HomeMy WebLinkAbout639 .. Legal Notice NOTICE OF HFlARING Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law, and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, SulIolk County, New York. public hearings wlll be held by the 1 Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town 01f1ce, Main Road, Southold, New York, on Thurs- day, March 19. 1964, on the following appeals: 7:30 P. M. (E13.T.l, upon app\lcatlon of Thomas Uggio, 46 Somerset DrIve. Great Neck, New. York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordin- ance, Article nt, Beetion 3()3 and Article X, Section lOOOA, for permjssion to divide property into two separate lots with 50 ft. frontage and insufficient area. Location of property: east side Bay Shore Road, Greenport. New York, Lots 66 and 67 on map of Peconic Bay I Estates, ;bounded north by Frank F. I Csajko, east by Peconic Bay. south by I James Rosati (Lots 68 & 69), and west . by Bay Shore Road. r I 7:45 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon application I of William and Doris Zeh, 8226 168 street, Jamaica, New York, for recog- nition of access in accordance with State of Nem York Town Law, Beetion 280A. Location of property: south side of private road, west of North Bay- view Road, Southold, New York, bounded north by private road. east . by John H. PrIce, south and west by H. Schumacher. 8:00 P. M. (E.S.T.l, upon appI1catlon of Helen Henkel. Mayfair Lane. Green- wich, Connecticut. for a variance In accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article m. Section 300, Sub6ectlon 7. tor permis8ion to erect an accessory bUildlng In the front yard area, 37 ft. from the front property line. Location of _~1: north side private road known as Clay Point Road. Fishers, Island, New. York. bounded north by Fishers Island Sound, east by H. w. Bagley. south by private road knOWll as Clay Point Road, and west by Mary HaIneo. 8:15 P. M. (E.S.T.l, upon application of Southampton Produce Distrihutors, II Inc., Brtdgehampton, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article X, sec- tion 1007, Subsection (e), for permis- sion to structurally alter a non-con- forming business use in excess of 50% of the fair value of the building. Loca- tion of property: south side Sound Avenue, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by SOund A venue, east by Wil- liam Unkelbach. south by William Unkelba.ch. and west by P. L. PrIns. 8:30 P. M. (E.S.T.l. upon application of Lewis E. Raymond. Rocky PoInt Road. East Marlon, New. York. for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article X, Sec- tion 1007. Sub6ectlon (dl. for _s- sion to reactivate a non-conforming use which has been discontinued for more than two years. Loca.tjon of property: Private road, south side of Main Road, Orient, New York, bounded north by Joseph Andrade. ...t by WiIliam Karcher, south by private road, and west by William Karcher. 9:00 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon application of John Buckley, 2 Roxbury Road, Garden City, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordin- ance, Article III, Section 300, Subsec- tion 7, for permission to erect a de- tached garage less than three feet from the side or rear line. Location of property: w,est side Rogers Road, Southold, New York, Lots 6 and 7, Block 4. Beixedon Estate, bounded north by Lot 5-Lena Roth, east by Rogers Road, south by Hippodrome Drive, and west by Lots 8 & 9-Edward L. Graham and Lena Roth. 9:30 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon application of A. B. Rosenberg, Rocky Point Road, East Marion, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zon- ing Ordinance, Article nI, Section 300, Subsectio;n 3A, for permission to ex- pand and improve a private marina. Location of property: s9uthwest corner of Champlin Place and RObinson Road, ,Greenport, New York, bounded north i by Champlin Place. east by Robinson 'Road. south by Helen Lyon. and west by Sterling Creek. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications .should appear at the time and place above speclfled. DATED: March 9, 1964, By Order of the Southold Town Board of AppeaJa. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK } ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLA~D TRAVELER - MATTITUCI( WATCHMAN, 0 public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and the' the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Troveler-Mettituck Watch- k f . . -.' eek' man once each wee or ............................'0..-........... w ., successivelyLcommencing on the .............:~......................... , .:'), . ..../.,. I , day of .........1.:.:,.(,(,.:,.'...:'1.......' 19..h>../. I (/ . 'I I (, (l)" !}, , i ................................l.......:........'!'.................1...../...... -, Sworn. to before me this ..........~............. day of )"1. .