HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurvey 10/28/2022 10/28/2022 Southold ' Justice Review & Reform Task Force : Stage ll: Southold Justice Court Survey of Southold Justice Court Users: Quantitative Findings Total N = 34 Preface regarding Survey Data • We had a very challenging time in our effort to get survey respondents to complete the survey. • We attempted to get respondent in three ways: 1. We greeted individuals who were leaving the court. 2. We had assistance in local community contexts where there were either African Americans or Latinos who were willing to assist other members of those communities in the completion of the survey. 3. We posted on social media. • Our experience was that people on their way out of the court were unwilling to take the time to complete the survey.A number of court users took the survey from us and although they had stamped addressed envelopes to return them in,they did not.A number of people were not willing to even consider taking it.A few did complete the survey outside the court. • Efforts in the community contexts with African Americans and Latinos were somewhat more successful. • Our speculation about why we had difficulty includes the following: • Perhaps potential respondents felt it was too long. • Perhaps there was a concern about how anonymous it would truly be. • Perhaps people did not want to address anything to do with their experience in court. 1 10/28/2022 Quantitative Data Analysis of Court User Community Survey Responses Ethnicity 12 1 10 10 8 6 4 4 2 2 2 0 American Indian Black or African Hispanic or White Other(Please or Alaska Native American Latinx Specify):Bi-racial Age 20 15 --------------- ------- _ 10 — 5 -- --- _ 0 0 0-15 16-30 31-55 56-70 71+ 2 10/28/2022 10/28/2022 Sexual Orientation 30 20 -- . __._____..___. _. ...... — --- 10 1 0 0 0 Gay/Lesbian Asexual Bisexual Heterosexual Queer Other Q1: Have you ever had to appear in Southold Town Justice Court either for yourself or someone else? 20 -- 10 0 Yes No 4 10/28/2022 Q2: In the past year; how often have you been in the Southold Justice Court? 20 15 10 5 i 0 - Once a year Several times(2-5) Regularly(6-10) Q3: If you answered yes to question 1 , what best describes your appearance? 30 27 r 20 _ -3 10 1 0 2 2 Defendant Plantiff Witness Expert Family/Friend Other in Support 5 10/28/2022 Q4: if you answered yes to question 1 , what was the type of case? 2520 ______-.__.. 15 _ 10 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 3 ' _ r \� ���\G �'�a�`°` °ca�� G°a° G°a0 ��A °�\�� �2cire` k6 Q5: Qa V �S Q � Q5: For any of your appearances at court, were you arraigned? 25 20 rr 15 `•i 16 9 5 - 0 R Yes No Q6: Were you represented by an attorney or did you represent Yourself? 6 10/28/2022 10/28/2022 Q9: Did the attorney seem prejudiced or biased? 20 15 10 0 Q11: In order to come to court, did you receive any of the following assistance? 10 - 8 0 -- s ---------..................---...... __�_ q --- -- - 0 - Language Literacy Childcare Transportation Physical Emotional Disability Disability 8 10/28/2022 Q12: Have you ever considered taking a case to court but decided not to, or did not appear in a matter for which you were supposed to? 30 20 10 i 5 a Yes No Q13: if answered yes to 12, please check all the reasons that applied to your decision not to take a case to court or appear in court. 2.0 1,5 10 _ . 0.5 0.0 Cost of hiring an Time it takes Uneasiness Lack of Prior bad attorney away from about what might interpreters experience work/home happen 9 10/28/2022 Q16: 1 was treated with respect by 20 15 ------- --- - -- ------- 10 - --- - 5 0 All of the staff Most of the staff Some of the staff None of the staff Q17: If you felt you were not treated with respect, please identify which staff treated you this way. 4 --- — 3 --.. ---- 0 - Judge Court Officer Court Cierk Qther Staff 10 10/28/2022 Q18: 1 felt that 1 was treated with respect by the Southold 15 10 5 0 Judge Court Offloer Court Clerk 1 didn't`eel I telt respected by respected by all staff anyone Q2O: Did you feel discriminated against in your experience in court? 30 — 20 10 - — a 0 Yes No 11 10/28/2022 Q21: I felt that I was discriminated against in my dealings with the Southold s a 2 . 2 L �F 0 Judge Court Officer Court Clerk Other Staff I did not feel discriminated against Q23: Did your lawyer prepare you for your arraignment? o 4 2 0 Yes No 12 10/28/2022 Q24: If you did not have a lawyer, were you informed of your rights to counsel? 3 C1 _ Yes No Q25: Were you informed of the formal charges against you? g x ts� 4 0 Yes No 13 10/28/2022 Q26: If you were offered a plea deal, did you feel it was fair? 2 - . 0 Yes No Q27:Did you feel there was an effort to get you to plead guilty for something you didn't do? 7 6 4 - 2 2 0 Yes No 14 10/28/2022 Q28:Did you feel the prosecutor was fair? ---- --- _ ...- ..._ yes No Q29: Did the arraigning judge treat you with respect? a 4 0 Yes No 15 10/28/2022 Q31: In your opinion, was the process fair? 10 2 - — 0 e Yes No Q32: Did your case go to trial? 