HomeMy WebLinkAbout500 r---- - I " LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING I Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town i i Law and the provisions of the Amend-! 'ed Building Zone Ordinance of the i Town of Southold, Suffolk County.' New York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town Clerk Office, Main Road. Southold, 'New York, on August 30. 1962, on t.he- I following appeals: i 7:30 P. M. (E. D. S. T.l, upon applic- i ation of Helen F. Thompson, Ba.yview I Avenue. Southold, New York, for a variance in accordance w.ith the Zon- II I ing Ordinance, Artie:\!! m, 8ec.tlon 1300. Subdivision 7, for permission to I erect an accessory storage building in I the front yard of her property. Loc- ation of property: Lots 59 and 60. in,' "Summer Haven", Southold, New York, bounded north by D. J. Bunger, east I by Bayview A venue, south by SledjeskL and west by Arshamomoque Pond. I 7:40 P. M. (E. D. S. TJ, upon applic-I aUon of Philip M. Lauro, 2038 schen-l ectady Avenue, Brooklyn, New York.: for a special exception in accordancE" with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III. Section 306, for permission to erect a 'residence on a corner lot with reduced : front yard setback on one street (In- 11et Drive'. Location of property: west side Inlet Drive and Miriam Road. Lot No. 24, Capt. Kidd Estates, Matt~ tuck, New York, bounded north by D. Strategos. east by Inlet Drive. south by Miriam Road, and west by 'I:. A. Twomey. 7:50 P. M. (E. D. S. T.l, upon appliM.- Uon of Millard A. Northridge, Circle Drive, Jamesport. New York, for spec- ial exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article X, Section 1007. Subsection (b), for permission to change the use of his property to a, lower classification. Location of pro~ i perty: south side Route 25, Laurel,_! New, York, Let No.2 in G. 1. Tuthill: Subdivision. Property bounded north I by Route 25. east by S. Kander, south by K. Tuthill, and west by Venteau. 8:15 P. M. (E. D. S. T.), upon applica- . tion of Charles G. Schwetje and Ed- ward J. Smith, Riley A venue, Matt. ituck, New York, for a variance in ac- cordance with Article III, section 303, for permission to divide property into t~.o parcels each containing less front- age and area than prescribed in the ordinance, and section 280A of the New, York State Town Law for re- cognition of access. Location of prop- erty: north side Riley Avenue, Matt~ ituck, New York, part of Lot No. 7 on map of G. H. - W. T. & D. T. Riley. Property bounded north by DePetris. east by F. S. Bergen, south by Riley Avenue, and west by W. B. Berliner. 8:30 P. M. (E. D. S. TJ, upon appllca-: tion of Irving and Eleanor Scholtz_ ! I Main Road, Laurel, New York, for a I special exception in accordance with I the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Sec:~ I tion 400, Subsection 9, for pennission. to install gas pumps, diesel fuel and I kerosene on the premises of their gen- i COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK } SS: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which theonnexed is a printed copy, hos been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ........t2.d.~J,./.J... weeks successively, commencing on the ..............d;..-~-::S-d..f;/..... d~ o,~~~t'Jtlft~Qmm I -G~ Sworn to before me this ...:::?9............. day of ......{)...e..,.;'..{.[......, 19.c;:.:~ '7 { 'd ........((~..f..<:.f..~...........~.!.:.5f..2..~~........ Notary Public (j 'Clot ,,1'1;, ",' Iii ~. ".;.' -7 ,I' ::'\'......' ,',;0./"(.> i/j, :',;4- '::;7 eral store. Location of property: north , side Route 25, Laurel, New York, bounded north by M. & M. Scholtz, I east by S. Saunders, south by Route 25 and west by E. Scholtz. 8:45 P. M. (E. D. S. TJ, upon applica- tion of Robert Purcell and Anne 14'. Purcell of Greenport, NeW1 York and Elsa B. Cerbie of Southold, New York, , for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, section 303, for permission to reduce frontage and area of a lot located on the west side of M:Rdison street, Greenport, New York, bounded north by J. Hel~ in ski, east by Madison Street, south by 'G. Smith, and west by Fleetfleld SUb- 'dlvlslon. 