HomeMy WebLinkAboutApartments at Brecknock RECEIVED 43405 S�(pyo`o ®P Southold Affordable Mousing Concept Ap licatiofiv 3 0 2022 4CO yf Southold Town Clerk Date: 2.o'-2 Project Name: A e► e o Proposed Location: Address )S0O 831reckV106 k RA . S.C.T.M.# 1000- '35 — L 2-5 Current Zoning District: HD R OO s'r W Size of Property: d 45 acres Property Owner Name &Address: Property Owner Phone Number: vi Email: Project Sponsor*Name &Address: R�G6vl6 vlj �eq H7 J NG�VJ'3, ' '4ve' 'fe dUc,GQ Project Sponsor Phone Number: Email: *If Project Sponsor is different than the Property Owner, the Property Owner must provide their written permission to file an application for affordable housing on their property. Provide a copy with this application. Project Description: Number of Units: 2 Type of Unit: ,® Rental ❑ Ownership Type of Building: ❑ One-story ®Two-story ❑ Modular ❑ Stick-built Number of Buildings: 3 Number of Units per Building: ff— 10 Unit Composition: Studio V 1-bedroom v'.' 2-bedroom 3-bedroom Is public water available? ❑No [El Yes. If yes, distance to nearest water main ft. Proposed method for sanitary waste disposal and treatment JWeA f0(+ S-ewe_s Will Sanitary Flow Credits be requested? EINo ❑ Yes. If yes, how many gallons? Target Income Levels: r"; x e Southold Affordable Housing Concept Plan Application (continued) Project Budget: }� Total Budget Amount for Proposed Project: How will the total budget amount be met? Identify the sources of funding. Include whether or not tax credits or other government funding is proposed to be used.Provide as much detail as possible**. fr1vu t� F,­ l\ G �hL; r Describe how the project will be managed in the future after construction is complete(e.g. How will the units be/�maintained?Will there be an on-site manager?)** 'DWe- wVe- IDC� � �'r h..c,,n�5in� roti'+ifs - ,VOU)LOot y�(V-! Y ec,J,. Additional Materials to Submit: dConcept Plan dDeveloper's Portfolio of Successfully Completed Projects [Developer's Qualifications Ef Property owner's affidavit authorizing Project Sponsor to make this application Narrative describing the project Please submit this application and materials to the Southold Town Clerk. All Affordable Housing Concept Plan Applicants will be contacted to schedule a meeting with the Southold Town Affordable Housing Review Committee. "Attach additional pages as needed. To whom it may concern: Plan Sponsor Richmond Realty, led by Isaac("Ike")Israel, proposes to build 28 rental units on the Peconic Landing campus in Greenport. The campus is a total of 145 acres, of which Peconic Landing has dedicated approximately 7 acres to this housing initiative. A North Fork native,Ike is partnering with Sarah Latham and Kevin Anglum, also North Fork residents, to work together to address the need for housing opportunities for locals. Our Background Ike and Sarah are both graduates of Greenport High School who now live and work on the North Fork, and have witnessed firsthand the growing housing crisis. This housing crisis has affected their friends, neighbors and community at large - including the business community. Since 2005,Ike has been a real estate broker on the North Fork with a focus on commercial real estate and investment real estate. Every year he has found that there are fewer and fewer landlords providing year-round housing opportunities. Every year our town loses rental inventory to second homeowners,and retirees; areas once designed for local workers and young families have become out of reach financially for today's local workers and young families. Further exacerbating this are three historical events: 1) in June of 2019,New York State adopted the Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019 which has made it extremely less desirable for landlords to maintain rental housing on small scale; 2) COVID 19 and its effects on our real estate market have increased the average price of housing(both sales and rentals) significantly because of increased demand, and 3)the increase in tourism and Short Term Rentals (STRs)has allowed landlords the flexibility to retain use of their property and in many instances generate more income from a STR property than could be generated from a year-round tenant. As a result,year-round housing options are few and far between and businesses across our Town are facing challenges in obtaining employees to fill job vacancies and provide essential services. Our partner Peconic Landing is one such employer who has recognized the need for workforce housing. Our Site The proposed site is desirable and ideal for many reasons.The site is already thoughtfully developed and home to Peconic Landing.Full utilities are available, and one of the strongest features is that it is connected to the Village of Greenport sewer system. This allows our site to process wastewater safely for our local environment and the waterways protecting our aquifer. Set back on the Peconic Landing campus and only .25 miles from ELIH, employees will not need to travel far to get to work,reducing traffic on the roads. By housing emergency services personnel on this site it will allow first responders to better serve the Greenport and East Marion fire districts. The location will help keep people in the Greenport area for shopping and service needs. Our Concept There is a need to provide rental housing to all levels of our workforce. Our concept is to give preference to the major employers of the Town so that they can in turn provide housing to their staff on all levels of the income spectrum.This will include units that fit within the workforce housing guidelines and HUD guidelines. The units will include a mix of 1- and 2-bedroom apartments, of which up to 100% could be allocated as workforce housing. We want to create a socio and economically diverse community that not only houses the dishwasher in the cafeteria,but also the nurses and doctors we so desperately need here in our community. We plan on having units available to the following organizations at a minimum: 1) Peconic Landing;2)Eastern Long Island Hospital; 3)members of the Greenport&East Marion Fire Departments;4) Southold Town Police; 5)Greenport High School faculty and staff and 6) CAST support staff. In order to maintain control of the application process, funding will be secured privately,ensuring that these homes are filled first by our North Fork community members. Amenities for residents such as access to fitness facilities and 24-hour on-call security will be offered by Peconic Landing.Laundry facilities, a community space, and a playground will be developed with the housing units. Richmond Realty will provide property management, a service they have proven experience providing for over 100 properties on the North Fork and in the Town of Riverhead. We have provided a sketch as required. This is a very preliminary design,with the flexibility to alter the layout and size of the buildings—taller so they would take up less of a footprint or lower so they would be less visible. With your help we could be approved for additional phases so as to continue to add housing over time. For if one thing is certain, 28 units is only a start to addressing the very real housing crisis on the North Fork. In the Matter of Affordable Housing Application of .Applicant's Affidavit Peconic Landing at Southold Inc. Authorization of Project Sponsor STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Robert J. Syron being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am the President/CEO of Peconic Landing at Southold,Inc. (Peconic Landing)and make this Affidavit to authorize Ike Israel (Richmond Realty), Sarah Latham-Anglum and Kevin' Anglum to apply for Affordable Housing approval to the Southold Town Affordable Housing Review Committee and to engage any agents necessary to complete the work involved in securing Affordable Housing approval. Peconic Landing at Southold,Inc. By: 1�r-)2&,,,�. Rd ert J. Syr n, sident/CEO Sworn to me this c day of 40-12 4 0 ,, _022 Notary Public LISA QUINN NOTAPY PUBLIC-sTATE ®F NEW YORK N®. OlQU6222447 Guol(Ifl*d in Suffolk County Cor"Mlsslon EXPIr®a PAGy 24, 2q.2— Y ) 1 a R • eF •. ",., 11 ",,- j. Nett` f S 1 �4 y , ,4 SITE LOCATION MAP INIT � SOURCE:NYS GI9 CIa nS House NY9OOP rit -h ,�.. a HqN ReFWIltion Imagery 3012 S CONCEPT PLAN NOTES laev ,Om101 ` ' •) TME CRE PE E NHIFORMATION NTIFEDIN NDES. 