6 --- __ 0 Yes No 16 10/28/2022 Q34: Over the last year, in your experience in this court, have you observed prejudice/bias in the treatment of: 20 -- 15 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 ■ i; �• q-' �." Za a `Jy �a�J� Oc`°� `Jy °� � c�° m Qualitative Findings : Survey Responses & Court Observations 17 10/28/2022 Equitable/Fair Treatment - Survey Responses: "Judge was fair in her decision and helpful" -NM "I was relieved that the color of my skin did not deter a fair outcome. The facts proved my innocence." -BlacklAfrican American, Female, 56-70 years old "I would like otherAfrican Americans to be treated the way I was treated." -BlacklAfrican American, Male, 31-55 years old "Judge allowed me to speak even though I am disabled" -American Indian/Alaska Native, Female, 31-55 years old EQuitable/Fair Treatment - Courtroom Observations: "All court personnel were courteous,professional and balanced; I observed no evidence of discrimination." "the judge presided evenly and fairly." "I could detect no difference in the sentencing or treatment of the persons coming before the judge." "At times the judge slowed-things down because she wanted to make sure that the defendant understood the plea that they had agreed to." "The senior C.O. told me he tells the"guys to give everyone a break, that they (people having to come to court) already are having a hard enough time... lots of them probably don't even have enough money to pay their fines." "I also noticed that folks were given an opportunity to pay fines over a period of weeks or months, as opposed to immediately." 18 10/28/2022 Inequitable Treatment - Survey Responses: Survey Responses: "I was not allowed to speak. They did not hear my side of the story. I am low-income." - White, Female, 31-55 years old "They really didn't want to hear my side of the issue given the history of the plaintiff." - Black/African American, Latin American, Female, 31-55 years old "[observed prejudice/bias in the treatment of] race, ethnicity, gender (females), age - younger people are treated differently, gender identity, economic status,prior criminal history." -N/A "[observed prejudice/bias in the treatment of] domestic violence,prior criminal history" - N/A Inequitable Treatment - Courtroom Observations: "It appeared that Latino men who buzzed when they went through the metal detector were wanded but some Caucasian defendants who buzzed when they went through were not wanded. It appeared it could have been related to appearance/class." "[The Judge] did not take time to check for understanding in several cases especially with Spanish speaking clients." "A Greek man came in and [the Judge] did not ask if he needed an interpreter. Unclear if he needed an interpreter. Judge asked if he was ok with a plea to ... and gave a violation number. No explanation of charge. Judge asked about returning to court on 7/13 and it was unclear if he [the defendant] understood." "Noted a court officer telling several Latino men to put hands down/behind back. while at table appearing before judge... Did not provide same instruction to white males and black and white females." 19 10/2s/z022 General Positive Treatment - Survey Responses: By Judges: "Judges were human and personable and friendly"-White,Female,56-70 years old "Judge was courteous" American Indian/AlaskaNative,Black/AfricanAmerican,Female,31-55 years old "He was respectful,used Ms.in front of my last name.Read all the facts and understood that I was in the right." -Black/African American,Female,56-70 years old "Judge was happy I did what was asked" -White,Male,31-55 years old "My interaction with the judge was nice"-Hispanic/Latinx,Female, 16-30 years old By Attorneys: "[The attorney]was very patient with me"-N/A "[The attorney]was very nice"-N/A "My lawyer treated me well"-Hispanic/Latinx,Male,31-55 years old General Positive Treatment - Survey Responses: Other Court Personnel: "When I spoke to the policeman at the entrance he was very kind"-Hispanic/Latinx "The person who spoke to me over the phone was General Experience with Court: kind and helpful"-N/A "Interaction was polite" "They were helpful in explaining where I was to -Black/African American,Male,31-55 years old sit"-Black/African American,Female,56-70 years old "Very good experience"-Hispanic/Latinx,Male,56-70 years old "Great experience.No problems"-White,Female,56-70 years old "Handled professionally.Great experience." -American Indian/Alaska Native,Female,31-55 years old 20 10/28/2022 General Positive Treatment - Courtroom Observations Part 1: "remarks from the judge encouraged the men to take seriously the need to follow through with the treatment,in words that I found to be supportive without being condescending." "I was quiet impressed by the Judge's handling of the defendant.She did not get hooked,showed no defensiveness and treated him quite respectfully, assuring him that she would be fair in dealing with him.I was impressed by the manner in which she defused a potentially antagonistic encounter." "In general,the judge was fairly patient