9:30 P. M. (E. D. S. T.), upon applica. tion of Raymond J, Sla.vin, Oak and Broadwaters Road, Cutchogue, New; York, for a special exception in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance, Art- icle III, Section 306, for a rehearing upon the denial of the Board of Ap- peals to reduce present setba.ck from, 26 ft. 6 in. to 15 ft. Location of pro. perty: Oak and Broadwaters Road, Cutchogue, New York, bounded nortl1 by Oak Drive, east by E. T. Ozark south by M. E. Belz, and west by Broad- waters Drive. 10:00 P. M. (E. D. S. T.), Upon app- lication of Raymond Doyen, Oriental Avenue, Fishers Island, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zon. ing Ordinance, Article In, Section 300, Subsection 7, for pennission to erect detached garage in the front yard area on The Gloaming. Location of prop- erty: corner of Oriental A venue and The Gloaming, Fishers Island, New York, bounded north by The Gloam- ing, east by Montauk Avenue, south by D. W. Sinclair, and west by Orient- al Avenue. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: August 16, 1962, By Order of the Southold Town Bo....d of Ap- peaJI. LEGAL lfO'l'ICB " ,) Notice of aearJng ~ j ii Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the proviaions " Ilof the Mended BUilding Zone Ord1nance of the Town of Southold, IISUffOlk County, 5_ York, publ1c hearinqs will be held by the l~onin9 Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town CleJk !i I~ffice, Main Road, sou thold , New York, on August. 30, 1962, on the Ii '!follOWing appeals i! II Ii 7:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon app11catlon of Helen F. Thompeon, IBaYVi- Avenue, Sout.hold, New York, for a variance in accordance ~ith the ..;ooinq Ord1nance, Article Ill, Sectial 300, Subdiviaion 7, for permiasion to erect an acc:.s.ory stora91l buildinq in the front. yard of I "SUJlIIIler least. by her propert.y. LoCation of propert.Yl Lots 59 and 60, in Haven", .;outhold, New Yom, bounded north by D.J. auog'er, aayview Avenue, south by Ile4jeslti, an4 west by ArshlUllOlllOqU front yard .et1:Nlclt on one street. (Inlet. Drive). Locatjcn of I property: weat side Inlet Drive anei Mir1alll aoad, Lot No. 24, Pond. I II I I 7.40 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Philip M. Lauro, i 12038 IchenecUlly Avenue, aroolclyn, !few York, for a apecial -c:eptioi in accor4ance with the Zonil19 Ordinance, Article Ill, Sectlon 306, I i I i i for pe:raisaion t.o erect a reaidence on a corner lot with reduced i Capt.. JUdd Eatates, Matt.ituc:k, NewYorlc., bounded north by D. stratevts, _at by Inlet Drive, aouth by Mir1alll aoad, and west. by T. A. 'l'WclIDey I Ii II I circle Drive, Jameaport, New York, for a special _ception in I, accor4ance with the zooinq Ordinance, Article X, Sect.ion 1007, II Subsect.ion (b), for permission to chanqe the us. of hia property II to . lower classification. Location of propert.y: south side Ii IIRoute 25, Laurel, New York, Lot No. 2 in G. 1. 'l'\Ithill Subdivision. 7:50 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon applicat.ion of Millarei A. Northridq , II i' I' ilPage ::: - Lt 1 Notice I, IIProperty bounded north by Route 25. east by s. Kande:r:. south by i' II ilK. 'I'uthill.. and west by vent.au. " , ;j :i 8,15 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Charles G. Schwetje Ii and Edwa:r:d ,.1. Smith. Riley Avenue. Mattituck. Mew York. fo:r: a if ! II variance in accordance ,dt.h "'rticle III. Seetion 303. for permissio+ i I to divide property into two parcels each containing less frontage I and area than prescribed in the Ordinance. and Section 28011 of the I New York state Town Law for recoqnit1.on of access. Locat1.on of I p:r:opertYI I i I :::':O~7'::':::'~'':~t"~-'~'S~'':'::'~' .::'.:'~ :::::'::..