HomeMy WebLinkAbout732F±shers Island, New York Dec. 3, 1964 Page 18 GRANTED permission to divide property with insufficient frontage on property S/S Winthrop Drive, Fishers Island, New York. Lot no. 13. LEGAL NOTICES N'OTICE OF HEARINGS Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Tow~ of Southold, at the Town Office, Main Road, SouShold, New York, on Decem- ber 3~ 1964, on the following appeals: 7:30 P. M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Daniel Smith, Seuthold, New York~ a/c Thoma~ Pepe, Kenney's Road and Soundview Avenue, Southold, New York, for a special exception in ac- cordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 306, for permission to build an addition to the existingI dwelling with insufficient front yardi setback. Location of property: north- west corner Soundview Avenue and Kenneys Ro~d, Southold, New York,~ bounded no,r. th by D'Antenio-Pepe, east by Kenneys Road, south by Sound- view Avenue, west by Schriever-Great Pond. 7:45 P. M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Long Island Lighting Company, 1650 Islip Avenue, Brentwood, New York, for a special exception in ac- cordanse with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV~ Section 403, Subsection (B), for permission to erect a sign. Location of property: north side Main Road, Arshamomaque, New york. bounded north by Stepnoski, east by S. Clacia Estate, south by Main Road, west by Drosso~-Rempe. 8:00 P. M. (E.S.T.), upon application of Ckristian Simonsen Estate, Oak and Birch Avenues, Southold, New York, for a variance in accordance with the zoning Ordinance, Article III,.section 203 and Article X, Section 10~A, for i permission to divide anal se~/lots with! insufficient frontage. Loc~t~n of prop- erty: west side Birch ~venue, east~ side Oak Avenue, Goose Bay Estates, Lots no.:. south west one half of 226,1 229, 230, and south west one half of, 251, 252, 253, Southold, New York. 8:15 P. M. (E.S.T.) upon application l 'of James P. Manning, 1 Chase Man- hattan Plaza, New York, New York, a/c Race Point Corp., l~ishers ~sland, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, ArticleI III, Section 303, 304, and 30~, and Article X~ Sec'tion 1000A, fg/ permis- sion to set off 10t with exi~ing build- ing with insufficient setb~ and side- yard. Location of property: west side Winthrop Drive, Elshers Island, New York, bounded north by Government Property, east by Winthrop Drive, south by Government property, westi by Silver Eel Cove. 8:30 P. M. (E.S.T.), upon apphcation of James P. Manning, 1 Chase Man- hattan Plaza, New York, New York, a/c Race Point Corporation, ~ishersl Island, New York, for a var~nce in accordance with the Zoning O~dinance, Article III, Section 303, ~a~l Article X, Section 1000A, for pek, fnission to i~/ivide property with insufficient front* a~e. Location of property: south side Winthrop Drive, Eishers Island, New, York, Lot No. 11 on proposed subdivi- ~ sion map by Chandler & Palmer dated I April 22, 1964, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a drill hole in the walk on the Southeasterly lineI of Winthrop Drive, said drill hole bei~g South 62 21 West 679.95 feet from the Southwesterly line of Equestrian Ave- nue, said drill hole also being 406.98 feet North of a point which is 5046.28 feet West of said "PROS" monument and thence running along said Win- throp Drive line North 62° 21' East 72.70 feet to a drill hole; thence 27' 39' East 102.30 feet; thence south 62° 21' west 72.70 feet, thence north 27° 39' west 132.60 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.30 acres more or less. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK [ ss: STATE OF NEW YORK j C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is o printed copy, has beer~ published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mottituck Watch- successively, commencing on the ........... M..~...: ........ : ........... Sworn to before me this ...... ....]...