HomeMy WebLinkAbout622 / LI~GIO ~ THgMAS (/~B~ 46 Somerset Drive ~Great Neck~ new York Dec. 5, 1963 Page 6 Recessed to December !9., 1963 . 12/19/63 - DENIED permission .to oonvert access- ory building into a one family dwelling on lot E/S Bay Shore Road, Gre~nport, New York. LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of th~/ Amended Buildlng Zone Or- dinance of the Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York, public hearings wiil be held by the Zon- ing Board of Appeals of the Town of South old at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on December 5, i963, on the fol- lowing lappeals: 7:30 P. M. E.S.T.) upon apPlica-1 tlon of H. Brochard, ale R. Joseph \W1eeler, Middle Rood, Southold, New York, for a ,special e1reeption' in laccordance with the ZOning Or- dinance, Article IV, Section 408, Subsection (a), for permission to ereot a pole 'type sign 21 feet in height lat the !glasoline service sta- tion of R. iJQseph Wheeler, north side Middle Road, Southold, New >Cork, bounded north by H. E.. Tuthiil, east by Muriel 'I:ait, south I by Middle Road, and west by Da- \lid Driscoll. 7:415 P.M. (E,S,T.), upon appli ,c"tion of Marjorie H. Baker, Youngs Avenue, Southold, New York, (for 'a Viariance in accord- : anae with 1lhe Zoning Ordinanoo, Article III, section 300, Subsection 1, ,and AJ<ticle n, Section 2()2, for pemnission to increase the' occu- pancy of her house to three fami- lles. Location of property: west side Youngs Avenue, Southold. New >Cork, bounded ",,11thby C. F. Muller, east by Youngs Avenue, sO\JJth by Meohanlc street, ,and west by Charles Turner. 8:30 P.M. (E,S.T.), upon apPli-1 !o31tion of Ohrarles Bumble, ,ale I' Thomas Liggls, 413 Somerset Drive, I Gl'ieat Neck, New York, for ,a var-! I ianCle in ,accordance with the zon-! ing Ordinance, Article III, Seeton 300, Subsection I, and Sections I 303 and 307, ,and Article X, Section I lOOOA, fior permission to convert an 'ac'C'essory building into a one fa-I mily dwelling on a lot with a frontage of 50 f.eet, insufficient; ar,ea and illBuffi:eient side yards,: a:nd leave la lot with :a frontage of 50 feet and insufficient area. Location of property. €'ast side Shore Road, Greenport, New York,' Lot 66 on map of P,econic Bay Esta1tes, bounded north by Frank F. Osajko, east by Peconic Bay, I south by James Rosati, and west, I by Bay Shore RO'ad. ; Any person, desirIng to be heard I on the above applications should i appear at the time and placei above specified. I I DATED: tNioVie,mber 21, 1963, By . Order of the Southold Town Board of Appeals ltN2J I STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, I f ss: J ..::.", b C;:_.-f,-.J.'-m.Q.~.~,.,.:<C.'._m... being duly Sworn, says that ...... lc""mm is Printer and Publisher of the SU~'~'OLK TIMES, :1 newspaper published at Greenpon, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printe,l copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week. for ----....--........._._.---------------{-:"::---!:.~.: week~ ,..t.. #-- :::C::SlVCIY CO~U:~::i:t:: the~~~;L'.~'~';J , "1~s'<~~~>\..;:~,,'_'-''_'''''m Sworn to before me this .....'J..'lT4ll..,.m ; . , I ^- f '"' 0' ./ c""~-' , ...!:..~:,-..!:~..t (.,. .......C'.-c:..'!"':::;-C:~ .-,2..,. ." '!!'.n";~,;';~. 1:\jl1:,-:-; \.hrch3;J_ i{Jb.''f ir IoEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing Pursuant to section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions Ii of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of southold, Ii Suffolk County, N_ York, public hearings will be held by the ii Zon.t.n9 Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town II Office, Main Road, southold, N_ York, on December S. 1963, on II the fOllowinq appeals, 7.30 P.M. (E.s.T.l, upon application of H. Brochard, alc ,i II Il. Joseph Wheeler, Middle Road, southold, H_ York. for a II special exception