HomeMy WebLinkAbout734 7 3 4 ,Fishers Island, New York Dec. 3 , 1964 Page 21 ;GRANTED permission to divide -property with .nsuf-f.-i- cient-_frontage on property E/s Reservoir ;_Road,__Fishers island, New York, Lot--No.15 subject _,4b, the following condition: see_ on-_back. I. No side yard variance may be ted in the future in reducing the present mi um requirements of the Zoning Ordin . This is without prejudice to any further al should the requirements-`be reduced. r TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS DATED. e, bgXT- ,1964 Appeal No. 734 Dated November 16, 1964 ACTIUN OF THE' ZONING y.OARD OF APFSALS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD James p. Manning a/c . Race Point Corp. , TO 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza Fishers Island Appellant . New York, ' New York - New York at a mecting of the Zoning Board of Appeals on Thursday, December 3,1964 the appeal was considered and the action indicated below was taken on your - �. ) Request for variance due to lack of access to property ( ) Request for a special exception under the Zoning Ordinance (X) Request, for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance' 1. SPECIAL EXCEPTION. By resolution of Ahe Board it was determined that a special exception ( ) be granted ( ) be denied pursuant to Article ............................ Section ....................,........ Subsection .............._....._. paragraph ..........I.................. of the Zoning Ordinance;and the decision of thp. Building Inspector (• ) be reversed ( ) be confirmed because 9: 10 P.M. (E.S.T. ) Upon application of James P. Manning, 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York,New York,, ::a/c Race Point Corp. , Fishers Island, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 303, and Article X, Section 1000A, for permission to divide property with insufficient frontage. Location of property: east side Reservoir Road, Fishers Island, New York, lot #15 on' proposed subdivision map by Chandler & Palmer dated'April 22, 1964, bounded and described as follows: (con't on back) 2. VARIANCE. By resolution of the Board it was determined that - (a) Strict application of the Ordinance (would)(would not) produce practical difficulties or unnec- essary hardship because - SEE REVERSE (b) The hardship created (is) (is not) unique and (would) .(would not) be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because SEE REVERSE (c) The variance (does) (does not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance and (would) (would not) change the character of the district because SEE REVERSE and therefore, it was further determined that the requested variance ( ) be granted ( ) be denied and that the previous decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) .be confirmed ( ) be reversed. FORM ZB4 ////// ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Barbara L. Carroza, Secre y (con't from front) Beginning at an iron pin on the northeasterly line Of Reservoir Road, said point being located north 270 38' west 200.63 feet fromthe inter- section with the northwesterly line of Winthrop Drive,said point also being located 566.71 feet north of a point which is 5406.58 feet west of "PROS" monument and thence running north--63' 111 , east 198.52 feet to an iron pin; thence north 260 57 ' west 90.40 feet to a monument; thence south, 620 21' west 233. 90 feet to a monument at said Reservoir Road Line; thence along said Reservoir Road line south 590 13' east 43. 70 feet; thence along said Road line south 460 13 ' east 47.88 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.43 acres more or less. After investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant wishes to divide property with insufficient frontage. The Board agrees with the reasoning of the applicant. This lot is considerably in excess of the mininum square footage and although there is now way toincrease the fottage to meet the existing foortage requirements of the' Or4inance, it is pro- posed that a residence will be constructed on 'this lot. The Board finds' that strict application of the Ordinance will produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is unique and Would not be shared by all ' properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district; and the variance does observe the spirit of the Ordinance and will not change the character of the district. Therefore, it was RESOLVED that James P. Manning, 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York, New York, a/c Race Point Corp. , Fishers Island, New York, be granted permission to divide property with insufficient frontage, on property located east side Reservoir Road, Fishers Island, New York, lot #15, on proposed subdivision map by Chandler & Palmer, dated April 22, 1964. This variance is granted subject to the following condition: 1. No side yard variance may be granted in the future in reducing the present mininum requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. This is without predjudice to any future appeal, should the requirements be reduced. �� �� 4- LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF HEARINGS Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 1 Law and the provisions of the Amended ' ss: Building Zone Ordinance of the Town STATE OF NEW YORK of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on Decem- C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says 'ber 3, 1964, on the following appeals: that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND 7:30 P. M. (E.S.T.), upon application iof Daniel Smith, Southold, New York, TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- a/c Thomas Pepe, Kenny's Road and Soundview Avenue, Southold, New paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that York, for a special exception in ac- the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been cordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 306, for permission published in said Long Island Trove ler-Matti tuck Watch- to build an addition to the existing f/ '.. dwelling with Insufficient front yard man once each week for ...(,.t��.e-.-..�:....1...;....... weeks setback. Location of property: north- - west corner Soundview Avenue and Kenney's Road, Southold, New York, successively, commencing on the ........,:. ....................... bounded north by D'Antonio-Pepe, east by Kenney's Road, south by Sound- da of � — q..(-."// view Avenue, west by Schriever-Great y � -"`' ` 'l' 19""' Pond. 7:45 P. M. (E.S.T.), upon application i 21a_ of Long Island Lighting Company, ...........................1....:.....:........ry..21a_../.. .71.......... 1650 Islip Avenue, Brentwood, New 1 York, for a special exception in ac- cordance with the Zoning Ordinance, - Article IV, Section 408, Subsection (B), %✓ for permission to erect a sign. Location -I of property: north side Main Road, Sworn to before me this ......:. ............ day of ATshamomaque, New York, bounded north by Stelmoski, east by S. Ciacia //' ' Estate, south by Main Road, west by r' "�""""" 9 Drossos-Rempe. 8:00 P. M. MELT.), upon application Of Christian Simonsen Estate, Oak and Birch Avenues, Southold, New York, for a variance in accordance with the ' / p C� /L/-� '' ..........�...( ...rl!F.:....... 1......: �'.t... ................. Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section Notary Public 303 and Article %, Section 1000A, for �� ' permission to divide and sell lots with insufficient frontage. Location of prop- erty: west side Birch Avenue, east ADELE PAYNE side Oak Avenue, Goose Bay Estates, ,;tate of New Yory Lots no.: south west one half of 228, k • '� r,,,u,�iy 229, 230, and south west one half of ,,,,..",, r i, , „ n �a, t9' 251, 252, 253, Southold, New York. 8:15 P. M. (E.S.T.), upon application of James P. Manning, 1 Chase Man- hattan Plaza, New York, New York, a/c Race Point- Corp., Fishers Island, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 303, 304, and 307, and Article R, Section 1000A, for permis- Sion to set off lot with existing build- ing with insufficient setback and side- yard. Location of property: west side Winthrop Drive, Fishers Island, New York, bounded north by Government Property, east by Winthrop Drive, south by Government property, west by Silver Eel Cove. 8:30 P. M. (E.S.T.), upon application of James P. Manning, I Chase Man- hattan Plaza, New York, New York, a/c Race Point Corporation, Fishers