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HEREON ARE BASEDUTIO OF THAT PLAN.BY TO W THE ENGIN:ER AT THE TIME OF THE ENGINEER'S PREPARATION OF THIS CONCPT PLAN.BY TME �a J�j PAb TE � ER qND OTHER9 NOT urvDER ENGINEERS CONTROL.ANO IB SLBJECT TO CHONGE LATER i+p A RP EAT1 AIt LR�� •*'=� PERFORMANCE OF ADdT ONAL DUEDI L OENCE FftDSURVEYOR BOTH II6 DETERMINE AND EVALWTE( HERE ARE ANY RE�6TNCliON A—DR ZONING ISSVES.CONCERN60R RESTRICTONS TMT NAY OR COELD MPACT TIE N—ANALYSIS BE PERFORMED TO FFASIBNfTY—S PROJECT.As THE OWN=P HAS v =: s v � � .. �''�`` '•�, ZONING TABLE �� � �` � � ` _ .. . ' •. � PRDP ZME��oENNM,Y USE.PRW.MIATREdvELL NGS ICOrAOS RERMTfE0 A9OF NGHi ZMF3fA9 NNw •„/ / BULK REQUIREMENTS ' T ' a ITEM CODE PERMITTED PROPOSED MN.LOT DHEA 12)OATT) m,BBD SF ne.aae 9F 5 ,, � N.LOT WIDTI {2]OATT.) is' COMPLIES wN FROM YARD 12w ATT.) 3)' 4 "� ♦ *ti MIN.SIDE YAR 1­3 M 5 COMPLIES 4� FCR taro f3)OATT.) COMPUES L \ l U M I-ATT.9 )512.5'STORIEB ZSTONE9 '1 � SJ�� •� MMB LpMG HETG { 5 _ .. ES \ e.., s` •,. IV r. 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GR"° "�” " W`E" Phone:hone: (631)738-120120 0 Fax: (631)285.5464 www.BohlerEngineering.com GREENPORT, NY 119441 SCTM #: 31ic)=0 Araltp Corp Richmond Realty Corp at a Glance Founded in 1997, Richmond Realty Corp is a full-service, family-owned brokerage and development firm specializing in commercial and residential real estate, serving Riverhead DEVELOPMENT Our proven and the East End of Long Island, NY. in all phases of development entitlement, Since 1986, broker/owner Richard Israel has been involved with real estate projects on the •m purchase of North Fork and in Riverhead. Richard, Ike, Herbert and Marcel—the Richmond Realty Corp planning, construction, leasing and managementfamily team —specialize in sales, leasing, property management, and new development of has • team highly sought after for our commercial and residential properties.We have been involved with hundreds of residential, commercial and land sales. knowledgeextensive . . . client projects . - been As one of Riverhead's most highly reputable developers, our firm owns and operates over developing 250,000 square feet of office,retail,industrial,and residential space.Our team also manages an additional 200,000 square feet for our client base who require professional management campuses, '• use complexes, of their portfolios. and commercial subdivisions RiverheWith over35 years of experience,we pride ourselves in developing long-standing relationships •• and Southold through knowledge, integrity,trust, and hard work.With each client and project we bring a responsible for working with a local municipalitystrong understanding of the marketplace,as well as insights into property values and trends. to develop legislation to bring affordable housing Richmond Realty Corp has always been at the forefront of growing our town's economic opportunities to our engines and creating projects that fit our way of life and have lasting positive impact in the important - - of our region. community. Our philosophy has been to develop and construct projects that fit the needs of our community, lifestyle, landscape, and most importantly our unique way of life on the eastern end of Long Island. 0 1997OUR VALUES OUR APPROACHOUR TEAM OUR COMMUNITY '� ITWe pride ourselves Tne team represents and We create collaborative Leams to Our team members 0 in developing Icing- treats eadi property and achieve the goals of our projects. have been a part of the standing relationships use their construction These teams consist of professionals community as business through knowledge, expertise with an owners in all fields including architects, owners,property owners, Founded In 1997-Richmond One Of Riverhead's Most Highly Owns and Operates over 250,000 integrity,trust,and mindsot to sot clear goals engineers,lawyers,land planners, committee members, hard work. and a management plan government entities,contractors, volunteers,and community Specializes In Commercial Reputable Developers And SF of Office,Retail,Industrial,and And Residential Real Estate. Brokerages. Residential Space. specialized to each proper-y �;,ppliers,and finanmil philanthropists, Town of Riverhead Richmond Realty Corp+ Douglaston Development+Diamond Builders+Spectorgroup 132 Railroad Street TOD Redevelopment Aid montl ioartp corp Richmond Realty Corp at a Glance OUR FULL-SERVICE DEVELOPMENT & BROKERAGE FIRM Owner0 Sales 0 Construction Management 0 Investments 0 0 Leasing 0 Property 0 Consulting 0 Tenant Representation Sales Investments • Buyer representation • Dispositions&Acquisitions • Seller representation • Recapitalization • Property evaluation • Debt Placement • Site selection • Single Asset&Multiple-Property PARTIAL CLIENT LIST Build-to-suit assistance Portfolios References available upon request • Project management • Forward Commitment Properties • Opinion-of-value reports • Multi-Market Experience 20 West Main LLC Malon Industries 64 RCP Associates LLC Maxman Management LLC Leasing Consulting 400 West Main Riverhead LLC MBI Industries,LLC • Landlord representation • Investment&Financial Analysis 540 East Main Street LLC MIRAHMAX LLC • Tenant representation • Investment Performance Audit 806 East Main LLC Lisa&Mark Montifiore(4 properties) • Site selection • Risk Evaluations& Management • Market analysis • Lease Vs. Buy Analysis OPO,LLC 2245 MCR LLC(Feather Hill Village) Ackerly Pond Vineyards(8 locations) Paul Martin LLC • 1031 Exchange Space needs analysis 9e Investment is ADS Management LLC AB Patel Family(3 properties) Strategic lease-up planning AnalysisLease Analysis Peconic Ci Properties LLC • Lease negotiations Y Sarah �' p BEH Properties • Opinions of Value Assessment Pollak Family Trust(5 locations) Jill Blum Pollak Hallet LLC Construction Management Development&Cash Flow Michael Butler RGR Associates LLC(multiple properties) • Planning,Coordination,Budgeting,& Analysis Supervision Riverhead Commons,LLC DBMCo LLC locations) Jonathan DiVel • Ground-Up&Renovation Specialty Tenant Representation lo Riverhead Enterprises,LP(15 properties) . Office,Medical,Industrial,Special • Strategic Advisory Services& Patricia DiVello Riverhead Professional Building Partners Inc Purpose& Multi-Family Disciplines Negotiations East Main Prime Realty LLC Scheinberg Family Trust • Site Development, Pro-Forma,& • Financial&Operational Analysis Gorman Family Sirs Ventures LLC Analysis • Renewals, Relocations, HDI Enterprises LLC Sheebeast Greenport LLC Expansions,Contractions Hefter Family Terri Properties LLC Property&Asset Management • Demographic Analysis Hildreth Real Estate Advisors(10 locations) Theo Associates LLC • Asset Oversight • Multi-Market Representation IDI Ventures LLC(2 locations) Thirty West Main LLC • Rent Collection Jedi Group LLC(6 properties) Vinland Commons,LLC • Expense Management Bookkeeping James Olinkiewicz(30 plus properties) Warners Plaza Inc • Repairs and Maintenance Marc&Jennifer Lamaina(6 properties) Woolworth Revitalization LLC P LI Cauliflower Association Yasso Family Trust L.B.Diamond&Sons LLC(2 properties) Town of Riverhead Richmond Realty Corp+ Douglaston Development+Diamond Builders+Spectorgroup(33 Railroad Street TOD Redevelopment 3AW1111011a ikattp Corp Master Developer I Municipality Experience Richmond Realty Corp has grown with Riverhead and has a deep understanding of the Town's vision. Our been network• - . . have met the needs of the community and have been planned in such a way that they hometown.with the vision of the town; they fit the landscape and overall vision for our community. Riverhead is our . - - . understanding of how Riverhead works - from planning to building, water, localentities New Business to Riverhead Our team has been responsible for bringing new