-:::... I and _st by W. B. lIe:r:liner. , II :1 I' I Scholtz. Main Road. Laurel. New Yorlt. for a special exception in north side Riley Avenue. MAttituck. .liew l!'orl<. part of 8.30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.). upon application of Irving and Eleanor accordance with the Zoning ordinance. Article IV. Section 400. Subsection 9. for permission to install gas pumps, diesel fuel and 'kerosene on the p~.es of the1:r: qeneral ato:r:e. Location of p:r:operty, north side Route 25. Laurel. 1;_ Yo:r:k. bounded north by M. " M. Scholtz, eaat by S. "unders. south by Route 25 and west , 'I II bY E. Scholtz. iI I I 8:45 P.M. (E.D.S.T.). upon application of Robert Purcell and Anne M. Purcell of Gre.npert. New York and Elsa .B. Cerbie of leuthold, New York. for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordi. nee. Article 111. Section 303. for peX'lll188ion to reduce frontage and a.ea of Ii lot located on tMt west Bid. of MAdison Street. Greenpo:r:t. New York. bounded north by J. Helinski. ...t by Mlldiaon Street.. south bY G. SI1lith, and weat by Fl..ti1eld i i' II II , i! Subdivision. ji , :! Ii " II h I~aqe 3 - Le.,,_l Notice i! 9.30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Raymond J. Slavin, !IOak and lilroadwaters aoad, cutchogue, lilew -rorlt. for a special !I Ilexeeption in accordance with the Zoning ordinance. Article Ill, il section 306, for a rehearing upon the denial of thE' soard of h " il Illl.ppeals to reduce present setback from 26 ft. 6 in. to 15 ft. Ii Location of property: oak and Broadwaters Road, cutchogue, N_ i! i' I fork, 1:Iounded no~ by oak Drive, e..t 'by E. '1'. Czar:k. south by I M. E. Belz, and _st by aroadwaters Drive. Ii 10,00 P. M. (E. D. S. . '1'), upon application of lUlymond DOyen, II oriental Avenue, Fishers Xsland, N_ Yor:k, for a variance in I I accordance with the zoning Ordinance. Article IU.. section 300, Subsectioo 7, for per1lliaaion to erect cietached garage in the front yard area on The Gloaming. LOCation of property. corner of oriental Avenue and The Gloaminq, Fi.her. Xaland, New York, bounde{ north by The Gloaminq. _st by Montauk Avenue, south by Ii o. W. Sinclair, and _at by oxiental Avenue. II II Any person deairing to be heard on the a))ove applicationa should appear at the t~ and place above specified. i II Ii II I II " I I I I I I: Ii II DA'.l'BD: August 16, 1962. By Ordex of the southold Town Board of Appeal.. ... ... ... PLEASE PUBLISH OIIlCE, ,!'\UGUS'1' 23. 1962. AI1D I'ORWUD NINE (9) Al'l'lDAVX'l'S or P'tlBLlCA'1'XOM 'l'O 'l'R1!: BOMlD 01' APPEALS, SOliTHOLD. it it * Copies maned to ~.',e following on August 17, 1962, w8t+an The LOng Island '1'rave1er-Mattituck __ LOnc1on J)ay (DOyen hearinfJ) II II Ii " :1 I, i! Ii Ii Belen F. Th0lllP8on afb1lip M. Lauro Millard A. Northridge Wi1l1anl Wickham. a/c Schwetje " Smith Irving and Eleanor Scholu Stanley corwin. a/c Purcell aayw:>nd J. Slavin aaymond DOyen. SQMBQJO: 88Q;JJd) All">> A'r TD JiBAB,.G TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL N0..560 DATE !3.!t.~?................ TO THE ZONIN(; BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, N. Y. Robert Purcell and Anne M. Purcell, both of Greenport, New York,and I, (We) .. El.aa.. .13..... .a"r.bie. ............ ................ of .S.au.thal.d. ...N.e.w. ..Y ark ................... .......... Nome of Appellont Street ond Number Municipality ............................HEREBY APPEAL TO State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION ~~WY.:&KJ. ...................................... DATED ...........e:::3::':6.~............................ WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO of ...............................!il!P.P.l'Ilhn.1o.ft................................ Name of Applicant for permit ...~:':':.~..................................................................................................... Street and Number Municipality State (X) PERMIT TO USE ( ) PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY ( ) 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY .'l\'b...M.~.d.;l..!i1.Q.n...S.1o.....,...Z.Z.5..'