in accordance with the zoninq Ordinance, Article ,I il IV. Section 408. subsection (al, for permission to erect a I, I pole type si9n 21 feet in height at the gasoline service station I I 11 II of R. Joseph Wheeler, north side Middle Road. southold. N_ il il York, bounded north by H. E. Tuthill. east by M\U:iel Taj%, south \, by Middle Road, and west by David Driscoll. fj Ii 7,45 P.M. (E.S.'1'. l, upon application of Marjorie H. Baker, I I' ! Youngs Avenue. southold. N_ York, for a variance in accordance !I with the zoning Ordinance, Article Ill, Section 300, Subsection !I II II II I " II , :! 1, and Article II, Section 202, I:lr permiasion to increase the occupancy of her house to three families. Location of property. _st side Youngs Avenue, douthold, N_ york. bounded north by C. T/. Muller, east by YOungs Avenue, south by Mechanic street, and _st by charles Turner. " , page 2 - Leqal Notice 8:30 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Charles Bumble, alc Thomas Liqgis, 46 Somerset Drive, Great Neck. New York, for a variance in accordance with the zoning ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 1. and Sections 303 and 307, and Article x, Section 1000A. for permis.ion to convert an accessory building into a one family dwelling on a lot with a frontage of 50 feet. i' insufficient are. and insufficient aide yards, and leave a lot il ,I 'I :1 II II 'I I, with a fronta'ie of 50 f_t and insufficient area. LOcation of property, east side shOre Road, Gr_nport, New York, Lot 66 on IIIlp of Peconic Bay Estates, bounded north by Frank F. Csajko, east by Peeon1c Bay, south by James Roaati, and west by Bay Shore Road. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications ii ii ahould appear at the time and place above specified. " , I, <I II DATED, November 21, 1963, By Order of the Ii 8outhold Town Board of Appeals. * * * PLEASE PtlllLISH ONCE, NOVEMBER 29, 1963, AND Pa\WARD FOUR (4) AFFIDAVITS OF PtlBLICATION TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. * * * copies mailed to the following on November 22, 1963, The Suffolk Times The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman [! H. Brochard, alc R. J. Wheeler :' Marjorie Baker Charles Bumble, alc T. Li99is SOMBOJIIE SHOULD APPBAR AT 'l'HB HBARING FORM iNlO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No. ......~~?5...3.. .................. Date . .. .JJC!~~ ...;\,9.......... 19...~3 To ...<l.b."" ~w.n~+E! M.G.. .~Q.~!M'..~~gg1a ......... . ...... G:r..~~.UPQ.:r:t.. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated .......Nov.emb.er....19........... 19...63 Convert aooessory B1dg for permit to~ .to..xes1denc...... ut the premises located at ....Us. ...Bay....Shore Road .............. ........... ....................... ........................ Street \f~pofol~.c..~~Y.:.~~~ate~...B10Ck ....... ............... ........ ..... Lot ..66. ........ .... ... ........... is . HO t,1;: '1." Oi) t,b~.' f, disapproved on the followirw ground- ....Insur.f.1c1en:t..h.ontage e,n<l. .CI.t:le.. ..ll1.de. ..YIlr(i. .1s... sho.rt..... .....!r.t. . III.,... sec.. 300.. ~ .. {..,.1. ~.1... .'ll.El.. .2J:1cl... cl\</e~~. ~n~.. .ClI1....1 ()().. .1:.t... .f!. on~ 1 .1.....oec...3.03. &..307. .. JL..,-<-<-L. '~~':::':.1""'''''''''''' Building Inspector FORM NO.1 /V\;V f '( TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Examined ...... ......., , ? l" ~ 19....... Application No ...ih..~..'f..}..... Approved .................. ....., 19........Permit No. ................................ (j, IV . F- 1-. (.. ." k.. / I D. d / Vi...A.. .--1-'<'-1.4 J l_,___..... '", t', ) ...-,....- -' / lsapprove a c .....,.....................0.-;.....,................