HomeMy WebLinkAbout664 1-- .' LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF HEARING Pursuant to section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the Amended I Building Zone Ordinance of the Town i of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, " public hearings wJll be held by the I Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on May 14, 1964, on the following appeals: I 7:30 P. M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon apPlica-1 tion of Willlam and Regina Victoria, I Bayview Road. Southald, New York for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, sec- tion 408, for permission to erect a di- rectional sign on the property of South. old BayvieWi Corporation, lessee, Joseph Polywoda, intersection of Bayview Road and Route 25, Bouthold, New York, known as Chevron service Station. 7:45 P. M. (E.D.S.T.J, upon appllca- tiOD of William and Regina Victoria. Bayvtew Road, SouthOld. New York for a speciaJ~exeception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article m, sec- tion 300, Subsection 11, for permission to erect a directional sign on the prOpM erty of H. B. Robinson. Location of property: north side Route 25, East Cutchogue, Newl York, bounded: north by Long ISland Railroad, east by Stan- i ley Rysko, south by Main Road, west 'I by J. Brynda. 8:00 P. M. (E.D.S.Tol, upon appl1ca- I tion of Charles King, Aquaview Avenue, : East Marion, New York, ale Marc J.' Iglesias, Aquaview Avenue, East Mar- ion, New York, for ti'" variance in ac- cordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 307, for permission to erect an addition on the existing dwelling wilth no side yard area. Loca- tion of property: north side Aquaview. Avenue, East Marton, New York, bounded north >by Long Island Sound, east by Percy S. Rowe, south by Aqua- view Road, west by S. Van Sciver. 8:15 P. M. (E.D.S.Tol upon applica- tion of Sprague, Dwyer, Aspland, & Tobin, Attorneys at Law, 220 Old Country Road, Mineola, New York ale i rfew York Telephone Company, Min- eola, New York and Villa.ge of Green- port, Greenport, New York for a special exception in accordance with the Zon~ ing Ordinance, Article III, Bection 300, Subdivision 6a, for permiSSion to erect a telephone eXChange building and ac- cessory uses on property of the Village of Greenport. Location of property: north west corner Main Road, (Route 25), and Moore's Lane, bounded north by other land of Villa.ge of Greenport, east by Moore's Lane, south by Main Road, west by other land of Village of Greenport. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: April 30, 1964, By Order of the Southold Town Board of Appeals COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK t 55: I C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, 0 public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Lang Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- h k f /'-,.-- J ' '---- eeks man once eac wee or .................:--........-.............. w ./ I r./ successively, commencing on the ........................................ ..........::'..(.:.-..:..1..............., 19.i.::"--'../.. . .', 1,/ , I t' ,///,-,1.,.<. ,/_, ,:_~ " . i I . 'f. ' '. , / ....................................\.,............r'.....c.............d........ , day of (t( Sworn to before me this ~) day of '--) " / ' /~..'" .........-...(...(..."'..:..y........' 19 :..-.....~.r.. ,( ///-:~ "/.,' /,', -:->------, ' ,~ ........ j, ...<... {,. .c... ''N~&;;'p~:';j['''f....<. j' y", t.. ~._....... ADELE PAYNE Notary Puhlic. Si3ti of New YorA: Resi0:fI;-~ iil Suffolk County Nu. 52.j04iQOO Commission Expife~ March 30~ 19r<:.. LBGAL MOTICE Notice of Hearing Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provision~ of the Amended BUilding Zone Ordinance of the TOwn of Southold Suffolk county,New York, public hearinqs will be held by ,the zon1n9 Board of Appeals of the Town of louthold, at the Town Office, Main Road, louthold, N_ York, on May 14, 1964, on the following appeals. 7,30 P.M. (B.D.S.T.), upon application of William and R89ilUll Victoria, Bayview Road, Southold, H_ York for a special exception in accordance with the Zooin.. ordinance, Article IV, Section 408, for penllssion to erect a directional siqn on the property of 8outhold Bayv1ew corporation, lessee, Joseph Polywoda, intenection of Bayvi_ Road and Route 25, Southillld, Hew York, known as Chevron Service station. 7145 P.M. (B.D.S.T.). upon application of william and Reqina Victoria, Bayvi_ Road, louthold, Mew York for a special exception in accordance with the zoninq Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Sua.eetion 11, for permission to erect a directional sign on the property of H. B. Robinson. Location of property. north side Route 25, East cut.ehoque, New YOrk, bounded north by Long Island Railroad, east by stanley Rysko, south l:>y Main Roael, west }:)y J. Brynda. 