HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 1st Qtr W' - - - DVIRKA -AND *7 -BAKTILUCCI CONSULTING ENGINEERS A DIVISION OF D&B ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS,'P.C. 330 Crossways Park Drive,Woodbury,New York 11797-2015 516-364-9890.718-460=3634•Fax:516-364-9045•Www.dvirkaandbartilucci.com-- ' -Board of Directors Henry J.Chlupsa,P.E.,BCEE President&Chairman Steven A.Fangmann,P.E.,BCEE Executive Vice President Robert L:Raab,P.E.,BCEE March 25, 2014 Vice President .._ Vice Presidents- Richard M.Walka �J QM Senior Vice President James Bunchuck ® _ v Joseph H.Marturano Solid Waste Coordinator :- Senior Vice President Dennis F.Koehler,P.E. Town of Southold DS W - APR Z'3. -2014 Senior Vice President P.O, Box 962 Garrett M.Byrnes,P.E. Vice President Cutchngue;NY 11935 TOWN OFSOUTHOLD Rob J.DeGiorgio,P.E.,CPESC DIM.OF SOLID WASTE Vice President Stephen M.Dudar,P.E. - Re: Town of-Southold Landfill . Vice President Landfi.11'04's Monitoring Program, First Quarter 2014 Thomas P.Fox,P.G. Vice President. D&B No. 3 175 William D.Merklin,P.E. Vice President Michael Neuberger,P.E.• Dear Mr. Bunchuck: Vice President Kenneth J.Pritchard,P.E. = Vice President On February 27, 2014, Dvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers (D&B) completed'- .' Theodore S.Pytlar,Jr. the First Quarter 2014 landfill gas monitoring event for the Town of Southold Vice President Brian M.Veith,RE. - Landfill located:on Middle Road (CR 48) in Cutchogue, New York. The Zandfill gas Vice President x=�•.i .i•.i:. monitoring:was:•conducted•'6tilizing a GEM 2000 Plus Landf ll Gas Surveyor at the. Charles J.Wachsmuth,P.E. - .,;;:,, ,•; ,•• Vice President existin 15. as rrionitorin wells GMW-1 to'15-, 166ated aloe j.t Ie`soutlie_rri; eastern g g g , . g Dirof Architecture and northern boundary of.the lanatill;waste,mass).'Weather. coil.ditio'n .'on February Andre H.Keel,R.A. i`"' '. 27, 20.14, were observed.to be clear and approximately`22 degrees Fahrenheit with. Senior Associates light winds heading east;- Steven M.Cabrera Christopher M.Clement . EIIen,R Deorsay. Enclosed with'this letter are Figure 1 and Table 1. Figure I.shows the-approximate - Matthew R.DeVinney,P.E. locations.of the gas-monitoring wells, and Table 1 fists the gas monitoring wells and Frank DeVita their corresponding:temperature and levels=of oxygen; carbon'monoxide, lower Joseph A.Fioraliso,P.E. Michael R.Hofgren explosive.limit(LEL) for methane and hydrogen sulfide.as measured on February 27, Christopher M.LeHanka 2014. As indicated in Table 1, there was a deteciton of methane greater thar1 100% of Richard W.Lenz,P.E. the LEL at•gas monitoring well GMW-6, located along the eastern boundary of the Olga Mubarak Jaramillo Philip R.Sachs,P.E. waste mass. GMW-6 has exhibited. a tread 'of elevated-LEL detections for,methane, Daniel Shabat,P.E. often over 100%, suggesting that.gas:migration-is,occurring beyond the boundary of . Associates the waste mass in this area. It should be noted,.however, that GMW-6 is not located. Rudolph F,Cannavale at the property boundary, which is approximately.250 feet to the north and 35.0 feet to Christopher wegel,Francis the east of GMW=6. In addition, methane was not-detected at-GMW-7, located to the. • Christopher Koegel,P.E: ' James J.Magda nor&of GMW-6 of the northern propertyboundary,'or within tlie..Scale'house,'located MicheleMastrangelo approximately 100 feet to the.south of Glv1'W=6::The scale House.is the'closest on-site.. Roger W.Owens strueture' to' GMW-6,' and methane was- not-'detectdd`wi%ithin the crawl space ar Robbin A.Petrella ' ..' occu ie'd-area"of the structure. t :1 , Edward J.Reilly P' Stephen Tauss Jason R Tonne :. , DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI CONSULTING ENGINEERS James Bunchuck, Solid Waste Coordinator Page 2 Town of Southold DSW March 25, 2014 In an attempt to mitigate the elevated methane levels detected in GMW-6, the Town installed wind- driven turbine exhaust fans on the three landfill gas vents located nearest to GMW-6 and within the landfill mass. The turbines were installed in September 2012, following the third quarter 2012 landfill gas monitoring event. In order to determine the effectiveness of this remedial measure, D&B has been measuring both the LEL and percent gas levels for methane at GMW-6 since the third quarter of 2012. The current percent gas level in GMW-6 is 29.0%. Although the recent trend in the percent gas level has been generally decreasing, the current level of 29.0% is higher than the 13.0% measured last quarter and the 22.7% measured in the third quarter of 2012 prior to the installation of the turbines. D&B will continue to monitor the LEL and percent gas levels for methane at GMW-6. Consistent with recent monitoring events, the remaining gas monitoring wells did not exhibit LEL detections for methane. Carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide were not detected in any of the gas monitoring wells, and oxygen levels were detected at and below typical atmospheric levels. The next quarterly round of monitoring is expected to be conducted during the Second Quarter of 2014. If you have any questions, please contact me at(516) 364-9890, Ext. 3091. Very yours truly, av, Anthony Caniano Project Manager AC/nc Enclosures cc: T. Fox (D&B) P. Barusich (D&B) ♦317RAC030514_JB(RO1) mu fea Pre, SOM L �f7 II III } Mfr HIM MIJA Iwo .41 �r 7 WA Pv •, lie, Is . mei LIM IN • :• • • SOUTHOLD LANDFILL Dvirka • •- -andb-CONSULTING ENGINEERS • Bartilucci LANDFILL GAS-MONIT ORING WELL LOCATIOWMAP TABLE 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL LANDFILL GAS MONITORING PROGRAM FIRST QUARTER 2014 MONITORING EVENT Sampling Date: February 27,2014 Parameter Unit GMW-1 GMW-2 GMW-3 GMW-4 GMW-5 GMW-6 GMW7 GMW-8 GMW-9 GMW-10 GMW-11 GMW-12 GMW-13 GMW-14 GMW-15 Temperature °C -4.4 -3.8 -3.3 -3.3 -2.7 -1.1 -1.6 -1.6 -2.7 -2.2 -1.1 -4.4 -2.7. :-3.3 -2.7 Oxygen % • 20.5 20.5 18.0 19.1 5.0 . 0:2 . 18.2 19.1 20.1 20.6 2.8 -18.0 ' 18.6 19.0 12.1 Carbon Monoxide ppm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 Lower Explosive Limit-Methane % 0 00 0 0 >100* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ 0 Hydrogen Sulfide1ppml --0'- . 0, 0 17t-1 0 I 0 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 NOTES: *: Measured at 29.0%gas.. Typical atmospheric levels of oxygen range between 19.5%and 23.5% °C =Degrees Celsius %=Percent ppm=Parts Per Million \\Dbfs1VobsLHazWaste\3175(Southold Landfill)\1st Quarter 2014\Southold Landfill-landfill gas monitoring Q12014 Page 1 of 1 3/5/2014