HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-10/04/2022 PH 1 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK : STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD -------------------------------------------------- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD REGULAR MEETING -------------------------------------------------- Southold, New York October 4 , 2022 7 : 00 P . M . B E F 0 R E : SCOTT A . RUSSELL, SUPERVISOR LOUISA P . EVANS , JUSTICE JILL DOHERTY, COUNCILWOMAN BRIAN 0 . MEALY, COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI , COUNCILMAN SARAH E . NAPPA, COUNCILWOMAN October 4, 2022 Regular Meeting 2 PUBLIC COMMENTS SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : That completes the business of the agenda . I am going to invite anybody that would like to approach and discuss any issue with the Town Board? Any matter of mutual interest? Anything? MS . HUBBARD : Hi . My name is Jacqueline Hubbard . I reside in Peconic . This is not my thing, so -- SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Understood . COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Welcome . MS . HUBBARD : Thank you . I came here today because I was recently aware that there is a proposal for 24 cottages to be built in Peconic with Paul Polasky . And there is a land deal that I guess is in contract with maybe four other business associates of his , for the closing of the property . So I live right in front of the property . It ' s right behind me . So I don ' t know how this is going to impact us . If there is any type of land preservation right now October 4, 2022 Regular Meeting 3 with the property and where -- what type -- is there a Business District? Is it a Halo Zone? Does it have to be in a Halo Zone? Is it a HUD, Affordable Housing? If they want this to happen? Is it people from Suffolk County? Is it people from Southold? 24 cesspools in my backyard, is a big concern . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : I agree with everything that you say . It ' s a little bit premature to start discussing those issues because everything will be subject to Public Hearing ' s down the road . Actually, it ' s going to be 10 acres . The proposal is to split into two 5 acre parcels . One will have 24 cottages -- MS . HUBBARD : I am familiar with that because Paul spoke with Peconic Civics Association . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Okay . MS . HUBBARD : He showed us the models that he proposed and you know, there . It ' s just -- to me, I am not for it . How many -- how much property would October 4, 2022 Regular Meeting 4 one have to have for a new build in Southold Town? SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Depends on the Zoning and the location . MS . HUBBARD : Say right here in the Town? Just an average? SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : In the center, about 10 , 000 square feet, 1 / 4 acre and that spans out to about two acre to any location . MS . HUBBARD : So that 5 acres that they want to put 24 cesspools on, and those people would have access to Water Authority water . I wouldn ' t . I would be drinking groundwater with 24 cesspools in my backyard . I really don ' t want that . I don ' t think that the traffic -- I don ' t know if there will be a Vehicle Impact Report and Environment . I do believe it ' s over an aquifer . That area . And the park is there . There is 48 cars . There is 48 parking spots where 24 cottages . So you have 48 cars going back and forth three times a day, 144 vehicles , on top of a facility that October 4, 2022 Regular Meeting 5 has 124 parking spots at any given time . And then a pool that gets dumped into the groundwater, all the wastes that gets dumped into the groundwater . We already have the brewery . It was atrocious on the smell in the corner . You know, it was going into the water . I would just like to see where the Town is going with this . I think for the Town and Peconic and at the ball field where there is tennis courts , let ' s make this park only . Park out here . There is increased traffic . And then you ' re talking about bringing a whole big business in 24 cottages . And I don ' t want to be -- I don ' t want to have to bring this up, but that is a historically Black neighborhood . There is like 5 or 6 African-American families that live there for like 70 years on that one street . We were disproportionately affected by the Town, 60 years ago , when we weren ' t allowed to move anywhere but a railroad track or North Road or near the dock . So to put October 4, 2022 Regular Meeting 6 24 Affordable Housing cottages is like bad business . It ' s like repeating things . You have to be aware of where we are at now . And I don ' t think that any community out here deserves to have 24 Affordable Housing cottages with, you know, in their backyard, and it ' s a community . And a park district . And you have to think about the kids and all their events . I just went over and you have all these applications you approved for the vineyards and its parties , and it ' s November . And there is music playing . I don ' t want to hear 24 people in my backyard on top of all those vineyards . I hear the music all the time . You know, so I think it would be a nuisance . I think there definitely needs to be a little bit of insight put in when you ' re thinking about permits and the park . I think that ' s a good place to start and then maybe try to monitor the traffic in the area . You know, if you guys are for this project or not . October 4, 2022 Regular Meeting 7 SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Let me just add . There are two separate components . One is the recreational facility and one of the cottages . Do you have objections of the recreational facility? Mostly the cottages are where your concerns are coming from? MS . HUBBARD : When I spoke -- when Paul made the presentation, he said it ' s all or nothing . You know one thing would fund the other . And $ 1500 . 00 is top for these rentals . There is no way . It would have to be subsidized by the government some how . So this would be like an open HUD pool . You know, when you think about like different demographics , it ' s not just locals . It ' s not just the community . You know, people are walking their kids . It ' s a small community . We don ' t want people from everywhere coming into the neighborhood . Look at Vineyard View, I don ' t have Vineyard View in my backyard . I am not -- no one really wants anything lower economically in your backyard . October 4, 2022 Regular Meeting 8 And it ' s not fair that would be placed there . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : The reason I asked that because in his position, it might be all or nothing, but we need to know public officials -- MS . HUBBARD : I think it will be nice, it ' s tennis courts and pickle ball . You talking about that range, it would be nice to have Go-Kart racing . You can have people have events there . Ride their bikes around the acreage . You can have paint ball . Where you can have games inside . Rock climbing wall . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : But the recreational area is an okay -- MS . HUBBARD : I think it ' s a bin tin because who can afford to build right now? You can ' t even get supplies . So it would be a big tin building . You know, I don ' t know if they are doing container homes or what kind of homes they would be building for $ 1500 . 00 a month, but I don ' t think that is even feasible without being subsidized some October 4, 2022 Regular Meeting 9 how . It ' s a big concern . And I hope you guys are already looking into addressing the vehicle impact . Looking how it will impact your children, your grandchildren and your cousins and everyone in the community that go to the park . There is kids that run out in front of my car all day, every day . It ' s like 10 feet, 12 feet wide on the corner of the street . And you ' re talking about 175 additional cars , driving in and out . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Appreciate your comments . Thank you . MS . HUBBARD : Thank you . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Anybody else like to address the Town Board on any issue? Robert? Anybody? (No Response ) . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Okay . COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : I make a motion we adjourn and go into Executive Session to discuss a potential contract . COUNCILWOMAN SARAH NAPPA: Second . October 4, 2022 Regular Meeting 10 SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : All in favor? COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . COUNCILWOMAN SARAH NAPPA: Aye . COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Aye . (Whereupon, the meeting concluded, and entered into Executive Session at this time . ) October 4, 2022 Regular Meeting 11 C E R T I F I C A T I O N I , JESSICA DILALLO, a Court Reporter and Notary Public, for and within the State of New York, do hereby certify : THAT the above and foregoing contains a true and correct transcription of the Meeting held on October 4 , 2022 , via videoconference , and were transcribed by me . I further certify that I am not related to any of the parties to this action by blood or by marriage and that I am in no way interested in the outcome of this matter . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 10th day of October, 2022 . essica DiLallo