HomeMy WebLinkAboutIron Mountain RESOLUTION 2022-907 ADOPTED DOC ID: 18555 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2022-907 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON NOVEMBER 15,2022: RESOLVED,that the Town Board of the Town of Southold authorizes and directs Town Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute an agreement with Iron Mountain regarding the cloud based data storage for the period of one (1)year, subject to approval by the Town attorney, at a cost of$8,094 dollars, funded from budget line A.1680.4.400.558. Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Sarah E.Nappa, Councilwoman SECONDER:Jill Doherty, Councilwoman AYES: Nappa, Doroski, Mealy, Doherty, Evans, Russell } T RO N ,re :`tus¢ MOUNTAIN o Pricing Schedule Iron Mountain° Iron Cloud TM Storage and Services This Pricing Schedule ("Schedule") is an offer by Iron Mountain Information Management Services, Inc., or its applicable Affiliate ("Iron Mountain") to provide Services related to Iron Mountain® Iron Cloud TM Storage and Services as outlined herein to Town of Southold ("Customer"). This Schedule is incorporated into and made part of the Iron Cloud Services Agreement [as shown here: http://www.ironmountain.com/onlinecontractsl, the version of which is effective as of the Effective Date of this Schedule, and applicable schedules, exhibits and attachments (collectively, the "Agreement"). By signing this Schedule, Customer agrees that this Schedule and the Agreement are the complete, final and exclusive terms and conditions governing Customer's license and/or use of products and/or Services from Iron Mountain. This Schedule supersedes and terminates any prior schedule between the Parties for the same type of Services described below. Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the same meaning set forth in the Agreement. This Schedule is effective as of the later date of execution by the Parties below(the"Effective Date").The initial term of this Schedule will commence on the Effective Date and continue for one (1) year("Initial Term"). Thereafter, this Schedule will automatically renew for additional one (1) year terms (each, a"Renewal Term"), unless either Party provides written notice of non-renewal at least ninety (90) calendar days prior to the expiration of the Initial Term or Renewal Term, as applicable. The Initial Term and Renewal Term may collectively or independently be referred to as a "Term". Notwithstanding the foregoing, if this Schedule is terminated by Customer prior to the expiration of the then-current Term, Customer agrees to pay Iron Mountain in full for all Fees which would have otherwise become due for the remainder of the then-current Term, unless such termination is due to an uncured material breach of the Agreement by Iron Mountain. Any and all Fees paid up to and through the point of expiration or termination shall be non-refundable. Pricing contained within this Schedule is only valid for acceptance by Customer for a period of ninety (90) calendar days from October 27, 2022. The Parties agree as follows: 1. Provision of Service. Commencing on the Effective Date of this Schedule, in consideration of Customer's payment of the applicable Fees set forth herein, Iron Mountain shall provide to Customer that level and type of Service purchased by Customer, including Support Services, as set forth in the Pricing Table in Schedule A-2. 2. Pricing. 2.1 Pricing Table. As of the Effective Date and subject to the Minimum Monthly Commitment(s) set forth herein, in consideration of the Services provided to Customer by Iron Mountain under this Schedule, Customer agrees to pay the Fees for the Services set forth in Schedule A-2: Pricing Table, attached hereto, including but not limited to any additional Fees for overages. Additionally, if applicable, networking is considered a telecommunications service and is subject to federal regulatory charges as well as any applicable state sales taxes. All Fees shall be invoiced to and paid by Customer in United States currency. 2.2 Minimum Monthly Commitment ("MMC"). The MMC is the minimum Fee Customer agrees to pay in arrears for each monthly billing period for each applicable service offering. At the end of each monthly billing period, the total monthly cost is calculated and compared to the MMC for the applicable service offering. If the total monthly cost is less than the MMC, the MMC shall be the Fee the Customer is charged for that billing period. If the total monthly storage volume exceeds the MMC, Customer shall be charged the MMC in addition to the per GB/TB rate shown in the Pricing Table for any overages. Customer agrees to pay to Iron Mountain a MMC for each Iron Cloud Storage and Service elected, as set forth in the Pricing Table. As of the Effective