~~.. .... ......................... . I j(I,~"::i)m APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date..'J1&JJ... ... Jf......... ......, 19?.3......... INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in duplicate to the Building Inspector. b. Plot plan showing locotion of lot ond of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or creas, and giving 0 detailed description of layout of property must be drown on the diagram which is port of this application. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue 0 Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit sholl be kept on the premises available for inspecti on throughout the progress of the work. e. No building sholl be occupied or used in whole or in po rt for any purpose whatever until 0 Certificate of Occupancy sholl hove been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Deportment for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, ond other applicable Lows, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or a Iterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable lows, ordinances and regulations. .~.......~~............. (Signature of applicant, or name, if a corporation) ..........3fr...........t::L~~,td!:~hv~Y1:j is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractorl electrician, plumber or bui Ider. ...................~..................................................................... Nome of owner of premises .....~.....~if.~.. If applicant is a corporate, signature of duly authorized officer ..... ...................................,....................... (Name and title of corporate officer) ~~ .b{ ~dw Mop No ...&..Sfs........................ Lot No ..6...t,... 1. Locotion of land on which proposed work will be done. Street and Number .................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Municipality 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: b ~::::::d u::ea::do::~:::::y:.:~~:d:...::.::::.:.:..:.:.::::.:.::::::::.......:..:..::.:.... a. 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building .....V....... Addition .................. Alteration .................. Repair ....................dfemoval .................... Demolition.................i:Ho~er Work (Describe) ........................ Esti mated Cost .......... .2:. fiP..0..:.. -cw.......................... Fee ..................5....... .cd........................................................... (to be paid on filing this application) If dwelling, number of dwelling units .......~..1.................Number of dwelling units on each floor ............................ If garage, number of cars ......... ..... ..... ........................ ............... ........... ........................................................................ If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, speci fy nature -and extent of each type of use ................................ Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front.......................... Rear .......................... Depth .............................. Height ............................ Number of Stories ............................................................................................................. Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front ................................ Rear ................................ 4. 5 6. 7. Depth ............................ Height ................................Number of Stories ........................................ 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front............3?>.............. Rear ........:3..0.............. Depth ....'),...'1................. Height .......q.................. Number of Stories...........I..................... 9. Size of lot: Front ..........S()............... Rear ............5:.0.......... Depth .....I.7.~~...................... 10. Date of Purchase.jcU.~..I..!r......f...qsP.........Nome of Forrrer Owner~..T.....~...... 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated..........