....fI...lf9.d.n..Ro.ad.....Gr.El,,;nport tax map Sheet 5, Sch. Dist. 10 Street Use District on Zoning Map Mop No. Lot No. 4C~{51 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph af the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) ~303 Utmj{ Y; 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith far (x) A VARIANCE to the Zaning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New Yark Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal XXast (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request far a special permit ( ) request far a variance ond wos made in Appeol No. ................................Dated REASON FOR APPEAL i ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 (X) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) is requested for the reasan that there are practical differences and unneee..ary hardships imposed upon the appellants with respect to the sale and use for residential purposes of the premises in question. Form ZBl (Continue on other side) REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- sary HARDSHW because it would preclude the use of the premises for residential purposes and because of the development and the neighborhood of the premises it iB no longer useful for agricultural purpo,ses. 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shored by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because of the nature and development of the lands in the vicinity. 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because the situation with respect to the premises in question is prevalent in the vicinity, particularly with respect to other parcels of property sold from the larger piece of which the premises in.qllestion were recently a part. ,/ /.--- -.-----...." -, /'- ../: ' ( STATE OF NEW YORK ~ ss ..."'....(.!.~d.<;..'....<d(..,,.L.~.;..~...(.;.:..<............ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) SiQnatl,lre ~'( "- Anne M. PurcelL, ror the appellants ~ this ..................~~..~.....: day of.....A~lrn.liI.t................................... 1962 '''. ( '" h '. / . . ,'f, C\" \.'- \~. \.~lc'"--/,,,/\. :'>.... . (. ....;.........................~...~.ry.. ......~~T]:n;ii'~,~~7~ York , Hhidinv ill S-l'fjnll; CO\lI:ry C1k~. No. ;\:! - ." '! c 4 c 0 C',. 1-'-' .1,_-.I,'~ifV.f6.( fllllf':I:'c',lnn ,\;1',"('" -'. ...., FORM ~O. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No. ..Le.tter..ot'August;),.J.,962.... Date ...... . .. August ....6.......... 19...62 To St/J.nleY..C.or.w1n, .......443.. Maln..St. .....Gr.e.enpor.t,.U. Y. ..At.torney.,......A/c. Robert Purcell & Elsie Cerb1e PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated ... ...August...3.... 196.2... for permit to ,~.ul...oiX. .aet...off..lot. ... at the premises located at ....W/$;. lV'l8.Q;1,san. at Street Greenport, N.Y. Map ......XXX..... .. ..Block . ..... ........xxx......... . Lot. .XXJGl\ .... ... .... ....... is returned herewith and disapproved on the followirw ground' ....Ins:daf..fic.i.ent...trontage .~I'.l~..~~!')..,.. .~:t..UI. .$eo.,)Ol.............. ~ I '--' . C!rYAJ (~~Ei;;g I~~:c;;;;r .................. STANLEY S. CORWIN ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW 443 MAIN STREET GREENPORT, NEW YORK Greenport 7-00'76 August 3, 1962 Mr. Howard Terry, Building Inspector Southold Town Hall Southold, New York Dear Mr. Terry: Mr. Robert Purcell and his sister-in-law, Anne M. Purcell, have under contract to Elsie B. Cerbie a parcel of property near the Village of Greenport desoribed as follows: beginning at a monument on the westerly line of Madison street 225 feet southerly along said westerly line from the North Road, being the southeasterly corner of land conveyed by George w. Smith to John Helinski; from said point of beginning running along said westerly line of Madison Street, south 6017'40" east, a distance of 75.66 feet to an iron pipe; thence along land now or formerly of George W. Smith, south 76006'40" west, a distanoe of 130 feet to land of Mueller, being lot 4, block 2, as shown on "Map of Fleetfield", filed in the Suffolk county clerk's office as map 1351; thence