Island, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 303, and Article %, Section 1000A, for permission to divide property with insufficient front- age. Location of property: south side Winthrop Drive, Fishers Island, New York, Lot No. it on proposed subdivi- d' cion map by Chandler & Palmer dated April 22, 1964, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a drill hole in the walk on the Southeasterly line of Winthrop Drive, said drill hole being South 62' 21' West 679.95 feet from the Southwesterly line of Equestrian Ave- i nue, said drill hole also being 466.98 feet North of a point which is 5046.28 feet West of said "PROS" monument and thence running along said Win- throp Drive line North 62° 21' East 72.70 feet to a drill hole; thence 27° 39' East 183.80 feet; thence south 62° 21' west 72.70 feet, thence north 27° 39' west 183.80 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.30 acres more or less. 8:40 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon application fit.Qt. WId-- amt and of James P. Manning, 1 Chase Man- hattan Plaza, New York, New York, th�ndd ouce t °"g2° 21' west 77.50 a/c Race Point Corp., Fishers Island, feet; thence north 27° 39' west 183.80 New York,for a variance in accordance feet; �3h_en_c_¢_,along said Winthrop le 0 feet with the Zoning Ordinance, Article Drive line North 62° 21' east 77.5 III, Section 303, and Article %, Sec- to the point of beginning. Containing tion 1000A, for permission to divide 0.33 acres more or less. property with insufficient frontage. Lo- 9:00 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon application cationthrrproperty: south side Win, Lot hatt Iof James P. Manning, I Chase Man- Lot Fishers Island, New York, an Plaza. New York, New York, ' Lot No. 12, on proposed subdivision _ ,_ r-�...-co.rxation, Pishers,i map by Chandler & Palmer, dated Island, New York, for a variance in- April 22, 1964, bounded and described accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, 'n at a drill hole Article III Section 303 as follows: Beginning and Article in the walk on the southeasterly line J, Section 1000A, for permission to of Winthrop Drive, said drill hole being divide property with insufficient front- South 62° 21'West 524.65 feet from the age. Location of property: south side southwesterly line of Equestrian Ave- Winthrop Drive, Fishers Island, New nue, said drill hole also being 534.41 York, Lot No. 14, on proposed subdivi- feet North of a point which is 4917.57 sion map by Chandler & Palmer dated feet West of a monument marking the April 22, 1964, bounded and described United States Coast and Geodetic Sur- as follows: Beginning at a drill hole vey Triangulation Station "PROS" and in the walk on the southeasterly line thence running along said Winthrop of Winthrop Drive, said drill hole being Drive lie South 62° 21' West 72.60 feet; south 62' 21' west 354.50 feet from the thence north 62' 21' East 72.60 feet; southwesterly line of Equestrian thence North North 27' 39' West 183.80 feet nue, said drill hole also being 813.37 to the point of beginning. Containing feet north of a point which is 4766.85 0.30 acres more or less. feet west of a monument marking the 8:50 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon application United States Coast and Geodetic Sur- of James P. Manning 1 Chase Man- vey Trianuulation Station "PROS" and hattan Plaza, New York, New York, thence running along said Winthrop' a/c Race Point Corp., Fishers Island, Drive ]ie south 62° 21' west 92.65 feet New York,for a variance in accordance to a drill hole; thence south 27° 39' with the Zoning Ordinance, Article east 183.80 feet; thence north 62/ 21' III, Section 303, Article IC, Section east 80.20 feet to a monument; thence 1000A, for permission to divide prop- north 23° 46' west 184.30 feet to the erty with insufficient frontage. Loca- point of beginning. Containing 0.36 tion of property: south side Winthrop acres more or less. iDrive, Fishers Island, New York, Lot 9:10 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon application No. 13, on proposed subdivision map of James P. Manning, 1 Chase Man- by Chandler & Palmer dated April 22,I hattan Plaza, New York, New York, 1964,bounded anddescribedas follows: a/c Race Point