HomeMy WebLinkAboutJoanne M. Bryan Revocble Trust ' 'f �gUfFOl,�c , Glenn Goldsmith,President �0�. %, Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President �� 54375 Route 25 0 Eric Sepenoski ? P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly �y • �� Southold,NY 11971 O Elizabeth Peeples ��l r $0. Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Date/Time: bizhz'e Completed in field by: JOANNE M. BRYAN REVOCABLE TRUST & MARCUS R. BRYAN REVOCABLE TRUST requests a Pre-Submission Inspection to discuss routine maintenance for the invasive bamboo growing into the lawn area; and routine yearly maintenance for bushes around the house and pruning gardens in the back yard. Located: 255 Glen Court, Cutchogue. SCTM# 1000-83-1-3 Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: �hapt.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: ' Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing.card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: Afb *-� XlWeg ( Slµ4 jCtVjA) � f- ddb W61f Present Were: G. G�ol smith N. Krupski ✓ E. Sepenoski L. GilloolyPeeples -j Q A-z-,3) cO -T a sT s t✓� 1 (� i I � t 2�N w Aiz,- > f6 .B A y�2 �'1 LA/07-5 .h.1z�, viz 7-r ✓� e,.5 SV 0—�� jLf�� 5afL I f.� ;! ?R-O �ti7� 6p � '( �`'CTvc jC9 SLC �F , ,a �r cell �- - --Az ;r I � � 1 - • - • Untitled Map 155 Glen Ct Write a description for your map. ;.Ilia "a ' � �,v •ti ,� z � iii i � .tea fi��""•"`�` >;,. � -�6 z rite-; � to �. IVX r :iIW AI� >a a. F 255, Glen Ct ,� ,k '` a:� �`q fr'�'.;' "'�' �� .8. � � 'app• �q�; �'�� 1040 � M �M F.S. ' _ �SE� � �,✓'"..y•q„- w � � �s'a" � > S ��y Google Earth �_ 100 f 133 NY oW-Bapls and Sdr Dud wkh Greenan gdwrGjardaes Acer hrdarWuai«CoWadaa j%v*Stse►tNVM NMI C(WLSULTY(111EIAW OIMIRESIGNINGTHISINSTRUMItyr-TINSItC4ntUMM9tOULDHEUSIDaYIAWYERSONLY THIS INDLVMR&made the day of Septezalbr In the year 2006 BL�In JOANNE M.BRYAN,residing at 255 Glen CouM Cutchogue, New York 11935 patty of the fun per.and JOANNE M.BRYAN,residing at 255 Glen court.Cutchogue,New York 11935 and MARCUS R.BRYAN,residing at 255 Glen Court,Cutchogue,New York 11935,as Trustees orthe JOANNE M.BRYAN REVOCABI.E TRUST dated Sepbanber /P'.2006,wrlth respect to■49%%Iaternt. MARCUS R.BRYAN,residing at 255 Glen Court.Cutchogue.New York 11935 atria JOANNE M.BRYAN, residing at 255 Glen Court. Cowbogue. New York 11935, as Trustees of the DIARCUS R. BRYAN REVOCABLE TRUST dated September 4%ZM with respeef too 49'/:'14 Interest;audSEAN A.BRYAN, residing at 465 Nonh Spaulding Avenue,Apt.1,l.os AngeIm C lifbmio 90036,with respect to a l%interest puny of the wwnd part. WITNESSETH.that the parry or the first pan.is dxtnaidemdun of Ten Dollar and other valuable consideration paid by the party orthe second pact.dons hereby grant and release unto die party of the second pan,the heirs orsuccessom and tmtigm of the party of the second part forever. ALL than certain plot,pitae orparcel of W4 with the buildings and imp ovements dwean crecMI.situate,lying and being in the Diatriet Town of Southold,County of Suffolk and State or New York.known and designated as Lot 1000 numbered 3 on a certain map entitled"Map of Birch Hills at Cutchoguc,Town of Southold, Suffolk County.New York",and filed in the Office of the Clerk orSuffolk County on July 19. sestina 1967 as Map No.4908. 