HomeMy WebLinkAbout707 SOTTCF: OF HEARING pursuant. to Section 267 of the Town La.w and the provisions of the a.mend- ed Building: Zone Ordinance of the Town of Sou;thr~ld, Suffolk Ooun:!ty, New York public hearings will be I, , I held by the Zoning Board of Appeals' lof the Town of Southold, at the Town I I Office, Main Road, Southold. Nc\y I 'York, on August 20, 1964, on the fol- I lowing, appeals: <~.\ -I nu"t Road, Souttiold, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 304, for permission to erect a building with insufficient setback. Location of prop- erty: south side Chestnut Road, South- old, New, York, bounded north by Chestnut Road, east by H. M. Conway, south by H. M. Conway, west by H. I Conway-F. Moffet. ! 1 7:45 P. M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon a.pplica.- tion of Rosalie W. Lahmann, Railroad & McKay A venues, Huntington Station, New York, for a variance in accord- ance with the Zoning Ordinance, Ar- ticle III, Section 300, Subsection 7, for permission to locate a garage in the front yard area. Location of prop- erty: south west side Knollwood Lane, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by H. Whalen-Knollwood Lane, east and south by J. Delehanty, west by creek. 8:00 P. M. (E.D.S.T.), upon applica- tion of Cora Glover, Main Road, Southold, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordin- ance, Article III, Section 303, Article X, Section 1000A, for permission to divide and set off lot with insufficient frontage and area. Location of prop- erty: s.outh side North Sea Drive, i Southold, New. York, ,bounded north by North Sea Drive, east and south by ot.her land of Cora Glover, west by Jose DePaz. 8:30 P. M. (E.D,S.TJ, upon applica- tion of The North Fork Baptist Church, Route 27A, Mattituck, New York, for recognition of access in accordance with t.he State of New York Town Law, Section 280A. Location of prop- erty : north west side Middle Road (OR 27A), and south east of private right-at-way, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by private right-at-way, east by W. A. Kaiser, south by Middle Road (CR 27A), west by J. J. Haas, Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and pla,ce above specified. DATED: August 6, 1964, By Order of the Southold T01N't1 Board of APpeals COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I S {\ ss: TATE OF NEW YORK C Whitney Booth, ) r., being duly sworn, soys that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN bl. { a pu IC news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, hos been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for "'({~";:'{.i.~.,.,J/,/ weeks /' ' successively, commencing on the .....,.,..../..,1...~,:',~..... day of ,..,.(~..J:..::.'1',..,..,.,.,./ 19,.{,f ! //1'(/:' /, ,.,.,.'.,,......,.....,.,.,,..,...., l ~, L " ( ),'/ t I . ,. ,..............1........;/-.........,.4.).-... , ((l' Sworn to before me this ,.,.,.../:7~.,.,..,,., ..., ~e.'.<[..t"r" 19/' </ ("."< :-".. ,......., '\.!'''':7 day of ///) - ) .,..,..,,,..,f:.~{.:t..e /::'f If./~' i:' '0/ i' Hf:::-,~...... ...(...-<".. 'r/. .-. ..' -)... Notary Pu lie l --.. ......... I. I",... Ccr" , -f: Ii II ,I I, " I, !i ij I LBGUt .ME:, YOT.ICB OW aMlBG I, II II I' :1 I[ II !I I, I ! ; , I Pursuani: to section 261 of the 'l'own Law ad the .........~ of the _ded Dll11d1n9 zone 01."14..... of 1:be '.l'CIIWD of SOath014~ Sdfolk couaty, w_ York, pUJ.1c helU:iD9. w111 1M held by 1:be I ! ZOft1D9 Board of Appeals of the '1'OWIl of SOIltMld, at the 'l'UWJI Offlce, Ma1n aoad, southo1d, ..., Yon, on AWI"-t. 20, 1964, on 1:he fo11owi.n9 &ppea181 7130 P.M. (E. D. 8. 't. ), 1&JlOII applicat.ion of <IOlcl8a1th au11<l1D9 ucl COlUlt.net..... MIl1n .'tS'eet., .out1lold. ..., YOn. a/e J.