HomeMy WebLinkAbout679(Richard F. Mullen) June 25, 1964 Main Road Page 13 Southold, New York GRANTED permission to install new and used car lot on property SW/Corner Main Road and Cottage Place, Southold, New York, subject to the conditions on back. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF HEARING Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance. of the Town of SOuthold, Suffolk County. NeWt York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on June 25, 1964, on the following appeals: 7:30 P. M. (E.D.S.T.), upon the amended applicatiOn of R. O. Terry, Esq., Southold, New York, ale Char- lotte K. Oittinger, 3 Forest Drive, Springfield, NeWi Jersey, for a variance. and recognition of access in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article In, Sections 303. 304, 307, 308. Article X, Section lOOOa, and the State of New York Town Law, section 280A, for permission to divide lots with insuf- ficient frontage. and for approval of access. Location of property: north side Cedar Beach Road, bounded north by land of applicant, east 'by Bay, south, by land of applicant, west by land of I ,I',i',,,,,':~"" COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK } ss C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffalk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Troveler-Mattituck Watch- h k f /I! (,'( /, C k'" man once eoc wee or ..(... ...'....... ...../.......h....... wee /" successjvely, commencing on the ............./....,.':.................... \ , . day of .............l.L..L.:.;...i,.........., 19....'..'... ,. I ! / / / .-IW. ", '0 '. Newl York. ale 'Vail Brothers, Inc., Main Road, Peconic, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning ordinance, Article IV, Section 400. SUbsection 9. for permJssion to install a parking lot to sell used and new oars. Loea tion of property; north side Route 25, Pe~ conic, New York, bounded north by I land now or formerly of A. Cierach I east by land noWi or formerly of A: Cierach, south by Main Road, west by ': other land 01 applicant. ,I 7:45 P. M. (E.n.S.T'>, upon a.pplica- : tion of Henry J. Smith, Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 303, and Article X, Section 1000a, for permiSSion to divide lot~ with insufficient frontage. Loca- tion of property: west side CDP'~ 1 Ave- nue, Peconic, New York, bounded north by Long !sland Railroad, east by Car- roll Avenue, south by J. O. Bell-Bedell west by other land of applicant. ' 8:00 P. M. (E.D.S.T.), upon appliea- I tion of Cecil Young, Main Road Laurel Newl York, ale J. Myron Yo~, Mai~ Road, Laurel, New York, for recogniH tion of access in accordance with the State of New York Town Law, Section 280A. Location of property: Right-of- way north side Peconic Bay Blvd., bounded north by Main Road -Hill, east by Albert Nolte, south by Peconic Bay Blvd., west by H. Romanowski. 8:1{) P. M. (E.D.S.T.), upon applica- tion of Robert H. Preston, President, Sterling Harbor Marina, Manhasset ,Avenue, Greenport. New York, for a 'special exception in accordance with 'the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Sec- i tion 300, Subsection n, for- permission to erect a directional sign on the prop- erty of Sterling Cemtery Association. Location of property; south east corner North Road, and Manhasset Avenue Greenport, New York, bounded north by North Road, east by land of R. Preston, south by Sterling Creek, west by Manhasset Avenue. 