along said land of Mueller, and along land of Hudson, being along said lot 4 and along lot 3, as shown on said map, north 13053'20" west, a distance of 75 feet to an iron pipe; thence along said land of Helinski, north 76006'40" east, a distance of 140 feet to the point of beginning. At the closing the purchaser raised objections to the lot size. Upon investigation we find that the lot was created out of a larger piece after the zoning ordinanoe was enacted but that the viola- tion seems to be oommon to several other lots in the subdivision. Some of the lots have been improved. In view of the precedent and the injustice that would be done to the owners of the property if the1 were not able to improve it, I wish you would consider this as a formal application,not for a building permit, but for per- mission to use and improve the lot generally. This applioation is made on behalf of both the sellers and the purchaser. Very truly yours, \ ( / , i " \ . .:0 '- '- ~ '-- "'" '-- /.~__~'J"--- ,,"-. ,,"-..'--- '---... Stanley S. Corwin ssc/cck ~ ~ \j) ~ - ..,j <! o ~ ~ o + QI - -() -0 f.. ;1/0..e. r hi ;(7 o-A 06 . /';0 Ju "N N ~ ~ X IJICw~Ki ~ /..f" J, HeLjN:5-Ki I <> ~ ~ 1<. Pl.Al?cell\~ 1'.. /.,,'0 -~ G..-S m ,'ft. ,.:...,s <) /VS t4. 1fv..~eK. G, P fL IAGf".e " S", .' t-J-, ..... .!it:J rJ. t!of(If,4J(,'1/I i L In f/~-.c.o '- ~ ~ l- V) z o III - ..0 <;t ~ fl. t:.4..t?JI.s6,.) 6. ,g. p,r.d e It.!:,p,,) \Z vl \ 'l-< () I.>... G. -Srn.'ih fi .s.........Vt C Sfh; 1-h of. so..v..s ~l4tlleY ~\l) "..- Ys;. -z. ~ .~ ~ '" -::or ~ 3 w ',,{ ". //7'/)1 X2. / . N i /? P"e "t/ t:.{ <E ~ ~ F ~ . ~ / Jf, bAr! iso# r! ; . ,- , 0 . ~ . , \Ii"'~1 "_"'._''<aj.rJ.o.,!~,,,,<:_~,..~,,.....i.....,............ ,~.:.~ CMIWot_ ................... 'ftItI...........,.~........................" uwnu.." TItIJ~.'ll.....'hf' 17'\h..,of: "'0. .'~l't"n~r'''llan,t lJ1xty two,' .........lU._ .. ".,....l1. ~A!UI. .. l'lIf.~, bi. w1l., aa 't.~t8 b;J tb41 en1;1re'7, bCJtl...~j.4ia1,.t.'<'Gr..nMrt. ... York, fli'ttr_Qf-~:th." part, lfTIdaobe..t hr.G.~).,r"141M a' G,..o))br.," I. T.. ..- un.' M. l'la:ro.ll, rntUIlC .~ lWnlfllOi'~. II... York. ... .,.......... 111 0-'" . p;trtYIJ~'lfr<<,~part. , WI11I1::::Ss1:nt th.t! th. y;lrt\ "f I:'"~ lir.' ~r!,inl""Q"i''''rali,,,, "j 1,.:n,{..lbr_ }J"J ,-,th." ,~llJJbI(' ".thi,:.r-<>I':"i 1;"'" t;",~ pIIrt) ~.,I :", ",'",":J pa' T, .j"",,,, h~h\' "ilnt'Uld rt'ltol.~' unl'lll", I",t'.\".,{ tho: ~-O:IlJJ~r', tn.-}'~'r' H -."""'....,r' ~",! ;""/<'" ,.( rh, 19th 'If I-h.- ""I"I"t'I~" ('>1"",0:.1' ALL m"l O-U.tlll f.t.., , ~"...- "I parr.., <If land,wilh ttlt- I.uJl,fi~~all<] 111lI'l"""IIO'JlI, lh~t'"',"l U'nhJ_ "I!.>;!'.,. !"'Ill~"'''.lb'>'I~'~][ nortb-ot the_ V111ag-e of G-reanport, Toe o't'Southo1i;' COWltyo.f_fj\ltfolk al)d Stat' ot tlew York. bo,tu1rte-dlUl4'd~.cribed " 8S tollO"8-1 . BErJIJl71t1lG at & 1I0n,UlHQi'OIJ tne westerl7 _ line ot. :';"1.4i.o._:"'ee~_! 22'; fe-etaotl.thwly al:ong said westerly ltne- ttO$ th. '~~'U,t~.~. bein,,: the s()\ltnea8terly corner oflaad con..fed. 1>1. X)'~'...' _ '~: Srn1t'1 to John Heliaeleil tro. s!lid point otbeā‚¬f1ftJ1~_ NO. _~i alon~ aa.id 'westerl)' I1n8 ot l,iadieon titre-et,aoullbi -1-1"'40- _ I. ,,'.,' a di.t,anceo! 75.066 teet to an iron pipe; the-no_e .-.1_-01'1", ~..,:._ ~,r t'orlle-rlyot George 'N. :::imith"aouth 76.06'.0. w~..dl.~~ of 130 feet to land at Mueller; being lot 4, blook ~. ~~ abD.. on "Map df 'Pleettield.", fUed in the Sl1ftol,1c eO'\U1ty cl~kj,., 'ot.... fice as n"lp 1:551; t;b.ellce "long esid land 01 l.;ue.!ler, _____lO.nc land of HUdqon, being ~ong .aid lot. and ~lun~ lot~;...oowt on aa1J map, north 1305"~O~ ...'. ~ distance ot 1~it..1.~o,~ iron oipe; 'Hence along said land ot,K"tIHnakt"nortti. 76:b,,96'.p~ .aRt, a diHtance of 140 r~.t to the po1nt of beginnLft4. BBl." the jJT:l.l1e prelllises c~nvey..d to _~he po.;rty Of thfl tl!8t f':'r't" fly deed made by George, 'N. Sm1 t4 <1aledS'.ptember 1.7, f. 1959 and,''''-'' corded In liber .707 or deeds, ~g.45.,ln the 'ot~~ee of t~e clerk of th" County-of ~rutfolk: all Ol!tober 1'3, 195q.,~