businesses to Riverhead. Over the years,we have worked with the Riverhead Town Board, Riverhead Industrial Agency, Riverhead Planning Board and Riverhead Zoning Board to help attract new business and investment in the town. Our team has built and renovated over 300,000 square feet of offices, retail and housing in the Town.Our reputation has grown and we are respected by the community and in the industry. Proper Team As our projects and portfolio have grown in scale over time,we have learned to coordinate the proper teams and groups of professionals and banks to achieve our development goals,which are positively aligned with the goals and vision of the Town of Riverhead. Over the years our resources and networking has created a large pool of professionals with expertise in various fields. We have access to specialized engineers, architects, manufacturers,suppliers, and subcontractors. Our team has built everything from medical offices to large-scale industrial railway projects. Teamwork Richmond Realty Corp has always created the right team of builders and associates to get the job done. Its resources and network with other trades and builders is far reaching. Douglaston Development has been approached to consider being part of the build team.Jeff Levine has made his name in building in New York City and is willing to bring his expertise to the table. See attached resume. His company is one example of the resources that Richmond Realty Corp has at their disposal. East End Zoning Until very recently, East End zoning and laws did not allow for the development of apartment complexes of this kind. In the past our team has lobbied for these types of developments in our area because we understand the lack of supply and great need for such projects to support the local community.We have the resources and expertise to create the team that can achieve this goal.We are familiar with the town, its infrastructure,and its true needs,to make this project a success.We have always been successful in all of our projects which can be seen throughout Riverhead. THROUGa11UT Ill t11ST��`r 1VE HAVS �t1PF)1Ri'11 11T1ATl�I�aT4FG1Si�� TLl� �ROj��ITtl 1� 111R �.1il�ltl�llil'. Town of Riverhead Richmond Realty Corp+ Douglaston Development+Diamond Builders+Spectorgroup 134 Railroad Street TOD Redevelopment Airfjmonb 3WItp (Corp Financial Capacity I Large Scale Experience Richmond Realty Corp has always Richmond Realty Corp, and its created the financing structure for its affiliates, have the capacity projectsproject. TRACK RECORD: Our proven track record can be seen throughout LONG-TERM GOAL: This project is special as it is in an opportunity Riverhead Town with developments such as Riverhead Commons, zone which will open up alternative investors and partners to make Riverhead Commerce Park, Northville Commerce Park, The Harrison, the project a reality. Richmond Realty Corp has always seen the future and other clients' projects throughout Riverhead and the nation. Each developmental prospects of this area and since 2004 has purchased 5 development has its own special needs and requirements which are of the 10 parcels on the adjacent block with redevelopment in mind and structured to the needs of the project. revitalization of the entire area as a long-term goal. The town has now recognized the true potential of the transit oriented site development FINANCIAL RELATIONSHIPS: Richmond Realty Corp has relationships and has created the laws and zoning to make this a reality. Richmond with multiple banks and mortgage brokers including People's United Realty Corp would like to be a part of this exciting renaissance. Bank(formerly Suffolk County National Bank), Dime Bank (formerly Bridgehampton National Bank), Bank of America, Santander, and TRANSFORMING THE EASTERN END OF LONG ISLAND: Richmond Chase. Realty Corp has always been at the forefront of growing our town's economic engines and creating projects that fit our way of life and have lasting positive impact on the community. Our philosophy has been to develop and construct projects that fit the needs of our community, lifestyle, landscape, and most importantly our unique way of life on the eastern end of Long Island. Town of Riverhead Richmond Realty Corp+ Douglaston Development+Diamond Builders+Spectorgroup 135 Railroad Street TOD Redevelopment 3AN) ionb 3A£Rrtp Corp Richmond Realty Corp Experience Richmond Realty Corp and owner Richard Israel have been involved in Riverhead commercial real estate since 1986. Richard has built a successful real estate agency, construction company and management company over his decades-long career on the East End. The principal's first purchase was 185 Old Country Road, Riverhead-the former Riverhead Bowling Lanes, which had been closed for 4 years-was fully reimagined and renovated general office space for Ticor Title Insurance Company. Today, Richmond Realty Corp own Totaling With Value over over 25 Properties 250,000 SF $80M in Riverhead Richard Israel has been a broker, builder and consultant for the past 35 years. Over the years, he has developed residential subdivisions, created affordable housing in Southold, built over 100 homes, and renovated and/or constructed several commercial office buildings along the Route 58 corridor. Richard was responsible as an owner's representative to build over 1,000,000 square feet of refrigerated distribution centers across the country in eight states across the nation, serving as critical logistical infrastructure for the nationwide distribution of produce and refrigerated foods via railway transportation. In this capacity, he was responsible for all land acquisition, planning, permitting, development, construction, as well as negotiating inducements and entitlements to bring employment/jobs and infrastructure for these projects. Richmond Realty Corp is a full-service organization with proven expertise in all phases of development and construction: from purchase of land, acquisition, entitlement, planning, construction, leasing and management. Many new clients who extend to the East End seek out our team for our extensive knowledge and expertise to help bring their project to fruition. Richmond • _ • • provides services t• clients Pre-Development Services Architecture from •- of pre-development • Land planning, architecture, through construction, to the Planning Construction delivery.final our organization + + L- + has grown and thrived on. Our team has helped attract many new businesses and services to Riverhead. Town of Riverhead Richmond Realty Corp+ Douglaston Development+Diamond Builders+Spectorgroup 136 Railroad Street TOD Redevelopment 31idimonb Araltp Corp Richmond Realty Corp Experience In the early 2000s, our regional hospital Peconic Bay With over 35 years . - we pride ourselves in Medical Center began to grow. A need arose for new relationshipsdeveloping long-standing _ , _ medical buildings to service our growing and aging integrity, population. Richmond Realty Corp created new medical campuses to house the medical specialties and their practices which came to service the needs of our community. Over time, our business has transformed Riverhead into a professional center of commerce as well Our organization has as a medical services hub on the East End, with numerous always been a part We _ all taken new office buildings and office-park campuses with high of the Riverhead leadership Our goal has always paying jobs, which continues to attract new businesses, community aswithin our community and in turn, obs and economic growth and prosperity to business owners, been to stay in the 1 g p p y • community. Riverhead and the East End. And now, Richmond Realty property owners, Corp sees the need for high quality market-rate apartments and community to meet the needs of our growing professional population. philanthropists. g 9 Prop P Richmond Realty Corp works for select clients in their real estate interests. These relationships date back decades and new ones are created every day. Our organization has grown over the past 10 years with the addition