~d..................................................... Does proposed constructionA vjplate anYJo.n~ng I~w, ordinance or regulation? .......~.~............1~...~ Name of Owner of premise~.....4~..Address ~."l.{{:"" Phone No.~"..~,f1.... Name of Architect ..n:n.......~.:....................................Address ............................................ Phone ~................. Name of Controctor~....'(b~.....Address?..I~......... Phone No. .7...p..'J..P..7 PLOT DIAGRAM "11."1 Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or propased, and indicate all set-back dimensions from property lines. Give street and block numbers or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or corner lot. n~~\$F .. ~. . K~..i SS. ".............................................-+.:1.'.......~. .......being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant above na~:m~eO~si::~Vi.d.~.a~.......................................................................................................... (Controctor, agent, corporate officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this appli cation are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. SWOr( to before me this ............l......QOf.................. Notary Publ~~.................. .. 12 13. t-----l~~ '~ I)~ ~ yo fi ~(lIJ~ III \ '1 rJ "'" ~ l~------ ... .'..!.~.~,O'l'.\.~,~,'::~:';n:.~..~~~~.:~.~.~......rUr..~...~~........ .,'" ; \l S ................ : . ty' ".' '." .,.... (ignature of applicant) ~ C.IllilU:'~~\li1 L;~pu0::' .l.iiU;.ll "U, l'U"'- , . . F5~1'~ TOWl-l OF SOUTH OLD, l-lEW YORK APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO. ~ 1- 'V' DATE ......JJ.9.~.~.I))F?'i;r..... 19, '63 TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. I, ~ .Qt.'?,?.,.. .l?1,J,\l));>1~.. ...A/c. ..1'bQma's. ..L.iEig is.,.... ..~6. ..8.ame.r.s.e:t...Dr.i:v.e............. .......... Name of Appellant Street and Number '~reat '.Jec'r .................................y.~..............'.;.'...i\\........................ ............ Municipality ......N...X...............HEREBY APPEAL TO State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO. .......20...225.3............... DATED .......I1.o.v.e.mb.er:.....l9.~...19.6J... WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO Ch . s. J:j1Jl)]l).~~.....Jl/~......+.h.'?9.~.?....~~g.e;i.?................... Name of Applicant far permit 46...~ 1Jl)] 9E ~.r;. ~.. );:!;.~ Y.EC. ,...... ..:! r. .f!. il.t.n f':.9. !~. l..... I!..+: ....l... li:. X.:............................... Street and Number Municipality State PERMIT TO USE ( ) PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY (X) permit to convert accessory building to lhlel1ing of 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY ...f../S..l,ily.;;;.l~Q;r.R...h9.:;:>J.........................~~h.~~..>!.;i,,S.t.............. Street Use District an Zoning Map F' ." 0" +' , 1 '.. 66. . .'.C.C0rr.l.c...~a;:l......s....;.'.l.c\s.................. ot,,-... Map No. Lot No. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Art. HT l "PC'ti nn 300 -1 Art III SAC 303 I} 307 ever X)~/ooort 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith ior (X) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinonce or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cans. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal :IDroOx!has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ) request far a variance and was made in Appeal No. ................................Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 (X) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) ^". is requested far the reason that : I "ish to use my present accer.sory b1hilding for a re siclence. / Form ZBl (Continue an ather side) REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- saryHARDSHIPbecause: Oth0r lots are developed "ith dvlellings on ,Oft front lots. 