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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-11/01/2022 PH 1 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK : STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD -------------------------------------------------- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD REGULAR MEETING -------------------------------------------------- Southold, New York November 1 , 2022 7 : 00 P . M . B E F 0 R E : SCOTT A . RUSSELL, SUPERVISOR LOUISA P . EVANS , JUSTICE JILL DOHERTY, COUNCILWOMAN BRIAN 0 . MEALY, COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI , COUNCILMAN SARAH E . NAPPA, COUNCILWOMAN November 1, 2022 Regular Meeting 2 BUDGET HEARING PUBLIC COMMENTS SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Would anybody like to address the Town Board on the Budget Hearing for 2023 ? MR . TOM STEVENSON : Good evening . Tom Stevenson, Orient . I didn ' t know that we were going to get right into it . I just had a question about the -- questions about the Affordable Farm Land . The $ 5 million dollar bond . I would like to hear about that? SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Well , I actually came before the Ag Advisory Committee , we talked about over a year ago . And we had actually -- several years ago had done it before already . So the Ag Advisory Committee, at least the members that had been on it that long are familiar with the project . Like I said, when I came about 18 months ago before the Ag Advisory Committee , we had a discussion about it . But this budget would not put any money in place for that yet . Those discussions will take place prior to the Town Board November 1, 2022 Regular Meeting 3 taking any action on executing any policy . MR . TOM STEVENSON : So this would be a Town purchasing the land -- SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Ultimately, yeah . It ' s basically farms that would be most decorous . Where there might be an estate in difficulty in getting a family to agree to sell the development rights . It will ask the Town to be targeted . Divide the land, however intended, development rights . Sell the land at a reduced value . MR . TOM STEVENSON : Okay . The Town has done a few projects of that nature . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Right . MR . TOM STEVENSON : Okay . The pickle ball courts for $ 60 , 000 . I know you talked a little bit -- I know this is not really pertinent to the budget, but where are those going to go? SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Well , actually, the six courts that are there right now are linear . Sort of east to west . Another three courts are going to November 1, 2022 Regular Meeting 4 go but they will go beyond that . To the east and then run up . Like a northerly direction . Because you can ' t just keep going . If you go straight with that line, you ' re going to -- end up in the playground . MR . TOM STEVENSON : Yeah, the little league fields . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Yeah . This wraps around there . So it won ' t interfere . MR . TOM STEVENSON : Okay . You know, I think the Town should look to put some pickle ball courts out east . I think we roughly have about 2 , 000 people in Oyster Ponds , but -- SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : You put a pickle ball court, you ' re going to have 5 , 000 people . It ' s very popular . COUNCILWOMAN SARAH NAPPA: So I think we did discuss it . The question was , we didn ' t -- we don ' t have land . The Town doesn ' t own land east right now . Like even the playground in East Marion . That is actually leased . November 1, 2022 Regular Meeting 5 MR . TOM STEVENSON : Well , the least is up . I was actually going to bring that up in public comment . COUNCILWOMAN SARAH NAPPA: Yes . We did talk about putting them farther out east . Just right now, we don ' t have any Town land . MR . TOM STEVENSON : Right . Because Town land out there is just that . So at least on behalf of the Town Board -- school board out there . We have discussed it . We would love to continue the relationship . No issues with us . COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : You can make an appointment with us during the work session . We would be glad to talk to you . MR . TOM STEVENSON : Yeah . Yeah . We can come in . You guys can come out . We can do it however . COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Meet on the pickle ball court . MR . TOM STEVENSON : There you go . With the Oysterpond School , we have a new school -- November 1, 2022 Regular Meeting 6 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Nice . MR . TOM STEVENSON : It took 9 years . It was never right . What else did I have -- I don ' t want to take up too much time . Otherwise, the Town is growing . The budget grows . The demands . I get it . Everything goes up . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : We try and be as conservative with the tax rate as we could . We are impacted by inflation along with the public . I mean, the cost of doing business in Southold and the cost of supplies has gone up as much just as the public . MR . TOM STEVENSON : Absolutely . I don ' t have a whole lot, but I just wanted to bring that up . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Thanks Tom . Would anybody else like to address the Town Board on the 2023 Proposed Budget? (No Response ) . COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : I will make a motion to close the hearing on November 1, 2022 Regular Meeting 7 the budget . COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Second . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : All in favor? COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . COUNCILWOMAN SARAH NAPPA: Aye . COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Aye . If any specific resolutions that are on the agenda, if anybody would like to address those? With regard to any other conversation, obviously, we will be having that after the agenda is done . Any other comments on the specific -- MR . TOM STEVENSON : Tom Stevenson, Orient . Petty Cash, that is a new -- that is normal ? SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Every year it gets issued . And yes , very heavily managed . MR . TOM STEVENSON : Just because PO ' s and is it possible -- SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : It ' s an November 1, 2022 Regular Meeting 8 amount for employees during the course of the year for Departments . MR . TOM STEVENSON : Thank you . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Any other comment on the Budget or the Agenda? (No Response ) . (Whereupon, the meeting continued onto the Resolutions on the agenda at this time . ) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PUBLIC HEARING - CDBG FUNDS SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Would anybody like to comment on this particular Public Hearing? MR . TOM STEVENSON : Tom Stevenson, Orient . I am not sure exactly what you use the funds for in the past, but I think some of the money went to the ADA compliant playground in ( inaudible ) . The pickle ball courts . I would consider using it for the East Marion School Park . Renewing the agreement . And you know, the 20 year-old playground there is certainly not handicapped November 1, 2022 Regular Meeting 9 accessible . You know, regular maintenance . COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : I know there is certain criteria of the funds . MR . DENIS NONCARROW : We can go through it and take a look . With the consortium, we all gel the rules together and put them forward and see how it works . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Typically the ADA block funding itself is only about $ 43 , 000 . And it gets earmarked to the traditional likes gas , etcetera . The additional -- it ' s not like a grant . It ' s that one year funding that has to be used for ADA compliant . You have an excellent idea . We will look out and see what we can do with Legal . MR . TOM STEVENSON : If not, maybe through Capital budget or somewhere . Thank you . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Thank you . Anybody else like to comment? COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : I will November 1, 2022 Regular Meeting 10 make a motion to leave the hearing open . COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Second then . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : All in favor? COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . COUNCILWOMAN SARAH NAPPA: Aye . COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Aye . (Whereupon, the Public Hearing concluded at this time . ) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PUBLIC COMMENTS SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Okay . I am going to invite anybody that would like to address the Town Board on any issue, please feel free? MR . JOE O ' LEARY : Good evening, Supervisor, Town Board members and everybody else present . My name is Joseph O ' Leary . I am the CSEA President for the Town of Southold Unit 8785 of the Long Island Region Area #1 . I am November 1, 2022 Regular Meeting 11 also a full-time Bay Constable employed by the Town of Southold . Today I come before you not to negotiate in public but as President, to ask you to consider what I am about to say . I am here to confirm that the Town Board is aware of our CSEA agreement with the Town that expires this December 31 , 2022 . And to confirm, that you are aware that the CSEA and the Town ' s Labor representatives will be meeting for the fourth time tomorrow, November 4th . I would like to remind everybody what CSEA Union employees brings to our great Town before we go back to the table tomorrow . Our Highway Department works tirelessly during all weather related storms . Removing tree limbs . So electric and internet can be restored . They may be called to work more than 16 hour days in hazardous conditions , including but not limited to snow storms , rain storms and flooding . This is to clear drains so that our children may get to go to and from school safely and roads safe for November 1, 2022 Regular Meeting 12 commuters and travelers . Our mechanics keep our 20 year old equipment functioning with limited funds allocated for replacements . Except for the instances when a used bought back piece of equipment may be obtained . Our sweepers are out daily cleaning our Town roads of debris , litter, caucuses . So we may avoid these unpleasant and potentially hazardous obstacles during our daily commutes . I can continue to add to this list of necessary tasks performing daily by our Department but would prefer to simply say, these are ways