Date of this Schedule, Customer will be invoiced according to the Fees set forth in the Pricing Table based on the amount of actual Data that has been stored within the Iron Cloud Storage and Services. Customer will be invoiced the.MMC for the Iron Cloud Storage and Services elected as set forth in the Pricing Table, in addition to any overages, as outlined above. Ver.IOSept2022 Confidential Information Page 1 of 13 IRON Z� MOUNTAII\Ie 2.3 Secure Offline Storage and Secure Offline Storage with Vault Lock Minimum Storage Duration. Objects stored in Secure Offline Storage and Secure Offline Storage with Vault Lock have a minimum storage duration. Any objects deleted prior to the defined duration will incur a prorated charge. Secure Offline Storage has a minimum storage duration of one-hundred eighty (180) days from upload and the prorated charge will be based on the Offline Storage Tier rate, as set forth in the Pricing Table. Secure Offline Storage with Vault Lock has a minimum storage duration of thirty(30)days from upload and the prorated charge will be based on the Secure Offline Storage with Vault Lock rate, as set forth in the Pricing Table. 2.4 Purchase Orders. (SELECT ONE) ❑ Customer's purchase order is attached to this Schedule. ❑ Customer does not need to issue a purchase order for the Services in this Schedule; Customer is authorized to make payment based solely on the terms of the Agreement. 2.5 If Iron Mountain requires travel in order to implement the Services, Customer shall reimburse Iron Mountain for all reasonable, actual out-of-pocket travel expenses, upon mutual agreement of the Parties. 2.6 Prices and rates shall remain fixed for the Initial Term of the Schedule and thereafter may be changed by Iron Mountain at any time upon thirty (30) calendar days'written notice. 2.7 Additional services that Customer elects to receive that are not specifically listed on this Schedule shall be mutually agreed upon in writing, or otherwise charged at Iron Mountain's then current rates. 3. Miscellaneous. 3.1 Authorized Contacts: Customer shall provide at all times a minimum of two (2) agent(s) identified pursuant to Iron Mountain's standards as set forth below ("Authorized Contacts"). Customer shall provide to Iron Mountain, and keep current, the phone numbers and email addresses of all such Authorized Contacts. The Authorized Contacts shall be the sole contacts for all communications between Customer and Iron Mountain's Technical Support Department, until the reported problem(s) is/are resolved. In the event the Authorized Contact(s) drops below the required minimum, Customer shall notify Iron Mountain within fifteen (15) calendar days and shall have ninety (90) calendar days to replace such Authorized Contact(s). 3.2 Service Descriptions. As set forth in Schedule A-1, attached hereto. 3.3 Support Services Description. As set forth in a separate Support Services plan, to be provided upon request. [SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW ON NEXT PAGE] Ver. 10Sept2022 Confidential Information Page 2 of 13 i i IRON MOUNTAINO Each person signing below represents and warrants that(i) he or she is duly authorized and has legal capacity to execute and deliver this Schedule, (ii) the execution and delivery of this Schedule and the performance of such Party's obligations hereunder have been duly authorized, (iii) this Schedule is a valid and legal agreement binding on such Party and enforceable in accordance with its terms and conditions, and (iv) this Schedule may be delivered by either or both Parties by delivery of scanned copies of signed signature pages, and will thereupon be legally effective and binding for all purposes. Customer: Town of Southold Iron Mountain Individual Signing:SCOA�1"5 'b\ Individual Signing: (print name) (print name) Title: Title: Signature: —Uz Signature: Date: Date: Invoicing information: Invoicing Contact: u0\1d Mailing Address: 53qu5 ftw Phone Number: Ver. 10Sept2022 Confidential Information Page 3 of 13 ' f IRON MOUNTAIN Schedule A-1 Iron Mountain®Iron CloudTM Storage and Services Service Descriptions Services Description Overview Iron Mountain®Iron Cloud TM Storage and Services is an offering of Cloud based storage solutions and services which offers a secure and scalable next generation Cloud platform and comprehensive ecosystem of managed services for managing enterprise Data. The offering is designed for organizations needing a cost effective full lifecycle management solution to protect digital assets and intellectual property. Iron Cloud Storage and Services are hosted and delivered offsite, in Iron Mountain trusted Data Centers and from one of Iron Mountain's global delivery centers. Iron Cloud Storage and Services provides quick and easy access to systems and files for compliance, legal