Corp., Fishers Island, Beginning at a drill hole in the walk New York, for a variance in accordance on the southeasterly line of Winthrop with the Zoning Ordinance, Article Drive, said drill hole being south 62/ 111, Section 303, Article J, Section 2 ' 1000A, for permission to divide prop- 1' west 447.15 feet from the south- erty with insufficient frontage. Loca- westerly line of Equestrian Avenue, tion of property: east side Reservoir said drill hole also being 5. -„ Road, Fishers Island, New York, Lot north of a point.whichlo No. 15, on proposed subdivision map by Chandler & Palmer, dated April 22, 1964, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pin on the north- easterly line of Reservoir Road, said Point being located North 27° 38' west 200.63 feet from the intersection with the northwesterly line of Winthrop Drive, said point also being located 566.71 feet north of a point which is 5406.58 feet west of said "PROS"monu- ment and thence running north 63- 11' east 198.52 feet to an iron pin; thence north 26' 57' west 90.40 feet to a monument; thence south 62° 21' west 233.90 feet to a monument at said Reservoir Road line; thence along said Reservoir Road line south 59° 13' east 43.70 feet; thence along said Road line south 46° 13' east 47.88 feet to the Point of beginning. Containing 0.43 acres more or less. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: November, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS. i J](yy�v ;afpc�p i i purpoont to Portion 267 at the Iw4m "m sad th# pwowtsions at t�w Aammoded tt Al N '4060 of tho I~ of 019. I i tul hlye.C•mgty. sow lmrk* VWAIt: homX 4s at31 bs hold by thoi i OffAce* 44" tie 3Fystltt. an Decombor S. 1964v an the tollowukq appealer: i I 0400utb"A* dow Yam, ♦./a Thomme AWO. 's ted 4 Y-*kMdw w Atm. somtllat4v VAW 7 . tato[ 4 OptWASI ONCOPtUft is m=47 v&tA tho Sowing orrismtp Co$ A*tA*U 1110 Ree ties 306* for i i Assw lasent fsamt yo ilt k, IA>mtkem of garoportr oget1goopt cwrWW AooftmWUW AVUIR P& 404 #AWAW t'# A0640 +l. Now Yw1t, by wmtoftjo-vopeo emot by t(a y's i Ta tt V.M. it. owl"atOmw of C4mq Islood I ti.tiibtiwj C'tel"• 14it .Ame"04 s+ataw+aloc#, vow Yes'Jc. Esser s �tysMetal reat+�atpa lata in o0aggAegoo vJtb +Inas Amttist+g Ilrirl eQ iAq1f. t Of ,rty, A*K*A siaw !w 11k+D*u. i At ilb#all >•. "w York. bousdednorth by xt&pmookla O"'t j z:. C 1a1Cie► estate, south by Palo A604. WOOt by t i I I i I I i' to � - i Tif`. "FY:"±YV ce {y. {Y P 1F &' lioal�t3.�r� 'V$ ?a e'4R 11i wiMif.F 4 wl3ttlt*. Aad mod aArct t7A t Soutbox4p "ow i I, , alarrttt a, cta► 1+� � I, J `iatl+a 10.3 *add �jejw eft, 1 lam 1 k. ftr yornto*umto Uvit a w4 "j.1, lots I w1:tt 111liiYOUICAMOt att"*. lAW&t"ft Of %Y— t t $14v "Ch 1tk lr a t 4U* rAwl AV""* tip *"too* . s imst h 'x,41 t 040 hall of lu, ,22to$30, aunt MM" ~t atiaaile t*al>a atl 9$1.x33.733. SOUtbOU, ow Its". i •' l 1�.".+e 4R . T. 1♦ s'*' 11:+t ttloA of ,TOM" P. c"" ,6y.Wer. rq���Y,�a Now ♦qaW. meue vW a/ puoq iri, I Co", �pj y����e. MW ��yy�,y�jy� ,p�,� y y�y�y,� t,� y.�, swM�ow�p t o" f PITI� ,MY#, iOVL,, ft a V*t U nw BCW i Vlt."ht"1i! "u6W CnAiftemo# Axt..lt lta lil. SoCtlQab+li 143. 3.04, �y yyyy awg a,.y,�,.. ,�p,,�� t fk� i 1111Y{M'. 197. s IC10 )`, e�5,t 6.�i1 o 100".: +1'MYf *Adn t* i *Ot Ott U* with Aaalifiting A14100 %lith laoo"'Maalaut "tkowk M*4 al c9. )A"ttllm of psuportyl ~t. ♦tom AA% 1rAwa, UAW" I+ls1"d, "ow -ftgX, A*Vth I $6atI **ftIMAwt 'qty, West lwy ally tl cove, a� 10 Jo.A4 (t.A.i. 3 . tAV" SMIICOU410 of jeome P. itR11Gt11� . i 3 Icbm o AWANKtaft pl&"o wow 3tma♦ mm 'toY r%. Akf`e '%.$we Autt I I corporaticar r r IA l&n4, Nov yocko Ow a war * In as ait3! zho .uaAW3 °u . Articl* 1114 %octiow i I � 31 3. atctitela ;a . a tisma 1 A: t PaRlCVAarSUM tb UV'148 i vt,r etits Aftsufflaimt talj*o LomtiiAM oA tYa aeuth side 4im'th " p !�Vlvo* a?1dltitteso .idiAM4* NOV tk. loot '� 1 it xap o ttriat&w�► by chm4law A M9:M9 4&t*4 I i 144441 0tIC* i J'k8°'.-,iFA. 22e :4a^`:TSP! bounded o iri14WiM am w telIrw"P `..iLF13iiY,#kvd 11 i at # Rill 'hole in VW walk an tb* 4o wthoost erly ileus of �ggz y�y0cmv OvIve, ,yyd�,e,�, ill ba twin y , ,,� y� 2k21 . y'#Ws i! Ta 79— 91 f00t ar ; he � I .Ii�+M 69 Yaw►:&n A. 0 ,, "Id drill +vale aklara Wli d .10 teat O'laerth of s Point +el�►OA44w I# AP 46.24 toot t of S&WOOMWt aunt i I� iIw*w# ramlaq a10s9 043A Tls Drive IUW North 21e +tat 12, 74 feet to a gs311 2aolol ulenes sawth 27 ! SII 39' "at 163.