Minutes of September 26, 2022 meeting
• Meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm by John Slattery
• Present were: James Abbott, John Slattery, William Ryan, George Lessler, Kevin
Foote, Chris North
• Also observing: Steve Wick, Executive Editor, Times Review
• Excused Absent: Michael Regan
• Minutes of August 29, 2022 meeting were approved
• Old Business
o I provided update on the need for PAC to further quantify the
commissioner's requirements for improvements to the Monthly Training
Report. Given that the requirements have been gathered through another
channel, the PAC sub-committee ahould stand down
o Chris North and I provided a brief overview of the progress being made by
the town's Working Group
o For the benefit of Mr. Wick, we went around the table to outline our
charter and some of the items that we have been working on.
• New Business
o No New Business came before the committee
• Next Meeting October 31 @4:00 pm
• Meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm
Respectfully submitted,
John J. Slattery