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because : I own 100 ft frontage on on Bay-shore ""\o'1d, where ot'ln'c ~ are ,Oft lots . 3. The Variance would observe the spirit af the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because : This is a similar use to other resh'ences Oel this strpet. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss COUNTY OF Suffoll{ ) 11;} (j J? II, ......~.....a.::;.~................... Signature Sworn to this .................;\..9......................... day of......................!:~?y."!.l!!~.:.?:............... 19 63 /) fl.-rf r:--:;:? ~ .........~.~:;~bC............................. LEFFERTS PAINE EDSON ATTORNEY AT L.AW SOUTHOLD, N. V. "971 SOUTHOLD .15-2.1500 December 11, 1963 Mrs. Judith Boken Southold Town Hall Southold, New York Re: Liqqis Hearinq Dear Mrs. Boken: We enclose herein copies of the bills for material used in the construction of the Liggis gar- age, etc., together with a copy of the checks with which Mr. Liggis paid the bills. You will remember that the board re- quested that this information be furnished it prior to its rendering a decision in the matter of the Liggis application. Will you kindly present these to the board at its next meeting or discussion period. Thank you very much for your kind cooperation. 1<' ..if l<,Mrt~ "r. ')ht'HlllYO.:h /fltL___~_"___._M_~ Jluml'lon i<''JJ ~-- C1V ~~::_?~__r~_J--,_ --19 c~ f) ~'1c,rles F. ~~umtlE 11.w 'lj,,/' ? 1:) ?:> u {- t ~-~ ;\ v_~_~.___ .-:rl' i)l"t, --~-~~__:J)r. ~7o_ :;;Jerm.r Est :9~h 1 Ii I, II ii Cne + .0- C r!:lHY',r,re ,_ -'v n'A.Y'~ - "x7Xl_3/~_ }',)r Le~F€t :1 n =~ 2 :- \",' _ ,- 11 ~[-=fll '38 00 II . 'I , I, -Ii -ir'. 1 ~ j 11___ -------;1 ~~ !i " I t- 'L ~ r I c. f I ~ , :":'Hn\VII'TE PL..-'\.L,,"s IlU~\.n 1~30 210 I II I' I, j' Ii -----; I' ; __n ti..,___ -----l---._____ .-4:/ p~;:-:, I . 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" *"0rlt~:~__ Fe [ , I ~ o "" .-.. ----- .--.----....,...........-;-7 ... ----.---.- PHONES: aTORII 7-0117 2 "R. .."YICIE NIGHT EMERGENCY 7-0723 GRIEENPOIIIT. N. Y.. I~O" I . -I'"" ;..; J J I. M ~Jlr.. c: bn r lp. S :-~l1rnb le f: ; J ! , To. GIEEH'OIT OIL HEATING CO. . Dr. REPAIRS LEANDER B, CHUTE ..PlUMBING.. OIL BURNERS -- BOILERS .- VACUVJ4 CLBANINO ROOJ'DfO ImPAIRS MOTORS U:PAlRED BALBIl AND SERVICE CONTRACTING BIectrtc wa. beatera I:IeCtrIe r...- OM raDI'II au water beatera Electr1c moton FURNACES Plumblnll 8uppl1ea w.. pumps aDd taDlu ~. ,al,.. ftttlap Bath ftxtures sewer pipe RooIlJllIIIPPu.-lea4er and IIUtter pipe Sheet metal 1 ji55 Sept. Gct. (' c.t. '?1 ". l--cuP leqther - 10,,' J)) I / , I 'i , , " 30 \ '" 2 96 56 " O~ 62 97 2 96 56 2 50 87 1.4'tn 15 14-96 1 50 10 [4611 , &7 \ ,'alv. sileet tron 1--2" <>;,...1'/. 1rain'L'e Y..... l--?" x l~" ~qJv. t)ushing- 3 i't~. --2,,':::tlv. ~ipe,'z- 5?y(, l~' ft.--lt:" b.Lac:{ ai'pe ~ 411' ..:;. .<:. .. ~ - 1--1,',-" :',...J'/. dr'1i:lage ell~()W- 1--"" '"alv. d,'ainr;-re Y- 1--2" i l~'f ~'l'V. 6ushtn - ~ r.t __1'1." ,'.~11 v 'Ji',e "( :; .i '~' .. :i t' 2 ~,.": ..' ::- '-: ~ .' ;- , _L--l.;,}' ;:~C!~_ v. c r:1 :.n2G:e el (H ,v I II " &,.f.. .:.<./ ~ ~ ..r f).-1,t(. ._ _ __ ------ ____u ,95___ I ".,"'"...".," " , ,,,,, c. """,,,,,, ","", ';" ,,, .. A d'~ ~~ \ ,,,.., ,,,. ,...."., '"","", ,,' "" <0' ^.," t/-l., _ I. :;,'"0,, ~"J' '" -~--:E-r I jL"-2W~-,(;-. .. lW<-x;------- -.:L7l'b i ; !,-. y ~1.?t 11.- ,;1- '1'''' .'1"1' I ~~t. _ D-;,. c-- ,,{, ,.'Wf;! !lQ~ "'= L '!:;' .j:L----P V ~~= ."p:tt "~,~46,~~~f7.,Iifp'!!f,e1i'!.X\ ~ . I ... ;r .~ ':" -/) ..'~if'Y 13. ~ '91':;-~jfi ...-+ - .. .. ,:, rl7l' ,'"" >1" M'~""". \ .f\i ,J!. ", ',~}==ir!;. I.~~=-I-;I=i,f'.r i , ~ ' ' "J 'f_"I-'_...::==~_-\J=Jt.i ~~-~ flat lU,.1BER (O~',p AN'i BU\~cm~ M~~IR\~t Of ~~l OmRlPliO\iS GRECNP0RT, NEW YOp:..:... -.~_. - Date ~)3 ~195.