HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/10/2022 Historic Preservation Commission 0 pur Unique Ilke SOUTHOLD r uncumr �rE SIN RFSEAVA1dN Regular Meeting Minutes TOWN HALL MEETING ROOM (Via ZOOM Webinar) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022 at 3:00 PM Attendees: Chairperson Ostroski, Vice Chairperson Surchin, Commissioner Wexler, Commissioner Santana, Commissioner Cubie, and Commissioner Woodhouse. Coordinator Kim Fuentes,Acting Town Attorney John Burke Work Session: 3:00 PM Pre submission Conferences: (30 Minutes allotted to each presentation) 3:05 P.M. —Judy Woodard for a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 170-7(b) of the Southold Town Code at a registered landmark property to install Solar Panels on a single- family dwelling, located at 1945 Village Lane, Orient, SCTM # 1000 25-3-11. • Kevin Orlando of Long Island Power Solutions, appeared before the Commission to describe the proposed installation of 59 solar panel on the Main House and a rear yard barn, facing south, and distributed renderings. • 'The project consists of black on black, anti-glare, anti-reflective panels each installed with individual inverters. Mounting is adjustable to sit three inches above the plane of the roof. • Judy Woodard, owner, appeared before the commission to announce her goal to reduce her carbon footprint. The energy produced will absorb 100% of the home's electrical use. • Mr. Orlando further explained that the job will take one to two days to complete, the mounting is adjustable. • The Members of the Commission, Cubie, Wexler and Surchin, made plans to visit the site the following Saturday, A Motion was made to set a public hearing for December 8, 2022 by Commissioner Ostroski and seconded `by Commissioner Cubie. AYES: Ostroski, Surchin, Wexler, Santana, Cubie, and Woodhouse (6-0). 3:21 P.M. — Richard Hoblock for a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 170-7(b) of the Southold Town Code at a registered landmark property to maintain a central air conditioning unit in the side yard attached to a single-family dwelling, located at 595 Navy Street, Orient, SCTM # 1000 26-1-7. • Richard Hoblock appeared before the Commission to describe his application and presented photos of his property. The house was built in 1971, and in 2013, Mr. Hoblock bought the house with the existing air conditioning unit. • The members of the Commission made plans for a site visit the following Saturday. Page 2, Minutes of Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission November 10, 2022 • The Chairperson announced that the Commission will schedule a public hearing, and instructed Mr. Hoblock that the hearing will be added to the December 8, 2022 docket. A Motion was made to set a public hearing for December 8, 2022 by Commissioner Ostroski and seconded by Commissioner Cubie. AYES: Ostroski, Surchin, Wexler, Santana, Cubie, and Woodhouse (6-0). Regular Meeting Called to Order: 3:30 pm Pledge of Allegiance: Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve October 27, 2022 meeting minutes by Commissioner Chairperson Woodhouse, seconded by Commissioner Surchin: AYES: Ostroski, Surchin, Wexler, Santana, Cubie, and Woodhouse. (6-0). Motion approved. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (2) 3:30 P.M. —Alexander Stille for a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 170-7(b) of the Southold Town Code at a registered landmark property to construct an addition and alteration to a single-family dwelling located at 560 King Street, Orient, SCTM # 1000-26-2-35. • Chandler Olinkiewicz, contractor, appeared before the Commission to describe the addition to the kitchen, 5.5 feet by 14.4 feet, three windows will be removed and reinstalled, and the material used will be like kind. All interior material will match existing and the roofing tile will be architectural grade shingle. • Member Surchin indicated to the Commission that she had taken photos of the property which she previously distributed via email. A Motion was made to Close the public hearing by Commissioner Woodhouse and seconded by Commissioner Santana. AYES: Ostroski, Surchin,Wexler, Santana, Cubie, and Woodhouse (6-0). A motion was made to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness for addition and alteration to the single-family dwelling by Commissioner Woodhouse and seconded by Commissioner Santana. AYES: Ostroski, Surchin, Wexler,. Santana, Cubie, and Woodhouse (6-0). Old Business: 3:34 P.M. 1. Landmark Incentive— No activity. 2. Shiloh Baptist Church —Commissioner Cubie discussed an exploratory meeting set with the Church Leaders for November 16, 2022. A discussion will include the Church's goals relating to funding, and in terms of restoring the building, there are grants available. 3. HPC Handbook. Revision is currently in process. The Chairperson will send members a draft with all current markups, so members can comment. The handbook cannot be amended until Code revisions are complete. 2 Page 3, Minutes of Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission November 10,2022 3:45 P.M. - Elizabeth and Gideon D'Arcangelo for a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 170-7(b) of the Southold Town Code at a registered landmark property for shingle replacement of roof shingles to a single-family dwelling; located at 230 Vincent Street, Orient, NY. SCTM # 1000-25-3-14. • Elizabeth D'Arcangelo appeared before the Commission to describe the roof replacement needed because of a roof leaking issue, and further discussed photographs presented to the Commission. The house was built in 1880. • The material to be used is Architectural roofing tile—'Shakewood, Timberline HDZ, which looks like cedar shake. Yankee gutters will be repaired and re-used. A Motion was made to Close the public hearing by Commissioner Cubie and seconded by Commissioner Woodhouse. AYES: Ostroski, Surchin, Wexler, Santana, Cubie, and Woodhouse (6-0). A motion was made to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness for replacement of roof shingles on a single-family dwelling by Commissioner Cubie and seconded by Commissioner Woodhouse. AYES: Ostroski, Surchin, Wexler, Santana, Cubie, and Woodhouse (6-0). New Business: None Attendee, Barbara (on Zoom), asked why the Commission will go into Executive Session. Acting Town Attorney explained that the Commission is seeking legal advice which is appropriate for an Executive Session. Meeting Adjourned: 3:56 P.M. Motion to exit the public meeting and enter into Executive Session was made by Commissioner Ostroski seconded by Commissioner Wexler. AYES: Ostroski, Surchin, Wexler, Santana, Cubie, and Woodhouse. Motion approved. (6-0) Next HPC work session and regular meeting, with Zoom access, scheduled for December 8, 2022 in the Town Hall in the Town Hall Meeting Room at 3:00 PM with two (2) Public Hearings Scheduled. 3