~ c_y, .n., Che.tnai: !load, aouthold, .- yor~. for a 'YUle.,.. 1n &ccordaDc:. w1t:h 1:be ZOIling' OS'd1nuce, Art1cle Ill, 8eC1:1on 304, for pan........ t.o enci: a bu1141D9 w1th 1uuff1c1eDt ..tNek. LocaUOIl of prepeny: aoutb 81de Che.aaut Road. southo14, __ Yon, I:lou1lded hOl1:h by Ch..aaut aoad, ...t. J::ly a.H.. c_y, aoutb by H.M. conway, we.t by 1 lI. conwar-F. MOffet. I II 7.45 P.'" (I:.n.8.'l'.). lIpon lI,PP11uUon of ....1.... w. ,I LabMml. .a11na 4 " MClCay Awaue., !iUnt.1ft9toa 8t:at.1on, Iif_ Yon. for a 'YU1IlIlce 1n aClCOlrA-ee wlt:h the ZGIl1h9 OZ'c11Nmce, ArUc1e .111. Sect.t.on 300. luJ:NIect.1on 7. for pem18a1CID to locaU a CJllraqe 1n the frobt: yar4 area. Locat.1.on of pz'OpertYt aoutb we.t: a1de lm011w004 1Abe, Mat:t.l'tuC1k, ._ YOn, llouDa.c1 north by H. Wbal..-I<n011".... lAM, ..st: a4 .outb J::ly J. Deleb.anty. weat J::ly creek. I I i , I, Ii II I I II II I i i I I I i II Legal 1110" ~l!l P.g_ -2- 8: 00 P.Ii'!.. (E.D.S,'t'. >. UJlCllft app1ica~iOll of COC'a G10lNtr. Ma1n Road, SOuthold, lIIew lOrlt, for. ft&'taMA 1D aClOOC'dluto4t with the ZOIling Ord1nIUlCe. ~icle III. Sect;.101l 303, Azoticle X. section lOOOA. for peJ:1ll1aa.1Cllll ~ 41"i411 .... 8ft off lot. wIth 1Dauffic14tht frOllUge .... area. LocatiOll of property I eouth al_ _orth s.. Drlve, Southo1d. _ew YOlrJt. bOundea nO%t:h by lIf8rth S.. Ddve. eaat. and lIOUth by other lana of cora Gl.veZ' , weat by .10118 De.... I II ,I I I 8:30 '.M. (E.D.S,T.), upoD applicat.1on of The North Pork I i Bapt.18t ChuRh, Route 271.. Mat.t.ttucJc, ... York, for recGlJlliUon I I i I i I S.C:Uem 280A. LocaUem of pt'OpertY1 nO%t:h weat side Mi4d1.e ! I Road (a 271.), and aouth eaa~ of private dtht-of-way. MatUtu1' lIIew York. bOun4ed north by private J:19h1:-of-way. ..at by If.A. I I Ally pereon "a1r1D9 ~ _ heazod OIl the II1Mwe appu.caUona I I of acc:eaa 1D &ClOOC'claace wlth the state of III." York Town Law, I<a1Hr, eouth by Mid4le Road (eR 271.), weat. by .1..1. HlYa. 8hould appear at the U_ .... place II1Mwe apecified. DAJDI), AU9\dIt. 6. 1164, IY~ 11 .f the Sou1:ho14 '1'OWft BOard ot l\PJ lale .. . . PL1WJB PtJBLI8H OIlCB. AtlOUST 13, 1164,,pD PClRWAIlD PXVI (5) AlTmlvrrs OF PUBLtcA'1'IOIf '1'0 '1'.U aaap., or Aftl&ALI. '.l'QflI OI'I'ICB, MAD RQJU), 'OO'IBOLD. NBW 'l!QRJt. Copi.s .U84 to the following em lI.UlJUst 7. 1964. '!'h. LOa9 Ialand Tra..-lu-MatUt.uck Wa~., aold8ith 8\11141"9 an4 e..trict.i01l, ale .1. conway. J:r:. 8011&11. If. x,a-"" cora Glcwer 'l'he Morth Fork BapUst ChUZ'Clh I I I I I II SCIII~ SIIODf.oQ ~~ All' 'f1.m BBMDIq FORM INIO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD. N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No. ......... ............... Date ... ............ ...A.Ug:uS.t.. ..9............. 199.Lr... To ...Nor.th.F.ork.. Baptis.t. .C.hur.ch........... ......... . .~fAt.t;\..t:q9):1;...... ........... .............. ................. .N..Y..... PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated. ...A.ugus.t.....5.... 1961t... for permit to construct .C.hur.ch.&.Ma.ns.e. at the premises located at ..N/W...s1.de..M1.ddle r. D.ad... (IT27A.).. & ..sa.. .o.f.. .P.v.T..R...O ~eet Mattituck Map .....JOCX.XXX... ...Block .....XXXXX.... .. . Lot ... ..... ..XXXXX...... ... ............ is ~ disapproved on the followirw ground-: ..Lack ..o.f.appr.ov.ed.ac.cess to... .either.. .r.oad....... ...sec. .28.0A..."..J ..T...wn...law..&..2J9K..G...M..1aw...... ............... ...~~;fct:. ~.m tUo~ TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, NEW YORK / APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO. 101 DATE ~'::7:!::.j:'(fc.l TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. THE NOHTH FOHK BAP'I'IST (S,EURCH Route 27 1, (We) ......................... ......................................... of .................. ....... ..II........... ........................ .......... Name of Appellant Street and Number Nattituck ............................................................................................. Municipality .....J!.,)':,.............HEREBY APPEAL TO State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON . APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO. .................................... DATED ......4v..~..J:........C..<4............ WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO .. ./I/p..d:b. r.c.~ (1. ..8.~.p..4.~.t:...c.h.,....~A...... Name of Applicant for permit of ..~f;'~;;;.~~~..:1;;b:~.C~H-1. ~.~.t:;~'~':~~t~""" ........ ......St~t~........ ...... ..... .... ( PERMIT TO USE ( ) PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY (x) Permit for lack of approved access 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY ......J.1.Q.111;,'?...?.7.,..)~~.t.t;i..tm.<;.~...................A..:'!:.JL............... Street Use District on Zaning Map Map No. Lot Na. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Sectian, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zaning Ordinance by number. Da nat quate the Ordinance.) ~ rO q IDk1l'1 La~J 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith lor ( ) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zaning Map (X) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal ~ (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ) request for a variance and was made in Appeal No. ................................Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 ( ) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance (x) Approval of access to obtain building permit is requested for the reason that the property is to be used for both church and parsonage which will be located on the north side which is on a private right-of-Hay but not on a public highway. Form ZBl (Cantinue on other side) .~~ REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- sary HARDSHIP because it would give only one means of access to the property which is approximately 350' lon8 and would require the use of what is intended will be church property by the parsonage and will extend the driveway from the parsonage for almost the entire lenght of the property whereas the right-of-way referred to in the paragraph next above runs along the north boundary of what is intended will be parsonage property. 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because all of the properties in the immeciate vicinity on the rigqt-of-way over which access is requested already have such means of access. 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinonce and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because the right-of-way over which access is re- quested is being used by other property owners in the immediate vicinity. THE NOETH POEK BAP'l'IST CHURCH STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ) ss ) .. .B.~...~. .r1.:!:!.p..i... ~. .:.!~~: ..:...~ .~~.~.?r Sign~~~ Sworn to this ... .................:.$.:u.~............. day Of................0::.&~,~........... 19~ V (///hk c./ m..m ...........N;;r.,fC,;;;9Y?.... WALTER G. KAPP NOTARY PUBLIC, State of N.. Yolk No. 30-2034700 Residing_ in Suffolk County / _ T.m Expires March 30, 19 (0..) \ pII'" llCI"'AiI\& . kOfscY 1WoO'~ .1\, : 4'vtUI"C: p.......... . CkvKk' ./~ ~ . '!2 I '~ . Ba.'~ l-laos . I, MAPOF"' LAND ,*"os ~ NORTH FORK B~PTIST C~URC\-4 AT MATTtT'~K -rOWN OP SoU~oLC> N.V. . . .'J t; ?~ '5:---"ie _ SO'e." " '1( .;' ~ /.,1 ;' ./ ,I' . .' i .If ".. .,. /-1 ( ~j / I ' . ( ,.. (r ( , / J . J Mop dl"o.WH a~$+ 5.1~f,+ """ OHo W. VCWI"'T"\J.13'$" '5ot1 '~. .....:cHscd L4"'d S..w....':!O..s G....-.-.t. ",....,Vcwk . '