(W hart; tbewo eaw" 631'21" **" 72. '7u toot. i thewre ward. 17Y391vea't. U3.80 feet to the Point at iaatl�4# � 1 630atea l x. 30 s+tra+a earner* Ot 1006. i I Q a 44 *.A. M.t'.T. )UP's'► tatutlaa o1 4 w 4A&awi�, i 1. C""h"s Ma"attaa viaaaa► MW "W%, xew Xtpatlt, Point cern,. Flamm* lslascle wow York. for a ~'tanto in sarear4WW* tialth the :"Mi4i C'etA&ftSW*, "tt,C1a 111, aetlarr 1 193. and itsttrU ),, Section 10, for imeualaster to a'tivids 1 i f Property With imsuffICA"t treat", 1.aeiM sep Of yi i S s"th 0140 WJAtlkV0V OT1V*. PA^*Ta 4ola%4. Mw 't'err'a. Lot 2 i 17, aa3 laden by Cba*tllarar & vau*r, dated 1 ftAI 22, 1"4. bawwod it 40*vv *d as hallows sessanlaq at a drill lrr In the t4"At sa itAe r!aUrly jum of s � l arl�wrr, �aa1d ar kll.i 19a1a araltat soeth 42`21 ' wfest i 24.65 :8w,et a'irreao t»'t9ir aaalrt»'�xwwrat.al'1y lime, +.,'a' sq~XUA :laetrtde, 1 *aid tlawlll hole also Uw S$4.41 tv*t tdtmCO Of a ;Pallet Whtxf9 iw 4117.57 toot seat of a awsmoont moi" the W Att*4 states thea" runnl #long salt wistl9.'talr Drive 11ae *Oath 42`21e 14aat I2.�k:' feet. tO 0 U111 hoUs SO4th 27*30, Mars* 18014. > toots tl oom 620211 seat 72,60 f"tr theme i� i I' I 77"9: ' «ast 1$3.ta fast to tete int of taft1j". omtoAfting .1( t r lase. I B":. MSR . \(R.PP•A�R�s 7 # J anit"ttara ai P. r �i I Corp** r 4sh# s 'Lo la". 00" 'far$' for acoosdamo Mi'r,al, tha At7s .talaala9a, "�+�'� �• s:aWtiaraM 303, ArUAIO S, ttAal l% * 909 pasatlaaiama to 41i.►t4s poop rty with I ietaartft i rtat. favauk4a. L400tum at wevwtrl "Mu SAAW s 9N►t� s lYa# rtal "a LWI"4, ORO VWX• L*t 4 2.3. eat SWO"VAilaAft POP UY tt►s lar & ftLftt datadl ltiwil 22, 1964, bom ! dee and 4wmrpadt as tmllaw. "wA&q at a 4rcill i An elta walae as a ttarlp it" of w3 athrop faire# "id d"11 h010 bi*4 #00tA 62021' ~t 447.13 b mt fson %he ateu astarly line *i gttaatrlaa Ave a. *&14 e132 holo #100 bilis.# 5 er r.37 *OOt A*rth Of a P4t17►t which 1# t I wast, + "Ad mce amummt And wt zuratt" "Nth 274 62421' w*wt. 17.50 iaatl i t uwth27" 39' Want 183.6 t*wtq thdwWo &Aooq aaidl r l r ivar i Ase► 21' "St 77.30 tart to t E O paint of bovin 10%. cantata wi ;).33 act" ftwo at I*". i A. {f+w �%f Al up" OPPI. RiMft of V1MN9.A P. 19. ++i 3 li:hawo ahattaAn plana. Now Taft* ASI" Yoft, a/0 A&Ca Pout C"0w1xw4t.. ;* Vishe s I*Uwd, SWM! ` ol*. t`" a v#xlamm accogdoma W'Lt8 th# . "rttatla 12.10 "Wtum 303, aa,4 article . 404U40 IOWA, am teat to olvid a 7' wtth 1swuffictaat fuse s. L'0a*tof ye j ttiz s to re s Ctt3vll r I 1414", now York$ lot 1t r 14, 4 s' 2vlwlaa MWbyC;Baradl/ atlewgt fater4 f 0 s f of a ,tr113 hole tv tho waU air tar ssawttaa"staaarly li" at i xIlwthsopOrtwat. Dr.aA drill a►aslae boktq aawk 62"21,' W"t beretbrom tj%* sora trrl y 11" of Egsaartrim Avasoo. a may;mid atsill iaola► aa: oo Wri 61$,37 fast a4o " of a poAuat whict is 4166.6* to" vast at a mmummat 4ackift tkw €altaa *tat&* � i toast Mind '' %Av sMmmy Itaat:#asa 10m, ssaW j ! thamm rum"" ale" 0&14 wiat orlwaa 1i,oaa souto 2. 21' I twwt 0206,8 ftet to a drlu luslrt tbomeo south 21"19, oust. L63.40 tvrsta novtb Qt 10444 ".20 "at, to as to thwome nortki 23°46J west &"._* fast to t i ple"t O t"Jaq, "la talaaix I act +sr Mwe or lar&. i s y{drys //yg :kr yp y�yy�.y �p.y itw� aE g��y�y�, g Chs" F 6'i. ym.}y(e. lrxgv,i.y),3 wo .yaa /NgYgri�.it py,�.�, of YJamwek y�pM• iyAyM{N ilig, •lY C ttai W r2aaaaa. IPA9Yo d t �Y" f�'Jir * 1i A Asoa Point a,.r♦aaLr�p. �,,y,r�labor�s lal"d. ager � a.�.arayz.t w a Vaas�luaPAS tny�yOC �94VA40y "Itb the Sir: AV; ��p �C le♦ Agticle 1440 ^sets" 303, %ttAAO q e,*C'ttCM 10OV. SM peVAisaa A40 to UV44M VIOPUCtIr With � loanftLasianat S!1"Wi'f E. .83Crt.1QaD Of PlAMWUt f"t &140 i it seed, Ytabmrae 1aalaod, mew . let a1i# an i ajw ll 22. 1 . tie%*Aod aaaw. Awo"Itwod as i€+aWwss; "qumug at an tave pin y i cca� //EE d��3EAeeiww"t*,Tly J� lF y,y�p ii + "14 spats;. .nVee .a 1mat�st*a Ipvr�Lta 3,1,34# a tit, 200.63 foot i frXfy�,�h* i,*"x* wtc y�N�..{i,Y.4 7�iai�i� L..., aw i�w.b.pi�.,,a���y Its* wOL �p..,�.