and/or monetization purposes. Iron Cloud Storage and Services can be ordered, modified and administered from an easy to use self service portal or through white glove managed services and support. Iron Cloud Object Storage Iron Cloud Object Storage is a secure, scalable repository for organizations needing a cost effective and efficient method to protect digital assets and intellectual property offsite in Iron Mountain Data Centers for the short or long term, while providing quick and easy access for compliance, legal, and/or cost purposes. The default configuration of the Iron Cloud Object Storage is configured for GEO resiliency across three(3) Iron Mountain Data Centers. Customers that do not require GEO resiliency can request a single site configuration.There are no additional Data ingress or egress Fees for either option. Service Level Agreements and Service Level Objectives are defined in the Service Level Agreements and Service Level Objectives document available at: http://www.ironmountain.com/onlinecontracts. Object Storage Leverages an "Object" Data Repository with the Following Characteristics: • Accessed with industry standard object storage S3 protocol • Isolated NameSpace per Customer with several Object Data repositories called "buckets" • Files represented as Object ID's generated from content and metadata • Flat organizational structure—capable of storing billions of objects without degradation • Built in Data protection - Data is stored with multiple copies either locally or GEO distributed • Database fault detection and self healing technology • Supports RESTful API calls i.e. Get, Put, Delete, etc. Object Storage Service Details • Object Storage services are deployed across multiple Data Centers, each located in an Iron Cloud Data Center for preservation and availability or single site for economical storage needs. • Minimum of 10TB storage capacity, with unlimited capacity on-demand without capacity planning or advance payment. • Optional S3 Gateway support for legacy system's access. • Optional Migration Services to accelerate initial Data transfer into the Object Storage. • Control usage with quotas and notification (hard and soft quota). Iron Cloud Obiect Store Data Survivorship In the event Customer needs to extract stored Data, Iron Mountain will continue to provide the Iron Cloud Object Storage Service to Customer(a) for a minimum of six(6) months following Iron Mountain's notice of termination to Customer, or(b) until Iron Mountain's completion of the bulk export of Customer's Data, whichever is longer. Iron Mountain will transfer the bulk export to Customer's specified location (either to Customer or another cloud storage provider designated by Customer) at no additional cost. Iron Mountain shall provide Customer with a choice of Data transfer, such as over the WAN, or via physical media. Ver. 10Sept2022 Confidential Information Page 4 of 13 IRON MOUNTAIN® Iron Cloud Foundation Building Blocks Iron Mountain® Iron Cloud Storage and Services are built and delivered from a number of common systems called the Iron Cloud foundation. The Iron Cloud foundation functions as a common set of infrastructure services or utilities which all Iron Cloud solutions as well as partner systems use or integrate. Key Building Blocks of the Iron Cloud Foundation • Iron Cloud Data Centers • Iron Cloud Networking Infrastructure • Iron Cloud Connectivity • Iron Cloud Security Controls • Administrative Controls • Security Systems ➢ Iron Cloud Data Centers Iron Mountain®Iron Cloud Data Centers are some of the most advanced and secure data center facilities in the world. Iron Cloud Data Centers have been strategically located to deliver the highest resiliency to Customer's Data and applications possible in the event of a natural disaster. Where an Iron Mountain owned facility is not available, Iron Mountain maintains relationships with regional data center delivery partners that have committed to delivering the same quality of service found within Iron Mountain's own facilities. All Iron Cloud Data Centers are configured with: • Proactive fire detection and suppression systems • Redundant air handlers supported by redundant chilling systems • Uninterrupted power supply (redundant) and diesel generation capacity sufficient to operate the facility at full load, even with the loss of a single unit(N+1 or greater) • Physical security measures typically including exterior proximity sensors and closed circuit surveillance. ➢ Iron Cloud Networking Infrastructure Iron Cloud's networking infrastructure is built on technologically advanced infrastructure and is under 24x7x365 monitoring for security and performance related incident management. Iron Cloud network connectivity supports an Iron Mountain internet VPN over SSL or a