HomeMy WebLinkAbout604__FI~{FdBS TSLAND WT~F. DYSTRI. CT $604 ~.~ Page ._ ! .......................... ..... G~N. TE.D ,_.p.er~,is.,sipn.. ,to__.e.r_ec~.. ~new ..f£r_e_ .ho.u.s_e__at %r~,.-- .in~ er_s_e ¢_tio. n.,_of...Eq_ue stlr.ian_ .Avenue._ and__.A_thol C=e.s_cen_t ._Eishe~s I No\k!' of B~g I pursultnt'tO Section 267 of the II ,Town Law and the provisions of the. Amended Building Zone Qr- ! dinan.e of the Town of Southold Suf~olk County, New York, public . hearings will be held 'rot the Zon- ing Boord of AppealS of the Town of Southold at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on October 10, 1963, on ,the fol- lowing appeals: 7:30 P.M. (E.J;>.s.'I!;) , upon ap- plication of tbie. iFishiq Island Fire District, FtShers ,~d, New York, for .. speci!ll' exception in accordance wtth -<t!le ZOning Or- dinance, Article iiH, Section 306, for pe;mission to-erect ,a new fire :house with insuffici~et_,fr9nt yard setbacks on a rCorn>e! lot. Location of 'property: At the intersection of Equestrian Avenue and. Athol Crescent, Fishers Island, New York, bounded ,north by West End Land Company, east by Athol Cresc1ent, .south by Equestrian! A venue ,and Athol Crescent, and west by Equestrian Avenue. ! 7:45 P.M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon ap-' plication of Robert Hyatt, South- old, New York, ale Madeline Nicol,' Fleetwood Road, Cutchogue, New I York, for a v,ariance m .accordance with the Zoning Ordinanc.e, Arti-, cle Ill, section 300, Subsection 7,1 for permission to er:ect a detached I garage in the front yard ,area. La-I cation of property: east sidel Fleetwood Road, Cutchogue, New York, bounded north by W. A. i Kennedy, east by Creek, south by I W. A. Bangert, and west by Fleet-' ! wood Road. I I 8:15 P.M. (KD.S.T.), upon ap- pUcation of W. Harry Lister, west: Road, Cutchogue, New York, for a i special 'exception in accordance! I with the Zoning Ordinance, ,Arti-'I I ele IlIA, iSection 354 and Section . 358, for permission to maintain [ I an accessory building with insuf-I ficient frontage setback and rearl yard setback. Location of prop- eDty: south side West Road, cutch-I , ogue, New York, bounded 1'lorth bY. I West Road, east by J. R. Nagle. south by Beconlc Bay, and westl by Creek, \ Any person desiring to be heard I on the above applications should' appear at the time and place above specified. LEGAL NOTICE ~ I' DATED: september 26, 1963, By Order of the Southold Town I Board of Appeals. 1 to4', STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY O~' SUFFOLK, 1 } ss: J .'...A 'd-,(<..U. me" ,.....~,.',.', (..~ being duly Sworn, says that. (,,- .. . is Printer and Publisher of the SU~'~'OLK TIMES, " newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the nvtice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been puhlished in the said Suffolk Times once in each week. for week\' SUCC€SSlvcly commencing on the ...__.m..n..lr.:.~':--.;:~.~c-.!-c./i:..l-!....__ f. C<.,..C ~.i.."7i',;", l. ______..'....~:n.. 19(..,.~.___. \. . ~:v'<\.\\.',.n\.:L'\\\, \ S J/ f worn to before me this __...m. J'..:.L.~...... 1 19.I,;..?!. f , day of .\.:~.~." " day of . .('__ t.-;.'.-~t~.:~:....... .z~i:?,~: . C',~, .. ,::) If- ! LEGAL NOMCE Notice of Hearing Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions liof the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, ilSUffOlk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the ilzoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town ilaffice, Main Road, Southold, New York, on october 10, 1963, on 11 lithe following appeals: ,I " 7: 30 P.M. (E.D. S. T. ), upon application of the Fishers Island 'I Ii Fire District, Fishers Island, New York, for a speCial exception Ilin accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, section 306, , I; ilfor permission to erect a new fire house with insufficient front Ilyard setbacks on a corner lot. Location of property: At the It [Iintersection of Equestrian Avenue and Athol Crescent, Fishers I' IIIsland, New York, bounded north by West End Land Company, east !, \lbY Athol Crescent, south by Equestrian Avenue and Athol Crescent, II and west by Equestr ian Avenue. il II II 7: 45 P.M. (E.D. S. T.), upon application of Robert Hyatt, II IISOUthOld, New York, ale Madeline Nicol, Fleetwood Road, cutchogue, II IINew York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, ilArticle III, Section300, Subsection 7, for permission to erect Ii Ila detached garage in the front yard area. Location of property: " Ii lieast side Fleetwood Road, Cutchogue, New York, bounded north by !j Ilw. A. Kennedy, east by Creek, south by W. A. Bangert, and west by II il Fleetwood Road. Page 2 - Legal Notice 8: 15 P. M. (E. D. S. T. ), upon application of W. Harry Lister,i !~est Road, Cutchogue, New York, for a special exception in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IlIA, Section 354 and Sectipn 358, for permission to maintain an accessory building with in- sufficient frontage setback and rear yard setback. Location of property: south side West Road, Cutchogue, New York, bounded north! by West Road, east by J. R. Nagle, south by peconic Bay, and west by Creek. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: September 26, 1963, By Order of the Southo1d Town Board of Appeals. * * * PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, OCTOBER 4, 1963, AND FORWARD FOUR (4) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. * * * Copies mailed to the following on september 27, 1963: The Suffolk Times The Long Island Trave1er-Mattituck watchman Fishers Island Fire District Robert Hyatt, ale Madeline Nicol Richard J. Cron, Esq., ale w. Harry Lister. SOMEONE SHOULD APPEAR AT THE HEARING FORM ~O. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD. N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No. . ...~.;?1!33. ... ....... Date ........ ....... $.~ptelll'b~~.....U....... 19.~3.. To .:rhA~.r.S...J.tI;I..!lI:1d ~~r.!l\~..X.nQ...AlC...l1sher8 Island Fire District ....... ,.'tS.Mr.lLr.~l-.M~. N..Y. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated .. . .!?~P1;~.IllP.f:l:r..),9., 19.~3.. for permit to construct .t1;r~.house. .. at the premises located at .....~~~!!'.~:r.~.~.~ 4~~.9+.~C.:r.tl.llCl.tll11;^"', ......... ... Street Fishers Island, N. Y. Map 1,(.,.~.'~~' . ...Block.. . ,...X!!:, .' Lot , x:KX.. ..... .. ...... is ~,~~.~t~,t#~~t~, disapproved on the followirw ground' insufficient setback ...........-,.... .... ...............,................ ....f):~()1I\ .~.1.~.l1..e.r..e.tr."'f!tL...,4r..H~.1.~.I:q, .l!e~1;1911.J~ ' Check of . 10.00 returned herewith as no tee is required from a Fire District for a building permit. 4C--J,^,,' C L"/-'7 .............:................~........ ....'.... ............................. Building Inspector _NO.1 Examined ........~:::-.+::....U......, 19..~~. TOWN OF SOUTH OLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. . Z).I€"3 Approved ........................................, 19........Permlt ~<a. ............................. Disappreved ale .......~~...~.....&-;.tt..~...;.f.~....... I .. l./~3. ApplicatIon NO'. ............................ c:;.,A.. I I ( - '1 0 :;, ........................................................................................................................ ..................!f..:..~............................. (Building Inspector) APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT September 10 6) Date ...................................................., 19........ INSTRUCTIONS a. This applicatien must be cempletely filled in by typewriter er in ink and submitted in duplicate to the Building I nspecte r. b. Plet plan showing lecation of lot and of buildings on p remises, relationship to' adjeining premises er public streets er areas, and giving a detailed descriptien ef layout ef property must be drawn on the diagram which is part of thi~ applica- tion. c. The werk cevered by this application may net be cemmenced befere issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval ef this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to' the applicant. Such permit shall be kept en the premises available fer inspectien througheut the progress of the work. e. No building shall be occupied er used in whole or in po rt for any purpese whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspecter. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to' the Building Department fer the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance ef the Tewn of Southold, Suffolk Ceunty, New Yerk, and ether applicable Laws, Ordinances er Regulatiens fer the constructien ef bui Idings. additiens. 01 terations, er fer remeval er demelition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to' comply with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations. n.hers I.land 'ar.... IDa. ................................................................................................ (Signature of applicant, or name, if a corperation) n.h... Island Rew 1m ................................................................................................ (Address af applicant) State whether applicant is ewner, lessee. agent, architect. engineer. general centracter, electrician. plumber or builder. G.n.ra1 Contraotor ................................................................................................................................................................................................ Name of ewner of premises ............~~lIh.~..~lI~~..~.... ~~.~1.c.t................................................................................. 1. Lecatien ef land en which propesed werk will be dene. Map No.: ........................................ Lot Ne.: ...................... Street and Number ..............1.~~~?~..~..~~lI~~~Il...'~~.!..~.~...~~.~.~...~~~.~~~~'...~~lIh.~~lI..~~~~............ Municipality 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of propesed censtructien. Yaoant led at present (-A- Raddent1a1 area) o. Existing use and occupancy ................................ ................................................................................................ lire 1Iou. b. Intended use and occupancy ................................ ....,........................................................................................... 3. Natu.re of work (check which oPf' ,ble): Ne~. Building .......~........... Add, .1 ....:............. Alteration ......k........ Repair .................. Removal.................. Demolition .................. Other Work (Describe) .................. I, \ Estimated Cost . ..~,.~~~....................................... Fee .......... ."1.o...~.......................................... .