8:00 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon application of Charles King, Aquaview Avenue, East Marion, New York, ale Marc J. 19lesia8, Aquaview Avenue. East Marion, !li_ YOrk, for a variance in accordance with the zoning Ordinance, Art.iele III. Section 307, for permission to erect an addition on the exist.ing Page 1.<1:.".a1 Not.1ce dwellinG with no sid~ yard area. Location of property, nortb side Aquaview Avenue, Fast Marion, New York, bounded north by Lon,; Island Sound, east by Percy S. Rowe, south by Aquaview Road. WGst by s. Van Sciver. 8:15 P.M. (E.D.B.T.). upon application of sprague, Dwyer. Aspland. 6< Tobin, Attorneys at Law, 220 old country Road, Mineola, New Yorll: ale New York Telephone COIllpany, Mineola, New York and Village of Greenport, Greenport, New York for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article Ill, Section 300, Subdivision 68, for permission to erect a telephone exchange building and accessory tses on property of the Village of Greenport. Location of property: north west corner Main Road, (Route 25), and Moore's Lane, bounded north by other land of Village of Green~ort, east by Moore'. Lane, south by Main Road, west by other land of Village of Greenport. Any person desiring to be heard on the above appl1tation8 should appear at tne time and place above specified. DATED: April 30, 1964, By Order of the 8outhold Town Board of Appeals .. .. .. .. PLEASE Pt,SLISH ONCE. MAY 7, 1964, AND FORWAJID FIVE (5) i TOW OI'J'ICE ,I I I AFI"IDAVITS OF JroBLlCATION TO THE SOARD OF APPEALS, MAIN J!l.OAJ:), SOU'l'HOLD, NEW 'lotU<. * * .. .. copies mailed to the following on May 1, 1964. The Logg Island Traveler-HAttituck watchman william and Regina Victoria Charles King spra':)"ue, Dwyer, Mpland & Tohin-ATTIlh James J. Milligan SOMBONI SHO\l1,J) A'P.ltAIt AT THE aJilAltDlG SPRAGUE, DWYER, ASPLAND & TOBIN ATTORNEYS AT L.AW THE NASSAU BUILDING J. RUSSEL SPRAGUE MARTIN DWYER, JR. MICHAEL P.ASF'LANO JOSEPH L. TOBIN, JR. JAMES J. MilLIGAN JOHN S. DE JOSE WALDO HUTCHINS ill 220 OLD COUNTRY ROAD MINEOLA, L.I.,N.Y. 11501 516 PIONEER 6-5700 HENRY ROOT STERN 1953-j959 SALVATORE C.IMBERGAMO STEPHEN VAN R. ULMAN W. MANVILLE JOHNSON April 24, 1964 Mr. Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairnan, Southold Town Board of Appeals Southold, L. I., New York Re: New York Telephone Company Dear Mr. Gillispie: Thank you for your letter of April 23rd. In accordance with your request, I enclose our firm check to the order of the Town of Southold in the sum of $5.00 to cover the application fee. I have sent the Building Permit Application to the company and it wi 11 be completed and fi led in the near future. Yours very truly, SPRAGUE, DWYER, ASPLAND & TOBIN C_ ;/thnh;/ ~ ' James J. Milligan ~ JJM lab , enc. April 23,1964 Sprague, Stern, Aspland, Dwyer, & Tobin, Attorneys The Nassau Building 220 Old Country Road Mineola, Long Island, New York ATTNI Mr. James J. Milligan Dear Sirsl We are in receipt of your application for a special exception dated April 18, 1964, on behalf of the New York Telephone Company, Mineola, New York, wherein you applied for a ppecial exception to erect approximatel 60 ft. by 80 ft. Modern Automatic Exchange Building on a plot which has frontage of 259.6 feet and 150 feet on the Main Road and Moore's L..e, respectfully, as shown on the plot plan which accompanies your application. We note that the Village of Greenport has joined with you and this application, and we find that the application is in order as to form, however, we are returning your check for $15.00 dated April 16, 1964, to the order of the Town of Southold. Because of accounting and auditing procedures it will be necessary for you to send us a check in the amount of $5.00 covering the application for a special exception. There is every reason to believe that this application will be granted as applied for, consequently, it will also be required that you mail to the Building Department, attention Mr. Howard Terry, andapplication for a building permit, the forms attached with plot plan, and accompanied by a check in the amount of $10.00 covering the building permit. The building permit will not be required immediately and will not interfere with the procedures of the special exception, however, presumably you will want to file an application for a building permit as soon as poSSible. page -2- James J. Milligan The special exception will be scheduled by the Board of Appeals on Thursday, April 30, 1964, for publication and hearing on May 14, 1964. at which time the decision will be rendered. Assuming a favorable decision, construction may be proceeded at once. YourS,very truly, Robert W. Gillispie, Jr. Chairman, Southold Town Board of Appeals RWGjr/bc Enc. ( ,,'(fl/:-,? / I (i r /, S i TO\l~; OF SOtJfHOLD, NEW YORK APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL .EXCEPTION Application No. (( t;, Gj Date I-I Jh 1&,.