressler& Geasa, specifically from Mr. Bressler, and
has been reviewed against this application for the neighbor.
Is there anyone else here that wishes to speak regarding
this application?
MS. MOORE: Just to get us started, I have Mrs. Ferrara here. I
also have William Moore, he's going to present the legal issues.
He's my legal scholar.
This application began some time ago. Is there a problem?
MS. HULSE: It's just what you submitted is not timely.
MS. MOORE: We are going to continue this hearing, I'm sure.
MS. HULSE: Oh, okay.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I mean this is not timely either. That's
yesterday. Okay, please continue.
Board of Trustees 50 November 16, 2022
MS. MOORE: We are just going to be creating a record at this
point anyway, so.
MS. MOORE: To begin with, this application began with a
pre-submission inspection. It was done when Mr. Bredemeyer was
on the Board. He came out, he met with Mr. Costello, who did the
design plans for this. And as far as he could determine, he
thought it was certainly an approvable application. So they
proceeded to prepare the application that is, that actually was
previously filed. The original application had the dock, as you
recall, centered, and it was a fixed dock.
We are dealing with the issues that the docks that are
existing, I would dispute the conclusions, I don't know who made
the conclusions of the size of the boats and things like that.
The size of the boats, a certain size fits at this water
body. It's a private marina, and the creation of the subdivision
and the mooring parcels were designed very similar to a marina
would be designed with slips. And that the intention of the
development of this property and how it's been developed,
beginning with the Town Board, a legislative body who gave you
the jurisdiction to act on wetland permits, the Town Board
issued the original wetland permits for the docks.
Thereafter, the Town Board delegated the authority to this
Board, and this Board has continued to issue wetland permits for
the docks that are there.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferrara are the last man standing. They are
the last ones to come in. But that does not mean that they
don't have a right, riparian rights and legal rights to put a
dock on this property.
The size of the boat that we are looking at for this
property would be just a small 19-foot Boston Whaler that fits
very easily within the design that Costello, Jack Costello,
designed and was submitted to you for this application.
Prior to this application, Mr. Ferrara met with the
neighbors to the east, Fitzgerald and Chicarian (sic), I don't
know how to pronounce his name, but anyway, the two owners. And
they measured everything, they looked at it all, and they
ultimately agreed on the placement of the dock that is before
you at this point, which is moved over toward the east, giving
the maximum separation to the Cooper property, and to the
Cooper's dock.
So, the plan that is before you has been very carefully
considered, measured, with the input from the neighbor to the
east. My clients tried to reach Mr. Cooper, was unsuccessful,
did not get a return phone call. We actually tried through other
channels to try to reach Mr. Cooper, unsuccessfully. Not me,
obviously, we can't communicate directly. But there was an
attempt to speak to Mr. Cooper and try to work this out.
The bottom line is the Trustees want fairness. You don't
want to be thrown into the middle of a fight. We understand
Board of Trustees 51 November 16, 2022
Although they have been here, the Trustees have had to be
in the middle of this fight many years ago. In the '80s, when
the Israel family went to put a dock in, it was discovered that
the docks had been shifting over the years, and many of the
docks that were in place did not follow, did not meet the design
that the permit showed.
So ultimately, I believe it was Jim. King was the Trustee,
the president at the time, and he sent a letter out to all the
owners of the mooring lots, and said, hey, you know, go back,
fix your docks, put them in the places that we approve, make
sure that they are in their proper location.
Ultimately, it all got resolved, the Israel family was able
to put their dock in and life went on.
MS. HULSE: Do you have a copies of that, those locations you are
referencing? Because it's not in the file.
MS. MOORE: The Jim King letter?
MS. MOORE: It was in the Town's records.
MS. HULSE: Right. But did you make it part of this file for this
Board to consider?
MS. MOORE: I can. I can provide it. That's not a problem. I
mean, it's a Town record, so I'm taking --
MS. HULSE: It doesn't mean it's in the Trustee file that this
Board is considering. There is a lot of things in the Town
record that this Board doesn't consider as part of the public
MS. MOORE: I'm more than happy to provide it. So, if there is
anything else that you feel, if you want, you know, if anything
comes up and you need additional information, we are certainly
interested in providing it. So I'll get the King
This was -- all of the communications regarding that, the
dock, was associated with the Israel application, and it was
historic surveys that were done of all of the docks and where
they were located. So there is a lot of information in that
file, and I'll make that file available for the Board so that
you can see the history and how the Trustees intervened and the-
property owners were able to get the docks.