~. ......... day of ...... ~,., ~' .................. , 19..5:=(~' 8:40 p. 2d. CE.8. T.), upon application of James p. Manning, I Chase Man- hattan Plaza, New York, New, York,] a/c Race Point Corp., Fishers Island, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article,] III, Section 303, and Article X, See-! tion 1000A, for permission to divide l property with insufficient frontage. Lo- [ cation of property: south side Win-! throp Drive, Fishers Island, Ne~v York,t Lot No. 12, on proposed s~lvi$~on map by Chandler & Pa er, dated ~s follows: Beginl~t a dr~l hole [ m the walk on the southeasterly line of Winthrop Drive, said drill hole being South 62° g , I West 624.65 feet from the southwesterly line of Equestrian Ave- nue, said drill hair also being 534.41 feet North of a point which is 4917.57 feet West of a monument marking the ; United States Coast and Geodetic Sur- :vey Triangulation Station "PROS" and thence running along said Winthrop Drive lie South 62° 21' West ?2.60 feeg; thence north 62° 2I' East 72.60 Feet; thence North 27° 39' West 183.80 feet, to the point of beginning. Containing 0.30 acres more or less. 8:50 p. M. (E.S.T.), upon application of James p. Manning 1 Chase Man- hattan Plaza, New York, New York, a/c Race Point Corp., l~ishers Island, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article iiii, Section 303, Article X, Section i l00OA, for permission to divide prop- erty with insufficient frontage. Loca- tion of propert~v: south side Winthrop Drive, Fishers Island, New York, Lot ~No. 13, on proposed subdivision map I bY Chandler & Palmer dated April 22, 1964, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a drill hole in the walk on the southeasterly llne of Winthrop IDrive, said drill hole being south 62/ 21' west 447.15 feet from the south- I westerly line of Equestrian Avenue, i said drill hole also being 570.37 feet/ neath of a l~nt which, is 4~8~ feet ] feet' thence ~e~ said Winthrop or batten Fica, New, York, New York,~ a/c Race Point Corporation, Island, New York, for a v~mnce 1 accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, divide pro~rty with insufficient front- ~e. ~cation of property: south side Winthrop Drive, Fishers I~and, New sion map by Chandler & Palmer dated April 22, 1~4, bounded and descried as follows: Begi~ing at a drill hole In-the walk on the sou[heas~rly line of Winthrop Drive, said ~ill hole being ~ sough 62~ 21' west 354.50 feet from ~he southwes~rly line of Eques~i~ Ave- nue, ~id drill hole ~so being 613.3~ feet north of a ~ln[ which is 4766.85 feet west of a monument market the Unit~ States Co~ and Genetic Sur- vey Trianuglation S~ation "PROS" and thence run~ng ~ong s~d Wint~op Drive lie scu[h 62~ 21' west 92.65 feet to a drill hole; thence souSh 2~~ 39' east 183.80 feet; thence no~h 62/ 21' north 23~ 46' west 184.30 gze~ to the ~int of beginning. Con~ining 0.36 ~ 9'10 P M ES.T), u~n application of James P. Manning, I Chase M~- hattan Plaza, New York, New York, a/c Race Point Corp., Fishers New York, for a variance in accordance w~th the Zoning Ordinance, Article ~I, ~c[lon 3~, Article J, Section 1OO0A, for ~rmission to di~de prop-[ erty with insufficient front~e. L~a-~ tion of ro~rty' east side Reservoir p · Road, ~ers Island, New York, ~ot~ No. 15, on propos~ sub~sion map~ by Chan~er & Palmer, dated April 2~, 1964, bounded and describ~ as follow : Beginning at an iron pin on the north- eas~Hy line of Reservoir Road, said~ ] ~int being located North 2~~ 38' west [2~.63 feet from the intersection with , the northwesterly line of Winthrop Drive, said point also being l~a~ed ~566.~1 feet north of a ~int w~ch is ' 5406.58 feet w~st of said "PR~" monu- 11' eas~ 198.52 feet to ~ iron a monument; thence south 62° 21' wes~ 233.90 feet to a monument at ~ld~ Reservoir Road line; thence along Reservoir Road line south 59' 13' e~t~ 43.~0 feet; thence along ~id Road line south 46~ 13' e~t 4~.88 feet to the~ point of beginning. Containing 0.43~ acres more or less. Any ~rson~desiring ~ be heard on the above applicaMons should appear at ~he time and place above specified. DATED: November 19, 1964, I~ORM ~0. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. ROTiCE OF DISAPPROVAL File No ............................................................ Date ............... .,. ---NoYe~be.~...a.~. ..... 19..(~1~. To ltr......James.. P.,. -~an~i. ng.-.-.A/~...Rate-- Point Corp .......... 1.Chase..ldanhatt an..l~laza .............. ........... l~ew..~for~t...II... Y,...1000%. .................... PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated ............... 0a.tOb~l~.....~ ..... 19,.~. for permit to ~..v.~..~....,~'~]~.~.~l~.... at thc premises located at -~/6..~/i,tlm~o.p..I)rive and lot W/S Sah~l Prop. erty.. ~ as tract ~a map of Chandler & Palmer '~'"'"'~%'~"](~J~'~""[~"'~ '~['~'"shown on proposed subdivision map by Chandler ~Rm~.. l~c....H,G,Wri~htl~lock~&...Palmer...as lo%o]~..1~ .................................... is ~ disapproved on the followin? around, ..---.tnsu~£-i~i~nt...f. rontt~ -~--tiete... I.t-I-..see~ci. on..3 0~..