83 - Black SUBJECT to covenants,restrictions and casements of record,irany. 1 SAID premises being known as 255 Glen Court.Cutchogue.New York 11935. Lot 3 BEING AND INTENDED TO BE 771E some premises conveyed to the parry orthe first pan by decd dated August 30,1972,recorded in Iabdx 7233 Pap 427 on Sepkm bee 5.1972.in the ofiicc orthe Clerk of tho County orsuffolk. TOGETHER with all riSKtitle and intervoL ifatry.of the party ofthe firatpart of.in andloonystteercand madsahuuing the above-describedpremisesta the center lintsth reoi TOGFTHERwiththe appurtermmandalltheesureoulrigorsofthe party of the foist put in and to buid premise.:TO HAVE AND TO HOI.D the premises herein grmted unto the party of the snvad pan,the heirs or sltaasors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first pan covenants that the party of the fist pea has not dose or suffered anything whemby the said prLmucs have binctunhcred in any way whatever.except as aforesadri urn AND the party of the fins;..n,In compliance with Station 13 of die Lien Law.covenants that the party of the first pan will receive rhe consideration t,„dtrixeonveyawae and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first ret the purpose of p�,„ss lie cost of Ilse improvement sad will apply the rm first to the payment of the ass of the improvYmotn before uur,g oal put of the toad of the same for any other purpose. Tie stgd`party"sha11 be L sntwtud as it It read'parlies"whenever the sense of this indenture an requires. IN WITNESS%VHEREui.the pony or the first pan has duly emmed this dad the day and year fust above written. IN rat9t�t.c os'r �� , ■roe II. Bryan 1 • MAC IJ+MBATtYAWMXD*Wnl16%NBWTV RSrAI!O\ZYr. UMA0.%iD*X^r.,a MTF1aR1/BFWW%717JUNKW)ooLsrA7p4fA%%r: Simal'se"odt.cmoVor Suffolk JAL: Siw;.orNev7Yost,Cm.w r Ism on an,b,�doy of September in the year 2006 -Onft day of it the)vat below me.Me unduigmA penavnally asp WRd befwr me,rhe undeedlpted.p umnally appeased Joanne N. Bryan powmally known n no or proved to me on the hasis of m"aetorg per muUy bwvm to we or pawed to tree an de WS of mtisbam Mdenee to be tie hsuvi&d(f)wirier tins)is(arc)subscribe!w the evi leme to be the lodividtwl(s)wim mroets)is(cel subscribed to the within hatmmem std to me do hddn'Lh y moved within inwtmewt and acknowtedped to am that holwh hey exeaxd the same in hWherAdmir capatyrml and that by htalberldeir the sans in hia mddk* capacay(inL and do by,Idslherhheir tidwror which the imlividaa slit acted,cxmoA%l the'msumt�tt.. aPM tic wrof which the hrlmd(si acted.esemod the��m upras Notary Public 4i8 �Y CPR R Public tints Ilbrk No. Oon�iatbssiatt Expires FmbL 17.?�e Ataa'osl.sr4ravrFORUFORVSBWmzwNBwYmwSYA7RavLY• ACAb WLMWtomvrFMWFo=Usa:OrrrxttwiVE YOU-SrA7xO,w.r+ IN-rants buj*ftWw—Ad=m&s--Ctr41v rl I�vfst■rorFnrNgr(brirtAebrrhrtrevCert;htirrl Stow orNewYolk Connoof Ism ....... .....r....... .......)s.: .... ....... ........ .. f[imgfrw ym wwo 3 Im.Coxmrrp PnAtmreor/liarr+oto On the day of is the year beWrc me.the uadeesigneJ,penKtntdly appeatN On dic•before nte,tide oIn the year iede rani•permully splteorsd the sobseribing wiumn to die fiveping insouu:en4'wfib wbwn I am pnsgaslly acgnrdmted vvlat,beiogby mr dtdy%%vm.did d*w and PcMm21ly ivwwit to me tr pnmd to me oo the bob of saoisfa M it that bdAmAh y teddels)in evukxrce to be the inditidvalfsl wdtase nat e(s)is(arc)%W==it el to the within hommert and'acidaaivksl>,yed to me that bdshddrstygemeawd (lflheI*ceofraidemrelslritrk%hwhder)reraenarafstmYmmnkr, Iltsscteinhislitehheirt>�ae4k. yidotbWh yhedtbeirI f any.then A that bddwvwy inow(s) on the ina n nacmt.the indi ' s).tv the person upon bduifutwhic theitslsridt Aacted.exectneltheinsimmocaLmoddrvmidiinkvidud m he de in dividarl described in and%fin ettXMW iia km$Wut made Hoch upp maince blare the undm*oed in de hunumma.Ilan said sabacn'6ing wimmm wsa imesent mad saw said c=m the same:and dot mid witness mr the qme time.abscribed Ihstertrhedryorwher lmt6didsimandrhearatror xnlryC� w! Mm nmWs)is a% m thereto. ndtrr pk+e the Rebu m*ar®rr mtu labral. HARUAIN&SALE D=D MUM DWWCT mrme,verena eoetvsrtm�va%s ens SELIWN BLOCK Lar COUNTY m TOw N TO RECrAtDW ArxeQuEs7OF Fiddky Nadotd mue insurance company or&New York RE?f EMN/YMIL 7t) FiDELrr1 NATIowf,TrrLF.INSURANCE Davidow Davidow Siegel&Stern,LLP 0 QAIFANY OF Nrw You One Suffolk Square-Suite 330 tv,w..,rwrst. IGOI Veterans MemorW Highway b*m."Af.Adelity e'er.,...% Islandia,New York]1749 of r..Jtr.xrt nh.1�%e'Au.� 466 Y. mgo rl ml 6 Flease be advised this docamsent wilt ,;9rb/c recordRemove Socia!Secrrrliy Arwxbeo(sjprr nrr to recorrliir A 1 Z Number of pages RECORDED 3' 2007 Feb 22 09r?r 07 AN TORPIM Judith A. Pascale CLEW OF Serial# SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012493 Certificate# P 133 DT* 06-23997 Prior Ctf.# i Deed/Mortgage Instrument Dad t Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps 3 1 FM Page/Filing Fee - L Mortgage Amt. Handling '5. 00 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional T1rx TP-594 S Sub Total Notation SpecJAssiL or EA-52 17(County)� 5 Q0 Sub Total 2166 Spec./Add EA-5217(State) 7509 TOT. M .TAX RZ'T.S.A. 19bDual Held Dual County — Held for Appointment Contin.of Ed. 5. 00 Transfer Thx Affidavit • • Mansion Tax Certified Copy The property coveted by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 1S. 00 Sub Total I Zoo family dwelling only. Other tea--- YES or NO Grand Total ' r N NO,see appmpriate tax clause on ` \-V. page# of this iasuum�lr ry t%/O a 1 139..