HomeMy WebLinkAbout678 /~D o PRR~$~O~, ROBERT H. Sterling ~arbor Marina Manhasset Avenue #678 ~_ June 25, 19~4 Page 11 Greenport,_New York DE~!ED permission.to erect directional sign on property of Sterling Cemetery Ass. SE/Corner Manhasset LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF HEARING Pursuant to I>ootlon 267 of the Town , Law and the provisions of the Amended I Building Zone' Ordinance, of the Town I of Southold, Suffolk County. NeWi York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town Office, Main . Road, Southold. New York, on June 25, ,1964, on the following appeals: I 7:30 P. M. (E.D.S.T.). upon the amended application of R. G. Terry, Esq., Southald, New York, ale Char- lotte K. Gittinger, 3 Forest Drive, , Springfield, Newr Jersey. for a variance ! and recognition of access in accordance , with the Zoning Drdinance, Article mj ; Sections 303, 304, 307, 308, Article X, Section lOOOa, ,and the State of New York Town Law, Section 280A, for permission to. divide lots with insuf- ficient frontage, and for approval of access. Location of property: north I side Cedar Beach Road. bounded north ! b~_ . , ; 5~i!<~' .. amended application of Herbert W. Wells, Jr.,. Southold, NeWi York. ale Vail Brothers, Inc., Main Road, Peconfc, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning ordinance, Article IV, Section 400, Subsection 9, for permission to install a !WU'ldng lot to sell used and new cars." Location of property: north side Route 25, Pe- conic, New York, bounded north by land now or formerly of A. Cierach, east by land noW) or formerly of A. Cierach, south by Main Road, west by other land of applicent. 7:45 P. M. (ED.S.T.). upon applica- tion of Henry J. Smith, Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 303, and Article X, I Section 1oooa, for permiSSion to divide lots with insu:t!icient frontage, Loca- tion of property: west side Canr: 1 Ave- nue, Peconic, New York,bounded north by 'Long Island Railroad, east by Car- roll Avenue south by J. Q. Bell-Bedell, weat by other land of applicant. 8:00 P. M. (E.D.S.T.J. upon appllce- tion of Cecil Young, Main Road, Laurel, Newl York. ale J. Myron Young, Main Road, Laurel,' New York, for recogni- tion of access in accordance with the State of New York Town Law, Section 280A. Location of property: Right-of- way north side Peconic Bay Blvd., bounded north by Main Road-Hill, east by Albert Nolte, south by Peconic Bay Blvd., west by H. Romanowski. 8:10 P. M. (E.D,S.T.), upon applica- tion of Robert H. Preston, President, Sterling Harbor Marina, Manhasset Avenue, Greenport, New York, for a speciaJ exception in accordance with the Zoning ordinance, Article m, Sec- tion 300, Subsection 11, for permission to erect a directional sign on the prop- ! erty of Sterling Cemtery Association. ; Location of property: south east corner l North Road, and Manhasset Avenue, 'Greenport, New York, bounded north by North Road, east by land of R. Preston, south by Sterling Creek, west by Manhasset Avenue. 8:30 P. M. (E.D.S.T.), upon applica- tion of Richard F. Mullen, Mullen Motor Sales, Main Road and Cottage Place, Southold, New York, for a special exception. in accordance 'With the Zon- ing Ordinance, Article In, Section 400, Subsection 9, for permission to install a parking lot to sell newl and used cars. Location of property: south west corner Main Road and Cottage Place, Southold, New York, bounded north by Main Road, east by Cottage Place, south by M. Aksten, west by R. Swezey. 8:45 P. M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon applica- tion of II'heodore Switsavage, 46-46 Broadway, Newl York City, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Z_. ..... .. ........r~tion 3. ..,.. ........Per- I' . . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK t ss I C Whitney Booth. Jr.. being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor. of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER. MATTITUCK WATCHMAN. 0 public news- paper printed at Southold. in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy. hos been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch. man once each week for .~.../<:.'::...J":'~"",:,:"~~"""",,, weeJxs successively, commencing on the ..................:..'................... '. . ( day of .............,.,..,...:.'..L.......... 19..\.......- .................................................................................. /;7 ,., Sworn to before me this .............'........... day of .....:)L.'...:::..,.............I9\.:)... ) ,.---/ /. , / '( /// ... .. / / ( -' . .... ..(..1.... .(... ..~~~~;;...~bii/.,..{.././..c..~.,... .... lilli' f),",':'~J l I)! ['Jew York ~ :\I'-I;",y Nutary I':' ReS; ';11' f;;\ r.()nJfTli~~;"~1 r \f,;: ':S i.'ldi II ~"1. 19'[.") If:~I~_ east side Marlene Lane, MattitucK., New York, bounded. north by J. M.c- Le I N Lellan, easl by D1stricl 9, soulh by ga otice other land of Swltsavage, west by (Continued from Page 11) .--:,-r'-._._--:~'---_-j :',...,..,:...-........."'\_., Marlene Lane. cordance with the Zoning Drdinance, 9:00 P. M. (E.D.S.T.). upon applica- Article IV, Section 400. Subsection 9, tion of Samuel Copin, Vice President, for permission to extend permission Fleet Lumber, Inc., Route 25, Green~ granted for the sale and service of port, New; Yo!'t, for a special excePt~on motor vehicles, farm machinery. etc. in accordance rwith the Zoning Ordm- Location of property: north east corner anee, Article IV, Section 408, Subsec- of Railroad Avenue, and North Road tioD b, for permission to erect an on Southold, New York, bounded north oY premises wall sign. Location of prop- J. Harris. east by F. Abrams, south by erty: south side Route 25, Greenport, North Road, west by YoungS Avenue. New York, bonnded north by Main 10:00 P. M. (E.n.s.T.), upon applica- Road, east by M. Cassidy, south by of S. T. Sage, Treasurer, Island's End Long Island Ratlroad, west by R. Golf and Country Club, Inc., Route 25, Brown, , Greenport, New York, for a special ex- 9:10 p, M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon applica- i cePt.ion in accordance with the Zoning tion of Samuel Copin, Vice President, Ordinance, Article In, Section 300, F!eet Lumber, Inc., Route 25, Oreen- Subsection 11, for permission to renew; p::rt, New York, for a special exception and relocate an on the premises identi_ in accordance w,ith the Zoning Ordin- fication sign granted June 25, 1962. ance, Article IV, Section 408, Subsec- Location of property: north side Route tion h, for permission to erect an on 25, Greenport, New York, bounded premises wall sign. Location of prop~ north by other land of applicant, east erty: south side Route 25, Oreenport, by Leroy Brown, south by Route 25 New York, bounded north by Main west by Warren Critchlow. ' Road, east by M. Cassidy, south by 10:15 P. M. (E.D.S.TJ, Upon apPlica-! Long Island Railroad, west by R. tion of Alfred Kneski, Middle Road, Brown. Mattituck, New York, ale Pauline 9:15 P. M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon appllca- !tneski, Middle Road, Malliluck, New tion of Samuel Copill, Vice President, I York, for a variance in accordance wJth Fleet Lumber, Inc., Route 25, Green- i t~e Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Sec- port, New York, for a special exception hon 303, Article X, Section 1000a for in accordance with the Zoning Ordin- permiSSion to divide and build on ~ lot ance, Article IV, Section 408, Subsec- with Insufficient frontage. Location of tion b for permission to erect an on property: south side MidcUe Road (CR premi;es wall sign. Location of prop-' 27A), Matti~uck, New York, bounded erty: south side Route 25, Greenport, north by MIddle Road (CR 27A), east New York bounded north by Main by J. Blasco, south by Sound Avenue i Road, east by M. Cassidy, south by west by A. Walgo. ' Long Island Railroad, west .by R. Any person desiring to be neard on Brown. the a.bove applications should appear at . 