� Aaata ► .8rlr°r. 14 P0JAt *14a 4-*,Laayt locst* 4 . la lam i may of a point 'w h-,L r3 is $446.ia'd ftetimmot at asa jk,4 'MOS i ;n ew t a UUBCC,a rmuniS4 A^wrtal t9°11' m *t 196.S2 tasas't to irm ,Pisa? trates:r. 0441 a 26$7, wart *).*+ fivot to a I 3 1 i I is testa 062 41, w4st 233'so tat to a WA"Womt at *aid a " hisser tbosee &I saidj .,aas,t^aar�tx as larb 39'13' "at +0.70 toot; tb*"* olein, ImJ4 Road 3 iaw aaarth 46%V *&at 47.416 feast t* t �r ♦,�,i♦ kk .y .1y p*Avt a laq* cirstatxiaq o.43 'Oct" some ortoo*. i- fIi ^my perwm 4"lzinq to 00 ris an the above &"4Saartlaaa y 1"A. by MMM M "ran i MXA I � I � I (+}�{qyy yam. �y�yyy��yyr�y �xps y,py� eSM N{ .ve,^! y. � \^ i PIfRW#�kfertY iA'+M -�.�yy.�y�} y .y4��.+�M�.�g tiwp'ROAD. ZOA" +cam �4.#' q Ft+*w r [ w'�tiY4FTEa NR { �J YW.Ii M9�'F +M S♦ �iAj" 'OAD. YW �WpJ Xw. I : 1?a.9i t�11.1ttl1s;J L+I+ 9�✓?9.ila R:tsllav►alatxp Ci ?Yw1V 20, 19", 2aMlauadt 3"'� ititWts9c. ' j Ewal tea a1c � �� �r1d Li�a�, a/� t�tw@lilp 0� �atac+a jag*& P. Lam; + /Ic Rare IriA-tt Com. i i I j I ii I I ij FORM NO-3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD. N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL FileNo. ... ....... ............ ..__.. _..... ........................ Date .. .... ........., ... November.....2........ 19..64. To .14r.....Sames .P.. Manning......A/C.-Race Point Corp ......... .1..•. Chase...Manhattan...Plaza............ ...........New..York.......N..Y....1.000.5.................... PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated ................October.....27•••. 19..6&. Tract 4 for permit to 9pmakajtk.....diaidelots ...... at the premises located at .E/8...Reseveir• Rd proposed3rd lot N/Winthrbp drivt�e�sohown on app by Chandler & Palmer dated"'Sept T964 and"also...ihbwn on a proposed subditision map by Chandler map F.t...H.G.Wright.. ..... ...Bloc &...glamer...dated ..Apvil .22, .1.964--as Iot.* 16 disapproved on the followin;, ground, ...insufficlentfrontage Article...III,...Sec.tion..303..4..Art.Z..section 1000A........... ......... ...... ..... . ............... ........................................... ......... ................................ ........... ............. . ............... .................. ........................ ........... ............................... ..... ............... ..................... ........_ ........... ............... .......... ... ............ ............... Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO. ? 3`f November 16, 1964 DATE .............................. TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 1, (We) .,Race Point Corporation .. .. of .........1 Chase Manhattan Plaza .. .................................................. Name of Appellant Street and Number ................ NewYork New York HEREBY APPEAL TO Municipality State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO. .................................... DATED ......Noyember..2, 1964,.. , WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO Race Point Corporation ................................................................................. Name of Applicant for permit of 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York, N. Y. .................................................................................................................................. Street and Number ;Municipality State ( X) PERMIT TO USE AS SINGLE LOT ( ) PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY E/S Reservoir,Road - "A) District .. . . ..... ......... ......... ......... ......... Race Point Corporation Formerly Street Use District on Zoning Map Fort H. G. Wright ..Ma.p. No.......... . ........ ..................Iiii,p..x.............. Fishers Island N. Y. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Art. III, Sec . 303 and Art . X. Sec . 1000A 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for ( X) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack. of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 291DA Subsection 3' " 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal :1=) (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ( ) request for a variance andwas made in Appeal No. ................................Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 (X ) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance is requested for the reason that appellant will be deprived of the use and benefit of its property. Form zsi (Continue on other side) REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- sory HARDSHIPbecausethe land adjoining this parcel on either side has been sold to third parties making it virtually impossible for appellant to obtain the 8. 42 feet required to satisfy the minimum frontage provision. 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because wherever possible, appellant has caused its lots to meet applicable zoning requirements. 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because the defect is very slight and this parcel as laid out would in no way affect the character of the district in which it lies. STATE OF NEW YORK � � ss I ........ .............. ........... COUNTY OF NEW YORK) Signatu e H. Lawrence Boge Jr:� wedd w Sworn to this .........../... .......................... day of...............November......................................... 1964 d Notary Public JACQuF�INF L COPive pr+tveetht :a�3ns tSdpre, Attornoys 1 Chase "wihattar, Plaza Attn% "!r. Jaowq 14 Dear "ir g In ros ,-once to ycr r le- torn torn of October a6th Z7th 4nd the telerhtmw ft0lst plenae flr*O enclose* notleos of disapprov1#1 for the lata in question, Race krinte Corp,# Ft. aright, Ashers lnlwvl.. I h"o attetaptAml to give a dual i ovitlflcstlen to each by its itr'.tvidual description and a roforerw* to the proponed subdivision map by C .ars.If r ° :n1r.: sr dat,^r, April c4-, 1,464 +Ach gives a bettor overall pict:are or thr, j7roportioe* In each Instance I Lave attav,-;od the necov"ry rovas to tae notlep of �Ii*at=rro alt w1th ttio crdinarare scetl,:ns eltoO In Psch aaMe. Plot 7 an vie smeall %Ap by CEtandle<r e, daloor datod gept IN49 being on the outs `e° at' they tura in 'Winthrop t!riveao wA of Havy ramp is s single unci seporate pare+al ths,ref ro iho auttxal sins ot'" the VUt to !material In this innstanre. Tho bo4rd 01' ArPerals meat *very two woke* the next wating weill. 'ho Thursday might, of th1v Dict on, tho actual hearings will be k-*V twe, wee!fs fror t'.(, date t-�*y rocelve the arplications. ^, rauattng that we eat 1toon mot this straiphtoned out, fours truly bull Ging Ins ecter CRAVATH . SWAINE & MOORE LEONARD 0 ADKINS T"" 1 CHASE MANHATTAN PLAZA 212 HANOVER z 3000 E„onA5 A.HALLERAN NEW YORK,N.Y. 10005 1 E R°REn„ orricE E „A.,„„o„ BENJAMIN R 5HUTE GA.” .,TURNER 1L1.1ES OR G. LE NK H DETWEILEN GEORGE G,TYLER JOHN H MORSE CARL ADIDNESSES NAL H IF VIAFEE ROYALE VICTOR,JR October 27 , 1964 HENRY W OF I.E.IAM ALLEN F, MAILLELY JOHN N F UPPER FRANC H JR F HUNT,JR Dear Sirs : Lnclosed is a survey attached to which is a survey description describing a parcel of land which our client , Race Point Corporation, wishes to sell to a prospective purchaser. Inasmuch as the parcel is located in an "A" Residential and Agricultural District and does not meet the minimum lot require- ments as provided for by the Building `Lone Ordinance of the Town, it is requested that you grant the Corporation per- mission to consummate the proposed sale in accordance with applicable regulations . VeiAv truly yours , James P. 1annin�; Town of Southold, Office of Building Inspector, Town Clerk ' s Office , Southold, LonFp Island, N.Y. Attention of Howard Terry , Building Inspector. Encls . 16 TRACT NO. 4 Beginning at an iron pin on the Northeasterly line of Reser- voir Road„ said point being located North 27* 38' West 200.63 feet from the intersection with the Northwesterly line of Winthrop Drive,, said point also being located 566.71 feet North of a point wb ich is 5406.58 feet West of said 'TRROS" monument and thence running North 630 11' East 198.52 feet to an iron pin; thence North 26 57' West 90.40 feet to a monument; thence South 62° 21' West 233.90 feet to a monument at said Reservoir Road line; thence along said Reser- voir Road line South 59° 13' 'East 43.70 feet; thence along said Road line South 46° 13' Hast 47„38 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.43 Acres more or less. ICI 0 tiloW'. -oR;-'- F�cKMff�Rl-Y TI ori la,caa.at. � {�e+ca . Poi'-'IT..co4w rrA - Mpw1UMGIJT '"'1 MON. 0 L I LA W. S,IH.'-a&� F. 0.43 ACRea 3 U) W.SµaG�58 7 �Kv N.G9!