Again, the proposal we have before you is a three-foot wide
fixed dock. That is really the minimum. Four feet is allowed.
We are asking for three. A float is allowed. 6x20 is the
standard float. Most if not all of the docks that are in place
have floats. We are not asking for a float. We are asking for a
fixed dock.
All of this to accommodate one property owner who has a
six-foot wide,by.I 'believe it's 40-foot long float. Dock, excuse
me. Dock and float. Yes, we acknowledge that the permit was
issued back in the 70s, but the point is that the Trustees
retained jurisdiction, and if it's found that there's problems
and issues of navigability, the Trustees retain that authority.
Because Mr. Cooper's dock, its placement is based on'the
proprietary rights of the Trustees, and the regulatory authority
Board of Trustees 52 November 16, 2022
you have.
The mooring lots are privately owned. They are individual
properties, and it would be no different than a marina that owns
the underwater land. In this case, the subdivision created these
mooring lots where the individual property owners, by virtue of
their upland ownership of properties, own the water called the
mooring lots.
By "mooring lots" it doesn't mean they are just entitled to
a mooring. That's just the terminology that was used, clearly,
because that was an issue that was thrown out in one of the
letters. Oh, it's a mooring lot that means they can only have
moorings. No, that's just a terminology. And since the
beginning, again, the Town Board and the Trustees, have always
issued docks on these properties. Not limiting it to moorings.
So at this point you have a lot of the information already
in your file. I'm going to ask Bill to step up and discuss the
legal issues.
MS. MOORE: Thank you. Bill Moore, I'm working with Pat. Nice to
see you folks. I usually hide behind the scenes and stay in my
office and don't show up in public very often. So it's nice to
climb out from my dark spot and see you all.
The simple point I want to make this evening is that we
acknowledge a couple of basic principles, which are waterfront
property owners and owners of underwater land have riparian
rights. And they have the right to exercise those rights. An
issue then comes to how do you to it in a reasonable and fair
fashion. I submit to you it's not for the Board to-say no, no,
no, you can't do it because of what we have done around here. We
have to find a way to do it.
State regulations are referenced in Mr. Bressler's letter,
they are referenced in Pat's submission. We have given you
copies of those. And they talk about any number of ways in which
navigable waters and the riparian rights of upland owners are
adjusted and allocated fairly.
The most important thing is it's done fairly. It's not done
in a way to foreclose or shut off and prohibit someone from
using riparian rights.
Now, if'I was Counsel to the Board] would say please,
please, please, find a way to allocate the resource fairly. Pat
made reference to the fact that the permits you issue include
the ability, and I think it's condition number seven in the
Cooper permit, that is the standard printed condition, when
circumstances are such that navigable issues arise, the Trustees
reserve the right to then go back to the permit holder, you've
-got to fix this, you've got to change this. We've got to move
things, it's not working.
It's not to say to the last person on the block, as Pat
said, sorry, circumstances are such you don't get to use it.
You own the underwater land. You are the last person on the
block. You don't get to have a dock. You don't get to have
access to the water.
Board of Trustees 53 November 16, 2022
She pointed out that they worked with their neighbors to
the east, moving this dock clearly to one side. We would love to
work with Mr. Cooper and his representative and say how do you
adjust and how do you navigate this thing.
This dock has been there for 50 years. I have not been
there to see what its condition is. But the invitation is there
to resolve this in a manner that this Board can grant a permit
for a dock. Because no drawings reflect the effort to utilize
the methodology that the state lays out in its regulations.
The regulations state, by the way, it's not any one way.
It can be any one of these, all of these, or a combination of
them. And this is where reasonable people go out and say what
are the circumstances, in this case you have a bowed waterfront.
That requires adjustment. That requires computation and some
flagging of analysis to show what can be done there.
But it can be done. It's not for the Board to sit there and
say no, you can't get there, there is no way. It can be done.
Unfortunately, Mr. Costello couldn't be here. Family
conflict. We would love to have him explain how the drawing came
to be.