° -`17",1792 1000 08300 0100 003000 s lcommawty Preservation FuxLd i �p 7 S Rea Berm ' Rip A Consideration Amount$ -0- IbxVg.7 3-v7 NCPF Due $ Land 6Satiz♦fkU0ns/Discharges/Releases Litt Pro"Owners Mailing Ad ��e RECORD&RETURN TO: TD _ Davldaw Davidow Siegel&Stem,LLP TD One Suffolk Square-Suite 330 1601 Veterans Memorial Highway TD Islandla,New York 11749 7 Title COMPMY laotrmation _ Co Nome Ilde# Suffolk Countv Recordina & Endorsement PaLye This page forms part of the attached Dead made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INS MUMMM Joauae 11. Bryan The premises herein is situated in SUITOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK• TO In the Township of Southold JOlARM M. BIMAN,aad MARCUS R. RUAA. an Ttuataas p(�-- Wim r an" "— %RUE dat:ad In the VILLAGE 9/ 12/06. with —AMect to a 49 1/2! intereWHAMLEI'of rb t......� __ 10115 61HRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRMW IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR KUNG. 11111111111111111flIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIf�Qlllllllllll 1111111 IIIA ilfll IIII III! SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Recorded: 02/22/2007 Number of Pages: 3 At: 09157:07 AN Receipt Number : 07-0017851 TRANSFER TAR NUMBER: 06-23997 LIBER: D00012493 PAGE: 133 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 083.00 01.00 003.000 EXMNED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Dead Amount: $0.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Esampt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO cog $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTr $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTx $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Camm.Pree $0.00 NO Fees Paid $149.00 TRANSFER TAX NM1BER: 06-23997 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County II I FT TYV 'KESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM -- INSTRUCTIONS:C uN, vwrw.orps stetemV.us or PHONE(5181473-7222 ' FOR COUNTY USE ANLY C1.swig to da (`�. •7, �, a,a, ,I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT • STAT!DF taw4oNi a Data Dead Nowd.d 1 07 /17 a/D�1 ' 4FAIM BOA1W OF IIFJIL PROPO N iERIWIM year RP - 5217 yy r Ca.Book I �a, q. /.�I d.I'aw � a►sars a ata PROPERTY INFORMATION 1•kopon7 255 Q!II CoarC Latium er wr.r \\ a .raft I Sontbold/ I Cutchoam 111935 I ww z swor I Bryan, T oatee Joalm M. I1artr. herr'ru.rs " tem Marcam R. I �7� I Sean A. I A7h f &1w .ewe hon Twr Bir solo boom Nuba it oat i m kw sddrns id balmrn of bN rrsrar 'PSI r rtw 1 Adios I I 1 irl[—smm� I A���r d®�� I 1 I a o!Parcels OR hn of a Pascal B M d.FnaO olr�s tire ❑ f �lrhNnp Bond aml Shadiddorh AurrMry Edea !f A SL6&A lm Appord s F4gi*W for TwOw ❑ hsanp I I x 1 ORI -LDIed �� IC Foch appaatl tar SuO�isbn.ldr Mw ProrPd�d ❑ Shm "Im feet L saw I Stryaa I Jamme M. _I I I 7.Cheri w boa'wsser rrdsrh rose t..ersbh drsarbas W s..l ms pe op a1 w dms of tib: Cbi to boos bbw a for appirp • . L owner"Typo Is Coadmi nium ❑ A ON FamBY RNWNM E Aaridtkund I Cenmwrdry tiaMa L Naw Construction an an Lwhd ❑ B Z or 3 Faneir RrldwmW F Carersrelal 1 andt.Ihb1 110L Property w rty taerbd wVm me Apriorbrrl DlrrFs 0 Rt C •ldsmld Tamr land G AponmM K PLM Ranh 11L sayer remkod■dlmde Muuq n no D NwWWWw"Vbwa Level I I EnnrWmnmt, Atra®rrr 1. Fares "0r pro"Is In an Agricultural DWM ❑ SALE INFORMATION IL Chw*acs or mars o1 mass soaAaas as oppEa b to irwtsisr 11.Bre Caseat Dob I / Lpa /jw-I A Sob Swenson r&Wdrm or