with his interactions,which were,to my observation,pretty disrespectful and antagonistic." "In several cases;the Judge seemed to"go the extra mile"to make sure the defendant had received or would receive counseling re:immigration status." "The judges took extra care to try to insure that the defendants understood what was going on." "I noted that much of the sentencing prioritized seeking treatment as opposed to punishment,and remarks from the judge encouraged the men to take seriously the need to follow through with the treatment,in words that I found to be supportive without being condescending." General Positive Treatment - Courtroom Observations Part 2: "A white male was brought in in handcuffs for what appeared to be a domestic violence case.The judge engaged him in a firm but compassionate manner." "The judges took extra care to try to ensure that the defendants understood what was going on." (the Judge) is amazing.She keeps the court organized and is very fair.Compared to other courts,this is extremely well run". -White male,defendant as told to a TF court observer "In all the cases,the judge asked the defendant if they understood the plea and whether they agreed with it and if they had been coerced in any way to take the plea." "I thought the judge went the extra mile to prevent the defendant from having a tougher sentence than the DA offered,and showed great patience with a rather disrespectful and lengthy interaction." 21 10/28/2022 General Positive Treatment - Courtroom Observations Part 3: Court Officers "The other court officer I observed that day in court was very professional and friendly.""At the security check point the court officer was friendly." "it seemed that persons were treated respectfully by the court officers and the judge." Court Personnel-Unspecified "all participants in the court were professional,courteous,even-handed,fair and human." "Every defendant was treated with respect." General Negative Treatment — Survey Responses Part 1: Judges "Judge was a bit dismissive"-N/A "Felt everyone is lying.System is crooked by the judge.The judge said who is going to be believed or the police officers. System is rigged who is to be believed."-Black/African American Male,31-55 years old "I couldn't speak,no one heard my side of the story."-White,Female,31-55 years old "The judge never greeted or heard what the defendant had to say.Was told to plead guilty"-White,Female,31- 55 years old Attorneys "Attorney's have not historically served me well" -American Indian/Alaska Native,Female,31-55 years old "Lawyer said I have to plead guilty"-White,Female,31-55 years old "The attorney did not listen and kept postponing.The attorney said TASC needed more time,but that's not accurate." -White,Female,31-55 years old 22 10/28/2022 9 ' General Negative Treatment — Survey Responses Part 2: Unspecified "You have to fall in line,if you buck the system you would be penalized heavily"--Black/African American Male,31-55 years old "One person was very mean to me" -American Indian/AlaskaNative,Female,31-55 years old General Negative Treatment — Courtroom Observations:_ "Most cases adjourned or disposed,with little input from the judge." "The Judge did not state what the charge was that they were pleading to(i.e.,speeding or crosswalk)or ask if they understood.Some defendants seemed confused and seemed to just say yes without a full understanding of the matter." "Only negative was an assistant to the DA who was taking selfies and texting during part of the proceedings.Sitting at a table next to the DA,she was quite visible to the courtroom." "One remark that I found to be disrespectful was made(prior to court beginning)by a clerk to an attorney who was called from the list.The remark was something to the effect of"we save all the crazy ones for you." 23 10/28/2.322 Courtroom Conditions Survey Responses: "It seemed to have a lot going on.It was difficult to hear at times.A lot of moving about.Crowded." -Black/African American,Female,56-70 years old Court Observations: "The DA was in a small room across from the court and speaking to people with traffic offenses.He took people one at a time into the room.However,a line grew in the hallway and the DA aids and/or interpreters were speaking with the defendants in the hallway with no privacy." "The Southold Justice Court runs efficiently despite the need of a larger courtroom for the Judge and her staff,court personnel,defendants,attorneys,prosecutors,and the courtroom observers." "The court was packed.People were seated right next to each other with no empty seats between them.There were occasionally up to maybe 5 to 8 unoccupied seats in the entire room." "It also seemed quite warm,lacking sufficient air conditioning and ventilation.I mentioned this to one of the court officers and he said the way it is and that's why they need to have their own space." "One of the court officers encouraged the people who were waiting in line to move up closer to each other to make room for everyone and said"there's no more social distancing". ThankYou 24