(' \ .d ,^-,1L~-'--~ \ _~ ;;~s~~rcenport, N. ;--Te; GRe:~;~~t ;~o' ~ Jl~ 51 - ' <<,.' ", ,. ,""".. ".."", ., 0.".0. Mo. ,,'11,' TT'::";'H' ~= r~ I l ___-'---' YN - - --==-'-~' ,HoeD ',~ --~~ \ ~ \ - j;~t t -"lfl~. . - )-,_~. _7-__ \" ~/'f-,}) "tf111Y- f-.' .3~h , _' j# .tf__l,rf._~ /i.'''': i 5 1---: _If: II 'L.o"{4:= -; CO \ "L--c 'f .' 'L. . . . ..1:<r, 7 ~r- _ .-'z,-'I'-__.E-7--.- .- -. - ....(, iT ' !" ';J~--r;;- t~. "~ "'. .\ 1lf~ \ ;:i~:~:-Z~~"/~~j~; .-~ ~!'ii~:., i".~_1~. \1!V'fr-~~~:;:~ ,'<. 'J\I~r \ ,,\ _S:-./" i)" . ',\ I 11" ; Yo", "W"'~;.:::" h ': .. ". oo,p, ..3/tJ ot flEU lUMBER (OMPANY BUllDl:l6 MA lrRlf.l Of AU DmRIP1IOMS GREENPORT, NEW YORK J"",,,i.,,! \ t l flEET LUMBER (OMPANY BUlLO::lG MtJ~RIAl OF All Dmll\Pl\OIl~ GREENPORT, NEVi YORK \ \ i I YARDS, Grec:'lp-:)rt, N. Y. Tel. GReenp':}d 7.0032 \ \. . '-A'~ .,-1 -, .,.. --:J/~ Y~f.CC6"I"t'.tated to eate. 'd "",FOr is ~d,...~,.."at once. Ec..!.lc~ 'h'8tJ>~ For"";." Wllll..wn, L<'~vi"'" ~ ~~''''''.'- ., ..-... ..... November 20, 1963 southald TOVlll Zoning Board of APpeals Mnn Road southald, N. n Gentlemen: structure currentl;y" being erected on lot owned by T. Liggis at Bwshore Arshamomaque, southold, N. Y. '" Road, Wickham park, With your permission, we would like to go on record with the details in reference to the above structure, insofar as we are cognizant of the fact.. we would also like to refer you to sections of the southold 'J.'OVIll BUilding lOne ordinance (as published in the SUffolk Times on 4/12/57 and its subsequent amendments) which we feel are being violated in this connection. Re: on october 21, 1963, to the best of our recollection, stakes were laid out for a 16 x 30 building on the above refkred to lot. upon checking with the southold TOwn ]3Uilding Department we were informed that no permit or other information had been made available to the Department in this connection. nuring this week of November 21st through the 26th, a bulldozer was employed to dig out this 16 x 30 foundation; we also called upon supervisor Albertson for help. supervisor Al- bertson in turn called the ]3Uilding Department and he was informed that the Department had indeed been contac1led for approval of a building - a IIboat house" which was to be an- "accessory ~ilding to the erlsting detached garage." Mr. Albertson requested that Inspector Terry look into this Illatter and check what was being done. This MI'. Terry did se'geral days later when he returned from vacation. please note that Inspector Terry checked this excavation on a )~nda,y morning and on tpncUv afternoon of the same day, the bulldozer returned and the excavation was eilarged to 2u x 32 feet. Since that time, a 5 block foundation has been laid and a full size house erected; picture windows have been installed; partitions placed dividing the structure into rooms including a kitchen; re- gulation size doors, cellar doors, cesspool connections, etc. have all been incorporated into the building. And during all tc1is work, this building has been referred to as an "sccessory building" which was to "be used as a boat house. II Finall;y", on November 19th, a permit for a house was re- quested -- and denied -- and the matter is being taken to the Board of APpeals for a variation. we would like to point out that at no time since the foundation was dug was there ever any likeli- hood that this building was to be, in fact, a boat house -- every detail in the planning and con- struction of this building was strictl;y" in accordance with the accepted method 01" planning and building a house to live in. This structure was, in our estimation, constructed with the deH!