HomeMy WebLinkAbout526 COUNTY OF SUFF0LK } ss: STATE OF NEW YORK NOTICE OF HEARING pursuant to Section 267 of the Town LaWI and the provisions of the Amend- ed Build1ng Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County. New York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Sauthold, at the Town Clerk Office. Main Road. SOuthold, New. York, on November 8. 1962. on the following appeals: 7:30 P. M. (E.S.TJ. upon apPlication of Joseph Romano, ale Tollewood As- sociation. Meday Avenue, Mattituck, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the zoning Ordinance, Article m, Section 300, Subsection 3A, for permission to establish a private CQmmunity marina at the northerly end of Illinois Avenue, Tollewood Sub- division, Mattituck, NeWi York. 7:45 P. M. (E.S.T), upon application of Charles K. Bittner. Main street, New Suffolk, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordin- ance, Article IV, Section. 400. Subsec- tion 1, as it refers to Article m, Sec- tion 303, for permission to divide prop- \ erty intQ two parcels each containing! insufficient frontage and area. Loca- ( tion of property: south side Main, street, east side second Street, New ~ Suffolk, New, York, bounded north Iby , Main street, east by F. Flurry, south by Parker and A. Polashock, and west by Second Street. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear, at the time and place above specified. DATED: october 25, 1962, By order of the Southold Town Board of Appeals. C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN . , a publiC news- paper printed at South old, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is 0 printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ...(~;.....l.~.<....../...::'-:.~/.... week~/ successively, commencing on the " ,J ___f - .....................?::-;.,............. day of ..........):-;..d.:>:Z'!i"'" 19A:..",'- i h fl /L./~)/ , :v1.../l/v~ _~--' / A.. -i;/(' / ............................. ..~./._, ,,' . .................../.....................;)1"".-:-...... . ....& '( Sworn to before me this .....) day of --) ,~ ., - ".. / ) ........".:&..C-......?..k..... 19 Gc ".. ., ......... I .. .. / .. / /.1 1/ / ( .... jY / ' " /.. /i" . ........... .~.-€'...L".""'.;-~"....... .......,<fJ:/.;/.'!. ~/ - Notary Public / ... .. ........... I /" ~ &' ~ II I, I' il " I; Ji I' d :1 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing " !i ., ri ii i' Ii Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions Ii il II of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, I' Ii il Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the II Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of southold, at the Town I Clerk Office, Main Road, southold, New York, on November 8, I I 1962, on the following appeals: I I 7:30 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Joseph Romano, ale Tollewood Association, Meday Avenue, Mattituck, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 3A, for permission to establish a px1vate community marina at the northerly end of II I Illinois Avenue, Tollewood subdivision, Mattituck, New York. 7: 45 P.M. (E. S. T.. ), upon application of Charles K. Bittner, Main street, New Suffolk, New york, for a variance in accord- I ance with the zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Section 400, Subsecti n II I, as it refers to Article III, Section 303, for permission to divide property into two parcels each containing insufficient frontage and area. Location of property: south side Main Street, east side Second street, New Suffolk, New York, bounded north by Main street, east by F. Flurry, south by Parker and A. Polashock, and west by Second Street. , I I I I , i II II I 'I I, ii " n II 1! 