to keep our Town roads functioning . Aesthetically pleasing and most importantly safe for us and our children . We should all applaud them for their tireless efforts . Our Department of Public Works or DPW maintains all our Town offices , ball fields , beaches and parks . They manicures our fields and paths . Town street lighting . Clean public restrooms . Electrical work . Help with November 1, 2022 Regular Meeting 13 our office machines and much, much more . They ' re the ones behind the scenes setting up for duties , such as meetings , which may go unnoticed by many . Having a full-time of Public Works mechanic to maintain the Police Department vehicles has saved the Town funds that may now be allocated for other important purposes . A Solid Waste Department is not just present to inspect our waste as we drop it off . They also run scales . Sort waste for recycling, as well as , maintain the grounds of the waste area . These tasks also save money and important to the Town ' s Budget . They have exceptionally large equipment that must be kept operational and safe . That many of us are completely unaware of . Our Senior Center, our Recreation employees , make and deliver food for seniors . Escort them to shopping trips . Medical appointments and various other places , as well as , assist them with light house work . Even creating programs that help them to remain November 1, 2022 Regular Meeting 14 engaged in our local community . This goes on daily . Our Planning Department , our Building Department, Board of Trustees Department, Human Resources Department, Assessor ' s Department , Police Department, Code Enforcements , the attic ' s employees and the Town employees all contribute to the daily operation that makes this Town function . And last but certainly not least, we have 12 dispatchers staffing our phone lines and 3 Bay Constables that must be available 24 /7 for all types of emergencies and tragedies , such as Search and Rescue and aided cases on both land and sea . Recreational boating exploded during COVID with an influx of people coming to our North Fork unlike any time in history . A phone call at 2 : 00 A .M . may advise us of a missing boater, an overturned kayaker or boating accident . Almost with serious injury or death . And the dispatchers are the ones that assist these victims with while getting time sensitive and life saving November 1, 2022 Regular Meeting 15 information out to the Bay Constables and police officers . This is so we may respond swiftly, accordingly and without hesitation . Bay Constables are responsible for a total of 200 miles of Bay, Creek and tributary . Guiding and protecting our shellfish, wetlands and environment, as well as , keeping safe on the waters tens of thousands of recreational and commercial boaters each season for the Town of Southold, as well as the waters surrounding Fishers . Island . I can go on and on, but the bottom line is , these union employees work tirelessly and take a tremendous effort to keep our Town ' s safe and beautiful and overall functionally -- functioning effectively . And they all work just as hard as the next . Taking care of things we may take for granted on a day to day basis . But when your power is interrupted and back on swiftly, your roads are clear and safe or God forbid it ' s your beloved family member that is in need of emergency November 1, 2022 Regular Meeting 16 assistance, you would be grateful for these employees and their tremendous efforts that the equipment that they need is available and in safe working order . Amazingly, the Town has given themselves a higher percentage raise then CSEA employees were given for the past two union contracts over six years . This is certainly not an even playing field when it comes to money shared . We work together harmoniously as a team, daily, to keep our Town functioning . As I close -- I know, thank God, I am almost done . I ask you to please consider a fair contract over a reasonable term, as well as , an inflationary salary increase for our employees . And please, let us agree before our contract expires on December 31 , 2022 . And thank you for hearing me and I appreciate your time . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Who else would like to address the Town Board on any issue? (No Response ) . November 1, 2022 Regular Meeting 17 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : I will make a motion to close the meeting . COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Second . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : All in favor? COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . COUNCILWOMAN SARAH NAPPA: Aye . COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Aye . (Whereupon, the meeting concluded at this time . ) November 1, 2022 Regular Meeting 18 C E R T I F I C A T I O N I , JESSICA DILALLO, a Court Reporter and Notary Public, for and within the State of New York, do hereby certify : THAT the above and foregoing contains a true and correct transcription of the Meeting held on November 1 , 2022 , via videoconference , and were transcribed by me . I further certify that I am not related to any of the parties to this action by blood or by marriage and that I am in no way interested in the outcome of this matter . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 12th day of November, 2022 . essica DiLallo