HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeigl Family Trust vienn Goldsmith,President ������` r�COGy� Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoski ,r P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly �y ® O!� Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples la �a. Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Date/Time: jig 13191,2_ Completed in field by: . �eep !Fs William Heigl, P.O.A. on behalf of HEIGL FAMILY TRUST requests a Pre-Submission Inspection to discuss the scope of the development possible on the property. Located: 3651 Soundview Avenue, Southold. SCTM# 1000-68-1-14.2 Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: Chapt.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: -­/Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: Pre-sub cD Howl rAt;/Kb-63 non-d 'teaLtabC eavlilo B . Present Were: V/ G. oldsmith .' N. Krupski V/ E. Sepenoski L. Gillooly v1 E. Peeples 4b Southold Trustees, I,William Heigl-POA,as the owner of 3651 Soundview Ave Peconic,NY 11958(SCTM#1000-6g.- 1-11.2),am granting permission to Southold Town Trustees,Constantine Zachariadis,William Walters&William P Bowman to access my property at he Trustees earliest convenience.The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the scope ofd avelopment possible at my property,as Mr Zachariadis is considering purchasing the property. Owner 1✓p n-�ae,d— ��c� p ECEIVE OCT - 3 2022 Southold Town Board of Trustees ZPULTZI.- ..� -7 r'7 s.w�:-,_i.tw .. �Tw µ`N4"i_� '•-_• "• ti}� 'TWT!•-T'j�.�•�•- •'T1Y'��i-"'._": •'. SOL A r irk •• .• 'OR. � :` r t { PAafacEL. 7U 8E SLIT OFF wt —a is � •..,• � �••• '.,, > � f5 18 Gilt. ✓ :� :�. MAP -OF PROPOSED SE-T-- OFF PQE,B!Afz Li: EQI ;. . � ETCf E ! E' 4 t OU'"H JL D 'MWN OF• aDUTr OLO N.Y. LAREA 15. T'pUfc1 � L- ML. °4 kms' .;•'�! " ; �' *'. =' :: : . .. .._ T' « r An `• . - .•«. Io4w�s>��'� `�, "'-'�' � � 'fid �';`�� ��� `. 'AL • . o. a. j U rk 9. ,.' t. 3 ' � s A <p } Tni•mvD.ei pia Dprsv!r tFv Np+YvrY Star•Depatme.i ui eenrDem.um c ,. n.,, ,r•„p D arD•• LEGEND ..D•porte•+.e .ariNpi�eeeiFo..e•,. COPIES OF COASTAL EROSION HAZARD AREA MAPS ARE AVAILABLE FROM ♦,i,r rev,e. em••nee.e gee.Bean rN•e...... Lute we a•me•. COASTAL EROSION HAZARD AREA CLASSIFICATIONS NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATICN COASTAL EROSION HAZARD AREA MAP Landward Limit of Natural Protective Feature Area COASTAL EROSION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REVISIONS TABLE Landward Limit of Siructt ai Hazard Area Dan: Chan 9: B 50 WOLF ROAD TOWN OF SOUTHLD -- COUNTY LINE ALBANY, N.Y. 12233-0001 -- TOWN LINE ----- CITY OR VILLAGE CORPORATE LIMITS SCALE 1:2400 1-=200'(APPROX.) SUFFOLK COUNTY , NEW YORK :c:. ..,,� e.:.:r-.r- Thie map preparetl purauanl tp Environmental —_ _— ---- - - --- PARY.JR i%' F R'JATI()N LINE '—' � "---- - �— r"' ' Conservation law,Article 39,and eDDrovatl by the Commissioner of Environmental Conser- - -r — -tion arta issued on 81-a/BP Photo N0 57-559-83 SHttT 7 OF 4'- ,xJw r � 14 tea `•R" _ WTCft toal _t+ae O' EEE No. xsae SEEEE6EC No. ;' was x u-tau Q� pO.1O '. +'� ~� + SusomsxJN for NtPxBERS PtiECE Eo °4 'tFi '''B nrn EouoxEo N RtE ernoI. ioicn \ + �euP of Nomn NEcx D.Je 4, / !ay X016 i e\. +� d'�'/ •fir 1.2 P 0 i COIMTY OE SUFFOOt JxA O _ ♦4 .r, �mmnin 'r 4 Ab bQYry � ✓ � 4 fOE PCL.NO. It•- • ( tol 9EE SEC.nO.I cotx+Tr of su� ,� J� oa.nwnNN xa�ET Jes °„ ra xe TRU6TEES OF TItE 1 t �\.` OwR Of SOUTH0.D y � 1B /B' xJA J ♦� r � COUNTYOP BUFFOU{ \.� '��'/ EM(cl u lR Y e.x 2 e Bt T bb e 4 .,7 .w / �\ J "r,oLOM1+ar1ANDi.m'"in's` PoBwBo -- wA-..'Wi. PO - .E>E= x cvc�wTnBF..xxx�E..n �. w�ax� xrm.,:J \ f SEE SEC.W.074 `�� SEE SEC NO OT< L u» — — -- a-- --a-- --^-- NoncE ;': COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © x a lOIIIJIOID SECTION NO E�,°°^'."' —�— (xp O2 °"'� --�-- Real Property Tax Service Agency r E 'ry _ — B.. — cBB n cw.w.Fm.w,n r nwt M ow aw B w ff 068 N P ivc..w low PROPERTY WIP J,nkl