11 :1 A.ny per son desiring to be heardoQn the above applications should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: October 25, 196*, By order of the Southold Town Board of Appeals. * * * r I' II jI li II Page 2 - Legal Notice Ii '; 'i I, PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, NOVEMBER 1, 1962, AND FORWARD THREE (3) ! " Ii II AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS of TOWN CLERK Ii j! ii l! II ii I I r : I II n Ii I; ! 888 II Copies mailed to the following on October 29, 1962, the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck watchman Joseph Romano, alc Tol1ewood Association Walter G. Kapp, Esq., alc Charles K. Bittner I Ii [I II II I i I SOMEONE SHOULD APPEAR. AT THE HEARING I I I II 'I II II II I I I II ,1 II II I I, I II II " " I' ,I " Ii " ~ i ,I ~ j _._"--"~~_.< ju-!J -~ fP-d TOWN OfF SOUTBOID, NEW yon.. APPLICATION FOR SNJC[AL EXCEPTIOIN APPLICATION NO. S d( ~ DATE 1tl,B.f/.t;.~ TO 'nfE ZON~NG BOARD OF APPEALS. SOUTHOLD. N. Y. I. (We) T h Romano Ale TollewoodAssociation Meda Ave .....>I..Ql?.!;!IL........................... . .......... .....i........................_......_.....of ................................... ....................._...__.lI:.._..................................,........... Name Stjreet and Numb& .._...._....M1!,j;,.t.;!,.:t..]J.g~...... ........................"...... Municipality ....................,..............,.........N..!.x..!... .................................................._ state he.eby apply tc THE OONLNO BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTlON In accordance, with the ZamNO ORDWMroE ARTICLE III SECTION 300 SUIEBECTroN 3A THE SNlCIAL EXCEPTroN IS REQUES'tED BECAUSE: Our group has received a permit to erect a dock at the foot of Illinois Ave, Tollewood subdivision, Mattituck, N.Y. and we wish to use it as a mutual mooring for our resident members. It would be classified as a marina for private small boats, but not as a profit venture for anyone person, and be located in an "A" Residential & Agricultural district. This use would in no way harm or change the character of the area as there are many individual owners of boats that will have a better place and means to keep their craft. Any further information will be supplied at the request of the Board of Appeals. (send notice to Allan Cox) For the Tollewood Association STATE OF NEW YORK ) )ss COUNTY OF Suffolk) -H..,.......~~.........._..... Sworn to th~s ......:-.........2.~f .z1'....O";tober....... 19.....6.2.._... -.........-9 ~i4~.~~...._........._....... JUDITH T. BOKEN ,\)'otar;! FU\li;c, State of New York r.,o. S2.C344963, Suffolk County ~ Commission Expires March 30, 19& FORM ZB2 I i, ~ll"" ,~,'"-, ' !?,tJ.';)~,,'_"" ';~"" ,- '."';',"- <.i'.~-~~~"~'" - ro_ NO.1 TOWN OF SOUTHOlO BOARD Of TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN ClERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. !\C>!.- ~~ EX'"l1111ed~'~", ApproVl'd '" '7..f>4,...."~-.:.:,' 1),<'. ,~, ,.-, Permit '\0, .......................... m'apI>foved ah'................... . ...,f:Z"...~~~~.~~.......... .~;,~i;,:,~ll... ~(:~;~..:; .;~~~~~....... ~ICA lION FOR PERMIT .1')6.1...-.. Application No. . INSTRUCTIONS .\. Thi:-; appli(ation to he ~'otl1pktely filled III l'y t)'pt.\\ riu'r ,q- III till.. and _...uhmitted to the Town Trustees m dup- licate. 'L Plot plan showing location of lot and huildings on premi:-;r:--. relation to adjoining premises, public streets. Il;lrk~. etc" and giving- detailed de~criptillll (If pn'pll:->cd layout IIf JlHlject mu.,t he drawn on diagram which is part (l! this application. C. The \\'Ilrk {-()q~red hy this application Illa)" not he commenced hduTl' the i~Sl1allc(, of a permit. j). "P011 apl,nlvaI flt thi~ application, Town Trustee:" will i~"ttt' a l't~rmit to applkant. Such permit ~llall he kept (/1: tLt. prt't1lbl'-' alPl ;l\'aiJahk for in:-,p..ctioll at all times. I,: .