HomeMy WebLinkAbout632 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing , Pursuant to Section 267 of the i Town Law and the provisions otl the Amended Building Zone Or- i dinan.e of the Town of Southold I Suffolk County. New York, publicI hearings will be held by the Zon-, lng Boord of Appeals of the Town: ot Southold at the Town Office Main Road. Southold. New York,' ,on February 6, 1964, on the fol-I lowing appeals: 7:30 P,M. fE.S.T.). upon appli- tiou of Georg.e W. Smith & Sons, Inc.,. Jockey Creek: Drive, 8outh- old, New Yor:k. for a special ex- ception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Sec- tion 408. Subsection fb), for per- ,mission to erect a wall sign on the side wall of a business build- ing. LODation of property: s/s Jockey Creek Driv:e, Southold, New York, hounded north by uockey Cl'1eek Drive, east by Ellis Terry south by Jockey Cr,eek, and west by L. Hart. I 7:40 P. M. fE.S.T.), upon appli- ca:tion of George WI Smith & Sons,: ,Inc., Jockey Creek Driv.e, south-'l' old, New York, for a spedal ex- 'ception in .accord31Thce wiith the. Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, see-I tion 408, Subsection (a), for per-I ,mission to relocate an existing de-I tach-ed ground sign on the prop- ertyof L. Hart, east side Route 25'1 !Southold, New York. Property I bounded north by \Joel<ey Creek Dn. 'v.e. east by G. W. .smith & sons.[ south- by J. Ullrich, and west by I Main Road. i $:00 P.M. (E.S.T), upon appli- cation of Otis G. PIke. 132 os-I trander A v;enue, Riverhead, New : York, for recognition of access in accordance with State of New York Town Law. Section 280A. Lo- I cation of prQperty: 'on a private ,right-ot-way. west of Ruth Road, i'Mattituck. New Yo.k. bounded ,nortJh by Sound. east by B. vree-I' I land. south by right-ot-way, and west by J. Moisa. , Any person desiring to be heard on .tJhe above appllca.tions should appear ,at the time and place ; above specified. DATED: Order Board January 23, 1964, By ot the South old Town I of Appeals. ltJ3l1 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY m' SUFFOLK, 1 , ss: J .......,:.... . j~ '..' ..L""fC.'Ch."......<J..,~,.".,:,..".~,"......... being duly Sworn. says that .... is Printer and Publisher of the SU~'Jo'OLK TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenport. in said county; and that the notice. of which the annexed is a printed copy. has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week. for week~ t :+..,..-..,. successlVcly commencing on the ... .....,.'"i ..!...",L~,.... L',.', ( , ___~_~:__'.. ~nL.~__J.._...._..__.....___ 19,s...~~:.... T ..:~'?d\S=~><~...\;:J;},"\.."'\-\J""'" Sworn to before me this.. ~ ,. L.... : "'0'. . >..~~! day of / ~ ...........>~.~ :::\\/1.'\1 '; i~ew 'York (:(ltlllty \ ,:'C'(,400 Commission Expiresj\Jr,TCh30,J96' f. ];\ I;. !I LEGAL NQlTICE Notice of Hearing Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of South old, at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on February 6, 1964, on the following appeals: 7:30 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of George W. Smith d i i ]! :1 Ii & Sons, Inc., Jockey Creek Drive, Southold, New York, for a , special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Artic~ IV, Section 408, Subsection (b), for permisSion to erect a wall :1 i! 'I !I !! II 'I ,I II :1 " t; sign on the side wall of a business building. Location of property. s/s Jockey Creek Drive, Southold, New York, bounded north by Jockey Creek Drive, east by Ellis Terry, south by Jockey Creek, and west by L. Hart. ,i :1 Ii II ~I H :1 II ii 'i il i: ii !i :1 jl 7.40 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon application of George W. Smith & Sons, Inc., Jockey Creek Drive, Southold, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Section 408, Subsection (a), for permission to relocate an existing detached ground sign on the property of L. Hart, east side Route 25, southold, New York. property bounded north by Jockey Creek Drive, east by G. W. Smith & Sons, Inc., south by J. Ullrich, and west by Main Road. II Page 2 - Legal Notice 8.00 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon applicationof Otis G. Pike, 132 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York, for recognitionof access in accordance with State of New York Town Law, section 280A. Location of property. on a private right-of-way, west of Ruth Road, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by Sound, east by B. vreeland, south by right-of-way, and west by J. Moisa. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED. January 23, 1964, By Order of the Southold Town Board of Appeals. * * * PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, JANUARY 31, 1964, AND FORWARD FOtR (4) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. ! * * * copies mailed to the following on January 2~, 1964: The ouffolk Times The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck watchman Daniel Smith, alc G. W. Smith & Sons, Inc. Otis G. pike IT WILL NOT BE NECESSARY FOR ANYONE TO APPEAR AT THE HEARDiGS. FORM NO.1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Examined .............................. ........, 19........ Applicatian Na. ............................ Approved ........................................, 19........Permit No. Disappraved alc ... ............... ....................................... .... ....... ........................ (Building Inspectar) . ~.'. ". APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date ......vA..A1..~:J................., 1~:?........ INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in duplicate to the Building Inspector. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on p remises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets Or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of property must be drawn on the diagram which is part of this application. c. The work covered by this application may not be com menced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspecti on throughout the progress of the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in pa rt for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Depgrtnoent for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and "ther applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or a Iterations, or for removq' r demolitio~s herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with ,,!I applicable 16ws, ordinan sand 'regulations. .A ............=....;..L...~ State whether applicant is owner,' lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. ~~..~ . ~:~.:f:::':;::~~;;:;;;t;;;;2~~,p;,; .I.f~~~:?~~~;~ (Name and title of corporate officer) 1. Location of land on 'ch proposed work will be done. Map No: ....."?/..~............... Lot No: .................... .......... ..~:x:O'7.,~~......~~.:.:1y.................. Municipality and i.ntended use,dnd OCClJPancy of ' proposed construction: ....,..........~..........".................., ,..... ..,...................."........... Street and Number 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises a. Existing use and occupancy ........~ b. Intended use and occupancy.. ........................................................................................... 3. Nature af wark (check which applicable): New BUilding~1~.. Additian .................. Alteratian .................. Repair .................... Removal.................... Demolition .................... Other Work (Describe) ........................ Estimated Cost ............................................................ Fee .......................................................................................... (ta be paid on filing this application) If dwelling, number of dwelling units ..............................Number of dwelling units on each floor ............................ If garage, number of cars ....................... ....... ..... ...... .................................................................................................... If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use ................................ Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front.......................... Rear .......................... Depth .............................. Height ................... ......... Number of Stories . .... ..... ...... ............... ............. ................................................................. Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front ................................ Rear ................................ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Depth ............................ Height ................................ Number of Stories ........................................ Dimensions of entire new construction: Front................ ................ Rear ............................ Depth ............................ Height ............................ Number of Stories.................................. Size of lot: Front ...........7.L........ Rear ...7..C.............. Depth .~:P............................ - U' Dote of Purchase ........................................................ Name,of Former,Owner ..A..,:.!~............................. Zone or use district in which premises are situated........~;?:~.......................................................... . Obes proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? ...................................................... Nome of Owner of premises ........................................Address ............................................ Phone No. .................... Nome of Architect ......................................................Address ............................................ Phone No. .................... Name of Contractor ....................................................Address ............................................ Phone No. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether ex isting or proposed, and indicate 011 set-bock dimensions from property lines. Give street and block numbers or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or corner lot. hI 0- W. SM i rll ",SOlV>,AJc BcJ/L D~R5' lrb,4 J.. if' E>,/,,47.c... '"".;--- .~~~~E~.~F o~E~;l.i; ...... _ ...........~~~..:::: ::yi::::,J:eposes and says that he is the applicant above na~~:m~eo~s i:~~VI.d.~.~.I.(?'~~).~.... (Contr~~'t;;;' ~~~~'t; '~;;~;;;t~';ff'i'~~~:'~t~:i""""'" .... .... ..... ....... of said owner or owners, and. is duly authorized t erform' or have perfgrmed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this applicatian are. true to the best of his kno ledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the Imllflflo/. li!l~Ei40rth in the application filed therewith. ~~~r.~.t:;;ll d;:~~:1" ~ N~~':',.~:~:~~dj;;~i~:~i!~.~.~.................... .:...................... Notary Public, .tt~.>-..2."....... .. .....~ (Signature of applicant) TOWN 'OF SOUTROIJD', NEIW YORK f<~~ ~~ APPLICATION l!1OR SPECIAL EXCIEPI'IQN APPLICATION NO. t~ DATE _.I-~~.( TO THE ZON:NG BO~ OF APPEiALS. SOUTHOLD. N. Y. I. (w~..t':~~d~~........_~~~~~....__................._............... ?J~............... ..........._~.......~................_...........- Municipality v:s~~_..._.......... ihle~eby apply to THE OONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL ~CEPTION in accordance' wlith the ZONING ORD;;:'ANCE, ARTICLE I t SECTION ~ r SUBSECTION l tt) THE SPECIALEXCEPTK>N IS REQUESTED BECAUSE. ~ ~ --h. ~~ 4<~4~d~~~~~~'~~' .9u~~~ ~ ~4~~~ 4u-0~/d -4u)n .4~.d~/a4-~-~/~~~ j:J~~d~+. ~~~ ~f4/~~~~~-d~yd ~ ~r~h'l7~~ :::~~~. -~~ ~~"~ JUDITH T. BOKEN N'~tary Pu~l:c, State of New York No, 52~0344S>63, Suffolk County ( Camm,$slon EXiJlft)~ M<ltch 30. 19U FORM ZB2