HomeMy WebLinkAbout636 Legal Notice NOTICE OF HEARING Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law. and the provisions of the Amended 1 Building Zone Ordinance of the Town , of Southold. Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board 01 Appeals 01 the Town of Southold, at the Town Office. Main Road, Southold, New York. on Thurs- day, March 19, 1964, on the following appeals: 7:30 P. M. (E.8.T.), upon application of Thom.a.s Liggio, 46 somerset Drive, Great Neck, New. York, for a. variance in accordance with thtt Zoning ordin- ance, Article TII, Section 303 and Article X, section lOOOA, for permission to divide property into two separate lots with 50 ft. frontage and insufficient area. Location of property: east side Bay Shore Road, Gre-enport, New York, Lots 66 and 67 on map of Peconic Bay Estates, bounded north by Frank F. Csajko, east by peconic Bay. south by James Rosati (Lots 68 & 69). and west by Bay Shore Road. 7:45 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon application of William and Doris Zeh, 8226 168 street, Jamaica, New York, for recog- nition of access in accordance with state of Newl York Town Law, section 280A. Location of property: south side of private road, west of North Bay- view Road, 8outhold, New York, bounded north by private road. east by John H. Price, south and west by H. SChumacher. 8:00 P. M. (E.S.T.>, upon appUeatlon of Helen Henkel, Mayfair lane, Green- wich, Connecticut, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning ordinance, Article m, Bectlon 300. SUbsection 7, 1orpermission to erect an accessory buIIcIlng In the front yard area, 37 ft. from the front property llne. Loca.tlon of ..._v: north side private road known as Clay Point Road. Ptaher$, Island, New, York, bounded north by Fishers Island Sound, east bv H. W. Bagley, south by private road _ as. Clay Point Road, and west by Mary HaIIleo. 8:15 P. M. (E.S.T.), upon applleatlon 01 Southampton Produce Distributors, Inc., Bridgehampton, New York, for a special exception- in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Artic1eX, sec- tion 1007, Subsection (e), for permis- sion to structurally alter a non-con- fonning business use in excess of 50% of the fair value of the building. Loca- tion of property: south side SOund Avenue, Mattltuck, New York. bounded north by SOund Avenue, east by Wil- l Ham Unkelbach, south by William trnkelbach, and west by P. L. PrIns. 8:30 P. M. (E.8.TJ. upon appUe&tlon of Lewis E. Raymond. Rocky Point Road, East Marlon, Newl York, for a ~lal exceptiQn In. accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article X, Bee- tlon 1007, Subsection (d), for Permis- sion to reactivate a non-conforming use which has been discontinued for more than' two years. Location of property: Private road, south side of Main Road, Orient, New York, bounded north by Joseph Andrade, east by William Karcher, south by private road, and west by William Karcher. 9:00 P. M. CE.S.T.), upon application of. John Buckley, 2 Roxbury Road, Garden City, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordin- ance, Article III, Section 300, Subsec- tion 7-" for permission to erect a de- tached garage less than three feet from the side or rear line. Location of property: west side Rogers Roaxl, Southold, New 'York. Lots 6 and 7, Block 4, Beixedon Estate, bounded north by Lot 5---Lena Roth, east by Rogers Road, south by Hippodrome Drive, and west by Lots 8 & 9-Edward L. Graham and Lena Roth. 9:30 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon application pf A~ B.. Rosenberg, Rocky Point Road, East ,Marion, New 'Y"ork, for a special "e,cel1tion in accordance with the Zon- ing Ordinance, Article nI, section 300, Subsection 3A, for permission to ex- pand: and improve a private marina. Location of property: southwest corner of Champlin Place and RObinson Road, Greenport, New York, bounded north by Champlin Place, east by Robinson Road, south by Helen Lyon, and west by Sterling Creek. Any persOn desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place above spec1.fl8d. DATED: March 9, 1964, By Order 01 the SOuthold Town Board of AppeaI.o. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ST.ATE OF NEW YORK } ss: C. Vvhitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, 0 public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the .annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Matlituck Watch- k f '\0-. , man once each wee or ...............'