dedicated "leased" circuit. Iron Cloud Networking Infrastructure (ICNI) Components: • Routers—Redundant network routers. • Switches — Redundant network switches which support complex application and Data management requirements. • Firewalls — Redundant deployment of both virtual and physical firewall systems deliver the upmost protection from internal and external threats. ➢ Iron Cloud Network Connectivity Iron Mountain® Iron Cloud network connectivity comprises both a management network consisting of dual-redundant networking paths for resiliency between Data Centers, infrastructure and platforms. Customer Data networks are also classified as Iron Cloud connectivity. Customer can choose from an Iron Mountain internet VPN over SSL or a dedicated "leased" circuit. Dedicated Circuit Characteristics: • Specified and procured by Customer • Scheduled with the Iron Cloud Data Center administrator for installation and configuration • Support encryption for Data in transit • Support 100mbit per second bandwidth minimum network throughput with on demand support for up to 10 Gbits per second Ver. 10Sept2022 Confidential Information Page 5 of 13 i IRON MOUNTAIN • Supplied with an Ethernet handoff and IP address range—a routable Class B or C IP address range of IPv4 orlPv6 addresses • Monitored for security and performance related incident management 24x7x365 ➢ Iron Cloud Security Controls Iron Mountain Iron Cloud environments are guarded by rigorous physical and logical security controls. • All Iron Cloud platforms reside in a secure facility, locked with logged entry system or biometric security system. • Iron Cloud environments are physically and logically protected from unauthorized access. • Firewall services reside at the border or edge of the network which can be configured to limit or control access, as required. • In-flight encryption: All Data (or Data transmission) is encrypted point-to-point using SSL. • At-rest encryption: It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure they are utilizing an appropriate encryption mechanism for Data at rest at Customer's premises. ➢ Administrative Controls • Authentication: Every Iron Cloud user and system is authenticated to prevent unauthorized use. • Logging: All administrative tasks and associated operational events are centrally logged and retained for a minimum of one (1)year. • Administration: Iron Mountain administrators can create users and assign different user bucket access rights. ➢ Security Systems Iron Cloud Configuration and Compliance Management Iron Mountain's Iron Cloud environments are protected using a combination of proactive vulnerability assessment, testing activities and Configuration and Compliance Management (CCM) capabilities. In addition to providing demonstrable regulatory compliance management reports, Iron Mountain uses active and passive scanning to discover and audit configurations within the Iron Cloud service delivery systems, while CCM automates continuous configuration and compliance assessment. Iron Cloud Security Incident and Event Monitoring (SIEM) Iron Cloud contains a Security Information and Event Management(SIEM)system which performs real-time event collection from in scope physical and virtual system log sources. All log Data is stored centrally for improved compliance management reporting. As part of the Iron Cloud security environment, SIEM helps enterprises to address monitoring, alerting and reporting requirements as well as complex audit challenges based on their own unique requirements, processes, policies and risk tolerance. The SIEM analyzes security events 24x7x365 and if a particular event or series of events warrants further analysis, the in- question events are reviewed by the Iron Cloud Security Operations Centers (SOC's), and if deemed appropriate, are escalated to the appropriate resource for action. The SIEM provides the granular oversight of system related events. The SIEM is delivered using standard processes and methodologies and is designed to: • Provide log information collection and storage from specified log sources. • Provide event correlation for multiple log sources. • Provide notifications of critical alerts received by Iron Mountain. • Be centrally managed and delivered by Iron Mountain's SOC's. Ver. 10Sept2022 Confidential Information Page 6 of 13 F IRON MOUNTAtN� Iron Cloud Integration Services Iron Cloud service offerings are built with specific hardware and software platforms which at times, may not be compatible with legacy systems which do not support the S3 protocol. Iron Cloud Integration services are designed to create compatibility between a Customer's legacy systems and Iron Cloud Services. There are a variety of supported integrations which Customer can use to interface with Iron Cloud storage. Gateway