\llplieant :-;11:111 ll(lt1iy t1lt' Hoard of Tru~t<'es UP(lfl comp.letiof1 of the work \'(Jvered by permit. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Board "f Trllsl('es ,.; lh,' T,,\\,11 of S<<tllholrl, Suffolk County. '\e\\' l.or~, flJr tIll' j-..,uiillce of a IH.'rmit pur~t1ant to the la\\~, Ordinances and n'g-111ati(ltl~ ~"\Trning (nf1structiun of: (lock~. pier:" bulkheads. jt'tlys and dredging- in, und('r, and over the watt'r~ (If Tll\,",1 ()f ~{Jut,llOld. The applicant agret'~ '(I cOIl1}Jly with all ap"'plicahle laws, ordinances, reg-ulations and ('onditiun:-, s}lt'cifit'd hy said trush'('~. ann f(1 hnld ,1(' Town of South old. al1d all):,,,wn officials jr~c "0m l~.!>ilil) ami dalllages .,1 any kind. , \a",e oj "\\"'J" .f l,n'llIi'es ..l(.t:2:':!:J:rI.((H~.'t!.,....~...,J<':.((I',!i.'t"t:~f'. . ....,,~"-j..'.'J:'..'. "C".\,j.j", ": i'r"l,nt) )Ji'. t;/~'.~l.tk..-l!r-.?-~..~.(l..r.'(..,(,'-.'t(.......... II,me ad.l,es., Ii (lther Than Location.. .!.{l. f .~:)03.. .f1:.hJ.t!7,u. .v'<<:i. KARl" ~)E.:~<tI..)!.-?.I!.<L,.".;;.!.-~ (r('ek. l:ay or Ilarhor Fronting I'ropelty-?lj4.t.ri.( 1'ld&l.~H'./.(.6'/~1I: L.{.'. /~~~l.<l......:.......... I'l'lIlI!l He,!l1t"lt'd To:#V1-GC'l:-J<. })"a"'If:!"'." 11.1. .1::... (l..<</r:t.~I'(<r. !~/'I' r&.A~.~. .{<. ~~.~..... ~i/t' oj Proposed Wurk: LCllgthi.' ....)"<~!... Width. .I/.110~"i~hth ';J'I).e, Hi~~~,t"J"/,4.""/""4,/ r:lt'pth Btlow T.()w \Vatt'r....:=I... ......\V(.rage Rise InTid('..\-~.F..!...YClf(lstl'ItExcavated....~.I":'.r..<r:. \<\'idth of Canal. Cre('k ! IT Bay Fronting- r~~_~Ctrty. . .;:4. t<.(': :/~.t./ . I It;pth at 1,ow Tide ....,......... :'-', .... . . 1.: Thi~ Fur Pri\ ate (II' Bl1:-;illt.':--~ l.~."('? . L. 1.1-. ( .'-;(, .(~" . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. :\rea Zt.11iJ1~ . {t'.'1. f .(".(< ._.<.~.,: (. ( mplett.' 1,;,'t plall to he' dra\\ 11 (ill J"t'\ ('r~l'.;idt_. of t~ljS applicati(Jn~t'tt~ t I( }</{-u.'-tt.../f S~~ ,.)f' (,K... ., ' ,',,: ~ 7' .~. f ' /",T" " >-"\ ',-- ~" .: . of, ~.'- . ,. i \ -....1, ,.......... ~ ~!: l/.; ". ,'o'/~.~ , ~ " ~/~'y: ~ '\ "''l~' ., -" I; ..'" . 1>'['M, AV~-- . .\.' c I / ).:J.:-:' }"'" COUNTYOFo\/"!//I/r) 1/., 'i(!l(\tl\/'~ , '/"';;r'4l:j,!...U~,L., 'c:rlr//-4<Y~'/,. .. } j, tlV ) ~}/ ~/...- (,(({.t!.il\ l' ,dj't,,[rr;,,'r!!( ([l',.{'<l,ltf~ f...lhf- .ft::L( /J /1 {. 7'1 /'/ /.~ ( I",,,,,, '"l\' "",r" <Ielll''''' and says that h,' Is th(' applicant lor the above do, ,,:ri rI pOllnitl and thal all statemenl.." 'lameo her,'in a,(' trlle ," ,I." h('>! "f his knowledge and belief; th.3t.the \\ur \\'111 bt: UPIH' 111 the manner set tllrth In the ~pp1TratlOn alld a~;i {Ived hy t\I(' Board of Trnstees of the Town .>1 "::'~lUtlh,ld, auel the applicant agree." to l1'IJd th( 'L'\\1J uf Sutlthullt <llld ~aid tru~tet'S harmles~ and free from an)' "',1 all damages 1nd (l(lim~ ari...;il1g IlfHln e,r II)' \'irltle uf said p~rmit. STATE OF NEW YORK ".ltary public,('..\~\.f,~J~..X..: . " . ~:< ~'::::~; l day Of''''l'' ... 19f-...~. ~,f./1 ~t... ,,.. "^'I'i:;JJ(.ti "f. ff.(-U:~. . . (f.tt:tl ,(. ~ ~~"-&e() ."'--.4'1': S\\'orn tel before me thi.... . \ ~ (\J ~ .:;t:. ~ ~ ,!- ---- // I '?/ o ' /0' A v e::..... /!/4 ~ ~ "'" (1', ~ ~ \6 ~ -" :1'> ~ t (") >:. ~\ ~ ~ - " '" '2:" ~ <r -I- C1 -p ~ :;t:, ~ < () -;y- ~bft'V j , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I , I I , ... , \ \ \ \ \ \, \ \ \ f..V I'''': " f-"v ",l';;; , '-.' (.. ~",,,,, ~! ~ ...~ ~ ~ -. --- ' m;D/'t'! 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