HomeMy WebLinkAbout726PEPP~ T~OMAS ~726 ~ Kenney's Road & Soundview Ave. Southold, New York Dec. 3, 1964 Page 1 GRANTED permission to build an addition to existing dwelling with insufficient front yard setback on property NW/Corner Soundview Avenue and Kenney's Road, Southold, New York. LEGAL NOTICES \ NOTICE OF HEARINGS Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town I Law and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the ToWn of SOuthold, Su:f!olk County, New York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town Office, Main Road, Sauthold, New York, on Decem- ber 3, 1964, on the following appeals: 7:30 P. M. (E.S.T'). upon application of Daniel Smith, Southold. New York, ale Thomas Pepe, Kenney's Road and SOundvlew Avenue, Southold. New York. for a special exception in ac- cordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Article In, section 306. for permission to build an addition to the exlstlng : dwelling with insulflclent front yard setback. Location of property: north- west comer Soundview A venue and ,Kenney's Road, Southold, New York, ! bounded north by D'Antonlo-Pepe. east 'by Kenney's Road, south by Sound- view Avenue, west by Schriever-Great Pond. 7:45 P. M._ (E.S.TJ, upon application of Long Island Lighting Company, 1650 IsUp Avenue, Brentwood, New York, for a special exception in ac- cordance with the Zoning Ordina.nce, Article IV. l!uctllll1 408. Subsection (B). for permission to erect a sign. Location of property: north side Main Road. I Anhamomaque, New York, bounded north by Stepnoski. east by S. Ciacla Estate. south by Main Road. west by Drossos-Rempe. 8:00 P. M. (E.S.T'>, upon application of Christian Simonsen Eatate. oak and Birch Avenues, Southold, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning ordinance, Article III, Section : 303 and Article X, section 1000A, for I permission to divide and sell lots with insufficient frontage. Location of prop- erty: west side Birch Avenue, east side Oak Avenue, Goose Ba.y Estates, Lots no.: south west one half of 228, 229, 230, and south west one half of 251. 252, 253. Southold, New York. 8:15 P. M. (E.S.T.), upon application of James P. Manning, 1 Chase Man- hattan Plaza, New York, New York, ale Race Point Corp., Fishers Island, New York, for a variance in accordance I with the zOning Ordinance, Article III, Section 308, 304, and 307. and Article X, section lOOOA, for permis- sion to set off lot with existing bUild- ing with insufficient setback and side-! yard. Location of property: west side' Winthrop Drive, Fishers Island, New 'York, bounded north by Government Property, east by Winthrop Drive, south by Government property, west by Silver Eel Cove. 8:30 P. M. (E,S.T'>, upon application of James P. Manning, 1 Chase Man- hattan Plaza, New York, New York, alc Race Point Corporation, Fishers . Island, New York, for a variance in . accordance with the Zoning ordinance, ,ArtIcle III. Section 308. and ArtIcle X, Beetlon 1000A, for permission to I divide property with insufficient front-, . we. Location of property: south Side i Winthrop Drive, Pishers Island, New, II York, Lot No. 11 on proposed subdl~'i- sian map by Chandler & Palmer dated COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK t ss I C. Whitney Booth. J r,. being duly sworn. says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold. in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy. has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ..(C.!4:d.....~.....[./.~/ weeky . I--~ .! " ',-C( successively, commencing on the ............:;t...C..;;................... day of .........)4q1.~0c........, 19"<:../ .' i / .................. /t{!,/I/ ,/..?C7?/!) .........~......... ..;K.'r" ..L..........>.,/....... U:( '\ .'.....-,- Sworn to before me this .......d..../...... day of .....~)d'.dr.J<........ 19..~).y .- p-" . , / " .,/ /.' - " "'/ " " "/ k .......C.f,..~.. ....({,.P~......I...L.l..d'r;!...<.....=-:...... Notary PUblilj ADELE P:'\,';\!E Notary Pu1i,c, St()~!