--..' i~'/4i: ..............1::....;.1.:.........19......... , . / I i". ,..' 1/ .." ._ i .'.. .. /_.h..,...;../...........~................,....... ................~.........N'~,:;.-Public ' ';;.: :',/ J:.aGM. ..Jail lilotlee of Heu'1D9 i Purauant t.o lllect10n 267 of the 'l'elWn Law and the prwU1ea. II of the AMn_. Jilu114in., ~ O#4i.Daace of the TOwn of SOllt.ho14, 11 II ..fton Ceua~, IlIeW York, pubUc bMr1.... will :be beld -.. the " II ZOO..... ........ of AppMla of the ........ of SOU....ld, at. the TOwIl I II Office, Ma1ra ...d, SOuUaolcl. ... YWk, oa "'u..y, tara 19, II :1 111964, - the follow""" appeal.. I, f,1 !i 7.30 P... (B. S. '1'. ), upon app11eaU. of 'lIta.. L1cJ91o. 1146 811 1111'''' D~1".. Gnat. .... III.. Yuk, fo~ a v~1aMe 1a II ~..... with the za1ft9 01'.~"__, utoJ.cle IU, aect10a 11303 eael An1el. X, sec1;1oa lOOClA, ,. "l'a1Hioft to cliv1_ II psoopeny into we ..puate leu wiUl SO ft. fJl'Ofttave and jj II.....df1e1lllat. ana. LoCat1OD of pso...ny. ...t. si_ Bay Shon :; II aoad, or...pan, 11_ Yack, LoU 6' aad 67 _ ... of i'eeaat.c !: Ii II Bay ..taUa. Maadad ao~ a.y haak F. CaaJlto. ...t ...,. Pecoa1c (i i' I Bay, ..tb ...,. J_. .....1 (LOU 6e " 6t). u4 we.t Ity Bay , , Aan ...d. 7.45'.M. (J:.8.T.). II"" _ppUeat.taD of W111~.Dd DcR1a , I zeh. '226 168 St.net.. ""'1ea, _.. YoI:'k, ~ ncogniU.ea of I...... in .....cIaIlca with ftllU of II.. v.n: '!'own Law. sact.ioft i I -_. IAclltJ.oa of ps'OpUtY. 11 ....th .1_ of pr:1..ta road, we.t. of IIIOJrth BaY""Hw..... SOutbol", ... Y8J:1t. ____4 DOCt:b ...,. pso1..ta ~, eut. ...,. JaIm H. I'd..e, &OlIt.h u4 ,...t ...,. H. II SGll"UMcha~. 11 " I' I! Ii ..00 P.M. (J:...'I'.). upaa appl1eat1on of Hel_ Jl&U;el, ;i II Mayfau Lue. ar.......lch. Ccmnact.1cut., for: a ftI:~llae9 1ft ........ ",,1', --1 ---Joo llDCe with the "'1..- or41l1UC8. Uti.... . 111, _....... " il .....cUoa 7. tor: pu'IU.a.ioft tlo enet. .. ......,. bdl41n9 I; I, !I ia the &0I'It. yu:<1 ~... 37 ft. lna t:be &ont. .....rty UDa. jj - - - - - + --- - -- - ~- - ~.- -.---- -------- --"""-~..:;--- .,;-=-~-=-=---_.~--- - --- . .-'.=::c.=~..",~.,.,.,.:""'_,'"_'_._,,-,~..-~ .=.-._,...._'='=""--:o;..~="""~~=,,"=._,.. '_.'::.'='_.'",=,=-.C'.'.,= ..--., ~ .P- I , I I ... . Cf 11 . I r; ,. . .{ i = e I 1 tI = ... " i .Y 0 I ! . Ii . . i ,. ~ t i ... r n I Ii t ,. I .. I i r 1\ I i I . ~ f . ... I .. ~ .. .. . c . CIII ... .. CIII i ... t ... i ; - '" I ~ ( I - :t ... 0 0 . i - .. t (.') i w i "' t: I i I . ... (.') - I (.') i ! ! ... " .. .. .. i S 0 { ( i f I . I .. . r; . Ii "' I I . i ~ .... . . I i . . 0 "" jC .. i :I: .. . :I: .. 0 i . P- i ..... . f 8 I . .. .. r It i r I .. c I f i I I i . I M f i .. ii i ... I 'iii lit I i i = r i .. '/It ... ~ I .i . i . 0 i . .. .. c fIl l'I III t 0 .. . It i rt . r . i i = . I . .( . "'C ::J' . '" of 1 '" . i II '" I - I . ... . I . . Ct .. . . lot . ... t i ..... ! ..... i ... - II! . of r n . I I .. . tQ ! 0 I I . . i ! ... 1 B I c I .. t 2 ~ III i t .... i t lZl I : 1 . i i It Ii . . . .. , .. 0 I i . ..... .. . I i of I 0 ! I i I .. I ... i of I . .. i .. i i i 8 . r i ... . . : . lil .i t I; of i I i I ... I ! I ... i ... ... t I .. ... ~ i .. i .. i ... 'I i .. .. of . Ii c t I I i I ~ :: 1 I ... ! i I i fl Cf . I ~ 0 . f .. i III . .. i i ... . i i f i g. I i ! I .. .. I I = I i I r i H f 0 H Ii r t "I i .. '" H 1 .. I r 0 ~ 1 of i ! .. . I .. "' i .{ 0 . I I .. ( I Ii .. i i I ! I . . i r r i .. .. .. I 1 ~ i 0 1\ . I . I "' i I I I .. i ... 0 1 rt .. . . I 0 i ... I< '" I 0 . I "' I . ... i 0 I . , i r J i i . E !Ill ; . I i i . 0. i 1 of i w . 0 .. .{ . ... i r; ... t I 1 I i "' Ii 1 . .. .. . I .. .. I Ii i . .. '< . i . I i Ii' .. n i .. a I . .. ... ... I i i ... f III I .. .. I ~ I I t i .( .. .. ~ ... .. ! , .. . s .. :I t . I 8 : " 0 .. "' 0 --.-.-+.... -. ---.--..- -. .... .......--..----.-... .. -.-.. -- - ---- -.- --------~ -- - _w ._...., .'_" ..__,_.. w.._..~___. ._...... ..H... _-. ..'~..",. - II Pq .3 - lApl MOt.1ee I Baw.zd L. GJ:ahIIDI _d LeIUI acKh. 9.)0 P..It. (]i. S. !'. ). upon app!.HaU_ of A. S. .......q, ;! ltocky Peint. aoa., aast. Mrlon. li_ ~, to<< . ...ial excepU_ 0' II " .m ac:cordItDee w1th ~ __Jag ~cu.IIl'''''''', ~lc:le 111, lIlect.1oIl 300, SulNIeet.loa lA, ~ pena1aa1ell te expan4 _4 1Itpa'o\re a pd".U ...iaa. LocaUOD of .......rt.yJ aoutbwe.t......I'.f Cb....lin Place _4 a_iaa_ Iloacl. GreeftllOl't., ... YINrk, bouada4 Ii north by ClIaIIpJ.in Place, eut. lily a........ Road. ...th by Helen II II L,.., u4 ..at. by SUI'lJag Creek. 11 ,/ , " II lJ ii II ahou1d appu.J: at. the t.1IIe aR4 place Uove e..U1... I II MUD. My ...1IOft dae1l'1n9 te _ beard _ ~ ~ apicaUon. MlUc:h I. 1164, By ~daJ: of die SOUtho.ld 'I'OWft IhNU:IIl of 4....18. . . . I'LBU. PmlLlSI1 OIlCB. MUCH 12, 1964, AW I'ORMa:o JUom (8) Al'l'D>>\Vl'l'S 01' ft1BLlCA'l'1011l 'lIl mB aoAlU) 01' API'BALS, '1'OIilII OI'I'ICE, MAD aClN>. SOV'fHQLD. !IJ&M YOItK. * * . cop1ett _.uN t.o the foll_in" _ ....... 10. 