\ '1 [, If TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOtJIHOLD, N. Y. New York Telephone Company Name of c/o Sprague, Dwyer, Aspland & To in 220 Old Country Road street and number Mineola Municipali ty New York Sta e hereby applies to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance with the ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE VIII, S.ECTION 80l-A, SUBSECTION C. THB SPECIAL E:CEPTION IS REQUESTED BECAUSE the property involved is located in a "B" Business District, and the proposed use as a telephone exchange is permitted in such a district by Article IV, Section 400, subdivision 2 of the Zoning Ordinance but only as a special exception granted by the Board of Appeals under Article III, Section 300, subdivision 6-a of the Ordinance. The property involved contains about two acres and is located in the unincorporated area of Greenport, on the north- west corner of Main Road and Moore's Lane, and has frontages on those streets of 259.6 feet and 150 feet respectively, as shown by the annexed plot plan. The applicant has an option to purchase the property from the Village of Greenport, the present owner, and naturally does not wish to exercise its option unless the special exception for the proposed use is granted. The applicant proposes to erect on the property a modern robot completely automatic telephone exchange housed in a one-story building with no basement. The building will be of fire-resistant construction, with concrete floor and roof, masonry exterior walls, faced with brick, and limestone copings, and will comply with all requirements of the Building Zone Ordi- nance. It will he approximately 60 feet by 80 feet in size, and will have a parking area for 11 automobiles, all as shown on the annexed plot plan. The erection of a modern automatic exchange in the area is a public necessity. The applicant's present central telephone exchange building, located on the southeast corner of South Stree , Village of Greenport, and its central telephone exchange building located on the west side of Grand Avenue, Town of Shelter Island, will soon be inadequate to meet the telephone service requirement in the areas served by these Exchanges. Due to the great increas in building development which is taking place in these exchange areas, there is an urgent need for a new exchange center to accommodate the estimated service demand. Both the existing Greenport exch~ge building, which serves the Greenport and Orient areas, and the Shelter Island exchange building, are manual offices. The applicant proposes to replace this equipment with the most modern automatic crossbar dial equipment. Since it is not practicable to expand either of these old exchange offices or to convert their present equipment, the Company proposes to construct a new exchange on the property involved here as aforesaid, which will be specifically designed to house the new crossbar dial equipment. This equipment will permit nationwide dialing, faster completion of long distance calls, automatic billing, as well as other improvements. The -2- proposed new exchange and equipment will enable the Company to meet all present requirements for service to subscribers in the Greenport, Orient and Shelter Island areas and to fulfill the anticipated growth of service demand in these rapidly developing communities. In selecting a site for the required new automatic dial center, it was necessary to obtain a plot in close proximity to the existing cable plant, and one which would provide the optimum location to minimize recentering operations. The plot involved in this application is the best available site meeting these requirements, and the interests of all concerned in the furnish- ing of this essential public service. To establish a new dial center at a more remote location would entail very substantial and unjustified expenditures for ~e reconcentration of outside plant. Since the operation of the new proposed exchange is entirely automatic, there will be no employees on the premises except three maintenance men to inspect and maintain the equip- ment, and these men will not always be on the property at one time. There will be no vehicular or other traffic congestion resulting from the erection of the exchange and no gasses, odors, smoke or soot, vibrations or noise will be emanated from it. There will be no