9:30 P. M. (E.D.S.T.), upon applica- ~~~~~ and place above specified. tion of New York Telephone Company, . June 11, 1964, By Order of 140 West Street, New York City, New the Southold Town Board of Appeals York, for a special exception in ac- cordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article ITI, Section 300, Subsection Ba, for permission to install a coastal har- bor radio-telephone receiving station on the property of Mattituck Park District, known as "Mattituck Veteran's Mem- orial Park", Mattituck, New York. Lo- cation of property; south west side Peconic Bay Blvd., and Bay Avenue. Mattituck, New York, bounded north by Peconic Bay Blvd., east by Bay Ave- nue, south. ,by Bay, west by Allyn Realty Corp., and Right-of-way, and others. 9 :45 P. M. (E.D.S.T,) upon applica- tion of Shephard M. SCheinberg, Esq., 220 Roanoke Avenue, Riverhead, New York, ale Josephine Housner, 159: ~~-~iz-~~ InN.:~1 l'';OUlE.CV;'I,311.__.;',..tV ~ .<.nICE Notice of Hearing Pursuant to Section 167 of the Towrl Law and the pz'CW181on8 of t.he AnIIaDde4 Building zone or41nance of the 'l'OWn of So4ltho14, Suffolk county, Hew :(orl(, public: heariftgs will be held by the zon1n'i Board of Appeals of the 'fOwn of BOUtbOllS, at the 'fown Offielt, Main lloa4, Sou1:bold, New York, on JUne 25, 1964, on the following appeals z ,.30 P.M. (B.D.S.T.), upon the a~"~-d application of I R. Q. Terry, Esq., Southold, New YOI'K, ale Charlott.e 1<. Gittift<3e~, , 3 Forest Drive, sprin'ilfield, l!Iew Jersey, fCN: a var1ance and l'ee091l1tton of aceltSS in accordance wit.h the ZGninq ordinanelt, 304,307,308 Article III, Section 303,/Artic:le X, Section 1000A, and t.he state of Ifew 'C0I'l( 'toWn Law, Sec:t.ion 28011., fol' pel'lll18Sion to dLvide lots with insufficient frontase, and tor approval of aceltss. LoCat.ion of property: IlOrtll s1de Cedar Beach _oael, boundecl aol'th by land of applicant, east by 5ay, south by land of applicant, west by land of appl1cant. ',40 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon the amended applic~on of "erbert w. wella, Jr., Southold, New YOI'k., ale Vail Bro1:benl, Inc.. Main Iload, Pec:onlc:, IIiIew York, for. special _ception in accordance with the ZODlUlIl ord1nanc:e, Art.icle IV, Section 400, Su.ect.lon 9. for p8J:'11l1ssion to install a parkinq lot to sell used and new cars. LOCation of property, north side Route 25. Pec:onlc:, New '{orlt. bounded north by land now 01' fOZ'lll8rly of 1\. clel'ac:h, .ast oy land now 01' fOl'ZMrly of A. C ierach. south by Main ltoeQ, ..st by other land of applicant. Le'1111 Not1ce ".ge -2- 7.45 P.M. (E.O.S.T. I, upon app11e.~1on of Beary J. "ith, peconlc Lane, Peconlc, ~ vorlt, foll' II vall'1aDce in accordance with the Zon1Dg ordinance, Article Ill, Sect:ion 303, ud Article x, Section 1000a, for perlll1ssion to divide 10U with inSUffiCientl , frontage. LocaU.on of pll'operty. _at: side carroll AveDue, Peconic, N_ yorlt, bouaded nor1:b by Long IslaD4 aai1dllllt east by Carroll Aveal.le, sou1:b by J. O. Sell-aedell, _at by other 1ud of IIppl1cant.. 8.00 P.M. (B.D,S,T.). UpoD application of CKll YO\lng, Main Road, La\lrel, New York. ale J. Myron YO\lng', Main "oad. Laurel, Mew York. for II vllriaDce in lIecordan~ with the State of 11_ YOl"k Town Law.Section 