1M4. il 'l'be lAD9 IalaD. ft....l.r-.Ilat.1i:1t.ucJt WIR41 .. II Le'1uU P. .__. ..... a/e 'ftInT~ L1t91o !I MaX'p~ BUM. ale ..uu... " Der1e IIeb Ii H. Lee .......... a/e 81_ ....1 II ."MI8r TeJ:~. 31'.. ./c 8OUth~ 'MID 'lroduGe :01eUUNtoJ:.. 1nC 'i LewU 1:. "}!lIlt II, JI'. II JOIut IhICIkley 'i A. 8. .......rq Ii .. i' --- aHlMJLD APJIBAIl AT . ""-DIG 1I, 1i!4..- ~. TOViN 'OF SOUTHOW, NEW ~OR._ ~j,~/d , APPLICATION FOR SPECiU\L ~CIEPTIQN APPLICATION NO. ('.J9' DATE ...2L.2...a/.6~........ TO THE ZON:NG BOARD OF APPEMLS, SOUTHOLD. N. Y. I. (mJ{ ............. ....A......B......Rosenberg........................................of ....:R-Q..9..~y....P9..41.tR9..i.!,g.......................................................................... Name Stree,t and Numbe~ East Marion MuniCipality New York ..".......~........"........._".......,......."......,..."... -.....................................................".... Stare hereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCIEPTION In .""",.-dance wi,th the ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE III SECTION 300 Stm3SECTION 3A THE SPECIAL EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED BECAUSE: Permission is requested to improve the existing water ways by dredging the area as indicated in the drawing on the back of this application. STATE OF NEW YORK ) )ss OOUNTY OF~~ c/3/{;?~ ................../............................L......................................... .................=)....._................. Signature sr. to is _..:b.~...... da,y of .'h.'.::.!&::.~~.... 19..4:.:1.._... ........... .. .1::2:::!.~?::2~................... / Notary Public / ,'OIi:J ~. ~:::A! ON I': Not;),y P;:h';( S>J,:' Iyi \~DW Yf'rI;: Nfl. 41-3;,'-:.3('0 .Q,ueel1s Cauntf Term !:xp!res r,k:"ch 30, 19~J"""'- FORM ZB2 ~~ --~------ -', ,', ," ~ '( , "- '-" " v., :'Ie _,l ,ii:, ; ,.j hu/khe"d -, 1 ~ 4 ~ 1"r J t . ~ r '('~'i';Lo .c.U I ( " . u <.J\ ~ " -..... ~ "'" "- ,~ ~. <.', . .({:~;t_', o ,.; '. :-,,\.!.:.. {.. ,"1 ;:; .J:C'~';';' " . ~ . . ~~ uV' () ~ ti .:::.-. U. S. ?,',,:r/-teAd /;'Ne ~~ l." , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Cl> \ 0 . - ~ 0;: " )) <> --.~^.tJ3UI.I'~.l:!....)l .h..u;!A _~J...t::..u-- AyeA t6 b", dY~d'fed \ .- R.Ut Rob;/-IS oN !?OA d --~,----~-- '" '" 1ft I , J - 1- w . J , , I . 1 ~ .' ,'--" iI'- I ~+>' I --' ~ Cl '>- :,.. ~ ." -- ~ ~. -l. .. ,.. ~ ,. " ~ Telephone 516 - 765-3783 ~ , ~. ffu7lu/.U/ . t.<. ... ~~~fllt-~ ,~ " BOA~O~~I9v?tf4:tU~TEES ;tQWN OF. SO&rH?LO ~,~jFOLKCOUNtYi ~ l' ~'::-" . =,_ "" 't?C. ~~.." '" ; ~~~ .l,~ ~ Southol~~ Q:N'1' 11971 -.::.....:::zzm. r I ~' ." ".. ~;' September 16, 1975 Department of the Army New York District, Corps of Engineers 26 Federal Plaza New York, N.Y. 10007 Attention: Charles Bruno Dear Sir: Enclosed herewith, please find copy of letter sent to the Board of Southold Town Trustees by the Southold Town Board of Appeals, dated September 12, 1975. Please be informed that we are not in favor of any further expansion of this non-conforming marina operation. Very truly yours, ~~~ Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman Board of Southold Town Trustees ABG/bn cc: Town Board Board of Appeals file t. ~ Southold Town Board of Appeals SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. 119'71 Telephone 765-2660 APPEAL BOARO MEMBER Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chdirman Robert Bergen Charles Grigonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. September 12, 1975 Mr. Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman Board of Southold Town Trustees Town of Southold Southold, N. Y. 11971 Dear Alvah: In reply to your letter of September 9, 1975 concern- ing the property of A. B. Rosenberg located on the south side of Champlin Place, Greenport, and the north end of Sterling Creek, we understand that Mr. Rosenberg is requesting permission to dredge and enlarge the non-conform- ing marina which he owns, and which is presently in existence. Please be advised that this is presently a non-conforming marina by reason of the fact that the property. was upzoned on the new zoning map, dated December 17, 1971, from "B" to "A". Any changes in this marina would now be subject to the approval of the Board of Appeals as well as .the Town Trustees. A copy of the Action of the Board of Appeals dated March 19, 1964, Appeal No. 639, is attached, indicating that the Board of Appeals denied Mr. Rosenberg permission to enlarge the marina by dredging at that time. In 1964 the proposal apparently was to enlarge this by 80' x 145\ by decreasing the building lots owned by Mr. Rosenberg on the south side of Sterling Creek, and leaving a 30 foot strip along Robinson Road. For your information a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions made on the 10th day of January 1956 (copy of which is in our files), among other things, states the following: "The said Robert H. Preston and LaGrant