8:30 P. M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon applica- I tion of Richard F. Mullen, Mullen Motor Sales, Main Road and Cottage Place, Southold, New York, for a special exception in accordance 'with the Zon- ing Ordinance, Article III, Section 400, Subsection 9, for permission to install a parking lot to sell new; and used cars. Location of property: south west corner Main Road and Cottage Place, Southold, New York, bounded north : by Main Road, east by_ Cottage Place, I south by M. Aksten, west by R. Swezey. 8:45 P. M. (E.D.S.T.), upon applica- tion of rrheodore Switsavage, 46-46 Broadway, New, York City, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III,. aection 8~'''''':M,;!~ier- Sworn to before me th is day of ..." .....J.. '.........1..'.........., 19..\...:1 ) / .../ ........C..(.:(.(c..cL........I(.(...\//(~c...... Notary Public I / ;\ : ) (- : i . {I.. I i ~ L N,r~:v (,I New'lorl. l;~jl."" ,'!, i>:r.I':Y Nc) ~::: j":,jiii,iU { .., Cn!T1'Tlis$ion [~orr~s March 30. 19;~ ' , 4l'J!""',, \ ' . "_ "" . ~... ,~."'~ fir". ~,,..,, '" ~ .,,' .~ . ~ ,. ~ 'IJ!'" f- y: east side Marlene Lane, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by J. Mac- Lellan, east by District 9, south by other land of SWIUsavage, west by Marlene Lane. 9:00 p, M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon applica- tion of Samuel Copin, Vice President, Fleet Lumber, Inc., Route 25, Green- port, New, York, for a special exception in accordance with the ZOning Ordin- ance, Article IV, Section 408, Subsec- tion b, for permission to erect an on premises wall sign.. Location of prop- erty; south side Route 25, Greenport. New York, bounded north by Main Road, east by M. Cassidy, south by Long Island. Railroad, west by R. Brown. 9:1O.P. M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon applica- tton of S,~muel Copin, Vice President, FJei?t T mn!)cr. Inc., Route 25, Oreen- P 'l't, New York, for a special exception in accordance \v,ith the Zoning Ordin- ance, Article IV, section 408, Subsec- tion b, for permission to erect an on premises wall sign. Location of prop- erty: south side Route 25, Greenport, New York, bounded north by Main Road, east by M. Cassidy, south by Long Island Railroad, west by R. Brown. 9:15 P. M, (E.D.S.TJ, upon applica- tion of Samuel Cop-in, Vice President, Fleet Lumber, Inc., Route 25, Green- port, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordin- ance, Article IV, Section 408, Subsec-, tion b, for permission to erect an on I premises wlall sign. Location of prop- i erty: south side Route 25, Oreenport,: New York, bounded north by Main Road, east ,by M. Cassidy, south by Long Island Railroad, west by R. Brown. 9:30 P. M. (E.D.S.T.), upon applica- tion of New York Telephone Company, I 140 West Street, New York City, New: York, for a special exception in ac-: cordance with the Zoning Ordinange, < Article III, Section 300, Subsection 63, , for permission to install a coastal har- i bar radio-telephone receiving station on ; the property of Mattituck Park District, known as "Mattituck Veteran's Mem- orial Park", Mattituck, New York. Lo- cation of property; south west side Peconic Bay Blvd., and Bay Avenue, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by Peconic Bay Blvd., east by Bay Ave- nue, south by Bay, west by Allyn Realty Corp., and' Right-of-way,. and others. 