HomeMy WebLinkAbout670 NO'f'lCE' ~F HEMUNG Pursuant to SectIon 287 of the Town Law and the provisions of the Amended BuIlding Zone OrdInance of the Town of SOuthold, Suffolk County. New York. publlc he~s will be held by the Zoning BoeI'd of Appeals of the ToWn of SOuthold, at the Town Office, MaID . ROad, SOuthold, New. YorII1, on June 11, 1984, on the following appeals: 7:30 P. M. (E.DS.T.), upon applica- tion of Peter 81ecIJeskI, MaIn -, Orient, New YiIrI<; for a special """P-I tlon In accordance with the ZOnlng Ord\I1&nce ArIIole X, Seot\On 100M, for ~on to renew a farm labor camp permit Slanted May 23, 1983. L0- cation of property : south side Route 23 OrIent New York, bounded north t>Y MaIn ~,east by J. B. Droskosld, IIOUth and west by J. TuthUl and J. Dyer. pIl 7:40 P. M. (E.DS.T.), upon ap ca- tion of ElIzabeth M. Connors, Matt!- tuck, New York, for a variance and reoognltlonof access in accordance with the Z9nIng Ordinance; Article UI, Bec- tlon 303. and Artlole X. Beetlon lOOOA, and New York State Town LaW, section 280A, for pomn\e8Ion to divide lots WIth insufficient frontage and for approval of access. Location of property: south side Peconic Bay Blvd.. Laurel, New York, bounded north by Peconlc Bay mvd., east by A. H. Patterson, south ,j by other land of Connors, west by S. D. Piquet. 7:50 P. M. (E.D.S.T.), upon applica- tion of Fred R. WangeUn, 2064 StirruP Path sea.ford, New York, for a vari- ance' in accordance. wJth the Zoning I Ordinance. Article III, Section 305, ~or permission to eI'8/'}ta. ,dwelling with In- sufficient setbao". Location of prop- erty: n..-th side Ole Jule Lane~t~- 1 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK } ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG /SLAND TRAVELER - MATT/TUCK WATCHMAN. a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for .....~2.~....(./Lweeky il; successivelYI commencing on the ...............~...........'........ do, 0"~)21ft:!tlt:t:) ......................................'1...................." ..~~............ (/t Sworn to before me this /) day of ........................ .....:;>21;,J44<.4L..... 19c:;:,f.( / - ., ~ ~ . . . - . - . - ,f, ,-,. it: .. - "/ / ~ - /' '-- /,:/ /'~ - - ,.) ........{A..:(;;.. .L"A......L:.-:er .:-c:; ..2.(~::....... Notary Public / / , t10n of R. G. TerI1, Esq., Boutho1d, New York. a/c Cbarlotte K. Glttlnger, 3 Forest Drive, SlJrlngtleld, New Jersey, for a variaIJoe.and recognition of ac- cess in - accordal'iCe with the Zoning Ordlnan"", Article m, Beotlon 303, and NelVi Yorl State Town Law, Section 280A, for permission to divide lots with insutl'lcient frontage, and for approval of access. Location of property: north side Cedar Beach Road, and east side Paradise PoInt Road, Bouthold, New York, bounded north by E. G. Wey- mouth, east by Bay,south by Cedar Beach Road, west by Paradise Point Road. 8 :30 P. M. (ED.S. T.), upon applica- tion ot l\4aAo lII'aoLeIsh, Bray Avenue, I ;Laurel, New York, tor a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article In, Section 303, forpermjssion to erect a buUdlng with lnsu1Tlclent frontage. Locatlon of pI'OpeI t~: west side Bray Avenue, lot No. 100, Laurel, New. York, bounded north by other land of MaeLeIsh,- east by Bray Avenue, south by T. T. WhIttier, west by other land of Mac' -eJsh. 8:45 P. M. (ED.S.T.), upon appllca- tlon of Herbert W. Wells, Jr., Southall!, New york, a/c Vall Brothers, Inc.. Main Road, Peconic, New -. York, for special exception In accordance with the Zoning OrdInance, ArtIoIe IV, Bee- I tion 400, Subsection 9, for permission' to Install a parking lot to sell new and used cars. Location. of property:; north east comer of Peoonlc Lane and Route 25, Peconlc, New York, bounded north by land now or fonnerly of A. C1erach. east by land now, or formerly of S. Cleraoh, south by Main Road. west by PeconicLane. 