- 11 E• 19B.SA' P'K� 1 RoN a. Ga'-aww. " 24.94-1 61LVE GOVE �Ir,(� I .n E€L N 0 ? � 2 p Ttt AcT '+k.3 I.co•+ _O r.w J I tii lM � o.44ACRz Es � 10 QA, 3 A, v� ri K a n o W v4 NO °ft' K 111 4 O c C'l'3 @44 0 \\T SY Sj y � �C,4 Q �SpY N.63� 19'E. Igol.19' - 0.60 ACRES * (6 Z �0 M 0 d W t'^ z .nl• 4°t. f - w T�.ACT '#e'i, 0 'Y U i y 0• Nq o °�e` �_ 9 al 2 O 0.4-S ACRE s = qN# z 0 0 N.383.28 Q Ac W,53K.1d G V.L �J'.K• 4/W NeIE �._�j�i'ry '` !/ 41' .�� MONJM@NT 5.6�'- 11 W S N,g.;L41' 5 5.88�• I - - - 5 �'IOyV IOS . IP' 130.80' wso;µ.dr.' ,( S. Qal-211'W. "� N' 6a-ZI•E 3' N. 11 .9 I1.3 �� 811.78 W,45o 9.33 3 ry W I NTH �OP D�1VE- ss.2�. TFGA C�- c I 977. ai. O. as W531503 ACMES. $� �3•.K[ Io7d0' ---- 1 oU��. ��o,E ���R,\ Row VV C" WATEq 'MAi4 "'vF H.iP9 89 w,y.µs2.a3 s s3. 'o 0 30 n 0 o- * 0 w d go 5 NT eO��e�F O LL Ioti s<� n z tE N TKACT#.S ; d 0.4G AC ttE5 t Z 0 WW T 1� rc � '� �L1 ,AI sPiKe PLAo N f F�f�OPE2TY TO gE CO NV EYfD C3Y - � ''' RACE CoKP02AT101V Wow OR POI`MVKLY � f KALE po1NT CO{t\TOO R�o.T10N NOTE Coolt!DINfaTE OISTANCL[S ARE MaASL�GED FeoM LL, S. COAST n,ND CSfiOOETIC BUfZVEY FOZT WRIGHT AREA FISLIE(�S ISLL*NO N. `( 1 CE[t^i1FY THAT THIS T1�IANGL.ILf�TION "jT/�TION PLAN IS COi�e ECT. " PROS" S ALE' 1' = 40 FTSHPi 19Gy- Hb,r+b LEIS �FP.LMC� ENGrtS Mi L12 14 - 40 5479.72. M ATC H wlo vu ME NT d•.Y M A 1� K. 1/N446Qa W. � GAbA S.%°-13�E, \ ✓ N.G3'- 11'E. I�j8.5 q' • 34.0' I 86.88' io S. rca" a�' W. 6B 7•"3�' IP I 1 09,9.01 19, 4S' NO n 10 \ 0 29 Z m (1 Y o,so AiZces �� W w 4 0 J C / \• Z !' hl0 0 QO 2 ; W N 1l m °' o n d a O.4o A Ct>\ES±' o. C ES 10 Q _ \ \\ 49 A 0.6o ACV ES ± tt 0 0 0 0 — — A _, Z_ ti C 0 n a• m c' o- O 'n O ACcCEs ti 0,47 Ac 7Es�t o.s8 AclrL=g:- JI v z d) W. 5366383. 8 ,980. Y,�a3 Pryy'�'D' MONUMENT )) SO.Q' / � S. ro$ j9 YV� 534.v5' 12,4. 4-0, Nl3 664 W. _I \ 130.80' �.15ez4.cc:S IOq,q 11 '9.45' 1 110.$3' 10 ) 134 40' 7. 10' a,o' u4o33.ao 5. 62'- ql ' W, 641,48' � N29'-34'w nnov u..n cvT e-- I � 34 Qt 49. W I N T H K O P / nJ. 6S°- 19' E . Iao.53' asca 93 .55 ' g3.oq 7R, 7o7a- 6o` 77.50 ' y2.63 ' O He�E DR'�L DRILC. HOIG N 423.80 Ho�E ul 5i¢B.a9 u c13,37 /u »zes W 4'I GC.85 W 4462.93 QD m 0 n 7 3 A m c U p CY h qA z 98 10 II 12 13 m 14 FISHEf�$ ISL.ANO UNION FIGEE SCHOOL 0. 52 Ac 2Ep Y 0. 4o ACQES L � J•3y ACiZEs tl o.90 AC K.ESa 0.33 ACir;E-sS 0,36 ACEES = t` 4-'- 2 0.3c+gCfZE S� nr DISTiZICT No. N lD m M r Izo. 3s' a3. ss ' 93.04 7 .70 77-7, SO' 80.2e ' N 42° 21 � E L13.No ' LMouu1•nCNr N. 6a'" �1' E. 3yG•c4' IyoNuInENT � N 140. 99 (1' W SD93 74 N 444�7- ,.+9�92.58 Z 0 !Y 0 MOwl u�.,leNT 1 4. TOTAL AQEA NOTE : PLAN OF SU15DI \/ I5I0N NO, I Sup DJVIS--rI NO. 1 z1, 1a A�QES k Coor,DINATE DISTANCES ARE - s'-�oe. -� p MEASURED FKOM U. S. COAST ;�`" '� ",� A P rc Ki of ' AND GEODETIC SUF(V EY TR\ ANG - /,'''; ~�?, � � FORT F1. G. Wf�IG1 IT PIZOPEPTY .I ULATIo�J STATION "Pr{oS" . `> ;�,I '' mI FOR THE �_r', , .`j IKACE POINT C OKPOf A-I-r% J FISHEKS ISLAND - 7 OWN OF SOUTHOLD NEIN YOP.K -- - �- 5CALE '. 1" = 40 FEET' C•HANDLEIZ jP, PALMeK ,cNGiCS. No KW IC H, CONN SVD iT1ov5 MAY L9� 1944 SI--IEF.T t of oZ Lj 19 35 on I A-0 ��• \ \ J A F g$ \ \ 1 ti ± S N \ n l l� \ � a•�oo •Ip��s\ / \ \per ,� \ I, / / � � N. \ \. �• � � �_ ' x;�� � �� � � _ � �� � � � � � � �� � � �� to AAA �o • A .4� i LA, \ ryDo Rc. a 186.so` `0 SneW WSG9.3.M1° 94.17 _ 14— - i'1 E ,p• E TF4 OF \ —'y b) � it 0\r. 5�y , i \ � �� �` /\ • _ -_� _ __ o• T za9.o3• — _ _ _ \ \ \\ \ 3 P os3S Q•-� \\ 9\3 ___ _ _Mo.i v. :HT ' N. yO•_o3,w — W _ W 18 0.71 �lb A N Yy.ITEC� 0 2 1 Lo 4 5 a gC. , n ✓1 � � N 1 Teo 1 �v'•p �, /w i 19 s.ycr_oa.e I , IIa ACME S � coMMuNIc4r oS_s o� A 0 M o/ANS E N NE�1 cA h y _° S� o.SB ACi�ES Z 3o w 549a.9 04 [ O/ �� ••� iA '� \\ k. �.r� IIfr 2 m 4 % div _ o O. OR �• pe I � S.sOi � 'A S 1 tiH � � X56 of tir. S� m G 7 0 A � q , SSA as i NOTE PLI To T'AL A2EA COOtZO1NATE DISTANCES AVZE =, r �,q � AN OF SUP� pIVISIoN MCI. �sslu � bUl3D1 V151oN No. l YI. 10 AC ft ES_+ MEA5LIRED FRohl( Ll, S. COAST A Po�.71QN of AND GEODETIC SUV�VHY TTZIANG - �'h!i pp 'C9•I .� \� FOOT H . G . WZIGHT PKCDPEK-FY FO K. THE �, k ' �/ KAACE POINT COZPOKAT ION 1,17111 �`i FISHESUS ISLANb - TOWN OF 5OUTHOLD NEW YORK SCALE'. 1"= 40 FEET I CHIANOLEK %S. PA,LMEP,,ENGKS. NOVZWIGF-1 CONN AOD[T�S MAY 29� 1964 s H E E ToC 'I