R. Chapman likewise expressly reserve the right to erect or construct docks or mooring places upon or adjacent to the lot shown on said survey and designated as No. 10 and to rent the same Mr. Alvah B. Goldsmith -2- September 12, 1975 to persons other than the owners of any of said lots, provided, however, that the use of said docks or moorings shall be limited to mooring purposes and shall not be Used for the embarking or disembarking of passengers or for any commercial or business purposes whatsoever." Also, for your information, there is a copy of a letter in our files, written by the Town Attorney on the subject of the Rosenberg property (dated March 9,1966). It is not possible to state what the Board of Appeals might or might not do with respect to an application for a variance to accomplish Mr. Rosenberg's purposes. However, it is my personal opinion, supported by conversation with the Town Attorney, that the Board would not be justified in granting, under these conditions, an expansion of a non-con- forming use, in view of the history of this area. Additional information and photographs taken in 1964 exist in our files. Trusting that the above answers your letter. Sincerely, ~ RWG:mm Robert W. Gillispie, Jr. Chairman cc: Robert W. Tasker, Esq. Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia John Wickham Enclosures Telephone 516 - 765-3783 September 9, 1975 Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Clerk's Office Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: The Board of Southold Town Trustees is in receipt of an application from A.B. Rosenberg, 250 Great Mill Lane, Great Neck, N.Y. 11023 requesting permission to dredge his property at Sterling Basin, Greenport, N.Y. Subject property located at south side of Champlin Place, Greenport, bounded NI - Champlin Place; EI - Robinson Road; sl - Harry Rocker; wi - other land of applicant. Mr. Rosenberg has also made an application to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. There is a substantial difference in the number of yards to be excavated as stated in the two separate applications. In his application to the Trustees, he states that 350-400 yards will be excavated. In his application to the Army Corps of Engineers he states that 800 yards will be excavated. The Board of Southold Town Trustees has registered an objection to the issuance of this permit by the U.S..Army Corps of Engineers in view of the fact that his plans are not clear and in view of the fact that this application may be in violation of our Ordinance. This property is shown on the zoning map as "A" Residential- Agricultural. Has application ever been made for a change of zone, special exception, or variance that would allow the use of this property for marina purposes? Please transmit to us, as quickly as possible, any information you may have regarding the above described property. Yours truly, ~8~ ABG/bn cc: all Town Board members . all Board of Appeals members file Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman Board of Southold Town Trustees Telephone 516 - 765-3783 , ;7J:/JIi~~ ,,~-' \',"f[]L~~> "'.'. 'J,\ ......,- BOA~P~Q~:T9W,~!$U:TEES roWN oF. SOUruOU;l ~ ~FFO~KCOU~~ t e "",\ "<{." ~iS' ~, ....4 ..-...... ~,/ r ""~:"'-"-"-'$" ,,'-.- ~'~ 'C:-;,:;. ~Y-.~/.;> Southol\j, 'Ill I:.. N.,');.;' 11971 '-C:::::':'?.TL! .-P SPECIAL DELIVERY return receipt requested September 9, 1975 Department of the Army New York District, Corps of Engineers 26 Federal Plaza New York, N.Y. 10007 Attention: Charles Bruno Dear Sir: The Board of Southold Town Trustees hereby objects to the issuance of permit for A.B. Rosenberg, 250 Great Mill Lane, Great Neck, N.Y. 10023 for dredging at Sterling Creek, Greenport, N.Y. in view of the fact that it appears to be in violation of our Ordinance. Application was made to the Board of Southold Town Trustees on July 17, 1975. There is a discrepancy in the,number of yards to be excavated in the application made to your agency and the application made to our Board. The Board of Southold Town Trustees hereby objects to the issuance of this permit until such time as an exact determination can be made in regard to the above. Very truly yours, ~v~ Alvah B. Goldsmith Chairman ABG/bn cc: Southold Town Board of Appeals Southold Town Board file I' '" REGINALD C. SMITH ROBERT w: TASKER PIERRE G. LUNDBERG HOWARD M. FINKELSTEIN SMITH, TASKER, FINKELSTEIN AND LUNDBERG ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 425 MAIN STREET GREEN PORT, N. Y. GREENPORT 7-1400 ARTHUR H. LUNDBERG COUNSl-;L WILLIAM W. ESSBKS March 9, 1966 Mr. John Appelt Main Road Orient, New York Re: F. S. Rosenberg Property at Head of Sterling Cre Near the Village of Greenport Dear Mr. Appelt: obert W. Gillispie, Jr., ich time you explained property of Mr. Rosenberg, ct that you are not going to n question and that the only dredging of a turn-around area, t rd of Appeals. It is also ct that the land to be dred,ed is water mark of Sterling Creek, . no permit is required of the stees. int out to you that the three lots owned by Lots 1 , 11 and 12) taken together exceed the minimum ng ordinance. However, if as a result of the dredging, the areas of the lots are reduced below the minimum required by the zoning ordinance, it will not be possible to issue a buildin, permit for coll8truction of a building on the premises, nor would the Board of Appeals be justified in granting a variance because it would constitute a self-imposed hardship. Yours very truly, ROBERT W. TASKER RWT:JM cc: Mr. Robert W. Gillispie, Jr. :1; . , , ..,. .' '..: 2~:,;t~'i, .....