Fermor Rrrdrs mom H Ssls Bslwam Rdatmd Carpi or F ewrrs In Bums .s C Dns at the Buyers Is sim a Seca IL Dar of Bob f.Tra neer 1 9 / '/x/2006 1 D BuW ar Brew b 6mmu ernt Aeanoy ar Lareling Institution Nsdh aha ye' H Os.d ryes nM wartwry or Bergin ww sob ohlpm*Sabal F SM of haodotW or Lab dere Fee Ir, FSpadp BrohH 1L Ful Sob'ice I 0 ..0 I G S Orap In Rapwn ly Scrrasn Tnsble semen d Ssls O. • a H Sob of Busing b Indum in Bab Nor Ilue sh4 No is aw NW ahhhohuht psW b hb praperty.ireludhr0 Psrrr PrWMY• I Oder Ur.oM I==M ctbV Sob wig ftwily Soawi This my wd my be b the fam of rah adwr propwttf or 0604,or the amunpbn of Nora nrenpo0s a otlw ah0awlorhs.l Prsaer rarad b dr rrware.hob drdmramaarc ' tn t1 MeabVolker sl erpsrmwtY eo>tse7aaea to Mots property badMod In on u b I /a :0• A 1 ll>-SSAENT INFORMATION-Dau mha W ration the Inst Find Assammne Rall and Tax EMI IL T.sr.f Asament RaR from 12(P 117.Trail Aoaad Won b)as perasb In aalsfa) A :0 which,Ferma�brt 06m IL FrWarty Gros 1 2.1 0 1_U IL Sdeo t Dbuft more,I. 1ltattlbwk I M.Tom Map IdmtlBw W I MN kbrd lwW 19 awe dr.bor.Ma.m shrst wl4 odAdmr IdwrMCFalaI1 1 1000 83 1 3 1 1 1 I I I I CERTIRCATFON 1 arttfg fist sD sr1M Ilsw d ta6rrasdon eeLrcd mai Saco are Irwr owi cera lb dw bat of cell'kmskdw and WJd)sad 1 undreamed d dohs der mutloa d cep'w®t>>Ode waAw.rs t sh4rbl firer MarAe w®stitch me b ie e.orYMha d tle.wd bier scisllct b 16 tslrbp d ChB d Drbw duomtt. BUTS" BUYER'a ArIDmay I 99/ 1 1i/2006 Cipriani 1 Zany whrumsrac 4M 255 uwwoR pmr 255 1 G1= Court 631 1 234-9030 � arerslwsm sovrrwrwn.arsah .mffrolae myRrawhww. Cotchogue I�8Y I 11935 ancerarw arAn stag NEW YORKSTATE COPY Q�JGXG l 9/ 2006 busarrarua Jt�a � owe 23 as :', 1 _ , - .• ..:r. ri•, a e rz � - D822B0 MNTCVISEE 08.23-➢9 �r..42"..j..� -- 1012� .. -.. .. _UNfv."... _��..'Dslv,.°°3, rv^ • vM 0592-00 •• SPL"3Y "`�`• Pd`9 11sn 93 o1.sgos _ ,- - - - &'- rr-u;,.�e, ::7�`..y rn,, '•'`',rG.D. S a . , F.D.; ].z ,�: '' ,.: `.a• t1x9f ,E �� : /``� OY-1196 it 2.W.) . ]J 12.02.10 , `ati`•r ¢' ;5 �2.3A(e)u' 74 %.Y '2.5 ♦ ,cD<¢tdM51 92 cl I 12.3 BA ....q�.'. W mit-le .,R ! ]dA 122 127 p 17.3 r, 11]>0. �. 1r dNl<I - ,21 .,`•'''- n, D<eaw>'xms.DNrsa ,;f>,:.e 'b. - '�ixF��,,®•, u m us „ 'f _ , ,Sfo's `,.a e�j! 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FORM NC. >FORPCL.A'O: F019CL,N0 GPA Pot'_N.> M,Xc.NO. v( _ tx+SOa.m.A 3- a9s-oi.u� assawlo oswf-Dna. ``: '+'! s£E.M.No .q - ' 2 .MATCH' , -... .•''.; `� ' � ... .. .. ...... .,.+,,��. r,.MATCH'.. ... ., .... ...... d4 ' ^ - SEESEC NO.Mb` - - -• - - � aEE SEC.N0095 �_ •,masse-wwanehnes ul:PrflnU 5ruo.wn9mrvx l,es aa:M,Wt - ` •• - •.a E Ne nnxn,nx rnlmsca r–a :^• _ �' ^""' I-- R3 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK O N NOTICE l000 3FCT1(YJ NO ii Marm,2>n rAalalEN^N'E.N.t8WT10N SntE CR Y ,tAr..-- G Rsal Prapszty T.rys.Sereice AKeney wsmuslmaw cc<m xrsTioN or nic �5,� ro Q83 \'Y f(Dril w E pla pH,xry tNr ftwprnunMco A '*A '` o< SODTHOLD D a __>__ ,s:svx _ _ ..• —___ .via.,ter. (217 m.m. w. mrnln s+nrtwPcmasbcxa C<11c p an wsccw _____ $ kFJdFlKdCAtt TPI(�vNE rGE+Y