280.11., tol" approval of acc:eas. LOcation of property. IUqht-of-way north aide Peconic llIay Blvd. bounded Dorth by Main Road-Uill, eaat. by Albert. Holta. aouth by lI'eC:onic say alvd., _at by u. RCIUIIUIOWaJti. , S.lO P,M. (Z.D.S.T.). upoD applic:aU,on of Robert. H. Preston ,I President, 8ta1:11n9 aarbor Ma..ina, Manhaa..t Avenue, GrlMllport, llIew York, for a apeclal exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article lU, 'ec1:1Oft 300, Sublleet.1on 11. tor permis.1on t.o erect II direc1:1onal ai9ft on the property of starling C...tary A.seclat.Loft. LOcatLoft of property. aouth ..at. come.. Horth Road, and Manusset Avenue, a....nport, llIew York, bounded north by North aoa4, ..at by laD" of Preaton, aouth .Dy starling Creek. _at by Manhaaaet. AveDue. I..llIpl Ifot:ic:e ?1Ilge -3- 8.30 P.M. (E.L1.S.T.). upon IIlppl1C&t:ion of Richard F. Mullen, Mullen !l(QUJr sal... Main Road and Cot.tap Place. SOUi:bo14. lIew York. for a special exception 111 a__dance with the :1_1119 or4tn........ Art;iele III. Seet:1on 400. Subaect.1Gn 9. tot: pez:aias1on1 to 1Ilatall III nlIW and ua.d QZ' lot. l.Oeation of propn1:y. south west comer Main Road and cot.tap Place. lJoutbol<l. New Yon. liloun_d nort.b ~ Main Road. eeat. by couage Place. aout:h by' M. Aka,*,. .....t by R. __sey. ( 8.45 p.H. (Il.D...T.). upon appUcation of Tbe040re SWitaaVage~ 46-46 Broadway. .ew YOrk CUy. !If.., YOrk. for a variance 11'1 aCCIOI:4ance with the ZOIl1ng orcU.ftanoe. Art.iele 111, hct.ion 303. ArU.ele X. 8eet:1on 1000.. for pe.I'a\Uaiorl ~ 1N11c1 on III lot; with 1nauffic1lmt b'ontAp. J..oeaUon of property. ...t. 81_ Madene LaM. Mattituek. lfew YOl'k. ))oun_cI north by J. MacLella.. ..at by D1atr1et 9. aout:h by Other land of Iwiuavap. -.t: :by Marlene Lane. ,.00 P. M. (B.D. S. '1'. I. upon app1ieat1on of 8&1111el Copin. v Lee Pr..Ldant. Fleet LwIIber. IDe.. aoute 25. <b"eeDpor't. If.., York. for III apeeJ.al ex~ion 11'1 accordance with the zon1ft9 OJ:'41Danc:e. Article IV. section 408. SulHleet:1on b. lott pe:nl1.81011 to .:net an on ~ wall dgD. .Loc:aU.on..f pJ:'OJl8rtYl aout:h 8LeIe aouts 25. Greea~. tiew YOrk. bowlele4 aottth by Main aoed. eeat. by H. Cae.idy. .outh by Lc:lRg Island ltallroa4. ..t. by R. BrCMn. 1.89&1 Notice paqe -4- !h 10 P.M. (1;.0.8. '1'), upon app11ca~1oft of .a_a1 Copill, vtee prea1dent. Fleet 1.uIllbet:, IDC!.. Rout.e 25. Greuport.. New York. fox' a apedal exc:ept;Lon ill accor4luu:e wLth the ZOIlLlllJ ordi"ance. Artule IV. SeeU,ClIl 4oe. $ub8acrUon b, few peDluaLon t.o el'ltCl1\ an on pnIIl1aee wall a.f.9n. Locat,1oft of p~nYl 8out.h 8148 Route 25. Greuport.. New Yon. :bouDdeCl aon:h by Maill a......t, by M. c..al4)'. aouth by Lon9 za....cl .allftMll!. weat. by a. Brown. 9,15 P. M. (E. D. 8. '1'. ). IQIOl\ appli.CaUOIl of ......1 Coplll. Vice heei4eJlt, ~ L\IIIllMJ:'. Inc.. Route 25. ~...por:t.. Rew York. for a apecLal exeept;lCl11l ill ac:eorclllnce W1llh~iIli Gr'u",_.. Anu1a IV. Sect,1oft 408. StablMlc:tiOll b. for perm1lla1cmj to ereet an ClIIl p&'e1111aea wall 81gra. LoeatJ.on of preparty, aouth aide 1lO'llt.e 25. Q.....por:t.. Rew York. bounded aort.h 'by MaJ.n ltoacl. .ut by M. cua1cly. .outh by I..oa9 xflu4 ...11r..4. weat by R. Brown. , 9130 1'. M. (E. I). S. '1'. ). ~pon appl1c&t1cm of Wew York 'l'e1.phon~ C""'fty. 140 West. Street.. Ifew Yon city. Hew YOZ'k, for .. .pecial excepU.OIl 1n acco..clance "J.th tM zon1ng o..d1almce. ArUc:le .t1.1. Sect.ion 300. 