HomeMy WebLinkAbout702_SPERC~RS, ~m~RD #702 North Road Aug 6, ~ GreenPort~+~ew york Page 10 Frederick~Gordon, Agent ~ GRANTED permission_to convert a barn into two family dwelling N/S North Road, Gre~nport, New York' NOTICE OF HEARINGS Pursuant to Section 267 of the Tc , Law and the provisions of the amen....... I ed Building Zone Ordinance, of the TQwn of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings wHl be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the TowI\.lilf Southold, at the Town Of- I fice, Main Road, Southold, New York, I on August 6, 1964, on the following I al1{lCaJ~; c I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK } ss lies. >1tl!w York' for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 306, for permission to build on a lot with insufficient setback and side yards. Location of property: north west corner of Central DrIve and I Luther Road, Lot No. 114. Captain Kidd Estates, Mattituck, New York. I 7:40 P. M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon applica- ~ tion of Eva Sinuta, North Road, I Greenport, New York, for a variance in i accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, 'Article III, Section 303, Article X, I Section l000A, for permission to build i on a lot with insufficient area. Loca- I tiOD of property: north side North Road (Rt 25), Greenport, New York, I bounded north by Time Structure, Inc., east by Time Structure, Inc., south by North Road, west by Walter Sledjeski. 8:00 P. M. (E.D.S.T.), upon applica~ tion of Going Sign company, Inc., 206 ,Front street, MineoIa, New York for : a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Sec. tion 408, Subsection (b), for permis- : sian to erect a sign on the west wall : of the Bohack building in Mattituck. I Location of property: south side Main street, Mattituck, New, York, bounded north by Main Road, east by N. Kou- ros, south by Reeves Bros., west by C. Howell. 8:15 P. M. (E.D.S.T,), upon applica- tion of Edward King, Orient, New York, for a special exception in ac- cordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, section 300, Subsection 3a, for permission to build a shed for the storage of boats. Location of property: east side Narrow River Road, Orient, New, York, bounded north by Edwards Estate, east by Hallock Bay, south by other lands of King, west by Nar- row River Road. 8:45 P. M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon applica- tion of Constance Freeman, Main Road, Orient, New York, for a special exception in accordance w~th the Zon- ing Ordinance, Article nI, section 300, Subsection la, for permission to convert a one-family dwelling into a two- family dwelling. Location of property: south side Main Road, Orient. New 'York, bounded north by Main Road, east by Right-of~way, south by R. T. Spencer, west by W. Stromeyer.. 9:00 P. M. (E.n.S.T,), upon applica- tion of Frederick Gordon, 251 Fifth Avenue, Greenport, New York, aic Edward Speeches, North Road, Green- port, New York, for a speCial excep- tion in accordance wJth the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, . Subsection la, for permiSSion to con- vert a barn into a two-family dwell- ing. Location of property: north side North Road (CR 27A), Greenport, Nev; York, bounded north by 3.M.S. Land & Development Corp., east by J.M.S. Land & Development Corp. - Spicer. south by North Road-Ebling. west by H. Morrison. 9:20 P. M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon applica- tion of Beachcomber Motel and Res- taurant, Inc., Duck Pond Road. Cut- chogue, New York, for a special ex- ception in accordance with the Zon- ing Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 11, for permission to erect a directional sign on the property of; Edward A. Zuhoski, Jr. Location Of: property: south side Middle Road, Cut- \ chogue, New York, bounded north by Middle Road, east by J. Haurus, south i I' by E. A. Zuhoski, west by J. Simcik. Any person desiring to be heard on j the above applications should appear ; at the time and place above specified. I DATED: July 23. 