~;:iE:-:-,.' ,',,' .1 lJ84tBJ MR' .".. DIlC~,'-'UTKllll --....... tile 10th cia,. of JlUlllaJ"1. 11168, b;y Robert .. 1'._.... 1'-....... at liIi.wletea Road. OreeDpOrt. lIlIftolk Cmud7, H.. 1'_'" ........t R. Ch.r- ... rea1cUq at Korth ROltII. or" ~ IJrt, I. - e. ~, If.... York. , ~TII-":'" .........., ttae II&itl RoINIrt B: Pr..ton and LaGrant R. Chapman are .....111 ". ol record., ..u "'t certaiD tract or parcel of land aituate. &till.,. Mtq Mar Ql:.. JI'. I"t ill the Town of SOIIthold, County at h1folk ....... olNe. York. tal Ill... U4l deaeriMd as fo11o.s:- ,. ; ll' '~ at the laterMeUen of the aOlltherly liDe of Chaaplia Place ... tbe J. ul.r~ l1ae 01. ".-.",.et AVetllle, aDd runninl al.., Rid ...~l'\1 U. 01 ~..lo.~-ft Anml& .. cOllnea, as follow.:- (1) .Ii ~ 10 derr.... 11 ___ 30 .ecORda Zut 203.88 feet; theaee (I) 'I.. ". N delreea IT ....teII 10 SeeoDda East 5 feet more or 1Me to .. .'-'7 hip .ater mat'Il .t Sterllnl Basin; theBce al-. ..W .... ....r aark 01 Ster1iq .''In. southerly and then ..ester~ .... tMo DlIMbweaterly about 1100 feet to land of Muir; thence dODl aaidlaall olllllli.r J(..-th 10 derr'" 6 miIlutea 10 aeconcla West 75 f,et. ..re _s... te aai4 lHlCltMr1,. line 01 Champlin Place; thence al-. aa1d a. ther17 l1ae of Champlin Place North 58 degrees 36 mingte. 10 INC." Ilut 74.. .8 feet to the point or place of be,inaiar. 1 t. 'aM"C &Del iIlteDded to be a pertlon of the premia.s cQllveyed to the .w ftoIIIert H. Prutoa and LaGrant R. Chapman by deed tlated _to ...-r., III' and recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's oI11ce sa Liller 40" fill .... at pap 130, aDd the parcel therein cIl..IcrilMd .. parcel 1 ; '! ',," ... 'WUR&A8 the above-clescrlDedl&nds have been divided into the several ....... fill laad dea:i"....ted OIl a aurvey made by Otto W. Van T1I;yl 011 the .... *7 01 Sept_.ber. 1955. a ctapy of which Is herelUlte anne..... marked - .. ..... A.... --ofe a part hereof, and 1>' ;; t . WUJU:A8 tile ..ld Rebert H. Preston and LaG rant R. Chapman deaire .. -Or dda HC'LAJtATlON setting forth the reservatiOlUl, reatrictiona, 11 ~'n'i . c~ta and a,reementa aubject to which the Ian. deaignated ...'..... earny .. parcela 1, 2, 3. '. 5, 6,7, 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ... .. ... die parcel "trnated aa "Reserved" are now held and shall be .... ....COln'.yed. . MOW. TRRltapOlUil, Robert H. Preaton and LaGrant R. Chapman ~.... ta.II-~ IIIIlI2'e.iaabove menU-" an4 deaeriMd aa ShOWD on the ............. ...r.lrr.d .. are now held and shall be aold and conveyed by ..." '. Jut...... r-.eI'YaU". restrictions, conditions, covenants and ,'''"I-W"lIta 111M tonla iB the various aubdivisions of this DECLARATION, ....wit: - 1. The words "lot" and "bllilding plot" as used herein are defined as 1('". \.' {,~!;;i...i~."f "; ~,-:!:,;' . -, ,/~" "'~ . ; ~~. : ~it '.\ . . ~332 ._ftlft, the separate numbered parcels of land, only, mto which the premu.. lIhown on B&1d survey are divided. 2. There shall not be at any time hereafter carried on or permitted 1IpOII ~ part of the land/il .hown on said map any trade, manufacture or __I..... of any kind or description whatsoever, nor sh&Ll any use be made of &II)' of the lands which i8 noxious, dangerous or offenaive or which is unai4rht1,.. unhealthful or tending to damage in any manner the adjoin~ property or to diJIturb the peace of the inhabitants of the neifhhorhood, aor ahall any animals, except house do,s, cats or other hmaehold pet. be kept or maiDtltted on any part of said lands. 