9:00 P. M. (E-D.S.T.), upon appl1ca- tlon of James Brewington, MaIn Road. Cutohogue, New York, for a special ex- ception In acconlonoe with the Zoning OrdInance, ArtIcle IV, section 400, Sub- section 9. for permission to Install a . -king lot to sell used oar.. Location of proPerty: SOUth east corner of MaIn Road and Eugene Road, CUtohogue. New York, bounded north by MaIn Road, east by M. Abatelll, south by O. , Glover, west by Eugene Road. , 9:30 P. M. (E.D.S.T:). upon appllca- tlon of J. .Harry McGowan, 17 Aber- ,deen Street; Malverne, Newt_ York, for 'a special exception In accordance with 'the ZonIng OrdInance, Article X, sec- I tIon 1007, Subsection e, for permission to expand a non-conforming bulldlng. I'Locatlon of property: PrIvate rlght-of- way, south side Peoonlc Bay Blvd., i.l.aurel, _""'k, bounded n1l1'tb by ~..oon nelly, east by PrIvate, road, south M. McGowan, west by J. McGoW8l1. Any person deslrlng to be heard on the above appUcatlons should appear at the time aDd ]lIacec aoo.e speo\f\ed. DATED: May 28, 1964, By the Order , ot the Bouthold Town Board of Appeals , AUf:LE PAYNl: Notary PUli!ic. Sidle r1f ~,I~W York Resjdln!~ in S':Jffc:;~, C:'uflty No. 5:'-.:W4U)U'J .- CommiSSion t:tpire~ IliI;:Hch 30. 19.t(,~ <) . LEGAL IOTICE Notice of Hearing Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance, of the Town of Southold, . Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Zone Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on June 11, 1964, .n the following appeals: 7:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Peter Sledjeski, Main Road, orient, New york, for a special exception in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article X, Section 1003A, for permission to renew a farm labor camp permit granted May 23, 1963. Location of property: south side Route 25, Orient, New York, bounded north by Main Road, east by J. B. Droskoski, south and west by J. Tuthill and J. Dyer. 7:40 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Elizabeth M. Connors, Mattituck, New York, for a variance and recognition of access in accordance with the zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 303, and Article X, Section lOOOA, and New York state Town Law, Section 280A, for ~rmission to divide lots with insufficient frontage and for approval of access. Location of property: south side peconic Bay Blvd., Laurel, New York, bounded north by peconic Bay Blvd., east by A. H. Patterson, south by other land of Connors, west by S. D. Piquet. 7.50 P.M. (B.D.S.T.), upon application of Fred R. '>.).,...,\t. Wangelin, 2054 stirrup path, Seaford, New ~, for a variance! in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, section 305, for permission to erect a dwelling with insufficient setback. Location of propertYl north side Ole Jule Lane, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by Nuart Lane, east by zigmund Pylko, south by Ole Jule Lane, west by Ole Jule Lane. 8,10 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of R. G. Terry, Esq. southold, New York, alc Charlotte K. Gittinger, 3 Forest Drive springf~d, New Jersey, for a variance and recognition of , access in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 303, and New York state Town Law, Section 280A, for permission to divide lots with insufficient frontage, and for approval of access. Location of property, north side Cedar Beach Road, and east side Paradise Point Road, Southold, New York, bounded north by E. G.Weymouth, east by Bay, south by Cedar Beach Road, west by Paradise Point Road. 8,30 P.M. (B.D.S.T.), upon application of Mae MacLeish, Bray Avenue, Laurel, New york, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 303, for permission to erect a building with insufficient frontage. Location of property. west side Bray Avenue, lot * 100, Laurel New york, bounded north by other land of HacLeish, east by Bray I ! Avenue, south by T. T. Whittier, west by other land of MacLeishi ! 