1964, By Order of the Soulhold TO\vn Board of Appeals C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, 0 public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is 0 printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Troveler-Mattituck Watch- / /,(. ... man once each week for ..'....'...........:.....:.:...\.......... weels.s successively, commencing on the .........~.~.-:'.......................... day of ....... ...,~.,,''"....,..../''t;' 19.(..1 , _ .. .mmctci06,(jJ / Sworn to before me this ...,....,.............. day of .....L..(i.,..L.,.,L......, 19..,....:: ..........:... ..... f;. ~...,{,. .\....... .1."......: .'..:'. .j.../..:.. \_.~.......... Notary Public ADELE P....YNE Not3ry PlJ~IiIC, Stale of New York ReSidIng in Sutlolk County No. 52-30410no , f';.rlmmission [~Ilires Marel[ 30. 19'( ~ 1 i i..~ ~te~ ~ .sOOV.ilt. (F...tl.\lI.L). .... ...U....U... .f uoa__ s.... l: r 1,llIIr. .lM:.. 206 hoet. ~U1I." lIII.....G1&. .... 't'" ,. II ......&1 ~.,pI;.1a 1I11l1lC',c.z6lM<t .4.. ~. ~_ 3'......... AnJ4l1e 1Y .$~U,_ ... $n"" -......"" CIl). .... .........M1 '.llI .....t. .. .. .;loft t.biI WtJ" ..U Of t1w. _"7. ........., 18. *ott.U.... LClIO.""" o.f pc......Y'1 ~.u. Mtlla $u..~. )/lat.U'ttICk.I!I- ~. :DO., "7. .... .,. MIla aOltl&. ..... liloJ' ill. itnl .. r. ..~ aty a..__ ......... ...It"" c. ...11.. ..u P."" W. tl. S. 'Z'. ). ... appl~ 4' ....... lU.... IJe1...... ... ~lr.. IN .. ....J.al _..... .Ut ....dIlIK:e wi. tal "11111([1 0I:4t...... ut.lAll1. 111. ....w. JOG. SIJif.I.u._ )a. lee ............. .. IM&Ud .. ... ... ... It..... .f --... 1,......... of ..,....,., ...t aUla 1II._" .t.... JhIIa4, l)Zieat;. *"'fOdt.. .. 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(t:I' .n:.I\1, .;:lI'IlRl....... 1MW '."9itk. Ill..... .~ _ .!I.!.f;..~. l.AIIl4a. l'i*"l"jlllllllllt. "...... ..... ""J.H.... ~" r,*","a.'~1 Ul!l: t'...""i&p...... *...Q .., I!I~ l.....!I'W..... ....... _,~.. ~...... ...Ji> if.... (lI!. ,. $,11 . I. ..... ....ic&..... .. 1."I1I11I:.1'1IIliI15. ..... .... ill..........!.. .Il"" ,... ~ t....... JW. iil._ J'C_. ,.. . ....J&l "11""'__ '- u...v~rllllll W". ..... II..... 1~.tn;or nil. "........ d,i.1li.......... ~~ 11. .... .......... " *"'" .. ........f.nll.l __ .. .. ,,'~..nJ' fit' ........11;. .~.,.1. .11'. UI&Mlt.A.OIlI lit ..~, ....ll a... MS"-'* il.tI!lI4. ".1 11' ,........ ... w__. ....... ..... ..,. ",......... 1Ii_ ..., ..., J..~~. ~ 1IW ~" iIl_'."....... .,,,. 'i..... /.., ....-_ .........., to _ ..... .. .. "JIlt uw. ............,... .. J:Il' I W ..w,.. a. ... .... ... .:a... .. U U'JI> .....11.... ;~.Mtt}. .I1UJ' U. 1.... *'1'..,.... 'l1lf .. "~1" "t_~4" ;\'1..... .. .. .t,.,..). :,;..... P""lfill!> ..."... ~1' j8!t!>ll,,tlltit ,).;~. ""S,,'#; 1~4 i...., .~ !'''._at" ttl&1tIft' ,*, ,W1t,Ull4V,l'fJ1, ''i'' Ji'l,\!U..i'(,"'u',~ UB.f,'.M'I\~'" W "M l1IJr:.alC', ii$ A,...." ri~ '"ffJA;j'," :><tl'l.h! jl,:ilif.i;, WJ,""'i,f.'lOJ..il" "'/J( t,.~. ~,...... _UN ,. .. '*11.owtar .. .hI1, 214 1164, ~ ~. u..... 'f".1f~ ~."'Utlllillllll q,*'" it..... idd._ ~ ilMIirRa -~., ,u.... t;' I' ''1'. ~. ~IH'''''' ,.,.., t' 1Xl 11 TlII.'."ll1 ... ........... n.'IA lIn1lll' ~ UJiI-.l _ aM""_, .... "".-.~ ,,~ ~, f~.W_ '^.,.,."".-___..._~,.._..._,,-lt . " _,j""'~P,." 1'l7.~,'~._.~,.."'"., .I.. -~-- I FREDERICK E. GORDON CONTRACTING BUILDING ALTERATIONS 187 FIFTH STREET GREEN PORT, N. Y. TEL. GR 7-1086 ~ ;;'1) \q",c/- k.~&~ Q,.~,,-^-c\ ~ ~-C ~ ~cC b'~4 ~~~~~~~ rA rJ Ji . a.^A~...LA.--C:1b ~IJ 5.00 J L~ o--~~.