3. The land. herein described shall be used for private residence purpoe.. only. There Shall not be at any t1 me hereafter erected or caused, procured. permitted, suffered or allowed to be erected upon any part of the Iota shown on .aid map. any building or structure other than one .lnile- &...11,. d1relli~ to be occupied by not more than one family saeh, not to .u.... two and one-half stories in height and a private ,arage for nGt mer. than two cars for the sole UBe of the owners or occupant. of the lot IIpOII which such pra,s "hall be erected. .,', .; 4. No building .hall be erected, placed or altered on any buildin, plot shown on said map until the building plans, specifications and plot plan sbowiD, the location of such building have been app.'oved in writin, .. to eCllltormity and harmony of external design with exi.ting .tructure. on oUter lot., and as to location of the building with respect to topography and f1D1ahed ground elevation by Robert H, Preston and LaG rant R. Chapman or by · repre.e~tattve designated by them or the survivor of them. In the e'ftRt that aaid Robert H. Preston ..no LaGrant R. Chapman. or their desipat.d representative, fail vapprove or disappc'ove such dea!rn and locatiClll Within thirty days after said plans and specifications have been submitted to them, or, in any event, if no suit to enjoin the erection of such buildb1c or the makiDf of such alterations has been cOmmenced prior to the completion thereof, auch approval will not be required and this Covenant Will be deemed to have been fully complied with, Neither Robert H. Preston nor LaGrant R. Chapman nor their designated ""presentative shall be en- U,t1ed to any compensation for services performed pursuant to this Covenant. Their powers and duties shall cease on and after January 1, 1966 and there- after, the approval deacribed in this Covenant shall not be required unless, prior to aaid date and effective thereon, a written instrument shall be executed by the then record owners of a majority of the lots shown on said map and duly recorded, appointing a representative or representatives who llball thereafter exerciae the same powers exel'cised by the said Robert H. Preston and LaGrant R. Chapman, . "..... :t' l"." :t: " 5. No building shall be located nearer to the sIde lot linea of any lot than ten feet or nearer to any public road or highway or right-of-way than tldrty ,..t or nearer to ordinary high water mark of Sterling Creek than Wrty teet. 6. No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other out- a...iJ.lt, erected on any lot in the tract shall at any time be used as a ...tIlIL~. temperarily or permanently, nor shall any structure of a tempora allaraeter be used aa a residence. The right to permit the use of a garage -2- . -- " 'j ~. t.' r, , I r ,..~ lrtl/;40fiO .at .'. ,'. fBlH'7 -'1W"'~. duriJIC the con.truction of the per---~l r .......,...... aq flot ia here'" re..rved. Such t"""I"'1"&I7 oecupanq ..... .... . JlII*l"kMI 01 DOt more thu U. months in ~ .. ~e. 7. ".. powuI floor area of the main .tnaea.re erected 011 anyone .... ~,..... 01 ODe-story open porches and garap. ahall he IIIJt Ie.. than t._ ''''''~ tHt in the ca.e of aone-.tory structure. nor 1... than 800 . V ........u.e caae of a one and one-half, two or two and one-half .tory .. ""'"'~.... .. No........ of any de.cription .hall be diapla,.ed to the public view ......11'~ oltlut l.ande or build.1ngs on the above-d..eribed premi.es lill "... U. lIlIU&l....u .ips !neUcatine owne~hip or occupaney and "Por ~_ "F".~ ~ hav1D& dimensions of not mora than 14 inches by .._.,]~.w . 'l"ItU~. however, doe. not inelude .iCna us.d by the ,. , 11".", .-,._uavttv.llltion ~riod nor doe. it apply to 81pa used by ,..11 UHf A..... ~t1Oa. or anyone supplying materiala to aay bulld1nc .... ~wt ~ Il.- 'h ..eu.t ftrlne the con.truction period. t. Ro fence of aD)" kil:\4 .hall be erected or maiata1aM on any por- _or... IN .bo1nl_ aid map except a heclae feoca. ,ieket faace, .tone ; r -..1aftt~. feoee or split ran fence. All fence. of any kind herein per- .............t pc't\><< h.... fence. .hall be not more than four feet from the ,.~ .... all feRC.. ahall be located not lese than three feet from any ...... ....t-of-_y. 10. Ro lot shall be subdivided, conveyed or sold except as a whole .~ the written conaent of Robert H. Preston and LaGrant R.' Chapman, tIlt.alr heinl, auecessors or assigns. 11. All aewa,e ariaing from the use and occupaDq of each lot 8hall ..~~u.. of at the COBt and expense of the owner of each lot in a proper (If..e .... 01' CeB8pool which shall be located at a location to be approved ...........01It County Board of Health or olhf'r municipal authority exerciBine .... .....1'.. U and when said sewage is disposed of by connection with a .~ ~l or other public dispoBal systf'm, such connection .hall be con- ..ctett aad maintained by the owner of each lot at his own cost and expense. 11. The said Robert H. Prf'ston and LaG rant R. Chapman reserve .. ~te COIIYey to any public authority andlor any person, firm or cor- .....tl8acon.etine and/or performing any public utility or function above or 1I....tau.. IiUrtace of the ground and/ or to any abutting landowner easementa ...........o(-_y over the richts-of-way shown on the aforesaid 8urvey to be ....,.. dul purpoae of supplying electricity, water, gas, telephone or other ,nltU.t" utilit;y or quaai pubUc utility services to the premi8es hereinabove _e~.. in connection therewith, to erect, maintain, operate, repair or ........ ~1''lr.OIl.. electrical or other lines and! or conduits and to lay, main- tlda. .,.rat.. repair or remove pipe lines andlor other necessary lines for aU of the purpoaea herein Bet forth. 