9 :45 p, M. (E.D.S.T.) upon apPlica-1 tion of Shephard M. Scheinberg, Esq., I 220 Roanoke Avenue, Riverhead, New York, ale Josephine Hausner, 159, W ' Y' , , ~ ":v -~.~'!' >t .-.~. ~;~.. ' Legal Notice <Continued from Page 11) ,::ii'i;Tit~i1f.'.'ilib: W~ Article IV, Section 400, Subsection 9, for permission to extend permission granted for the sale and service of motor vehicles, fann machinery, etc. Location of property: north east corner of Railroad Avenue, and North Road, SOuthold, New York, bounded north by J. Harris, east by F. Abrams, south by North Road, west by Youngs Avenue. 10:00' P. M. (E.D.S.T.), upon applica- I of S. T. 8age, Treasurer, Island's End Golf and Country Club, Inc., Route 25, I Greenport, New York, for a special ex- I ceptton in accordance with the Zoning i Ordinance, Article In, Sectlon 300, I Subsection 11, for permission to renew and relocate an on the premises identi-I fication sign granted June 25, 1962. i Location of property: north side Route ' 25, Greenport, New York, bounded north by other land of applicant, east by Leroy Brown, south by Route 25, west by Warren Critchlow. . 10:15 P. M. (E.D.S.T.), upon apPlica-1 tlon of Alfred Kneski, Middle Road, Mattltuck, New York, a/c Pauline I Kneski, Middle Road, Mattituck, New I York, for a variance in accordance wdth the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Sec- tion 303, Article X, Section 1oooa, for permiSSion to divide and build on a lot with insufficient frontage. Location of property: south side Middle Road (On 27A) , Mattituck, New York, bounded I north by Middle Road (OR 27A), east I by J. Blasco, south by Sound Avenue, I west by A. Walgo. I Any person desiring to be heard on i the above applications should appear at the time and place above specified.. 1 DATED: June II, 1964, By Order of the Southold Town Board of Appeals [1 LI~ lliOTl.CIi Notlce of aearill" ii>\Jr.uant to 'ection .a67 of t.hct Town Law and the prOV181cn8 of the "-Dded $ulld.1tl\ll zone ordinance of the Town of 8ct~01d. Suffolk count.y, Hew ~{Ol"i<. puDllc hHr1n'll. will be held by t.he zonin'i lJOarcl of Appeal. of the Town of sout.ho1d, at t.he 'l'OIm Off1ee. Main Road. Southold. New'iOrlt. on June 25. 1964. on the follCllWinq appeal.: 7.30 P.M. (B.D.S.T.). upon t.he .~y."d appllcat10n of l'l. Q. 'l'el"ry. EIIq., sou~old. New Yorll.. a/e Charlot.te K. , G1t.tln<Je~. , , , 3 I'ore.t Drive. Sprinqf1eld. New Jer.ey. foI" a variance and recogn1t1ol'l of acc:e.. 10 accorclaaee with the ZOD1D9 OI'd1nanee, 304,307,308 ut.1cle In. S4lCt1On 303./l\rt1c1e X. .anlon 1000". and the suw of Hew Yorlt ~ Law. Sect.ion 280A. for panaie.1on to dlvlde lou wlth 1n8uftic1ent. trontage, an4 fOI" appa-oval of acce... LoCatlon of property. north 81_ CeclU' Beaeh .oe4. bcnmded north by lan4 of appU.cant. ...t by nay. .outh by 1_4 of applicant. _.t by laa4 of appl1caDt. 7,40 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon the amended app1~"lan of He...bert. w. WeU., Jr., sou~ld. New York. a/c: Vall Brother.. .tRe.. Main lloe4. Pecon1c. New york. 101" a ....e141 except.1on ln accordance w1~ the Z~'i 0I'41nam:e. Art.1d. IV. Sectlon 400, Su.beec:t101'1 9, for pera1a.ion W inatall a perk1D9 lot. w .ell u.ed and new car.. LoCat.lon of property, north a1_ ROUU 25, peeonlc. Hew 'fOl"k. bounded DOI't.h by laad BOW 01" for_r1y of A. C1erach. ...t by lan4 BOW or fOl'llWerly of A. Clench, .out:h by HIllo lload. _.t oy other lan4 of app11e_t. Legal !lot.1ce page -2- 7145 P.M. (ll:.D. $. 'f. ), upon appl1cat.ion of Beary J. Smith. Pec:on1c LIme, l1'eeOIlic, NeW 'iuk, fol: . val: 1anCle in aC:C:OI:u.ee with the zoning Or41n1&1K:e. Art.ie1e :111. Sect.ion 303. aneS Art.icle ::<. sect.ion 1000&, fOI: pel:lllission to 4iv1&1 l"s with 1nsuff1cient. fl:Ollta.... LOCaUon of pJropelft.YI west. side CUI:Oll .AYlIIlue. Peconic, w_ {orll.. Pol.ift&l4 QOI:th by Lon9 Islud a.il~, ..a. by carroll Avenue. south by J. O. sell-a.-n. ,.,..t. 1>'1 ~2: lanes of applicant.. 8.00 P. >>4.. (E. D. S. T. ). upon appl1cat,ion of cecll 'fOUft\). Ma1n Itoad. Laurel. N_ Yoarlt. ale J. Myron YOUft\l. Main Road. Laurel. N_ vork. for a val:1anee in aecoru.e. with ~ State of lIlelf york '1'CNn Law,Sect.ion 2801\, foar a~oval of acce... Locat.ion of ~Z't.y, ai<"jbt.-of-way ftoxth s1&1 Peeonic say Blvd. bOun<le4 ftoxth byMa1n Road-aill. e..t. by Albert. Holte, south by PeConie I$ay alvd., _st by H. Jt~."~lIlci. 8110 P.M. (E.n.S.T.), upon applicat.ion Gf Robel:t. R. Prest.Oftr Pr..ident., st.etl1ll9 Uarbor MaI:1na, MaDM..et. AYlIIlue, IJl'eel\pol:t.. III.. lI'OZ'lt, for . special except.1oft in aecoardlmce with the zon1n'il Or41naftce, Art.icle 1U., sect.1Oft 300. S\lMeet.ion 11, for p81'lll1s.1cm to erect. a 41"c'l:lonal si9ft on 'the propert.y of Sterl1n<j c_tert "'saoc:iat.1on. x.oeat.ion of pzo0p8Z't.YI aouth ea.t. comer North Road, and MaDM...t. Avenue, Gr_nport.. ... york, bo\Inded nor'th by North lloael, ..st. by lanel of Prest.on. eouth by st.erling creek, ,.,.st. by Manb....t. AYlIIlue. 'i .lAga]. llfO\\:ke page -3- 8.JO P.M. (B.D.S.T.). QpoD appU.ca~.f.on oIIU.c:'baI:cl fe. Mullen, Mullen MOtIJr sal.a. Main Road an4 Cot:~ Place. SOUth014. llIew York. foX' a apedal except,ioa ia a~ with tile zeain9 , oI'41naDce. Ankle III. ~ioa 400. Sull:MIec:U.. 9. for peniaa1oa1 . t:o iaat:all II MW bd WMd car lot.. Loca~ of propeny. aoutil _at cono Main aoad and cot.t:ap place. louthOld. Hew Yon. bounded nortil by M4l1n aoad. Mat; by cot.t:ap Place. eoutJ;l by' .M. Akaten. -.t by a. a-..y. i 8.45 P.M. (I:.D.S.T.). upon appUcat.t.oa of Tbe0d01'e SW1t"V&9tl~ 46-46 lh.'.....y. Sew YoVt c 1t:y. S.. YOJ.'lt. ,... var1aftc:e in ac:c:ordance with the ZOn1n9 OW'41nanc:e. Al't.ic:le Ill. Sec:t1oa 303. Ankle X. Section 1000.. foX' peftl18.1oft t:o buUd on . lot. w1t:h iuuff.t.c:.t.ent f7t0ftt.age. LoG.Uoa of propenYl ...t at_ Ma7tlene lAne. MattiWek. Hew York. bOunded ftOJ.'t:b by J. MacLellan. ...t by D1aU.t.c:t t. aoutb by othelr land of ...It....... _.t by Ha7tlene Lane. 9.00 P. M. (E. D. S. '1'. ). upon app11c:at1aD of '__1 Copia. v.t.c:e Plre81c1ent. I'l_t Lumber. lac.. aoute 25. oz-eenpon:.. Hew Yon. for . apec:1al Gclst-1oft ia aCCOlrdllnc:e with the zon_ Or411uuu:e. Artiele IV. Sect loa 408. SuJDaecU.CID >>. for peftl188toa t:o 87tec:t an on .......c.... wall .i9D. LoGat1oa <:.f. propertY' .outb 81_ Route 25. Gnenpon:.. Hew York. boua4e4 uOJ.'til by Maia aoad. Mat; by M. C...idy. lIOUtil by LoDcJ I.land 8",U1'oa4. _.t by R. DrCllWft. 