~..........:.. ..;~.... (to be paid on filing this application) \ If dwelling, number of dwelling units ...........:':................... Number of dwelling units on each floor .............::-............:. If garage, number af cars ............................................ ................................................................................................ If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use~~..~.l!'................. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front ............................ Rear ..........................., Depth .............................. . Height ............................ Number of Stories ................ ......................................................i.,....................................... Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front ................................ IRear ................................ ,~\ . Depth ................................ Height ................................ Number of Stories .......................:...,.... Dimensions of entire new construction: Front8.1.~~"'.................... Rear ...3.7.!.~................ De~th .~.t~................... Height ..24~..o.................. Number of Stories .....~.................. '\ Size of lot: Front .....#'-~.................. Rear .............IP?............ Depth ......~~....~~~..P.~.D.&. Date of Purchase ..........1~......................................... Name of Former Owner ~.~..~..~.~...~.,!........................... Zone or use district in which premises are situated. .... .~~~...~"~~!!~~...................................,~,,.......................... - 'I' Does proposed construction violate any zoning low1 ordinance or regulation? .............................................................. Name af Owner of premisesa,)..IP...~.......n1:'J...~.IlA!ldreSs~r;:~.~~.~~,...~~.~l~.. Phone NO~Z'~24'f6 . IIuih Mol. .loa.. Ol'd, Conn. 01'''-;;0 Name of Architect .................................................... Address ................................................ Phane No. ~.......... Name of Contractor ~.~...~.~..!~...;.':l.O'~................... Address .~~~.~~.~...~~~...~~..~~!:~....... Phone No. .......:~~~.. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set-back dimensions from property lines. Give street and block numbers or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or corner lot. .~ / :-1, qj ~1'0~\$F O~E~~............~ 5.5. ~ ........................................~~...~~..~~~~~...~~~.................being dul sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant (Name of individual signing applicatiot));> \ ~ above named. He is the ..............~'!'...~.~.~.~.~........X..Q,?.:.....~t~~~y:g~.~t:.~~~;;~~~t~..~ffi~~~:.~t~:)............................. of said owner Or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best a his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set farth in the application filed therew tho Sworn to before me this ( .............J~...... day of .....~.~~...................."'~WN~?.. \ D \ \.^~ Notary Public .....~;-.~~..~~~.d~:\~::~~[~.f C';;. ,,~~............n. .is.ig~~tu.;~.;f .\I;;;ii~.~~ti............................. ,"(J'''' Q,.lj{;edin~-'.u~".r~"mty., ,/' Te;';::;~:':'!':; Mer::h 30. 19 & ") "'--. /" J .I~ - ~~ / r.7?f " I c::t E] ~ 'if l-- TOWN .oF SOUTBOIJD, NEW YOR. p.#~ APPLICATION NOGof DATE _..fM..1e.J.... APPLICATION F10R ~ EXCEP'I']QN TO THE ZON:NG BOARD OF APP~, SQUTHOLD, N. Y. xr, (We) Eisher.s...lsland..Fir..e...Dis.tr.ic.t........._......of ..............................R.i. ~.h.~!'..~....!~ la,m;L..._...."............_.....".......................... Name SliI'eet and Numbe<" _.::r.:.<?..~._.':>.~".~"<>.~.!J.l:.c:>.!~L."...,,................... .......... Municipality ...__...._............".....N.\'!.w...x.Q:r.~_...._...."..........................._..."....._ state lrereby apply to THE WNING BOARD OF APPEALS fo~ a SPEClAL EXCEPTliON In a.ccordance' with the ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE III SECTION 306 SUlB8ElCTJ:ON THE SPECIAL EXCEPTroN IS REQUESIrnD BECAUSE The premises in question located at the intersection of Athol Crescent Drive and Crescent Avenue is to be used by the applicant for the construction of a new fire house for the Fishers Island Fire District. The applicant proposes to construct the building having a setback from Athol Crescent Drive of 16 feet and a setback from Crescent Avenue of 20 feet. Because of the fact that the premises in question slope sharply to the north I and that area of the premises consists of low marsh land, it is impossible to construct a building on this portion and for that reason the building must be kept as far as possible to the south. In doing this the side yards will be reduced as indicated above. It is believed that the location of the building as aforesaid will be in the public interest in that it is necessary to have the building as near as possible to the streets for rapid exit by fire appar- atus in the event of a fire alarm. Such location will not prevent the ordinary and reasonable use of adjacent property, will not adversely effect the safety, health, welfare and comfort of the inhabitants of the Town and will be in harmony and will promote the general purposes of the ordinance. STATE ,oF r-.'EW YORK ) ) ss COUNTY OF Suffolk ) :!:C" Sworn to this _...t..!............."..... day of J?.~P.!.!l.:mQ..~.I:....., 19.......Q.;L.. -~ ...c:L~ ~ FORM ZB2