Support Iron Cloud Object Storage requires the S3 Protocol in order to upload, access and retrieve Data from Iron Cloud Storage types. If a gateway is required, the Customer may provide one or license a virtual gateway through Iron Mountain. If a Customer provides a gateway,they are responsible for moving Data from their applications to the Iron Cloud Object Storage service and providing sufficient bandwidth to move the content offsite. If Customer licenses a virtual gateway from Iron Mountain, Customer must also provide sufficient hardware, as identified in the technical assessment to support the deployment of the gateway. To avoid performance issues, sufficient bandwidth should be verified for the S3 connection to write Data to the Iron Cloud Object Storage Service. Alternatively, Customer can deploy an application that can write directly to the S3 API of the Iron Cloud Object Storage Service. Bandwidth for S3 Gateways It is recommended that Customer provide at least fifteen (15) Megabits per second, (Mbps), of bandwidth for the Service. The migration of Customer's existing Data to the Iron Mountain Object Storage will consume the most bandwidth during the initiation of the Service. It may be necessary for Customer to temporarily increase the available bandwidth during the migration of the legacy archive Data. Once the legacy archive Data has been migrated offsite, the day-to-day bandwidth requirements will be lower but Customer shall ensure that a minimum of five(5)Mbps of bandwidth is available to ensure proper communication between the gateway and the Iron Cloud Object Storage Service. Iron Mountain recommends that separate networks be used for the local internal traffic and the external traffic being sent offsite. Iron Mountain Licensed Virtual Gateway Customer may license a virtual gateway, which is a software-only virtual gateway designed to simplify the movement of Data from existing non-object oriented Data storage platforms (file share, NAS or block storage platforms)to the Iron Cloud Object Storage. The gateway service includes the implementation and maintenance of the gateway software; however, Customer must provide a hardware platform capable of meeting the defined performance specifications. These services may incur additional costs that would be mutually agreed to by Iron Mountain and Customer. Iron Cloud Migration Services Iron Cloud Migration Service is a service offering combining leading Data migration technology, skills and processes into a turnkey solution to support Data migration initiatives. Iron Cloud Migration Services are designed to accelerate Customer's time to value deploying Iron Cloud Services. Iron Cloud Migration Services include the following: Iron Cloud Data Shuttle The Iron Cloud Data Shuttle is a specialized appliance specifically designed to assist in the transfer of massive amounts of Data without the added expense of costly network bandwith and capital expense of networking infrastructure. The Iron Cloud Data Shuttle is designed with both a proprietary infrastructure and software to simplify setup and Data migration activities. Iron Mountain leverages our security, logistics and chain-of-custody, with knowledgeable experts, to provide an offline transportation methodology to move large volumes of Data. Two Classes of Data Shuttle Exist: • Data Shuttle Enterprise Migration Appliance • Data Shuttle Mobile Migration Appliance Ver. 10Sept2022 Confidential Information Page 7 o 13 'H4aY IRON a, MOUNTAIN Iron Cloud Data Shuttle Specifications: • Data Shuttle Enterprise Migration Appliance (avg. 200 Lbs) • Data Shuttle Mobile Migration Appliance (avg. 45 Lbs) • Up to 100 TB of usable SSD storage per event • High speed Data transfer • Built in S3, CIFS/ NFS and Data Domain support Migration Service and Data Shuttle Service Details: • Rental for ten (10) day migration event with daily overage rate • InControl—Iron Mountain logistics and shipping with chain of custody reporting • Requirements, shipping setup and configuration support • Change and configuration management • Migration event and incident management • Data erasure with certificate of destruction Secure Offline Storage Services Secure Offline Storage("SOS") is a storage service specifically designed for backup and archive Data that needs be stored for long term to meet internal or regulatory compliance requirements. Typically, these long term backups and archives are never accessed but are necessary to maintain compliance. SOS provides the most cost effective and secure storage service in the industry for long term retention Data by storing inactive Data offline in an Iron Mountain secure vault. SOS presents an industry standard S3 object interface so any S3 compatible application can store and retrieve Data through the service. The S3 object