1.. Robert II. Pre8ton and LaG rant R. Chapman reserve to them- U~.. ~ .......... '. allcc:eaaorB and a88~ns the right to make such cuts and ...... "~...J~IUU"r;yto grade the roads or right-of-way in front of and ...~~........l;'!~" .,ud map in accordance 1Jith such grades as may ."..~'*.Ir'iltlt~....... to time. and also the rlght to grade in, out or 'U .. .... ~'."far .. may'be rea80nably necespry for the 8upport and -3- ----............-_L____ ~ - -- --~-~" ~-___ilJ'4' ~-..,,,,, . ~",:-f...',:~'" ~'-~--"'-~I'"'W"""".".ti'.~"':~!'~.,.,:.-"".,..,,,, ,..~..,.,~~. ','II%. ....,.::,..- _..,_...,...~ .IIIJ .. 334 ..... ;.... 1 '. " -q. . ~. -"" 'O(T"-~.J:le of AU estllb11shed grades. and to dredie wad.r the waters of ...~ Creek ad~ or adjacent to any waterfront 10.. IlJld to deposit · .lkf ...teriaJ. upon the foreshore of any waterfront lots. provided that ... care &Ad cI1l1pace be exercised to avoid injury to the terraJ.n of Aid 1Ma and to the tr..s and improvements thereon and to the beach, if any. u..reot. except to such extent as may be necessary. For any such changes .... ~ur.1. DO liability shall be incurred by the aaid Robert H. Preston and lAGnuat R. Chapman, their heirs. successors or assigna. and no claim for ""'"""V-qlfUion aAa.U artae therewith. The right to deposit dredeetl materials, .......er. aAa.U terminate on the day of January, 1957. The ri,ht to ......cat. to the ptllaUc ue. aa public roacUI or highways, or to convey to the T.... olllouthold. the fee .imple of any part of or all of the road or rifht- 01--.1 ab9wn on aaid map as Robinaon Road ia likewise reaerved and the l1.IbUi PYeD to the owner or owner. of the lata shown on Said map of in,ress and ...re.. aver aaid road or right-of-way Shall in no way impair the ri,ht. of Robert H. Preston and LaGrant R. Chapman as hereby reaerved. 14. The proVisions herein contained IIhall run with the land and ahall 1m&re to the benefit of and be enfor"ceable by Hobert H. Preston and LeGrant a. CI,.P""1an, their heirs. successors and ass1fns, and/or b.1 the then ownera ot &IQ' of the lota ahown on said survey and the failure by Robert H. Preston ....IAOn.nt R. Chapman, their heirs. successors and aaa1p. and/or by IlII.7 fill the then owners of any of the lotIO shown on said survey to enforce the 'J'OY1aiOO8 herein contained shall not be deemed to be a waiver of their right 110 to do ".r,.. to the same violation at as to any prior or subsequent YioIation thereof. 15. These covenants Shall be binding on the said Robert H. Preston LaOl'llJlt R. Chapman and their heirs. SUcceSSors or assigns and on all rUes and persons claDlUng under them until Janual"y I, 1970, at which Aid covenants shall be automatically extended for succellsive periods 10 y.ars unless by vote of a majonty of the then owners of the lots, it is to change said covenants In whole or in part. Jirra.Lt4ation of anyone of these Covenants by judgment or court order ia DO wille affect any of the other pr'ovisions which shall remain in force and effect. 18. No eaaement or right-of-way or right of user over the lands ,..ted on Aid map as "Reserved" shall be conveyed either expressly r b,y implication to the grantees of any of the numbered plots shown on survey and the right to use said plot designated as "Reserved" is hereby apre..l.1 limited and reserved to the said Robert H. Preston and LaG rant . Chapman, their heirs. SucceSSors or aSSigns, which use, however. shall consistent and in conformity with the provisions of this declaration. 17. Not withstanding any of the provisions bereof, the said Robert H. "'-ton and LeGrant R. Cnapman expressly reserve the right to grant to I owner or owners of any of the waterfront lots shown on said map permissi01 UIe ereeUon Or conatrl1ction of a pier. dock or bulkhead upon or adjacent : ~ lot or len.. the u.we of WhiCh shall be limited to the owner or. owners i -4- -~-~---... -.-----.--- .-----,. _.~ _w .-......"....... L ~ 1111I I&.. J...~ . ;U~ ~ L ~ill>._~""-,",,,~ ~~~~-<l _ r 4 [I.fR4000. ,..* I "~t'!lfpd ..Web "" ahall be conaistent and 1n conformity with the .f.~~"'1ll11 of t1U. declaration. I The liald Robert H. Pr,aton and LaOrtat ,....~..\l ... 1ll:...ae expresaly reserve the r1cht to erect or construct .... .. .-oorm., place. IIp01l or adjacent to the lot ahown on Hid aurvey 'IT'~~~. -ted aa No. 10 IOJd to rent the same to persona other than the ~.til)(~~_Ul'y otpl.4 lets, pl'Qv1ded, however, that the uae of said docu' '.<.~..1'_..ahall'" UmLted ro.DlOQring purposes and shall not be used .'.,IJ, ~ r... or dtlIembe.rking of passengers or for an,. commercial, ,or "'.~I,.a~.. what.oenr. "'1!rJ:Il__~. the satd Robert H. Preston and LaQrant R. ~"'ve hereunto set their hands and seals the day CHI year first loboTe written. /,/J;;~~~ v I- .' 1..8. " AI'-h4~ ,11 .1..8 " , . ... "'.. '-- - . 