~ ('j linl/ York Reslull: '. in :)iJ:'u:;\ lliunly rh :J:J ;;_>:;U(n t()r''''~1;''~'nn lypi;,,~ M:m:h 30, 19r t, I~~;~f~-~S~-~i~g-at-~- drlil-hol~ in the walk on the SoutheA.8terly line . of Winthrop Drive. said drlll hole being South 620 21' West 679.95 feetl\'Om. the \ Southwesterly line of Equeitrt&nAve- =:~. said u" .,'. ._ and Due, said drill hole also being-- ofM.98! - ~ _ c. _ - - .. 183.80 feet North of a point whi~his....~.2", I feet: thence south "'2 west 77.50 feet West of said "PROS" morlt~J.ientl feet; thence north 270 39' west 183.80 and thence running along said Win- fee.t; ~hence along said Winthrop throp Drive line North 62" 21' Eastl Dnve lme, North 62" 21' east 77.50 feet 72.70 feet to a drill hole' thence 27-1 to the pomt of beginning. Containing i, ,39' East 183.80 feet; then~e south 62" j 0.33 acres more or less. : f 21' west 72.70 feet, thence north 27" i 9:00 P. M, (E.S.TJ, upon application \ 39' west 183.80 feet to the point of i of James P. Manning, 1 Chase Man- beginning, containing 0.30 acres more I hat-tan Plaza, New, York, New Yorl{, or less. ale Race Point Corporation, Fishers, 8:40 P. M. (E.S.T.l, upon application Island, New .York, for a variance in of James P. Manning, 1 Chase Man- accordance wIth the Zoning Ordinance, hattan Plaza, New York, Newl York, Article III, Section 303, and Article 'ale Race Point Corp., Fishers Island, I J: .Section 1000A, for permission to New York, for a variance in accordance! dIVide property with insufficient front- with the Zoning Ordinance Article j age, Location of property: south side III, Section 303, and Article' X, sec-1 Winthrop Drive, Fishers Island, New tion 1000A, for permission to divide: York, Lot No. 14, on proposed subdivi- ' , property with insufficient frontage. Lo- sian. map by Chandler & Palmer dated . cation of property: south side Win. April 22, 1964, bounded and describ"ed i throp Drive, Fishers Island, New York'las follows: Beginning at a drill hole : Lot No. 12, on proposed subdivision. in the walk on the southeasterly line map by Chandler & Palmer dated j of Winthrop Drive, said drill hole being' April 22, 1964, bounded and d~scribed !south 62" 21' west 354.50 feet from the; as follows: Beginning at a drill hole isouthwesterly line of Equestrian Ave. I in the walk on the southeasterly line nue, said drill hole also being 613.37! of Winthrop Drive, said drill hole being feet north of a point which is 4766.85 ' South 62" 21' West 524.65 feet from the feet west of a monument marking the southwesterly line of Equestrian Ave- United States Coast and Geodetic Sur. nue, said drill hole also being 534.41 vey Trianuglation Station uPROS" and' feet North of a point which is 4917.57 thence running along said Winthrop , feet West of a monument marking the Drive lie south 620 21' west 92.65 feet I United States Coast and Geodetic Sur- to a drill hole; thence south 270 39' i vey Triangulation Station "PROS" and east 183.80 feet; thence north 621 21' thence running along said WinthrO~ east 80.20 feet to a monument; thence Drive lie South 62" 21' West 72.60 feet; no~th 230 46' west 184.30 feet to the thence north 62" 21' East 72.60 feet; pomt of beginning. Containing 0.36 thence North 27" 39' West 183.80 fee acres more or less. : to the point of beginning. Containing 9:10 P. M. (E.S.T.), upon application 0.30 acres more or less. 10f James' P. Manning, 1 Chase Man.. 8:50 P. M. (E.S.T.l, upon applicatio hattan Plaza, New York, New York, of James P. Manning 1 Chase ManIJ ale Race Point Corp., Fishers Island, hattan Plaza, New York, New YOrk] New York, for ~ varianc~ in accordance ale Race Point Corp., Fishers Island: w,ith the Zomng Ordmance, Article New York. for a variance in accordanc~ m, Section 303, Article J, Bection with the Zoning Ordinance ArtiCle' lOOOA, for permission to divide prop. III, Section 303, Article X: Section e~ty with insufficient frontage. Loca- ; 1000A, for permission to divide prop- tlOn of property: east side Reservoir erty with insufficient frontage. Loca-, Road, Fishers Island, New York, Lot tion of property: south side Winthrop No. 15, on proposed subdivision map Drive, Fishers Island, New York, Lot by Chandler & Palmer, dated April 22, No. 13, on propl'\Sed subdivision map 1964, bounded a.nd described as follows: by Chandler & Palmer dated April 22, Beginning. at an iron pin .on the north- 1964, bounded and described as follows' easterly hne of ReserVOIr Road, said ! Beginning at a drill hole in the walk. point being located North 27" 38' west ,on the southeasterly line of Winthrop 200.63 feet from the intersection with I Drive, said drill hole hem th 621 th~ nort~westerlY line of Winthrop, , g sou i DrIVe, SaId point also being located 121 west 447.15 feet trom the south-: 566.71 feet north of a point which is . westerly line of Equestrian Aven~e 5406.58 feet west of said "PROS" rnonu- i said drill hole also being 570.37 fee ment and thence running north 63" nortll of. a _nt WIIldl /II __ f 11' east 198.52 feet to an iron pin; . . . thence north 260 57' west 90.40 feet to i a monument; thence south 62" 21' west i 233.90 feet to a monument at said : Reservoir Road line; thence along said i Reservoir Road line south 59" 13' east \ 43.70 feet; thence along said Road line south 460 13' east 47.88 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.43 acres more or less. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: November 19, 1964, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS. II 1\ Ii .1 II II I \,,11)'\1. p~~ ~"'klf;; ,1iI" l~DIIH' I , I I II II I ha'_' "' ;tI!lC'U-, 2ft1 .f 'eM ~ s..aw Clldthe .........~ .1 tlAe "'.11 ..iii ...U4J..D;j 4-. 1t:I:I'1l1T1rt'lIU .of toM .... of __.old. jtufferiUt.t'::l'l'.<ftt,y. __~. .....Uc ~_. .1,11 M _14 1$, the li1.'" ...... ., "....1a .f U. 'h\MIl ., ...~ .. die 't'fIl!le. \)flU.. ._ ...... ~.. .. ....... .. Jllll ~IZ'). l~. OR ~ ,.l1_tat 1\l.l-"'<:r: fltMltM1.. ... 1''''. &/fJ Tt , ! , . _. .....-",.. - . -'j ... . ...,saa. ....".. 1a M.'" , ! " Jliil iI',"'. tJt.~~ 'to ). u.- -.pl~'" .f 1lIeDH1 $Illtb. A....... 8M.MI.... ... 'I\IItl. .,,~ t_ 1:,,_ ,,"f"'ll-~. ..........~ ..U:. ......1GIIt ,.. flINt ....:a.u,.. .. .UtI 1m ..s411.1GIIt 'tie .. ......._ ....1.1.., wltb ....11.....' ....t. yari _1."-.. ~- of ~"'In,... ...U""... ~ 1111fllolrIAM "'''.llLI lUl4 1(;1_1",'. _.4. l!l~d.. .... VtalEk. :!.IIOIiIIIl.... ~ ...y n.M'-.........,.. _t ... ~'....y.. It"". iIIOUtJ) .,. J""*," A... 1M. ..... _ ._d....ir""4!~'t ...4. '1, 45 P.~. Ut. It. 'f. ). \'1*\ .".11....... of: '~ la1U4 f.tp.'t_ (~ JlIl"'I. 161') laU,. U..... ........... ... 'i"-. , toil . ....l&1 ......... m .....J'~r- .,t,t1l" a...., Oril.....-....I ! u"ic'~ W. ~~.. ..... if~ CA.. Ie .......... to rI I II Ii II II \1 II II 1i II Ii I I II I, ~ . ....... ..........., ,....."Y1 ........iM .Ia ...... ...u. .1111...... .... :t0ll'lit.. 1..1>1.... ....... ., 'l1IJr-yl. ...i: ':It)! ,.. <iKi.a l':.".&..--~ 'fi1I'l ... ...... ..." ., ~,.. lIlllMllJlll1'. i"" I I w I t ... I l[ I I I c ('; ... 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I\;~OU': "_If ICIllI>> _ UnAU. . . . w..ilNkl. lR,.t.a~. ~. .~_1!'.Jl 2S. 1M4. IUID ".~S't 'ih tl~j MFMJ1ltl'X" ... nu.Jt",A!'JQlI ftl ftm "<WW i'lI!" JI\.,PU.U. I ,I ,. I I. II I I I I 'NJi.il/i .~. ~t~~.D, ....{')lIW ct'J'US. ~ lR~. "9llf~~, ~ '('J.J'" .. . . . I II II I I , I , I, I' I 'I I, Ii II ., I " " II !I I! q Ii I " " II 'I !, jj cq.... H11.Ii to. en. foll_~ _ ." J UIHY. 1"'.1-", 'the ~'lf .ul.&ft" 't......_~...'t.UtuCII: j!lia'tCIhMn t'4f't'.1 tal.. a.Ic "l'l"r-r .... .PeU')' .11,(1;&. t.GiIlf l.ua4Ufb,t.J.aI; co.. "...14 {...._. ..,. C............ ......,... .....u "... l". 'i'IAU.IIIL&i ale.... totat e.... f,l~'~ i~V ~2ftH I~~ ~ _~:um FORM ~O. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFnCE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. !'/OTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No. ...................... ........ ...............................Date ... .. No:vem:tJer......l8.. 19...6.4 To .....Da.nie.l...Smith..,A/C. ....~l:1G.s...Fepp. .......... ...... ........S.Guthold... ............................... PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated ....... ......Nov.emb.er......l8..... 19...6.4 for permit to construct ...an..addition........ at the premises located at .......So.und..:v:iaw.. Av.e...&..Kenny..Road...... ........................ Street Map ........~............ ... .........Block .....XXXX..... Southold .. . Lot.. .,XXXX......... ....... ... ............ is l~ disapproved on the followin7 groulld<. ..........Insuffi-c-ient..t:p.ol'1t .........y./!..:r..Q,..~e:t.Ra<:lt.. .......... .......... ........Ar.t...II.I...s.ec.tion....306... ~^';;!~.mmm FOB.I\l NO. 1 TOWN OF SOUTH OLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Examined .......f.!S:!..r...L......., 19..~.1 Application No. ............................ Approved ........................................, 19........Permit No. ................................ Disapj:roved olc ....~:~......~~...1J......P:i+..J..J~ ............................~i.l~a~;j................................. APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Dote ...~:..../..rt::.................., 19';('... INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink ond submitted in duplicote to the Building Inspectar. b. Plat plan showing locatian of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving 0 detailed description of layout of property must be drown on the diagram which is port of this application. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Bl,ilding Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit sholl be kept an the premises available 'for inspection throughout the progress of the work. e. No building sholl be occupied or used in whole or in port for any purpose whatever until 0 Certificate of Occupancy sholl hove been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Deportment for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Lows, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant ogrees ta comply with 011 applicable laws, ordinanc ,building code and ulations. v. ............. . ............................................... State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. ....................................e~................................................................................................................... Nome of owner of premises ..~...~......................................................................................... If applicant' 0 corporat sig re of du ,authorized officer. ... .....~..,...... ame on title f corporate ofil"~~)n.m.m. 1. Location of land on which proposed;trk will be done. Map No: ..............~.... ....................... Lot No: .................... Street and Number ....{J,!J_...~u,.~,,!i.l.r:?:~~..~.t~~ ....... . ....... .:...~.................. Municipality State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed cOnstruction: a. Existing use and occupancy ......~.~..................................................................................... b. Intended use and occupancy ....~~.~.~:f.'l\..V_................................................................................... 2. 3. Nature of work (check which aPl'"cable): New Building .................. Addh.~n ...~~. Alt~ratian .........;,... Repair ..............~emoval .................... Demolition.................... Other Work (Describe) ...................................... , Estimated Cost ...~t;?~.c?I.~...........................Fee ...................................................................;...................... (to be paid an filing this application) If dwelling, number of dwelling units .......~:;~.~ ..Number of dwelling units on each floor ............................ I f garage, number of cars . .....L...~.~... ...... ......... ........ ............ .................:.............................................. ........... If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use ................................ Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front ..."3.,,............ Reor ....:1..6................ Depth ..~.y:............... Height ..../..6............... Number of Stories ....~............................................................................................ Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front ................................ Rear ................................ Depth .............................. Height ..............................Number of Stories ........................................ Dimensions of ~re new construction: Front .....~.... Rear ....7..>..::............ Depth .;?,y.................. Height .....~.~................ Number of Stories ............................ Size of lot: Front .....7..r.............. Rear ..l.:f.:..~............ Depth ./f...!..................... Date of Purchase ........................................................Name..gf Former Owner ........................................................ Zone or use district in which premises are situated......~~."s............................................................................ Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regul~? ...7-::...~...................................... Name of Owner of premises~/~~~t?...(~.~!.~........Address ..;~~.;..~...;......~.(,.......... Phone No. .................... ~ . Name of Architect ..............;l~~~~2:.:..........Address ..fi..............Q................. Phone No. .................... Nome of Contractord.:.fJI... ..... ...........................Address .C;h:<:...~.1:.f:.."!f':....~........... Phone No. ................... 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set-back dimensions from property lines. Give street and block numbers or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or corner lot. ':i' ' J I , '\I'll ~ " , J' ' .. p , , -.L ... .,. ~ --_-0" ~ ~ A LJ <:... ,/. tJ - .tI r) rI t-- ._,"\ ("If' N .____- -::;--- --- ~6tW~FO~~.~~S. / ~ .......................... .. .. . .....d~:?:F.:~.................being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant (Name of individual signi .. above named. He is the .............. ........................................................................................................................................ (Contractor, agent, corporate officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application a.re true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed there h. Sworn to b;rre me this ~... .........../.3.'._\..... day of .....J..tkti;"').y.;~.v.........., 19.6..1:. - , It ' . Lt' Ie k . ........ ....... ............. ................................................................ Notary Public, t.. ..!.Ct,...l-.i-.,"'.I.....;L.;.......!:....y.U.:;;I........ r:~!1lY.'.'..'.; -.-.~'.'.~'..Y'~ (Signature of applicant) . NOTARY Pu,-,,_,., '" . "" ,...1 . I'" '. .No. 52.32J31l:0 SJ:~~~.' C:.:..:r.ty Jerm Expires March 3u;' 19_ ~ pO-MlL ~.s: 00 TOWN 'OF SOUTHOllD, ~ YORK APPLICAnON F'OR SPECIAL ElXCEPTlON APPLICATION NO.'1 ~(p DAT~'~/f0 ,,,~ TO TIlE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. I. (We) J.1.f.c>...~k?......P~ee.m mmm....m...............of .K..e.:.~t'..r....l?(),..~..Qm...':t.J!!..~m^.!...Q.!?.I!~..!.t':?.~..m. Name St,l'e<!,t and Numbe~ . ......~.t4-.T/i;.R?(). ...m..... ....mm........... ....... ...................... ................................. ........1/:..'/..., .............................m...m.............m.. Municipality state l1Jereby apply to TIlE ZiONING BOARD OF APPEALS foc a SPECIAL EXCEPTION In accordance wl,th the ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE ~/// SECTION 3&t, SUlBSElCTION THE SPECIAL EXCEPTION IS REQUESrnID BECAUSE P --<4 ,)7 ~~t<.J..R- ~c1~ ~~#~r. ~4'1tt9-Wl~,~~ ":-F~~~~.q,~~. /d~~'~ ~~~o-I~~~~.~~.. f~:/~' ~~4~~rr~~' ~~h-o<1'-~'" ~~%~t7><$~~~CJ'-. tv<-~..d#,L~---- OZr/~~~;L~ .--I~7L-~;."r~ UH..U4~1U<-. ~. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) .) ss OOUNTY o~ lctf' ( Ie ) Sworn to this mmm...LS.tJ....... day of ..7.).f...'l.~.:.!.L.:.?.'.:~:.. 19......b...:!.." c:.J. J . q .) .;::'.1.17 .il.:.1....'..fl..l"mN'o;:;:;; .iJb~i~J.c..!.,...!...........".........m.mm. ~~~ ~~....m~;~... ................m.........m.._".".m.. r'"_....:"" ~ ~ NOTARY pus...:';' '~ .No. 52-3233liu~u, _ "- iIJrm P,pirei f,ja"j,"iJo '19 ,,' . - F'ORM ZB2 {J ,:<0' /' " , ~ Ie' ' Ii"( ~ ~ " 1.1 I/O /3{.fl !> {,.' , , I ! f kr/ ,/",- //J .,,,.-//". ,lI./ ' / ;.;<;ii 'B'" E. \ 1 G ( \'\ J' J:>-' ,J ':> / ~, '-1') -J \ '(,.. ..,....,..."....-"" // " /' / _\ 0 'J' / c-. 0 // /// Q (1' Q li ,V) >-- WI Z '7 L !,'t V-l .' to' X ~