interface (Bucket) is used to store Data temporarily before the SOS service migrates objects to magnetic tape media, leaving meta data behind so the source application maintains awareness of the data it wrote. Customers of the SOS service are not exposed to the physical tape infrastructure; all access of the Data is handled through the object construct. Full tapes are ejected from the SOS tape infrastructure on a daily basis, and through Iron Mountain's BackupCareTM services are securely transferred to an Iron Mountain vault. Data stored within the Iron Mountain vault is defined as the SOS Offline Storage Tier. When an object is recalled from the SOS service that is in the OffLine Tier, the tape media will be retrieved from the vault and the requested object(s) are ingested into the object interface (Bucket) for Customer access. The standard response time included in the base SOS service to initiate Data recall from the OffLine to object interface (Bucket) is twenty-four (24) hours. Customers may request an expedited recall for an additional fee to reduce the Data recall initiation to four(4) hours. Service Level Agreements and Service Level Objectives are defined in the Service Level Agreements and Service Level Objectives document available at: http://www.ironmountain.com/onlinecontracts. Secure Offline Storage Service Details • S3 Object Interface (Bucket) is deployed within an Iron Cloud Data Center. • SOS OffLine Tier is deployed within an Iron Mountain vault. • Minimum of 50TB Offline storage capacity with unlimited capacity on-demand without capacity planning or advance payment. • There is a minimum retention period of one-hundred eighty (180) days for all Data stored within the SOS OffLine Tier, from the upload date; Data deleted prior to one-hundred eighty (180) days retention period will incur a prorated charge equal to the storage charge for the remaining days of the one-hundred eighty (180) day period. • Optional S3 Gateway support for legacy system's access. Ver.10Sept2022 Confidential Information Page 8 of 13 . i IRON M0 U NTAIN Secure Offline Storage with Vault Lock Services Secure Offline Storage with Vault Lock adds an enhanced-security posture to SOS, for protection against ransomware threats. SOS Vault Lock ensures Data cannot be recalled from the Offline Tier without the approval of two (2) individuals, each providing two (2) authentication factors for a total of four(4) factors. Vault Lock ensures Data remains secure in an Offline state and prevents access to the Data in the advent of a ransomware threat. SOS Vault Lock aligns to the NIST definition of"air gap"where Data is only recalled through human interaction and control. This is control is enabled once the four (4) factor authentication process has successfully authenticated the access request. Customers may request an expedited recall for an additional fee to reduce the Data recall initiation to four (4) hours. Service Level Agreements and Service Level Objectives are defined in the Service Level Agreements and Service Level Objectives document available at: hftp://www.ironmountain.com/onlinecontracts. Secure Offline Storage with Vault Lock Service Details • Vault Lock is priced at a single capacity rate vs NearLine and OfLine tiers. • Minimum 10TB Vault Lock storage capacity with unlimited capacity on-demand without capacity planning or advance payment. • A minimum required storage duration of thirty (30) days from the upload date; Data deleted prior to thirty (30) days will incur a prorated charge equal to the storage charge for the remaining days of the thirty (30) day period. Secure Offline Storage Data Survivorship In the event Customer needs to extract stored Data, Iron Mountain will continue to provide the Iron Cloud Secure Offline Storage Service to Customer(a)for a minimum of six(6)months following Iron Mountain's notice of termination to Customer, or(b) until Iron Mountain's completion of the bulk export of Customer's Data,whichever is longer. Iron Mountain will perform the bulk export to Customer's specified location (either to Customer or another cloud storage provider designated by Customer) at no additional cost other than standard SOS related charges. Iron Mountain shall provide Customer with a choice of Data transfer, such as over the WAN, or via physical media. Iron Mountain Media Vaults Iron Mountain's Media Vaults are secure, environmentally controlled vaults supported by fault tolerant IT infrastructure. Iron Mountain's facilities are designed and maintained with strict temperature, humidity and air quality controls. All of Iron Mountain's facilities also employ industry-leading security measures, including: • Placement outside areas of high crime, natural disasters and other hazards. • Sole-occupant buildings. • . Access controls, including