8ub8ecrUon 6&. for peDl1a.iClIIl to 1utall a c:oaat.al bu'bo.. uc!J.0-te1epboae ..ecelv1n9 .taUOIl on the proper~y of Mllt.t.U:uck ParJc DUt.dct.. )mown a. MMllt.Ut:uc1( Vetero'. M_or1al parJcM. Mat.t.ltuck. New York. Loeat.lOIl of propertYI aouth west. aide ..._1e: Bay 11v4o, and aay Ave...... KatUt.uck. Rew York. bcMm4ed north by "'n1e aay Blvd., ...t by Day Avenue. aO\lth by Bay. .at by .lllyan Baalt.y COt:P.. Jl I -?f_y. and 8th..... Le9&l IIKee Pa9- -5- 9;45 P.M. (E.D.S.'1'.). upon .ppUc.t;.t.oI\ of She_I'd M. sc:!ut:inbezv. Eaq.. '20 Itoanoke A'Vltft\M!. Rivedlell4. ._ York. ale Joaeph1Ml !lOU.ner. 159 Woodhull ,l';.'Vltft\1lll, lUvell'be4l4. ..... Yo%lt. foJ: a .pecial exc:ept.1oft in .ccor....c. with the zoa1n9 ord.t.naDee. Art.icle N, S.e1:1ora 400. Su)Mt.n101'1 9. for: peJ.'\Il1.ai~ to extend. peJ.'lLl..aiOrt qrant:e4 for: the Ale and HXVlce of motor veIlicl... farla lIIIldl1Dezy. et;e. :r.ocatiora of property, north ...t; corner of hllroad A'Vltft\1lll. an4 lIIorth 8oa4. SO\IthOld. I N_ York. boun4ed north :by J. Hanlll. ...t by v. .llJu1ua8. aouth ~ North Road.. weat by YOU"" Avenue. l<hoo P.M. (E.D.S.T.). \tpoD applJ.caUora of s. T. 509.. 'l'.....u"r. 1.1and'. EDd GOlf and COW\Uy Cl.. IDe.. Route 25 Greenport, lfew york. for. .pecial exc:eptioa :in accordance with the Z0A1n9 0I'41nane., Article 111. Sec:t.101'1 300. Su)Mtec:t1or& I , i 11, for pe~.1oft to renew _4 "locate aD on the premia.. I 1deDiticaU,0I'I aip fJl'anted .1\aH 25. 1162. :LOc:at.t.ol\ of pro~y.1 i , north aide 1l0\lt. 25. Q""poa't. ..... Toft. lilouDdec1 north by i i otha lAmd of appl1cant. ...1: by I4ll'oy BrGWft. .outh by aoute i 25'1 ! weat by Warren. 10;15 P.M. (!t. D. S. '1'. ). \tpon applicaUOIIl of .\1b.-e4 xneu1, M1d41e aoad. Matt1t;uclt, Hew York. ale PalilliDe,~..Jc1. M1441. Road. Matt1tuclt. 1iI_ york. for . "ar:l.ance 1n .ccoraaee with ~ ! I ZOIIlU\'J Or41nanee, Article 111. he1:1_ 303. AXtic1. X. Sec:tioa 1000.. for permi.s1on to tllv1de lUIeS buil4 on . lot wUh 1D.uffie1ent f~l.... i , Loc:atiora of JKopeny. .outh aide M1441~ Road (C1't 21A). MatUtuck, ."'" York. lxIuDdednol'th lity M14dle Road (ell 21A), ...1o]:)y J. aluco. aouth by Sound A'Vltftue. .....t by iI. W.lgo. IA9al lRotlee hq_ -e- :\ny person dU.a~1n9 to lie heerd on the Ilbove appl1eai:1ons should appear a1: the U.. _d place ..... specified. nA'l'BDl J'\m4t 11, 1964, By OZ'dIH' .f the Soutlbold TOwn aoud of Appeals . ,. ,. .PLBAS8 PUBLISH aICl8. .roD 18. 116<6, AlII) PalWUD !'IJ"l'D,1I (1~) .v,1Z*Vl'1'Il or PUaLlCA'1'laI TO '1'SB 8OAIU) 01' AI'I'BAJ'A, '1'OHlJ OI'''lCB ' HAD aOAD, SOU'1'HOLD. .. YoaK. . ,. ,. copies a11.4 1tO the foUow1n9 on .nme 16. lK4s 'l'be Loll, 1alud 'I'~....dH'-MtUtuc:k If.t~-.. R. G. '1'8S'~. ll*l. JiIIll'ben If. _118. Jr.. a/c: V. Brothers. Iftc:. lieny J. 8a1th RGl:Jut. a. heaten a/c ltediftt fIaJ:'lIor Marina at........d P. .Mull... MUllea MotoJ: su.. HU014 Lacy a/c ~a SW:LbaVa9. .....1 cop.t.D. 'l.et. ~-'J:. 1M. ... Ycmc ....1...... C~Ay. A't"fth .1\. C.1lOelua Sheplha%d M. Sehe.f.label'9. B*I.. a/c .:roeeph:Lne ~.ner IJ. '1'. ..... Idlld'. Bad aolf u4 CCMl~ club ;::-" .ad XheIlk:L. a/c PIl\ll:Lne KMak1 s-- g_fl.n Al'JIIIM A~ ~ _ll'RDlG Fee $ ,.00 TOWN 'OF SOUTHOIJH, NEW ~ORK :J~. - '1/':>./ r<.r>~ J 00) APPLICATION NO. -!i I- 7,y ""'~ .,.. 17- DATE .:..::"'1.....5:1........'></ APPLICATION F'OR SPI!lGLAL EXCEPTLQN TO THE ZON:NG BOARD OF APPEALS. SQUTHOLD. N. Y. I. (We) $..t~.r..U.ng.....Har.'bQr..... Mar.1na.........................of ...........".....Manhans.e.t....Av.e.................... ................................................. Name St,ree,t and Number .......................gr."l."l.~p..9.:r.t... ................................. ..... ....... ................ Municipality ......................II..y.............................. ............................................................... state h1ereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTLON in accordance wi.tb the ZONING ORDIFANGE ARTICLE III SUBSECTION 11 SECTION 300 THE SPEJCIAL EXCEPTION 18 REQUESTED BECAUSE : Need directional sign to direct traffic from Main Road to sterling Harbor Marina. :~; . C- . .'