- berate intent of circumventing the laws of the TOwn of southold, by calling it a IIboat house." We would, at the very beginning, like to point out Article (fl, section (flOO, subsection #1 which defines an accessory building in the following words: "A building, subordinate to the main building on a lot and used for purposes customaril;y" incidental to those of the main building. II The dictionary defines IIsubordinate" as follows: inferior in importance, or rank; secondary; de- pendent.1I since there has never been any reference to this building being acce~sory ~o a1Vthi~ but "he gliraglJ,' om; feidiitgS,: are that it should have neve: gotten past. the :oundatwn be~~g ?Ug s=ce the garage measures approximatel;y" 13 x 21~ and the origllial in1"ormat~on g~ven to the B1UldJ.ng ne- partment was for a 16 x 30 building which is imediatel;y" no longer Subordinate. At the finished size 01" 2h x 32, this building is now 1ft times the size of the building it is supposedly subor- dinate to and is obviously not lJoing to be used for "purposes customaril;y" incidental" to the garage. FUrther, the explanation that this was to be a boat house was (and has now been borne out) completely untrue. The cost of this structure would pay to house IDaJV boats for maJV years in a commercial boat yard. .~lso, we at least, have never heard of a boat "mich had need for such things as picture ,qindows, stoves, cesspools, etc. Also, in connection with this construction, w!t would appreciate your noting that this building is, in part, a duplication of existing facilities within the garage section, to "Wit: a toilet is already extant within the garage, a stove is placed within the garage, water connections are made to the garage; further, sufficient space is available within the garage to store a boat, particular1y in view of the fact that the garage has seldom been used for storage of a car (in fact, the car has been in the garage on1y once to our knowledge since the gar~e has been built.) In reference to the fact that the Z~ming code in Article VIII, Section 103, mentions that an accessory- bu:lilding :(leedll no permits provided all use, height and yard requirements have been met, we 'WOuld again like to call your attention to the true definition of an accessory building. We have at this point reached a time where a house to live in has been built under the label of an accessory building (boat house) ana a permit t.o CaJ..!. it a awe.LLing is now final1y being re- quested. IV going back to our zening ordinance, we find that Article III, sections 303, 304 and 307 clear1y define what can and cannot be built in our district. (In fact, if we want to get reaJJj technical, may we refer you to Article II, section 25 and 26 which define front and rear yards - when used in conjunction "With Article III, section 309, we find that this building is even in the wrong yard for an accessory- building.) We would like to respectful1y call your particular attention to Article VIII, section SOl B which in part refers to the spirit of the ordinance. If nothing else, we feel the spirit of this or- dinance has been gross1y Douted. Again under Article VIII, section SOl-C, part 1-1-4, we find reference made to the purpose and intent of the law. In this same section, under b-l, reference is made to the character of the district -- our parti- cular section has homes well set apart and was one of the prettiest sections; under b-2 reference is made to the conservation of property values - there is no question that this building, si- tuated as it is some 5 feet from our property line with a complete1y blank wall facing us has considerab1y depreciated the value of our property; b-4 refers to sewerage disposal and we be- lieve this s10uld also be considered Qy the proper authorities, i.e., the Department of Health; b-ll refers to the plot size and its adequacy and should be considered in conjunction with the above sections quoted from Article III. continuing under Article VIII, Section 80l-c, special letter C, orders the BOard of APpeals to flimpose such conditions and safeguards as it ma,y deem appropriate, nece1l'saxy