!..........::-;........... weeks successively, commencing on the ..................::::-..."..."........ day of ...............'L~lhJ':-c....., 19..\<...... ~ / { " I I {[, (- / ," 1/ ......................... ..L.................................................... I , .-( Sw<:>rn to before me this .....,:t.............. day of 1 I J. '. 19 I. .......1.."...".........'..............., .. ...;.; I., I ,. i ..J. ' /,/.. .. if! "'.,,' .,/' ...............~..,......~. ){;;t~:Pt 'p(~bik."" ,~,"""""""""""'"'''''' LEGAL IlIO'fICJIl Notice of Hearing Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the Amended Building 3Qne Ord1naDCe of the Town of southold. Suffolk county. Ifew York, public hearings will be held :by the zoninq BcNlrd of Appeal. of the Town of Southold. at the Town Office, Main :aoad. 80uthold, N_ York. on Thur.day. March 19. 1964, on the followin9 appeal.. 7.30 P.M. (E.S.T.). upon appl1cation of Thomas Liggio. 46 SClller_t Drive. Great Neek. New york. for a variance ~n accordance with the zoning Ordinance. Article III. Section 303 and Art.icle X. Section lOOOA. for peZllli..ion to d1vic!e property into two .eparate lota with 50 ft. frontege and in.ufficient area. Locat1on of propert.y. east .ide Bay Shore aoad. Greenport. 11_ YOrk. Lot. 66 and 67 on IIlIlp of i'econic Bay .stete.. bounded north by Frank P. c.ajko, ea.t by "conic ;1 Bay. .outh by J..... aoasti (Lots 68 " 69), and _.t. :by Bay :! !i Shore aoad. .I , l 7.45 P.M. (E.8.'1'.). upon appl1cation of William and Dor1. il :f Zeh. 8226 168 Str_t, J&IIlIlic:a. New York. for recognition of il , :i II 11 II \, E Ii II aec:e.. in aec:ordanee with state of New Yolle Town Law, Section 280A. Location of propert.y. .outh .ide of private road, _.t of North Bayv1ew 11.0114, Southold. New YOrk. bounded north by private road. e..t by John H. Price, .outh and _at by H. SchWll&cher. S.OO P.M. (E.8.'1'.). upon application of Helen Henkel. Mayfa1r Lane, Greenw1ch, connecticut, for a variance in accord- ance with the Zoning' Ord1nance. Article III, section 300. Sub.ection 7. for perllliaaion to erect an acee..ory building' ii in the front yard area. 37 ft. fJ:Olll the front property 11ne. \( 1{ Ii IIPa9. 2 - Legal Not;lc:e " ilLoCation of property. north side privata road lmown .s clay , iiPoint Road, FiaheraISland, New YOrk. :bOunc1e4 north by Fluers illsland .und, ..st :by H. W. Ba9ley, sou1:h by private road kn_ iias Clay Point aoad, and west by ~ saines. 8s1S P.M. (B,S. T. ), upon application of Sou~h."'Pton ftoc:Nee iIDi.t:r1butors, Inc., Bri~on. lIew YOrk, for a special i; Ii exception in aecorlllance with the Zoning Orcl1nanee. Art1ele X. II.eet.1on 1007, su:baeetion (e). for permission to structurally , 1i II alter a non-conforlll11l9 :buines. use in exces. of 50% of the fair " II value of the :bulldin9. Location of property. IIO\lth side sound ji II Avenue, Mattit.UClk, 1II8W York, bounded north by sound Aven101e. ..st II :by W1l1iaa makeUMlch, sOllt h by W1l1iaa U'nkel:bll('h, and _st :by II P. L. ftins. 'I I, I: il 6:30 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of lAWi8 E. Raymond, II Rocky Point Road, East Marion, New York, for a special exception I II in accordanee with the zonift9 ordinanee, Artiele X, Section 1007,' I ;1 ! 11 Subsection (d), for pe:naission to reactivate a non-conformin9 ue Ii I' il which baa :been discontinued for more than two years. Location of Ii !i propert;ys ftivate road, aouth aide of Main Road. Orient, New I' II I' YOrk. bounded north by Joseph Andrade, east :by william Karcher, il II .outh by print:e road, and west. by William Karc:her. Ii 9s00 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of JOhn BUCkley, ii ,j Ii 2 Roxbury Road, Garden City, Hew York, for . var1anee in aeeord- , ;) Ii anee with the zonin9 Orclinanee, ut1ele XU, section 300, Sul>- d :I " seetion 1, for permi..ion to erect a detaclhea garage les. than , Ii h 'I three feet froIR the side or rear 11ne. ;j i II !i I, il Locat.ion of property: _.t side 1\098rs Road, louthold, N4IW york. Lots 6 anel. 7, Block , 4. .aexieclon asutes, bounded north by Lot 5 - Lena Roth, east I I Ii ~ 1 by 1\oqers Road, south by Hippodrollle Dri"e, ancl _st: by Lot. III " ~ I I Pq 3 - Lepl Notice a4waxd L. Gxaham and Lena Roth. Ih 30 P.M. (E. S. '1'. ), upon app11cat1on of A. B. ROHnMrq, 1t0000y Po1nt: ROlld, East Mar10n, New YOrk, for a special exeept:i.OD 1n accordance w1th t:he ZOII1n'l Ord1nance, Article III, sect:1OII 300, Subeec't1on lA, ~r perm1as1oft 1:0 expand lUld 1aprcwe a pr1vate mar1na. Locat1Oll