>,. FORM ZB2 FORM NO.1 TOWN OF SOUTH OLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTH OLD, N. Y. Examined ........................................, 19........ Applicatian Na. ............................ Approved ........................................, 19........Permit Na. ................................ Disappraved af c .............................................................................................. (Building Inspector) SIGN APPLICATION FOR ~ PERMIT Date ......................~/.}~.~::1......:;t..1......., 19.~..'i.... INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in duplicate ta the Building Inspector. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of propertymust be drawn on the diagram which is part of this application. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the progress of the work. e. No building sholl be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code and regulations. .. .~.~~.~;J,..+.M ..ij.!l,f.P.Rr....~JJ).~.. Jm~. ............... ..... ... ....... (Signature of applicant, or name, if a corporation) .Mallhanlltl.t. .AYe... ..Gr.l;l,enllO.r.t.,... N..Y....... .............. ..... (Address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. ....... ..... .......... ...... ............... ..... .9.W11.\'!r.. .Qt...S.1gn....................................... ... ........ .... ... ..... ... ..... .... .... .... ..... ......... ...... ... ........ ."..- Name of owner of premises ............................................................................... ....................... ........ .... ........................... ........ If applicant is a corporate, signature of duly authorized officer. Y"'" .................... (N~ ;;;~..; ~'d' 'il ti~' ~f' ~~;p~;~t~' ~f'ii~~ ~'i""""""""'" 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done. Map No: ..~.............................. Lot No: .~......... Street and Number ............................................................................. ....... ............ ........ ................. ..... .................. ....... Municipality 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy'of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy ........................................................ ......... ................ ........ ........ ..... .......... ......... .......... b. Intended use and occupancy ...Jl.1;J;'.e!:.ti.o.:n.al...Il1.gn...................................................................................... 3. Nature of work (check which applicoble): New Building .................. Addition .................. Alteration .................. Repair .................... Removal.................... Demolition.................... Other Work (Describe) ..~:t.;:~ii!?P:~1......... 4. Estimated Cost . .... .... ..... ..................... .... ... .... ..... ...... ...Fee . ....J.9t..p.'-r...Sll..t.1i. ..9.t:...~.fia. ......... ............ ....... ..... (to be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units .......XJCCt...........Number of dwelling units on each floor ............................ If garage, number of cars ........................................................................................................................................... 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use ...Res.1dent1al.. 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front .......................... Rear .......................... Depth ............................ Height ............................ Number of Stories ............................................................................................................... Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front ................................ Rear ................................ Depth .............................. Height ..............................Number of Stories ........................................ 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front ............................ Rear ............................ Depth ............................ Height ............................ Number of Stories ............................ 9. Size of lot: Front ............................ Rear ............................ Depth ................................ 10. Date of Purchase ........................................................Name of Former Owner ........................................................ 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated................................................................................................. 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? ...............y.ea...ne.eaa..uc.fipt1, 13. Name of Owner of premises ........................................Address ............................................ Phone No. .................... Name of t.c~~i"~ ......................................................Address ............................................ Phone No. .................... Name of II[~.......- .Ste.r.1.1ng..Harhor...Mar~ddiae,......Gr.e8JlpOIl:t................ Phone No. .................... PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set-back dimensions from property lines. Give street and block numbers or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or corner lot. f.t ).1 Non.- Tn. ((0 ~D 65) T 3 '----n!i k :>\0' I J 1- fo..-O",.."\l \)N !II .:. ~ I ..1 , ( ! I! i I I. ---.-1 ~ ~ .., ~ ~ ~ ===i.. ~ r- j i I' I ..1 _~_,b-'-_J________ _.. __ iJ STATE OF NEW YORK, 1 S S COUNTY OF SuU'olk..............( '. .,/ .................................................................................................being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant (Name of individual signing application) above named. He is the C.arp.....ot.f.1c.er...... .... ...... ......... .,. ........ ...................................................................................... (Contractor, agent, corporate officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed there~ Sworn to S.f9re me this r; rj ~~i?- ' ~ ..................x:..... day _of ...... . .C."'p""1..........., 19........ ,/ / ",,/ /.. / // I ;; -/ /;' ~ ---;{)~ . 0 "., 01 'hI' 'f.'~ "-;::7"2 1.(. t?k??./.;;;.. d:::t;Z.c.Y.k'<<.:l.:a;v..t...... Notary Public, (l.f.u.M: Q' .. .. .. . '~U"l~.1 .. County:;LjJ~'''' ...... (S.ig~~t~;~.~f '~ppiic~'ntj 'i.:J' .................. Com ,1.S$'Un Exp.rC5 /;a'1.;\1 , /"='" -r II ~ STERLING CEMETERY ASSOCIATION Greenport, N. Y. June 8, 1964 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: permission is given by the Sterling Cemetery Association to Sterling Harbor Marina or Greenport, New York, to erect a directional arrow at the corner or North Road and Manhasset Ave., to correspond with the regulations or the Southold Town Planning Board. ./1 ;J p~. _~.J;/C/ O/)u2<?J ~se~ L. Townsend;~s. - - c ...-,:",..,/: A~ c>..,.__1 - ....:::r.....c::.../, h' "'f~' '.. _ .. ... JUN 9 1964 9.......-,.,...,- :::- :i) 47~;---", -- -- I aD ~..- ~ ,;"a;j ~r: _ ~ti '6 ~r ....--- = 1 JUtt ~ + -'-'-- - ~~.;~...:...-- .'- ., Q... :rfc rc:.L.. V/~"'" "~" .- '. , I ....- ;:? I t .; ...... < , _0 .;J ':1 -t"-:-- I -+ -r ....ilioI .t.llW ::::. :'1> ....... j 27 '2!' I I 2Jl 1 ! " ?9 :JO '1 -+- +- I I :l2 J(J T I i I 1 I , :n ......, oJ .1 34 t 1 I :\,1 ]4 " if~:)7 t t 1- i i I ~" ~~ I .1 .1 II I , I j t-- 35 :16 J7 :l8 39 40 3~ "" ~