Minutes of August 29, 2022 meeting
• Meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm by John Slattery
• Present were: James Abbott, John Slattery, William Ryan, Michael Regan,
George Lessler
• Also attending: Capt. Ginas
• Excused Absent: Kevin Foote, Chris North
• Minutes of Jul 25, 2022 meeting were approved
• Introductions: Capt. Ginas was introduced and provided a brief bio as did each
member of the PAC
• Old Business
o Capt. Ginas requested that we look at manpower for the coming budget.
We agreed to review the current level and provide our findings within the
next few days
o We reviewed the Regan, Lessler sub-committees recommendation on an
appeal process for complaints. It was decided to request input from Sarah
Nappa and Scott Russell on the subject. Slattery will join those
Jim Abbott will join sub-committee chair Chris North in an effort to quantify the
police commissioners' requirements as to potential improvements/modification
that would produce a more user friendly and transparent monthly training reports
that will better meet their needs. Chris and Jim will develop a list of very specific
questions that will enable the sub-committee to interview Greg Doroski, Sarah
Nappa, and Scott Russell and come away with a common list of customer
requirements that the PD can use to respond with a monthly report that will meet
those requirements.
New Business
No New Business came before the committee
Next Meeting
Monday September 26 at 4:00 pm
Meeting was adjourned at 5:10 pm
Respectfully submitted,
John J Slattery