of property, soUthwe8t corner of Chilll\P11n Plae:e and ltob.1n8on Itoad, Gr_nport, lIew York, bounded north by Champ11n Plaee, eaat by Jlob1nson 1t000d, south by Helen Lyon, and _st by 81:erl1nC] Cr~. Any pIE' 80D des1r1nq 1:0 be heard on the above app11cat1008 8hould appear at the t1llle and place above 8pec1f1ed. DAUDs March 9, 1964, By Order of the southold. Town Board of APpeals. * * * PLEASE PUIlLISH OIIICE, MlU.lCH 12, 1964, AND FoawAaD E:IGH'1' (8) AJ'1'IJ>>\VI'l'S OF PUBLICA'l':ION 'J) mE BOAlU) 01' APPBALS, 'l'OWIll' OFFiCE, MAD ReaD, SOU'l'ROLD, m:w YOJU(. * * * cop1.s _11ed to t:he follow1nq on MArc:h 10, 1964. The LOft9 Island Traveler-Matt1'tuck wat:cbJlaJ:l Leffe..t8 P. Ec:Won, Ilaq., ale: '1'hoBIas L!qq!o Mar98ry auma, ale Wl111.&1II " I)Or1s Zeh s. Lee pergu8011, ale: selan HeDkel spaneer Terry, Jr., ale SOU~ Produce D1atr1butora. Inc: Lew1a E. JlaynlOl1d.. Jr. John B\lClc.ley A. D. Jloaenberq SQMlQIl1B SHOULD APnAa AT '1'HB HBMDlG ~'ORM NO.1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Examined ........... ......., 19....... Application No. ............................ Approved ............ "', 19........Permit No Disapproved alc ................ <Building Inspector) APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Dote .... March '+ 61+ 19................ ......".................. ,..................,..,.., INSTRUCTIONS Q. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in duplicate to the Building Inspector. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on p remises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving 0 detailed description of layout of property must be drown on the diagram which is part of this application. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d Upon approvol of this application, the Building Inspector will issue 0 Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for illspecti on throughout the progress of the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in po rt for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall hove been gronted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of 0 Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or a Iterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The cpplicant agrees to comply with all applicable lows, ordinances and regulations. Southampton Produce Dl~tr1buters Inc ...................,.............................................................. (Signature of applicant, dr name, if a corporation] Br1dgehampton, L.!. ................ ......................................................"". (Address of app'iicont) State whether applicarc;..jb~Fer, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, eledriciqn, plumber or builder. ................................................ 'soiit'i-iMijii"on" PrOduce' Iii stributer s'" in;.;............................................. Name of owner of premises ................... ................................................................... If applicant is 0 corporate, signature of duly authorized officer. (Nome and title of corporate officer) Y1nMMl:XX xxxx 1. L.ocation of land on 8mh PS'BffiliB. wlVe~ill be ~td:~dtf .. .................... Lot No: Street and Number ................... ............................................................. Municipality 2. State existing use and occupancy JIf.e~en:Bu8fi'i'El~S't'!'tti'it1'frfi'd occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy .........it&me....wlth.an...add:l:1:ion..\9:..altera't1:ons...................... b. I ntended use and occupancy ......................................,......,.,........,... ,...,.....,......,..,..... 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building .................. A/ldition .....~...... Alteratjon .......~.... Repair .................... Removal.................... Demolition.................... Other Work '(Descri~e) ....................,.., Estimated Cost ......................................... ................... Fee ...... -'.!\ Q9............ .~..:.......:.. ............................................. (to be paid on filing this application) "'I..k. If dwelling, number of dwelling units .......................... ....Number of dwelling units on each floor ............................ If garage, number of cars .............................. ........ ..... ......... .... .......... ........................................................................... If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, speci fy nature .and extent of each type of use ..,.