'i4lJQO ~JUU ~.ar DW YORK) . '. ss. . ~a OJ'SUFFOLK) .. ,".~ t'!l-day-ot January, 1956, beCore me. the subscriber, ~~red ~~~~~- ROBEHT H. PRESTON to'-~~'_ill1'1"'wn and known to me to be the eame pereon described .. al'ld who _.Cllted the within instrument, and he acknowledged to me that ::"'~ll~" the same. )~;U n-; ': . '-"'1 Nt:'t"'r', .. ?1':'~kI ~~I. "!y 'I'''''~m 1.;.;......;,~ ;,.......',;.:1 ~.;. l.ll..o . ..'l'...'o;.....w YORK) BS. . .~.'1''I'.S:UJI'FOLK) .. On .18 ,., -day of January, lU56. before me. the subscriber, , pIl.'t'e....uy. appea red La<';H.ANT H.. CHAPMAN tom.~_uy known and known to mt' to be the same person dt;r8cribpd .;tq.-- ....ellted the within instrum..nt. and tip acknowledged tll nlO" that hAI'.He.... th. 8arnt'. j~~.~ - RICQROE9v r' t. JAN2 l; 1%6 all\Jt a. M. ,ifUt"'M J.t. Fay ... "'.... c:.o..w ,. . } . December 30, 1963 Mr. Abraham Roaeaberg 11 - 11 13lst st College Point, N.Y. Dear Sir; i have received several inquiries and complaints that you are constructing a marina and using tor business purpof'eti your property at S/s Champlin Place and E/s St0r11ng creek. I ~ould appreciate from you a statment as to your intentions as to the intended use of the premises, and what yourare doing at this location at the present time. Please be advised tl1is area is zoned residential "A" district and is restricted to one family dwellings. Permits are required tor dredging, docks, bulkheads etc from the Army engineers and or the Town Trustees as the case ~Ja:r be. Kindly advise me of your plans and intentions as soon as possible. Yours truly Bu~~~';n,p~otor'-== ( Telephone 516 - 765-3783 1;J ::,j.,J.,J.."/".,:/_ ~, ern, /, ,..;Y r\\\ t U...,I(' ~Y:. BOARDcg~TC>~ ~ crJUSTEES ~'l ,? "._/:f :"50: ,'" (5] t- :ro~t-or"," . .... LQ ~ ~FF&Y'.to .,. '::~. Yo. "b#J~' ~ r; "",<4:,,'~ - ~'\t?: ~. ~rfl)I',f' ~ ~ Southold,U 1;.1N~~; 11971 -, ;',::'c,'.,"-rf- March 13, 1978 '.e' . . -~ Southold Town Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: The following action was taken by the Board of Southold Town Trustees at a regular meeting held March 7, 1978. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the application #33 for a wetland permit to Frank S. Rosenberg and Margaret E. Rosenberg to do maintenance . dredging on the south side of Champlin Place, Greenport, at the head of Stirling Creek. Yours truly, ~~ Gerard P. Goohringer, Chainnan Serge Doyen, Jr. James Dinizio, Jr. RDbert A. Villa Richard C. Wilton Telephone (516) 765-1809 1 '),' ..,~, -. ~-"~~~~iY' SCO'T"l' L. HARRIS Supervisor APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road PO. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 MEMORANDUM FI<OM: Office of the Southold Town Trustees Off ice of the Building Inspectors Office of the Board of APpealtP) December 10, 1993 ( TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Prior Actions - Rosenberg Property at North End of Sterling Creek (or Sterling Basin), Greenport c.) f I '1 I For your information, we are forwarding copies of information from Town records dating back to 1964 which concerns the above creek. We thought you might be interested, and note the zoning limitations when updating your files (or reviewing new applications in the area). /J-}t)q J- JO :Ie <> / Jt . i J :' , -....~_--.. i.../ 'n 7'- /lL... f..l'(j !+,ft r t '~LL';'T'-'~ / . -+-;(" .v.i.-Lt, -lyo\ , ~ ")J~ . '/1 ..:'....)e~ ... ",~ .. ... . . . ~"~ ..,,: . . ..- · t:C"!l"it . .....~T..;:.;:~... ---- .~I _ ,rJ , -~- lol-:..... . ' ~ ---,,~I,....I. '---......... ~Dse;1l6e!f' 1 1iI;1- 4'; /)111--/ G(ee/IJ foRI- .':;. ~ . l ." ~ ,- I '" [ :. [ (... I J , r:e.=n~. ~~ ..-:::<t~ ~,o..........."...,..,~ ___.... "":"-.........~' " . .... , .', ,'I ~~\. _~ .., ...... '''.,. . ...t;f;;: ~~~' . . '~."1 . ..;... \..i,... w.. ' '."0,:1 'Jl""1t-,..'-1o...1.~. ~ . '-'\' .it~~::._.~:;.:" ".~~ ~ J > , ., ; CHAMPLI '" PLACE I Ei~., A~..~n,:1 C.1t"t'")If'n....N'( Loud oi' a pp-flCCh1 + I ~ I i U I Z " VI z ro 0 Ql L LJJ > <: ! ! Wl!"C'If"~IWY;o;"'; i c:.\'''\1\!'l~, (N v ~---"-- . S~n"'l'!l :1rv:~ [l't" Abba." B'...d l=br.sC'ld~z."'I""'. .. t '.z. 8 . .. .. ~ " . '-' Q - .r' ~ B .1 If s Q \) 10 tn~ ~ .2 Jl 10 u. ... ~ I ~\ ~\ ( I ~ i C .", i o 1 "1'0 o-r. ~ "~I ... D -- '" l 1. II 6 '0 ." :r 0 -' / ~. '" ...c, ,. Qsf' ,,7" .).. "'...., -<' 0 v.(> ~,." /' (:0"< ,_. SO>l,.,diHqS <:lYe it< <;e"~ :a~ \1o'4.eOH low wa"'ey. '" .;.i u.....'w~ ___~1'?7.."~.(C. ~----b!LW I 'RC;'~';;!/ -~~ -- ,- I ... 'Spo..l aYEa. I 1 J e sci,.~ ,~~ ..n' N.OAA Cj<dvt No. 12358 Pv~p~~ed ~:t(.,;...-teHd....rd' c:{"t"'eJq.t1iCj i..a Si".\~'\q Bcs... a; G~...:"pcy'. N.Y. ApphcOT'=,'" bq A. B. 12os~..\o.:y.<. EClst Moy;c",. N.y' .' 3M".....;, 77 l. f- J " -' ~ '<:( PLAN r- ""'.....- C. !>c 100 Scale .1l1,"",..t "..cl SO\ol"",J \~\O -. ---------, if 111 IV I _0'.- f / 4>r Gv~e"fq. SECTION I I o ,~ ~ SCQte iH -ford Dv"dqe t.o~ 4' dep-ll' (J' ....I.W. 1\ P':'l\' 1 ~~;...AJ CL-I. yd~ -+0 b(!: Pl.'" i\04