HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 4th Qtr -' .Dvi RKA. . . AND LID BARTILUCCI . == CONSULTING ENGINEERS A DMSION•OF D&B ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS,P.C. 330:Cr6ssways Park Drive;Woodbury,New York 11797-2015. 516-364-989.0•:718.-460-3634•Fax:.516-364-9045•www.dvirkaaridbartilucci.com Board of Directors Henry J.Chlupsa,RE.,BCEE. President&Chairmon: Steven A.Farigmann,RE.,BCEE Executive Vice President" Robert.l_Raab,RE.,BCEE February 1., 20-13 - Vice President Vice Presidents.- Richard M.Walka- Senior Vice President James Bunchuck Joseph H.Marturano Solid Waste Coordinator . M pp Senior Vice President Dennis F.Koehler,P.E.:- Town of Southold DSW D Senior Vice President Garrett M:Byrnes,P.E. P.O. Box 962.. _ Vice President CUtChOgue,NY 11935 FEB5 2013 Thomas.P.Fox,P.G. Vice President- William D.Merklin:P.E. Re: Town•of Southold Landfill - TOWN of souTHOLD vice President DEPT.OF SOLID WASTE. Michael Neuberger,P.E. Landfill Gas Monitoring Program, Fou vicePreyident D&B No. 31-75 .--. Kenneth J.Pritchard,P.E. VicePresident" Theodore S.Pytlar,Jr. Dear Mr. Bunchuek: : . Vice President Michael E'Urtnowski Vice President Brian M.Veith;RE.: :: On December .15, 2012, -Dvirka and Bartilucci: Consulting Engineers (D&B) ' - Vice President' charleyJ.dent utl;,P.E: completed:the-Fourth Quarter 2012 landfill gas monitoring event for the:Town of ,'..Vice President Southold,Landfill-lo:cated on Middle Road.(CR 48) n,Cutaliogue,.New':York: The :.- -: . Dir.of Architecture. - - landfill,.gas-_monitoring--was.conducted-.util zing_,-a_.GEM 20QO.PluS-.,. L•andfill'Gas- Andre H.Keel,RA: -' Surveyor4t4he'existing 15,gas-inonitoring-wells(GMW-1 to.l'5; located'along the Senior Associates sOuthern, eastern -arid northern bound -.of the'landfill:,waste,',mass). Weather. St6en M;Cabrera Christopher M..clement conditions . on December .15,. 2012, were - observed. ;to._.,'be' . overcast-' and: Rob J.DeGiorgio,P.E.,-CPESC approximately 40 degrees Fahrenheit with light winds'heading southeast:' Joseph A.Floraliso; DVIRKA AND BARTILUCCI CONSULTING ENGINEERS James Bunchuck Page Two Solid Waste Coordinator Town of Southold DSW February 1, 2013 In an attempt to mitigate the elevated methane levels detected in GMW-6, the Town installed wind-driven turbine exhaust fans on the three landfill gas vents located nearest to GMW-6 and within the landfill waste mass. The turbines were installed in September 2012, following the third quarter 2012 landfill gas monitoring event. In order to determine the effectiveness of this remedial measure, D&B measured both the LEL and percent gas levels for methane at GMW-6 in the third and fourth quarters of 2012. Although the methane level in GMW-6 remains greater than 100% of the LEL, the percent gas level decreased slightly following installation of the turbines, from 22.7% in the third quarter to 20.3% in the, fourth quarter of 2012. D&B will continue to monitor the LEL and percent gas levels for methane at GMW-6. Gas monitoring well GMW-11, located along the northern boundary of the landfill waste mass, has intermittently exhibited elevated LEL detections for methane during previous monitoring events, including last quarter at greater than 100% of the LEL. However, the level was non-detect for the current fourth quarter 2012 monitoring event. Additionally, methane was not detected at gas monitoring wells GMW-5 and GMW-13, which exhibited LEL detections for methane of 33% and 13%, respectively, during last quarter's monitoring event. Consistent with recent monitoring events, the remaining gas monitoring wells did not exhibit LEL detections for methane. Although carbon monoxide was detected in seven gas monitoring wells during the second quarter 2012 monitoring event, it was not detected last quarter or during the current fourth quarter 2012 monitoring event. Consistent with previous results, hydrogen sulfide was not detected in any of the gas monitoring wells and oxygen levels were detected below typical atmospheric levels. The next quarterly round of monitoring is expected to be conducted during the first quarter of 2013. If you have any questions,please contact me at (516) 364-9890, Ext. 3091. Very yours truly, Jdlv7 am" Anthony Caniano Project Manager AMC/PB(t)/lfj cc: S. Rahman (NYSDEC) T. Fox(D&B) P. Barusich(D&B) ♦3175 WN C 13 Ltn d oc-0l(R05) .t. 7 Fm l�iii,,, ;+fp, ,��;>•- ��-�a��.,�� --_,•`m—°-,� :..� `A� .�♦.0��2 ' ?�t f 1,1,1 �� Y All Ag .1 .:�Wim,�,,•,�.,r ,, I� �. �;M �� �s��'rl`+�'`�`it��� .-;/: '� ��„art rri►� , Pq iii/—��a,� 1 �---�— t- - - '� ”� 1 ► f MIT 1 ml DA rka ik� '����, �'�-sem' tc.�•�-�=�`�-�=.ctc-c.: :��.r�:� 1 ic;' - ■ SOUTHOLD LANDFILL CUTCHOGUE,NEWYORKdbqONSULMNG ENGINEERS • MONITORINGBartifuccl LANDFILL GAS TABLE 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LANDFILL LANDFILL GAS MONITORING PROGRAM FOURTH QUARTER 2012 MONITORING EVENT Sam lin Date:December 15,2012 Parameter kU�nit GMW-1 G_MW-2 GMW-3 GMW-4 GMW-5 GMW-6 GMW-7 GMW-8 GMW-9 GMW-10 GMW-11 GMW-12 GMW-13 GMW-14 GMW-15 Temperature 5.5 6.1 5.5 5.5 6.1 6.6 6.1 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.0 6.1 5.5 6.1 O en 19.5 19.9 20.1 20.0 16.4 2.0 19.4 19.2 19.5 20.7 16.0 16.2 16.1 17.2 16.3 Carbon Monoxide 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lower Ex losive Limit-Methane 0 0 0 . 0 0 >100 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 H dro en Sulfide 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NOTES: Typical atmospheric levels of oxygen range between 19.5%and 23.5% °C =Degrees Celsius %=Percent ppm=Parts Per Million \\dbfs1Vobs\-HazWaste\3175(Southold landfill)\4th quarter 2012\Soutboid Landfill-Landfill gas monitoring Q42012 Page 1 of 1 12/28/2012