But in this submission, that you've had already, we just
repeated it, and Pat included it here, are the various drawings
of Costello Marine, using the Fox survey, showing that in this
case Ferrara owns the underwater land, and we are willing to say
you can use it. They've got riparian rights and we've got to
find a solution to that.
MS. HULSE: Bill, I have a question for you. Is it your position
that the adjacent owners' docks are located in accordance with
their permits?
MR. MOORE: That's a great question. It does not appear, I'm not
a surveyor, this is something that has to be examined. It does
not appear the Cooper dock is where it was originally permitted.
It's a question as far as the utilization of the east side of
the Cooper dock and the west side of the Cooper dock.
A photograph was submitted showing a dock, a boat tied to
the east side of Cooper dock as a justification saying, well,
there is no way in the world Ferrara could put a dock in between
their dock and the folks to the east.
There are questions about how often that boat is actually
there on the east side, but the offer stands to talk with Mr.
Cooper and his representatives to say how do we resolve a fair
utilization of a shared resource. It's not all or none. It's not
a zero sum gain.
And Pat expects, we do request, that the hearing be
continued so we can get Mr. Costello in and explain those
drawings to see if we cannot work with you to fairly allocate
this resource.
MS. HULSE: Do you feel you've exhausted the communications with
the neighbors to the extent that you made attempts and that you
have not been able to reach --
MR. MOORE: No, with Mr. Bressler here present, and we present.
Board of Trustees 54 November 16, 2022
As Pat mentioned we have no ability to speak with Mr. Cooper
directly. We can with Mr. Bressler.
MS. HULSE. That's my question.
MS. MOORE: Yes, we'd love to.
MR. MOORE: Yes, we would love to do that.
MS. HULSE: But it hasn't been done yet.
MR. MOORE: It has not been done yet. We are extending that
MS. HULSE: That would seem to be the obvious, attorney to
attorney to attorney progression --
MR. MOORE: I agree. Thank you.
TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: I like to see lawyers working as
peacekeepers. That's their original intent.
MS. MOORE: We try.
MR. BRESSLER: Members of the Board, esteemed counsel and others.
I'm here on behalf of the neighbor to the west. Robert Cooper.
I was here once before, virtually, on the original
application, and we filed objections. Now, several years later,
they're back, and I have filed objections again.
We think that our objections are well founded. If you look
at what is shown.there, what you see is a uniform, more or Less
-- if you can hear me without the mic. I thought so. Okay -- if
you look at this, you see a more or less uniform development
here. There is no more room for any docks there, There aren't.
Other people along there have shared.
Our dock has been there for more than 50 years. Contrary to
the suggestion in Counsel's letter, it has not moved. Not one
inch. My client is here, he confirms that. That dock has been
there. It was legally put there. It was properly put there. And
it is within the area of our foreshore.
Now, when this application was originally made, and I say
originally, I mean this one, but it applied equally to the
earlier one, there was no discussion whatsoever of the issue
that we heard about tonight, which is a division of the offshore
areas and the extension of the property line between our lot and
their I don't know what you want to call it. Their little 20
foot piece of whatever it is there. Okay? And we fully
documented the two theories by which that could.be allocated.
Now, for the first'time tonight, not surprisingly, I was
handed a sheaf of paperwork, which for the first time the
applicant purports to address that issue. I gave it a quick
look. And my first request is, I would certainly like an
opportunity to respond because I think it's inaccurate.
So one of the issues that the Board has to confront is what
about that. Just looking at this picture, it looks like the
thread of the stream goes this way. Draw a line down there, to
the thread of the stream. We also understand what I mean by the
thread "of the stream," right? The center line of the stream of
the body the water as it generally moves from one area to
another, which would be something that looks like that. Which
means the line perpendicular would look something like that.
Board of Trustees 55 November 16, 2022
Now, I only looked briefly, but I didn't see anything in
their paperwork that disputes that application.
So, in the first instance, based upon the allocation, I
don't think they've got anything. But I would like an
opportunity to respond to that.
Secondly, I would like to respond to the suggestion that my
client refused to respond. He didn't refuse to respond. He was
never even contacted. The most that we can tell is somebody
reached out to his son, who is in the Merchant Marine, who said
I can't talk to you, I'm shipping out. Nobody ever talked to
this guy. It just didn't happen. An apropos question for the
Nobody ever talked to me. That prior application had been
pending for two years. My opposition was in there. Not one
phone call. Not one letter. Nothing.