multiple security checkpoints. • Advanced fire suppression systems that meet or exceed National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards. • Close proximity to local emergency services. Intrusion detection systems that are monitored by a central station 24x7x365. • Pre-screened, well-vetted highly trained employees. Iron Cloud Data Protection Services Powered by Veeam° ➢ Cloud Connect Backup The Veeam Cloud Connect Service provides a target repository for Veeam users wishing to store copies of their backup data at an off-site location. The service is compatible with the majority of Backup & Replication App versions and can be fully provisioned within minutes of receiving credentials from Iron Mountain. The Customer can select which virtual servers, physical servers, and workstations to vault off site as well as the Data retention period for each server being vaulted..The service includes the provisioning of the Veeam Cloud Connect software licenses which enables the Customer to vault identified machine backup images to the Iron Mountain service delivery infrastructure. Ver. 10Sept2022 Confidential Information Page 9 of 13 r IRON .` MOUNTAIN" Y: Ransom Guard is a secondary repository with virtual air-gap technology from the primary Veeam Cloud Connect repository that retains Data securely in the event of an accidental or malicious deletion. As the Veeam backup chain moves forward, the oldest backups age out and are deleted automatically. These deletions reside in the Ransom Guard repository for the same retention length as your active backup chain. This feature is built into Iron Mountain's Veeam Cloud Connect cost. ➢ Cloud Connect Replication For any Veeam software user looking for simple and easy to use disaster recovery capabilities that leverage their existing backup infrastructure to achieve accelerated recovery time and recovery point objectives, Veeam Cloud Replication provides turn-key, full application recovery without time-consuming manual activities. ➢ On-Premise Appliance The Veeam On-Premise Appliance (OPA) combines Veeam's industry leading backup solution with a centrally monitored, on-premise hardware platform engineered to provide a seamless end-to-end experience. As a turn-key solution, the OPA offers peace of mind with its incorporation of advanced encryption and 100% out-of-band management: The OPA is available as a stand-alone entry level appliance or as a scalable cluster of storage nodes capable of protecting hundreds of TBytes of Data. ➢ Backup for Microsoft®365 The Veeam backup for Microsoft 365 service provides a secure offsite backup of your exchange, OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams data. The service offers flexible consumption models. Customers can choose the number of users and amount of Data needed to be backed up. Additionally, Iron Mountain offers pre-built retention packages with unlimited storage per user in (one) 1 year, three (3) year and forever retention periods. After adding Iron Mountain as a cloud repository, the Customer simply provides a spreadsheet with the accounts to be backed up along with their desired retention policies if different between users to provision the service. Storage is allocated based on the initial assessment if the Customer does not choose the pre-built packages and can be expanded on a per GB basis. Storage and enablement are contracted at the time of purchase. Storage overages are billable for this model. Iron Cloud Infrastructure.Services ➢ Dedicated'Compute "Dedicated Compute Services" consist of: (i) provision and installation within the facility of single-tenant hardware ("Platform") necessary to provide the Dedicated Compute Services purchased by Customer as setforth in the Pricing Table; (ii) initial configuration of the platform; (iii) provision of Data storage capabilities to enable Customer's use of the functionality of the platform; (iv) provision of an out-of-band management connection to the platform via a VPN device located within an Iron Cloud virtual data center to power off, power on, reboot and remote mount media; (v) monitoring of the underlying equipment; (vi) management and administration of the Iron Cloud core network equipment associated with the platform; (vii) resolution of equipment problems, including equipment spare replacement; and (viii) periodic upgrades of equipment implemented as part of planned upgrades. Customer is solely responsible for the management and administration of all Customer provided software used by Customer in connection with its use of the Dedicated Compute Services. ➢ Compute "Compute Services" consist of: (i) provision and installation within the facility of the multi-tenant virtualized hardware ("Hardware") necessary to provide the Compute Services purchased by Customer