~ ~ k~~ 4~~~~6. ~~~) ~ ~dL\ ~crQ --~~ ~~, LL/ nG I ~&~"> ',- ~~~~~~. ~ ~. \4t J lqG+ Pebruary 20, 1964 Mr. Prederick E. GOrdon 251 Pifth Avenue treenport, Hew York Dear Mr. Gordon I The Board of Appeals considered your application for a two-famlly unit in the conversion of the old barn on the Bdward Speeches property. The Court of Appeals in Albany has specifically reminded the Board of Appeals that proper authority to chanqe the type of use permitted in the "a" Residential-Agricultural District lies in the Town Board of the Town of Southold. Accordingly we are not schedul1ng your applicat10n for a hearing. However, you are, of course, free to apply 1f you still wish to do so. In general we are 1n sympathy with people who are attempting to convert a large older dwel11nq to a two- fam11y use, however th1s project somewhat d1ffers frCllll 8uch a conversion. very truly yours, Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Cha1rman, Southold Town Board of Appeals Enclosure ($5.00 check) RWGjr/jb o TOWN OF SOUTHOl;D, NEW YORK 'f-gJJf ,;J.. APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO. .rt () -< DATEM...?:..~ t;j TO THE ZO~M~<t:4i~~'rl~ OF SOUTHOlD, N. V. 1, (We) ..........~~~...~I?~~.?~.~.~............ ........ .... of ........~2r.~f?...f!..9.?:~................................,........... Name of Appellant Street and Number .... ....~e.ellPor.t............................................ .... ... ............ .........N~Y...........HEREBY APPEAL TO Municipality State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO. .................................... DATED ...................................................... WHEREBY THE BUilDING LNSPECTOR DENIED TO Frederick E. Gordon for .. Edlolar.d..Sp.e.echea.................................. .... .... Name of Applicant for permit of (X) ( ) ( ) ...2$l...E.i.:t::th..AlI'snu.a....Gr.eenp=t.,....N.:l............................................. ..... Street and Number Municipality State PERMIT TO USE As 2 family dwelling PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY .NOr.t:p...aQad............................................;:h.~~......................... Street ,Use District on Zoning Map Map No. Lot No. Greenport 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Art. (1) See. 300 ""h. 1 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for lIi() A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town law Chap. 62 Cans. laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal ~ (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request far a special permit ( ) request for a variance and was made in Appeal No. ................................Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 ~ A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) is requested for the reason that Ponn ZBI (Continue on ather side) ,. !O REASON FOR APPEAL COntinued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- sary H^A~OSHIPbeCause The conversion ot: the Present structure (barn) into a two family dwelling would not be on a commerical basis, but the additional apartment would be .olassified as a guest hpaBtmlent and not neoessarily for rent. The "present old house on this swne pieoe ot: property has gotten to such a ~ate. and being so close to the main road, that to invest any monies ~~o it would not Ue 'advisable. This same home wi~l prObably be tourn down, theret:ore adding to the app~ance of the district. 2. The hardship created Is UNIQUE and Is not shored by 011 properties alike In the immediate vicinity of this property and In this use district because The use of the barn t:or one home or one apartment would not be feeisable because of its size. The barn1s not closely related to any other build- ings or houses or other pieces of property and there is a great deal of land surrounding it. The present old home and buildings around it have ~d t:acilities for additional t:amilies. 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DlSTRtCT becouse The barn has been here for close to one hundred years wld no additions are being made to it other than porches. The barn when oompleted will be an asset to the distriot. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss ) ~..~.~. Signature COUNTY OF If~ ~~ Sworn to this ....................... ........:-:............ day of........................../........................ 19~r tL--,,)u ~. ......................................~................................... Notarf'Public ANNA MAY eMIWN 'IIWI'1 "*"" ~ COUIII\'. If, L .,~,~18!8 L;- 1V .A~:...... -.tI.S