of the next We retain generation to our family team: Isaac, Marcel and Herbert. managementnd We live, play In 2004, Isaac Israel joined the team and has become an of Over the past 35 t these developments and work in our integral part of planning, development and leasing; and in years, we have built which keeps community - 2009, Herbert Israel joined the team and is now the lead many projects withintune with the ne eds the Riverhead construction project manager; and in 2012, Marcel Israel our town. of our community community. joined the team as a property manager. Richard continues and - to lead the team and create development and overarching visions that fit the needs of our community. Town of Riverhead Richmond Realty Corp+ Douglaston Development+Diamond Builders+Spectorgroup 137 Railroad Street TCD Redevelopment Cd mono 3wltp Corp Collaboration ' T T TOWARDTEAMWORK IS THE ABILITY TO WORK TOGETHER 4 • • VISION. NICOLLABORATION ENABLES US T• WORK TOWARD IA COMMONGOAL. « !ei } In the 1980s, Richard Israel came to the East End to partner with Herbert Mandel who 1 " had 50 years of experience building in New York City. It was through this partnership and experience that Richard learned all aspects of real estate. Together they created the foundation of what Richmond Realty Corp is today. At the start, Richard was responsible i for all aspects of the business including brokerage, development, construction, and A' f,,'� r management. With the introduction of Richard's sons to the organization, the business ` " grew and each branch of specialty is now managed by a different team member. Isaac 7-1 "Ike" Israel is an integral part of planning, development and leasing; Herbert Israel is • `""' w now the lead construction project manager; and Marcel Israel is the property manager. Our business has transformed into a cohesive and collaborative partnership, which has enabled us to take on larger projects. ' We have learned to create collaborative teams to achieve the goals of our projects. These teams consist of professionals in all fields including architects, engineers, lawyers, - — land planners, government entities, contractors, suppliers, and financial institutions. R OUR REPUTATION AND TRACK RECORD SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. WE HAVE SUCCESSFULLY WORKED WITH THE TOWN OF RIVERHEAD IN THE PAST AND AS IT GROWS FOR THE FUTURE. 4E ARE YOUR HOMETOWN TEAM THAT YOU CAN TRUST AND RELY ON. Town of Riverhead Richmond Realty Corp+ Douglaston Development+Diamond Builders+Spectorgroup 138 Railroad Street TOD Redevelopment up Construction Manager ]Bismonb Ouilbero Inc Town of Riverhead Richmond Realty Corp+ Douglaston Development+Diamond Builders+Spectorgroup 148 Railroad Street TOD Redevelopment Diamond Builders Inc at a Glance Diamond Builders Inc was established in 1997 as the construction arm of WORKING WITH CLIENTS TO APPROACH A Richmond Realty Corp to service development projects of all shapes and . . . . sizes for commercial opportunities and residential properties alike. We deliver custom built turnkey office, medical, and professional space on time and on budget. Diamond Builders Inc has built numerous buildings on Route 58 in Riverhead, as well as revitalized many of Riverhead's downtown buildings. In Lease with addition to commercial development, Diamond Builders Inc has also built over Turnkey For Sale/ purchase Partnership / 100 quality homes on the North Fork. The team has managed a broad range A Fee Leaseback Option Joint Venture of commercial projects to completion ranging from small office build outs to 250,000 sq ft ground-up refrigerated distribution warehouses. Our proven expertise in all phases of construction —from planning, permitting, coordination and budgeting, to site development and excellence in construction and logistical management— has our team highly sought after for our extensive knowledge and experience to help bring client projects to fruition. Richard Israel has been developing commercial office buildings, OUR STRENGTHS medical campuses, mixed use complexes, and residential and commercial • New commercial, industrial and residential subdivisions in the Towns of Riverhead and Southold since 1986. • Commercial and residential renovations OUR SERVICES • Subdivisions, site planning and site work • Planning • Disciplines include office, • Tenant Improvements Coordination medical, industrial, • Historic renovations and modernizations residential, special purpose, • Estimating and value engineering • Budgeting multi-family • Construction management • Supervision • Site Development • Owner representation / tenant representation • Ground-up & Renovation • Pro-Forma • Construction accounting Specialty . Analysis Town of Riverhead Richmond Realty Corp+ Douglaston Development+Diamond Builders+Spectorgroup 149 Railroad Street TOD Redevelopment Diamond Builders Inc at a Glance PARTIALLIST OF OUR PROJECTS """""""""""'••••••••••••••••"•••••• All properties located in Riverhead, NY OUR VALUES Riverhead Commons We supervise and manage the entire process Northville Commerce Park : to ensure your project's goals are executed as Riverhead Commerce Park ; efficiently and economically as possible. ; 1074 Pulaski Street PARTIAL LIST OF CLIENT PROJECTS OUR TEAM • Operating with an owner's mindset, our References available upon request ; project team uses our extensive knowledge ; Located in Riverhead,NY unless otherwise noted : of commercial development, construction ; Apple Honda Markowitz,Fenelon and Bank LLP ; management, design, budgeting, ; The Brooklyn Cancer Center at The Brooklyn Hospital Center,Brooklyn,NY Matchbook Distilling Co,Greenport,NY : and scheduling of your project from Co en's Fashion Optical Metro PCS completion. comtion to ' Columbia Care New Jerusalem Church • inception p East End Respiratory Services New York Cancer and Blood Specialists East End Veterinary Hospital New York Cancer and Blood Specialists,Lake Success,NY ; ENT Allergy/NorthwellHealth North Shore Hematology&Oncology . We create collaborative teams to achieve the ; Garsten Retail Center Peconic Bay Medical Center/Northwell Health Primary Care Center,Cutchogue,NY : goals of our projects.These teams consist of Guatemala Consulate Peconic Bay Medical Center/Northwell Health,Greenport,NY professionals in all fields including architects, ; Harbor View Medical/Pulmonary Care Associates Plaza S8 ; Joshua's Place(Peconic Salt) Quest Diagnostic engineers, lawyers, land planners, government The Lin Beach House,Greenport,NY Rheumatology Associates • entities, contractors, suppliers, and financial ' Long Island Physician Associates Robert James Salon Stony Brook Advanced Imaging Center institutions. : : : OUR PHILOSOPHY We are dedicated to developing and constructing projects that fit the needs of our ; community, lifestyle, landscape, and most importantly our unique way of life on the East ; ---- a End of Long Island. .............................................. Town of Riverhead Richmond Realty Corp+ Douglaston Development+Diamond Builders+Spectorgroup 150 Railroad Street TOD Redevelopment Richmond Realty Corp Similar Project Experience The projects summarized here illustrate the depth and breadth of our team's experience; a sampling of what our team has accomplished. The success of these projects demonstrate an extensive amount of knowledge, expertise, planning and execution that only a developer of the highest caliber can achieve. As evidenced in these four examples, working with municipalities is critical and integral to the success of each of our projects. These projects have created direct and indirect construction jobs for local contractors and businesses; local suppliers such as Riverhead Building Supply, Schwing Electric Supply, Blackman /Ferguson; local engineering firms; architecture firms; attorneys; as well as bringing economic growth and prosperity to the Town of Riverhead. PROJECT 1-Riverhead Commons 700,720,750,800 Old Country Road,Riverhead,NY Richmond Realty Corp Development Project PROJECT 2-APPLE HONDA DEALERSHIP 1375 Old Country Road,Riverhead,NY Richmond Realty Corp/Diamond Builders served as Owner's Representative and General Contractor PROJECT 3-HIGHPOINT MEADOWS 56-Lot Affordable Subdivision in Southold,NY;south of Route 48,east of Boisseau Avenue Richard Israel/DBMCo Residential Development Project PROJECT 4-RAILEX PROJECTS Three linked railway sites:Walla Walla,WA;Delano,CA;Rotterdam,NY Nation-wide logistical link for railway distribution of produce and refrigerated products with sites in three states Richard Israel serving as Owner's Representative Town of Riverhead Richmond Realty Corp+ Douglaston Development+Diamond Builders+Spectorgroup 165 Railroad Street TOD Redevelopment PROJECT1 RIVERHEAD COMMONS 700, 720, 750, 800 Old Country Road, Riverhead, NY Richmond Realty Corp Development Project ............................................ OVERVIEW Scale,Number Of Units,Mix Of Units 6.2 acres,four building,campus-style office complex of This redevelopment project is of form erfarm single-and two-story buildings totaling 47,850 square machinery dealership and repair shop that * e' feet,with suites ranging from 800 sq ft to 24,000 sq ft. had been closed for over 10 years.Richmond 0111111160 A Realty Corp acquired the property in 2009. ` . Public Benefits =r '^�1 ' ONThis project creates office and medical space which Upon purchase, our team assessed the brings high paid jobs to our area,as well as much buildings and determined that the buildings needed services such as a dialysis center,and a on the site were functionally obsolete and radiation and oncology center with a linear accelerated. were inhabited by the homeless. As the This allows for complete care for cancer patients in developer, our team demolished existingad our region.Bringing sewer to the site had various • environmental benefits as well. buildings, and proceeded to create a Class A campus-style medical complex consisting Financing Structure of four buildings,as per request by the Town This project yields over a 12%return to the developer. of Riverhead. Developer acquired the land outright on a cash basis, and upon approvals secured a$15,000,000 construction mortgage,and has completed 75%of the project,to date.The buildings in place(3 out of 4 buildings)are 100%leased,and the final phase of construction is ROLE underway with financing secured.We are estimating the final phase of construction of Building 4 will be leased Our team worked with various municipal upon completion. agencies to bring this project to fruition, including the Town of Riverhead, TownConstruction Period s Slated to take approximately 18 months,Phase 1(3 out Planning Board and associated departments including water, sewer, architectural review •+r of 4 buildings)was constructed and tenanted/occupied * after only eight months.Construction of Phase 1 began board, fire; Suffolk County Department in April 2019 and was completed in January 1,2020. of Transportation, Suffolk County Health The final phase of the project(Building 4 of 4)was Department; New York State Storm Water �! delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.The final phase Management Plan,and the various agencies ` of construction resumed in March 2021 and is slated to be completed by December 2021.This unforeseen that review plans. delay required us to restructure the financing during this delay period as the loans were due to expire.We were successful in restructuring the financing and are on track to complete the final phase. Date Occupied And/Or Current Vacancy Rate • January 1,2020 tenants began occupying space,and currently all shells and structures available for rent are 100%occupied. • Total Cost $20,000,000 Town of Riverhead Richmond Realty Corp+ Douglaston Development+Diamond Builders+Spectorgroup 166 Railroad Street TOD Redevelopment 3l bm b*Mltpcoop RIVERHEAD COMMONS Construction Photos : CHALLENGES I SOLUTIONS This property was originally zoned and slated * to be a shopping center and was not needed r or economically viable due to its location close to the hospital. Proximity to hospital ` and medical corridor of Route 58, made it luu _ desirable to be a office/medical campus. One of the challenges of this project was that the Town of Riverhead requested that the project be connected to public sewer. This required a sewer extension, which led to an expansion of the sewer district and the creation of sewer to the property. This was finally resolved with an easement of an r : adjacent property owner to provide access ~ to the existing public sewer. Another infrastructure challenge was reconfiguring and widening Route 58 to improve the traffic pattern, incorporating a right-turn-only out of one of the exits. We donated property and improved Old - Country Road to improve traffic and access. CONTACT I REFERENCES ! N/A, Richmond Realty Corp owned and developed property. Town of Riverhead Richmond Realty Corp+ Douglaston Development+Diamond Builders+Spectorgroup 167 Railroad Street TOD Redevelopment 3Aidnnona traltr (Corp R I V E R H E A D COMMONS Saw I� l f �r Town of Riverhead Richmond Realty Corp+ Douglaston Development+Diamond Builders+Spectorgroup 68 Railroad Street TOD Redevelopment "`mb An`tp Cap PROJECT 2 APPLE HONDA DEALERSHIP 1375 Old Country Road, Riverhead, NY Richmond Realty Corp / Diamond Builders served as Owner's Representative and General Contractor OVERVIEW Scale,Number Of Units,Mix Of Units Total project included the creation and renovation of This project consisted of improving two properties in three ' three buildings,totaling 22,600 square feet,as well as different phases while keeping a successful,active car dealership associated site work to upgrade and modernize an older and service center operating at full capacity and without property along the Route 58 corridor. disruption. Public Benefits • Apple Honda has since increased sales and revenue PHASE 1,located at 785 Raynor Avenue,Riverhead,NY. • which has increased their employment/staff and sales tax The challenge was to replace the car storage facility to make revenue.The new construction has increased property space for the new building.This was achieved by renovating assessments and real estate taxes.This project improved their existing accessory and parts location.The project consisted sidewalks,curbs,and other treetscapes for improved vehicular and pedestrian acccess. of creating and improving a 2 acre site to serve as car storage •' facility,which included the creation of a 1 acre area with positive Financing Structure drainage,landscaping,retaining walls,fencing,and security. • Our team assisted the owners in creating budgets, a timelines,and schedules necessary for their financing.We PHASE 2,located at Apple Honda,1375 Old Country Road, dealt with the bank in reference to monthly capital draws Riverhead,NY. based on percentage of completion and served as the owner's representative in all aspects including permitting Phase 2 consisted of constructing a new Honda dealership and for all aspects of construction and development. sales pavilion totalling 7,600 square feet,a structure that is two stories plus a partial basement,and related infrastructure,site =onstruction Period improvements and streetscapes. The development took over two years in its phases and their business has increased significantly.The construction period began in June 2016 and culminated in January of PHASE 3,located at Apple Honda,1375 Old Country Road, 2019. Riverhead,NY. This final phase was the renovation of the 1 S,000 square foot • Based on the relationship with the client on Phase 1 of the existing dealership,into their new repair and service center, project,reliability,integrity and trust allowed our team to continue with the building of Phase 2 and Phase 3 due to while it was still functioning as a repair center.Renovations our open,problem-solving relationship with the owner. included improved infrastructure,mechanicals,and installing Upon completion of all three phases at the Apple Honda new automotive service equipment,as well as new facade, dealership site,the owner requested our expertise in