8:45 P.M. (E.D.S.T), upon application of Herbert W. Wells, Jr., Southold, New York, alc Vail Brothers, Inc., Main Road, peconic, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Section 400, Subsection 9, for permission to install ajtarking lot to sell new and used cars. Location of property: north east corner of peconic Lane, and Route 25, Peconic, New York, bounded north by land now or formerly of A. Cierach, east by land now or formerly of s. Cierach, south by Main ~d, west by Peconic Lane. 9:00 P.M. (E.D.S.T), upon app~ication of Jameo Brewington, Main Road, Cutchogue, New York, for a special exception in accordan~ with the Zoning Ordiaance, Article IV, Section 400, Subsection 9, for permission to install a parking lot to sell used cars. Location of property: south east corner of Main Roadl and Eugene Road, Cutchogue, New York , bounded north by Main Road, east by M. Abatelli, south by O. Glover, west by Eugene Road. 9:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of J. Harry MCGowan 17 Aberdeen Street, Malverne, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article X, Section 1007, Subsection e, for permiSSion to expand a non-conforming building. Location of property, private right-of-way, south side peconic Bay BlVd., Laurel, New York, bounded north by J. Connelly, east by private r"d, south by M. McGowan, west by J. McGowan. " Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications! should appear at the time and place above specified. DATEB, May 28, 1964, By Order of the Southold Town Board of Appeals '" '" '" PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, JUNE 4, 1964, AND FORWARD NINE (9) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS. TOWN OFFICE MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. '" '" '" Copies mailed to the following on June 1, 1964 Peter Sledjeski Elizabeth M. Connors Herbert W. Wells, Jr. James BreWington J. Harry MCGowan Frank Hundley a/c Fred Wangelin R. G. Terry, Esq., a/c Charlotte K. Gittinger Mae MacLeish The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman SOMEONE SHOULD APPEAR AT THE HEARING FORM ~O. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No. ........... Frank Hundley Ale To fi.e4...:w.iiP,g~J,.Jn. .........495.4 .~1;J:r.r:tlp. I'll,tl:J. .....S..~!lfqJ:"d"..~.X . .............. Date ... ...... May .. 22... .......... 19..6.4. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated. ... J1~Y....2.? ............ 19..~~ for permit to construct ..dw.el11ng. . . at the premises located at .....N/(? .Ql~...;r.~+.f;l Mattituek L.@f;l...................... Street Map ........ ...JCf.X. ....Block ....:x:x.x.:x... . Lot. xxxx .... ... ............ IS disapproved on the followirW ground- ....p;rQ.posed..(hreJJ..Jn.g.... ..... c.annot.. me. et.. .a.ver ag e.. s.et b.a~k. . line. . .of... .e~Js t in.g.. <i.w.e U.in,g.s........ .......... .. .... ... .due..to. ..shape.. of.. .lot.......... .Seetion30$... ~0('~l L &'/Vl . t~. ..'B~'iidj~~ i~~~~ct~~..' .... ......... TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK p /(P po.-~5. 00 APPEAL NO. & 7 C) DATE ~0i..~.~..f~.~.~. APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, N. Y. 1, (We) .. ..f.~~.!?...~.:.. W ~.<;.~.~:~.................... of .. ..~. f..':l.. ..~"1~.f:.;I!:!-!:~. ..f.~.:r.Y.\............. ............. Nome of Appellant Street and Number .........~.~.~.r::-.9.~\)................................................. ............ ..........~.~::-:(.......HEREBY APPEAL TO Municipality State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO. .................................... DATED ....1~!':':.1...~.~...~..'f.................. WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO of Name of Applicant for permit (;<) ( ) ( ) ..... St~~~t' '~~d"N ~~b~;"""""""""""" MC~'i~'ip~ i ity.................... St~t~""""""""""'" PERMIT TO USE PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY .......P>.\.:F,;-...~!-!!:-.~..~.~.............................~.A.~..................... Street Use District on Zoning Map Map No. Lot No. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) "R\,CLCz :TIL - SE.C'IO'~ """.JOif 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for C><J A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeol ~ (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ) request for a variance and was made in Appeal No. ................................Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 (;::>4 A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) is requested far the reason that \'T IS 100", t'o'SS,8L.lZ- ,0 \;IOIL-D '" S.., '''''''ALe fLE.~\\)€~~!Z. UJ,,'~v, "., V....il-ll'''''''ff. ll~ l=~t-J, 1ia-r \~/I;;CI,(. S~17- \...-1'Z..-crR:.Vl ~\) &'Il-li-r~;.i, ,,'TTt\~HfZ9 Form ZBl (Continue on ather side) REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce proctical difficulties or unneces- sary HARDSHIP because \, \5 j.J", Q"SS",,--I'E lC IIU.lllF.:.. V<;.1't O~ \\~,~ U'T W l'< ~ 0', 0 Il> -c p,. ,t-lltJ4 ""1\ -5 " ~(U V'\VJ"-15 2. The hordship created is UNIQUE and is not shored by 011 properties alike in the immediate vicinity af this property and in this use district because . " f' l ~ - ~ \.\1\\liZ' \) LOT 410\ 'HIS - \ t+lS 1-'; "\ 1+fZ.. 0 IJ L--f \/lCI!\lI\'-{ 3. The Variance would observe the spirit af the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because -nt'!<~1fi. I.VO\JL-V Be... NO () (':l '5,lUJc.___, 01'0 OP tJR-lq llllotl:> \)1\'<.vJ \Jolt 10tUL\) -rotnltfl. ~'=- A;p.,'j \l.yvi<.rl~il. ~C\ 0 \J ,"'-1;::' vll.l..v\'Z IlF ,,'-1<:\,,- ~1LC(''''-\t,>(. STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF1~ l~! :i.' /~; ~~: . , j_.' ~(/;. / ~., . . . ..;...... .c:Z:S~~........... ..~...=;;.. ....f.~;.":':9...~ Signature / / -r;( ................................~.... day aL./'0'.d.Y.................................. 19 c.;-sL ss Sworn ta this /1 ~_. /' .....................~:~~;.~~............... ~.j. '.." '. .~.'{~,i' ...l.L th;c~:;,' >:0W Ycrk Certdjc,1 L 'co'"~ '" C'')Jn:y l~c-'Jf1ty C1ed2 c:~i: 30, 1'7'65 Mar 22, 1964 Town ot Sou thold Maln Road Southold, L.I. N.Y. Attentlon- Zonlng Board of Appeals Gen tlemen I I enclose lD.1 appeal for a varlance In the tront set-back on a lot a t the .0uthel'DJllo.t corner ot OleJule IAne, Mattltuck. I have entered Into a tor_l contract to purcha.. th1l lot which 18 on the north aide of the road trom BdDmnd Bell1s. Th1. contrac* 11 subject to obtalnlng a yarlance on the traot setback In relatlon to the houses immedlatel,. adjacent on both sides of the propert,-. The enclosed .ketch show. the .hape and slze of this prcpert,. and It is obvlous that it cnnot be used tor a residence in keeplng with the other homes in the viclnit,- unless a variance on tront setback i. allowed. I do not intend to build immediatel,. and theretore I all. not in the podtion to appl,. tor a Building pe1'll1 tat thi. time. But I 1lIl1lt know that when I do build in the fUtQre it will be possible to lUll,. utilize this propert,-. Unle.s I can do so I have no interest in purchasing this lot I hope that '"OU will approve this request. ~ Re.peC~~~"J ' q~~//"~~ P'.r'ed. R~.~ngel1%1(:7--H- 2054 Stirrup Path Seaford, L.I. N.Y. FRED WANGELIN, MATTlTUCK, ~~''i YORK Taken June 8, 1964 '" - --.~-- ~ ~- '-" 'l " L--~-P ; . ,-r--l _, ,_, ' I , , I ,i-~ I :* j I--m*- , I .c 'I I <: ! rl td~j "ii' I j~ J r I , ! I I i- i--j-"! -'J-' ; .--l-f--..;.--.-- ._~ I I I': 4-- t - , i -t-r '" _ _ '" ~t!-..;ll,-,t__ .----: : i : I i I , I I I I I , I i -1--~-----T- -- j_l - --;----1 , I I 'I' ii, t : : " , " I I ! ' ' I '" ,"'-, i-' i, I'I! ttl f-.-' ,-~---j,'-"--':---L1'---"c,' T----T ,'" I,' ' '.- II , '! i -r -- : 1 i" _rom: 'I ' ' ! ' - j I il ' , 1 I I t -I I , I I ~ k~: I ?>~I ! J ! r- 1-- , I -, -I ! , l___ ! '" ---1 -~ I __ --1- , I __I_ I , !-.-L ~-I ! I _I ; i J ---I , I I ~--- I ~8i-j; I, 1 --1-'--------1--;--;------ I-:--i- ~~ ': (": I \ I I ,I ' j I , ~-----+-- , "I I ! , z I I ,.__----<_-.0.. .' ,~ , , , ~-, ~ .