or desirable to preserve and protect the spirit and objectives of this ordinance." We feel that we have shown that this is a case where a deliberate attempt has been made to cir- cumvent the laws of the TOwn of southold. The erection of this building and the method Qy which it has been accomplished not on1y shows a complete disregard 41p the laws of our TOvm, but is an insulj to the intelligence of its officials and citizens. under Article X, sections lOll and 1012, the Town of southold is empowered to remedy this situation and we respectful1y request that they now proceed to do so. We would also request that an order be given that further construc- tion on this building be ordered ceased until such time as the Board has had an opportunity to investiga5e and make a decision in this matter. We ask this since, in our opinion, there is no question but that a house has been built illegal1y Qy misrepresentation and that further work will present the TOwn of southold with a fait accompli. In the event that the Board finds that this building is, in fact, a violation, we respectful1y 1tequest that refusal of a Certificate of occupancy be made and, if possible, an order for the removal of said structure be issued. sin.c erely, 7~..-::::7 _ ~_f - ~ & Gl s csajk Bayshore , ad - Arshamomaque Addendum: A. In the event that any attempt is made Qy said property owner named in above reference to have this 100 foot section wnicn he O'IDS declared two separate 50 foot lots, we would like to call to the attention of the Board the following facts: a. the new house is attached to the garage thereQy causing them to be ID nsidered one building; therefore, under Section 301 of Article III, either the house section or the garage section will be in violation of the side yard regulations of the Code as specified in Section )07, since the least possible footage required is 17i feet total and the current clearance is 5 feet on the house side by the adjoining property and about 2 feet on the garage side or common line (1) of property. b. various water facilities connected to the original house run through and from the possible requested second 50 foot lot c. returning again to our original contention, the question of subordination again rises B. We would like to also take this opportunity to question the definition of a livable dwelling as we understand it is considered under the code. we have searched said code and no parti- culars are listed in this connection. However, we have been informed that a slide rule of a stove being instlilled is used as the basis of a livable dwelling. MaY we respectfull;r call the attention of the Board to the fact that Hotels and MOtels are considered livable dwellings and that kitchen equipment is the excepti-on rather than the rule in these establishments. rn fact, and we should not have to point this out in a resort section such as ours, it is much more difficult to find sleeping quarters than to find someplace to eat. F. & G. csajko c.c. Mr. Howard Terry southold TOwn Building Inspector Note: This letter is being sent to the following: southold TOWIl BOard -- Att. Mr L. Albertson Mr. Robert Tasker - southold TOwn Attorney southltld TOwn zoning BOard of APpealstMr. H. Terry - southold TOWIl B-lildJimg rnspector '"" ..... .. ... ~- +.i ' lVoV'~ I /fb~ 4- ~ ( r- . ".~ ~. v: l1TJI'( IJI ,'Ft~ --<? I, I L -- rLiiIJ '" ~G f-' boy .>'ho,., ])"':7 ''''~'uJ'' ~;\ co,. \ y 11 I '" "..,,~ ..- :. ..,,~~.. --.. ------ - - -- . tt . ~..~'~ I -,l \ Ll) J '- _Od 1'\- ..... ~ . " .~ ,1 ~ -- .. r { \ I~i_ ~~~ ~..I - .... \; .-/ ~'<, , ~,~ I f~ '" '" '\ J' Jr:j~~ . ~ r. Ik- -- . ~ ~ , j,. I ! ' f f . . ) I ' v,...,~... I ' , .h_ E:.ll t- I I : W~;r;r \ y.. +,.OM I 1 I Wca'"'' ;.r"'r.. ~..,- r t t I I t ~ I t &o"~r ~ T 1-" 1 .....\....., "'_I.....r.....' , 1 ! I , r ~ 1 1 t J I t -1 j i T -l- 1 r jl 4 r ~