&.. 'Article-' X"' see tion -1'000~ ....................................... Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. APPEAL NO. r/? ~)~ DATE .!.~..o..v...e..m...b..e.r....1...6..~ '196ti 1, (We) Race Point Corporation ,.,f i Chase Manhattan Plaza Name of Appellant Street and Number New York, New York ............................ HEREBY APPEAL TO Municipality State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING JNSPECTOR ON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO ..................................... DATED November 2, 1964 WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO (X) ( ) ( ) Race Point Corporation Name of Applicant for permit of 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York, N. Y. ..................................................................................................Street and Number Municipality ~ ....................... PERMIT TO USE AS SINGLE LOT PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY ...~./~...~J~.?.~...~.O..?...~...~..I...~..~..~ ............... ']..A..'.~....D...I.~.t..?..i...~.~i ........ Race Point Corporation - Formerl;~treet ~Jse District on Zbning Map Fishers Island, N,Y. Fo~t H. G. WriKht Map No. Lot No. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Article III, Section 303 and Article X, Section 1000A 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for (X) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal ~) (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ( ) request for a variance and was made in Appeal No ................................. Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 X) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ) ,s requested for the reason that appellant will be deprived of the use and benefit of its property. Form ZB1 (Continue on other side) REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- sary HARDSHIP because the existing improvements were constructed by the government, which was not subject So She Zoning Ordinance, and to partially or totally demolish the improvement would prove to be uneconomical. Furthermore, appellant has committed itself to sell this parcel together with the improvement located thereon and the parcel located immediately to the west thereof (the subject of another appeal) to the same party, and since the parcels located on the south side of Winthrop Drive have all been sold or committed to be sold, there is not sufficient frontage to adequately apportion She minimum frontage required by the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The hardshipcreatedis UNIQUEand isnotshared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity ofthisproperty andinthis use districtbecause the improvement was con- sSructed prior to or free of zoning regulations as stated in paragraph l, above, and appellant has used its bess Judgment in allocating fVo~tage to the improvements made by the government. 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because the defect is very slight and the character of the improvements located in the area involved will not change from its present status. ) SS ....... COUNTY OF NEW YORD i~ H. Lawrence Bo~rt, November 64 Sworn to this ............. ................................. day of ........................................................ 19 ;ACQtYSLI~E' L. q~h~ Public 1 Cha~e '~anhattan Plaza Attng ~. James Dear L~ response to your letters of October ~6t~ & ~ ~e ~leph~ eall~m ~ea~e f~ e~lo~ed ~t~ee~ of d~a~prov~ for the lots ~ q~sti~, Raee Po~t Co~p.~ ~. Wright, ~shers I ~ve att~p~ ~ gi~ a d~ ~entifleatio~ ~ eaeh by l~ ~ivid~l deseripti~ ~ a reference to ~e ~opos~ su~ivisi~ ~p ~ C;-~dler & ~Mr d~te~ A~l! 22, 1~ ~leh gives a ~er~l piet~e of the properties. ~ eaeh ~s~e I have a~oAed the ~os~y fori~ to ~he ~tie- off ~leapT,r~al~ with the ordin~ce sections aired In eaeh ~ot 7e~ ~e s~l ~p ~ ~h~ler ~: P~n~r ~t~ Sept ~ on ~e °~tai~e of ~e t~n ~ ~throp Drx~, N/5 or ia a ~Ingle ~ se~ra~ p~cel t~ref~re the aetual ai~ The Bo~d of Appeals meet eVery t~o weeks, the next meeting will be Tl'tur~day night, of this weekm and the sexual heari~g~ will be held two wee~s from the date t~ey r~eeive the applioatio~s~ Trusting t~at ~ ean soon get this straightened out, truly m 6~7'. 72,7o' 77.5 m 1',4 <::::) T ~; PLAN OF SUIDDIVISION NO. I FOF-.T H. ~, Vv'F..JGHT PXOPF-.F-.T¥ POINIT C OKPOF-.,AT~ o~ \ X,,° % / / ¢/ / / PLAN OF SU~IVI~IO~q I~1o. I FOCI- H, G, WI~.IGNqT PI~OPEI:~..Ty POINT CC}~. h,,T I0 N