doors,windows,lifts,and restrooms. the development and site construction of the Gardsten Retail Center located at 1414 Old Country Road(Rt 58), sRiverhead,NY,a 12 acre site with a 55,000 square foot •^ .a _ _ _ structural footprint for a single tenant national retailer. ROLE Our team helped expedite and finalize all plans and building ,a, - Date Occupied And/Or Current vacancy Rate This was an owner-occupied commercial development. permits, construction management, inspections, and certificates of occupancy. Total Cost _ • $5,000,000 Town of Riverhead Richmond Realty Corp+ Douglaston Development+Diamond Builders+Spectorgroup 169 Railroad Street TOD Redevelopment Aidimona Araltp Corp APPLE HONDA DEALERSHIP CHALLENGES I SOLUTIONS ' Some challenges encountered during the phased construction on the site of a fully operating, 45-year long established automotive dealership, functioning during the upgrading and modernization, included but not limited to, all utility work and subterranean construction activities including water, electric, sewer, and storm drainage. "ji a With precise logistical planning thanks to 5 6` ! r our extensive expertise in development _ J;� 1r►. and construction,we were able to navigate (T and manage this seemingly insurmountable 'g--f ,ft� task, while the existing business not only SI �, continued to operate, but increased their � N sales and revenue j° CONTACT I REFERENCES William "Tucker" Fields i Vice President/General Manager Apple Honda - tucker@applehonda.net 631-727-0555 x304 Qd LL Town of Riverhead Richmond Realty Corp+ Douglaston Development+Diamond Builders+Spectorgroup 170 Railroad Street TOD Redevelopment Aicbmon0 Atattp Corp PROJECT 3 56-LOT AFFORDABLE SUBDIVISION Southold, NY, South of Route 48, east of Boisseau Avenue Richard Israel I DBMCo Residential Development Project ........................................ OVERVIEW Scale,Number Of Units,Mix Of Units This residential development project was a 56 lot subdivision of single family homes on half-acre 56 lot subdivision,with 50%of the lots sold lots,of which 50%were sold under the newly developed affordable guidelines to local young families and workers under the affordable guidelines outlined r, i of the town to encourage and help them to remain,live in the new zoning district known as AHD. a and work in their communities. Richard Israel served on committees and '7 collaborated with the Town of Southold Public Benefits F This project created much needed affordable housing to create a law which helped develop this for local people as the law specified that the occupants overlay zone to resolve the affordable �,M must first live and work in the Township of Southold.The housing dilemma in the Town.This project entire project was built with local contractors,laborers was one of the first developments under i and suppliers. this new law and guidelines,and provided ; much needed affordable housing in the Financing Structure Town of Southold.Subsequently,this new This project was financed by local banks. zone provided the opportunity for five other Construction Period developers to create affordable housing Construction began in 1993.Infrastructure improve- subdivisions ments,roads and three model homes were completed subdivisions in Greenport,Cutchogue, P Mattituck,and Southold,which encouraged within one year.Affordable sites were sold within 17 days and helped our local young families to and their construction started immediately.The mar- remain,live and work in their communities. ket-rate homes were sold over a period of seven years. �+ Date Occupied And/Or Current Vacancy Rate • Current occupancy rate is 100%and many of the original ROLE owners continue to live there. This project was a collaborative effort over !_ Total Cost many years,working with local government Approximately$12,000,000(in 1990s) to develop new laws which would ultimately help resolve a major socio-economic issue of 'r the town. + ti t r' a r Town of Riverhead Richmond Realty Corp+ Douglaston Development+Diamond Builders+Spectorgroup 171 Railroad Street TOD Redevelopment iMilrotoltatrnttpCorp 56-LOT AFFORDABLE SUBDIVISION CHALLENGES I SOLUTIONS A major challenge of this subdivision aside from zoning was the availability of public ^� water, which at the time was controlled by �.: a different municipality. DBMCo negotiated the extension, paid connection fees, and constructed the new water mains within our property to connect to the infrastructure of the Village of Greenport. Once zoning and water access was resolved, roads were constructed with underground utilities of _ electric, cable, public water, and gas mains to be utilized in the future, as at the time there was a moratorium on natural gas.Many of the original homes in the subdivision were N' �► i +" built with propane-fueled equipment set-up for conversion upon availability which took seven additional years. _ CONTACT I REFERENCES W49— N/A, Richard Israel owned and developed this subdivision; other partners and local officials are deceased. 77. i Town of Riverhead Richmond Realty Corp+ Douglaston Development+Diamond Builders+Spectorgroup 72 Railroad Street TOD Redevelopment Vticbmonb Xroitp Corp PROJECT 4 RAILEX PROJECTS Three linked railway sites: Walla Walla, WA; Delano, CA; Rotterdam, NY Nation-wide logistical link for railway distribution of produce and refrigerated products with sites in three states OVERVIEW Richard Israel serving as Owner's Representative Richard Israel served as tenant representative to source location and create a team to design and construct buildings and rail infrastructure to service a produce Public Benefits unit train for the distribution of produce This project created over 1,000 jobs in three states as R�, and refrigerated products nationwide. �. " " """"` ""°"" `" 'K` '„"" " well as creating a critical logistical link between the Project included three building and rail West Coast and East Coast via rail for distribution of construction projects in three different states ` ,f x,:•;, produce and refrigerated products.Environmental benefits include saving over 6,500,000 gallons of diesel -Walla Walla,WA;Delano,CA;Rotterdam, °� b fuel • per year b removinglong-haul trucking from the NY-each consisting of 200,000+square roads(250 each week traveling 3,000 miles each)and feet of refrigeration and freezer ground converting it to rail distribution.Richard lobbied the up construction.Responsibilities included federal government for funds and grants for railroad finding incentives,working with local town - improvements and infrastructure for this project. development agencies,county,state and o Financing Structure federal agencies to secure zoning and This project was for a private company. permits,incentives and abatement,grants and federal dollars.These projects also I Construction Period required construction of over 3-7 miles of • Construction began in 2005 and culminated in 2008, private railroad track at each facility.The Date Occupied And/Or Current Vacancy Rate Railex project took over three years to Service began in 2007. organize,permit and construct.It is owned by a private family company.This project Total Cost was valued at$100,000,000 at the time of v �m" $100,000,000 completion. ��` ��` � ",- Contact I References • Harvey Pollak,HAPCO Farms,contact information available on request ROLE Railex:Delano,California Richard worked with local town development agencies, county,state and federal agencies to secure zoning and permits,incentives and abatement,grants and federal dollars. Town of Riverhead Richmond Realty Corp+ Douglaston Development+Diamond Builders+Spectorgroup 173 Railroad Street TOD Redevelopment Aittimona 3 tealtp Corp R A I L E X PROJECTS Railex:Delano,California ��++ an�aursxr - SITE � i f i II - -------------- --------_—.