1...,.,1 l'RQUc:e 11'4.,,, -4- 9.10 P.M. (I.D.S. >fl. upon appUca~ioa of .arNe1 Copin. Vice Pntstdent. fl..t 1dIllIlJeJ.'. Inc.. Route 25. GzeeIlport.. New York. fer a apectal exeepUoa tn ac~ wit.b the zona'll or~'h.~. Art,k1e IV, SeetJ.GD 408. SublJeettcM b. foJ:' peRUSton t.o e:r::eet: an OIl pnllIl1aas _11 si9ll. t.oc:aUoa of property, sout.b s14e Route 25. a.......pon, If_ York, ~4 RO:r::'th lily MIla R0ll4...'to lily M. C...14)", aouth by LolIl9 laAan4 aaUroa4. west. 'by 1l. l!lftlWft. 9,15 P. M. (E. D. S. '1'. ). upon appUcaUon of S....1 coptn. Vice PI'..1...t.....t LumlMr. 1DC:.. RO\It.e 25. lkMRJIO&'t.. New Ye.r:k. foJ:' II .,.eta1 exeept;tcM 111 llCce.r:dance w1Jdl~1II9 i oro\l'N'ftCl'a. Ankle IV. seetloa 408, s*.eeUOR b. for penta.tonl to ueet; an OR PPlll1lle. _11 dill. I.Ocatton of pxopeny, south ai_ Route 25. Qzoeeaport., IiJew Yoa'k. lJotm_d ROI'tb lily MIla Roa4. a..t. 'by M. c..ai4y, .out.b 'by l..CIft9 ~land RaUxOlld. west by R. Brown. ',30 P. M. (E. O. S. T. ), lapoll appl1c:atton of __ York "elaJlhoMi C'OIIlpIP\y, 140 west SU..t.. Ifew Yon C1t.y, ..... YOU. for. spec:tal ..c:ept.1on a UCH~" with the ZOII1ag 0S'4:htUC8. Art.tcle 111. Seet.1Oft 300. S\1l:l8ec:t1on Ga. foJ:' penU.a.1oa to 1D81:all II eoaa1:al baI"bOI: r:a41o-tel.pbolM reee1vUl9 .tattcM on the property of l4&U1atck ,aU 1>18u1e:t., )mown aa "Matt.1tuck veterlUl'lI MftIliIlIr tal Pa.l'k", KIlt.t.1t.uc'k. ..... Yoa1c.. I.OcatiOD of ~".rtYt aouth weat. a1M "COllie: .ay Jlvd., and Bay AVlUlue. MIlttit.uck. N_ Yos:k, liloua4e'll DOI'th lily ....n10 Bay Blvd.. ..st. 'by .ay Avenue. south ):)y .ay, weat 'by Allyaa Realty Cor:p.. Jl~f__y, and etheR. t..e'ilal Notice iJ/IilI -$- 9;45 P.M. (li.D.S.T.), upCIIl appllGat10n of Shephard M. liIeheihbea'g'. Esq., 220 Roanoke Avenue, R1vell'head, Hew 't0X'k. ale: .1oeepb1ae litOWIner, 159 Woodhull "venue. Illv.rhead. blew York. foX' ill .pecial eKCept10n ih acc:orillmc. with the zonihg Ordihaac:e. Article IV, Seet;1oa 400. Suba.ect.icm t. ffW penia.1oIlj to exten4 pe:nu...lcm 9raa_4 for the ..1. ad lleZVice of IIlOtor vehicle., .fu:aI llIIleh:t.nary, etc. LOcation of propert.Yt north ...t. CORer of 1tai1ll'Olld Avenue. ..4 Borth Road. Southold, N_ York. JiMNnded nfWth by J. Hanlll. eut by 1'. 1\)JZ1UIIII. .outh ~ North Road, ",eat by Y0QD98 Avenue. 10.00 P.M. (E.D.$.T.). upCIIl appl1Cat.iOlD of s. T. 509'e. n:"'\Irer. JAlali'. Snd GOlf .... country Cl.. Inc..P.O\Ite 25 Gr....port, Hew YOZ'k. for II apec1al eKCeptiGrl ih aCCOl'dlUIClfJ ",.1th the :JOIlag OX'dihaftee. Art:1C1e 111. Sect10n 300. Ihibaect10ll 11. for peDlt..1on t.o renew ad ..e1oea_ .. on the premia.. 1deft1f1Cat.1on 819ft \JftUlUcI .Jwte 25. 1.2. LOcat1on of Jj)7:operty, north aide Rout.e 25. G:r:eenpClrt., If.. Yon. bouaded north .y ot.he:. 1aDd of appliC1Ult. eu.. by Leroy 1h'WIl. south By ltout.e 25. _at by War:r:en. 10115 P.M. (B. D. s. T. ). upon appJ..t.caticm of Alfred KIleak.1. M.1cIcI1. Road, Mat.t..U:.uck. IIJew Yorle. ale: Pa\1l1M.