Of course we are always willing to talk, but I want to set
the record straight. Nobody made an effort here.
Okay, so, now we've got the troublesome matter of the
Trustees own regulations as to where these docks ought to be.
Our dock is in the right place, 15 feet away from the property
line. Just where it's supposed to be.
Now, I'm cognizant of the fact that due to these little
peanut pieces of property, this creates a problem. Were the
Trustees to have applied that regulation uniformly, nobody would
have anything. Because it couldn't be done.
So I think what happened here, although I'm not privy to
those cases, but looking at the aerial, what it appears to me
happened, was these people got together and they reached an
accommodation, because many of these docks are common docks, as
they have to be when you only have that small piece of property,
which was denoted for mooring. And we all know the difference
between a mooring and a dock. And that is what they did. Has the
applicant exhausted that avenue? The applicant sayeth not.
That is the solution here. How many of these little mooring
lots are there? 20? But there certainly is not one for every
lot. So that's another possible solution.
Now, let's talk about the issue of riparian rights. The
proposition has been advanced, at least the way I heard it, that
there is an absolute right to this and you folks have to find a
way to give them this dock. That is absolutely false.
Everybody knows, and I can certainly provide you the case
law given the opportunity, everybody knows that this Board and
the DEC have the right to regulate. And I'm sure everybody is
aware of the fact that DEC many times goes in and says no dock.
You have to have a mooring. Or you can get out to water, you
pull your dinghy up on the foreshore.
A case in the eastern district of New York decided by Judge
Hurley, affirmed by the second circuit, found that the DEC is
replete with decisions like that.
So the choice for you is not to carve this out or
necessarily grant a dock. The choice for you is among a series
Board of Trustees 56 November 16, 2022
of alternatives. Can they share? Do they have to pull up
something on their sand and attach it to the bulkhead?There's
lots of different ways to skin the cat here.
But one of the ways not to skin the cat is doing what they
proposed. Because their proposal, as everybody pointed out:
The Trustees report, CAC, LWRP. Their plan does not work.
Aside from that, we have been there a long time, and that
gives rise to another whole panoply of legal issues, okay?
We are not the problem to navigation here. They are going
to create the problem for navigation here. That is what is going
on here.
So, in short, I would like the opportunity to address what
I looked at for the first time tonight. Like I said, I'm a
little distressed that I was not presented at any time on the
first application. It was not addressed on this application
until I raised the issue. So I think it's only fair that we be
given a shot at what we are looking at for the first time.
I would also undertake that if the applicant's attorneys
are amenable, we are always amenable to talk. Always. Some of
you know that personally.
MS. HULSE: I was going to say that.
MR. BRESSLER: Yes. We are always amenable to talk. Like I said,
I don't know where they were two years ago, I don't know where
they were before they came back and they filed this. I would
have gone. They knew who I was. I would have gone to me. As
distasteful as that might have been to them. And so let's sit
down and have a conversation about this.
MS. HULSE: It sounds like both attorneys have made that point
MR. BRESSLER: Yes. So, you know, regardless of the timing, um,
yes, I'm willing to do this. I don't think the Board should make
any decision on this. I think it should be adjourned. I
respectfully ask for an ability to respond to what I was just
handed tonight against the possibility that we don't reach some
sort of an agreement. Which, by the way, is subject to your
approval in any event. You know.
So, that's what I have to say tonight. So the requests are
adjourn it, give me an opportunity to respond, and in return I
will undertake to speak.
Is there anyone else that wishes to speak regarding this
(No response).
Just for clarification of the record, Ms. Moore, as you were
originally carrying the application, you were requesting to
MS. MOORE: Yes, we had. We understood. Absolutely.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Just clarifying the record. Thank you.
MS. MOORE: Yes. I mean there is a lot of information.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I hope everyone can get in a room together and
. t
Board of Trustees 57 November 16, 2022
come up with a solution. We mentioned skinning a cat, but if we
have to split the baby, so be it.
That being said, I make a motion to table at the
applicant's request.
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Second. All in favor?
TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: I'll make the motion for adjournment.
,Respectfully submitted by,
Glenn Goldsmith, President
Board of Trustees