-- l a . } 1 ROAD ti. f EL • - __ -_ 1 'tee, Jwrr] a-_ s r � Town of Riverhead Richmond Realty Corp+ Douglaston Development+Diamond Builders+Spectorgroup 74 Railroad Street TOD Redevelopment Aicbmontl IWItp Corp RAI LEX PROJECTS Railex;Walla,Walla,Washington Railex;Rotterdam,New York IMM'W- n. Town of Riverhead Richmond Realty Corp+ Douglaston Development+Diamond Builders+Spectorgroup 175 Railroad Street TOD Redevelopment RICHARD ISRAEL BROKER / DEVELOPER rchard@richmondrealtycorp.com 1631-727-5500 Richard Israel is a leader in commercial real estate development in Riverhead, NY and eastern Long Island. Over the past 35 years, Richard has built a successful real estate agency, construction company and management business, serving as one of the region's most highly regarded in the field. His extensive knowledge and expertise of real estate development from planning to financing, construction to completion, has him sought after for high level projects and has benefited his clientele, his businesses and the community. Richard's extensive list of projects demonstrates the depth and breadth of his skills and commitment to the Riverhead area as a pivotal developer of the community,with his projects bringing construction jobs as well as new professions and services to Riverhead. Richard's strengths as a leader and commitment to excellence can be seen on a job site,through project planning, or in the board room of one of the many charitable organizations he dedicates his time to. LONG ISLAND DEVELOPMENT PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS EDUCATION • Peconic Bay Medical Center/Northwell Health,Greenport,NY(2020) Hofstra University 4,500 sq ft renovation for new primary care medical center.Built safely,efficiently and without >Bachelor of Business delays during the Covid-19 pandemic,with no virus outbreaks. Administration, • Riverhead Commons,Riverhead,NY(2019) Accounting&Finance, Ground up development of 6.2 acre site,constructing 49,000 sq ft medical/office campus 1977 consisting of four buildings,including highly specialized build out of cancer center containing a linear accelerator,MRI and CAT scan machines for oncology and blood center.Completed FOUNDED RICHMOND construction of first three buildings in 2020 and final building is currently being constructed REALTY CORP& (2021). DIAMOND BUILDERS Northville Commerce Park,Riverhead,NY(2012) INC IN 1997 Developed 3.8 acre property and constructed 28,800 sq ft medical/office campus consisting of four buildings. LICENSE • Riverhead Commerce Park,Riverhead,NY(1996-2004) >New York State Real Purchased,developed and constructed office park consisting of seven buildings for containing Estate Broker professional and medical offices. • "The Harrison",889 Harrison Ave,Riverhead,NY(1993) AWARDS Constructed four-story office building, bringing much needed office space to Riverhead. >Recipient of Riverhead • Highpoint Meadows Subdivision,Southold,NY(1992) Chamber of Commerce's Created new AHD legislation with the Town of Southold to establish affordable housing Gold Key Award,2013 guidelines and laws.Constructed a 56-lot subdivision with 50%as affordable housing; brought >Honored at Peconic public utilities to the site for sustainability and efficiency.Solved a difficult socio-economic Bay Medical Center's problem for the town and the community. Developed two additional subdivisions with partial Annual Gala,2015 affordable housing on the North Fork in the decade that followed. >Honored as Grand • 185 Old Country Road,Riverhead,NY(1986-1988) Marshal of The East End ' Seaport Maritime Repurposed a defunct bowling alley.Completed all associated site work and total renovation to Foundation's Maritime convert the space to an office building. Festival,Greenport,2018 NATIONWIDE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS-RAILWAY DISTRIBUTION CENTERS >Paul Harris Fellow, • Railex,Walla Walla,WA;Delano,CA;Rotterdam,NY(2005-2008) Rotary Club Award Served as tenant representative to source locations, manage all planning,and create a team to CHARITABLE design and construct buildings and railroad infrastructure to service a produce unit train. Bay>Peconicc Medical Project included three buildings in three different states each consisting of 200,000+sq ft of Center/ Bay ell Health refrigeration and freezer ground up construction.Responsible for working with municipal, Foundation Board county,state,and federal agencies to secure zoning and permits, incentives and abatement, >Peconic Bay Medical grants and federal funds. Project required construction of 3 -7 miles of private track railroad at Center Hospital Board each facility.This project serves as critical logistical infrastructure for the nationwide distribution >Northwell Health Board of produce and refrigerated foods via rail.Valued at over$100,000,000. of Overseers • Hapco Farms,Nationwide Projects >Greenport Rotary Club Served as tenant representative to negotiate,construct and/or renovate refrigerated (President in 1992,2000) distribution centers for produce and refrigerated products for railway distribution nationwide. >Temple Israel of o Atlanta,GA(2015)-Negotiated the purchase of 120,000 sq ft building and convert to Riverhead Board of refrigerated distribution. Trustees(currently o Salisbury,NC(2013)-Sourced location,negotiated local incentives, and renovated Treasurer,past President) 125,000 sq ft building into refrigeration distribution center. >Boy Scout leader o Youngwood,MA(2004)-Relocated existing refrigeration facility to larger building in (1987-1997) complex.Created and built out 85,000 sq ft of refrigeration and packing facility. >Donated the o Atlanta,GA(2000)-Renovated and improved existing 80,000 sq ft structure for a Blacksmith Shop building refrigerated processing and distribution center. in Greenport o Youngwood,PA(1999)-Sourced, negotiated and constructed a 50,000 sq ft >Hosted exchange refrigerated warehouse for railway distribution. students from India and o Pompano Beach,FL(1995)-Developed and constructed 50,000 sq ft refrigerated Switzerland warehouse for railway distribution. ISAAC D. ISRAEL, " IKE" ASSOCIATE BROKER / DEVELOPER ike@richmondrealtycorp.com 1631-902-5202 As Associate Broker of Richmond Realty Corp, Ike is essential in advancing one of the region's most highly regarded real estate and construction firms in the development of commercial and residential real estate projects across eastern Long Island. Ike specializes in sales and leasing,development and management of Riverhead and North Forkcommercial and residential properties for the family- owned brokerage and development company. He has extensive experience serving as landlord representative and/or property manager for over 150 commercial and residential properties for clients, Richmond Realty Corp,or his own portfolio. Each listing and project benefits from the full spectrum of his skills, including his background in construction management; extensive knowledge of the region,zoning and land use; involvement in the business community; experience in property and fiscal oversight;and expertise in negotiation. Ike demonstrates strong leadership on projects and on teams he collaborates with, whether it be with clientele, a professional project team,the Richmond Realty Corp team,or in the one of the various community committees and clubs he actively contributes to. His portfolio illustrates proven success in a broad range of property / project types, employing any of his many strengths at a given time. Ike prides himself in assisting people with their real estate needs,whether they are a first-time homebuyer, a new business owner, a seasoned investor, or a long-time client. Raised on the North Fork, Ike is a highly regarded expert of the region with a deep knowledge of the lay of the land,zoning and growth patterns, and is highly sought after for his comprehensive expertise in the field. REAL ESTATE BROKER EDUCATION • Manages multiple large property portfolios for both Richmond Realty Corp and clients Georgia Institute of including asset acquisitions,dispositions,and management of investments such as single Technology family, multi-family,commercial,industrial,and special purpose. >Bachelor of Building • Maintains 30+listings for sale and for lease at any given time including office/medical . Construction,Real Estate buildings, retail