as set forth in the Pricing Table; (ii) initial configuration of the multi-tenant virtualized hardware and, unless otherwise set forth in the Pricing Table, installation of virtualization and orchestration software necessary to provide the Compute Services purchased by Customer; (iii) provision of Data storage capabilities to enable Customer's use of the failover functionality of the Compute Services; (iv) provision of a web based portal via which Customer can deploy and manage (e.g., adjust resources allocated per virtual machine instance, start, stop and reboot Compute instances); (v) monitoring of the underlying equipment and software; (vi) management and administration of the Iron Cloud core network equipment associated with the Compute Services; (vii) resolution of equipment and/or software problems, including equipment spare replacement; and (viii) periodic upgrades of equipment implemented as part of planned upgrades. Customer is solely responsible for the management and administration of all Customer provided software used by Customer in connection with its use of the Compute Services. Ver. 10Sept2022 Confidential Information Page 10 of 13 IRON Ver. I OSept2022 Confidential Information Page 11 of 13 y 0 f IRON MOUNTAIN® ➢ BlockStore Iron Mountain shall provide block storage oriented data storage services("BlockStore")for the committed storage amount. BlockStore is provided on a multi-tenant platform. BlockStore consists of: (i) initial installation of connectivity between the Customer's contracted Compute Services and the storage device(s) at the Facility that are used to provide the BlockStore Services; (ii) monitoring of the storage device(s) performance and capacity utilization; (iii) capacity upgrades to the storage device(s); (iv) maintenance services for the storage device(s); and (vi) problem resolution related to the BlockStore services. ➢ InternetConnect ("InternetConnect") provides Customer with a dedicated IP connection capable of supporting the data transfer level set forth in the Pricing Table. The Iron Cloud InternetConnect service consist of: (i) provision and installation within the Facility of the Equipment and Software necessary to enable the Iron Cloud InternetConnect service; (ii) initial installation of connectivity between the Customer's contracted Compute Services and the Equipment and Software used to provide the Iron Cloud InternetConnect service; (iii) resolution of Iron Cloud InternetConnect service problems; and (iv) periodic upgrades of Iron Cloud's InternetConnect service delivery infrastructure implemented as part of planned upgrades. Ver. 10Sept2022 Confidential Information Page 12 of 13 :. IRON MOUNTAIN® Schedule A-2: Pricing Table P IRONPREPARED FOR: Town of Southold . PREPARED BY: Zoe Gordon - MOUNTAIN® PREPARED ON: 2022-10-26 CURRENCY: USD TERM: 12 MONTH QUOTE ID: 213501 QTY INSTALLATION 12 MONTH TERM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNITS UNIT COST • • • •ST TOTALCOST, Veeam Cloud Connect 10 TiB Bundle(20 TIB RansomGuard) IRCVEEAM.BLKT2 1 $ - $ - $ 560.00 $ 560.00 Veeam Cloud Connect SOTiB Bundle(100 Tib RansomGuard) IRCVEEAM.BLKT22 0 $ $ - $ 2,195.00 $ Veeam Cloud Connect 100 TIB Bundle(200 Tib RansomGuard) IRC.VEEAM.BLK.72.3 0 $ - $ - $ 3,950.00 $ - Veeam Cloud Connect 25TiBBundle(50 TIB RansomGuard) IRC.VEEAMBLKT21 0 $ - $ - $ 1,225.00 $ - lOT6-499TB TB Iron Cloud Implementation Services per Project IRCI5.01 1 $ 750.00 $ 750-00 $ - 5 DATA STORAGE-Secure Offline Storage Expedited Restore(per Event) IRCSOS.EAP 0 $ 230.00 $ - $ - $ DATA STORAGE-Secure Offline Storage for Veeam with Vault Lode(per TB) IRC.SOS.VEEAM.VLOCK 0 $ - $ - $ 14.50 $ - DATASTORAGE-Secure Offline Storage for Veeam-Offline Tier Single Copy(SOOTB-999TB)-Per TB IRCSOS.VEEAM.OFF1-T2 0 $ - $ - $ 0.90 $ DATA STORAGE•Segue Offline Storage for Veeam-Offline Tier Single Copy(SPB+)-Per TB IRC.SOS.VEEAM.OFFS.T3 0 5 - $ - $ 0.80 $ - DATASTORAGE-Secure Offline Storage for Veeam-Offline Tier Single Copy(SOTB-499TB)-Per TS IRC-SOS.VEEAM.OFFi.Tl 50 $ $ - $ LOO $ 50.00 Quotes are%ub)ect to change and not guaranteed to be honoured after a 30 day period. INSTALLATION AND SETUP FEES(ONE $ 750.00 TAX IS NOT INCLUDED MONTHLY RECURRING FEES(12 MONTH TERM) $ 610.00 Ver. 10Sept2022 Confidential Information Page 13 of 13 ,Ir A, P r NOV Z 2 72R. ,1 Office of the Town Attorney Town of Southold Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone : 631-765-1939 Facsimile: 631-765-6639 MEMORANDUM To: Denis Noncarrow From: Missy Mirabelli Date: November 21, 2022 Subject: Agreement between the Town of Southold and Iron Mountain, With respect to the above-referenced matter, I am enclosing the original Agreement together with the Resolution. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. /mm Enclosures cc: Accounting