hazard to life, limb or property be- cause of fire, flood, erosion, or panic, if the proposed use is granted in order for the structure to be erected. and the pre- mises are fully accessihle for fire and other emergency apparatus From all the foregoing, it is submitted that the granting of the proposed special exception and the proposed use -3- will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of the adjacent properties or properties in adjacent use districts, or the legally established uses in any such districts, nor will it ad- versely affect the sa~ety, health, welfare, comfort, convenience or order of the town. The granting of the special exception and the proposed use will be in complete harmony with and pro- mote the general purposes and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant, therefore, respectfully requests the Board of Appeals to grant it permission to construct a proposed new Exchange Building on the subject premises in accordance with appropriate plans to be filed and approved by the Building Inspector. NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY .- By ~!y~ ::~ r ~ Agen / / STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF NASSAU ) JAMES J. MILLIGAN, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the Attorney and Agent of the NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY, the corporation named in the within entitled petition; that he has read the foregoing petition and knows the contents thereof; and that the same is true to his own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged upon information and belief, and as to those he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me this '\< l' 't; day of April, 1964. o~""'l" '~ r ,l . U k-L tblJ) Q..Q.f-,,:,0 ~/r(r~ W ~ ~ 6: "I)i~SIO~I';~~. o..~SI'Q;:/IvS' I, '~.o. "'Q$o"~CO;,,,,'1 The Incorporated Village of Greenport joins in the F<1'5Q4 'J.: ~,..~ ~"<., or+ ~o 'l- . I~<>:f ...--/ -4- foregoing application and requests the Board of Appeals to grant the special exception applied for. INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF GREENPORT BY~ V~ Md.V\o-("" , STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF~ S L\ ..."It''' {J v A - (,..-e \.1< \A 1'" r-r , being duly deposes and says that he is the ~~'10 v . 55. : sworn, of the INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF GREENPORT; that he has read the foregoing petition and knows the contents thereof; and that the same is true to his own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged upon information and belief, and as to those matters he believes it to be true. n c - 9 '" , ~ Sworn to before me ~y of 'p,ii STAl!L 9. COJi.WIJ lorABT PUBLIC, Stat. .r II... W JluWIDg in Suff.lk Coull elb. II.. 52-5816408 L r "...1.. Expir.. Uaroh 30, 1111.# V -5- March 31, 1964 Sprague, Stern, Aspland, Dwyer & Tobin, Attorneys 220 Old Country Road Mineola, L.!. 11,01 Attnl James Milligan Dear Sir, Your letter to the Board ot Appeals dated March 26th haS been retferred to me. It is possible that you do not need a special exception to erect a telephone exchange in the !awn ot Southold. This would depend on the location you select, in an "A" residential district yes, in a "8" business district or "C" industrial district no. I am enclosing building permit applications, when yoa are ready to tile for the building permit we can determine wether you need an exception or not. Yours truly l~dP'A t-C~ \ Building Inspector 'JV'. , j I I j ..1. RUSSEL SPRAGUE , MICHAEL P. ASPLAND MARTIN DWYER,..JR. JOSEPH L. TOBIN,..JR. ..JAMES..J. MILLIGAN SALVATORE C. 1M BERGAMO WALDO HUTCHINS ill STEPHEN VAN R. ULMAN W. MANVILLE ..JOH NSON SPRAGUE,STERN, ASPLAND, DWYER & TOBIN ATTORNEYS AT LAW THE NASSAU BUILDING 220 OLD COUNTRY ROAD MINEOLA,L.I.,N.Y.11501 PIONEER 6-5700 March 26, 1964 Board of Appeals Town of Southo1d 16 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen: Will you be good enough to send us the necessary forms to make application to your Board for the installation of a telephone exchange on premises in the Town of Southo1d in accordance with the new Subdivision 6a of Section 300, Article 3 of your Zoning Resolution. We will not file the application until the new Ordinance has become effective. With thanks for your cooperation, Yours very truly, SPRAGUE, STERN, ASPLAND, DWYER & TOBIN ~ , ffiJJi'rJ 7-7)jtd/- ~ James J. Milligan / JJM/ab HEN RY ROOT STERN 1953-\959 r \ \ :s. \ ~ -- - - 'to ~ " .. -:;-r~~ , , I , \ '" '&': iN 'u, I I I I \ \ ~ l- . .,. r -.:) " \ \ , " \ \ " '" I" '" ...., 0.' o '" ~ \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ --r-- X \ fj1:-f9--r -,--~ I . . .. ..~t "''';; ,l;! 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