~~~...~~~.~~ b I I ' , Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front.........C?.............. Rear ...12.0.................. Depth ....7..??.................... Height ...3.O'.:...7.nl.~..... Number of Stories ..2... ..!..>::l.....f:!ld::... .... ..................................................................... Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front ...b.I?....................... Rear ..6.<?........................ Depth ....iFt................. Height ....5ff'!.m.C............... Number of Stories .?~..'!:!.<......................... Dimensions of entire new construction: Front......;l.b.... ................ Rear .....$0.................. Depth ..~..i................... Height .../.J.:................... Number of Stories......t........................... . ~- ?~ ~o Size of lot: Front ...............1963-....... Reor ............................ Depth ....:!...............WJa..tmkelbach Date of Purchose ........................................................ Name oftFAlIrn"l~er ........................................................ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Zone or use district in which premises are situated.........................................................,.................................... Does proposed construction~\,.rJ;r~i~~, ordinonce or_~Q"........................................... Name of Owner of premises ........................................Address ............................................ Phone No. .................... Name of Architect ......................................................Address ............................................ Phone No. .................... Nome of Contractor ....................................................Address ............................................ Phone No. .................... PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether ex isting or proposed, and indicate all set-back dimensions from property lines. Give street and block numbers or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or carner lot. ..--- --.....1.,J.... ~b~~\$F o~E~..i 5.5. . ..........?I?::.'!.~.!':.Y.'....<<:..E::Y.~.......:Tr...~...................... being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant above na~~:m~eo~s i:::Vi.~.u.aA;..~~J.~.I.i.C~~.i~~~................. ..... '" ............. .....,............ ......... ... .:,............. ..... ..... ... ....... .... ..... (Contractor, agent, corporate offic~r, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said wotk and to make and fi Ie this opplication; that all statements contained in this appli cation re true to the best of: h.,is knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed ]1fI)1!IieTmIlOKlItr set forth in t application filed therewltf-l. ~o~ro7~::;:'7;;:: '~'~';~'~~,\'~~"': .me~j,mmm Notary Public, .~./...~.. ...... ................ ou y. (Signature of a;;;;ii~~;:';:iT , 1<;1 ,. (J) "po,!') -7K-)~ * 11"-4 {S . D /(' >0' -1 ~~ o ...............-----------------"- e"l ~~ /11"{ . e ^' sf, ;, 'f it'" ',I \ \ 'f f' , .-. #-~I'J . TOWN Of' sotJ'DIOU), NElW roRK -- , APPLlCA T.ION FOR SPIElOIAL ElXClEPl'IQN APPLlCAT.ION NO. ti!fp DATE _..i.lat.c.lL.!:t:, 1964 TO '1'HE ZON'"..NG BOARD OF APP!lALS. SOUTHOLD. N. Y. I, ~)l.th.@1'p'.1;..9_IL!:r_9_q1fQ_~_....q;l@t:t;'j" bu1;;e:r& _JnQ_._...._....._..._._._.______...._..___._..._........ Name S1jreet o.nd Numlle.r .._.._.__.__.__. B!:..i.d.[ehampt?.!l_....__.__......._ ___.._.._._.._...___.._.E .1'...:.._______.._._ Mw11clpa1lty State Ilereby apply to TBE ZONDro BOARD OF ~ lOtI: a SPEClAL EXCm'T'JON In accordance wlJth the ZONING ORDDlA2<<lE ARTJDLE ~~ SECTION I 0 0 '7 ..""""""'....nI e- THE SPECIAL EXCJ!lP'I'JION IS REQUDITI!lD BECAUSE: We must remodel the rear portion of the eXisting non-conforming business build1ng:;t and wish to extend it 30 ft to accomodate a washing plant for our potato packing business, and rebuild the shed roof section that is presently on the building. We estimate the cost of this construction at about :$ 3,000.00 We are one of the essential outlets for the TOvlIl'S agricultural products, and need the proposed facilities and space. STATI!I OF lI.'EW YORK ) )ss COUNTY OF Suffolk ) SWorn to this 4 day: 01 ....M.aJ:.ch.....__.___. 19.6.\:...._. ~. (l~~?:( ~ ~~~ ~__._ ""7 Notary PUlbUc JUDITH T. BOKEN N'otlry Public, State of New York No, 52'034496,3. Suffolk County J Ii" Commission Expnes March 30, 19U"Z) ~~ 1I'ORII ZB:l