~1, M.1d4l. ROIld, MattJ.t.uck, New YOl:k. fox' a vuiane:. in IICCOrdlUlce wU:h thIj son1n9 oZ'4J.nanee. Art..1e:le 111, Sect10n 303, Art.1Cle :X, Section 10001I. for penaiaaiOll to 41v1de a4 bulld OIl II lot. w.1th ihauff.1c1ent fron..... LOcat.iOn of property, aouth aide M1cl4l~ 1\0Ill1 (ea 27A), Mat.t1t.\Ick, _"York, DouJlcled north by Mtddle Road. (c:a 271.). e.st. by J. alallco, sou1:.h by !!Iou."l l\venue, ...t by A. .....190. Legal lIilot:1ce Page -6- Anyper.em de' w:r mil t.O JM heaX"d em the lI1lIcWe appl1caUOIla Dodd appear at the t.1.lIlt ud plac. lI1lIcWe apec.tf1ed. nAnu): J'\ane 11. 1964. By OX-deJ: of tiM Southol';! '1'OWJ'l lSGaI:c1 of Appeala . . to P......lIl,s. P'tlBLISH ~B. JUB 18. 1964. .lUG) I'ClIlWAIW ll"U'l:DN (1s1) AJ'I'1DAVlTS OF PWUou:A'1'1Oll '1'0 '1'iJE BOARD 0'If APJIIBALS. 'l'OIflI OF1"lCE MA1.llt ROAD. SOOTHO.LD. ... YORK. . . to cop1ea _U.4 t.O the following 01\ .RIne 16. 1964, '!'be LODg lIIlaft4 'fl'llV8deJ:-Matt.Uuck WatdaPn R. G. ~J:Y. Itaq. .l:Iazbert w. Well.. ;Sx.. ale Vall arotbaJ:a. Iae. lIeny J. SlIl1th aoMJ:t. a. PEeaton ale: at.eding lfUtIox' Mu'iml :SU.eMX'eS ,. M1allea. Mullea M.o~ aal.. HU014 LaC)' ale ~. ew.1t1JaYa9. S~l Cop1ft. 1I'1~ ~r. Iae. 11I_ rOde 'IW1...... ('...",. 11,'1"1'111 A. c.lloeba lIbe)lhar4 M. Sch.tlUabaIr9. Baq.. ale: .70MJ1l1lle SOU....r 5. 'to SOfIe. 1.:11..'. Bra4 GOlf u4 COUIIUy club ::AUlIMd Khellk1. ale Paulu.e KfteM.1 aC818l"11111 SBGlfrr on Al'1'BAa A't 'lU l&MntGI FEE . T3t,'& COF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK <f fJ{~udl ~)~ () Co APPLICAnON FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION NO. :! I' DATE .~..::..~;::.:.:...L!!.....I..f" 'f TO 'I'HE ZON:NG B'OARD 'OF APPEALS, S'OUTH'OLD. N. Y. I, (We) .......M.yJ),~...M9.:tQr.....~.~.:!,.~!.t................................of ............................~;!,n..R!:!.I!t...!t...c..Q.t.:!;!!,g~.....r.l!!,ge Name str-ee,t and Number .. .........................S.o.utho.ld... ................................... Municipality .............................:N..yA.................... ............................................................. state hiereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance' with the ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE IV SECTION 4-00 SUiIl~CTION 9 THE SPFlCIAL EXCFlPTlON IS REQUESTED BECAUSE we wish the above ment:oned prC;,'ertY~~zo p""i...d'" to be c",sed 0"'<-<..</( c/ {, \,~<--{l/,',-~ . - C' -" '-t;:t., ..JIitC:,I. as a New and Used Car Lot. ::n~or~"'ffci M -~ f:,.~- Sworn to this ..........!~:........... day of ..~~~.1.:~'f!:'........, 19 .f....~ ....................~?~..ct..:?I..\..l...(~/...~..~:.:.~::- Notary Public WALTER '1. S'tLECK Notary Pub!i, .:' :f ~lew Yorl, I. () 'J Resi~i .':1Unty Commissiar: ";1 3D, 196 { FORM ZB2 May 23, 1964 Mullen Motor Sales Main Street Southold, N. Y. Gentlemen; It appears that yeu are usin;:, the lot on W/S Cottage Place as a "car parking an! sales lot". Please be advised that it is necessary to have a special exception from the Board 01' Appeals to establish a new and/or used car lot. Enclosed please find application forms to make the required application. Yours truly ........-,n I Building Inspector \ / I iUUkr'f) jfi) ! r 1'..-1:1""::;/'