buildings, mixed use buildings,vacant land,development sites,and residential Development,2004 properties. • Works with buyers and sellers on selling and purchasing residential and commercial real estate. LICENSE • Has been involved with hundreds of leases and sales throughout the Towns of Riverhead, >New York State Real Southold,Southampton and the Village of Greenport: residential homes, mixed use commercial properties,office and medical buildings,industrial and trade shop warehouses, Estate Associate Broker retail buildings, restaurants,vacant land,religious organizations. since 2001 • Introduces new investors to Downtown Riverhead and Route 58 corridor. YEARS WITH RICHMOND PROPERTY MANAGER REALTY CORP: 17 • Currently manages approximately 90 properties across all asset classes. • Serves as landlord representative for day-to-day tenant issues and concerns,building care and HONORS maintenance. >Eagle Scout • Supervises all aspects of property management including building maintenance,fiscal >Paul Harris Fellow, reporting and oversight,contracts,capital improvements. Rotary Club Award • Notable projects:Woolworth Revitalization mixed use development;Thirty West Main LLC;20 >Riverhead Rotarian of West Main LLC;400 West Main LLC; 540 East Main Street LLC the Month DEVELOPER COMMUNITY • Develops medical and commercial projects, property subdivisions,and all phases of permitting >Riverhead Downtown and expediting for development. Revitalization Committee m Development and redevelopment projects in Riverhead include: Riverhead Commerce Park, >Riverhead Northville Commerce Park, Riverhead Commons,20&30 West Main St,R,and the MIRAHMAX Comprehensive Master LLC downtown redevelopment Plan Update Committee • Current) developing several properties in Riverhead in various stages of planning,including >Riverhead Business residential and industrial subdivisions and a campus style medical center. Advisory.Committee CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT >Riverhead Parking • Significant experience in Construction Management including oversight,coordination and District Advisory management of all phases of construction and rehabilitation of office buildings,retail buildings, Committee mixed use buildings, and residential projects. >Riverhead Chamberof • Notable projects:471-477 Main St,Greenport; 54&64 Commerce Ave,Riverhead Commerce(former Board Member) INVESTOR >Riverhead Rotary Club • Actively investor and currently owns properties located throughout Riverhead and the North since 2006(former Board Fork, including office,medical,retail, restaurant,residential,and vacant land. Member) ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE • Tritec Building Company, East Setauket, NY(2003) • Gottlieb Skanska USA,Valley Stream, NY(2002, DeKalb Ave Subway Station Rehabilitation in Brooklyn,$34,000,000 project) HERBERT D . ISRAEL SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER herbert@richmondrealtycorp.com 1631-902-5294 As Senior Project Manager of Diamond Builders Inc,the active construction arm of Richmond Realty Corp, Herbert plays an essential role in advancing one of the region's most highly regarded construction and real estate firms in the development of commercial and residential real estate projects across eastern Long Island. Herbert manages projects from start to finish,from site planning and permitting, budgets and contracts,to all logistics, construction means and methods, and delivery.The complexity of each project requires the full spectrum of his skills,from extensive planning to financial management,and expertise in negotiation. Herbert demonstrates strong leadership on projects and on teams he collaborates with,whether it be with clientele,a team of subcontractors,and the Richmond Realty Corp team. His portfolio illustrates proven success in projects ranging from the development of ground up campus-style office parks,medical office build outs with highly specialized equipment, car dealership, hotel, high end homes, office spaces, industrial properties, and special purpose properties such as distilleries,meditation therapy,religious,veterinary,and more. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Riverhead Commons,Riverhead,NY EDUCATION Ground up development of 6.2 acre site,constructing 49,000 sq ft medical/office/retail campus Wentworth Institute consisting of four buildings.$12,500,000 project. of Technology • Northville Commerce Park,Riverhead,NY >Bachelor of All site work and construction of 3.8 acre property to build a 28,800 sq ft office/medical campus Construction consisting of four buildings.$6,750,000 project. Management,2010 • New York Cancer and Blood Specialists,Lake Success,NY 25,000 sq ft advanced oncology and radiology center.$6,100,000 project. • Apple Honda Dealership,Service Center and Automotive Discount Center,Riverhead,NY YEARS WITH 24,400 sq ft building addition/renovation and site work of entire 3.6 acre campus.In addition, RICHMOND renovated/modernized the 15,000 sq ft automotive service center at dealership including entire facade REALTY CORP:11 update,and managed all site renovation for 3.2 acre site for associated Automotive Discount Center. $5,000,000 project.All work completed while automotive dealership business continued to operate LICENSES without any interruptions and saw an increase in sales. >New York State • New York Cancer and Blood Specialists,Riverhead,NY Real Estate 20,700 sq ft medical build out including linear accelerator to bring complete cancer care to the region. $4,300,000 project. Salespersons • New Jerusalem Church,Riverhead,NY License Ground up construction of 32,000 sq ft church and associated site work of the 9.8 acre property. >United States $6,300,000 project. Coast Guard,100 • Garsten Retail Center,Riverhead,NY Tonnage Ground up development of 12.3 acre site with 55,000 sq ft structural footprint for a single tenant national Classification with retailer.$5,000,000 project. towing • Matchbook Distilling Co,Greenport,NY endorsement. 42,000 sq ft creation of alcohol distillery from high design tasting room to all distillery mechanicals. Licensed Captain, $3,750,000 project. • The Brooklyn Cancer Center at The Brooklyn Hospital Center,Brooklyn,NY 2010 Rezone/use of 12,000 sq ft advanced oncology center.$3,200,000 project. >30 OSHA • Stony Brook Advanced Imaging Center,Riverhead,NY Construction Safety 7,200 sq ft build out of an advanced imaging center.$3,800,000 project. Training • ENT Allergy/Northwell Health,Riverhead,NY 7,200 sq ft medical build out.$1,080,000 project. AWARDS • Peconic Bay Medical Center/Northwell Health,Greenport,NY >Paul Harris Fellow, 4,500 sq ft renovation for new primary care medical center.Built safely,efficiently and without delays Rotary Club Award during the Covid-19 pandemic,with no virus outbreaks.$950,000 project. • The Lin Beach House,Greenport,NY Renovation of boutique hotel and adjoining restaurant totaling 21,000 sq ft.$850,000 project. • Markowitz,Fenelon and Bank LLP,Riverhead,NY Creation of 6,800 sq ft Class A office space for accounting firm.$675,000 project. • Joshua's Place(now Peconic Salt),Riverhead,NY Creation of 3,100 sq ft health spa including salt cave.$675,000 project. • Columbia Care,Riverhead,NY Renovations to create 2,800 sq ft medical marijuana dispensary including highly advanced vault security technology.$365,000 project. • East End Veterinary Hospital,Riverhead,NY 2,200 sq ft renovation to add MRI/CAT scan/barometric chamber forthriving veterinary hospital.$215,000 project. • Quest Diagnostics,Riverhead,NY Medical office build out of 1,800 sq ft for national lab.$215,000 project. • 1074 Pulaski Street,Riverhead,NY 6,000 sq ft interior renovation of industrial space. • Other clients include Bright&Early Discoveries Child Care Center,Cohen's Fashion Optical,East End Respiratory Services,Guatemala Consulate,Harbor View Medical/Pulmonary Care Associates,Long Island Physician Associates,Metro PCS,North Shore Hematology&Oncology,Peconic Bay Medical Center/ Northwell Health,Plaza 58,Rheumatology Associates,Robert James Salon